The Twelve Talismans:Dimensional Travels - Chapter 25 - Past Mistakes

Story by MrRedRover on SoFurry

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#43 of The Twelve Talismans

And the last chapter of this world. Hope you enjoy!


The Twelve Talismans: Dimensional Travels Chapter 25 - Past Mistakes (Gatomon/Boyfriend)


Gomamon and Palmon still lay on the tatami nuzzling against each others. They had spent the last half hour or so making out and randomly groping one another. "Well that was a mighty fine apology... doubt the rest will go nearly as well." The seal finally sighed.

"Oh, I don't know what girl could stay mad at you, stud." The plant couldn't help but giggle. "I've had more than my share of guys before you... but you left them all in the dust..." She traced over one of his purple markings with her pointed tongue.

The seal grinned. There were few compliments that could have boosted his ego more. "Weird. I could have sworn you said you were a virgin back then!"

That made Palmon snort with laughter. "Me? A virgin? Good one!" She chuckled. "You even walked in on me and TK fooling around once!"

The other digimon froze. "I think I would have remembered that."

"Wow, that dimensional hopping really must have messed up your mind if you forgot that. You were so cute too, so flustered you walked out before I could even offer you to join." She hugged him again reassuringly. "Though I will miss those other forms... Mhmm that multi-limbed alien thing..."

Okay, now that was really new. "Multi-what WHAT now?"

"What did you call him, Four-Arms?" The plant continued to lick the purple markings as if she could get them off. "Remember... you bet me sex in an arm wrestle... I would have fucked you anyway of course, and you knew that, but I played along and then you changed into that red, muscular, multi-armed god... with four dicks! Wow... you did me till I couldn't walk, and that's no easy feat!"

Gomamon's eyes went wide. "I change into what? How?"

"That weird watch you had!" She tapped his left flipper. "An Omnitrix or something you called it. All of a sudden you could change into a bunch of forms... and we got to try them with you." Palmon let out a low sexy growl. "Shame you lost it... I'd love to give them all a run through."

Oh fuck, oh fuckfuckfuck... Gomamon was putting the pieces together in his mind. "I think Joe said Patamon had videos?"

Palmon grinned. "Oh, you'd like to watch some? Mhmm I knew we were made for each other." She got up and reached into her flower, pulling out a thumb drive which she jacked into the USB slot of Joe's computer. "I figured you'd appreciate. Patamon was nice enough to make me copies after I caught him taping us." She pulled up the screen with a list of at least a dozen video files and clicked on the one labelled 'Palmon_and_Gomamon'. "Let's go right to the good stuff..." She mumbled, sliding the cursor forward. It was a giant red muscular alien with red skin and four solid red eyes, a hunk of muscle from the neck down to two-toed feet. It stood in a fountain which Gomamon did not recognize, holding up Palmon and moving her up and down on... yes two penises, one in her ass and the other in her pussy. Two more were hanging loosely, flopping up and down as the four armed alien held on to each of her limbs. Gomamon's mouth hung open: they were soft and at least as big as his own hardon. "MMmm... makes me wet just watching that again..." Palmon began rubbing herself with a long finger.

"Ohhh fuck me..." The pieces were fast falling into place.

"Would be glad to, stud..." Palmon smiled happily. "Why don't we watch the one of you and Tentomon while we're at it? I'm really amazed: I would never have though you could fit all that in you!"

"That's it." The seal buried his head into his flipper. "The universe, no, the fucking _multi_verse is out to make me a cosmic joke!"

The horny plant girl didn't seem to take notice. "Or how about the one of you and Patamon?" The seal just groaned louder. "Now, normally I am not into watersports, but..."


"Oh Gatomon, I was so worried about you!" The feline shook like a leaf in a hurricane as she was hugged.

"I... Wizardmon?" She could hardly speak. The suit, the violet wizard's hat, the cape with skull buckles, the grey skin and brown hair pulled into a ponytail, she knew what they meant, she just couldn't believe it. "Is... is..."

"I searched and I searched, but I couldn't find you!" He continued to hug tightly. "I'd thought I'd go mad."

The feline still didn't talk, her mind struggling to grasp the situation as the ghost of her friend held her in a tight embrace. "Wizardmon..." She managed to get out again, but it was little more than a squeak.

