Gatomon's Punishment - Chapter 1 - Bad Day

Story by MrRedRover on SoFurry

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And this is a request from Weed/Shippo. I am going to say it's pretty much a PWP. Porn without plot. So if you guys don't like the characterization, bite me :).


Gatomon's Punishment Chapter 1-Bad Day (Gatomon/Agumon)


Gatomon was in a bad mood. It was the anniversary of Myotismon's attack, when Wizardmon died. The scars on the back of her hands seemed to hurt more, cramping up due to the rainy season. It only served to remind her more of the years spent under Myotismon's cruel tutelage. The rain poured outside, keeping her inside for the last three days. She hated water... another remind of being forced to stand under ice cold water for hours as one of Myotismon's many cruel punishments...

"Morning!" Agumon came bounding out of Tai's room. The orange digimon was the opposite. He loved the rain, enjoying long walks as the water ran down his short orange body. His internal body heat kept him warm even in the most torrential down pour.

Gatomon simply let out a little hiss as she lay on the windowsill. "Whatever."

"Oh Gatomon, you've been moping around this house for days now!" Agumon replied cheerful. "Why don't you come with me to the park, take an umbrella and get some fresh air!"

"I'm not in the mood." She replied harshly, not taking her eyes away from the window. The dinosaur's cheerfulness did grate on her sometimes.

"You are in such a funk." The short rookie came right over to the window. Suddenly he burst into song with a rather bad, off pitch singing voice. "Oh let the sun shine in... face it with a grin... smilers never loose... and frowner..."

SLAP! Gatomon smacked Agumon hard on the face with her tail. The orange dinosaur fell over, a large red mark in his cheek. The cat had simply had enough, losing herself for a split second. She quickly regretted her momentary lapse in judgment, mouth already to apologize when there was a shout from across the room.

"Gatomon!" Kari let out a little shriek as she came out of the kitchen. She was just on her way to school, wearing her green school uniform when she witnessed the whole altercation. She looked down at Agumon, who was rubbing his cheek Gatomon. "Did you just hit Agumon?" It was a rhetorical question, she saw the whole thing.

"I was just in a bad mood..." Gatomon grumbled, letting out a yelp as she was yanked by her paw like a toddler. "Hey!" She struggled, but not really. Digidestined had sort of a mom and dad' vibe to their chosen digimon. She followed Kari to her bedroom like a young with her hand caught in the cookie jar. "It was just a little swat..." She tried to defend her actions, but Kari hated random violence.

"You think slapping Agumon for just being cheerful is called for?" Kari snapped. Agumon was watching from the door way, peering in with his bring green eyes.

The young teen moved forward, grabbing at Gatomon's backside. "What, what are you doing?" Gatomon asked as Kari grabbed her long, sensual tail.

"Punishing you, for starters!" Her young hands found the mystic gold ring. The source of Gatomon's strength and speed.

"Hey, that's my ring!" The digimon feline pouted, Kari holding on tightly to the gold ring. Without it, she was barely a fraction of her strength.

"You'll get it back when I think you're sorry!" She placed it in the pocket of her skirt for safe keeping. Next she grabbed a wooden brush from her dresser. "Now, get up in my lap."

"Why?" Gatomon rapped her tail around her body, twisting her foot in the ground. Kari was clearly angry with her...

"Up on my lap, face down!" Kari shouted louder, like a demanding parent.

Gatomon had no choice but to obey. She got up on her digidestined's lap slowly, lying down lengthwise, her tail coming down to cover her tight little white ass. That didn't stay too long though, Kari grabbing it and pulling it straight up. That got a loud yelp from the feline as he sensitive tail was pulled hard. "Kari, what are..."

WHACK! The back of the wooden brush slapped hard on her backside. "Meeeoow!" Gatomon let out a sharp squeal as she was swatted hard on the rump. She had taken worse blows before of course, but in her weakened state, it hurt even more. "Kari!" She let out a little shriek but she did not move, other than a rapid squirming over Kari's pleated skirt.

WHACK! Another hard whack with the wooden brush came down on her rump, the sound of it echoing in the tiny little apartment. Agumon was watching from the door, one green eye peering around the corner. WHACK! Another blow, quickly followed by another to those furry little ass cheeks. Kari had a good grip on her purple and white striped tail. The purple brush was whipping around violently, like a leaf in a tornado. "I'm sorry!" Gatomon choked out, but was only reward with another smack. This was a good one, the brush sailing across both butt cheeks in one solid motion.

