In the Rakhouse... 13

Story by hooves on SoFurry

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#13 of Hard Times


Not even the Faculty are safe... if the enter the Rakhouse... Of course around Jordan everyone has to watch out or give themselves up to the big Bull's lust

Within the Rakhouse

"So how is it going Ray?" The rangy gray Coyote asked, as the big burly gray skinned Elephant looked over at him. They were sitting in the electric golf cart they used to patrol the small campus with. Eating lunch, while parked in the shade of the massive centuries old oaks that grew on the Quad.

"Not very good... you know how our health plan is..." Damien grumbled around his Tuna sandwich, as the two campus policemen sat eating their lunch. The big middle aged Pachyderm obviously very stressed out, by the events in his life.

"But Lora is going to get her treatments right?" The Coyote questioned, as he gulped down his Pastrami on Rye. Knowing his friends wife was very ill with cancer in her female parts.

"Oh shes going to get those treatments..." Ray assured darkly, emptying a small bag of chip's into his mouth. "Even if I have to rob a damn bank."

"Ya could look into private security... I understand some of these rich families ya know hire..." Remmy the Coyote grunted, pausing to wolf down the last of his sandwich.

"I might as well... with Lora in the hospital and Jay our youngest off in college now the house is damn empty." Ray grunted as he sipped his cola, glancing around the Quad absently. When he spotted a small shaggy kind of effeminate looking Nordic pony, and a huge black Bull sitting close watching him.

"Gotta go hit the head..." Remmy announced bouncing up and tossing his empty soda cup into a nearby trash can. "I'll be right back..." As the lean rangy Coyote disappeared, the big Bull stood up and strolled over. Young and handsome in that bulky bovine way, the obviously very wealth youth greeted the middle aged Elephant.

"Excuse me... I didn't mean to eavesdrop, however I couldn't help over hearing." Jordan explained, as the big Pachyderm rent a cop flushed and sat back looking disgruntled.

"So... whats it to you?" Ray grunted, not sure if the rich Bull was taunting him, or just trying to be nice.

"I thought perhaps I could help you out..." Jordan explained as he looked the Elephant straight in the eye. "I can provide you with the money to cover those expenses that your health insurance does not."

"Oh really... and why would you do that? Out of the goodness of your big beefy heart." The Elephant snorted through his long trunk as the young black Bull looked around slowly.

"Well there are a couple of things I would want from you in payment if you will, however I don't wish to discuss it here in so public a place." Jordan answered softly, as the big older Elephant looked up at the standing Bull skeptically.

"I'm not gay." Ray snorted, as the big Bull's muzzle split into a wide grin.

"Either am I..." Jordan snickered, while the older Pachyderm looked over at Brayden questioningly. "I only mount females... or geldings and as everyone knows their not males anymore."

"Hahah... your little pony there is a gelding huh." The Elephant snickered derisively, as he looked Brayden over again. Somehow with even less respect, than when he just thought the Nordic pony was Gay.

"Yes... I made him that way..." Jordan explained as the big gray skinned Pachyderm looked him over with new-found respect. "But here..." The fat black Bull handed the Elephant a gold embossed card. "Come to the Rakhouse tonight around eleven o clock, show this at the front door. We can talk over full details then... and if you agree we can do the deal there." Jordan explained, and then before the Pachyderm could reply the big Bull spun on his heel and strolled away. Leaving the massive middle aged Elephant holding the card, and scratching his head. "The Rakhouse!?!"


The short chubby Ground Hog paced slowly down the side walk, amazed to find the campus so quite on a Saturday night. But then the area around the Rakhouse always seemed to be silent and deserted. The three story blue gray granite building, a dark brooding cube silhouetted against the night sky. "Good evening Professor." A big pachyderm campus police male called as he rolled by, patrolling the campus in his electric golf cart. The fat little marmot smiled faintly and waved a wrinkled paw. But kept silent as he was there far to early, he'd been circling the block for about twenty minutes. In growing impatients, checking his watch again and again, at last deciding ten minutes early was just fine. Walking up purposely he rang the bell, and watched those massive bronze doors part almost instantly.