"I looked everywhere, but I couldn't find you. Were you in hiding? What happened?" She suddenly felt a soft kiss land on her face, the sutures on his mouth pressing against her skin.

"I..." She was about to say it... That she was in the wrong world. That she was not his Gatomon... and that he was not her Wizardmon.

How can I break this to him? I'm not the right one! It's not fair! Not for him! Not for me! Maybe she's dead! Calm down, Gatomon... Let's just wait and see...

"No I... I wasn't hiding. I knew you were looking for me." She finally said, returning the hug and closing her eyes. "I never stopped thinking about you..."

"Oh gods, I missed you so." He was close to tears. He didn't ask where she was: that wasn't important anymore. All that mattered was that she was here, now. He kissed her again, more passionately, kisses that soon moved down the side of her neck.

This was getting both better and worse, the taller digimon now peppering her face and neck with his gentle kisses. Clearly they had moved beyond the friends she thought of them back home: Kari had called him her boyfriend, had she not? She had always wondered how things would have gone, now she could find out... "Wizardmon..." Yet as much as she wanted herself to be, she was not the one he knew.

"Oh..." He sensed her hesitation and backed off slowly. "I'm sorry. I missed you so much, but you are obviously tired from whatever you went through..." He looked both understanding and disappointed.

Why did I stop him? He missed me. I'm me enough for that... I can do this for him, can't I? How can it be wrong if it makes us both happy?

Her mouth spoke faster than her thoughts. "I am." She moved forward and looked up to press her lips to his, breaking off the kiss with a sensual smile. "But there is nobody I'd rather be with right now." Her entire body seemed to purr softly as she hugged the other digimon again, nuzzling against him and pressing her ear to his chest to listen for his heartbeat. Her eyes closed for a moment so she could bask in the deep rhythm. He rubbed her back with warm, tender hands before slipping off his gloves so he could feel her soft fur between his fingertips.

"Oh, it is so good to feel you in my arms once more." The magical digimon continued to stroke her back as they exchanged kisses back and forth. Before long he had picked her up like a child and let himself fall back gently on Kari's bed, where they continued to make out. His hands began to explore her body more assertively, squeezing her firm ass and making her heart twinge in guilt again. She wanted to be with Wizardmon... Had wanted all her life. But she wasn't truly with him...

You've gone too far. Can you break his heart now? Can you destroy his last chance at happiness... and your only chance to ever be with him?

"Mrrrrr, Wizardmon..." Gatomon reached down with one paw and found out that the wizard was, as she had hoped, quite aroused. She could feel an obvious erection through the one-piece suit--unlike humans, clothes-wearing digimon rarely wore underwear. "You've missed me in many ways... haven't you..."

"Of course my love..." Wizardmon replied as his hands moved down again to stroke her tail with one and her thigh with the other, which quickly moved to her crotch. One finger stroked it up and down, feeling the feline get fast aroused, her purrs vibrating softly against him and increasing with intensity as the fingertip penetrated between her labia.

"Rrrrr... yeah..." Gatomon's eyes were half closed as she grinded against the finger. Wizardmon was much gentler than her previous lovers. As much as she had enjoyed these romps, the tenderness made for a welcome change of pace. Her paws soon trailed up the zipper that split the suit down the front, taking the metal tag and tugging it down with consumed slowness. She had never seem him naked before. The most she had were his hands and arms: they were good friend, but tat was they had been. The metal teeth unbuckled as he slipped the sleeves off his arms, revealing grey, hairless skin and a body more muscular than she had expected. Not much of a bodybuilder, or even as toned as Kiba, but lean and well-built nonetheless. Stitched scars marked his body. She knew, as he had once told her, that they were not the result of some freak medical experiment; for his species of Digimon, they were not much different than the markings on Gabumon's stomach. Nonetheless, she had to hide her surprise when his member was finally freed, revealing a series of similar scars down the length that essentially made it slightly ribbed. Like most guys who had had sex with her so far, he lacked a foreskin.

She gave a smirk as her paws wrapped around it slowly and she straddled her lover's body. Wizardmon was rather surprised... He couldn't recall the last time Gatomon had been on top; she was usually so subdued, both in bed and fighting. Whatever had happened seemed to have awoken the warrior in her. "Gatomon..." He moaned her name while she stroked him a few times. He was already standing at attention, and the feline lost little time in positioning herself so she could gaze at his face when she took him.

