The Twelve Talismans:Dimensional Travels - Chapter 29 - Arion

Story by MrRedRover on SoFurry

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#47 of The Twelve Talismans

More ponies. This one is with the one I want to do the most. Well, okay, Trixie and Rainbow Dash are up there too.


The Twelve Talismans: Dimensional travels

Chapter 29 - Arion

(Gomamon/Princess Luna)


The trek took days. Twilight Sparkle never realized how far the palace was from Ponyville. Pegasus ponies were typically used as taxis, flying back and forth those who did not have wings. While that was only a few hours, it was a lot longer on foot. "Almost there." She smiled as the white gold-trimmed spirals of the capital city peeked over the horizon. It was built into the side of the mountain, a mile above the landscape below, with waterfalls falling from the balconies into pools far below.

"For Pete's sake..." Gomamon panted as he walked out of the tree line. His fur was scorched, and he was covered in bruises and cuts. "Manticores! Gryphons! Sphinxes! And now bloody chimeras." He slapped his wrist, the Omnitrix on his hand beeping once in a low tone, as if to mock him. "And of course this piece of junk just won't work!" He had not expected such a world would present such a diverse selection of mythical monsters.

"Well, you handled yourself nicely!" Twilight Sparkle walked beside the seal. "I have never seen someone deal with a chimera like that! And two at the same time? Wow! They were huge! It was amazing!"

"And no matter how many times they went down, they kept getting right back up!" The Digimon grinned widely as he returned the unwitting innuend and Gatomon blushed like mad. "But you held your own too! Teleporting, moving things with your mind. That sure came in handy."

"Yeah..." Gatomon felt a bit ashamed. She did try to fight, but it was always hard for her. She got nervous and kept freezing... Gomamon was always one of the firsts in the mix, to digivolve. "I just wish I wasn't so... timid."

"Gatomon, you're like a sister to me, so when we get home, you and I are going to do some "tough love" hand to hand combat training... Well, flipper to paw." He reached up and lightly punched the feline on the side. "I know you're killer strong. You should be the best scrapper out of all of us."

The feline blushed. Gomamon--unlike Gabumon--knew how to talk to people. She was glad he was with them. They continued their walk into the grand city. White spires stretched into the night sky like solemn tombstones, an apt comparison given the silence, far more disheartening than any of the monsters they had faced on their way. A place this size should have constant background noise... no matter the time of day... well, night. They had not seen daylight since Nightmare Moon's original attack. Statues of the residents going about their business lined the streets. "This is... creepy." Gatomon rubbed her tail as they walked through.

Torches suddenly burst into purple flames near them, then further down in a blazing trail to the largest tower. "Not exactly a subtle girl, is she?" The seal sighed.

"She is the goddess of the moon." Twilight Sparkle craned her neck up skywards at the building which held Princess Celestia's chambers. She should have figured that the dark princess would have taken up residence there. "She probably knew we were coming since we left."

"My old enemy..." Gomamon snarled to himself, head craned up too. "Tell me you have elevators in this world..."


After a few thousand steps, the squad made it to the throne room. The entire area was open to moonlight, with six large stone pillars holding up a giant domed ceiling and a throne in the centre of the room. "Dear god. I loathe stairs!" Gomamon panted and flopped to his side on the top step. "Gimme a sea dragon any day of the week."

"Well... normally we have the Pegasus horses to help us." Twilight Sparkle was tired herself. Although she was better suited to the stairs, they still had to climb up several dozen stories of.

"Right... I could really use some wings right now." The seal sighed as he crawled on to the tiled floor, eyes scanning cautiously across the room. Gatomon and Twilight Sparkle stood on either sides of him. "I know you're here Nightmare Moon! Show yourself!" He demanded loudly.

First came a second of silence, then a sensual voice rang throughout the palace. "Very well!" A purple blast of lightning flashed in the middle of the room and the dark unicorn was there, black wings folded over her sides.

"A very dramatic entrance. That's worth an eight." The seal's black claws dragged over the stone tiles. "Coulda used some more lightning though... maybe a fog machine?"