"Aahah Professor Sousé." The big round soft looking black Bear greeted, as he opened the door and ushered the shorter marmot into the entrance hall. "Your brother Daniel and I were good friends, it's nice to see you again." The short round bellied Ground Hog looked up at the big bruin surprised, he knew Terrance from visiting the club years ago. "Errr... thank you Terrance, its nice to see you once again as well..." The Professor grunted, as he allowed the big Ursine to lead him through the Rakhouse, and into the club house locker rooms. "You may undress in here... and then someone will escort you to the surgery."

Naturally, having known the Rakhouse butler previously, when the big Bear was the leader of the club. The portly rodent couldn't help but notice that the Bear seemed to fill his immaculately pressed slacks out less than he'd remembered. But there was no time to catch up, as he was very shortly joined by his student, Jordan. "Ahh, Professor. I heard you'd arrived." The hefty young Bull grinned smugly, as he strode over to the marmot... who was here to make a very special delivery. Which Jordan was looking forward to claiming, in front of dozens of other club members. With a murmur of pleased satisfaction, the black Bull put a thick hand on the Professor's belly. And slowly slid that big hot hand down to feel the crotch of the older males loose fitting pants.

"Aahah... Mr Bordan, so good to see Youooooo." The little marmot moaned in shocked delight, as the big Bull strolled over and began to fondle him through his stuffy tweed suit pants. The Professor was rock hard under his loose fitting trousers, while the big black bovine was wearing a loosely belted robe. Which only showed off the fact that the Bull was naked underneath, save for a golden Taurus symbol on a chain around his thick neck. "Yes... yes I'm here just as requested." The young, but dominant Bull gripped the marmot's well-filled sac through his slacks and grinned, giving those tender eggs a slow tug. His palm rubbed the throbbing bulge in his Professor's pants.

"But a bit over-dressed for this occasion." The Bull smirked, and began popping the buttons on the elder marmot's shirt and tweed jacket. "We don't want to get any... fluids on these fine clothes, after all. And we don't want anything blocking anyone's view of the action." Jordan added with a lewd chuckle, as he helped the older Professor undress.

"No... no of course we wouldn't." The older Professor moaned, his voice low and husky now with pent up sexual excitement. His own smaller paws helping to unbutton and unbuckle his own clothing. "Ye...Yes of course the others will want to see everything." The Ground Hog moaned, as a shiver ran down his short spine, as he leaned forwards his nose almost pressed to the Bull's naked chest. The scent of a potent young male body filling the older males senses and making him even more excited.

His hands roamed as they wanted, rubbing and kneading the rodents rump, as well as the rest of his large body. Professor Souse could already smell the rich fragrance of the young Bull's powerful manhood through his loose fitting robe. "You'll make a fine eunuch." Jordan commented as he leaned in closer, to the smaller Professor rubbing and caressing. The fat little Ground Hog moaned, and leaned into that big tugging hand, as the smirking Bull watched him.

"I... I... hope You really think..." The ground hog moaned, as he saw a couple of other big males waiting and watching the two of them from a short distance. Jordan grinned broadly, and put one fat black hand on the back of the older males thick neck. And gently pushed the Professors sensitive nose into the folds of his fluffy white robe. "Oh yes... I do!" The fat Bull replied in his smooth, low voice as he rubbed the Ground Hog's face against the sleek black fur of his chest and belly. That gold signet dragging across the Professor's forehead. "You like young, vigorous males like me, don't you Rober." Jordan teased, using the Professor's first name with a dominant familiarity. "Well as you can see, there are plenty of young males here, who are eager to see an older male's hefty cum sacks hit the floor." Jordan teased him, gesturing to the stocky red Bull, and the muscular draft horse. Suddenly the Bull yanked the old marmot's trousers down, exposing his wide rump and baring his jutting aroused loins to the room.

"Yes..." The small Ground Hog moaned, into the soft black fur of the Bull's broad powerful chest... his thick red cock jutting out from under his big round belly. "They... they want to see me... give up my malehood?" The professor moaned softly as he stepped out of his trouser and underwear, his sleek milk chocolate brown fur gleaming in the light. Even as his hard cock bobbed up and down in sexual excitement drooling long string of shiny white pre-cum...