They seemed a perfect match, and the rows of stitches rubbing against her sensitive lining made Gatomon shudder gently. "Wizardmon... You feel so good in me..." Her tail whipped back and forth like a cobra as she began making love to him. Her paws were firmly planted on his muscular abdomen as she moved up and down with passion. "By the gods..."

The wizard's hands finally came up to caress her legs. He was somewhat... disconcerted. He was used to doing most of the work in bed, not that he minded this change in their relationship. The feline never took initiative, but he would never force her do anything she was uncomfortable with. "Gatomon! You're so... wild..." He could not help but groan as his lover moved faster. Her grip seemed to tighten as her softly furred hands roamed over his stomach and chest, tracing his muscles.

"I can feel you... and I never want that feeling to end!" Gatomon's eyes were half-lidded, showing only the smallest hint of sky blue as she continued her movements. She needed to be with the other digimon so very badly... she had never realized how much she needed him in her life... how much she cared and loved him...

Wizardmon was moving back against her, spilling some of his fluids into her wet confines. He was getting close... and in record time. He tried as hard as he could to hold back, to make it last... but it was quite difficult: Gatomon was just so... well... so good. "Almost..." He panted, his tall hat finally falling off to the side and rolling off the bed. He had to keep from crying out in pleasure: Kari was just on the other side...

"Please fill me..." Gatomon begged. "I need it..."

That was also new, but even Wizardmon didn't notice it. He was too engrossed by the way she seemed to radiate happiness, and he couldn't hold it back any more, pumping his juice inside the feline.

She felt Wizardmon his orgasm and... it made her feel... tingly. There was hardly a better term, but she could look for one later. Right now she wanted to enjoy every sensation, no matter how exotic, that he provided her with. It was more than enough to set her off anyway. her orgasm felt soft, as if it wrapped her entire body in thick velvet and turned her into a ball of gentle purring. She leaned down to rest on the humanoid digimon's chest. It was the best feeling she had ever had... possibly the first time in all her life where she had ever felt truly contented.

The two just stay embraced for a while. Gatomon wished she could never move, almost afraid that if she stopped touching Wizardmon he might be gone again. It was the other digimon who spoke first. "Gatomon... That was... incredible." He stroked her ears as he spoke, flattening them down then watching them spring up again whenever he removed his hand.

"It's been so long..." Gatomon still had her eyes closed. "And I've missed you... Missed you more than you could ever know."

"It's only been a few weeks... I wouldn't dare thinking about if it had been longer." He continued to stroke the feline, just content to lie here for now.

The image of her friends being torn by Myotismon's attack flashed across her mind, making her shudder "Yeah... Please don't..."


Gomamon rapped on Matt's door hard, cursing the sex-obsessed plant digimon under his breath. He had barely managed to slip away after she had started waving and calling at Patamon on the way here. The thought of what the orange digimon might have had to say made his stomach churn. The door finally opened to reveal Gabumon and his 'partner', looking a bit awkward. "Gabumon! This..."

"Isn't our world." The chubby digimon replied. Gomamon blinked.

"Yeah I, err, we figured it out." The lizard added.

"How?" Came the question.

The pelt wearing digimon simply motioned Gomamon inside and to his room. That alone was new: Gabumon, like the rest of the digimon, usually slept in the same room as his partner. The decoration seemed to explain it: the entire room was covered with pictures of Jesus, crucifixes, and Gomamon counted no less than three bibles. "Apparently I 'found Jesus' in this world. Big time." Saying that made Gabumon blush, as if the possibility itself was embarrassing.

"We got kinda freaked out when he didn't make us say grace before eating." Matt continued with a chuckle. "And he said he had met a girl... Not to mention we were wondering where his purity ring went." This got another chuckle from Gomamon. "He wanted to become the first digimon priest, believe it or not."

Gomamon cocked an eye at Gabumon, then to a large picture of the pelt-wearing digimon holding a bible with a crucifix around his neck. "Really? St. Gabumon?"

"Can we get going?" Gabumon sighed. "We need to warn Gatomon."

