Wings of Desire

Story by hooves on SoFurry

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Hooves pops a beautiful golden Pegasus's hot stud cherry...

Wings of desire

The tall lean golden Pegasus grabbed the Zebracorn wrapping his wings around the fellow myth in a sensual embrace. "Lets stop this, we both know what we want here." He whispered into that long pointed equine ear, as Hooves snuggled against him softly. Even as the striped stud tries to look as innocent as possible.

"Ahum... Pie?" Hooves asks with a smirk, as he pressed that black and white striped body against the sexy stud. Rubbing and grinding those hot genitals against the aroused Pegasus playfully... kissing and nipping along his long equine neck.

"Your eyes say innocent your body says other wise!" The sleek sexy Pegasus moans out softly and whimpers in lust at that naughty teasing.

"Want see what my muzzle sez?" Hooves taunts playfully, as he slither down that smooth sexy equine body. To nuzzle at the Pegasus's velvety equine sheath... hot breath blowing down inside gently. Even as his hot tongue tip slides sexily around the rim of that sheath opening.

"Ammm I am surprised at your skills, I wonder how else you will surprise me... Although I have a few surprises of my own love" The sexy Pegasus assured, grabbing the back of that handsome striped head tenderly. And began rubbing those long pointed ears, even while he kneels to bring himself to the Zebracorn's handsome muzzle kissing velvety black lips passionately. Long slick tongue slipping inside and caressing Hooves own, meeting that gaze and focusing on him and him alone.

Hooves moans softly through those long slotted equine nostrils, as the gentle touch on his long pointed equine ears send pleasure racing down his spine. As their lip's caress and tongues entwine passionately giving the Pegasus a taste of his own musky male sheath. Hooves bright blue eyes gazing in pleasure, as they look deep into the winged stud's own.

As the sexy stud nickered and begins to suckle that lower lip, rubbing those long Zebracorn ears more firmly. Their gazes locked solely upon each other, while the sleek Pegasus tastes his own musk wondering. 'Why would one so beautiful as this do such a thing for him?' The pretty Pegasus decide he should show the Zebracorn the love he truly deserve. Reaching down he rub that smooth striped body tenderly, caressing hooves with wide billowing wings, braking the kiss to speak. "Let me show you love, I am not worthy of you, so allow me to service you."

"Ammmm well normally I..." The sleek sexy Zebracorn started to protest, but was so taken with the tall sexy winged stud that he couldn't argue. And so just leaned back in that tender embrace, just enjoying those sweet soft touches and arousing caress's. "Ummm... very well service me please my sleek sky stallion..." Hooves moans as he submissively lays back, and lets the pretty youth have his way.

The lusty Pegasus smiling and licking down your that soft black chin, before trailing down that strong striped chest. Biting and nipping playfully, until he reaches the Zebracorns sheath. Licking feverishly everywhere, taking those huge black orbs into his soft equine mouth hungrily, suckling them sweetly.

Hooves inhales sharply in growing excitement as that hot tongue licks over his hot velvety equine junk... That shiny black sheath bulging at once, as that long stud stick begins to climb up out of it. "Oho gods yes... I love the feeling of my Balls in someones mouth, Nibble on them some... Owwww... thats it put them between your teeth and threaten to crush them..." The pretty Zebracorn begged showing his masochistic side, even as his big hot hands stroke up the pretty Pegasus's shoulders and long neck. To playfully pet that silky forelock, and fondled those long pointed equine ears.

The sexy golden Pegasus stops licking and smile up eagerly at the Zebracorn. "I was going to bite them anyways and chew on them." He promised taking the Zebracorns orbs into his maw, suckling and chew on them playfully hard! Tugging and yanking them in between his big square teeth, soft hands jacking that long black shaft roughly at the same time. Blowing hot breath over them gently in between the rough biting and crushing to inter-space the pleasure and pain.

"Oh is that so... naughty pony... WWWEEEHEHEEE." Hooves whinnies and squeals, as he feels those delicate male orbs pinched and compressed by the pretty stud's big blunt equine teeth. That long black stud muscle erecting in the Pegasus's hands faster, the rougher the sexy stallion plays with those hefty colt makers. Soon that big hot organ is wet and slimy with silvery Unicorn pre-cum. Seeing that huge stud stick glistening with slick silvery pre-cum the sexy winged stallion flaps his wings lifting up. Quivering as he reaches back parting those sleek cheeks, as his puckered equine orifice lands atop that big blunt cock head. Spreading to allow for the Zebracorn's black stud stick to enter that virgin paradise of the Pegasus above him. Giving soft grunts as he pushed down, that blunt cock head slipping in with little resistance. That long flexible stud stick bends and bows... as that tight virgin hole resists at first, but that big blunt head slowly pushes pass those tight gates. Hooves thrusting in and out loosening the pretty winged pony more and more. As the Pegasus's body became his play thing, while the sky stallion clamps down tight on the shaft of that velvety stud stick. Sucking and slurping on it needfully, as the sexy sky pony feels his tail hole heat up. His sleek sexy body wanting more of that wonderful and glorious shaft.

"Ummmmm damn you feel so..." Hooves inhales sharply biting his lower lip hard struggling with his self control. Struggling to keep from just slamming it into the sexy stud and raping that wonderful feeling orifice. Panting heavy the Zebracorn inchs himself inside of the beautiful golden Pegasus, until his median ring is rubbing against the lip's of that sleek quivering virgin tail hole. golden sky stallion shuddering and moaning out in pain as that big blunt head enters. His body wanting to run away and pull Hooves out of him, but those legs lock and prevent him from running away. The pain growing as he pushes deeper and deeper inside my virgin hole, the pain changing over as he finds my prostate gliding over it. Sending shudders of pleasure, the pain gone and a heated pleasure in its place.