"Let's not keep them waiting... this way." The fat black Bull grasped the old rodents thick cock firmly, and dragged him through a door into the darkened room beyond... In the center of that dimly lit room, in a circle of candlelight, was an elegantly carved wooden bench. Around which were clustered several dozen more cloaked figures, watching from the gloom just beyond the flickering light.

"Yes... of course can't keep them waiting!" He agreed, licking his lip's as the Bull pulling him into the center of the next room, helping him up onto the bench. As the robed and hooded watchers point and spoke to each other in hushed whispered tones... Amazed that the newest member of their Club, had gotten one of the schools own Professors to give himself up... Jordan supervised as the stallion and the red Bull laid the Professor down on his back, the marmot barely able to see over his belly at that angle. They guided his paws above his head and secured them with leather straps and buckles, and his feet paws they bound to the lower part of the bench in the same way.

"Purely as a precaution." Jordan said as he stepped forward, sharing the circle of light with the fat, naked older male. "It does hurt, after all and we do get the occasional guest that changes their mind at the last minute... But you're not going to do that, are you?

"Yes... yes of course I understand." Professor Sousé rambled, as his ankles and wrists were secured. If anything this had only made that rock hard cock leak even more copiously. "What... No no I certainly shall not... I want you to cut my testicles off my dear young sexy boy." The marmot moaned breathlessly clearly growing more and more excited as those powerful male bodies pressed closer around him.

"You want... what we all have don't you. You want us to give our young, virile manhood to your plump, soft body." Jordan asked teasingly, sliding a strong black hand down the Professor's soft brown belly... and then grasped his aching hard shaft.

"OHO DEAR GODS YES!" The Ground Hog moaned loudly, as that big flabby hand grasped his oozing cock and playfully tugged on it. Jordan nodded, and the other Bull began turning a crank, causing the lower half of the table to separate and swing apart, pulling the fat marmots thighs open. With a grin, Jordan reached down and scooped up the Professor's nuts, rolling the firm orbs in his hot hand. "Hmmm... You've got a nice pair on you Professor. What a nice gift you have brought for us. I think I'll let you cum one last time for that."

"Ummm Gods Thank You... Thank you so much my boy... could I... cum in a... a... muzzle please?" The passive teacher begged his big dominant student, as the watchers chuckled. Jordan chuckled softly, and gave Ground Hogs fat balls a firm squeeze.

"Not too great a request, from one male to another." The big black Bulls smiled as he looked around the room at his watchers. "Any volunteers?" He smirked and waved a flabby arm around, looking at the assembled hooded figures. Most of whom were already jerking off under their robes or using the mouths of their own geldings. "No? Fine then I will suck the cum from your balls myself Rober." Jordan announced, patting the Ground Hog's plump belly while the Bull and the Draft horse slid the black Bull's robe off. "And then the fine young males of the Rakhouse shall claim your nuts for our wall, and your ass for our harem of neutered males." With a bow to the audience, Jordan straddled the Ground Hog's leg. Letting his pendulous sac and hot Bull shaft slide along the marmots inner thigh, and then he knelt down and slurped that thick old dick into his muzzle. A soft surprised moaned escaped the big stallion, as he heard Jordan agree to suck the marmots cock. His own thick equine erection flew up stiffly, at the thought of the big straight Bull sucking another males cock. While the Professor babbled lustful thanks to Jordan, even as his fat cock bounced and dripped heavily. While Jordan nimble hands skillfully fitted a number of bands around the neck of the Professors fat sack.

"Yes... yes make them a trophy on your wall... and place me under each of your horny potent young members." The ground hog begged lustfully, as he watched the big black Bull slowly sink out of sight under his fat round belly. And then that short form arched up the marmot moaning wildly as those hot wet lip's engulfed his aching erection. The big draft horse drooling as he watched the Bull suckle on that cock even as his own rubbed over that smooth chocolate fur. While the red Bull stood wide eyed and shocked, his sweat genitals draping over the fat Professor's muzzle. Jordan's pudgy hands cupped those valued Ground Hog balls, as the other young Bull and the Stallion both pulled out their meat and stroked themselves against the bound professor's soft body...

