The Twelve Talismans:Dimensional Travels - Chapter 24 - Home

Story by MrRedRover on SoFurry

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#41 of The Twelve Talismans

And the first of the last chapters of the series. I was getting bored with the series, and rather than simply leave it hanging, I am going to finish it in the next two chapters or so.


The Twelve Talismans: Dimensional Travels Chapter 24 - Home (Gomamon/Palmon)


"Ugh..." Gomamon's head was still swimming as he got up. Gabumon and Gomamon were, as usual, up first and taking point. After the last two worlds, they were trying to be ready for most anything. "Why do I get like this?" the seal groaned.

"Maybe you get dimensionsick, y'know, the way Joe gets seasick?" Gatomon suggested.

"Why couldn't I just get carsick like normal people?" He moaned back pathetically.

As his magical-induced haze cleared up, he could hear pigeons cooing, traffic bustling in the background, smell cherry blossom in the air. "So far my danger sense isn't going up." Gatomon conceded.

"It... looks like Tokyo." Gabumon said as he scanned the skyline. "Our Tokyo" He specified after a pause. The Fuji TV station was not a smoldering ruin; Tokyo Tower reached to the heavens instead of being a chunk of twisted metal. No fires, no sense of urgency. Even the few humans around the park looked at the digimon with little more than that casual interest typical of the terminally blas

"Smells like home, too." Gatomon added. Gomamon tried to sniff, but he could barely recognize the smell of fish, much less that of Tokyo (beyond the smell of pollution, that is).

"Does it quack like Tokyo, too?" The seal asked sarcastically, getting himself glared at.

Gatomon remained tense nonetheless. "Well, Everything looks in one piece."

"No vampires or mummies, I take it?" Gomamon got up slowly. He stumbled a bit while the other glared even more searingly at him. "Okay scratch that... No need to jinx it all again."


The trio looked up at the voice, that of a pink bird floating overhead and staring at them with wide eyes. "Gabumon? Gomamon?"

"Biyomon?" Gomamon looked up. "Is that you?"

"By the Gods! Kari! Palmon! Sora!" She screeched over her shoulder as she landed, giving Gabumon a hug. "I found them! I found them!"

Her shrill voice carried halfway across the park, and a few minutes later the girls came running down the hill. Judging from the basket Mimi was carrying, they had been having a picnic. Gatomon surmised that Sora and Mimi had all but dragged Kari out from her apartment, if only to get some fresh air. The girl burst into a frantic run upon seeing her partner and all but tackled the digimon, pressing her face into Gatomon's and crying happily as she twirled her.

"You're alive!" Palmon hugged Gomamon tightly, lifting him off the ground and pressing her chest to his. "We were so worried when we saw the destruction at Joe's place!"

"Man I am glad to see... Whoa!" The seal's eyes went wide. Did Palmon just cop a feel on my ass? He decided now was neither the place nor the time to call her on that. It was probably a slip of the hands anyway.

Hugs, handshakes, and frantic questions were thrown around so fast Gomamon could hardly make sense of the exchanges. They gave the briefest of summaries and promised to explain all they could once they had assured everyone they were alive and well. Gabumon didn't stay too long; he wanted to get back to his partner's place, and ran off to see his digidestined Matt whom he had not seen in months. Kari held on to Gatomon for several minutes before allowing her to so much as get a good breath in.

"Yeah... I'm sorry Kari." Gatomon was tearing up a little too. She felt so guilty for letting the girl worry about her.

"Speaking of sorry..."


Gomamon's head snapped to the side, the hand print of Sora's palm left across his cheek. "You're still a jerk!" The tall redhead snorted, glaring down at the much smaller creature before turning around and storming off, apparently only now remembering she was pissed off at him.

"Ouch..." Gomamon rubbed his cheek a bit, but didn't deny he deserved that. "I guess my secret's out..."

"Oh yeah, big time." Palmon leaned over and whispered in the seal's ear. "She's really pissed you burnt off her clothes and then manipulated her into having sex in a phone booth of all places. But it's really that Tai broke up with her over it."

