The Twelve Talismans - Chapter 0.5 - Wine and Womon

Story by MrRedRover on SoFurry

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#42 of The Twelve Talismans

Another request. I made a comment in my Twelve Talismans about the French Floramon getting into a threesome with Agumon and Patamon. It was an offhanded comment, barely one line. But I guess someone really wanted to know the full story! So here it is. Its a bit of backstory, so I fit it in where it would work as a chapter. It is canon, but not essential to the plot. It really happened before any of the series started.


The Twelve Talismans Chapter 0.5 - Wine and Womon (Agumon/Floramon/Patamon)


Celebrations following the defeat of MaloMyotismon lasted nearly a week, especially with the Japanese DigiDestined spending time with their many friends across the world. Things were winding down after a second evening in Paris, where DigiDestined from much of Europe had congregated at Catherine's home. Patamon, Agumon and Floramon were reminiscing the former two's previous visit in Paris and the fight against the Nanimon gang. They were the only three still up, most everyone else gone to sleep or home, but the two Japanese Digimon had problem sleeping with all the jetlag they had accumulated.

"Oh, don't worry." Agumon threw a handful of chips in his wide maw and munched on them. "I don't think any amount of noise could wake them anyway."

They were sitting on the kitchen floor. Too often couches and chairs were too high for Digimon to get comfortable.

"Yeah." Patamon sucked grape soda through a straw. "Besides we saved the world! We get to stay past curfew!"

"That is good, mes amis." Floramon said with her thick French accent. Like many Digimon, she was polyglot. French was her main language, but she spoke English and Japanese as well, albeit with a strong accent. "Oh! Before I forget, I have a little something here to celebrate!" She went to the pantry and rummaged for a bit. Soon she was back with a dark-coloured, uncorked bottle.

"This is..." The plant Digimon paused for a second to remember the word. "Vine."

The orange dinosaur took the glass bottle by the neck and held it to his nose to smell its content. The aroma was vaguely fruity, but besides detecting alcohol, he did not recognize the substance. "What is it?" Agumon had never actually seen wine before, only beer or sake, and he had never drunk any.

"It's like sake, but it's made with grapes instead of rice." Patamon explained. Unlike the other Digimon, he had spent most of the last year in the Real World. "And It's a lot tastier in m opinion." Compared to Agumon he was a Ph.D. of the humans.

Agumon took a small swig from the container and, unaccustomed to the taste of alcohol as he was, almost spewed it across the room, having actually expected something rather like grape juice. "Ugh... that's icky!" He tried to get the taste off his tongue as he passed the bottle to Patamon.

The mammalian Digimon grabbed it and took a big gulp. "It's not so bad, really." He remarked as he licked his lips. between his small size and fast metabolism, he was actually feeling the warmth in his belly. "I like it better than Japanese Sake myself."

"Why would you drink that instead of soda?" The dinosaur made a face again from the aftertaste.

Floramon wrapped her stamen around the bottle. "Oh, it makes you feel so warm and relaxed..." She murred softly as she took the bottle from Agumon. She took out three large wine glasses and gracefully poured them. "Trust me, it is an easily acquired taste. Not to mention there are some fun drinking games."

"Drinking games?" That was a new concept to the other two.

"Oh yes, there are many. Catherine taught me several." Catherine was Floramon's beautiful curly blonde partner with a fondness from frilly dresses. "Truth or dare, categories.... Or 'Never have I ever'. That one is a favourite of mine."

"'Never have I ever'? How do you play that?" Agumon inquired.

"Oh, it's very simple. You say 'Never have I ever', and then complete with something you have never done. Those who have done it then you have to drink. For example... Never have I ever digivolved to Ultimate level." She gave a wide grin with her yellow lips. "Now, since you two have, you must drink."

Agumon and Patamon blinked and glanced at each other before placing their glasses at their respective lips. The dinosaur grimaced again at the taste, which drew a giggle out of Patamon, who seemed to handle it fine. "All right...." He started "Never have I ever... Err... Been taller than ten feet."

"Only barely." The dinosaur snorted. His higher forms were giant t-rexes the size of buildings, but Patamon's Champion form was itself very tall. Agumon took a swing of the wine, now starting to feel the effects of tipsiness. "All right then! Never have I ever had fur." He stuck his tongue out at Patamon, who smiled and took a drink. Of course of the three he was the only one that could possibly apply to: Floramon's digivolved form was a bird!