"Ommmm fuck!" Jerome the lusty draft horse moaned, as he watched Jordan's thick lips bobbed slowly up and down on the marmot's stout dick. Those big sweaty hands kneading the Professor's fat groin and bulky seed sacs, even as that gold Taurus emblem dangling from the Bull's thick neck tickled that bulky, well-aged sac. Jordan didn't mind the taste as much as he'd feared he would, and he knew he would savor consuming the older males last male spurtings. So he worked that hot pulsing shaft slowly, squeezing it with his thick lips and stroking it with his rough wet tongue. While the red Bull and the draft horse watched their newest member work that short dick between the legs of what was soon to be a eunuch.

Both young studs stroked their hard poles and heavy balls against the Ground Hog's fat, soft belly and trembling sides, giving him a close-up of the sights and scents he would soon become very intimate with. They both watched as Jordan held a hand out behind him, and a robed Panther stepped forward. Placing a gem-encrusted pair of serrated toothed scissors into the Bulls fat palm. That palm disappeared, but they could tell when the marmot felt those deadly blades against his balls.

"Ummm... Ohoooo that feels sooooo wonderful..." The Professor moaned loudly, his body responding much more quickly than he wanted. But then he'd not had a hot young stud sucking on his cock in many years. And much like when Jordan had fondled him through his clothing in that empty classroom, things were highly exciting for the horny older male. "Your tongue... your tongue... OHOOOOOO." The ground hog squealed as he felt those cold metal blades against the neck of his fat sack. Pinching into the soft flesh of that sack neck, the marmot knowing they were all set to end his sexual frustration. "Please.... do it please... but not before I... I... UHUHUUUUU!" In that very instant the Professors fat cock jerked, and spasmed dumping an amazingly large load into Jordan's suckling mouth...

The big black Bull snorted into the Ground Hog's sweaty groin, as he felt that thick cum spurt into his muzzle. It was strong-tasting, but not vile, and Jordan savored it, knowing it was the last that this male would ever give up. Above him Jerome snorted and sniffled sensing that the marmot was feeding his cum to the Bull. The big draft horse drooling at the tought of those shiny black bovine lip's on his own thick stud stick. Watching Jordan suckle on that throbbing peg a few moments longer, milking it like a stiff teat. Leaning down the big horse placed his muzzle to the Bulls ear, and whispered lewdly to Jordan.

"Anytime you wanta do that again... I got a big one for ya right here..." The mighty stallion moaned lustfully into the hefty black Bull's ear As Jordan's hot mouth making the Professor moan and shudder from his efforts. Finally he pulled off, smiling calmly up at the obviously over heated stallion. Whispering back that if the stallion wanted to give him the same gift the marmot had agreed to, he'd be more than happy to suck that big equine cock. Even as he slowly grasped those plump, drained Ground Hog balls and stretched them out. He gave the Professor just enough time to feel those cold metal blades closing around his hefty scrotum... Before closing them with a sudden snap, castrating the old Ground Hog with a single swift movement. Those blade slicing through that soft scrotal flesh, between those tight rubber bands. That fat pouch falling into the big black Bull's waiting palm, standing in Jordan hefts those male jewels. "There we go... now your the Nut-less Professor!" Jordan snickered at his own joke, as the rest of the room burst into loud guffaws. As the prone Ground Hog blushed the fat black Bull smiled at the watching crowd, holding them up for a moment longer. Before handing them off to the waiting Panther, who quickly jarred them up and took them to add to the trophy wall. In a very special place that was reserved for college employees, faculty row as it was jokingly called. It was a very rare trophy indeed, and had only been done a few times in the history of the society. And as the Grand master had informed Jordan, no one had ever place more than one of these trophy on that shelve. So of course the big black Bull at once decided to try and get at least two sets...

As Jordan stepped aside, Jerome the big draft horse instantly pounced on the new Eunuch. Lubing the marmots tight tail hole and thrusting that huge stud stick into it. Even as the others moved in around the Nut-less Professor eager to use their newest Eunuch servant. Ordinarily, Jordan wouldn't have stood for anyone getting to mount his newest conquest before he himself. But then tonight he had other interests, snagging Enrique the sexy red Bull. Jordan pulled him aside, knowing that Enrique's barrow the cute pink Pig Jordan had used the week before. Was down with a cold, and thus unavailable for either of them. Jordan had offered to show him the video's of his conquests earlier, and share Brayden with him. So as the others moved in around the Nut-less Professor, Jordan pulled the sexy Spanish Bull away. Terrance sharing a knowing look with him as the two big Bull's pasted. The Eunuch Bear had set up the guest room for Jordan, and just smiled as the black Bull winked at him. Behind them Brayden was staying behind to get the Nut-less Professors sexual conquest on video as well as his neutering.