Oh great, if Palmon knows all the details, everybody does. I am boned big time. "Yeah... I was thinking with the wrong head." The seal admitted. "I have a lot to apologize..."

"Indeed!" Biyomon hissed softly. She was grateful that everyone was alive, but her own issues with were quickly resurfacing. "Floramon and I broke up because of you!" Green energy began to form at the tip of her beak.

"Oh fuck." Gomamon sighed as the blast of green fire descended from above.


"Well here we are." Gomamon stopped in the hallway to the Kamiyas' apartment. He had called Joe, said a few heartfelt words and told he'd be right home, but wanted to escort Gatomon first. His fur was singed from Biyomon's attack, and he had a feeling he would be getting a lot of that for the near future. "Kari? Can I have a moment with Gatomon?" He requested.

Kari seemed a bit hesitant to let her partner go. "Alright, but hurry up. Your boyfriend's probably asleep in your bed, and I think you should be the one to wake him up with the good news... He's been working himself to exhaustion looking for you. He never gave up hope. "

Gatomon blushed softly. She had not quite suspected Veemon of being that dedicated to her. "I'll be there in a minute." Kari went inside, but continued to check on her through the magical eye, nervous that her feline friend may disappear into thin air once more.

The seal took a deep breath before starting. "Listen. Most likely I am going to be doing this a lot in the next while, but I probably screwed up with you more than anyone else... And... Well... I'm sorry." Gomamon continued. "What I did with these powers was utterly selfish and irresponsible, and it almost got all three of us killed. I didn't mean to hurt an-" Gatomon pressed a single claw against his lips.

"I forgive you." She leaned over and kissed the seal on the forehead. "You're a screw up, sometimes, Gomamon... but you do what's right in the end." She gave a sweet little smile. "We all screw up sometimes. The important part is to try and correct our past mistakes... and I know you'll make me proud."

The seal felt his heart beat a little quicker. "Gatomon?"

"Yes?" She smiled sweetly, taking her claw of his fuzzy lip.

"I..." What he wanted to say wasn't what came out. "I think you better get in. Veemon... is probably worried about you."

Gatomon nodded. "Give Joe my best." And with that she turned and entered the apartment, her tail disappearing behind the door like a wisp of smoke.

She's something special. Gomamon cursed himself for not finding the courage to tell her. In the midst of all this he had gotten a bit of a crush on her... Well... It's my own fault. Big time. I should be eternally grateful she's still willing to even call me a friend after that. Looks like she and Veemon were meant to be I guess...

Gatomon shut the entrance door and went to her room. She knocked on it, waking the lone occupant. Her eyes going wide as she was suddenly surrounded in a warm embrace by her friend.


Gomamon was still trying to fix his messed up fur. Luckily for him, much like her partner had not punched him full force Biyomon hadn't used all her power, but it had still sent him flying for a dozen yards and knocked him for a loop. "So... How long you think I am going to suffer for this?"

"A while, I reckon." Joe stood in the doorway and watched his digimon preen himself. He was happy, ecstatic even: his digimon ally was alive and well. But he was still displeased with the seal's antics. They had spent all day catching up. " I must say it's surprising how much they worried about you. I mean... Patamon had all those videos of you doing some... rather impressive things, I must say."

Fuck. He must've found Gabumon's stash when that dragon-guy attacked us. So that's how Palmon knew, and probably everyone else too. "Oh great..." He headbutting in the mirror a few times. "I ought to get used to being set on fire now, right?"

"Well, If you're lucky it'll stop at that." Joe came over and ruffled Gomamon's red hair up. "But as a future doctor, may I recommend you find yourself a titanium jockstrap to wear for the next decade or so?"

That actually made the digimon laugh a bit. "Well, I'm just glad to be back."

"Same. I think this calls for something special. Let's get your favourite fish!" The young man headed to the door. "I'll go to get your salmon down at the fish market. I'll be back in a bit... try not to ruin the place this time, okay?"