The dark princess paid no heed to the seal's babbling. "You caught me off guard last time." Nightmare moon smiled slyly. "I've spent two weeks watching you battle monster after monster I was sending to draw out every single of your moves, every abilities you possess." Her long mane flashed back and forth, sparkling with star light. "I know everything there is to know about your impending defeat."

"No- No one needs to get hurt." Gatomon weakly interjected, always trying to avoid a fight. "Please... just turn everyone back."

"I shall think about it." Their opponent's horn was glowing again. "Done; there would be no point in acceding to your request!" The floor shook violently and several white ceramic tiles were ripped off, spinning through the air at the would-be heroes.

"Bubble Barrier!" Gomamon shouted as he threw up his flippers. Concentrated humidity condensed into a dense spherical liquid shield that two of the tiles crashed into. That was all he could manage: holding the shield for himself was draining enough, but for three? No way.

Twilight Sparkle's smaller horn glowed too and two more tiles hurtling towards them froze before reversing direction and flying full force at Nightmare Moon. The dark princess smirked and essentially blinked off in a flash of purple light, the tiles going through empty space where she stood a moment before. "Rotten apples!" Twilight Moon shouted loudly. Their enemy was seemingly gone now; the sudden quiet rather disquieting.

"I think you can afford a better swear than that at this stage." Gomamon commented as he dropped the already weakened shield in a splash of water that briefly broke the eerie silence.

"Did she run away?" Gatomon squeaked out, still rubbing her tail nervously. She'd been doing it even more recently. The feline's sensitive ears soon picked up on soft rustling behind one of the pillars. She turned to see a familiar robed staff-holding figure stepping from behind a pillar with a confused look on his face. "Wizardmon!" She shouted and sprung toward her boyfriend. "Oh thank god you're here!"

"Wizardmon?" Gomamon twisted his head to the side even as the other digimon had crossed half the distance from her boyfriend. That makes no sense! How could he be...

"Gatomon stop!" Twilight Sparkle called after Gatomon just as the digimon feline reached Wizardmon. "It's an ill-"


The sun-tipped staff smacked Gatomon's across the face. She stumbled back, knocked out in mid stride, then collapsed at the seal's flippers as he rushed over, unconscious.

"What the hell?!" He couldn't believe his eyes. Wizardmon would rather die than ever let any harm come to Gatomon. He checked up on her, but besides a nasty lump to the head, she'd be fine.

"It's not whoever you think it is!" Twilight Sparkle warned, a hoof on Gomamon's shoulder. Wizardmon gave the a smirk evident even through his tall cowl, and suddenly burst into a puff of purple smoke. Nightmare Moon's laughter filled the air as the mystical energy swirled back out the window. "She can take the shape of what you most desire." The purple unicorn explained.

"Oh great." Gomamon sighed. "Well if a kinky plant girl covered in whipped cream with a pizza shows up, hold me back, 'kay?" Twilight Moon cocked her head, but nodded. Nightmare Moon was smarter than he had first thought, and she was actually using her brain now. Clearly she wouldn't risk a fair battle, rather taking them down one at a time. "Does she have any other powers I should know about?"

"Uhhhh... I am not sure." More laughter echoed throughout the palace. "Everything I know about her is second or third hand... stories and myth. They say she can control the moon and the stars and the very night..."

"Thank you, oh master of mythological clarity..." The seal grumbled, protectively circling around Gatomon. Purple lightning cracked in their back and they whirled around, only to find nobody. Another flash of light and she was behind them. Gomamon's reflexes were better; he threw himself to the side, but Twilight Sparkle was sent flying by the attack.

"Coward!" Gomamon screamed as his claws made him skid to a stop. "Are you afraid to fight me?"

"Of course not." A wisp of purple smoke grew in front of him, the unicorn soon emerging from it. "Your brute fighting skills may exceeded mine... But my magic and mystical knowledge are far beyond your ken."

The seal made a flapping mouth with his flippers. "Yadda, yadda, yadda... I've fought tougher than you before breakfast this morning."

"You surprised me while I was weakened from casting a major curse." The black horn began to shimmer again. Soon the entire building shook. "Now... I am at my full strength. And you shall witness the power of the moon goddess!"