The young sexy reddish bovine leaned back on the huge plush pull out sofa, taking another long drink from his wine glass. Four empty bottles lay nearby with a freshly opened one in the ice bucket, as the two hefty bovines sat watching. While on the big screen a big shaggy black Bison is rendered into a Steer. By the very Bull who was sitting on the sofa beside him, their thick naked thigh's touching softly. Their robes laying abandon draped over the back of the sofa, having been discard almost at once. "So he was like your second of third Steer huh?" Enrique asked in awe as he watched the action on screen, which was proving to be very exciting indeed.

Jordan smiled broadly rubbing his belly and thighs in a slow, heavy motion as he savored the wine, images, and fond lustful memories. "I couldn't believe my ears when Drax said Donny wanted the same treatment as him." He recollects, taking a sip of the strong, dry red wine selected more for alcohol content than taste.

"So then they just started... ya know comin' to ya to... to have their balls taken... Damn thats just so funny..." Enrique snickered... as he thought about that and then felt more than a little jealous of the new Bull. "Wish it was that easy for me... I had to pay lots of money to get my little pig boi..." He admitted blushing as he'd never told anyone that before and but with to drunk to keep secrets...

"He wound up being just the second of many, but he's still one of my very favorites. He really enjoys it when I take him like a cow."

"Hooooo I can see why he's one of your Favorites..." The obviously horny Enrique moaned, as he slowly began to tug on his long pink erection. While the action moved onto Jordan taking his Bison Steer up his taut tail hole. "All yer guys are soooooooo fuckin' sexy." The noticeably intoxicated red Bull stammered, licking his wine strained lip's as he draped his hefty right arm over the back of the sofa... "He's gotta hell of a dick on him to..." Enrique grunted obviously studying the big Bison's hefty cock, thrusting up rock hard above his castration wound.

Jordan nodded smirking to himself as he couldn't help, noticing the red Bull's interest in that hard cock and own eager stroking. With a lick of his lips he massaged his own groin and played with his own proud Bull hood. "Yeah... he sure did... of course it doesn't get hard very often these days. Although sometimes it'll stiffen up a bit, when I slam into him really hard."

"Ohoo yeah that's right Steers can't get it up... hahaha." The handsome reddish bovine chuckled, enjoying the idea of that big Bison being impotent. "Hahah that the only reason my father let me have Ryan... Course Pigs got skinny little cock not like you... and me."

"You like that Bison buddy?" The big black Bulls asked in an off hand manner, as if was of no real importance to him.

"Fuck yeah... I'd love to pound that shaggy ass." Enrique admitted lustfully swilling down another half glass of wine, as Jordan refilled they glass's at once.

"Maybe I'll ask him to come visit me over the winter holidays." Jordan offered, and then quickly reached over and groped the red Bull's big low hangers. "I bet he'd really like your balls a lot..."

"Do you?" Enrique smirked as those big hot fingers squeezed and gripped his fat balls gently, making that long cock surge up harder than before. "Are... are they big yours..." The red Bulls asked and then quickly reached over to take Jordan's huge balls into his own hand. Feeling flush and excited at the taboo pleasure of fondling and intacted male. "Wha... you... you would really." The red Bovine grunted, so drunk and excited he didn't realize it was Jordan's hot hand feeling up his low hangers at first. And then when he did, grunting in shock and surprise as he looked down and then smirked.

"Sure I would." The fat black Bull replied with a wink, offering the other Bull the one thing he knew he wanted. "Your little piggy is pretty cute himself, so naturally I'll share the wealth with a fellow herd leader..." Jordan rubbed Enrique's belly and reached an arm out across his broad shoulders, and then joined the other Bull in stroking his fat erect shaft.