The seal dismissed the concerns with a wave of his flipper. "Keep your pelt on. She's the sharpest out all of us. I bet she's already figured it out."


Gatomon was in bliss. She had not said so much as a word over the last hour. She was leaning between Wizardmon and her partner on the living room couch. Something was playing on the television, but she didn't notice. Wizardmon had an arm wrapped around her shoulder and Kari gently stroked over her tail. She had never though all could be so right in the world. She kept purring softly. She never heard the door open, or two digimon entering, but she did hear Gomamon clearing his throat.

"Oh... hey guys." She squeaked. Despite her total contentment, she had been dreading this moment... wanted to put it off as long as possible, indefinitely if possible.

"Gatomon..." Gomamon began his eyes trailed from her to Wizardmon, an eyebrow raising suspiciously.

"Gomamon, Gabumon!" The wizard stood up with what had to be a smile under the purple collar. "Sorry, I should have come and seen you as soon as I heard you were back." He reached out and shook both of their hands. "But... I guess I just missed my lady so much I lost track of time."

"Of course." Gabumon glanced over to Gatomon, who avoided his eyes, ears drooped.

Gomamon forced a smile. "I hate to break you two up, but can I steal your... girlfriend for a moment?"

"Certainly." Wizardmon went over to the feline to kiss her on the cheek. "I'll go make you something to eat love."

Gatomon just smiled and nodded slightly as the digimon disappeared into the kitchen. Gomamon grabbed the feline's paw and dragged her out into the hallway where they could get an iota of privacy, Gabumon shutting the door behind them.

"So. I was going to tell you this was the wrong world... but clearly you... figured that out," the seal started

"Guys this is so much better! Wizardmon is alive!" Gatomon's ears perked up as she spoke, holding up Gabumon by the shoulders out of excitement. "Somehow we escaped earlier. He never died! I did everything differently!" She was tearing up.

"No, Gatomon... you didn't." Gabumon finally deadpanned. "This is not our world. It's not my Matt, it's not Gomamon's Joe, it's not your Kari... and it will never be your Wizardmon. It's close, but you have no idea how much I don't fit here."

"What he said," Gomamon shuddered.

I'll never see Wizardmon again if I leave! I won't! I just can't!

"Well, I don't care!" The feline hissed, eyes narrowing into slits. "I didn't screw up in this world! I didn't lose my first and best friend. You guys can go... but I am staying here!"

"Gatomon, even if I knew it was possible I would never do that. What would I tell Kari and everybody else?" Gomamon tried to reason with her, but Gabumon was feeling outraged the more the other digimon argued.

So she gets what she wants, and that gives her the right to forget about everyone else? She had a chance to come to term. Vulpix was with us just days ago! How can she be so selfish?!

He slapped his tail on the wooden floor with a loud bang "Gatomon! We are leaving!" He snarled and grabbed the feline by the wrist. "We are going to find our home, and my Vulpix. Wizardmon is dead and there's nothing you can do about it!"


The Digimon's yellow silhouette suddenly sailed through the door in an explosion of wood splinters, flung across the room and into the television. Kari let out a scream and jumped away as the ruined screen turned into a flurry of colours.

"Gatomon!" Wizardmon dropped the tray of milk and brownies, the glass shattering while he ran up to her. The feline's arm was still extended into a punch. "What did you..."

Gabumon got up with a snarl, debris falling around him as Kari helped him to his feet. He did not seem to notice her presence, or hear when she asked if he was all right. He was glaring at the girl's partner. "Fucking egocentric bitch..." He muttered, grabbing Morrigan's tear and holding onto it so tightly his paw hurt.

Gomamon was the only one who knew what was going to happen. "Gabumon! Calm down! We can't start to..."

"Oh, so that's how it's going to be?" Gatomon hissed. "Remember, Kari is right here now!" Her body was already starting to glow. Gabumon had been the only one able to evolve, but even though this was not quite the right Kari, clearly she was close enough.

"Gatomon, love, why are you two fighting?" Wizardmon couldn't believe what he was seeing.

"Gabumon digivolve to..."

"Gatomon digivolve to..."

"Oh fuck..." Gomamon grimaced.