WHACK! The spanking continued. Agumon still watched with perverse fascination. He could feel it getting hot in here, a stirring in his loin as he could see Gatomon's squirming getting worse. Kari was quite mad, and it seemed she had no intention of stopping. WHACK! The wooden brush came down again on her butt again and again. Already her butt cheeks were turning a rosy shade of red. Kari's fingers ached a bit from the firm grip on her tail, holding the struggling digimon tight as the cat began to bawl a bit. Even Kari's right arm was getting sore now as she smacked the ass yet again.

The more blows Gatomon's tight little rump took, the worse it got. Her ass was stinging now. It felt like ants were running all over her back side. Tears streamed down the side of her face as she took one more blow. She let out one more howl, clenching her eyes tightly. Kari finally stopped, putting down the brush. "There." She panted. Even administering a spanking was quite tiring. "You can get off now."

Gatomon was still sobbing as she hopped off her digidestined's lap. She moved to rub her bum, but it was so sore it hurt to even touch it. Sitting was right out for the foreseeable future. "That hurt." She whimpered a bit as Kari stood up straight, easily twice her height.

"You hit your friend, you're just lucky you didn't really hurt him!" The young girl snapped back. "If you hit him in the eye or something with your ring, you could have really hurt him!" Kari patted her skirt, the ring firmly stuck in the bottom of her pocket.

Gatomon sniffled a bit, she looked past Kari. Agumon was at the doorway, having watched the whole ordeal. But then she noticed a bulge in his groin, his orange cock head slipping out of its hiding place. Gatomon forgot about her sore ass. "You jerk!" She shouted as she grabbed Kari's school bag in anger, and flung it at Agumon. The dinosaur beat a hasty retreat back down the hall as the bag exploded in papers and school supplies.

"Gatomon!" Kari shrieked, giving Gatomon a hard swat to the rump, making the cat meow again. "My bag! My homework!" She shrieked even as she scrambled to pick up the papers, several of them torn and out of order. "What is wrong with you?!"

"He was... I mean..." Gatomon sobbed a bit, her ass sore to the touch.

Kari was furious; looking down the hall at a shocked and red faced dinosaur hiding in her brother's room... she couldn't see he was fully erect. Seeing Gatomon get spanked was... Arousing. "You'll do whatever Agumon says, till I say otherwise." Kari shouted down to her partner. She was clearly upset at her digimon's actions.

Gatomon's triangular ears fell to the side. It wasn't well known, but a digimon had to obey their digidestined's orders (even the kids didn't know). The Digidestined hardly every gave direct orders though, treating their digimon like the friends they were. However, it's why Agumon ate so much food he turned to Skullgreymon, why Gabumon attack Agumon when Matt orders, and now, why Gatomon had to obey every one of Agumon's orders. "But..."

"I don't want to hear another word!" The young girl snapped as she frantically stuffed her bag. She was already late as it was. She zipped the bag up, and was out the door before Gatomon could say anything else.

Gatomon looked back to Agumon. She looked down the hall. The dinosaur was still peaking his nose out from the bed room. He had clearly heard everything. He knew as well as she did what that order meant. "Agumon... I'm... sorry had a bad day..." She tried to talk her way out of this.

Agumon meanwhile was as turned as he could be. His dick was all the way out of his pouch, and as hard as a rock. "Come here." He tested with a simple order.

The white cat felt her body respond. "Agumon!" She whimpered as she felt her feet come forward, walking towards the dinosaur. She could not stop herself. Obeying Kari was built in her very code, so now obeying Agumon was. "This isn't fair!" She looked down, seeing Agumon's obviously arousal. She lifted her gaze up quickly, forcing herself not to look at the orange shaft. "Kari didn't know about how we have to obey our digidestined..." She was getting nervous just was on her roommates mind

"Quiet." Instantly Gatomon shut up. She found she could no longer speak at all. She opened her mouth, and not a word came out. The dinosaur couldn't help but giggle at the power. Gatomon was a champion, and a fair bit more powerful than him. "Dance for me!"

Gatomon blushed a bit. She couldn't help herself, but she started to sway to some unseen beat. It was like some weird sort of ballet, the cat twirling in a little pirouette. Her tail made a circle around her, almost doing its own dance. She wanted to complain, but her body now had a will of its own. "Mmm cool... now... dance sexy. Like you're a stripper."

The feline sneered a bit, but still didn't lose the blush in her cheeks as the tempo of the dance changed. Her paws began to rub over her body, the yellow gloves sliding down her hips. She moved over to the door frame next to Agumon. The dinosaur took a step back as the feline began to grind against the wood. She ran her groin against it, making little humps against it.

The dinosaur was still excited, his orange dick at attention. He began to rub it a bit as Gatomon moved up and down the doorframe, nuzzling it with her cheek as she moved up and down. Her tail wrapped around her body sensually, like she was giving herself a tail massage. This went on for a few minutes, the dino digimon playing with himself. Finally, he decided to take it a little further. Complete control of a hot digimon girl... that would corrupt even the most digimon. "All right stop." He order, paw still on his groin. "Stand in front of me!"