"Yeah... that's right Nutters share and share alike." Enrique babbled as his eyes were glued to the screen, even as his hand groped around in Jordan's crotch...

"To tell you the truth buddy, I've been missing my herd, I was planning to have some of them visit anyway.

"Ohoooo missin the herd huh?" The red bovine stammered very fast and excited, as that big flabby hand touched his erect cock making his wide ass lift off the sofa slightly.

"And frankly, watching you get it off with my best Steers would be fucking hot." He added with a lewd grin, even as he watched Enrique eyes sweep back up to the action on screen a Elk getting cut. "Seeing two well-hung Bulls like you and me together... it'll blow their minds..."

"Heheh really you'd like that huh?" Enrique giggled, his voice low rumbling and drunken as his own hand followed suit, sliding up onto Jordan's thick erection... "Hehehe soooo... their sluts for Bulls like us huh?" Jordan sucked in air, and his big rump flexed as he thrust his shaft through the red Bull's hot hand. His belly pressed against the other Bull's knuckles, and his thick thighs pressed firmly against Enrique's legs as he spread them eagerly.

"Mmmmm yeah... well I should say, they're sluts for ME, but I think you'd impress them a lot more than the other nutters." The fat black Bull flattered in a secretive whisper, even as he leaned closer. "They love my cock and balls, and I bet they'd love yours too.

"Ohooo you... you really think so?" The intoxicated Bull asked, looking away from the screen for a moment to stared blearily into the black Bulls bead dark eyes. Before sweeping down to look at Jordan's thick cock in his own hand. "Wha just cuz... cuz i'm lick you... like you." Enrique mumbled as he down another half full glass of wine licking his lip's was a bit of drool escaped the corners of his wide mouth.

"We could fuck my herd side by side, hip to hip, just fucking as much as we wanted. Two Bulls, fucking as hard and as long as we can... and then afterwords lay exhausted as the Steers lick our naked bodies." Jordan teased the horny, drunken red Bull, giving his shaft a few rapid pumps and then scooping up those heavy bovine testicles again massaging them.

"Ummmmm damn right I'd LOVE that... Ummm Ummm fuck..." Enrique moaned loudly, as that thought played over in his muddled mind.

"Ohooo, I don't get much chance to just play with another Bull's balls..." He admitted thick fingers caressing and exploring those massive calve makers with intense pleasure. "Damn, you're making me so fucking horny."

"Hahaha... yeah I bet... unless its shakin' the jar their balls are in... Hehehe." The pretty red Bull even sexier in his lustful intoxication, Jordan drain the last of the bottle into Enrique's glass. "Errr... Wha... I'm making you..." It was clear the red Bull was shocked to hear his own feelings being voiced by the other Bull... "Dude I'm so fuckin' horny... I could suck my own..." Enrique stopped clapping one big hand over his wine stained lip's, a funny look of naughty embarrassment on his muzzle.

"Aww, we should just fuck." Jordan finally spat out... it wasn't his most delicate seduction ever, but he'd been drinking the wine as well. Enrique choked around a mouthful of wine, gulping and gagging for a moment as he tried to laugh and protest at the same time unsure which to do... "We don't need to wait for those Steers to get here, I know my nuts certain won't wait to get emptied." Jordan leaned against the other hefty Bull, pressing his soft body against Enrique's sides. Letting his thick, meaty pole slide over Enrique's belly, his balls draping over those sleek thighs. While he groped the others shaft and large sac, whispering hotly in that big floppy bullish ear. "It'll be just us two Bulls fuckin' as hard as we want... Nuts to nuts... damn you know it'll be hot, let's just do it." The big horny black Bull snorted lustfully as gripped the other Bull's nuts hard enough to make him grunt.

"Wha... is one of us going to play the Steer?" Enrique choked his big hand clenching tightly on that huge pink cock, as he listened to Jordan's arguments... Realizing they kinda made sense... they were horny and either wanted to wait for the already over due Nordic pony. That big bovine body shivered, as Jordan's hot breath trickled the inside of his ear. Sending shivers down his strong spine, as he mumbled softly. "Well yeah... yeah it is Hot!" The drunken red Bull confessed as he, just sat there letting the more aggressive Jordan molest him.

