Back to school 11

Story by hooves on SoFurry

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#11 of Hard Times

Jordan the fat black Bull from Hard Times is back at school and is invited to join a certain secret society for only the richest most privileged and perverted...

Heading back to school

Jordan looked around the huge dorm room of his Fraternity house... it was kind of nice to be back at his wealthy boarding school . Things had gotten kind of hectic there in those last few days of the holidays, before he had to returned to Cliffhausen Academy. So many males had wanted to be fashionable, and have their testicles removed. The young rich black Bulls trophy cabinet had gotten so full, he had been forced to have a new larger one built. But then that had been a good thing, as it allowed Jordan to have a custom one built. So now he could clearly see every set he'd taken on display, no being forced to look over or around others. And of course it had given him much more shelf space for his future conquests.

Now it was true that he would be missing his Cows... and the other females he'd added to his herd. But a couple had promised to drive up on the long holiday weekends they got off from school. And of course he had his sweet little gelding, Brayden had arranged for them to share a room this year. So that anytime of the day or night he got the urge, Jordan would have that sweet equine ass for his pleasure. Although... Brayden did have a wonderfully pleasurable mouth, as well the big Black Bull reflected with a smirk. He rubbed his big hands down the front of his white terrycloth bath robe. The hot shower had felt good, although he much preferred a hot tub soak the big Bull reflected. As he flopped down heavily on his bed, and then jumped in pain as the sharp corner of a small wooden box dug into his fat sac.

"Owww what the fuck?" The hefty black Bull snorted standing back up to massage his aching ball's, as he looked back to see what he'd sat on. The box was small dark polished wood, plain and undistinguished on the outside. "Well now what is this?" Jordan wondered as he picked that box up, wondering idly if this was some gift his gelding had gotten him. Popping open the lid he looking inside, curiously the inside was lined in crushed red velvet. And sitting within the center was a small golden pin, the symbol of the schools most exclusive and secretive of secret society's. "Looks like the Nutters want me?" Jordan smirked as he picked up the pin, which looked like a small golden fist crushing two walnuts together. Under the pin was a small note that read simple... 'Twelve thirty... The Rakhouse.' Everyone on campus knew about the Rakhouse, it was a huge old Gothic building that was rumored to be older than the school it's self. And was where the Nutters held their secret late night meetings... and bizarre only whispered about rituals. Jordan lay the pin on his bedside table, knowing that he wasn't allowed to wear it until he was a confirmed member.

Jordan and Brayden had gotten back to the school about four -o- clock, and had spent two hours unpacking and getting settled in. And of course having a bit of fun, the gelded ponies sweet ass was a bit sore from sitting to long. And the big rich Bull was more than happy to massage it, mostly from the inside out with his big thick Bovine cock. Always the gelding ass slutty Brayden was very happy to serve, and very vocal. Jordan doubted there was anyone in the whole house who didn't know what had been going on in their room. Paul the chubby Panda Bear had stopped by a few minutes afterwords, sniffing the air and grinning. His grin growing even wider, as he learned that his big Bull friend had a live in gelding in their pretty classmate.

"You going to share Brayden with me, like you did that Drax Steer." Paul asked as he watched Jordan smirk and look the Panda Bear up and down.

"Maybe... but what are you going to share with me?" The big black Bull asked leeringly, as the Panda Bear looked taken aback.

"I... Uhum..." The big Panda stammered and left quickly after that, as the big Bull lay there in only his bathrobe. Waiting for his gelding to bring them back some dinner, it proved to be a late dinner. But the little Nordic pony had great taste.


The door to Jordan's room was carefully closed, as Jack lay on his Bull's huge bed. And began to touch his naked body, the little Stags nipples were pinker and larger now than they used to be. The little Stag trail a slender hand down to his stomach, which has lost all of its definition. Both his track Coach... and his father were concerned about his muscle loss, and the thickness that was developing around his formerly sleek body. They had put him on a special diet... but soon they were going to take him to the Doctor and then his secret would be out... And he would have to explain why he had his testicles cut off... The young Stag's muzzle burned with shameful blush as he thought about that.

How was he going to explained to his jock father that he let a guy cut his nuts off, for a chance to cum inside the prettiest cheerleader in school. And that not only had he not cum in her... but that he'd discovered that same guys cock was what he really wanted. Jacks soft hand moved down to where his slender Cervine cock lay flat and soft, a tiny version of the dick that once was the little jock Stags pride and joy.