Gatomon stopped. It was infuriating. She moved from her makeshift stripper pole, standing straight in front of the masturbating digimon. She pleaded a bit with her eyes, but the dino was drunk with lust and power. "Get down on your knees" The cat did so, dropping down in front of the digimon. She knew what was coming next, but she really hoped it wouldn't go on. "Blow me."

The feline took the cock in her mouth, before she even realized what she was doing. The taste was salty, warm in her muzzle as she began to suckle hard. She bobbed her head back and forth, running her slightly rough tongue under the underside of the shaft. "Ohhh..." Agumon moaned as he let the girl go on his shaft. Soon he was dripping precum into her muzzle. He looked down at the angry looking face of the cat, who probably wanted to bite down more than anything. "Oh try and look like you're enjoying it... in fact... tell me how much you like it."

The dripping cock slipped out of her mouth, a purr coming from deep inside of her belly. "Oh Agumon you're cock is so big and warm..." She had a look of lust on her face now, all put on of course. She lapped up and down the throbbing shaft. "I so want to taste cum." She didn't realize she could even talk that dirty. "Spurt that nice big load down my throat." The kitten continued to try and resist the orders, even as the filthiest words she had ever kept slipping out of his mouth.

"Yeah that's a good kitty." The happy little dinosaur smiles and shoved his dick back down Gatomon's throat, silencing her. He began to pump nice and hard again, getting closer and closer to cumming. He pulled out once more. He stroked his dick, looking down at the unwilling little cat. "Mouth open... nice and wide..."

Again the cat complied, opening her mouth wide as if she was catching snowflakes. The dinosaur started to jack off, his strong orange hand wrapped around his shaft and pumping like a jackhammer. It didn't take too long for him to reach his climax. She grimaced inwardly as the dinosaur blew his load, aiming for her muzzle. He had pretty good aim, the first streak a bit low as it hit her in her nose. He adjusted his targeting a bit, groaning as he began to fill the gaping maw with seed, painting her sharp teeth and tongue with jizz. The last drop snaked out of his cock, landing on her chin, making a slow drip downwards to her chest. She just stood there, tasting the cum in her maw. "Swallow." Agumon ordered.

Gatomon grimaced, closing her eyes and lips at the same time. She gulped once, feeling the slimy seed move down her throat. "Oh it's delicious Agumon." She guessed that order he gave her to say she enjoyed it was still in effect.

The dinosaur gave his dick a good two shakes, one last gob of white spunk flying out of the piss hole. The final spurt of cum hit the kitten square on the nose, sticking to it like glue. She moved to wipe it off, but Agumon stopped her. "Leave it on!" The dinosaur grinned. "You look sexy with it on."

Gatomon instantly complied, putting her paws down. She couldn't help but stare at it cross eyed, as if she could will it away. "Am... I done?" She asked hesitantly.

"Nope!" Agumon grinned as he tucked away his cock in its hiding place. "Stand up straight." To which the cat obeyed once more, the drop of cum moving from its perch on her snout and sliding down her lips. She could taste the saltiness as it stopped on her bottom lip. "Stay there."

The cat squirmed, rooted to the spot as Agumon disappeared into the closet, his ass sticking out as he rummaged around. "I know it's here... found it!" He pulled out an old dog collar and black leash. It was from Tai and Kari's pet dog when they were like five... before it was sadly hit by a car. They didn't have the heart to throw it away.

"What are you doing?" Gatomon asked as the dinosaur placed the collar around her neck. She moved to remove it... but Agumon order her to leave it on.

"I think we are going to have to get you a tag made up for that." The dinosaur smiled as he took Gatomon by a leash. "Come on now... why don't we take a visit to all of our friends... I bet the guys would love to see you now!"

Another request done. I know it's a touch out of character, but who doesn't want the big bad kitty to get spanked a bit! [email protected] for requests and commissions and so on!

The Twelve Talismans:Dimensional Travels - Chapter 26 - Under the Sea

A short jaunt here to inject some lightheartedness after what we just had. Also, forced male kissing! \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* ...

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The Twelve Talismans:Dimensional Travels - Chapter 25 - Past Mistakes

And the last chapter of this world. Hope you enjoy! \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* The Twelve Talismans: Dimensional Travels...

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The Twelve Talismans - Chapter 0.5 - Wine and Womon

Another request. I made a comment in my Twelve Talismans about the French Floramon getting into a threesome with Agumon and Patamon. It was an offhanded comment, barely one line. But I guess someone really wanted to know the full story! So here it is....

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