"Yeah neither one of us is a Steer." Jordan moaned lustfully into his ear, a slimy tongue tip poking in there. "That's what makes it so hot right? Here's proof even." The chubby Bull squeezed those large balls harder, while draped his own cock into Enrique's lap. And then he gathered both big Bull sacs in one flabby hand, rubbing those four meaty balls against one another erotically. "Ahahaha yeah... feel that. That's Bull-on-Bull right there..." Enrique watched as the big black Bull rubbed his fat black sack against the red Bull's own... the sensation just about the sexiest thing he'd ever felt... "Bull on Bull!"

"Now roll on over... I wanna fuck your big round Bull ass." Jordan moaned dominantly pushing Enrique over, and tugging him around. Artfully dodging saying that it was the red Bull was going to serve as the Steer or Cow for him. It was soooo taboo... so nasty and exciting that it stunned Enrique... and yet as Jordan's big hands pushed him over, rolling him muzzle down. The normally very straight Spanish Bull offered up no resistance, he found himself looking over the arm rest as Jordan grasped his hip's and lifted that wide red ass up... "Lift your tail..." The order so strong... so powerful and sooooo exciting Enrique just couldn't resist doing it. Opening the way for a Bull to enter a Bull... not noticing the light on the web camera aim at them. A couple of rooms away Brayden marveled at his Bull's masculinity and powers of persuasion.

Jordan licked his thick black bullish lips as that beautiful, hot Bull lifted his tail out of the way. "Oh yeah... oh yeah, we're gonna do this. Ammmm." He moved forward, putting a chubby hand firmly on the red Bull's hips. Spread those fine bovine ass cheeks, wasting no time setting his hard dick in between those cheeks. He reached down and grabbed Enrique's balls as he started to drunkenly thrust into the other Bull, moaning as he massaged and kneaded that heavy nut sack. "Aww yeah buddy, we're both Bulls here, we're both gonna cum tonite!"

"Ummm Oww Oho gods." Enrique moaned and whimpered, as his virgin anal sphincter was forced open by that huge round bovine cock head. Making the red Bull bite into the soft fabric covered sofa arm, as he found out what all those Steers felt as he took them. He was beginning to wish he'd been more gentle on them, when Jordan's hard cock slid past those tight anal gates and sank smoothly into his depth. "OH MY GODS!" The red Bull squealed as he suddenly understood why those Steer kept coming back begging for more, while below him those fat calve makers were fondled and kneaded playfully. "Ummm Yesssss make me cum..."

Jordan grunted lustfully, biting his lip as he felt Enrique's tight ass squeezing his firm bull hood, and he gave that big Bull several hard shoves to bury his meat inside that hot male body. "Oh yeah, you like that huh? Don't worry baby, we're BOTH gonna get our calf-makers drained." Jordan moaned, patting the red Bull on that broad butt, and then swinging his fat black sac against Enrique's balls. He caught and held those two bovine bags against each other, as he started to thrust solidly. His belly shaking above Enrique's back, as he kneaded both sets of fat cummers roughly.

"Ohooo Ohoooo yeah..." Enrique moaned, his big blunt head turned sideways now so he could look back... watched as another Bull mounted his own ass. "Uhuuu Fuck... wha am I..." Doubt crept into his quavering voice for a moment, but the powerful sensations coming from his debauched hole swept all thought from his head... And instinctively he pressed back... into Jordan hard pushes. Helping to bury that cock even deeper, until those hefty orbs slapped together... "Ummmm Ummmmm that feels so good!"

"Oh yeah... yeah baby you've got a great ass for fuckin'!" Jordan grunted, as he shoved his heavy hips against Enrique's rump. Holding his pelvis and watching his belly push the other Bull's tail around.

"Wha... I do?" Enrique whimpered in growing pleasure, as that hard cock did things to him he'd never imagined possible. Oh yeah, the red Bull was a really nice fuck... Jordan wondered if maybe he should try to make a new Steer out of him. But he decided that he liked feeling the other stud's balls rubbing against his own... so he'd let this Bull keep his cummers. Moaning, he started fucking even harder, drilling his dick deep into that tight virgin bovine butt. He bent forward, reaching under Enrique to grab his bully stick and jerk it hard while he kneaded their nuts together.

