The Twelve Talismans:Dimensional Travels - Chapter 31 - Choice

Story by MrRedRover on SoFurry

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#49 of The Twelve Talismans

And now one of my favourite pairs. I love the porn floating around of these two.


The Twelve Talismans: Dimensional travels

Chapter 31 - Choice



Impmon glared down at the white feline and her seal companion. Both were badly injured, the seal worse, hiding in the office of the pharmacy. Gomamon was still passed out on the sofa. "We're... just... staying the night." Gatomon got up... Not looking for another fight but just about everything in this world seemed hostile.

"Not here." The dark imp leapt down on to the floor. "It's hard enough finding a place to stay the night in this world." He looked to Gomamon on the couch, passed out and breathing heavily. "I ain't going to share it with the walking dead."

"Please... we've... got nowhere to." The cat was trying to plead. Even if this guy was a rookie, which she was not certain of, she wasn't sure, right now, if she could take him. And certainly not with Gomamon completely unresponsive.

"I said get out!" Impmon flung a ball of fire at Gatomon's feet, where it exploded into a shower of sparks.

Gatomon fell to her ass with a grunt as the embers disappeared. Damn... I am way too tired and injured... I can't fight him off and protect Gomamon... her mind wracked for a solution. She had no place to go, Gomamon was badly hurt... His protection was more important than anything. Think... oh man, what would Gomamon do... Gatomon winced a bit as it dawned on her just what Gomamon would do... but it might work. For my friend...I'd do it. She put on a smile, moving her tail up and down slowly. "Now... Are you sure you want me to rush off right away?"

"Duh!" The dark devil held out his red gloved hand, fire sparking from the ends. "Now take your seal boyfriend and book!"

Okay I officially suck at seducing. Gatomon sighed. "Oh the seal? A good friend... But I am not his type." She moved her tail up to Impmon's belly, running it over the smiley face. "Total queer if you know what I mean."

"I don't care what he is into... You can just..." He backed off a bit as Gatomon moved closer. He got ready for an attack which didn't come.

"Come on there you sexy devil." Gatomon placed her paw on his dark crotch and started to rub. "Surely there's got to be a way someone like me can earn a stay..." She tried to send sexy, like one of those hookers on late night talk shows

The devil let out a little groan... most digimon were violent. And he hadn't felt anyone touch him there that wasn't his own paw. "I..." His groin stirred a bit, dick stirring in his hidden pouch. It was pretty much beyond his control.

"Oh yeah... You are a lonely little mon." Gatomon tried to sound sexy as she continued to molest him. Gomamon was right. This is the quickest way to calm any guy. She really saw no way around this as she felt his dick slide out a bit. Her paw slowly wrapped around the dark shaft, pumping it softly, trying to coax it out fully. "Don't you think me and my friends... could stay a single night?" She bent her head down, licking him across the shoulder and up across his neck slowly. His skin was tough, sort of like leather.

"I... guess." Impmon shuttered a little. The flames on his paw died down as he started to as something else started to warm up. But he could sense the desperation in the feline. He saw her bandages, and noticed the tail ring of hers missing... If she was anything like the Gatomon from the show, her power was that of a rookie. Less... When you coupled it in with her injuries and her half dead friend there... A little cruel streak filled him. "But if you want to stay here... I think I want more than a simple hand job."

The feline sighed. She had hoped a paw job might have been enough... But she was in no place to argue. "Oh this was just a warm up." She smiled a bit, getting down on her knees slowly with a bit of a grimace. Her ankle gave a twinge of pain as she knelt down in front. The cock bounced in front of her... six inches from the looks of it. Maybe a touch more. But on the end of his dick, instead of a black piss hole, was a crown of dark skin. "Wh... what's this?" She poked the end of the shaft curiously.

"My foreskin duh!" Impmon placed a paw on the back of her head, pushing his dick against her lips. "Ain't you never seen one?"

Gatomon shook her head as the weird flap of skin touched her lips. She hadn't been with that many guys... and the few dicks she saw by accident were all circumcised. Japanese men were almost always cut. It seemed weird as the imp shoved the cock. She kept her mouth shut for a moment, reluctant still. But she saw her seal friend, lying on the couch. His normally pristine white fur stained a yellowing red. She opened her mouth, letting the shaft slide in. The foreskin felt... Strange against her tongue. She experimentally played with it a bit... feeling it pull back a bit. She pulled the dick out of her mouth. The skin had pulled back around the head of his shaft, looking like a normal cut dick. The head was throbbing, a purple so deep it was black. "Wow... kinda neat..." She had to admit. No barbs on it, but a neat dick none the less.

Impmon was dripping hard now... he considered shoving it back in her maw. "Well if you don't want to finish me up in your muzzle..." He pushed her down, a heavy paw making her go on all fours... or three, since one arm was still in its sling.

"What are you doing?" Gatomon asked, though she already had an idea as Impmon swung around behind her, still keeping that gloved paw on the back of her neck. The paw balled up in a fist, holding a big scruff of her neck. It actually was a bit of turn on, deep down inside of her.

"Oh I think you can do better than a muzzle job to... Throwing yourself at me like that." The devil mon got behind. His erect cock rubbed against her pussy, over the furry taint of her ass. "Now spread yourself a little wider and it might go in a little easier..." Impmon smiled as he started to push himself in.

The cat really didn't want to, prostituting herself like this for a night's stay. A night he may even renege on. But she allowed him to enter her... making her shudder. He was a rather big boy... and primal. He wasn't even half way in when he started to fuck her. Hard. His gloved hands gripped the side of her hips, pumping into her. Within three thrust, he was balls deep in the tight snatch. "Uhhh!" The cat groaned loudly. It wasn't the biggest cock she took... but she was so sore and tired... Any pleasure she might have been feeling was overshadowed by her simple exhaustion. It was all she could do to stay up, letting the digimon have her way with her. She tried to groan, to sound like she was enjoying it. But it was difficult.

Impmon didn't seem to notice, or simply didn't care. He just fucked her with his big rookie shaft over and over. His claws dug into her sides hard, sending little tendrils of pain through the cat's body. "Mmmm fuck... yeah!" He shouted as he started to shoot precum up inside of her. He was horny... He had only used his paw for the longest time. And this... this was so much better. A hot cunt was SO much better. He pounded for all he was worth, his balls slapping against the snatch with a wet splotch sound. His movements reached a crescendo... The fire demon doing all the work. It wasn't long before he let out a loud groan and started to cum. "Yeah... yeah!"

His partner barely registered it. She was just... spent. She was running on empty now... "Uhhhh..." She tried to comment, to make some comment. But she just panted hard.

"Yeah... Left you speechless didn't I?" Impmon smirked as he pulled out of her cunt, wiping his dick on her ass.

Gatomon resisted the urge to growl. She didn't think she had the energy anyway... But she felt her eyes go wide as Impmon started to press his cock up a little higher, right under her tail. "Hey! What are you doing?" The feline's tail went straight up as she felt the demon pressed against her asshole. She tried to move away, but the demon's grip was too strong.

"Oh, I think I could get one more... and a little slut like you probably loves it up the ass!" The black digimon smirked as he started to try and get it up her virgin ass.

"No! That's too much!" Gatomon tried to scurry away... she felt the tip start to enter her after several moments... When suddenly there was a deep growl that seemed to make the whole store vibrate. Impmon stopped, with just the head of his shaft up her ass.

"Little seal, little seal, let me in..." A low, yet familiar voice echoed in the entire place.

"Who's that?" Impmon turned around, just as the entire front of the store exploded. His dick came flying out of the girl as he slammed against a coke machine, shattering the front translucent front of it.

Gatomon want skidding across the floor... drawing in deep into her reserves just to stand up straight. Weregarurumon stood in the moonlight of the now non-existent store front, holding the statue in his paw. One of the four heads softly hummed softly. "Found you."

The statue... I forgot about that... he can track us anywhere. "Gato PUNCH!" Gatomon leapt forward, throwing her entire self into a right cross. It connected with full force on the wolf man's solar plexus, one of the weakest spots in the body. Weregarurumon hardly noticed it, simply backslapping Gatomon to the side. "Now Gomamon." He walked forward into the office, ripping off the door. Gomamon had yet to move.

"Stop!" Gatomon leapt on his back, wrapping her tail around his neck in a vain attempt to choke him. She pulled on her tail with her one good arm in a make shift garrote. "He's your friend! He's saved your life!" She shrieked.

Weregarurumon merely shook his head once, sending her flying once more. "It's the only way. And if all I have to do is kill Gomamon here to see Vulpix again, then so be it." He moved a paw forward to the couch, just a large glass jar smashed on his head coating him with a clear liquid. Weregarurumon looked up, an annoyed look on his face as a strong smell filled the air. A black imp sneered down at him from on top of the bookshelf, his arms crossed. "Do you want to die to?" He hadn't noticed the other digimon there... nor did he really care. "You think a bottle will stop me?" He snarled as the liquid dripped down his face.

Impmon held out a single finger, a fire ball forming on the tip. "A bottle of rubbing alcohol... badaBOOM!" He flung the fireball at the wolf chest, which tripled in size the moment it struck the flammable liquid.

"GRAH!" Weregarurumon stumbled back, the fire burning. His hide was thick, but his instinctive fear of fire panicked him momentarily. He stumbled back, beating his paws about him, blinded by the flames.

Impmon jumped to the top of one of the shelves, giving a little salute with two fingers, tapping them to his forehead and out. "That's for the good time... but if I'd were you, I'd run!" He jumped up one more and out of the skylight, his triangular tail disappearing. "I ain't risking my life for the seal! Or even YOUR ass!"

Good advice. "Thanks!" Gatomon said though Impmon was already gone. She moved fast, scooping up the passed out sea mammal at the same time grabbing her emergency satchel she had prepared, throwing it over her back. Quickly, she ran out of the gaping hole Weregarurumon made. She spotted the statue the werewolf dropped, and almost as an afterthought, grabbed it with her tail. It would be sheer stupidity to leave him a way to track them down again.

"GRAHHH!" There was a loud scream, the pharmacy half exploding behind Gatomon with the blind rage of Weregarurumon's anger. A thunderclap of energy shattered every window down the block, setting out a half a dozen car alarms that blared in the night sky.

Gatomon didn't look back, holding the statue with her tail as she round down the street. "You can't run from me!" She didn't stop as she heard another howl of anger. There were several buildings in the area, warehouses and storage facilities from the looks of it. She ran into one of the grey warehouse, happy beyond belief the door was unlocked. She didn't think she had the strength to even bust down a door. She quickly shut the door behind her, running down the aisles, trying to find a hiding place.

Wooden crates of cereal lined the walks as Gatomon hid behind them. She placed her back against one of the crates, sliding down till she was sitting down, cradling Gomamon in her arms. She could hear Weregarurumon outside, the sound of a building being ripped apart as he looked for them. What do I do... What do I do? For the first time in a long time... she was at a total loss. Injured, haplessness, against an enemy of incredible power who was once one of her truest friends. She held Gomamon's warm body close to her as she rocked back and forth softly.

"Gatomon?" Gomamon weakly raised his head. He had been spurred awake by Gatomon's heavy breathing as his head was pressed against her chest. "What's going on?"

"It's okay." Gatomon stroked Gomamon's head. "We're safe here..."

No you're not... he's right outside... you can't run... he'll tear apart every building here to find you.

The feline's ear perked up. "Maybe I can reason with him... go alone..."

Weregarurumon will kill you... you can't stop him... Save yourself...

Gatomon stopped talking. She placed Gatomon on the ground softly, walking to the wall with a touch of a limp. She grabbed a metal crow bar with her right hand, used for opening the crates. She turned and faced Gomamon. "He won't stop you know..." She held on the metal bar tightly. "He won't stop till you are dead..."

"I know..." Gomamon looked up, his one eye tearing up. "We can't stop him..."

He'll kill Gomamon... and anyone standing in his way...It's just a matter of time... but if Gomamon is dead... he'll stop...

"He'll kill you... and every one protecting you..." Gatomon raised the bar high. "I... have no choice..."

"I know..." Gomamon lowered his head as the cat swung the bar hard.

KLONK! There was a large screech, clearly female as the bar connected solidly. There was a large clash as a bunch of boxes suddenly came down in a heap. "Huh?" Gomamon lifted his head up. He had no idea what transpired.

"You bitch!" Gatomon hissed softly, holding the now clearly bent bar. "I don't like people fucking with my mind!" She rarely swore, but she was just livid now.

"Gatomon, who are you talking to?" Gomamon asked. "There's no one there..." He looked at the crumpled boxes. They were smushed by... something. Something he could not see.

Suddenly, the boxes seem to shudder, the light bending. A feline form shimmied into view. A red horned feline with dark grey fur. Clearly a type of Gatomon, except her tail ended in a triangle point. "Okay, looks like I fucked that one up." Temptation rubbed her lip, bleeding freely from the cut. Gatomon had clocked her good with that metal bar.

"Who the hell is that?" Gomamon was not enjoying all these surprises. Only Gatomon had ever met this grey furred feline before.

"Temptation." Gatomon held on to the metal bar so tightly her palm ached. "My dark side."

"How very Jedi." The devil feline smirked. She brushed her head, running his claws through her fur. "How'd you know it was me?"

"Save myself? Sacrifice Gomamon for my own hide?" Gatomon bared her teeth. "I'd never save my own hide for someone else. Especially a friend. Besides..." She raised her weapon threateningly. "Plus, I recognized your same old turn evil' speech."

"Yeah, yeah... But hey, I almost got you with Wizardmon." The dark grey cat pointed two claws at her white twin, one on each hand. "Almost had you off Gabumon and Gomamon! Come on, you got to give me props for that." Gatomon just hissed softly. "And tempting you Gomamon..." The grey Gatomon chuckled a bit, regarding the seal. "You know, out of the three of you, I was certain you'd be the easiest. But you just don't get angry at your friends."

"Yeah... well I deserve a lot of it." The seal breathed in and out. He thought her voice sounded familiar... he had her once before... back in the almost-verse'.

"Whatever." Temptation stood up slowly, brushing off the cereal from her fur. "I decided to focus mainly on Gabumon anyway. A carefully chosen word here and there... And soon my voice was the only one he heard."

"You're the reason Gabumon's gone nuts!" Gatomon hissed again.

"Of course, tempting him to do what was once unthinkable... that is what I live for." Temptation stretched her black reptilian wings in and out slowly, like they needed to breathe. "It started slow... revenge instead of safety... going a little bit overboard in a fight... but now? Killing, raping... utterly delightful..." She let out a loud purr. "I wanted to see if I could get you again... sadly, no such luck."

"I know my dark side." Gatomon kept her eyes squared full on her dark counterpart. "And I won't go back."

"Yeah I am kinda seeing that. You've already done the evil thing, what with Myotismon way back then, and Gomamon... seriously doesn't have a dark bone in his body.'" The dark cat mocked as she held out her palm. "But one out of three ain't that bad." A rod of fire formed in her right hand, taking the shape of a pitchfork. A burst of sparks, and it turned into a metallic weapon. "A shame... I would have much preferred if Weregarurumon snuffed you two angels... but sometimes, you just got to take a hand's on approach." Temptation held on the pitchfork with both paws. "I'll just save Gomamon for him."

"I am not afraid of you." Gatomon held out the crow bar like a fencing foil.

"Please, you are depowered, injured, and armed with a rusty bar..." The dark cat chuckled. "You should be child's..."


The blast of yellow energy sent her right back into the styrofoam pellets.

The energy still crackled around the seal's flipper when he spoke. "Y'know... I really hate it when... people talk as if I... wasn't there." He wobbled a little, head swimming again: in his state, that attack was draining.

"Gomamon!" Gatomon dropped the bar and went back to him. "We have to get out of here." Most likely the seal had unwittingly revealed their position to the Ultimate-level.

"Sounds like a plan." Gomamon let himself be thrown on Gatomon's back once more, steadying himself the best he could now that he was conscious. The cat bounded a once more. Every step was agony... but she moved on.

"Ugh..." Temptation shook her head, but she was still coated in the white plastic bits. "Sneaky bastard... I think I like him." She was trying to get rid of the fluff again when the wall beside her shattered, cinder blocks flying like lego pieces.

WereGarurumon's rage-filled eyes fell upon the white-looking winged feline. "Gatomon! If you tell me where he is I'll make it short!"

"No no no..." Temptation came forward, holding out her paws to the sides. Her voice dropped lower, more seductive. "I am a friend... you know that..."

Weregarurumon stopped. That voice... he trusted that voice... "My friend..."

"I saved you, back in Ganondorf's castle..." She moved closed, running a claw on his rock hard abs. "Remember when that little gold trinket of yours just... flew to you?" She continued to drag the claw up down the center of the abdominal muscles. "And that Palmon zombie who just... happened to burst into flames? Machinedramon's cannons exploding?"

"That was all you?" Weregarurumon replied, a little shocked.

"Of course." The winged feline flew up to hover at eye level and bowed in mid-air. "Call me Temptation. I only want what's best for you."


"So what was she?" Gomamon finally asked. His head throbbed and he still felt sleepy, but--thank the Digital Gods for digimon's fast healing--he was getting better.

"Some magical construct of my desires." Gatomon explained. "Forged from mystic power in that stupid Hyrule place." Weregarurumon was not following. Something must have distracted him; hopefully her evil twin.

"Our lives just can't get fucked up enough, can they?" The seal sighed. "So let me get this straight: she's got your strength and skills, plus she can fly, and control fire and turn invisible and charm others." Gatomon scrambled up a fence . Forty-eight hours ago she'd have leapt over it carrying a fridge, now she could not have done so even if she had not been carrying Gomamon. "Good, I thought this was going to be too easy." The seal concluded.

She held on to the seal's flippers tightly as she landed. "I don't know what to do, Gomamon..."

"Well, for one we can't take on Weregarurumon..." Gomamon thought. "But... if we can take back another power... Levitation would be- Actually right now, I'd LOVE to find my healing power."

"But... if we get your power and Gabumon is not around... Will he come with us?" Gatomon asked.

"I don't know... but let's face it... if he stays, he's not the one that is in the most danger from it! Us, on the other hand..." The seal sighed.

The feline took a breath. She didn't like the idea of possibly leaving Gabumon behind, but she liked the idea of Gomamon dying even less. "Let's find your power.



Growlmon went flying back into the building and slid down, taking with himself a column of bricks and rubble. Facing him was a snorting, bipedal ox with a giant gun where his right arm ought, by all account, to be. His ringed nosed rocked back and forth as he struck Growlmon again with strength far greater than he should ever have had.

"What on earth?" A brown haired boy with goggles watched as his digimon partner was being tossed around like an infant. The creature's strength was... unnatural. Digimon were strong, yes, but this new digimon just seemed... unstoppable. "Card Slash! Counter Attack!" The child swiped a card in his D-power, using its power to artificially increase the champion's strength.

Growlmon felt a rush of strength, violently charged the Minotarumon again... and was knocked back once more. "Ugghhhh!" Even with the card's extra strength flowing through him, this wild one was simply far too powerful.

"Growlmon!" Takato rushed up to his partner laying there on a crushed sedan, black and red tailed twitching. The young teen shook his partner's claw... trying to stir him even as their opponent moved to the nearby railway track. He grabbed a box car full of scrap metal, the car alone would weight several tons, and still he lifted it and its content over his head with ease.

"I am the strongest there is!" Minotarumon announced. He walked over to his enemy read to smash the lights out of him, but something suddenly landed on his nose. What should have been an easy leap had now left Gatomon drained. "What the hell are you?" Minotarumon snarled as Gatomon thrust the seal into his face.

Gatomon's eyes suddenly began to glow as she called upon her seldom used Cat's Eyes Hypnotism. "Stay... still..." It was hard... she didn't like this power; it left her vulnerable, and was extremely difficult to do little more than slow a powerful digimon for a moment, but right now, Minotarumon would still have to throw the mass of metal before he could get rid of them, and that was good enough.

"Sorry boy. I need that power!" Gomamon stared into the ox's head forming in the bull digimon's eyes. The light soon flowed from the Ultimate-level into Gomamon.

Minotarumon tried to move, but it was like swimming through concrete, and his strength was draining fast, too. Soon a portal began to form above them, crackling with white energy. There was a sudden flash of light, and the two small rookies that were moments ago on his face were gone.

"Huh?" Minotarumon looked up, his arms shaking. His strength, impressive as it was naturally, was not able to hold up a box carful of scrap metal. The whole shebang promptly came down with a crash, pinning the creature like a rat in a trap, a few hubcaps clattering down the street.

Takato just blinked a few times, even as his own digimon shrunk back down to his rookie self. "What on Earth was that?"


Annndd finished. A rather dramatic one again. [email protected] if you wish to comment, or feel free to leave comments, and the like on the site. And I do give previews when asked! I tend to write my lemons quite a bit ahead.

Collared - Chapter 1 - Perpetuating the Species

And this one is for Duez. I admit, I had to think of a bit of a back story to try to work an anthropomorphic cat into season 2, without it being a digimon. But I came up with something. You know me; I like to have a bit of plot with my porn. Granted...

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The Twelve Talismans:Dimensional Travels - Chapter 30 - Betrayed

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The Twelve Talismans:Dimensional Travels - Chapter 29 - Arion

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