Along came Jones

Story by hooves on SoFurry

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#6 of Charns tales...

A horny off duty cop comes to the rescue of a victim of gang violence... and proves no good deed goes unpunished... Heh

Along came Jones...

The massive brown Bear stomped slowly up NW Love-joy street, past Union Station heading over to his favorite gay bar. When a commotion coming from a nearby alleyway caught the off duty police Bruin's attention. Slipping a big paw under his jacket, the surprisingly nimble Ursine moved over to peek down the alley. Spotting a gang of young males crowded into a circle, shouting and leaping around. Jones was puzzled for a moment, until the crowd parted enough for him to see the striped feline balled up on the ground. As the angry aggressive Herbivores rushed in one at a time, kicking and stomping on the downed feline brutally.

A jolt of hot anger rushed through the mighty Ursine, as he realized what was going on. Obviously gang violence... a gang of grass eaters targeting a single helpless predator youth. True one didn't see that as often as the reverse, but it obviously did happen. And was happening right now... the big Bear drew his concealed handgun. The small stainless steel automatic almost disappearing in that huge dark furred paw. Jones did a quick pinch check just like he'd been trained, as he stepped around the corner. "Leave that boy alone..." The big Bear growled loudly, as the crowd of shouting cursing young fur's turned to look at him. The mighty Bruin shuffled forward slowly, the dim light glittering menacing off the muzzle of that small automatic pistol. And the silver shield on it's black leather holder, that was in the Bear's other big paw.

"You don't know what this Pred bastard has done." A tall handsome young Caribou, retorted angrily as he turned to look at the big Bear. His eyes darting from the gun to the badge and back again as he backed away slowly.

"What... just being a Predator." Jones grunted, waddling frontwards at a steady pace as the gang of youths steadily backed away. The Caribou looked like he wanted to retort, to tell the big police Bear what the young pred had done.

The young black and orange striped feline remained curled up into a ball, on the shiny black rain slickened pavement. "I'm going to count to three... anyone I see after that is going into a cell." The big Bear snorted as he watched the gang quickly retreat down the alleyway, Jones edged forwards and knelt beside the curled up Tiger. Holstering his off duty handgun, as the bruised and battered feline sat up quickly. To wrapped his arms around the Bears thick neck, sobbing softly into that broad Ursine chest. "Uhum... its alright... yer alright now." Jones assured patting the young gangly felines shaking shoulders gently, with one huge paw as he realized the feline was naked from the waist down. "Errr... damn boi what were they trying to do to you?" The big Bruin asked in shock as he pulled off his jacket, and wrapped it around the felines waist. One big hot paw resting on that sexy round young bubble butt, suddenly realizing this was all intensely erotic. That thick Bear stick erecting within his jeans, the young Tiger's smooth belly pressing against he as he sobbed softly.

"Thank you... thank you so much they... they were going to... to neuter me." Vorlan explained as he panted heavy into the big Bruin's wide chest, the musky masculine scent of the older male sending tingles through that striped body. Even as he pressed himself harder against the Bear's groin, feeling him hardening as the seemingly helpless feline rubbed against him

"Wha... they what? Wanted to neuter you?" Jones grunted looking shocked, that was something the street cop had never heard of. "What a herbivore street gang that wants to neuter predators... is it some kind of initiation or just their latest outrage?" Jones growled, as he helped the young feline to stand up that big hot paw pressing farther into the young Tigers asscheeks.

"I... I dunno." The young frightened feline stammered, as he draped himself over the bigger Bears body. Using it to hold him up even as those soft young paws fondled that big strong male body. "I think they just targeted me because I perfer males..." Vorlan purred into Jones's small round ear, as his paw cupped that huge bulging Ursine crotch.

"Oho really?" Jones moaned in desire as his own paws couldn't help roving over that hard athletic feline form. "Well it's not the first time gangs have targeted gays..." The Bear moaned as Vorlan nuzzled his muzzle softly, the young felines hot breath rich and meaty scented. "Uhum why don't I take you home..." Jones offered as the young feline rubbed the side of his muzzle against the older Bears. Lip's kissing and nibbling on that thick neck, as the felines sexy striped body plastered its self against that thick muscular Bruin.

