The Twelve Talismans:Dimensional Travels - Chapter 30 - Betrayed

Story by MrRedRover on SoFurry

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#48 of The Twelve Talismans

Back to our original trio. Why do all my series descend into drama?! This was supposed to be twelve chapters of straight up porn, then I came up with a plot (thanks to some good suggestions) and now it's already ballooned past twice that...

_ Warning, this one has rape. _ All characters the age of consent where you are from!


The Twelve Talismans: Dimensional travels

Chapter 30 - Betrayed



Gomamon was on the ground, shuddering in pain. A flipper was clasped tightly over his face, with way too much blood streaming down his cheek to be safe. The husky yellow digimon Gabumon hung over him, his face stained red. "Gabumon!" Gatomon screeched as she rushed to Gomamon's side, pushing Gabumon away in pure haste. He fell to one knee, scraping it slightly on the rough pavement. Meanwhile the seal's left eye was bleeding freely, Gomamon in true pain. "Have you lost your mind?!" She screeched.

"I kill him... I get Vulpix back..." Gabumon snarled as he started advancing again. "The power will go back to that Pokemon universe." Blue flames sparked from his mouth. "It's the only way..."

"Get away from him!" She shouted as she picked up the seal. He was going into shock, twitching in her grip. She didn't know how deep that horn penetrated the eye... but it looked all but gone. Her mind panicked a revulsion to the sight of blood mixed with the hopelessness of not knowing what to do.

She's my enemy too. She's attacked me. And she cares more for that lecherous seal than anyone ... I know she wants him, desires him...

Gabumon's eyes glazed over once more, turning grey for a moment. "You just want the fucking seal!" He snarled and opened his muzzle. "Blue Blaster!" A blast of fire came from his muzzle.

This shocked the feline... maybe it hadn't registered what Gabumon had done. Maybe in the back of her mind, she didn't think Gabumon would attack her, otherwise she would have never let Gabumon get this close. Whatever the reason, Gatomon didn't have a chance to dodge, with Gomamon badly injured. She turned quickly, exposing her back to shield the seal. "Gaaahhhhh!" She howled as she was knocked forward on her knees, her back scalded. Damn it! "Gabumon what is wrong with you?!" She managed to get to her feet and dodge the second blast of fire. She grimaced as her back broke in blisters. She stumbled a bit. The attack took a lot out of her, and she was holding her friend. "Stop it!" She was strong and skilled, but her biggest weakness was she was not the toughest digimon out there. Her skill was dodging attacks, not taking them.

Gabumon jumped on the feline's back, holding her in a headlock. "You are just as selfish as that fucking dick!"

You know her weakness..... Take it from her....

"Get OFF!" Gatomon's tail came down hard on Gabumon's face, sending the Digimon flying. The feline let out a series of coughs. She was thankful Gabumon was staying in his rookie form... if only because he was too angry to digivolve right now. "Gabumon, snap out of it! I will take you down." She hissed as she turned around, cradling Gomamon in her arms.

"Not without this bitch..." Gabumon held out his hand. Gatomon's eyes went wide with fright. He was holding the gold ring in his paw, her precious tail ring. Without it... she was at maybe a tenth of her strength. If that. "You want the cock sucking seal so much... You can die with him."

Gatomon backed off slowly as Gabumon clenched her tail ring tightly in his palm, tight enough it cut into his palm. He's insane. A cough from Gomamon snapped her attention downwards. "Gato... get out... If he... digivolves... This is... my fight..." The seal forced himself to speak.... Though he was only dimly aware what was going on.

"Like hell." Gatomon let out a loud hiss. "You want him, come and get him!"


"What are they?" A yellow tall fox like creature looked from the rooftop. She looked down stoically, crossing her arms donned with fingerless purple gloves with yin/yang symbols on the back of them.

"A Gatomon, a Gomamon, and a Gabumon." The red head remarked in a cool, almost cruel voice. "I remember them being on the TV show. They were powerful fighters, and good friends."

"Clearly not the same ones Rika." The Digimon replied. The seal was badly hurt, and the feline was protecting him from an incoming barrage of blue fire. "Should we wait to see who is victorious?"