Floramon grinned these antics. "A good start, mon ami, but rather tame for a drinking game. Let's get this really started... Never have I ever...." She paused a bit, at first for effect, then because she had to remember the English word. "Jerked off." It wasn't one she had much occasions to use!

"Oh that's unfair!" Agumon blushed. Obviously he had jerked off before, and took a big swig of wine accordingly. Patamon didn't, though, simply holding his glass with a vaguely embarrassed expression.

"Monsieur, you are supposed to drink." The plant Digimon politely notified him.

The orange mammal paused for a moment, hesitating to answer. "I've, erm... Well, never jerked off before." He finally admitted.

"Really?" Even Agumon was surprised at that. He, for one, did it whenever he had some private time alone, which was as often as it sound with the entire Kamiya family and Gatomon living together in a small apartment. Living with a hot furry Digimon roommate often gave him an erection that he had to hide.

"Seriously? Never?" Floramon asked the ear winged Digimon.

"It's um..." Patamon demonstrated by reaching downward. "Kinda hard to reach."

"Oh my, what a total shame." The plant scooted forward earnestly, by now clearly under the effect of alcohol. "How do you relieve yourself?" She added.

"I can just touch... but not enough to really rub." He demonstrated with small, incidentally lewd movement. Clearly it wasn't so much a problem of distance as of flexibility: his own bulk got in the way. As the plant digimon continued to stare intently at his crotch, he brought his wings over to cover himself, blushing.

"Mon Dieu." Floramon pushed the wings aside, on her hands and knees. "When was the last time you even came at all?" She looked down at the shy little Digimon.

"Besides wet dreams?" Patamon had to think about that for a minute. "About.... six months ago?" It was actually more of a hassle than anything, so he hardly ever bothered anymore. When he did, about his only choice was humping a pillow or something, and even that wasn't very enjoyable.

"A hero like you? That is simply wrong!" The stamen hand of Floramon came forward, and began to rub at the Patamon's light furred pouch, much to the combined shock and delight of the male digimon. "Why don't you let me give you a hand?"

Agumon watched her grope at the other orange digimon for a moment, getting a bit aroused from her forwardness. Soon Patamon's slender dick flopped out into the plants hands and Agumon stood up easily.

"Erm... I think... I think I'll..." He stuttered.

"Now, now." Floramon held out her left hand and beckoned him closer. "I do have two hands you know..."

The idea was quite enticing. It had been a while since Agumon had had a chance to spend time away from his partner at all, and he would most likely not get an occasion like this again anytime soon. "Isn't this, err... kinda gay?" Agumon squeaked insecurely. He was no homophobe, but he wasn't sure he wanted to be around while Patamon got jacked off.

"There's a saying, I believe." Floramon chuckled as her petal-like fingers stroked Patamon's rapidly hardening member. "That goes 'it's only gay if the balls touch', n'est-ce-pas?" Patamon was rather well hung for two-feet long pill-shaped creature, his dick rather long, but quite slender, kind of like a pencil down to the pointed tip. "Besides, if you really don't want to join us, you can go watch TV while Patamon et moi have our fun."

The dinosaur's dick had slid out too as she spoke. "Well... a little fun can't hurt I guess..." He didn't seem to require any additional convincing, stepping up to the pair with a sly smile on his face as a stamen wrapped around his penis too. Unlike Patamon's pink one, his was the same orange as the rest of his body and a good inch shorter than the mammal's, but easily twice as thick.

Floramon now found herself kneeling between the two. "My, you two gentlemons are really quite horny, je vois." She smiled as she jacked them off. She had very odd hands, essentially two purple flowers watch with a lone yellow coming out the middle, which she could control. She coiled them around the two cocks, the hair over them forming a little fuzzy, while the rest of the silky petals wrapped around the shafts.

"Oh..." Patamon let out a little squeak as his dick twitched, leaking copious precum that soaked and slickened Floramon's grasp This was so good. It had been a long time, way back in the digital world, since he last had someone do the work for him.

Agumon's eyes were shut tightly. Floramon was really quite good at this, and he really didn't want to watch his friend get whacked off at the same time. "Uh, yeah..." He groaned in echo. His dick was getting warmer under the female digimon's treatment.

"Oh, your dick is nice and warm, Agumon!." She bent down to run her tongue over it slowly. This got a lusty groan from Agumon, and he continued to rub her lips over his sensitive organ. Their soft texture was like being kissed by a rose. She then turned to Patamon and treated him to the same, the thin member twitching harder at this, as if trying to escape. The member's throbs and twitches got more violent the closer and closer Patamon got to an orgasm. "Oh my! It's like holding a wildebeest!" Floramon giggled playfully before rewarding the thin dick with more kisses. Through this she had not stopped her pumping for even one second.