"Would... would you?" The young seemingly helpless feline asked, as if surprised the Bear wanted to go home with him. Jones smiled to himself... sometimes good deeds came with built in rewards. And this sexy little felines ass was the best reward... the big horny Ursine could think of.

"Course I will cutie... can't have you wandering around these streets at night... that can be damn dangerous. But I guess you've already found that out huh?" Jones chuckled, his voice a low sexy rumbled as the two of them wandered out of the alleyway. The young innocent feline instructing his hefty rescuer to an older run down apartment building. The lobbey was empty at that time of night, and the buildings elevator was out of order. Forcing the big Bruin to climb up four stories, to the young felines apartment on the old buildings top floor. The felines apartment turned out to be a corner apartment, and so had windows facing out over the dark waterfront. "Nice place..." Jones grunted as at last the young feline seperated himself from the older Bear, unwrapping that jacket from around his waist.

"Soooo... would you like to see the bedroom?" The sexy young feline asked as he swayed that sleek naked rump, that long feline tail teasingly high. Even as he draped the Bears jacket over a chair back, while leading Jones down the short hallway to his bedroom. The bedroom was small, dark and clutchered but then the room really wasn't what the Bear was looking at. The young feline stripped off his dirty torn Tee shirt then, tossing it into a over stuffed hamper that sat in one corner. Standing in front of the big handsome Bear completely naked now, stretching and whimpering as he discovered all the bruises and cuts on his naked form. As the big Bruin moved up slowly behind him, examining the injuries with an experienced eye. Plenty aches and pains, but no real damages had been done. Although it was clear the young Tiger's groin had been targeted the most, dried blood in that fluffy white fur showing the scrotum had been cut if only superficially.

"Ouch..." The soft sexy striped feline moaned as he examined himself, and then jump slightly as the Bears paws joined his own. "You know... I know you want me." The silky soft feline purred, his voice a smooth honey throb of arousal.

"Oh... really?" Jones grunted as he began unbuckling the wide belt from around his thick waist, that hefty muscle gut not hiding his obvious erect state.

"I felt it against my tummy..." Vorlan confessed, like a naughty teen admitted he was just caught jerking off. "You're awfully big... but I like a challenge." The sexy young stud purred, as he turned to help the big Ursine with his belt. But Jones swatted those helpful paws away, not wanting to let the young feline to close to his off duty weapon. Stripping off his jeans Jones wrapped them around his belt where that small stainless steel semi-automatic and the belt pouches with his spare ammo hung. Before setting them on a chair across the room for the Tigers messy bed, the musky scents of sweat and rut thick in the air around that big bed.

"Good..." Jones growled, as he stood there in his tented pale blue boxer briefs. "Cuz I'd love to put it somewhere a bit lower." The big older Bear confessed, fondling his own erection through those clean blue undies.

"Ammmm I just bet you do..." Vorlan purred, as he moved forwards to strip off the big round bellied Bears plain green tank top. Big feline paws running through the thick dark fur of the Bears naked torso, as the young Tiger press's himself against that hefty male body. "But first why not let me get this big thing out and lubed up." Vorlan moaned lustfully as he pushed the hefty cop back onto the bed, and then knelt down to drag those sexy blue undies down those powerful male thigh's. Exposing the police furs huge erection... and below those a thickly furred scrotum bulged hulkingly. "Oh dear Poppa Bear is sure packing... in more ways than one!" The sexy young striped predator moaned in awe, as he quickly shoved his handsome muzzle between those hefty thigh's. A big bright smile spread across Jones's muzzle as he lay back and petted that silky feline head gently.

"Ya gunna get Poppa Bear off... pretty boy?" Jones moaned lustfully that big paw fondling the Tigers smooth ears, even as that rough feline tongue licked the sweat off his massive ursine genitalia. That rough tongue, making the big Bruins thick cock bounce up and down in ever increasing sexual excitement. Long creamy stings of clear ursine pre-cum snaking their way down the pulsing shaft of that fat Bear club.

