The Twelve Talismans:Dimensional Travels - Chapter 27 - A Gift Horse
#45 of The Twelve Talismans
The climax... Gomamon's fate... Gabumon's madness... questions and theories and more... everything you've been waiting for... are finally going to have to wait for a bit.
Instead, let' s take a look at what happened to the trio from almost-verse, and what they are up to!
The Twelve Talismans: Dimensional travels Chapter 27 - A Gift Horse (Gomamon/Applejack)
A beautiful forest, bright skies with shapely clouds lazily drifting across the horizon, all very picturesque... until within the trees, a bright light flared up in a circle that crackled with electricity. It sparked a few times before a little white ball of fur came flying out. "Grah!" Gomamon went flying out of the portal head over flippers and landed on his back, Gabumon soon following, and Gatomon on top, making the seal oof twice as they landed on top of him. The portal sparked a few times, then blinked out.
"For God's fucking sake, getoffame!" The seal shoved the two digimon off forcefully.
"Do not use the Lord's name in vain!" Gabumon snapped as he dusted himself off. Digimon typically did not swear by "God" (at least not a singular one), but Gomamon tended to do so just to irk Gabumon. Over the lizard's belly a large wood crucifix hung down from his neck, while a purple stole with golden crosses at each ends wrapped over his shoulders (though it was currently crumpled from the fall). A well-worn bible had been sewn into his pelt. Nowadays he felt more naked without the bible than without the fur.
"Please, Gabumon..." Gatomon cranked her arm once she stood up. her shoulder was still sore from fighting that giant armoured alien, and she really wished for Wizardmon and one of his back rubs that could melt steel.. "We just got attacked by some green squid-faced alien by the name of Vilgax, and got transported to... where are we Gomamon?"
The seal was now fiddling with some sort of black wrist band on his left flipper with a single large button bearing a green hourglass symbol surrounded by a dial. "I have no clue! The Omnitrix isn't working right." He pawed at it with his flippers, turning the dial left and right. "Damn thing won't work right half the time anyway!"
"It's your own fault for abusing this new power to satisfy your basest desires and commit sin. Cavorting with women, and men no less! Blasphemy! And look where that got us now!" Gabumon pointed a thick yellow finger at his friend in an exaggeratedly dramatic move that only exasperated the seal further.
"Oh for fuck's sake!" Gomamon stopped playing with alien device and glared right back. "You want to save sex for after marriage, fine. Just stop pestering everyone else about it!"
"I am only worried about your eternal soul." The preaching digimon tried to state flatly. "After all 'If a man lies with a man as he lies with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination'." He patted the holy book. "God frowns on homosexuality."
"All right, first off? I am bi." Gomamon snarked back. "Not _homo_sexual, _bi_sexual. And second, I am an atheist."
"Really? But we've seen Digimon gods... Azulongmon, Ebonwumon..." Gatomon noted. She'd always had more affinities for spiritual beliefs than the seal.
"They're really powerful Digimon, fine. I mean, WarGreymon and MetalGarurumon are my pals; they can take out an army. Should I start whorshipping them?" He turned with a grin toward the horrified religious Digimon. "And finally? I'm not a 'man', I'm a digimon, for chris'sake! That rule 'bout 'lying with other men'? Never applied to me."
"It's not wise to shun one who can perform such miracles." Gabumon warned again, rubbing the cross on his chest this time. "Jesus..."
"What? Hovered over water? Cured the sick? Came back from the dead? Fuck, Angemon has done all that and you didn't see me kneeling in front of him!" The seal thought for a moment. "Oh wait, just that one time you forgot to knock. And that time at the onsen... okay that wasn't kneeling, but..." His grin got wider the worse Gabumon's fuming got.
"You are going to hell you know!" Gabumon snapped. That people chose to ignore his preaching, fine, but that they mocked it always got to him.
"Oh yeah." Gomamon's voice suddenly turned into a deep, parodic baritone as he pretended to be God thanks to his imitation skills. "Gomamon, I know you've fought for good, helped save the world half a dozen times, but you sucked a dick... so in Hell you go." The seal concluded with a "pft" sound. The pair looked about to come to blows.