Rolling the stud over to lay upon his winged back those big flat equine teeth clamp onto the ridge of that long equine neck hold the sexy stallion in place. Slipping almost all the way out... that blunt head tugging at the Pegasus's clenched hole and then plunging back inside. Pumping and pounding in and out of that glorious ass more and more swiftly, as his slow pace slowly increases, teeth biting down harder. Breath deepening the sweet equine scent of the sky ponies trembling body filling Hooves senses, with that sweet masculine musk. "Ummmm damn my sweet virgin you feel sooooooooo wonderful." The Zebracorn moans through his clenched teeth, as those big hands slid down fondling that sleek furry male body.

"Hooves... that's starting to feel... uha good... really... really good." That sleek body accepting him deeper until the Zebracorn finally hilts deep inside. The Pegasus feeling the Zebracorn's shaft stretching him wider and wider. Hot, sweet passion filled moans loud as Hooves started thrusting harder, pulling those sleek hips back, as the walls of that hot hole clench trying to hold him within. The pretty cloud stallion whimpering more, as the striped stallion shoves it back in, the speed slowly increasing. The force of which making the Pegasus pant and whimper hotly moaning out more and more needfully. Hooves breeding him like a mare in heat, as sweet male musky scent raising as he is taken hard. The sleek Zebracorn pants and moans loudly, as those two sleek smooth furry bodies move in swift lustful rhythm. Big pendulous balls slapping painfully against the Pegasus's own tighter ones.

"Ummmm you bring me so much pleasure my pretty Sky Angel." The horny Zebracorn whinnies deep and breathlessly into that pointed equine ear, even as his shiny black and white body froths up with equine sweat. While Hooves big blunt fingers playfully fondles and pinches those small male nipples playfully, his other big hand fondling the golden Pegasus's long dangling stud stick.

"Ammmmm gods don't stop." The winged stallion moaned out hotly, as Hooves filled hi tight rut hole, whimpering and pushing back on those forward thrusts. Helping to drive Hooves deeper into that hole as its virginity quickly fades.

"Ohooo I'm not going to stop... until I've filled you full of hot slimy Zebracorn cum!" The lusty stud moaned grasping those sleek equine hips and pulling back roughly. Those teeth nipping up and down the pretty winged studs long slender equine neck. That sweaty striped body settling into a strong fast rhythm, plunging and rutting that sexy male body. Lost in the pleasure of being within the golden boy's hot male rut hole... the pleasure almost unspeakable. "Weehehee Weeheheee... Oh gods you beautiful beast... thank you for sharing yourself with me."

"I will always share myself.... with you..... Hooves, I love your body and... breeding of me!" The sexy Pegasus moaned a broken reply, as his hot body begins to sweat heavily. As the sexy wing stud wants to look into the eyes of this beautiful Zebracorn stud on his back, whose stud stick the Pegasus decides can have him anytime Hooves wants. And the sexy stud would be privileged to have his love within him. The thoughts of passion swirling in his head, as he lets out a hot and passionate cry. "NEIGH!!!" The sexy Pegasus release's a huge load making a mess on the bed, as five gallons of Pegasus cum coats the sheets beneath them. Even as he clamps down his inner walls, milking hotly as lubricating juices coat Hooves shaft. Releasing that neck ridge the Zebracorn arches his strong back, head tossed even farther back as another loud scream of pleasure escapes him. Those hefty black ball's drawing up, and his long black stud stick tensing as hard as steel. While his huge cock head flared out wide, those magical nuggets drawing up hard. Blasting long hot rivers of thick spoo, exploding deep within that sexy golden equine rump. "Ohooo Gods I... I'm cumming my sky angel." Hooves screamed, that strong striped body slamming hard convulsing against the Pegasus wildly. As the myth is lost in the eternity of pleasure within that moment... Before collapsing exhausted and spent laying against the sleek sky ponies sleek beautiful body.

The golden winged stud moaned out sweetly, as his insides now no longer pure. Soaked with the Zebracorn's sparkling spoo, the sexy Pegasus nickering happy at that. Draping his huge wings over Hooves, as the two of them lay there together so spent they could hardly catch their breath. "thank you my love, rest now sheathed inside of me, and cum as muck as your hearts desire."

"Ummmm..." Hooves moaned softly in sated desires, cuddling against that hot sweaty equine back. That long stud stick still firm and pulsing deep within the lovely sky stallion, as if to say that as his first the Pegasus would always belong to it... to the Zebracorn. Panting breaths slowing growing longer and deeper, as the Zebracorn drifts off to sleep within that sweet embrace.


The Attack 2

Vander runs into some troubles... as enemies of his new roomy target the wrong sexy stud... The Attack Having already packed his bags, Vander rode the mechanical lift down to the Hotels lobby. And...

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Power to the Pack

n Hooves runs afoul of a sexy Husky team... Power to the pack! The short bushy coated Husky walked up behind the pretty Zebracorn, wrapping his arms around and fondles this lovely velvet coated balls. "Hurr Hurr...

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Back to school 11

Jordan the fat black Bull from Hard Times is back at school and is invited to join a certain secret society for only the richest most privileged and perverted... Heading back to school Jordan looked around the huge dorm...

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