Agumon was getting close fast. A warm dollop of pre actually shot right out of his tip and splattered over Floramon's lips. She licked them clean, noticing the spicy, cinnamony flavour. "Almost there..." The dinosaur groaned, concluding in a sudden, loud squeal as he had a powerful orgasm. Hot streaks of his jizz shot out, the first and biggest one striking Floramon straight in the face just next to her eye. Several more pumps of her hands coaxed more of the seed to coat her arm and face until the orgasm petered out, the last few drops squeezed over her purple fingers.

Patamon soon followed suit, ears flapping hard and fast as if he was trying to take flight. Unlike the other digimon, he was not missing a bit of how Floramon got coated in streaks of white cum, and it was the sight that set him off, sending long jets flying. Unlike Agumon's, who shot straight, Patamon's penis twitched so much it acted almost like a sprinkler, spraying his content erratically as much over the plant digimon as himself in a coat of tiny cum drops. "Uhhh..." His dick gave one last violent spasm until finally coming to a rest, having made a true mess of himself and Floramon. His ears also came to rest alongside his member, and he let out a deep sigh of relief as he fell on his back.

The flower girl smiled, her face just covered in the combined Digimon seed that dripped down onto her chest. She began to smear it around her chest with both hands. "You two... You were over capacity, non?" She continued to play with the cum, enjoying the feel of it in her purple petal fingers, and now possibly the most aroused of the three, her body releasing its pheromone-laden perfume scent as she dragged a particularly long strand of cum downwards into her snatch. She rubbed it over her clit in tight circles, moaning at the slimy seed on her nether regions, and began playing more overtly with herself as the two digimon boys watched. She obviously had no qualms about them watching. "Are you two really done already?" She goaded them with a light moan, her soft fingers reaching a sweet spot.

Agumon and Patamon exchanged glances. "Well... we just both... you know." The dinosaur tried to apologize; he honestly doubted he could get it up so rapidly. He had come so hard it felt as if his balls were yurned inside out. Yes he knew it wasn't a particularly big orgasm for him.

"After only one time? Two studly boys like you?" She promptly leaned down in front of him, her red face still a mess of cum, and looked down at his member. It hung limply over his sack in a mess of already jelling seed. "I can tell both of you have at least one more in you. Let me demonstrate." She quickly grabbed the orange dick and stuffed it in his mouth, sucking it with an enthusiasm and skill that showed many more had preceded it.

Agumon's couldn't have complained: he was too busy gasping. His dick gave a few twitches and soon the plant's talents had it growing anew. She was certainly a most eager little cocksucker. "Uhhh... maybe I can, if you keep doing that..." He agreed with a grin. It didn't took all that long before she had gotten him back to his full length and he was humping into her mouth.

Again, Patamon watched, finding the sight of Agumon getting a passionate blowjob most arousing. Unhindered by anything like regular masturbation, he was soon hard again from the show alone. He wished very much he could get a turn at that mouth that was apparently so experienced, but he saw Floramon wiggle her tight ass at him, and the thought was promptly swept under the rug: her tail was hiked up to display her swollen labia and tight asshole. He didn't need to be told twice, literally flying over to land lightly on her green back.

"Mmmh..." The French Digimon moaned as she felt the belly fur rub against her back. She could feel his dickhead poke around under her stubby tail, hitting her asshole and her swollen pussy lips in its desperate search for an opening. He couldn't do any better: Patamon simply didn't have the arm length to guide himself in. Fortunately Floramon was only too happy to lend a flower hand, reaching back to ease the dick into her vaginal opening. She could have taken him up the ass just fine, but right now that was the hole that needed attention. With the next thrust Patamon had buried himself inside her. Two humps later he had crammed his entire deep in her snatch, ears splayed to the side and beating to help with the pumps. The small digimon was in heaven at the sensation from his pistonning, and watching Agumon get blown was only adding to the whole thing. Unlike the dinosaur, he had an appreciation for porn. With Gabumon as one of his best buddies, the opposite would have been surprising.

The dinosaur meanwhile was holding Floramon by the shoulder as he pumped his orange dick lightly into her mouth. That girl knew what she was doing, even he could tell taht, even with his own lack of experience to compare it to. The way she pulled her cheeks in, how she pressed her tongue to his underside, she knew just how to make him shudder and spew more of his so peculiar-tasting pre into her mouth. She swallowed every offering of the spicy-salty liquid with small murrs. Agumon's eyes were closed again: Patamon,s pleasure-racked face was possibly the latest thing he wanted to see right now, even though Floramon's sucking skills more than made up for it.

As to the plant digimon herself? She was in seventh heaven. She had never had a threesome before, but she had fantasized about them. A lot. And it was turning out to be just as great as she had imagined! Agumon's cock was buried in her mouth to the root, head actually touching the back of her throat... Patamon was plowing her from behind like a crazed beast with his dick almost turning into a live vibrator inside her as her pussy dripped with sweet smelling juices.... People were asleep in the very next room... There was nothing in the entire situation not conspiring to bring her to and incredible orgasm faster than ever.

Yet it was Agumon that exploded first. His white claws pulled her in tighter, actually scratching her a little as he lost it to the lust. "GaaAah!" His strangled cry devolved into a series of short little groans as he fed Floramon a second serving of his seed. This new load was almost as big as the first, and at first he expected the plant to spit it out, but she swallowed the entire thing without further ado with loud gulps, wave after wave of sperm going down her gullet like the wine before it until she had wrangled every last drop out of his scaly balls.

Patamon still rammed into Floramon as he took in the sight of the dinosaur's orgasm. It beat all the porn he'd ever watched hands down. Suddenly his earwings flattened back against his back with a squeal, his cock giving even more violent spasms inside the plant digimon, who seemed to love the sensations it sent scouring through her body, particularly when he finally began blowing his load deep inside her flowery snatch. She groaned loudly around AGumon's member, whole body shuddering in delight at the stimulation all over her privates from the twitching member. Her orgasm rode on the coattails of Patamon without ever interrupting her sucking on Agumon's shaft. She had not lost hope of coaxing more out of him, but the orange dinosaur was, for the time being, hopelessly spent as he laid back against the couch and gave little gasps. If the piece of furniture hadn't been there he would have simply collapsed.

Just because everyone was done didn't seem to be good enough a reason for Floramon to stop sucking on Agumon. She just liked the feeling of a warm shaft in her mouth. Patamon lay on her back, member no longer twitching, but still resting inside her sloppy green hole. Eventually it retracted on its own and slid back into his pouch, at which point he dismounted her to rest on his belly, panting lightly and watching his own cum leak down the pant digimon's legs as she too sat down on the floor. All their faces were glowing with contentment as she smiled at them too.

"Oh that was... most enjoyable." The French Digimon panted in exhaustion. Doing two Digimon at once was far more tiring than she'd expected.

"Yeah..." Agumon was still leaning against the couch. his member, sticking to his thigh, did not retract on his own like Patamon's, but he couldn't be bothered to put it away for the time being.

"Double yeah." Patamon's ears were spread across the floor.

"We should still get cleaned up before someone catches us." Agumon spoke up, finally realizing they were covered in bodily fluids right in the middle of Catherine's living room. With a blush, he quickly tucked away his member.

"Well, I guess." Floramon stretched her arms and slowly got up. "Let me show you where the bathroom is.... And if you boys want to join me... that would be tr bien." She winked naughtily as she sauntered away and down the hall, her body still coated with both their jizzes.

The orange pair stared at the bouncing green ass, then at each other before following the female with broad grins plastered on their faces.


Finally got it done. That request took a lot longer than expected, sorry! And yes, that's "canon". As explicitly mentioned in the series, Patamon and Agumon double-teamed Floramon. Anyway, as always, comments, posts, and the like are appreciated, as are donations! Contact me at [email protected] or on MSN as well.

The Twelve Talismans:Dimensional Travels - Chapter 24 - Home

And the first of the last chapters of the series. I was getting bored with the series, and rather than simply leave it hanging, I am going to finish it in the next two chapters or so. ...

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The Twelve Talismans:Dimensional Travels - Chapter 23 - Hakuna Matata

And goodbye zombie-verse. Time for something a touch more cheerful. \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* The Twelve Talismans: Dimension...

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The Twelve Talismans:Dimensional Travels - Chapter 22 - Last Mon Standing

And a continuation of the Zombie-mon verse! I've been watching the Walking Dead and was just inspired. Everything is better with zombies. A blood and gore warning on this one again. Also, the sex scene is pretty harsh too. And gay. Can't forget thegay....

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