The building seemed to get closer to collapse, cracks going up the walls and pillars. The falling chunks and rubble flew at hi as if he was a magnet, and he barely dodged a large piece of marble. "Bubble Barrier!" He shouted again, throwing up his water shield as another large chunk of stone smashed against it. It buckled before bursting apart in a shower of droplets, allowing a chunk of tile to connect with his side. He rolled along the ground with pained grunts a few times. "Ugh!" He tried to get up, only for a hoof to slam down hard upon him, making the back of his head smash into and crack a few tiles.

Nightmare Moon pressed a hoof on the seal's chest with a light twist. "I think I might just keep you as a pet... With most of my subjects in stone, I suppose I need someone to amuse me." She pressed more of her weight onto him. "Tell me, peon, do you do tricks?"

"Normally assertive females... are a turn on for me, I'll admit." The seal growled. His flippers wrapped around her leg, but he was too weak to actually twist it. He was about to consider the live-in pet option when the Omnitrix began beeping. He looked down to see its hourglass symbol flashing in yellow as it emitted a high-pitched whine. Huh... that's new.

"Dominant DNA located." The wrist band spoke in a tiny, raspy voice. "Ending Omnitrix lock mode and initiating DNA scan." The dial rotated clockwise and emitted a yellow flash that flowed over the black equine pinning him down. "What is this?!" She asked with a bit of a nervous twitch. Her opponent had not shown this before!

The light blinked away and a tiny hologram started blinking on the Omnitrix's dial. "New guy, uh?" The seal commented upon seeing the equine shape, then up at the angry demon mare growling down at him. "Well, no time like the present!" He let go of her foot and slammed his flipper down on his wrist to activate the DNA alteration, making his body flash in a green glow.

"Uh!" Nightmare Moon stumbled back as the seal under her hoof suddenly doubled in size. His body continued to morph and grow, his flippers extended and wings sprouted out of his back, a horn from his head.

A second later the light disappeared, and the ex-seal let out a triumphant cry of "ARION!" A horse now stood to face Nightmare Moon. He looked down at himself. "Oh yeah! Thank you, you beautiful piece of alien technology!" He spread his wings wide. He was now a white unicorn stallion with a mane of bright orange hair turning on red and slightly bigger than Twilight Sparkle. The grey Crest of Reliability marked his hindquarter.

"You whelp! I am still a goddess, and you shall kneel and beg before me!" Nightmare Moon snorted and stomped her foot.

Gomamon turned to face his opponent. "Again, atheist here! And can we please leave the kinky stuff for after I'm done spanking your naughty ass?"

Nightmare Moon's eyes turned a solid dark blue and started glowing with anger. "Outrageous knave!" The whole mass of the throne ripped off the floor and flew towards the white stallion. "Forget being my pet, I shall make you into a throwrug!"

The red haired horse flew straight up while the enormous crash resulting from the hurled throne shook the room. "Use the force, Obi-Whamon!" Arion-Gomamon grumbled jokingly at himself as he concentrated until his horn glowed too. A chunk from the throne and floated up weakly, then flew in the purple unicorn's general direction as fast as he could muster it. "Oh yeah, that's more like it! Now... fly as a buttefly..." He was still getting used to Arion's body, but he was a fast learner. In any case it was definitely more powerful than his rookie form.

Although it would have hurt a lot had the sizeable chunk hit her, it was not moving so fast that dodging it was difficult, and Nightmare Moon did not even bother to teleport out of its way. "Well, so much for 'sting like a bee...'" Gomamon sighed as she easily avoided the projectile and then blinked out to reappeared behind him.

"Do you ever cease babbling?!" She shouted as she tackled him.

"Sometimes. When I am slee- OOF!" His sentence turned into a grunt when he failed to twist out of the way of the enraged pony and flew out of the building... just as he had intended. Keeping the fight inside now was insane: even enraged like that, Nightmare Moon was too smart not to soon use his friends as hostages. He wanted her focused solely on him. His wings spread to turn his fall into a controlled dive. "Well, there's gotta be someone that keeps the witty banter up!" He picked up speed as the enraged mare followed, her blue mane and tail streaking like a comet behind her as she kept up pace.

Gomamon swooped back upwards to narrowly avoid a bolt of purple lightning. No more games for Nightmare Moon; she was clearly intent on making good of her threat. "How DARE you steal my beautiful form, you little insect!" Another streak of lightning missed Gomamon, who kept on flying towards the moon.

"I'll let you know that changing forms has always been my shtick!" The male equine shouted back. His opponent was closing in and they kept getting further from the castle, now flying over open sea at great speeds. She was the more experienced flyer, but her anger blunted that edge and when Gomamon abruptly twisted in a tight circle, she sailed right past him. Aerial sex with Angemon teaching me actually useful tricks... Who woulda thunk? It wasn't that long before Nightmare Moon turned and faced him once more. "Enough is enough!" He announced, pointing a hoof across the sky toward her. "I am giving you one last chance to surrender."

The dark princess looked across the night sky and her maniac laughter failed to hide her anger. "SURRENDER?! I care not what powers you have gained. I am still mistress of the moon and stars." They hovered above the endless ocean, white-tipped waves moving across the seascape.

"I know." Gomamon flapped his wings. "I needed more time to get acquainted with this form. Your sister controlled the sun, and you control the moon, right?" His eyes began to glow. "Me, I control the water!" Green fire wrapped around his horn and the Crest of Reliability took shape behind him. Of course he always had affinities for the liquid element, but in this world, in this form, the sea was practically a part of his being, which was another reason he had lured her out there, in the middle of the ocean.

Within seconds the water had churned into a whirlpool, from which a waterspout cyclone suddenly exploded, then another, and another... "Sto- Stop this!" The mad purple pony demanded, backing away in a panic while rain started battering her. It clung to her wings and soon made it hard to so much as stay aloft, much less fleeing.

Surrounded by waters, Gomamon found manipulating the green mystical energies even easier, and the flaming Crest behind himself burned even brighter. Water began to wrap around the princes' wings like glue. "Stop!" She shrieked over the howls of the wind, but she was soon surrounded by an orb of glowing water as Gomamon attempted his best to drain her magic away until it suddenly exploded with a feral scream, and he gave a relieved sigh: it had worked. Whatever spell she had used was broken and the darkness soon dissipated. He barely had the time to spot her transformation into a smaller pony with actual purple color as opposed to nearly black, light blue hair and the same crescent moon mark before she tumbled down toward the ocean below. "Uh oh."

When Nightmare Moon weakly opened her eyes, it was to the rush of air as she fell, and the first thing she saw was the agitated waters below. A gasp escaped her lips... Too weak to fly... Not... getting out of this. But before she could complain about it, a flash of red and white snatched her away. It took her a moment to realize where she was. "You caught me?" She protested, lying across Gomamon's back. "Why?"

"Well duh, they take away my hero's license if I let you die!" He retorted as they flew back to the city. "Besides, you've got a lot of community service to get through, and I sure as hell ain't gonna be the one fixing that palace!"


"The stabilizing coil's wrapped around the supercooled nitrogen unit... The SNU's connected to the cold fusion reactor..." The song was being sung to the tune of Dem Bones from deep within the machine. It looked like something out of a daytime science fiction show, with two giant Tesla coils jutting out of the structure at disturbing angles.

"How's it going?"

A little grey head with yellow eyes and rectangular pupils popped out of an open hatch. It was a tiny creature the size of a Ken doll. "Slow but steady. My diminutive size restricts my work, but the finetuning is so delicate I can hardly trust anyone without my substantially impressive IQ to assist me." He told the white feline standing at the door way.

"You're sounding like a bit of a dick again." Gatomon smirked.

"Oh." Grey Matter, as Gomamon called him, jumped out of the machine and tapped the Omnitrix. "Sorry. Grey matter is way smarter than... Well anything. Makes him... me, kinda arrogant I guess." Gomamon lifted the metal plate and shut it with a metallic clank.

It was rather frustrating actually. As Grey Matter, building this machine was child's play, if tedious because he had to do every little thing himself, but when he changed back he felt like a complete idiot.

"But we're almost done. Tomorrow we should be on our way home." The seal flipped open the control panel. "Took a while to find the right universe too... but here it is." He smiles as he introduced Gatomon to a long string of digits. "That is our vibrational energy signatures. Unique to our dimensions."

Gatomon gave her friend an odd look. "What does that mean?"

The seal shrugged. "I have the slightest. Might as well be quantum mechanics now. In any case, we should say our goodbyes to everyone..." They had been here for a couple months now: from their home dimension, it would have taken one, but this place used magic, not technology, forcing Grey Matter to built everything from scratch, and his small size wasn't helping things either. They had had plenty of time to make good friends here, with Gatomon and Gomamon quite the celebrities for essentially saving the world (again). "Anyway, let's go to dinner. It's gonna take several hours for the machine to tune back in to our dimension. Shall we?"

They left to go join their friends, leaving nobody to keep an eye on the machine. Why bother? Nightmare Moon aside, the worst crimes around here barely qualified as inconvenience. Yet someone did slip in... the control panel was flipped open one last time while dozens of numbers danced over the LCD display. A few quick key strokes, and despite the change, nobody would be able to notice. The panel was flipped back and the lone intruder walked out.


"Nightmare Moon?"

Gomamon came into one of the towering castle's rooms. It was pretty sparse: a bed, a couple books and star charts, and a telescope. The pony was poring over an astrology book when she looked up at her guest.

"It's Princess Luna now." The horse answered, now much smaller than her original adult self. A mere pony once again. "I decided to... go back to my original name. Too much... background attached to the other."

The seal came in. "I like it. 'Nightmare Moon' is awesome, but yeah, the whole 'evil overlord' vibe is a bit of a downer." He had been visiting her quite regularly.

"Well... I figured a new name makes a good first step. I don't think anyone will ever really trust me again, though..." The horse looked a bit sad. Attempting to banish the very sun and turn the entire populace into statue are not usually considered badges of friendship. Nightmare Moon... or Princess Luna was having trouble readjusting. The ponies were very forgiving. Of course, Princess Luna's sister was the ruler-cum-quasideity of the ponies, and since she forgave the dark princess, it would have been bad form for them not to do so too. They still remained leery.

"Oh please." Gomamon dismissed it with a wave of his flipper, the Omnitrix still firmly attached to it as he had yet to figure out how to remove it. "Remember Gatomon? Well she used to be a member of a vampire overlord's army. She wasn't out to just turn us into statues: she actually tried to rip our throats out. Today I'd trust her with my life."

That seemed to perk the princess up a bit. "Really?" She closed her book and went over to the one who was by now probably her best friend.

"Yeah, anyway..." Gomamon decided to stop avoiding the topic. "My machine's finished. My friends and I will be leaving for our home soon."

The dark horse looked quite sad once more. "So you've come to say goodbye?" She really had grown to enjoy his company.

"Yeah... I mean, I do like this place... but I have friends back home that I know are worrying to death about us." He wanted to assure her he wasn't abandoning her; he just couldn't stay more now that he could go home. He gave her a smile. "But I figured we could still hang out a bit. Y'know... do something a little fun...."

Within seconds Princess Luna's grin had turned back into Nightmare Moon's contemptuous smirk, her eyes narrowed to mere slits. "Did I give you permission to speak, you despicable worm?"

Gomamon suddenly looked very nervous. "So-... Sorry mistress." He bowed his head as far down as he could, and he didn't get a chance to lift it back up as the pony had put a foot atop his scalp. She rubbed the seal's face into the marble floor hard enough to make the polished stone shine.

"A little whelp forgetting his place..." She removed her hoof and promptly kicked the smaller creature in the side. Nothing comparable to their battle: just enough to flip him on his back. "I am a goddess... and you... you little vermin... are not worthy of licking the grime from my hoof." She brought the hoof back down, this time squarely in his face. "But you may do so anyway!"

Gomamon nodded once before getting to work licking the dark purple hoof. His tongue slobbered over from the very tip of it up to her furred calf, getting a soft pleasured whinny from the princess. She let the seal continue for several minutes before switching legs. "Remember how I said you might make a decent pet... Well I was right! You lick things like a naughty puppy... But let's see if I can put that smartass mouth of yours to better use now. " She pulled her foot away from the seal's mouth and turned around. Like Applejack, her ass was perky and a hundred percent muscle. She lifted her light blue tail high, exposing herself and in particular her almost invisible asshole nestled between those butt cheeks. Her pussy was just a small line right now, but it was already glistening wet with arousal.

The seal reached, grabbed her haunches with a flipper on each of those tight ass cheeks and pulled himself up to shove his face right into her nether regions. He immediately resumed his licking right at the asshole, and moved down the taint slowly. The princess certainly seemed to like the treatment, soon stomping her left hoof up and down from arousal, before the sea mammal even reached her pussy. She let out a low moan as the seal's tongue penetrated her purple cunt. She had the oddest taste... nearly no taste at all in fact. Rather Gomamon's tongue felt tingly almost like electricity, but compared to Elecmon or Tentomon, it was nothing for him to jump away from. Her tail swished back and forth happily.

Oral sex had always been one of Gomamon's specialty: not having to stop for a breath allowed him to provide his male or female lover constant stimulation. He continued to lap the deeper tastes of her pussy. His flippers moved in slow circles, massaging the butt cheeks as the pony got closer and closer to orgasm. Her wings began flapping on their own, slowly at first, but gradually faster and before long they fluttered hard enough to make paper swirl across the room. Soon she arched her neck, the entire room basking in the glow of her horn. "Ohhhh!" She came with a squeal and a few flaps that actually lifted her a bit off the floor and sent the books off their shelves.

Gomamon moved his head from under the strong legs. "Was mistress properly pleased?"

This was answered with a back kick, just enough to throw the seal off her haunches. He landed on his back with a small grunt and laid there, dick sticking completely out of its hiding place. His white furry balls hung under the pointed red cock. The horse turned around, looked down at him for a moment, then brought her left leg up before grinding her hoof against the shaft.

"Such a pathetic little dick." The purple equine pressed her foot down and twisted it slightly. Just enough to really make him squirm without actually hurting him. "I don't know how any girl could look at you twice."

"Does... does mistress wishes for it to be enhanced?" The seal held out the flipper with the alien shapeshifting device on it toward her.

Princess Luna pretended to be deep in thought for a moment, but they both knew her choice was made. "Please do so." She demanded.

Gomamon nodded once. "Yes, Mistress." He grabbed the Omnitrix and twisted the dial through all the aliens and creatures until finally it came to his newest form and green hologram of the winged unicorn popped up. He slammed down on the button and began to grow, sprouting wings and a horn in the middle of his forehead. "Arion!" He was back into the now familiar form of the white horse with a scarlet red mane. "Is this... better suited to Mistress' tastes?" The seal-now-horse was still erect, but his dick was now about the size of his entire seal body. In this form his cock was a bright white with only the lightest touch of purple near the flare.

"It'll do." Princess Luna snorted, pretending to be less interested than she really was. Despite her best efforts, her eyes seemed fixated to his groin.

Gomamon stood there, the taste of goddess still heavy on his lips as he waited for his next order. His equine shaft hung down between his legs, flared head heaving back and forth under the female gaze. Finally she turned around and presented her rump to him once more. "Now breed me, you pathetic excuse for a horse."

He almost leapt on her before she had even voiced her command, one leg latching to each of her hips. His broad cock head poked against her a few times before finding its target. As soon as it did it was slammed deeply into the warm embrace of her vagina. Gomamon swore it was magic how easily she could take a full foot of hard stallion cock right on the first try. It always seemed like it could not fit and yet there he was, already going balls deep in her. "Uhhh, Mistress!"

"Harder, you brainless gelding!" The princess shouted Arion-Gomamon did her hard. As skillful as the seal's tongue was, it simply was no match for a piece of horse length. She could feel her second orgasm building up, and bigger than the first one. "Harder!" She shouted again, louder and not caring whether anyone (or everyone) else in the palace heard.

Gomamon was getting close as well. He continued to slam in the tight cunt, dripping precum in thick gobby batches deep inside. Her vagina sucked him and made him whinny in pleasure. Of course with a cock so enormous, pretty much any pussy would feel incredibly tight. A few bucks later he felt himself pass the point of no return. "Oh yeah!" He came with a loud neigh. It had surprised him the first time he'd made such an alien noise, but now it felt as natural as a walk in the park.

Luna felt the powerful sperm shots inside her throw her off the edge into pure bliss. She was a violent cummer. "Get off me!" She abruptly demanded with a powerful buck that threw off her lover in mid-orgasm. She randomly kicked out with her back legs a few more times, catching the white stallion off guard in the chest. He fell off on his haunches, dick flopping to the side as it spurted a few more shots of jizz randomly across the floor or his chest.

"Wow..." He panted, totally drained.

"Yeah, yeah!" Princess Luna shouted, still bucking back and forth in the room as if trying to get rid of some invisible rider. Her horn suddenly glowed and shot out a stream of luminous fluid. It sparked across the room before disappearing in mid-air like moon light.

The horse watched the princess cum, remembering the facefull of unicorn sperm that had caught him completely off guard the first time.. Not that he minded the shower--and it wasn't exactly hard to clean anyway. Apparently when a female unicorn (such as Princess Luna) came especially hard, she might shoot out cum from her horn like a male would from his penis. A neat way to know that he had done a particularly good job. "No better way to say good bye." Gomamon mumbled as he turned back to his normal sea mammal self.

Princess Luna finally stopped bucking. She was so drained she could hardly stand anymore. "I am going to miss you." She grinned tiredly between deep pants, watching the seal shrink down. "And not just for the sex."

"Oh I'm sure you'll find another guy who likes being pushed around a bit in the bedroom. And I feel I can make a few recommendations here..." He grinned broadly. "But first why don't we get cleaned up? Princess Celestia wants to have a farewell dinner for us and our friends... and I would love to show up with a princess at my flipper."


The curly haired pink horse Pinkie Pie was shaking Gabumon's paw. She now had a freshly printed bible of her own at the hip and a golden crucifix hanging from her neck. "Thank you father Gabumon. I've learnt so much from you."

"I believe I was meant to bring Christianity to this world." Gabumon held on to his own crucifix. "There may be entire dimensions that have not heard the word of the lord."

Gomamon sighed exasperatedly as he watched from the glass platform Gabumon tend to his flock... only a few ponies so far but the mammal was sure they'd be going door to door preaching to every being in this world. "I wonder if I can get dropped off at one of those Jesus-free dimensions."

Gabumon was in too good a mood to hear the "heathen" seal as he climbed up on the platform next to the him. "Even if I convert but one, they can continue to spread the good word. I had faith the Lord would direct me to my calling, and he did: bring Christ to wayward dimensions."

"Well... we're going home now Gabumon." The kitten smiled. "To see our friends again." She was thinking of one more than friend though.

"Yup, no more of this stuff." The seal gave a sigh of relief. "Back to our own dimension."

"A shame." Gabumon tapped his wooden crucifix. "There is so much good I can spread."

Gomamon bit his lip so hard he almost drew blood. Being so close to the preacher-mon alone grated the seal. He waved at everyone, giving a short goodbye speech before the portal activated. The two tesla coils burst to life and sparked with electricity. The three digimon were zapped with the trans-dimensional energy, transported away from the grateful equines.


And the last chapter of my little pony. Was not going to do this series originally but there was a fair bit of demand for it. And my proofreader and I liked the characters. And added a bit of female domination and foot/hoof worship. (The foot thing is for a rabbit fan/artist I know) Also, the horn 'cum' was inspired by a pic from Zajice. But next chapter, we are going back to the main plot! Bubble Barrier is one of Gomamon's attacks by the way (from the Japanese TCG). Just was never used in the show. Again, mrredrover at AIM if you like to chat, or [email protected] Feel free to comment!

One last funny thing: Omnitrix, my spellchecker insists on "correcting" "Omnitrix" to "dominatrix" .

The Twelve Talismans:Dimensional Travels - Chapter 30 - Betrayed

Back to our original trio. Why do all my series descend into drama?! This was supposed to be _twelve_ chapters of straight up porn, then I came up with a plot (thanks to some good suggestions) and now it's already ballooned past twice that... _...

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The Twelve Talismans:Dimensional Travels - Chapter 28 - Rock This Party

And we are going to continue with the alternate verse! This one is a bit of a request from my proofreader. Guess he finds Spike cute. But then again, so does Gomamon... ...

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The Twelve Talismans:Dimensional Travels - Chapter 27 - A Gift Horse

The climax... Gomamon's fate... Gabumon's madness... questions and theories and more... everything you've been waiting for... are finally going to have to wait for a bit. Instead, let' s take a look at what happened to the trio from almost-verse,...