"No promises." Gomamon flashed a smile and held out two claws in a V.

His partner shook his head and flung open the door with a grin, but stopped short at the sight of a familiar green silhouette topped with a colourful flower. She was just about to knock, fingers curled up into a fist. "You've got a visitor." Joe called back to the seal.

"Oh, hi Joe!" Palmon greeted him as she walked in. "I just wanted to make sure Gomamon wasn't disappearing on me again." She waved in the direction of the bathroom, the other digimon waving back timidly. Given the extent of what they had done together, he was particularly apprehensive of this particular apology.

"Well, you can keep him company. I'm going to pick us up a special meal." The human turned back to the door. "I'll be back in a bit." the door closed behind him, and he did not bother locking it up. After all there were two experienced digimon inside.

"Oh, uhm... Hey Palmon." Gomamon smiled awkwardly as he hopped of the bathroom sink and came out into the hall. "Where's Mimi?" If she was around he could deal with her at the same time...

"She's on her way back to Vancouver... she spent enough time in Japan trying to cheer up with Kari as it is,. I told her I'd just take the next flight, so to speak." The plant digimon smiled.

"So where were you?" The seal wondered.

"I spent the whole day letting everyone know that you guys had reappeared. Half of them are still in the Digital World searching for you. They'll be back tomorrow, and then we are going to have a proper welcome home for you all!"

"Oh, that's great." Gomamon said sarcastically. At least half of them probably want to play Whack-A-Seal too. Alright, let's get this done... He took a deep breath, mentally rehearsing the speech in his mind before he actually talked. "I need to say I'm sorry... I tricked you, I was selfish..."

"Oh babe?" She cut him off with a grin so wide he actually worried for a second the top of her head would fall off. "Sorry for what? The best sex I ever had? Don't be... I mean... My gods! You were such a beast!" She closed up, sensually running a leafy hand down her left side. "Just tell me: you still have those powers? Speed? Stamina?"

"Well... Sadly those that I used with you... I kinda lost them." The male admitted. "I got a few of them back, but nothing really interesting. Even if there were any around, well fuck it. I sure as hell wouldn't try to go and get them! I'm way too happy to be home again."

"Same here stud." She grabbed him by the neck and lifted him up so she could press their lips together. She stuck her tongue right down his throat and swirled it all around his mouth for a bit before breaking it. "Really glad."

"Whoa, Palmon!" The seal panted. "What was that for?" Her lips were smooth, without any bump or vein or even the folds found on humans, just soft like a cherry.

"Some of the others are ticked, sure. But me, unlike them, I can tell a good fun romp when I live one..." She ran her slender fingers over her body. "And it may suck that you can't do what you used to do, but I still don't see any reason why we shouldn't fool around a bit before Joe comes back, what d'you say?"

"I say that was probably the last answer I expected." Gomamon was quickly finding his footing back with only a slightly nervous chuckle, for he wasn't entirely sure what to make of her forwardness. "But seriously? If anything my dick has been getting me in trouble lately, so, uhm... I was kinda thinking of cooling it a t--."

"Gomamon? Please shut the fuck up." Palmon's vines danced over his back. "You've already gotten on the bad end of Sora and Biyomon's issues with you... Do you really want to add me to your list when I want to do exactly what you did to me in the first place?" She bent over and gave the seal a good long lick up the side of his face. "And especially since I've been wet ever since I saw you in the park?"

The seal shuddered, feeling a slight twinge in his groin. "When did you get so forward?" Gomamon asked as Palmon grabbed his flipper and proceeded to drag him into the bedroom.

"Since I had a chance to sample that huge red shaft of yours!" The plant pushed him on the tatami. She didn't want to make a mess of Joe's bed: explaining cum stains was ever so annoying... "Now, why don't you lay back like a good boy toy and let me have my fun?" She flipped the seal on his back and straddled him, promptly starting to grind up and down his white furry chest.