Reaching over Jack picked up his toy, a huge life cast dildo of his Bull's erect cock. It had been a parting gift that the big Bull had given to all of his Steers. So that they could practice taking him while he was away at school. Slowly he laid it on his soft round belly, next to his own tiny limp organ. One small hand rubbing over that huge silicone Bull cock, while his other slide over his own limp fucker. Stroking them both slowly, his tiny cock swelling slightly, expanding to perhaps four inches in length. That was as close to an erection as he could get these days, forlornly he gazed across the room. He could see the jar in Jordan's trophy cabinet that contained his own small orbs. Tracy liked to keep them right up front, because as she had explained to him. Those were special to her, because his were her first ever. It kinda made him feel proud, and at the same time it upset him to see them floating in that bottle.

Slowly he moved a slender hand down underneath that useless cock, to the small rough scab, a smooth stretch of skin really. Jack touch's the thin scar, that showed where his fat scrotum once hung, before his testicles had been removed by a girl. Moaning in loss he rolled over onto his side, looking away for the cabinet that housed his ball's. That big dildo flopped over onto the bed spread, for a moment before he picked it up again. Shoving that big round tip into his mouth, spreading saliva over it as he pumped it in and out for a second. Before pulling it back out, and moving it around to his own plush white rump.

Spreading those snowy cheeks with one slender hand while pressing that slick wet tip into his own taut tail hole. "Be gentle please my Bull." The little Stag moaned softly, even as he roughly shoved that big round cock head up his tiny tail hole. "Ohooo gods your soooo big." Jack stroked that limp little dick with his off hand working it furiously, even as he plunged that big rubber Bull cock up his own tail hole. Burying his nose in and old pair of Jordan's silk boxers, the big Bull's musky masculine scent strong in his nostrils. As he pretended his big hefty Bull was on top of him, riding that soft ass with his big hard bovine cock. Both small hands working furiously, one tugging on his tiny semi hard cock. While the other was cramming more and more of that huge dildo in and out of his ass. It took almost twenty minutes of wild pounding, before the little Stag feels a release building. As his tiny shaft barely expands, while a weak spasm of pleasure signals his orgasm. Jack looks down to see a small pool of clear fluid, no larger than a quarter under the tip of his quickly wilting cock. Burying his cute muzzle into those fragrant silk boxers, weeping softly as he remembers his proud firm shaft. That had once sprayed copious jets of white cum all over his firm well defined chest. Next week he would turn eighteen years old, beginning his first full year as a Steer.


Jordan strolled across the dark silent campus alone, partly because he figured the Nutters would want him to be. But mostly because Brayden had ran off on some kind of personal errand, it was not the kind of behavior the big Bull wanted from his geldings. And he planned to have stern words with the prancing little gelded pony, when he got the chance. However that was a matter for another time, right now, he was approaching the decidedly nondescript building. Checking the address again to make sure this was the place, he'd never pay much attention to the building before. It was a tall dark rectangular, almost featureless building, and it seemed to somehow fit in between streetlights, just a big quiet shadow in the night. He licked his rubbery black bovine lips in anticipation... this could really be something. Up until now, cutting other male's balls off was always something he'd considered a personal hobby. Sure, he and his dad shared tips and stories, but this... this was getting organized. His loins trembled at the possibilities of being in the most secret and powerful club could give him.

Pacing down the dimly lit street the big handsome Black bull at last came to the front entrance, placed at the farthest distances from the lights the doors were cast in deep shadow. Slowly Jordan surmounted the rough cut granite stone steps, up to the two massive bronze double doors. That were a weathered to a dark black patina, by over a hundred years of exposure. Looking around he spotted the lit button of the doorbell and pressed it, but heard nothing. However almost instantly however those doors cracked open, a beam of dim golden light blinding him for a moment. "Mr. Borden?" In the doorway stood a round familiar looking figure, it was only when he stepped into the light. That Jordan realize that the figure was not the old Steer Walter, but a big black Bear. The look of him however told louder than words that the old servant was in fact a neuter...

"Yes... that's me." The young, hefty black Bull replied, as he strode into the entryway. He looked the older Bear up and down... very well-groomed, well-dressed... and from the fit of his pants, definitely less than a total male. It reminded him more than a bit of old Walter, back home... Jordan smirked, already becoming a little aroused. He wanted to order that bruin to undress and submit that body to his bullish lusts. But later... he was here to meet the males in charge of the Nutters, and take his place among them. The young Bull drew himself up as tall and proudly as he could manage. "I've come to join the society." The older bruins lip's curled up into a pleased smile, clearly he could read the young Bull like an open book. One big paw brushed the growing bulge in Jordan expensive trousers, as the Bear pasted him.

"I am sure that you will make an out standing member sir." The big black Bear assured with a knowing smile, as he turned and took a few steps down the long hallway. And then paused to look back over his shoulder, noting the Bull's eyes on his round feminine rump, his smile widening even more. "If you would follow me please sir." He waddled off down the long black marble hallway, Jordan following along slowly looking at the pictures of old males along the wall. Jordan studied the portraits closely, looking for anyone he might recognize from his father's friends. He payed them almost as much attention as he did to that round, swaying rump in front of him. Jordan had to smirk, it was somewhat rare to see a eunuch who could appreciate how much his look was attractive. He wondered if such things were more common in days gone by? Surely it was many decades ago when this secret club had been built... an era of taste and class among the wealthy, and the lavish decor showed it. He felt like he was walking right into the 1800's... the era of robber barons and railroad magnates.

The big round bodied Bear leading the young black Bull into a well lit and richly decorated sitting room, Jordan was amazed at the look of the room it was straight out of the past. The big neuter Bear stopped just in front of a tall ebony door, the silver knob shiny with a ancient polished patina. "If sir would please wait here... I shall inform the august body within of sirs arrival." The smiling bruin droned in what was obviously a former speech that had been written in bygone days, quickly he slipped through the door. Leaving Jordan in the sitting room, slowly the big Bull wandered around looking at the decorations all expensive and old clearly 1800's. The big Bull was surprised to find himself nervous now, what would happen next... would he be found worthy of entrance. Looking around he was amazed once more this looked like something out of his great grandmothers mansion in Newport... Jordan grinned at that... for all he knew, his grandfather had been a member. Who knows how far back in his family the lust for other male's jewels went... perhaps here, he'd find out. He fidgeted a little bit, he'd better get in... he HAD to! He wondered what sort of standards they had... he'd heard of some clubs that only let in predators. But then why invite him? Some kind of trick? Well, if there was something nefarious planned for him, they would soon have a reckoning. Really, Jordan was just hoping that he'd measure up, something he'd never had to worry about before. He wondered if they'd want to see his collection of nuts, suddenly he wished that Cameron were here... or Drax.

The black wooden door swung open and the big black Bear waddled back in, looking solemnly at the young handsome Bull. "The tribunal awaits your presents sir." He announced stepping to one side and gesturing to the open doorway, which was a dark empty looking pit. Jordan stumbled slowly to the door and peered within, in the center of the room was a single beam of light falling from the ceiling. Suddenly the door slammed closed behind him, sending the handsome young Bull staggering forwards into the column of light. As Jordan stepped into the light he was just able to see the robed and hooded figures, that stood on a raised platform around the edges of the room. There was silent for a long moment, and the a tall robed figure stepped forward and lifted a single paw pointing at the black Bull.

Jordan stood still in the circle of light... somehow it seemed the thing to do. He felt his throat growing dry, his belly quivered nervously. Nothing makes a male who has everything tremble more than not being in control... not knowing what's going on. He stood at attention, trying to appear confident; but actually it just comforted him to feel his fat balls squeezed between his bulky thighs. It made him sure they were still there. And sometimes, reminding yourself that you're still a Bull, is what you need to get through the day... or the night.

"Jordan Borden..." The lone figure intoned in a loud ceremonial voice, that seemed to echo god like within the vast room. "Do you know why you were summonsed here this night?" The handsome Black Bull took a step forward into the very center of the light and cleared his dry throat. "It was my understanding that I had been invited to join this... potent gathering." Jordan answered as strongly as he was able, the surrounding figures mumbling and nodding approvingly.

"That is correct... However are you aware of what is required to become a member among members?"

"One must be a male among males, I am sure." He grunted unsure of what they wanted to hear, but with all the confidence he wished he had. "But as for the details, none who are not worthy of their manhood could possibly know, so I would hear it from your lips alone. Tell me now, the sooner that I might join your virile ranks." A little flattery never hurts and he certainly wasn't above using it to get what he wanted.

"To be worthy... of this dominant society you must be a male among males. And as proof of that you must have unmade some male who is unworthy." The shadowy robed figure intoned, in that loud echoing voice as the others rose and cheered loudly for a long moment. Jordans handsome muzzle cracked into a smile... which couldn't help but widen.

"Oh, is that all?" He asked almost to glibly, as a deep rolling chuckle escaped his lip's. "I can't even count how many times I've done that. Half my home town high school has given their balls to me. I've got the makings of my very own herd of Steers, geldings and more." The fat Bull smirked, and put his hands confidently on his wide hips. "I can let you watch the video's of them if you like."

"Proof...proof, proof!" The room began to chant, and suddenly all of Jordan's confidence was swept away. He'd not known he needed it, and so had brought no proof with him. Raising a big hand the young Bull took a step backwards, opening his mouth ready to promise that he could produce proof... if allowed to leave for a short while. But then a shadowy figure stepped into the light with him, and knelt down lifting a jar over his head. Inside swimming around in the clear preservative fliuds were two massive pale equine orbs. "I present the Proof of my Masters masculine power and dominance!" Brayden shouted to the watching crowd, which instantly broke out in wild applause and cheering for a long moment. As the stunned Jordan looked from his cute gelding, to the hooded figures as the lights in the room sudden rose. The fat black Bull blinked as a rush of emotions tumbled over him. Confusion, relief, pride, pleasure at seeing Brayden, irritation at him for not having told him about all this. And annoyance that the gelding had gotten into his collection without asking. All rushed upon him simultaneously, leaving him stunned and motionless for a long minute. Before his shiny black bovines lip's rolled up into a broad smile, and then he laughed.

"Ohoh... Brayden! Why didn't you... well, I guess that would have spoiled the show, huh? Your ass and I are going to have words later tho!" He scolded the gelding... but winked good naturedly when he said it. And now that the lights were up, he looked around at his fellow... members. Brayden flashed his Bull a big smile, and nodded his head in agreement at Jordan's guess.

"And now that the proof is presented... Do you swear... swear upon your malehood to up hold the secrecy and honor of this august body... to forswear all other orders and within the brother hood trust?" The hooded figure intone once more, but the tall figure was much less impressive in the light. A feline who was long and lean he stood looking down on the big Bull, and his still kneeling gelding. The fat black Bull nodded, drawing himself up and standing at attention, raising his hand and solemnly replying.

"I do so swear, I swear upon my Bullhood, as I'm sure all of you who joined before me have done." The sleek black Panther flicked his hood back, and then looked from the fat Bull to the other member's a big smile upon his muzzle.

"Indeed... and by the power of the office bestowed upon me by my fellow Nutters... I do hereby declare you a full and potent member of the secret society of Nutters... With all the rights benefits and privileges that entails... You may place your masters trophy upon the wall of active members... gelding." Brayden stood up, and proudly prance across the room to place his balls in the stone ledge of trophies. Proud that his masters was some of the biggest and best of all the collection. As around the room the twenty four Nutter flipped back they're hoods, and the servants standing beside them quickly removed their own robes. Showing that beside each Nutter stood a neutered servant, living proof of their having fulfilled the prime requirement.

Jordan stood proudly in the center of the room, happy that his trophy had found a place on the wall. He was enjoying looking over everyone elses trophies as well . Seeing all those male parts, claimed as a right by their betters, made his pants very tight indeed. As did all the empty crotches around him... he turned around, getting a good look at his fellow Nutters. There were a number of predators as expected, but also as many herbivores. A massive roan stallion... a lean wry goat... a couple of deer or antelope. The tall black Panther strolled down the steps and greeted Jordan personally, as the other members began filing down to do the same.

"As a full member I hope you will choose to share your... gelding with us." The Panther invited, as he reach back and pulled his own servant forwards. The Kudo Steer stood looking down passively as he was displayed. "And please feel free to indulge you potent male passions with my Berry here... he's quite experienced." Jordan lip's rolled back into a broad smile, as he noted the Panthers bulging loins. Clearly there was going to be a bit more to this ceremony. And it promising to be much more fun, than all that had taken place so far.

"Oh, I'll make a point of taking full advantage of my menbership!" The portly black Bull promised with a broad smile, already glancing around at some of the other Steers. "And feel free to take full advantage of Bayden as well. You'll find him talented, and most eager to please a potent male such as yourself." The Bull said, nodding at the black cat's pants. He turned his attention to the demure, naked Steer then, stepping towards him and putting his large hands on that bare body. Feeling his arms, chest, belly, noting the softness that invariably came after castration. With a lick of his bovine lips he slid a hand down to rub the Steer's sheath, and fondle his lack of balls... "And where are this former male's unworthy balls, are they decorating the wall as well?"

"I am Killan..." The Panther introduced himself as he watched Brayden trot back over. "Oh yes in the place most prominent... as I am the grand master of the society his orbs are placed in the high spot." The lean Panther explained, as he did exactly what Jordan was doing to the Kudo with the shaggy little Nordic pony. "I must admit I've always found equines very sexy." The Panther purred, as he examined the gelding just as lustfully as Jordan was fondling and examining the Kudo.

"And I'm always looking to try new things." The Bull replied, stepping around the submissive Steer and fondling his softened rump.

"Ummmm yes I can certainly understand that..." The feline purred as he fingered Brayden's gelding scar with obvious lustful delight, as he moved around to inspect that hot tail hole.

"Mmm, and I've not seen one of these before. Oh yes, I'm very eager to take your Steer for a ride." The fat black Bull assured, fondling between the Kudo's thighs again.

"Well it is custom that there be a bit of a swapping party, after a new member is brought in... members like to try new things..." Killan explained, as he shoved the Nordic pony over at the waist so that he could better toy with that tight hole.

"Tell me, how did you get your hands on his balls? Looks like they used to be a fairly big set." Jordan commented, after looking at them, high up on the wall.

"Ahaha that's a tale... his father owed a debt to my own and I called it in you might say... hehe. Oh yes there were quite large weren't they Berry?"

"Yes sir." The sexy hump backed Kudo answered at once, clearly he'd been a Steer for sometime.

"Of course Brayden here's balls are bigger still... is it true what you said earlier... about you having cut half your high school?"

"Well I didn't keep an exact count." Jordan replied modestly, as he felt up the submissive Kudo, molesting his castration scar and pressing his fat belly against the ex-male's humped back. "However it was probably close, most of the football team don't need to wear their cups anymore. And my herd includes a few cows, several former girlfriends of those nut-less jocks...

The black Panthers head snapped around, and his eyes widened in shock as he listened in surprised and awe to Jordan words. "And... and you said you have video's of it?" Killan asked licking his lip's as the big Bull went on, explaining he had taking the jocks balls and their girlfriends. The Panther couldn't hold himself back any longer, opening his robes he spitting on Braydens hot tail hole and shoved himself into the gelding.

A few of the more awkward boys traded their balls for a chance to loose their virginity early. And there were others... that came to me to be popular, since everyone was having it done." He licks his thick black lip's once again. "So, when do we start the swapping? is there a special room for it we just fuck a steer wherever we want?" he asked, grinning at Berry hungrily...

"We... we generally move into the pillow room first... however your words have moved me." Killan admitted grinning lewdly, as he motion for Brayden to walk forwards. And lead them all into the next room through a massive set of double doors. The pillow room was just that, a massive room with piles of pillows for soft flooring and piles more for sitting up right... The black Bull chuckled as he watched Killian disrobe and almost pounce on the cute gelding, the Bull noting with respect the size of the cat's beautiful family jewels.

"Yes, I always make a video when I take a male's balls, I'll be glad to show you all of them. Of course, after the nuts come off I usually have to fuck something... so if they have a girlfriend handy, so much the better." He put an arm around Berry and walked with him into the pillow room, then with a lustful leer he shoved the Steer down onto a soft pile. "Ummm, and now it's time for you to get mounted like a Steer should." He said as he unbuckled his expensive trousers and dropped them, letting his fat black balls sway between his thick thighs, and his hard red bovine shaft jut outward. The big striped Kudo landed lightly and was in position to be mounted almost at once, obviously he knew exactly what was expected of him and was glad to be of use.

"That would be wonderful... and lead to your advancement within the society." Killan moaned as he pounced upon the shaggy Nordic pony's back, humping hard and fast drawing loud whinnies from the happy gelding. "Yes... yes of course many of us feel the same way, of course there are those who only wish to mount males." The Panther explained, looked over at the big roan stallion who was laying close by, with his gelding licking that mighty fuck stick as he watched Jordan.

"Only to mount them obviously... I never service other males." The big stallion explained, as he watched Jordan's huge cock shove playfully at the Kudo's winking tail hole.

"I've never been another male's cow." Jordan stated, as he slid his stiff Bull meat into the nut-less Kudo. "Can't say for sure... that I never would just never done it. Ummm, but I do like fucking an intact male's ass... right before I take their balls." He explains with a lewd chuckle, and then his belly shakes as he shoves his rod into the nut-less male hard.

"Hahaha... I like you already." The big horse snickered, as he watched the fat Bull with obvious lust in his eyes, loving it when Jordan shoved hard into the Kudo's tail hole... His huge bovine stones slap the Kudo's furry thighs, as he lustfully takes that soft, willing ass.

"Ammm, your Steer feels great. Hey Berry, I'm REALLY glad that Killan cut off your balls." He teased, patting Berry on the hip as he that's that sexy hind end lustfully.

"I am glad sir is pleased..." The Kudo moaned his breath already labored, as his tight ass was brutally pumped...

"How about you Steer? Are you glad he took your cummers?"

"Of course sir." Berry mumbled, but it hardly sounded like he was glad to be what he was...

"I must say I'm enjoy your gelding as much or more than I've ever enjoyed Berry." The Panther admitted as he draped himself over that broad equine back thrusting and pumping wildly...

Jordan looked back at that big stallion, and grinned as he shifted his position a little bit. Giving the big red stud a better view of his big, wide ass as he flexed and thrust in and out of the Kudo. Those swinging black bovine balls dangling as they banged between the Kudo's legs.

The roan stallion was drooling rather profusely, as he watched that big round bovine ass pumped up and down on that sexy striped Kudo ass. Clear the stud was interested in getting in that sexy butt, as his own gelding was getting a muzzle full of pre cum now...

"Ummm, of course, you'd glad you'll never spurt like a man again." The big Bull teased the Steer, panting as he fucked that soft rump hard.

"Oh yes sir..." Berry moaned, clearly enjoying that heavy Bull cock pumping deep inside of him...

"Hehehe me, I could never give up fucking. And cumming... and fucking girls... I LOVE nailing girls!" He laughed and reached under Berry's body, fondling his softened belly.

"Ohooo ho is that so?" A sleek Lioness purred, as she dropped easily the the pillows beside them, a huge muscular male Lion moving to orally service her. Because he had nothing between his legs to please her with, even his sheath was sewn shut...

"Mmm, did you have any girls back home Berry?"

"Umm Ummm I knew some sir." Berry admitted clearly grudgingly

"Couldja introduce me to those Kudo cows? I'll let you watch me fuck 'em!"

"I suppose I could... that would be very nice of you sir." He mumbled meekly, as the big Bulls cock made his soft body quiver in pleasure.

Jordan's eyes widened as he watched that sleek Lioness lay down next to him. He wondered whose servant she was, until he saw her eunuch... and he smiled. "Well, we're an equal opportunity club I see. And yeah... I love fucking my dick into beautiful girls like you!" He grinned at her, and put on a bit of a display, proudly thrusting hard into the Kudo's soft ass, showing both her and the stallion how strong and virile he is.

The pretty Lioness licked her lip's and smiled widely at the Bull's lewd words, obviously far from offended by them. "Oh it wasn't always that way... until about ten years ago when Delilah our first female member deballed the former grand master.. he showed you in here." She explained with a lewd smirk, gesturing to the naked black bear across the room. Even as Berry moans and whimpers louder and louder as Jordan shows off within him even as the big Roan stallion's eyes widened at the display.

"Ammm, did your eunuch there give up a lot for the right to lay between your thighs? I hope you like'em big, sexy; I'd love to show you how a Bull keeps his whole herd of cows satisfied." Jordan bragged lustfully as the Lioness responded to his lewd words.

"Oh Tani had a nice dick but his balls were pitiful I swallowed them without realizing it." Terri smirked licking her lip's suggestively again. "Oh I like them big... and love to be...satisfied!"

Jordan leaned forward, grunting and rutting hard and deep into Berry's ass now. His fat belly flattening on the Kudo's humped back, he reaches under and tweaks the eunuch's nipples... and jerks his sheath. "Aren't you lucky, Steer... to have such a kind master... he let you keep your little, useless dick..."

"Yes sir my master is most kind." The Kudo wailed, as his soft body bounce back and forth hard...

"Oh I'd love to hear all about that." Jordan replied to the Lioness in mid-pant, looking up and leering at the naked black Bear... yes, he'd love to hear that story. Looking back down at the nude lioness he licked his lips, feeling his loins surge, his shaft tingling inside the nut-less Kudo... "Ummm... so you like big balls too huh? Well then, reach over and put your paw on my sac... go on; hold my balls while this.. Steer... Nnngf!" The fat black Bull grunted as he thrust hard, his huge, meaty balls jumping and throbbing, pulsating with their bovine power. And his thick lust pole pulsed, sending his hot cum into the Kudo Steer's ass.

"You should get him to tell it to you..." Terri the sleek sexy Lioness purred licking her lip's playfully. "He is quite happy to retell it for the pleasure of members." The Lioness explained as she grabbed her neutered kitty's mane and ground her sloppy sex against his muzzle excitedly. "OOOOOO..." The pretty feline moaned, as he reached one big deadly paw over and tugged on Jordan's hefty calve makers... clearly impressed. "Oh I just felt it." Terri giggled as the big Bull moaned and bucked, pumping that tight tail hole until it gushed with his cum. It was only after he finish, that Jordan realizes a second hot hand was there as well. The big roan stallion smirked, as he fondled those hefty spunk machines.

Jordan grinned proudly at the sleek lioness, enjoying showing his big balls off to her. Then with a soft snort of surprise he turned, blushing when he saw that the big stallion was also fondling him. "Hi." Was all he could think to say for a few seconds, then smiled at the naughty horse. "So... you like that huh? Feeling another male's balls throb in your hand?" He reached back, and explores the stallion's own velvety pouch with his fat black hand..

"Hellloo." The massive stallion replied smirking lewdly, as he watched the big Bull's react to his touch. "Yes indeed I like feeling big balls throb as they cum." He admitted bucking and humping his gelding's suckling mouth hard now, as he watches Jordan fondle his huge potent nuts... The fact that the Bull was weighting and sizing them up, only making the stud even harder and more excited. Jordan smiled at the huge stallion, and explored those bulky, sweaty colt makers with his thick fingers. Gently rolling and pulling them while the horse and the lioness each shared his nuts. "You like watching big men fuck Steers too, I noticed." He said, glancing down to watch the nut-less gelding suck on that huge equine pole. It was WAY bigger than what Jordan had, he had to admit it...

"Nothing is more exciting to me than that." The stud snorted as he was so playfully felt up by the big sexy Bull, laying back and thrusting up as he returned the favor and let Jordan feel him cum hard into that sucking mouth.

"How about watching fat Bulls fuck into a horny female, right in front of you? Would that get you going?" Jordan asked with a smirk at the Lioness, who winked at him playfully.

"Naw females don't do anything for me." He admitted as the nearby Panther chuckled lewdly, he himself having cum only moments before into Braydens hot tail hole...

"See what I mean..." Killan panted, as he past Brayden off to a big Brahma Bull who waved a thanx to Jordan... Jordan smiled and waved at the other bull, taking a moment to check out his fellow bovine... a big Brahma with a Bull's bollocks, all right he had a sudden pang of lust for Cameron. He wanted to hold a blade between the older Steer's legs again later. He stroked those fat horse balls, even as he gently pushed Berry off his Bull dick. "Well, that shouldn't matter; with my big ass in the way, you'd hardly see her.

"Hahaah you make a good point I could enjoy watch that sweet rump all night." The roan stud snorted aggressively clearly wanting to do more that just watch it...

"If you'd still like to see how bulls satisfy their cows." Jordan grinned as he propositioned the sleek sexy Lioness. "You Steer, clean off my dick." He commanded, tapping the Kudo on the well used butt.

"Ummm of course sir." Berry panted at once, obviously having been pounded into a state of total submission by the big sexy Bull's hard fucking. Terri watched the Kudo clean that long stud stick up with great interest as she flashed the big stallion a gloating smile.

"Sure stud ride me like a Cow." Terri moaned, as she pulled Berry off that thick Bull stick and shoved her pet away from her oozing sex... The fat black Bull looked back at that big stallion, as he turned towards Terri... The hungry gaze of that huge stud made him shiver... it was a little frightening... but more exciting. He found himself blushing a bit as he turned back towards the sexy feline. "Heh... well, you can get a little closer than just watching big guy." Jordan invited flashing the horse a playful grin. "You can play with my ass, and my balls... hell, go ahead and jerk off on my ass while I'm using my balls. I bet you want to..." He said with a nervous smirk, then he crawled over to the Lioness, and lay his fat, heavy, sweat-shined body gently down on top of her.

"Mmm... it's a thrill to have my dick in a girl who castrates lesser males." Jordan moans with a proud grin... as he flatters the sexy female. He looked up, to make sure that Bear eunuch was watching, and then he slowly eased his young bovine rit stick into the welcoming Lioness...

"Heheh... damn right." The big red stallion laughed as he pushed his gelding off that still hard cock, and moved up behind Jordan letting his huge semi hard cock dangle against those flabby thighs. While his hands cupped and squeezed those big round globes, fondling that wide male rump and those massive balls beneath. The big neutered Lion was snatched up at once by the lustful black Panther, who was not very interested in the Brahma Bull's fat little pink neutered Pig boy... Who quickly shoved his blunt muzzle up under the Panthers tail, and began licking that taut tail hole which delighted the feline enormously. Terri's smile widened into a big predatory grin as the Bull flattered her, even while her sex proved very tight indeed... forcing Jordan to struggle to get inside.

Across the room the sleek black Bear's jaw dropped, and he began to drool in obvious admiration. As he watched the big Bull straining to get his mighty hard on inside the Lioness. Jordan grunted a bit, but his bovine meat was already drooling pre into the feline castratrix' hot slot, slickening the way for that long, heavy shaft of prime steak. His belly shook as he pushed in, his fat body covering her with his male musk. He moaned in lust as he felt himself slipping into that girl's pussy, while all around him castrated males were servicing their betters... And a studly horse was fondling his ass... lusting after him in a different way than the others. Jordan spread his fat thighs, letting his low-slung balls hang heavily for the stallion's viewing pleasure... He noted the fat pig eunuch, adding him to his list of asses to fuck. And looked up to meet the Bear's gaze... smirking at the eunuchs look of surprise and longing, and then started thrusting hard.

"RRRROAOWOWWW." Terri roared in pleasure, as her tiny sex was at last filled with the fat Bulls dick. As it had never been filled before, the fact was she had rarely allowed a male inside of her. Not liking how it felt to be used by a lustful slobbering male, the Bull was proving to be a exception however. Her legs spread widen as Jordan hefty body settled over her, even as those big hot hands began fondling her already stiffening nipples... While behind him the stallion was fondling and stroking those muscular ass cheeks, that long thick equine cock dripping hot slimy pre-cum on to Jordan soft virgin tail hole as the horse stroked himself...

Jordan moaned, as he felt the tightness of Terri's snug tunnel around his heavy, thick Bull dick, his meaty organ massively oversized compared to the average feline's. He gave it to her hard though, lustily plunging his pole into that pussy's sweet tunnel. With glances now and then at the emasculated Lion, and the eunuch Bear, who both surely wished they could take the Bull's place inside those thighs. He rocked his wide hips side to side as well, to give her more pleasure from the fucking. But also to rub his fat butt against the big stallion's groping hands, and hot horse cock. As he moved Jordan became aware of something hot and slimy bumping against his ass cheeks, as the big horse was holding his cock up with one hand. While the other cupped and squeezed those hefty black Bull buttocks... Even while Terri grabbed his shoulders pulling herself up to chew lustfully on his muscular neck and shoulders... That hot sex squeezing tighter on Jordan's fat cock, as it slammed in and out of her almost bruising hard. While only a few feet away the big Lion was watching it all with hopeless longing eyes, even as his own hole was getting the same treatment from Killan... The black Bear's drooling mouth having attracted an admirer, who was humping it hard block his view... even as he tried to twist his head to catch glimpses of the action.

Jordan snorted and tossed his head for his audience, then sunk lower and nuzzled the big cat's neck passionately, nibbling at her through as he pushed his shaft into her. His big rump flexed under the stallion's caress's, those big ass cheeks quivering against the horse's drooling shaft. His hefty balls flapping, eager to empty themselves into this hot female's pussy. Those big hands slipped down to spread Jordan ass cheeks, and that big blunt cock head pressed against that hot Bull butt hole. Smearing slimy equine pre-cum all over it, as the Stallion tried to let the Bulls own thrusts force him into that hole... Just as the sexy Lioness screamed and had the first of her multiple orgasms, as that huge bovine cock brought her more pleasure than she had ever had from a male before...

"Ohooo gods... Ohooo WOW." Terri moaned, her hot sex begging for more as the fat black stud lustfully gave it to her. Jordan leered down at the writhing cat underneath him, lewdly kneading and massaging her breasts. And then dove his face between them, and greedily bit and chewed on them. All the while feeling that huge stallion spreading his cheeks, making his fat balls sway even more wildly. He felt that hot cock against his hole, and knew that stallion would LOVE to fuck him while he was nailing this nut-hungry female! His tail hole was too tight though, that equine rut stick wasn't going in without some serious force. And in the meantime, Jordan was working on making this girl loose her mind with pleasure. A few more minutes of this... and he'd be cumming in her for sure. It brought a smile to his blunt black muzzle, thinking of all those other males who'd tried, and lost their manhood for it...

"Oh fuck me... Ohoooo yes ride me you big sexy Bull!" Terri screamed, actually making tears dribble from the big neutered Lions eyes. As he wished more than anything at that moment, that he'd been born a huge black Bull... Across the room the black Bear was getting his longing muzzle covered in a horny males cum, as he watched Jordan do something he'd wanted to do but never got to finish... Terri's claws and bites hard on that powerful muscular bovine shoulder, as her sexy tawny body was rocked again with a powerful orgasm... While the big horny stallion behind Jordan, strained and pressed harder against that hot silky smooth bovine tail hole...

Jordan felt that hot horse cock prodding his asshole, part of him wanting to take it in... and part of him afraid to. He knew that either way, he was gonna cum in Terri soon, so he pushed his fat body up and slid onto his knees. His buttocks flexing and squirming around the stallion's stiff cock, as he pulled Terri onto his thighs. He held her by the hips as he hammered her hard, his belly shaking, her tits bouncing wildly. And this new position let his admirers see his thick organ disappearing into her dripping loins. Finally the fat Bull let out a loud, lusty bellow, his butt clenching hard as he fired his cannon into the Lioness's sloppy slot.

The big roan stallion fell back frustrated, as he had almost been inside the Bull. Until Jordan had changed position, making that big horse cock slide up his broad black back smearing lusty pre-cum all the way. The stallion watched sexual frustrated and helplessly, as the sexy Bull came hard within the Lioness. Who was roaring and yowling in yet another wave of orgasms... All around the room lustful males, and pent up neuters paused to watch the pair cum together the new Bull obviously a force of nature...

Putting on a show...

Puttin' on a Show... "We all have our little talents." The big black lupine murmured, tilting his muzzle to nibble over the nape of that long black and white equines neck. With a salacious little murr. and a smile so lustfully explicit...

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In the steam room...

The tales of what happened to those furs who made fun of and rejected the gelded Hooves in the steam room... In the steam room The lean Panther peeked into the small private room, on the small bed lay a huge striped...

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Scooby Story Chap Six

Scooby story Hillbillies ghost Chap 6 "But Shaggy and Scooby normally do that..." Freddie choked, as Velma explained that Larena and her were going to lure the fake zombies into their trap. "Yes... but they're not here...

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