"No, they are clearly weak specimens and we have no time to lose... We have to deal with Minotarumon as soon as possible." She pulled out a card from her pocket. That measly piece of cardboard could vastly increase her partner's power. "Delete them, Renamon, and absorb their data."


"Ugh!" Gatomon fell on her side. Her left ear tip smoldered a bit from the blast. Gomamon felt twice as heavy now. Gabumon was playing it smart: carrying her injured friend slowed her enough that it was easy for him to attack from a safe distance. He hadn't yet digivolved for some reason... a small favor at best.

Look at how she protects him... after all he has done to you, your friends... She's no better...

"You still protect him, after all he's done!" Gabumon snarled, snorting hot air. "He's tricked you and dozens of girls into letting him fuck them!"

He fired again, and the feline panted as she leapt to her feet, the blast sailing by her. The more Gabumon attacked, the higher the ambient temperature got, which only made things worse. "Compared to my past? He's a goddamn saint." She retorted. Behind her, the attack caused a park bench to burst into flames. She snatched a chunk of burning wood with her tail and flung it at Gabumon in a shower of embers.

"Stop defending him!" Gabumon growled as the chunk of wood connecting with his cheek hard, leaving a mark, but otherwise seeming to only make him angrier. He opened his muzzle again, this time it filled with blue flames. "Blue Blaster!"

Gatomon ran to the side but the blast hit her foot and she fell forward, scraping her knees hard. "Ugh!" She struggled to hold on to Gomamon, who was mumbling something she couldn't understand.

"Gabumon, please!"

All you want is the seal... Let's give her one last chance...

"Give him to me and I'll stop..." Gabumon snarled, his muzzle already overflowing with blue fire.

"I'd never do that..." Gatomon narrowed her eyes at her mad friend.

She had her chance.... Finish her!

Gabumon snarled as he opened his muzzle wide, but before he could unleash his attack a white furred fist connected with his jaw and sent him flying. "Grah!" He snarled as he skidded across the pavement before coming to a stop.

A tall Digimon fox gracefully stood between them, looking over the pair with an emotionless look on her face. Gatomon looked back at their savior. "Th... thank you." She mumbled.

Renamon whirled to face them as if they had suddenly sprung into existence. "Such weak specimens.... Hardly worth absorbing your data." Stated flatly to their confusion. She extended her arms toward them "But I shall anyway..." Whatever she wanted to do, she didn't get to finish before a larger blast of blue fire knocked her to the side.

Is everyone here trying to delete us?! Gatomon wondered. She didn't wait for an answer. Her initial reflex was to leap at the fox when she remembered her quarry. "Gomamon we're getting out of here!" Better let these two fight it off. Gabumon could handle himself, and maybe it would cool him down.

"Digi-modify!" Rika shouted, swiping one of her cards in the D-tamer's slot. "Strength increase!"

Renamon felt the energy of the cards alter her very code and double her strength. She easily swatted away the chubby Digimon rushing at her. Gabumon was sent flying into the burning bench, which shattered under the impact. "Enough of this. This ends now." She commented.

Another pair standing in my way...

Gabumon grunted as he pulled himself from the burning wood and twisted metal. "This is none of your fucking business!"

Renamon calmly walked up to him. "It is the law of the Digital World. The strong defeat the weak. And the weak... make the strong stronger."

"Delete him quick and absorb his data, Renamon, before the others get away." Rika stood behind her Digimon, pony tail swishing softly before she spoke with a look of utter disinterest on her face.

Such contempt for life... killing for what? sport? Let's show them what it is like to be the victim.

"Is that the way you want it?" Gabumon growled, the golden tear drop now in hand as the Digimon came close. "The strong use the weak? Fine, I can live with that!" The lizard's form warped, fueled by the succubus' energy, and a moment later he was gone, replaced by his Ultimate-level and far, far more powerful form: WereGarurumon. "Let's see you deal with it!"

Renamon froze in place for a second. The werewolf just... radiated powers. "You... digivolved?" And to ultimate too. She had never seen anything like this. The strength... it just seemed to flow out of him.

"You say might makes right, uh? Well now I got might." WereGarurumon snarled.


"Huff, huff..."