"Ummmm oh I will Poppa Bear... I promise." Vorlan's breathless voice panted, as it waffled up out of that huge sweat crotch. Even while his tongue groom the thick fur on those massive melon sized jewels the young Tiger teased them slowly into his maw. Even while his silky soft paws expertly slipped coils around the big Bruin's ankles, using the pressure of his paws to disguise the rope loops. That hot maw suckling hard on those hefty Bear balls, as he pushes Jones back onto the bed. Climbing up ontop of him, laying his smaller striped body on that hefty muscle gut. Letting his own hard cock dangle down over the Bears muzzle, slimy Tiger pre-cum oozing down onto the Bears black nose. "Go on lick it Poppa Bear." Vorlan invited as his mouth twisted around the police Bruin's mighty seed sacks.

"Ammmm well... maybe after you get me off..." Jones moaned as he felt a sharp pinch, and soft stinging in his crotch. The big Bear reached up and licked passively at that drooling Tiger cock, as it thrust back more and more aggressively. "Ohoo... ohooo thats nice and all... but its Poppa's cock that needs the attention." Jones moans, as he licks and laps at Vorlan hard rut stick a bit more fawningly. While down below the handsome young feline twists his head and sits back, licking his lip's as he pulls a soggy wet massive of brown fur out of his mouth. Tossing it off the foot of the bed, as his cheeks bulge obscenely for a moment longer. Before there is a soft gulp, and then another the young feline almost choking for a second.

"Oh Poppa wanted to get up my tailhole didn't he?" Vorlan moaned as he spin around on that big belly, and looked down smiling down at the big police Bruin. Sitting up on the Bear's hefty muscle gut, the young Tiger reached out and grasped jones's thick forearms.

"Yeah... ohooo gods yeah." Jones moaned in delight, as his long thick Bruin cock arched up over his fay belly. That massive stud muscle hefty and throbbing, thick lustful muscle ready to pound that sweet pussy ass in. "Climb up on me pretty boy... and I'll show you how much of a male I am." The hefty police Bear boasted lustfully, as the young Tiger smiled down at him. Lifting those powerful arms above them, as he leans down and kiss's that wide ursine mouth excitedly. The scent of the Bear's own sweaty crotch filling his senses, while there is a tanilazing coppery taste on the young felines rough tongue. Just then the distracted Bear heard a loud double 'Clickclick' above his head, as the smiling feline pulled back. Jones saw the silvery stainless steel of paw cuffs, the big Bear growls and instantly tugs down. But the cuff's are well made, and the heavy wooden head board to strong he was trapped. "Errr... hey what the hell is this?" Jones demands as the young stripped predator slides down his big round Bear belly.

"Didn't you wonder why those silly prey bois were wanting to cut my nut's off?" Vorlan asked leeringly as he felt that huge hard cock pressing against his lower back, drooling hot wet slime down it. "I mean your a cop... haven't you heard about all those cute little prey bois showing up neutered at the ER?" Vorlan licked his lip's as he lifted up, for a moment Jones simply thought the young feline meant to impale himself on that huge Ursine cock. But Vorlan skipped over that and moved down farther on the bed, between the Bear's wide spread leg's. Those big deadly feline paws battering and fondling that huge hard rut muscle.

"You... your a rogue predator." Jones choked, as his long rut stick dripped and splattered hot drops of slick pre-cum all over his own brown furry belly. "You don't think you can really get away with this? You... you really shouldn't do this... you know I'm a cop. I know what you look like... I know your scent... you taste you don't want to do this." Jones repeated as he watched the smirking young feline helplessly.

"Well actually..." Vorlans handsome muzzle split into a huge gloating smile ,as he reached up lifting the Bears head so he could see his own crotch. Jones jaw dropping as he saw the bloody spot just under his fat cock, and realized even before the young feline snickered it. "I kinda already did... sorry but you were just to much to past up. So sweet and helpful... my hero who save me from the humilating fate of being busted by sheep heheh." Vorlan licked his lip's once again, as one paw gripped the base of that huge Ursine rut stick. Pulling it back even as the sexy striped feline leaned forwards opening those mandibles of death wide. Seemingly impossibly wide showing off those gleam white needle sharp teeth, clearly the young pred took very good care of those teeth.