The outside wall of the building exploded in a hail of debris. Both AngeWomon and WereGarurumon were so tall as to barely fit under the ceiling, much less while engaged in a brawl. They continued to exchange blows right as they fell nearly a hundred feet down. Soon the angel spread her wings to slow her descent, but Weregarurumon just landed straight, cracks radiating in the pavement all around him, before immediately jumping back at the female.

"Fuck!" the seal felt it had to be repeated. He watched as the crowd scattered away from the Digimon fighting with the fury of a typhoon, and decided it wasn't enough. "Fuck, FUCK, _ FUCK _!"

"Why are they fighting?!" Kari shouted as a wind whipped at them through the gaping hole. Wizardmon's own question was only slightly more focused.

"Gomamon, what's going on?!"

Angewomon was firing at the werewolf from up above, but altitude was hardly a problem with WereGarurumon jumping off the walls to get at her. How was Gomamon going to explain all of this now?

Just let them fight it out. They're being temperamental and childish.

The seal blinked and shook the thought away, appalled that he could have thought it in the first place. "Listen, I promise I'll explain all later, but first we have to stop these two from killing each others!"

The anthro canine flew at his opponent and, with a powerful roundhouse, sent her helmet flying. "You selfish cow!" He snarled. "You only think about yourself!"

"I think about myself?!" Angewomon snapped back in outrage. Nobody had ever seen her eyes in this form, they were the purest blue, like an overly hot flame, and they had all the violence of one right now. "All you have done about is whine about Vulpix like it was our fault! Heaven's CHARGE!" A ring of energy formed around Weregarurumon's torso and pinned his arms to his waist.

"GrraaahHHH!" Weregarurumon found himself forced to one knee. "As if you've ever cared!" He gave a rage-powered flex and the halo shattered like glass. "You two abandoned Vulpix, and now you're trying to abandon everyone back home!" He screamed back, leaping at her again and tackling her.

They flew through the air and crashed into the nearby school in a chaos of broken glass and collapsed walls. Fortunately there were no classes at the time. Wizardmon, Gomamon on his shoulders. "We got to separate them!" An entire teacher's desk came flying out through the gaping hole and turned into kindling upon colliding into the schoolyard brick wall.

"What? I can't hurt her!" Wizardmon protested, then looked back to the school as WereGarurumon came flying out, crackling with the pink energy from one of Angewomon's shot, and disappeared through the wall of the nearby headquarters of a finance company. The angel flew after him, her features deformed my rage and a feral scream in her wake.

"Yeah, I'd say hurting her is the last thing you have to worry about..." Gomamon sighed. "Get me up there. I'll distract her while you try and get Weregarurumon away!"


Weregarurumon shook his head. He now lay amidst overturned furniture and smashed computers. He snarled as he got up, ripping in half a potted shrub that had the misfortune of lying on him. "Where are you, you cunt?"

All he got for answer was the sound of breaking glass and a ball of magical energy exploding against the back of his head. He barely even registered the hit, which only angered him further, if that was even possible.

"Watch what you say about my girl!" Wizardmon floated outside the broken window, hovering with his sun-topped staff pointed a the ultimate-level, whose head snapped around, eyes narrowing at him.

"You! This is all your fault!" He leapt after the wizard.

Wizardmon had no interest in fighting the crazed wolf-man, but could only barely dodge. "Want me? Come and get it!" He shouted as he flew off, the wolf man in pursuit. He had to get Weregarurumon as far away from his girlfriend so he'd calm down or devolve. Both if possible.

This left Angewomon tearing at the office walls like a crazed hooligan, calling out for the other digimon to get out and face her. "You insensitive jerk!" She howled blindly right before the ground exploded and sent her into the plaster wall, covering her in debris.

"Yeah, you would not believe how much I get call that." Gomamon waved at her with a smirk. His dragon power had been responsible for the attack. He needed her to focus on him first. He hoped once she saw what she was doing she'd snap out of it. "I don't suppose we can talk now?"

Him! He'll tell Wizardmon! We can't let him give out our secret! We'll lose him!

She gave him the look of a mad woman. "You won't tell Wizardmon... I won't let you!"

"He deserves it Gatomon." Gomamon continued to try reaching for his friend. "It would be downright cruel to let him believe his Gatomon is safe and sound."