Gomamon shuddered a bit. She was definitely horny and already her vaginal juices were leaving wet marks on his fur from. "Man... you really aren't going to take no for an answer, are you?" He chuckled, almost his underside now covered in a light sheen from her grinding.

"Mmmh... You fucked me for one day like a god, and then went and just vanished?" She could feel the shaft growing against her taut green ass. "Damn right, I'm not taking no for an answer!" Palmon bent over, pressing her face close to Gomamon's. "You left a hole I couldn't fill, no matter how many cocks, dildos and vibrators I tried!"

The seal could not help but shudder at that image, and soon his cock had emerged completely from its hiding place, the white sack flopping out under the red shaft that rubbed into Palmon's ass crack and poked under her stubby tail. "Uhhh... " He shuddered as he felt the smooth skin rub over his cock. Her body had a strange texture: not scaled like Veemon, yet utterly hairless and warm, but not sweaty.

Palmon felt that warm member rubbing against herself and grinned. "There we go!" She smiled and grinded against it a little more. "Mmmh, I've been yearning for that ever since doing it in that fountain..." She said, turning around and suddenly pressing her green ass to the seal's face. "Why don't you rim me... That first load is going up my ass!" She rubbed her large leafy hands up and down the seal's dick, just enough to keep him stimulated. "But I'll want a bit of prep work first~."

Huh... well, that's new... Gomamon thought. Normally he would never have even considered it, but right now he could not refuse the horny plant digimon anything, and so he stuck his face up between those green ass cheeks to give long, tender licks over her puckered hole. Like most digimon, she was remarkably clean (when everything is exposed to plain sight, you don't take any chance). She pushed back as he continued to run his tongue up and down the green taint.

"Mmmh, yeah. Lick me, you dirty fucker!" The horny plant demanded as she humped against him, loving the sensation. She kept massaging his dick and rubbing her ass insistently against his maw, groaning loudly whenever she was not spouting profanities of some sort.

Fuck, she got one dirty mouth on her! Gomamon continued to lap and get her butt ready for his cock. "Mmmh think you're ready?" He finally asked with a chuckle, licking his lips and wondering whether he should brush his teeth after this. He too was very much horny now from the smell of horny plant digimon. That he had not had actual sex in several days (something he had become quite unaccustomed too), helped a lot. His balls yearned for release and Palmon unwittingly tapped right into that.

"Fuck, yeah, I'm ready!" She swiftly turned around and slammed her ass down on his dick. There was not even the slightest hint of pain as she began to ride the dick nice and hard, pumping up and down like a pro. He had seen it firsthand before, but her ability--and eagerness--to take a penis up the back door still impressed him. "Oh yeah, do me up the ass like the tailhole whore I am." She rode Gomamon cowgirl style, leaning back and placing her palm leaf hands on the floor to better feel him as she bounced repeatedly.

She left him with nothing to contribute, riding him like he was the first cock to get near her in years. She soon pulled her pussy open with two fingers, revealing her deep green, dripping wet insides to his eager eyes, and allowing more of her scents to waft around as she rubbed her greenish nub some. She smelled ever so slightly of mint. "Mmmh yeah.. Getting myself ready for you, cock stud... want to feel that piece of seal meat ramming me till I can't walk!" She rubbed her clit a bit more, the cock sliding into her ass as naturally as if she'd been merely exercising.

Between his pent-upness, the great show and hard work of Palmon's tight ass griping at his member, there was no way for Gomamon to hold on very long. She obviously had was not intent on letting him anyway, slamming down on his shaft with unending need. "Uhhh!" Gomamon grunted as he came hard, flooding her back side with a generous helping of seal sperm, the results of days of having no chance to empty his nuts.

Palmon seemed to approve of the amount, but almost as soon as his member was done twitching, she was getting off him with some cum dribbling down her legs. She immediately got down between the seal's small back flippers and grabbed his shaft. "Mmmh you better fucking get it up fast!" She demanded, getting comfortable on her belly. "The only reason I took it up my ass first is so the one in my cunt lasts as long as fucking possible." And without further ado she took the whole thing in her mouth. It was a large orifice with few teeth; taking Gomamon's cock to the base was child's play for her.