Gatomon ran down the street with Gomamon slung over her blistered shoulders. Normally, this would barely increase her heart rate, but her injuries and--most importantly--her missing ring slowed her down. She still pushed herself, following road signs to the hospital almost a mile away. Upon arrival she burst through the door, desperate to find help for Gomamon, and went straight to the receptionist.

"My friend... needs help." Gatomon panted as she looked up to the slightly overweight nurse. Her back ached badly, but Gomamon was... he was completely unresponsive. Later she'd realize that there being Digimon here did not mean people would know about them...

"Monsters!!" The nurse shrieked.

"We're Digimon!" Gatomon protested weakly, trying to look as non-threatening as a nonhuman creature possibly could while carrying what looked like a bloody corpse and panting like a madman that had just ran through a pair of plate glass door without even noticing it. What she got for her trouble was a metal tray flying in her direction. "Hey!" She protested and swatted the projectile away with her tail. "We. Need. Help!" She repeated slowly.

The next weaponized item was a ledger. "Get out! Get out!" The human was getting louder each time.

Gatomon's paw smashed into the paper block, sending the forms flying. "We just need some medical attention!" She protested again, but not before a cell phone bounced off her shoulder. "Please!" She backed at the door as more projectiles came at her, a couple of nearby people quickly joining in. "Why won't anyone help us?!" She eventually screamed before backing the way she came rigt as an unmarked black van came to a screeching halt in front of her.

A man scrambled out of the driver's seat, eyes promptly landing on the Digimon pair. "There they are!" A half-dozen more, all dressed in the same impeccable suits and dark glasses, soon joined him

"Thank god!" She was happy she was recognized as Digimon. "My friend needs help..." She rushed forward to meet them, coming into the middle of the street.

"Take them down!"

The entire group proceeded to pull large guns out of their suits. Gatomon could tell these were not normal gun as the seven barrels stared down at her. She was injured, but her reflexes still outmatched theirs. Her foot slammed down on a convenient metal manhole cover, which sprung at an angle to shield them while they uselessly emptied their weapons. There then was a split-second of silence and she glanced over the edge.

"What is wrong with you all!?!" She shrieked, grabbing the metal discus and twirling before launching the spinning object with lethal force at the group. They threw themselves out of the way and it crumpled the van's side with a loud scrunching noise as if it had been made of tinfoil.

She didn't get much satisfaction out of this, however, as she was distracted by a searing pain in her shoulder. Too much effort in too short a time. She's damaged something. She continued to groan, half in pain and half in frustration, as she took off before the assailants could recover.


This warehouse of an anonymous Japanese grocery store chain was empty for the night. It was perfect for what the snarling WereGarurumon had in mind. He held his head, snarling and muttering as tears trickled from his eyes. "Vulpix..." He wandered between rants, smashing random freezers and pallets in his angry depression.

The seal got away... because of that fucking cat! They never gave a shit about what I wanted!

"GRAH!" The Digimon struck out with his fist, making a fist-sized hole in the cinder block wall. "Again! Why am I always the one who has to suffer?" His fists smashed repeatedly into the wall, cracks spreading almost dangerously and dust fluttering from the ceiling's metal girders.

Renamon hung from one of said girders, arms bound by rusty chains. The fight had been over before it even started: WereGarurumon simply was simply too powerful for her.

"What is he babbling about?" she whispered.

"A fictional character from a different cartoon series." Rika replied. She was curled up inside a steel cage normally used to secure the more valuable wares like cigarettes and electronics. The wolfman Digimon had simply ripped it open and curled a piece of metal around the lock to secure it shut again.

"He is clearly insane." Renamon grunted in the midst of her attempt at getting a wrist freed... or at least getting some sensation in it.

"I am insane?" He whipped around to face the pair and cleared the space between himself and the fox in a heartbeat. "You tried to kill me because I was there!" He cuffed the hanging Digimon once across the face, splitting her lip and sending her into a wide back and forth motion. Droplets of blood trickled down on the floor and her chest tuft. Her moving did not last long before the ultimate-level's hand wrapped around her neck and squeezed. "Give me one reason I should not just rip off your head now!"

"Stop!" Rika shouted, her fingers grasping around the metal bars.