"I won't let you!" She shrieked and pointed a finger dramatically at him.

Other people would have thought she was unnecessarily dramatic. Gomamon knew better. "Oh shit."

"Celestial arrow!"

A golden energy bolt streamed toward the seal from the tip of her finger. He threw himself to the side as a series of filing cabinet exploded into shrapnel behind him. Fuck, she's totally lost it. He slammed his flipper down on one of the symbols just as Angewomon flew around the corner.

The vengeful beauty looked left and right: Gomamon was gone. How could he have disappeared like that? "Where are you?!" She shrieked, looking around the ransacked office building. She kicked a cubicle, her leg going right through it with ease.

Of course it wasn't as if Gomamon would show himself on demand. Thank the gods for the snake power. "You know it's not your Wizardmon!" He shouted back, glad that Gatomon did not know about this particular ability. He still hoped he could talk her down. "There's no way you could keep this up forever! You've probably ruined it already!"

"I don't care!" She flipped over a desk as if it was made of cardboard, then grabbed the chair and flung it into the wall with a crunch. "I can have a chance at happiness, too! I can be the perfect one for him!"

"But he already found the perfect one!" Gomamon scurried to another corner. Angewomon was apparently too angry to actually spot him by ear, but he couldn't take a chance. Plus her mindless rampaging was a danger all its own. He was essentially trapped in a china shop with an enraged bull while wearing a red cape: no matter what happened, it couldn't end well. "You know she's fighting hard as she can to get back! You'd be living a lie!"

"Then I'll live the lie! HEAVEN'S CHARGE!" The ultimate-level clasped her hands together, then opened them wide, sending out an omnidirectional blast of pink energy. Within seconds all the windows in the building had exploded, showering the streets below with glass shards..

Gomamon blacked for a few seconds, overpowered by dizziness until a paw wrapped around his neck and yanked him up to face Gatomon, the digimon having apparently reverted to her original form. At least she was slightly less dangerous in that form. "You're not going to take away my one shot at happiness!"

The seal coughed once to focus his thought. "You know..." He strained to say. "A friend of mine once told me..."

You have to end it now! He's too honest for his own good. If Wizardmon knows it's all over!

"Shut up!" Gatomon snarled, her paw shaking, the cat drawing in deep mouthfuls of air.

Gomamon didn't shut up of course: this was maybe his last chance to end this. "We all screw up sometimes... The important part is to try and correct our past mistakes..."

Don't listen! Stop him Now! NOW! DO IT!

"Shutup, shutup, SHUTUP!" She dropped the seal so she could hold her paws over her ears..

"And no matter what happened or will happen to you, to him, or to the other you..." Gomamon moved cautiously forward, choosing his words carefully. "I know you'll make me proud."

The cat's speech had devolved into wordless screams, until it crystallized into a tearful howl of anguish. She collapsed to her knees, shaking like a leaf. "Oh dear gods..." She began to curl up in a foetal position. "How could... What did I..."

The seal came up to her and gently patted her on the back. "It's okay, it's okay..."


Joe stood outside Kari's apartment building, mouth gaping. An entire wing of the nearby school was pretty must collapsed, smoke wafting from it, and the streets were covered in so much glass from the high-rise that you couldn't make a single step without making some sort of crunching noise. "I thought I asked you not to burn anything down." He finally sighed.

"Technically, you asked me not to burn your place down. Gabumon and Gatomon did this." The digimon looked around at the cracked pavement covered in scorch marks. A loud noise of metallic tearing marked the end of the line for lamppost that had been barely holding up since the battle. "You really need to be more specific."

The seal had spent what seemed to be hours introducing everyone to the subtlety of interdimensional travel. Neither of the other two could help. Gatomon was disconsolate, and Gabumon was still livid. Despite his protest that he deserved it as much as his doppelganger, Sora and Biyomon had insisted to profusely apologize... And Palmon kept trying to talk him into another quick romp in the hay. He was just thankful she did not mind him not being her 'true' Gomamon. If anything, the fact he was an interdimensional traveller excited her more.

"You're sure you're not my partner?" The teen sighed, adjusting his glasses with a finger. "You're as cheeky as he was. You're only missing the hair gel..."

"Sorry Joe." