The Twelve Talsimans:Dimensional Travels - Chapter 32 - Marital Bliss

Story by MrRedRover on SoFurry

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#50 of The Twelve Talismans

You knew we had to do Sonic!

All characters are over whatever the age of consent is in your country. All the sonic characters do have pubic hair, fur or quills after all.


The Twelve Talismans: Dimensional travels

Chapter 32 - Marital Bliss



Gatomon limped out of the river, wet from the waist down from wading in the cold water, and went over to the small fire by which Gomamon waited. She had mounted a small encampment in an attempt to shield them from the drizzling rain making the scene just that much more miserable. "How are you doing?" The dirty pokemon sling still held her shoulder.

Gomamon looked up. As bad as Gatomon had it, he was still the worse of the two. "Better." Digimon healed fast, but he had never been hurt that bad. If that horn of Gabumon had gone a quarter-inch deeper in his eye socket...

The feline took some brittle sticks, impaling the fish through the mouth one at a time. She then stuck the sticks into the soft earth, so the fish would cook over the flames. Not that she or Gomamon minded raw fish. She just felt like she needed something hot for Gomamon. "It's not much, but we need some protein."

The seal smiled and crawled over. He was getting a bit better. He noticed something different about her as her tail. "Your ring?" He saw the familiar gold ring on her tail.

"Oh... this?" She moved the tail in front of her, fondling the gold ring in her claws. "It was from the zombie-verse... I figure, on the off-hand if we run into some digimon again, they will at least think I am at full power. Sadly... it doesn't work on me. I think because the ting is... dead or something. I don't know... I am still just at a rookie level of strength."

"Still pretty clever, thinking ahead." The seal admitted, nodding slightly. "It's time for you to check my eye, by the way." They had been here in this world for over a week so far, seeing no signs of life in the dense forces. But they hadn't really searched, or even left the immediate area. They were far too injured to put up any fight. Not to mention Gomamon could hardly move at first.

Gatomon made a bit of a face. "I really hate this." She grimaced as she moved over to the injured seal. She flipped it up, to see what was underneath.

"Hey I'd do it myself if you'd brought a mirror." The sea mammal winced at the fresh air on his eye. Even that hurt. "Any pus, discoloration?"

Gatomon looked a touch ill. "No... just scabs and..." She quickly lowered the flap before she could lose her lunch. "Sorry."

This did confuse the seal just a bit. "I've seen you rip digimon apart with your bare claws. How does a little blood bother you?" Gomamon reached up, and adjusted the patch a bit.

"Well the heat of battle is one thing... usually it is over way to quick, and, well, normally our enemies our digimon. When they break up, there is no blood." The cat went to turn the fish, so they'd cook evenly. "It's why I tend to punch and kick. I don't like drawing blood."

Gomamon snickered a bit. "My god. The bravest member of our team. And she's afraid of blood!"

"Hey!" Gatomon placed her paws on her hips. "I am not exactly scared of blood. I just don't..." Gomamon suddenly flipped up his eye patch, exposing his empty gory socket. "Ewww! Stop that!" The feline warrior turned her head away, covering her eyes with her good paw.

"Gatomon's afraid of bloo-ood." The seal mocked a little as he replaced the eye patch.

"It's not nice to mock your nurse." She sat down on her butt, giving Gomamon a pouty look...

The seal wasn't quite done. "Good thing digimon don't get a period then."

Gatomon made an ewwww sound, before she burst into giggles. "You're disgusting!" The two of them laughed for some time, both of them not having any good reason to laugh for a while. "Oh I needed that." Gatomon wiped her eyes. The last world had been hard in more ways than one. Gabumon may be lost to the digimon world... Vulpix to another. They were badly hurt, Gatomon had lost her ring... The feline pushed it out of her mind as she dug into her backpack.

"I'm going to look around, maybe find some more food." She took the statue out from the hiding place in the lean to. "Maybe if we're lucky I can scope out the next power. I'll be back in an hour. Are you sure you'll be okay?"

"Yes mom. I'll be here!" Gomamon flashed a smile to Gatomon, who returned it, watching her bound off into the forest. "Man... she is really something." He stared longingly at her tail as it disappeared behind a tree.

An hour passed... than five... Night came, some crickets chirping under the half-moon filled sky... Gomamon couldn't sleep despite how wiped he was. He was too worried. "Fuck staying here." Gomamon grabbed the satchel and threw it over his back. If something happened to Gatomon he'd never forgive himself. He scratched an arrow in the tree, just in case Gatomon did come back, and was on his way.


In the middle of the woods was a simple canvas tent sitting next to a burnt out campfire. Inside Bunnie Rabbot, or more accurately now Bunnie D'Coolette, had run afoul of a robotizer, a device that could change flesh to metal, changing the occupant into a mindless robot. Scores of Mobians were transformed to unwilling mechanical servants of Dr. Ivo Robotnik. Bunnie was rescued mid-way through being transformed. Her left arm was transformed, as well as everything under her waist was turned to robotic parts, turning her into a cyborg. Over the years, she had been modified, making her more powerful, as well as one of the most powerful fighters in this dimension. Though right now, battling was the furthest thing on her mind.

The rabbit was lying on her back on the canvas floor of the tent, naked. Which, for her was simply removing her top, exposing her furry tits. She had her ample breasts pushed together hard, a knotted red dick between them, pumping in and out of the cleavage like a piston. "Ohhhh mon amore!" Her husband Antoine D'Coolette sat on her furry stomach, tit fucking her. He was a brown coyote with short blond hair normally neatly combed, but was disheveled from the last several hours of fun with his wife. "Your fur is tres soft!"

Bunnie grinned. Her husband tended to revert back to his native tongue in the troughs of passion. "Mmmm and your cock feels so nice against my fur." Her coyote mate continued to slam that cock under her chin, the red member throbbing with desire already. Pre cum stuck under her chin as the knotted cock continued to rub against her fur. Her nipples were as hard as cock, easily noticeable against her tannish fur.

Antoine blew his load with a wag of his short tail. Cum splattered against the rabbit's chin, one lone strand of jizz arching up over her face, arching diagonally across from her left eyebrow down to her chin. "Oh tres bien..." He panted as his dick stopped shooting cum, one last drop landing right above her sternum.

The rabbit smiled as Antoine rolled off her to the side on the sleeping back. They only needed one after all. "Mmmm I think this a well-deserved honey moon, don't you sugah?" She moved on her stomach, licking softly at the semi limp cock. Being a canine, his dick was often hard for a while after he came, that knot swollen at the base of his shaft. He was meant to tie in with his mate, and stay tied in for several minutes afterwards. Since Bunnie was unable to do that, she resorted to pleasuring him after the fact.

The coyote lay on the sleeping bag, smiling happily as that rabbit tongue and lips pleasured him. She suckled on the head, taking it up to the knot. Her soft right paw squeezed the knot, the rabbit knowing how much he liked it. She had learnt so much about her husband's body since they got married, and before as well. Their first time was awkward, both being virgins. And mistakes were made... like the first time Bunnie blew him and his knot got stuck in her jaw for almost ten minutes. Antoine still got a bit of a chuckle over the look on Bunnie's face, though he would not admit it to her. Another little bit of cum leaked out of his urethra, making the coyote pant. "It iz a shame I cannot return the favour." Antoine smiled happily.

Bunnie just nodded. She could get some stimulation from her breasts. But of course that was never enough to get her off. She always wanted to feel an orgasm, like her friends always talked about. But she was satisfied with making her husband happy by proxy. "I guess I need to talk to Rotor or Tails about that attachment." Bunnie smiled as she leaned her head on the coyote's lap, rubbing her cheek up and down the length of the cock. "Well more of an upgrade, since nothing is really going to be added."

"Oh that would be an interesting question." The swordsman coyote chuckled. "How does one even make a robot vagina?"

Bunnie giggled softly as she used her real paw to play with his limp dick. Antoine preferred her soft fur over cold metal. "I'd just like to know if you like either of those gentlemen working down in your wife's coochie sugah." They both shared a laugh, and Antoine felt the fell of his wife's soft lips sucking at his shaft once again, suckling hard.

Gomamon could hardly walk. The sack on his back, although almost empty, felt like it weighed a ton. Maybe I should have stayed put... but he was low on food, not to mention medicine. I needed some sort of help... He heard some sort of moan or laugh come from the bushes. His ears perked up, the sea mammal turned towards the sound. Normally he would have been more cautious, but he needed some help. He spotted a canvas tent, two voices coming from inside. Oh thank god. The seal smiled as he made a beeline to the tent. "Hey!" Gomamon stuck his head in the flap of the tent. "I need some whoa!"

CARUNCH! Bunnie came flying out of the tent, propelled by her jet powered feet. Gomamon was off his flippers and slammed against a tree, a metal hand wrapped around his neck. "And just what are you doing?!" The rabbit glared up at the one eyed seal. She still had cum on her lips and face, one lone strand dripping slowly down her bent left ear.

The seal was rattled, caught off guard completely in his weakened state. "Well for starters... admiring a nice rack!" The seal snapped back, looking down at those perky furry tits.

Bunnie looked down, realizing she hadn't replaced her shirt either. Unlike many Mobian females, her chest fur was not thick enough to hide her nipples. "Why you rude little..." She blushed as she used her free flesh hand to cover her chest. Gomamon capitalized on her distraction. The seal quickly tapped the ox symbol on his flipper, instantly making him the strongest creature on the planet. He grabbed the metal arm and twisted hard. Bunnie instantly was twisted to the side, slamming on her side in the dirt with a loud "Ugh!" as she sent up a spray of dirt.

Gomamon fell on the forest floor, his body aching all over even from the small drop. "UHhhh!" Fuck that hurt! I am not anywhere close up to one hundred percent. The seal shook his head, trying to dislodge the cobwebs. And I really have to learn how to watch my tongue. "Listen I was just..."

"Swine!" Antoine was out of the tent, wearing pants. He had taken a moment to put on some modesty, not worried about his wife. She was one of the greatest fighters on the planets. But he was surprised that a mere seal managed to out wrestle his wife. His sword, a French cutlass, came out with the skill of a surgeon, making a lateral slash. It wasn't a killing stroke, but he meant to hamstring the assailant.

"Whoa!" Gomamon barely dodged the blade, the tip sailing through the bark of the tree with ease. This guy is good! His claw moved to the pig, activating his laser eye vision. A single beam of bright crimson came out of his remaining eye.

"Ye-ow!" The blast of red energy hit the hilt of Antoine's sword, sending it flying across the field, coming to rest in the ashes of their campfire. He held on to his right hand, his palm slightly burnt from the magical sting.

Gomamon smirked even though the energy drained made his head swim. Suddenly the oak tree behind him exploded into splinters. Wooden splinters rained down on him as his ears rung like a church bell. "Gah!"

The cyborg rabbit held out her left arm, her palm having morphed into a powerful energy weapon. Purple energy slowly crackled around the metallic barrel. "We're gonna stop this right now, ain't we sugah?" The rabbit still hand her left arm across her breast, hiding her tits.

"Hey, I didn't start it." Gomamon panted hard. Using the energy blast always drained him a bit... and he was far from fighting fit.

"You were the one spying on us like a Peeping Tom!" Antoine pointed an accusing finger at the intruder while retrieving his blade form the campfire.

"Well excuse me!" The seal panted. The entire forest seemed to be rotating slowly clockwise. "It was a tent, not a locked room." The battle had left him winded. His iron count was still low. "I was badly hurt... I lost my friend. I was just trying to get some help!"

Bunnie took a moment to look at her opponent. He was evidently in some recent battle. He was covered in cuts and bruises, not from this battle, but a recent one. He clearly just lost his eye to. "I'm... sorry." She relaxed. "I over reacted. I just... never had anyone walk in on us before... When we were..."

"Hey, if it helps, it happens to a lot of us, me included." The seal smiled, his vision blurring. "Now... if you don't mind... I think..." Gomamon's head suddenly listed to the side, his one good eye rolling to the back of his skull. "Gonna pass..." He suddenly fell forward, jaw smacking to the ground, and lay still.


Bunnie here is based on her "newer" form from the Archie comics, where her robot appendages are more shapely. Again, donations to PayPal welcomed, as are comments, suggestions, character pairings to [email protected] Previews giving upon request!

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