"Guys, please..." Gatomon said meekly from to the side as she wrung her tail nervously, a bad habit she had picked up years ago.
They screamed at each others a bit more until the seal just threw up his flippers and stormed off after doing a rude gesture with his middle claw in Gabumon's direction. "I'm done with this!" He grumbled loudly, waddling away not as dramatically as he'd have hoped and walking away into what turned out to be an apple orchard.
When Gatomon dared to spoke to the seal, her voice barely raised over the level of a whisper. "We really should stick together.".
"His actions that brought us to this..." The born-again digimon remarked as the seal disappeared between the trees.
"Ugh..." Gatomon pressed a paw against her face. She truly hated fighting. And those two got along like a house on fire: heating up, plenty of screaming and eventually someone had to turn a hose on the whole thing. "Gabumon... just... stay here, please. I'll go talk to him."
The chubby preacher-mon snorted in contempt, but let her do as she pleased. Gatomon at least had the decency to be in a monogamous relationship with a male. They might not be married, but he could not marry non-Christians together anyway, not to mention the whole "Digimon can not marry legally" thing--he was working on that.
The feline took off, leaping across seamlessly from branch to branch without jostling off a single apple. She didn't have to hunt too far and she knew it: Gomamon just needed to get out of sight of the lizard. She quickly found him sitting under on of the trees. "Gomamon?" She looked down from her perch at the seal fiddling with the wristband.
"Give me five minutes, will you?" He replied with a deep sigh in an attempt to calm himself. No need to snap at her: it was Gabumon he was angry with. "I'm having a bad enough day as it is, I don't need him to tell me about how everything I do is supposedly wrong!"
"Well you did a pretty bad mess with Sora..."
"Hey!" Gomamon snapped. "She lied. I was showing her my fire alien, and somehow accidentally set her dress on fire. What did you expect me to do? Leave it alone? So I ripped it off... one thing led to another... she never once told me she and Tai were dating!" He gave the dial on wrist another angry twist.
Gatomon wrung her paws. "They were keeping it a secret to not hurt Matt's feelings."
"Well, she couldn't even bother to tell me at that time, and she is angry at me?!" He was getting cranked up again. "And Biyomon! I meet this Floramon at that bar, we go to her place... and the next thing I know the day after Biyomon shows up, screaming I took her girlfriend!"
"She did tell us she was dating one." Gatomon tried to defend her friend.
"Oh yeah... there's only a hundred of them at that village she hangs out at. And a few million in the digital world." The seal smacked the Omnitrix on his flipper again. "She picked me up, not the other way around! If Biyomon didn't know about her girlfriend sleeping around, there was already something messed up in there!" He sighed. "I like fooling around, but I do not fool with couples. Way too much drama." He continued to mumble his breath. "Just like with Elecmon... She had a crush on him, never did anything, and then she flipped when I banged him!"
"Well... maybe you should settle down anyway..." Gatomon replied shyly.
Gomamon gave a slightly forced smile. Gatomon was pretty conservative and vanilla... but at least she didn't beat him over the head about it. "Now Gatomon, we can't all find guys as cool as your boyfriend, y'know." He came over and patted her on the back when he noticed the sudden look of panic invading her face. "Don't worry, I don't know where on Earth we are, but I'm sure once we find a phone..."
"Hey there!" A female voice called out from across the field. It belonged to a small horse with orange skin and a yellow mane that came trotting across the field. "Whatch'all doin' in my orchard?"
"Oh!" Gatomon turn and walked toward the newcomer. "Sorry. We kinda just got, er... dropped here. We didn't mean to trespass..."
"Shucks, don't get yerself in a tizzy!" The horse tipped her cowboy hat, speaking with a strong Texan accent. "Name's Applejack." She extended her hoof, which Gatomon shook shyly. She never was the most confident one. "Gatomon."
"Gomamon." The seal smiled, immediately at ease even if he was not familiar with this particular species. "Great, a fellow digimon... So, can you tell us where we are?"