"Wow, so you do ass to mouth now?" The seal looked down in a bit of shock as Palmon deep throated him without a moment's hesitation. "When did you get so kinky?"

"Mmmh, I am a filthy little slut..." The plant let the cock flop out of her mouth, stroking it a bit as she tried to get it up again. "I'll do anything if that means you'll fuck me like the whore I am." She then stuck her face under his balls and abruptly shoved her tongue right up the male digimon's ass.

"Hel-LO!" Gomamon bucked from the deep, unexpected penetration. He would rather not lick a girl's ass, but he most definitely enjoyed being on the receiving end. And if her enthusiasm was anything to go by, Palmon certainly was enjoying giving it to him as thoroughly as possible. Her tongue ran around his furry asshole and shoved up inside as far as possible, wiggling and circling inside him. How could he resist that? Soon he had another throbbing boner ready for the taking.

"Oh yeah, you love it when I lick your asshole, don't you?" She stood up again to slide against him, running her fingers into the seal's belly fur. Wrapping her arms around his neck, she reached back only briefly to guide the cock into her moist entrance. "Now fuck my brains out!" She ordered.

Gomamon was only too happy to comply. He wrapped his own strong flippers around her smooth ass and pulled her fully on his member getting a blissful moan out of her as she took the dick in with ease. "Mhmm... Oh yeah, Palmon. That feels awesome!" He moaned back, giving each of her ass cheeks a squeeze.

"Mmmh don't hold back!" She pressed her cheek to his and hugged him even tighter. "I need cum in me!" She squeezed her legs together to try and make herself tighter for her impromptu partner.

The seal continued ramming himself into her with abandon. As Palmon hoped, his second load did take longer, but it wasn't that long before he could feel the sperm building up inside him (Again, the lack of a chance to cum recently was helping). The plant digimon came first, screaming obscenities in his ears and hugging him as tight as she could. He was a little behind, but Palmon was not to be deterred by that: she clearly enjoyed continuing to ride him, intent on feeling him jizz up inside of her. A few minutes later, Gomamon started to shudder uncontrollably and let out a cry. "Ohhh fuck!" He exclaimed as he came hard for the second time. His second offering of sperm was only slightly smaller than the first, but both were on par with what he had been pumping into her the first time thanks to the Horse talisman.

By then Palmon had come down from her climax, but the cum in her was a enjoyable sensation all the same; the icing on the cake, so to say. "Mmmh yeah, jizz in my snatch..." She panted and arched her back, letting out a low moan as she had a nice second orgasm. Her body shuddered ever so slightly in delight, humping a bit more as she sought to make the feeling last just a little bit longer, but finally she stopped, sliding off the sea and curling up next to him. "Man, I so needed that." She mumbled, nuzzling into him. "I just wanted a good, hard fuck before going back home... and you damn well better start visiting me."

Well, Maybe I fucked it up with Gatomon... but maybe I could make it work with Palmon. "I'll swim there if I have to!" The seal grinned and nodded.

"You better, stud." The two cuddled in close, enjoying one another's body warmth.


One more section just to wrap everything up nice and tidy! Comments, ratings, posts, emails are always welcome! Contact me at [email protected] or on MSN as well.

The Twelve Talismans:Dimensional Travels - Chapter 25 - Past Mistakes

And the last chapter of this world. Hope you enjoy! \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* The Twelve Talismans: Dimensional Travels...

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The Twelve Talismans:Dimensional Travels - Chapter 23 - Hakuna Matata

And goodbye zombie-verse. Time for something a touch more cheerful. \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* The Twelve Talismans: Dimension...

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The Twelve Talismans:Dimensional Travels - Chapter 22 - Last Mon Standing

And a continuation of the Zombie-mon verse! I've been watching the Walking Dead and was just inspired. Everything is better with zombies. A blood and gore warning on this one again. Also, the sex scene is pretty harsh too. And gay. Can't forget thegay....

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