"Oh my gods... ohooo my gods..." Jones moaned softly as he big head flopped back on the pillows, even as he feels that hot mouth engulf his thick blunt pink cock head. The young Tiger hunkers down, licking softly against the Bear's glans. The big sexy Ursine pants for breath deep and raggedly, as his long stud stick tenses harder and harder as the sexy feline teases and taunts him. "Ummmm yeah... yeah that feels sooooooooo."

Vorlan smirks as he takes a playful bite into those wide glans, that broad bell bitten into like one would the side of a delicious muffin. Those needle like teeth prickle and scrape, the young Tiger purring and slurping at his mouthful of snared police Bruin cock. It's going to take a while, but he pulls back licking his chops, and then bites into the same spot. And this time those teeth press into that hard flesh deeper, puncturing it as the Tiger steals a mouthful of male flesh for himself. That big powerful Ursine body jerking and tensing, short shapely Ursine legs stiffening as the stretch out stiffly.

While the big cops back arches thrusting his head and shoulders back, while pushing those hot hefty male loins up into the Tigers greedy maw. "Ummm Ummm but... but..." A single big claw tipped finger is placed over the Bears mumbling lip's stopping his protests, even as a second bigger bite is taken from that blunt Ursine cock head. The Tiger's teeth aren't painful... sure there is pain but it's more of a shocking pinching squeeze than raw naked agony. That stiff cock throbs against the Tiger's tongue, making Jones hunch slowly against those hot lip's. As the sexy younger feline moves around that broad cap, slowly devouring it in one small bite after another. The Bruin's pleasure center... tingling wildly was Vorlan works agonizingly slowly to devour the Bruin cops thick male hood.

"Ammmmmm fuc..." Jones moans rocking back and forth as much as his restainst would allow. Thrusting that fat pink shaft up and down like a lusty stud fucking his conquest... Even as the sexy striped feline's mouth slowly, but surely takes the studs big cock away from him. Ensuring that his horny hero would never rut anything ever again... as slowly Vorlan chew his way down. Already his chin was rubbing against that furry sheath, as the big Bear moaned and thrust his shorting member up. In effect feeding it to you young Tiger as Vorlan fondled himself... in ever growing sexual excitement. That handsome muzzle pressed hard against the Bears sweat groin, nose and mouth pushing into that hot sheath. Sharp teeth at last clamping onto the root of that hard Ursine rut stick, ripping and gnawing at that root. "RRRROAOAOO!" Jones roared as the last vestiges of his male hood were ripped out and swallowed, his big dark brown body jerking and humping hard. Maybe he was having a orgasm, maybe the pain was finally getting to the Bears brain. Either way watching him jerk and struggle, as his empty sexless crotch slowly wept blood onto the sheets. Really got the young Tiger excited, reaching down he untied the cops ankles.

Lifted those short powerful leg's up, he draped them over his own broad shoulders. Vorlan slammed his long curved feline cock into that tightly drawn Ursine tailhole, making the big neutered cop scream in agony. As his little used anus suffered the treatment he'd planned for that sexy younger feline. That big bed rocking hard as the lusty young stud bounced and plunged deep inside that trapped fuck hole.


Jones awoke with a start as loud voice shouted, the lights in his eyes dazed him for a moment. "What the fuck?" And then as his eyes adjusted the big Bear saw a sleek young equine looking at him from the door. "Who the hell are you... and what are you doing in my apartment." The young stallion demanded as he limped forwards, and then his eyes rounded as he spotted the Bear's ruin crotch. "Don't tell me... sexy little Tiger right." The big equine tore his own jeans open exposing the white banages covering his own denuded groin. "Guess I know where my spare keys went now..." He snorted as he helped the big Bear out of the restraints, and back into his clothes. "You want me to call the police dude?"

"No!" Jones answered quickly as he pulled on his jacket, and headed for the door. "I am the police." He grunted as behind him the young gelding snickered, sudden feeling better.


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