I could do to them what they wanted to do to me... but I could do so much worse...

"You want to live? Perhaps your smart mouth can be put to some use." We must now say that he opened the cell door again, for lack of a better word meaning "casually ripped the metal cage door from its hinges". He flung it across the warehouse and it made a loud screeching now as it skidded to a halt. Rika only had a second to scramble back before he had yanked her out by the shirt. It didn't stay on her long, soon ripping down the front and right in the middle of the blue heart at its center. Her unimpressive sports bra was now visible (she bought them for support, now showiness), two tiny breast hidden behind. She didn't even notice, she was too scared and angry at the same time.

"Undo my pants, Ginger." The wolf growled softly, his hot breath was strong against her face.

"Why?" That was not what she would have expected. "And my name is not Ginger!"

WereGarurumon grabbed her by the hair and yanked her head back. "I don't give a fuck what your name was. I am calling you Ginger, and you will stop asking questions..." He looked back to Renamon, who looked about to protest, and gnashed his teeth hard as he growled. "And if you speak, foxy, I will eat her goddamn face off."

Renamon silently balled her paws into fists so tight her claws dug into her skin. She could only hope the crazed Digimon would get bored or otherwise leave before he definitely snapped. There was no way she could take him on directly. The realization that she was helpless to defend her tamer made her hiss softly, but she forced herself calm... until she heard him repeat himself, slower.

"Now take. Off. My. Pants. Don't make me tell you again."

Rika was starting to get an idea what was coming... but it was impossible, wasn't it? "Why? I m-" He tugged so hard her ponytail was almost ripped right off.. "Yes, sir!" She blurted out. She fumbled with the belt, unbuttoned the pants, then unzipped the tattered jeans. She was distracted by a strange glowing statue tucked into a belt loop, and taken completely by surprise when a massive penis flopped right out of the fly. "What the..?!" So she had been wrong. Digimon did have.... well, sexes. Now she knew what he wanted.

The wolf smiled cruelly. "You got a big mouth on you, Ginger. Let' see if you can use it."

Renamon struggled in her bounds, making the chains rattle."No, don't!"

"Shut it!" The Ultimate-level snarled again. Rika tried to say something, but the wolfman showed forward right into her mouth. The thick dick stretched her jaw, and she could actually feel her teeth rub against it, but that didn't seem to bother him. It was so big! She had seen penis images before, but nothing so obscenely-sized, and certainly not even touched any. Her eyes were wide as dinner plates as the Digimon began to fuck her face. She could hardly breathe as she was used like a sex toy. "Mmmphh!" She reached up to push away, but her strength was nothing against that of a high-level Digimon.

"Come on little bitch... suck it!" WereGarurumon panted as he continued to move his hips. His cock hit against the back of her throat, and it wasn't even half in. "Before I decide to use that tight ass of yours!"

Rika nodded in defeat and did try to suck as best she could. She even reached out to stroke the member's base. Her slender fingers gripped around the flesh and moved up and down to try and please the angry beast. He was still growling, but his tone was changing, growing happier as he pumped. His shaft touched the back of her throat and made her gag a bit every time. She tried to spit out the dick, but WereGarurumon was not having any of it: he was in complete control now and using her mouth to his heart's content. Hot sticky precum spurted into her throat, and made its way directly to her stomach. Since he had started slipping into her throat, she had been unable to breathe and she was getting lightheaded by the time WereGarurumon began to unload his balls into her mouth.


The Digimon pulled out after the first streams, stroking his cock briskly as he continued to fire gobs of jizz at the teenager's face. He wanted to see the little psychopathic bitch wear his seed. He grinned broadly as he blew the remainder of his load over her in long, goopy streaks. It seemed an impossible, obscene amount that dripped down her face and body like a stream.

Rika coughed a few times, a bit of crotch fur stuck in her teeth for the savage assault. She tried to avoid inhaling the sperm as she took in deep breaths and attemtped to regain her composure. Wiping off the cum only made it stick to her hands. As she coughed, drops of warm seed sprayed on the floor.

"Oh god, that is disgusting!" She manage, the back of her throat left sore.

"You looked used to biting off more than you can chew." He reached down suddenly, grabbing her pants. The leather belt snapped like it was paper, right before he yanked her jeans down to her ankles. Her hips were so slender everything promptly pooled around her ankles. "But I am not quite done with you yet."

"Stop!" Renamon protested as her partner tripped and sprawled across the cold cement, dripping with semen. The digimon loomed above Rika, member still as hard as when it had first cockslapped her. The human was starting to really worry.

Renamon could not take it any longer. She had only one card left, and she would use it if it would save Rika. "Take me!"

The wolf froze, paw still holding the tattered remains of Rika's cum soaked shirt. He had forgotten about the vixen digimon. He should have been angry with her for screaming at him, but he was considering the idea...

Why shouldn't I have fun with both of them?

WereGarurumon tossed the rag to the side as he turned to face the yellow rookie. Truth be told, he preferred digimon over humans anyway. "You're just as bad as her anyway. Big bad rookie trying to kill me for sport!" He grabbed her by her chest tuft and spun her in a one-eighty. Rika just knelt on the ground... she considered running, or even attacking the ultimate when his back was turned. But she forgot about it almost as quickly... he was a force of nature. She just knelt there... unable to watch as her digimon saved her with her own body.

Renamon grimaced and shuddered in fear as she was whirled around in a rattle of the chains. She had never really thought about sex before... her whole life revolved around fighting, her only reason for existing. A hard slap to her ass jostled her back to reality. "Lift your tail you bitch!" WereGarurumon snarled and with a second swat following before the vixen even had a chance to expose herself.

Renamon forced herself not to growl. She was not strong enough to fight back even if she had not been chained like a slab of meat. Her tail raised high to showing her nice, taut ass. "That's better." The wolf man snarled as he got behind her and grabbed her legs with both hands. She was barely half his size, and so braced herself as much as possible, but could not help the loud squeal that escaped when her virginity was taken from her in one solid motion.

"Oh... Gods..." The vixen grimaced as the member was shoved inside her. Its size was monstrous. She had seen just enough dicks in her life to be able to tell as much. "It's... so big..." It was a statement, not a compliment. She could feel it jab at her cervix every time.

"Perfect for a tight ass like you." WereGarurumon placed his strong paws on both hips of the yellow hanging Digimon and rode her hard and without mercy. His cock was soon balls deep inside of her, deeper than she had thought possible, and deep enough to make it hard to breathe. She soon started loosing track of time. She had felt pain before, but never anything quite as simultaneously humiliating as this. Her fists balled tightly as she was shoved into again and again, just hoping he'd finish soon.

Suddenly, the intruder inside her disappeared almost as quickly as it had penetrated. The fox panted as her vagina was left gaping by the retreating slab of meat. She found herself utterly exposed, her overstretched labia revealing her pink pussy for all to see and removing any modesty her white crotch fur usually provided. He was done and a wash of relief filled her shortly before she suddenly felt the dick pushed under the base of her furry tail. "What... what are you doing?" She asked weakly, fear in her voice. She had no idea what the other Digimon was doing until she felt the penis pushing its way against her asshole. "No! It won't fit in there!"

"Don't worry... I'll make it fit." The wolf chuckled as he used his massive strength to force his throbbing member in.

This got a screeching squeal from the vixen. Taking WereGarurumon in her vagina was bad, this was immeasurably worse. Rika covered here her ears, but that did little to keep her hearing the wails of her partner.

Renamon was screaming nonstop now from how stretched her ass was. She could swear she was injured, but there was no way to be sure with the constant pain. "Oh gods... Ohgods..." And now she could feel an even larger bulge at the base of his shaft try to get in. "No, no! Please!"

"Take it you cunt!" WereGarurumon shouted loudly, claws digging deep enough into her hips to draw blood. The fox let out a wordless scream as the knot spread her even wider, until it slipped all the way in, making her convulse a bit as she was unable to handle it. "Yeah!" The wolf man growled as he started to cum a second time. He filled her back door up with cum, snarling and snorting hot air into her neck. It wasn't before he was drained of every last drop of cum that he yanked out hard.

"Gyargh!" Renamon slumped as she felt the dick pull out of her... with the knot still at its full size. She could not even try shutting herself off, and the cum cascaded messily out of her ass. "Huff... huff..." She took in deep breaths of air, drool running from her mouth. She had never felt so drained in her life, unable to protest as WereGarurumon went over to Rika and yanked her up by her pony tail.

"Clean it!" He snarled, the giant dick pushed into the redhead's face. It was no longer fully hard, but plenty large enough to be intimidating.

"But it was just in her..." Rika's protest were cut short when the ultimate Digimon casually grabbed her by the pony tail again and shoved the penis in her mouth. The taste, as strong as it had been earlier, was much worse now. This time it only lasted a minute before he pulled out of her throat and, with loud, wet slaps, hit her with it on both cheeks for added humiliation.

Rika spat on the ground in an unsuccessful attempt to get the taste of ass out of her maw. "Ugh..." She retched as WereGarurumon released his, letting her fall on hand and knees.

"You bitches..." The wolf snarled, looking back and forth between the females. "You got exactly what you deserved." He hiked up his pants and buckled up his belt, sealing away up his still not fully soft shaft. He was done... for now. "You're almost as bad as her." He reached down as started distractedly twisting a piece of metal that soon snapped in his hands. "If only they had not escaped..."

Wait! They didn't... They can't hide from the statue!

WereGarurumon had forgotten all about the artifact. He looked at the statue in a belt of his jeans. One of the heads was glowing red. He swatted at Rika, sending her flying with a squeal as she smashed into a wooden crate.

"Rika!" Renamon jostled in her chains again. "You demon... I will..." The meaningless threat did not get any further due to the squeezing paw around throat.

"What will you do? What can you do? You brought this on yourself, you murdering cunt..." The wolf flashed his fangs as Renamon choked. "I should kill you two, just to keep you from hunting any more others..." He snarled a last time before letting go of her throat and continued to talk as she heaved for sweet air "But you little bitches can try living with yourselves. Don't forget... there's always a bigger fish. And the next one might not be as nice as me."


"Oufff!" Gatomon landed from the open skylight in the middle of the small office. She sighed, her body aching. Great... and I think I twisted my ankle too... She had broken into a pharmacy, realizing she had to help Gomamon herself, though she wasn't quite sure how. But a place with medical supplies seemed to be a good place to start. She carefully placed the immobile seal on the tiny couch in the corner of the small office.

She looked at Gomamon sprawled on the sofa, not moving but breathing at least. She looked closer at the seal's eye, and almost threw up. It was completely irrecoverable. Digimon healed quicker than humans, but this looked hopeless. Gatomon knew some things about scars that never healed.

"What do I do?"

The feline wrung her paws together. She knew nothing about medicine or first aid. "Ugh!" As the adrenaline rush died out, she could feel the blisters on her burned back, leftover from the scalding fire attack. "Man that hurts...." She walked out into the shop and looked around the shelves for balm. She grabbed it off the shelf, squeezing some in her glove to put on her back.


"Gomamon?" Gatomon turned around still holding the jar in her other hand. The seal was looking at her weakly from the couch with his one good eye.

"Clean your back with a wet cloth...." Gomamon slurred. The lack of blood made his head swim. "Apply a dressing..."

"My back can wait." Gatomon came over quickly, looking to her friend. "Gomamon, I... I couldn't bring you to a doctor... I don't know what to do." She stuttered a bit. For once, she was completely over her head.

"Sterilize..." Gomamon groaned half mumbling.

"Huh?" She had been ranting, not asking questions, much less expecting input.

"Sterilize... the wound. Mercurocrome... Thiomersal... Even rubbing alcohol.... Will do..." The seal mumbled strange words, but "rubbing alcohol" she understood.

She quickly ruffled around until she found a plastic bottle of the clear antiseptic. She went back to her seal friend, pouring some of the alcohol into a cloth, then stopped as she looked to the wound. "This... you know this will hurt like hell?"

"Pain... good... Means you're still alive." Gomamon tried to lighten the mood, but it wasn't working. His friend was too flustered. She brought the cloth over to the gaping wound and he bit his lip... it did hurt like a motherfucking bitch, but he was too weak to scream anyway. "Uhhhhh..."

"S'okay....." She tried to reassure as she kept trucking. Blood didn't bother her at all, but putting her friend in obvious pain did. She uncovered the wound now cleansed of blood and nearly threw up, no amount of healing could save that eye. Gabumon's horn had completely destroyed it. "It's... not that bad..."

"You are the worst liar ever." Gomamon took a breath. "Stitch the cut..." Gomamon had to rest. Too much pain and blood loss: even he was in shock. "Needle and thread. Dip them both in alcohol first."

She did as instructed, heart pounding in her chest. "How do you know all this?"

"Joe." Gomamon replied. "He wants to be... a doctor. I study with him... Think it would be neat... to be the first digimon doctor."

"You want to be a doctor?" Gatomon dug around until she came across a miniature sewing kit.

"You learnt... all those languages... You thought... I did nothing but watch porn and... jack off?" Gomamon gave tried to put on a cocky grin.

"Well... pretty much." Gatomon smiled softly.

"Oh... That hurts..." The seal's chuckle died into a groan. "I mean... laughing hurts..."

She looked at the needle and its tiny hole, then her glove.... There was no way she could do this with them on. She hesitated for a moment, and eventually removed them. The back of her paws bore thick red scars that had never properly healed. She hoped Gomamon would not notice as she placed the gloves gingerly down on the table. She removed the second gold ring from the zombie dimension as well... she had hoped it would have granted her the strength lost.. Apparently not. She took the needle and could easily thread it now, then went back to Gomamon. "I... This is going to..."

"Grab that Motrin bottle there..." he pointed weakly.

"How many?" She asked as she twisted the cap off.

"Gimme that..." he somehow managed to take the small bottle and upturned it over his open maw, nearly half the leftover content tumbling in and down his throat, before he let it slip out.

Gatomon took the thread again. She loathed the idea. Hurting her friends, even necessarily, shook her down to her very core. It took her a good minute to do just the first stitch. Gomamon's tough hide wasn't exactly cooperative either.

Gomamon somehow managed not to wince at the sharp pain: it would only make her job harder. Plus the medication was making him feel numb already. "You're... doing good Gatomon." Another sharp pang.

"Am I not supposed to be the one saying that?" The feline replied as she added another stitch, and another. The seal winced with each pierce of the skin, but mostly out of reflex: the medication was affecting him fast. By the time she finished she could barely keep her paws from shaking. "Done." She announced... but the seal was out like a light. Gatomon sighed and put her gloves back on. She watched the seal breath shallowly in his sleep, running her claws through his hair slowly, tears forming in the corner of her eyes. "You better be okay...."


Gomamon was fast asleep now, snorting a bit. He was sleeping off the blood loss and the pills. Gatomon could treat herself now. She fitted her arm with a children's sling (by mocking irony, it had pictures of pokemon on it, with vulpix smiling across her forearm). She'd hurt it worse than she let on. Her ankle was sore too, but she found a tensor bandages, and it would do fine as long as she could rest a little. Digimon healed quickly, yes, but this much would take a while for her to recover without her ring. Now she was preparing a backpack: protein bars, bottled water, antibiotics, painkillers, when a shout interrupted her thoughts.


She snapped her head up. She had been so tired she had completely forgotten to even shut the skylight! "Who's there?!" she tried to snarl.

A small digimon looked down at her. She'd never seen one like it, deep purple except for a white and a yellow smiley face on his round body, wearing a red bandana around his neck and gloves of the same color. "Name's Impmon! And what the hell are you doing here?"


And in the season 3 digimon-verse! I know, poor Renamon just seems to get raped half the time! Anyway, comments and so on are appreciated. Free previews to at mrredrover at AIM, and [email protected]

The Twelve Talismans:Dimensional Travels - Chapter 31 - Choice

And now one of my favourite pairs. I love the porn floating around of these two. \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* The Twelve...

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The Twelve Talismans:Dimensional Travels - Chapter 29 - Arion

More ponies. This one is with the one I want to do the most. Well, okay, Trixie and Rainbow Dash are up there too. ...

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The Twelve Talismans:Dimensional Travels - Chapter 28 - Rock This Party

And we are going to continue with the alternate verse! This one is a bit of a request from my proofreader. Guess he finds Spike cute. But then again, so does Gomamon... ...

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