"Ohooooo bugger... if I had ball's I'd be jerking off like crazy right now." Brayden confessed, as he watch the hot Bull on Bull action on the computer screen.

"Hahaha good thing ya don't... so you can come jump on this." Jerome the big Draft Horse laughed, as he lay back in the bed propped up on pillows, while he watched the action with the gelding. "This is gunna make life so much more interesting... I knew I liked your Bull for a good reason." The big gay stallion laughed as he watched the straight Spanish Bull, who had seem unapproachable to him give it up.

"Uhu Uhuuu Uhuuuu UHUUUUU." The sleek red Bovine moaned louder and louder, as those rolling rut thrusts picked up speed. Each bone jarring thrust beating that male pleasure gland concealed within his broad round Bull butt like a heavy weight boxer!

As the two equines watched the action, Jordan's long bull pole pushed and prodded at that button deep inside of Enrique's butt. He moaned as his shaft slid back and forth, making a cow out of the other Bull. While playing with his fat balls, and stroking the red Bull's aching hard dick, reminding him of his heavy bullhood and pleasing it. He kneaded and massaged those tender bovine cummers, and stroked that shaft like he wanted to make the red Bull spurt. And Jordan did... if only to prove his strength as a lover. His belly shook with the impact of his hips, as he started plunging in there increasingly hard and fast. While his fist kneaded and jerked on Enrique's cock and balls roughly.

Enrique's glassy sex stunned eyes watched the big Bull rutting him with awe, and knew he would be playing Jordan's cow anytime the other Bull wanted it. "OOHOOO GODS... OHOOOOO GODS." Enrique bellowed, as his whole big body rocked back and forth from those lustful thrusts. That were driving that mighty organ in and out of him... with such power and strength. His own long pink cock was grinding against the silky smooth fabric of the sofa cushions... leaving long wet smears of pre cum. Even as his arousal grew swiftly with each banging thrust, soon peaking as Jordan leaned over him pounding savagely like the big horny drunken Bull he was. "Uhuuuuuuuu fuck I..." The red Bull screamed, and then his hefty cock painted the sofa cushions with frothy whitish seed... a million calves squirming and wiggling. The Spanish Bull almost panicking as he realized he'd cum from having a cock inside of him... he really was Jordan's cow now! Jordan grunted as he felt Enrique's insides rippling around his mighty pounding bullhood. He'd felt Steers get off as he'd nailed them... but this was a ride and a half. The red Bull's tunnel rippled and squeezed his shaft, and he felt those fat cummers convulsing against his own...and he just couldn't resist. With a breathless bellowing grunt, he felt his own balls jerk up, and his meat started painted the inside of Enrique's ass with scalding hot spunk.

The handsome red Bull lay there mouth wide open, eyes rolling wildly as his tailhole seemed to have a mind of its own. Winking and squeezing, doing everything it could to milk that fat Bull cock inside of it... Even as Enrique panted and drooled slowly, as that huge hot body draped across his own. Jordan's hefty belly cradled in the arch of the bottom Bull's back. As the big black Bull chewed on that floppy bovine ear, grunting breathlessly into it. Lewd dominant things... all about what a sweet rut hole the Spanish Bull had. Even while that hot cum filled tailhole was filled to over flowing, and then dribbling down his taint and the back of that velvety ball sac... "Told ya we'd both get off sweety." Jordan smirked as he lowered his muzzle as kissed the other Bull, not because he liked kissed males. But more to display his total dominance, over the guy he had just fucked. Enrique didn't like being kissed by a male, but was feeling far to submissive from the mounting Jordan had just given him to resist it.

Along came Jones

A horny off duty cop comes to the rescue of a victim of gang violence... and proves no good deed goes unpunished... Heh Along came Jones... The massive brown Bear stomped slowly up NW...

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The Visit

My Foxy friend [!["shibby"](%5C ""shibby"") shibby](%5C) is a cutter for hire... so if ya got some ya need taken care of... ya know who to ask... The visit "We picked up Chinese on the way home." Terry called...

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Leo Rex... has his way...

A gift story for my buddy []( Leo Rex has his way "Its simply... and easy when he's not looking you just slip a little of this into his drink." The smarmy Fox...

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