Leo Rex... has his way...

Story by hooves on SoFurry

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A gift story for my buddy http://lion-jmc.sofurry.com/

Leo Rex has his way

"Its simply... and easy when he's not looking you just slip a little of this into his drink." The smarmy Fox explained to his big blue mane green fur Lionfriend, pressing the small bottle of clear drug into his big deadly paws. "Thirty minutes later you've got him in a hotel room, and you can do anything you like."

"But is it really any good?" The lustful Lion growled, nervous and skeptically. "I mean if he's unconscious... how good a rut is it?"

"Hahaha..." The little Fox giggled, as he held up his own small bottle of clear drug. "This isn't like the old stuff..." He explained with a lewd smirk splayed across his small pointed muzzle. "He'll be awake and aware of whats going on... just very very agreeable to whatever you want. Of course highly intoxicated so he can't drive or even walk very well."

"Ummmm ok." The green furred Lion mumbled rubbing the small scar on his muzzle, as he watched his lusty vulpine friend stroll off in pursuit of his own conquest for the evening. Looking up and down the bar at last the horny young feline spotted a male who caught his interest. A huge and heavily muscled male, obviously very potent and masculine normally someone who would dominate a smaller male however the Lion was even bigger. Carefully Leo Rex moved down the bar, slipping in beside the big sexy black and white stud unnoticed by anyone. Spotting his prey's mug, the sexy green Lion sat his own right beside it, to give himself a cover just in case someone noticed his actions. Watching and waiting impatiently until he was sure there was no one looking, his huge green paw darted forwards. Spilling a couple of clear drops into the big studs drink, before yanking that paw back quickly. Perhaps a bit too quickly for as he pocketed the bottle, the big stud turned around and picked up his mug. Looking over in surprise at the big sexy feline for the first time, a big lewd smile spreading across that black and white muzzle.

"Well... hello." The huge powerfully build stud grunted as he took a long drink from his mug, and then wiped his soft expressive lip's with the back of one huge hand. "How did I miss seeing you?" The grinning Zebracorn asked, slowly looking the huge sexy green furred predator up and down lustfully.

"Maybe you just weren't looking hard enough." The slightly shy Lion joked, as the big muscular equine smirked at him with obvious lust in his bright blue eyes.

"Well that's a mistake I won't make twice cutie." The smiling Zebracorn assured taking another long drink, even as he watched the rough looking Lion take a long drink of his own. The bigger male throwing a big friend arm over Hooves shoulders as the pair drink together for a long moment.

"So ya wanta get out of here and go somewhere more... private?" The big sexy Lion asked, as the sexy striped myth finished his drink and sat it on the bar.

"I thought ya'd never askss." The sexy black and white striped stud slurred, as that big friend arm around his shoulders guided him into the back of the bar. Back to the private rooms that had been sat up for certain special customers to use for their own purposes. "I... I don't know wha... whats wrong with mm... me." Hooves slurred as his body became more and more clumsy, even as his mind began to drift off into fantasies of what he would do with the big handsome feline.

"Oh I'm pretty sure that I do..." Leo Rex smirked as he tossed the highly intoxicated Zebracorn onto the filthy bed, that had seen a great deal of yiff but no soap or water for a very long time. The scents of male yiff, old cum and the urine most males expelled with orgasm filled the horny equines senses. "I'm betting it was that date rape drug I put in your drink." The smirking Lion explained, as he ripped off the limp drugged equines clothed body. Discovering that there was a part of the horny equine that was far from limp, as that long black stud stick sprang up. Scattering silvery droplets of slimy equine pre-cum sprinkling across the big Lions dark blue mane fur. Quickly the big feline grabbed that long equine rut stick, and playfully stroked it as he watched Hooves growing even more intoxicated.

"Wha... wha..." Hooves stammered weakly, as his befuddled brain tried to wrap it's self around what the big feline was saying. "Ohooooo yeah the date rape drug..." Hooves giggled as his mind played over all the things he was wanted to do with the big feline.

"Yeah date rape drug." Leo Rex asked, as a sudden dark gleam came to his eyes, even as he watched the sleek striped stallion get more sexually excited.

"Ummmm hmmmmm... slip it in his drink and ten minutes later you'll be doing ANYthing you want to him." The big Lion snickered repeating his Fox friends words back to the very guy he was about to rape.

"Uh huh... Anything..." The big wicked Lion chuckled, as he grasped that long stud stick and using all the Zebracorns slimy pre-cum as lube slowly jacked it up and down playfully. "I'm going to pump you in the tail hole first." Leo Rex promised as his other big paw spread Hooves long sexy equine legs, exposing that small black equine pucker.

"Ummm hmmmm... pound me some of that tight..." Hooves intoxicated voice trailed off, as his drooling mouth sagged open.

"How about that pretty muzzle?" The big green Lion snickered, as he rubbed a finger tip around the myth's smooth hot anal ring.

"Owohooo yeah that... that pretty... mouth..." The intoxicated equine moaned weakly, fighting to get some control of himself. Even as he felted his long cock squeezed and stroked faster and faster.

"And what about that big cock... what am I gunna do with that?" The sexy green Lion teased darkly, as the sexy striped stud moaned and bucked up into his tight paw. Within the Zebracorn's befuddled mind, he was pounding the Lion's hot tight tail hole savagely.

"Ohoo I'd suck on that... suck on it until.... until his balls were sucked dry." Hooves moaned, as he suddenly felt something hard wet and throbbing shoved against his lip's, instantly those soft velvety equine lip's parted. Letting in that big blunt cock head, as Leo Rex sat back and watched the Zebracorn suck himself off with lustful amusement. With both those big paws free now, the Lion sat back and rubbed the stallion's pre-cum over the huge naked knob of his own cock. And then shoved it up that tightly pluckered equine tail hole, drawing loud grunts and snorts from the intoxicate stud.

Both those big green paws sliding down the Zebracorn's quivering fuck stick, down to that smooth velvety pouch dangling sooooo very heavily underneath. Sliding gently around the edges at first, cupping those mighty orbs in either fist. Fondling and feeling them, judging their heft which was proving to be very satisfying indeed. Tugging on them slowly, drawing them out away from that naked groin. Caressing and teasing them as he waits slowly feeling the Zebracorn's orgasm building and building drawing closer every second. And then just before that last explosion of orgasmic pleasure, the big feline yanked down on them savagely. Digging his needle sharp claw points into that delicate scrotum, ripping it loose from the equine's crotch. Even as the horny stud bucked and humped his own muzzle harder desperate to reach the orgasm denied to him. Those deadly claws plunging into Hooves groin, ripping those two fat stud nuggets loose from their rubber tubes and tough muscles.

"UHUUMMUMMMM." The sleek smooth Zebra squealed around the flared cock head within his own mouth, as those precious jewels were brutally torn loose. Taking the sexy myth's last orgasm as a stallion, with them leaving him horny and unsatisfied. As the big dark green Lion lifted those fat organs up to his muzzle, plopping first one bloody nut and then the other into his deadly fang filled maw. Crunching and chewing them up slowly even as Leo Rex leans over the still desperately, but pointlessly suckling equine's body. And began fucking that tight little Zebra pussy eagerly now, wanting to get as much pleasure from his victim as he can... before taking the last of the naughty studs big black malehood.


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