"Digimon?" Applejack's face scrunched in confusion. "M'a pony, fellahs. And ya're just outside Ponyville, at my apple orchard."
Creeping concern quickly began to fill both Digimon now. "Uhhh... and how far is Tokyo?" Gatomon asked. She had never heard of Ponyville. The horse looked blankly at her.
"Japan?" The sea mammal asked. Again no reply. "Earth?" He asked even more hesitantly.
"Ain't never heard of any of those places." The horse tossed her mane around. "This here's Ponyville, greatest place in all of Equestria!"
The two digimon exchanged glances. "Please tell me you've heard of humans or digimon."
The pony shook her head. "That some kind of food?" To which she received twin groans from her guests.
"Well, that there is certainly a story!" Applejack sat across the wooden table from the trio the had invited in--it seemed like the neighbourly thing to do... The fellows seemed, well, lost, to say the least. And they had the craziest stories ever.
Gomamon was propped up on the table and sniffing at the cooking apple pie while the horse cooked, wondering how she could even do all that with hooves. "Yeah... but this piece of junk is not working." He shook his wrist, making the green wrist band beep a few times.
"How could that accursed device make anything better?" Gabumon asked from the far end of the table Gomamon. The two were still seething at one another while Gatomon sat in the middle feeling like Poland between Germany and Russia.
"I've got an alien in here, little dude called Grey Matter who's like a super-genius." The seal sighed. "If anyone can figure out how we got here, where we are, and more importantly, how we are going to get home, it's him!"
"Man, that certainly is a pickle." The brightly coloured mare finally placed the apple pie on the table with her muzzle and a pot holder. The intoxicating, sweet-scented steam wafted upwards. Gomamon had not realized how hungry he was until it had started cooking, and now he felt ready to eat a dozen of them. Their hostess took the knife and sliced him a piece, which would have to do.
"Let us say Grace." Gabumon bowed his head and joined his paws together over his lap.
The seal was just about to bite down on that crispy pastry when he stopped with his jaw half open. "Oh for..." Gomamon was about to say something, but Gatomon gave him a pleading look to just suck it up. He felt his eyes struggling to roll, and bowed his head.
Their horse host simply looked confused. "Whatch'all doing?"
Gabumon raised his head. "Giving thanks to God for this meal."
The horse gave the digimon a funny look. "My name's 'Applejack', not 'God'."
Now Gabumon looked annoyed. "But the Father provided the trees to grow it, the sun to warm the earth..."
"My Father's name ain't 'God' either, it's 'Golden Russet'," The orange mare replied, still confused. "And I'm not sure why you'd want to thank him. I got plenty o' sisters and cousins, and one brother, and they are the one who helped with the harvest. If you want someone to grow trees and warm the earth, you want Princess Celestia."
"I am talking about the Lord, who blessed us with the universe, created from nothingness." The chubby pelt wearing digimon stated.
Applejack didn't say anything for a moment, then she turned to the cat and seal. "Is he... um... special?" She whispered, a bit embarassed. "I think he's talking to his imaginary friend."
Gomamon could not help but chortle, then something clicked: "Wait, let me get this clear... there's no Jesus in this world? No churches? No preachers, priests, evangelists?"
"I swear y'all." Applejack sat down across the table from a very red faced, pissed off Gabumon. "You sound like you got some weird things in your world!"
Gomamon turned to Gatomon, a wide grin on his face. "That's it! I am so staying here!"
The meal went on uneventfully except for another shouting match between Gomamon and Gabumon, and Applejack set them up for the night, which involved Gomamon bunking with her: Gabumon was still far too ticked off to be in the same room, and he would never sleep in a room with a girl either, and that meant Gomamon had to sleep with her. Gatomon was elsewhere, most likely up on the roof. She wanted some alone time. She never did well when she was away from her boyfriend. The seal was making himself a makeshift bed on the floor as she talked: "Yeah, tomorrow's the ball. All the most important ponies are gonna be there, including Princess Celestia. She's pretty much the most powerful magic user in all of Equesteria."
"I don't know much about magic myself." He admitted as he padded the pile of blankets into something acceptable. "It's more Wizardmon's domain, really..." The seal wasn't sure if what Wizardmon did really was one knew all the in and outs of digimon physics.
"Well, 't least ya seem a lil' more open." The horse kicked over a pillow. "Your chubby pal there went kazooie when I mentioned it!"
"Yeah... Gabumon has a... different outlook on life." Gomamon smiled lopsidedly. "He believes in a 'higher power'... a god, y'know. And Gatomon's just depressed. She has... abandonment issues." The seal tried to explain.
"You certainly seem pleasant." The blond horse thought aloud. "Hey, can I ask a silly question?."
"Try me."
"Are there a lot of guys like you?"
"Hmm... I guess so. I mean, I'm a Gomamon, a seal, and there are plenty of those. But there are endless different kinds of digimon, some even are horses like you." He tried to explain, not knowing where to start. He couldn't exactly go over the story of the Digital World, just to describe all species would take months!
"No, I mean guys. Dudes. Males. Bucks. Studs." Applejack smiled. "I like my girl friends, but ya wouldn't believe how many girls there are 'round here and how few guys. And mosta them are my kinfolk!"
"Oh um... well... Actually it's rather the opposite. Digimon are skewed toward guys." Not that this ever bothered him.
Applejack seemed rather amazed at this. "Really? We got like no guys here, I swear! And way too many hot pony gals. The competition for a boyfriend is awful!"
"How can that be possible?." The seal grinned. "If they are as cute as you." He could never help flirting with said cute ones.
Applejack giggled a bit, some red painting her cheeks. The Texan-accented quadruped thought for a moment, staring down at her roommate. "Hey, I know this kinda forward.... But ya want to fool around a bit?" She knew it was a shot in the dark, but she was never one to shy away from a risk.
That actually surprised Gomamon; she had seemed so... innocent. He had not expected her to be so blatantly obvious. But she was still cute, and with a great ass. "Mhmm... You sure you don't have a boyfriend, are you?" He asked just to make sure: it seemed about everyone he slept with lately had some hidden beau.
The horse shook her head hard, blond mane waving back and forth. "Gollly! I wish!"
Gomamon grinned broadly. "Then I guess I got no problem with fooling around!" He hadn't been looking for it, but he sure as hell wasn't going to turn it down just because of that. "'sides it be rude to refuse a request from our host." Not to mention her accent reminded him of Armadillomon, and despite his best efforts, he had yet to get the yellow digimon to agree to a romp in the hay.
"All right." The pony was most pleased. This creature from another world was strange... but awfully cute; he reminded her of a plushie. She picked him up under his flipper with her front hooves and put him on the bed. He was surprised by the softness of her skin, but then she bent over to kiss him and he forgot all about that. He lips were thick, dexterous, flexible, but most incredible they tasted of apples! He ran his flippers over her long muzzle as they made out sloppily due to the size diference. Her hide felt like the smoothest leather.
Eventually the kiss broke up. "Wow, taste just like apples!" Gomamon licked his lips.
"You taste more like fish!" The horse rubbed a hoof over the digimon's nose
"Hey, I left my tooth brush in another dimension!"He cracked back as Applejack rolled him on his back on the bed. The springs groaned slightly as she rested front legs on the edge and started to nuzzle his furry chest.
The colourful equine giggled softly. "You're so warm! And fuzzy!" Fur was pretty unusual to her: some of the horse had beautiful manes, but none had fur to speak of. She began to kiss Gomamon down the cheeks, and around his furry chest.
"Mmmh we digimon are good for cuddling." The seal ran his flippers over her long snout as she smooched his furry chest.
Applejack loved the soft fur rubbing on her face. It was great to actually have a boy in her room. Downright naughty, in fact! She ran her snout over the fuzzy belly, getting laughs from the somewhat ticklish digimon. His little seal prick soon started to emerge from its hiding place as the apple-themed pony molested him. She felt the tip poke her under the chin, and stopped to take a good look at the bright red tapered thing. She could not help but giggle. "Oh it's so cute and tiny!" She butted the member with her nose once, watching it twitch slightly.
"Hey!" Gomamon was insulted. He didn't think he was that small!
"Sorry!" The horse couldn't help but continue giggling. "It's just... er... I've seen my brother's, Big Macintosh... and, well he's a lot bigger than you!" She nuzzled and sniffed at the dick again. "And it looks total different too! His has got like... this huge end."
"Well we can't all be hung like a horse!" The seal protested with an exaggerated pout. "I do like what I'm hearing though... 'Big' Macintosh, uh?"
"Maybe I'll introduce you two in the morning." The orange pony grinned as she nuzzled the cock some more. She had never got to check one out so close before, much less touched one, so she took her time to explore it a bit. She moved it back and forth with her nose, continually sniffing at it.
The seal simply leaned back, now fully erect, and allowed the horse to explore to her heart's content. "Mhmm that feels nice... you know much about guys?" The horse shook her head, her blond mane waving. She knew of the birds and the bees... well the ponies and the dragons, but nothing of the specific mechanics. "Wanna try something guys really like? Try sucking it a bit."
"Oh yeah... Rainbow Dash mentioned that." Her blue Pegasus friend was more experienced then herself. She'd always wondered what it would taste like. Well, no time like the present: she easily took the length in her muzzle and let it lay there for a moment. Weird... kinda salty if anything.
"Yeah... now suck on it." Gomamon murred encouragingly and got instant compliance, the horse sucking nice and hard to a happy little groan from the seal. "Yup, that's good... Little harder... Yeah... use that tongue, run it up under my cock." He instructed her on the finer points of blow jobs, and Applejack followed his instructions to the letter, bobbing her head up and down. Her broad flat tongue was impressively powerful, making the horny sea mammal squirm and thrust his hips up almost uncontrollably. "Oh yeah... Getting there! keep it up... Just. Like. That!"
The pony seemed to appreciate the encouragement, and tried her best to pleasure the seal. She had a vague idea what to expect--something about "sperm" shooting--but she was still taken completely by surprise when she felt the penis ejaculate in her mouth. She let out a little gurgle as the salty fluids hit the back of her mouth, then let the cock flop out, sperm drooling over her orange lips. "Whoa!" A long strand of cum dripped from her lower lip even as another jet of it struck her across the nose.
"Ohhh yeah..." The seal groaned as he proceeded to shoot a healthy load all over the pony's face. He continued moaning as the stream of jizz died down, one last drop of cum coming out of his piss slit and down his red shaft. "That was nice..." He panted after a moment, dick now laying limply to the side.
"Well that was kinda fun." Applejack licked her lips. The taste was... unusual to say the least. "I never done anything like that before." She smiled. "So... we gonna call it a night?"
The seal grinned as he flipped on to his belly. "Wait a tic!" His dick rubbed over the soft sheets, a sensation he enjoyed. "I'd be a heel if I didn't return the favour! Why don't you turn around, and let me see your cute little hinny?"
Applejack giggled, but did as requested, turning around to present her rump. She then moved closer so the back of her legs pressed against the edge of the bed. "Like this?" She asked, looking back with a smile on her face.
"Yeah, pretty much... Try lifting your tail and spreading your legs just a touch?" The pony did so, hiking her blond tail out of the way and allowing the seal to see the thinnest line of her vulva, and the tiny puckered orange opening of her tailhole, both of which barely visible.
"Just like that, yes..." He moved to the edge of the bed, taking a whiff of her. She smelt... simply wonderful, the scent of apple even more strong here. He just had to have a taste now! He pressed his maw under the tail, getting a series of giggles from the Texan-accented pony.
"Oh that feels...funny!" Applejack giggled at the furry face in her orange butt. "Good... but fun...niiiii!" Her words turned into a whinny when the seal's tongue slide up her crack and right to her hole. "Whoa... do that again!"
Gomamon did so eagerly and got another high pitched noise out of the horse. He lapped from her pussy right up to her asshole and back down again. Even there she had a slight taste of apples; the seal didn't know if it was her natural taste, or just from eating some many of the fruit.
Applejack squealed in delight from the stimulation, getting wet--quite wet indeed--fast. She seemed to enjoy getting licked on her pucker just as much as she did on her pussy, her entire body now twitching. One last, long lick over her anus sent her right off. Her leg went weak for a moment, then she unexpectedly lost all control and kicked out like a mule, making the whole bed rock. Gomamon almost stumbled to the floor from the horse's wild buckling.
"Wow!" The seal chuckled as the orange horse settled down. "You came hard."
"Uh huh..." Applejack panted back, finally done kicking. She was surprised herself at how intense it had been; she could hardly control herself at all. And now she felt exhausted. She had never felt this kind of tired before... as if she had just picked the entire apple harvest herself.
"Okay, I'll give you that: you taste way better than me... and that's coming from someone who likes the taste of fish!" Gomamon didn't make such comments lightly. He had tasted plenty of people--males and females alike--and was familiar with the wildly different tastes of Digimon.
"Mhmm... thanks..." The pony was still panting and her tail remained raised high. She felt drained... yet still eager. "So... are we... done?"
Gomamon immediately caught on the implications... not to mention her shameless flaunting of her privates, which alone was making him eager for more too. "Oh, I do think I got another round in me." He murred
But now he had to get into position, not an easy feat for two creatures of such radically different body structures. He had to essentially use her long blond tail as a rope to pull himself up on her back, then get an uneasy grip around her hips. Once he got to that stage, though, he rapidly began to hump, red cock sliding up and down the smooth ass. That made the horse giggle and twist with excitement: she had been looking forward to losing her virginity for as long as she could remember. Rainbow Dash would go on and on about how could a nice horse cock felt. Soon she suddenly the seal's member enter her... but not where she had expected. "Oh!" She yelped at the odd sensation of another hole being filled.
"Uh Oh..." He had hit the wrong target, his dick going up her ass. It was really hard to aim that low, especially with the angle he had to do it. "Eep, sorry! Wrong hole!" He apologized frantically, pulling out once, but only managing to hump against or right back into it in his panic. "Just let me... move." He grunted.
"Oh, please don't! It feels... nice." The seal may not having been hung like a horse, but he was seemingly just the right size for her ass. "Keep going!" She asked in a tone that was really half plea, and the Digimon was all too happy to comply, and soon was pumping harder, his red dick slipping in and out of her pucker. "Mmmh yeah... nice and tight!" He analed her with a strength and stamina that actually impressed the pony. Despite his smaller size, the digimon was turning out to be quite the stud.
"Mmmh, keep going!" Applejack bent over until her chin reached the floor, legs bent as she whinnied in delight. It was so much different than being licked... but just as good. Her hind legs began to thump with the increase in pleasure. Horses simply could not masturbate easily (which could be incredibly frustrating at times!), so pretty much any sexual touch was a rare delight. She moaned louder and louder, and soon had a powerful orgasm from that anal stimulation alone, hooves stomping the ground as she fought not to accidentally kick off her partner.
Gomamon could not mistake her zenith, having to hold tight as he did. Fucking her was more like having to hold onto a bucking bronco, but he found it rather a fun challenge. The third buck did the trick, and he blew his load inside her with a groan as he flooded her rectum. "Uhhh!" His second load was smaller than the first but nonetheless perfectly respectable for someone his size.
The digimon let himself fall off a few moments later, landing on the mattress with a bounce as his load leaked out a bit from her. "Well, there's a great way to say good night!" He joked as he lay there, flippers spread to the side and member still out. He patted the mattress next to himself, inviting the hot horse to finally join him. The little pony was all too happy to do so, jumping up on next to him and causing him to bounce up. She curled up next to him and folded her legs in a sort of crouching position. "It's really fun having a boy in my room... but please don't go telling people. Granny Smith would kill me!"
"Well we will just have to keep it our little secret." The digimon nuzzled into the pony's arms as she wrapped her hooves around him. She snuggled him like he was a stuffed animal before the two of them were fast asleep.
This'll be a short interlude. There was such a demand for My Little Pony, I decided to do it. Not the real Gomamon I suppose, but still close enough! Comments, money, suggestions, are always welcomed! [email protected], or mrredrover on AIM to if you want to chat.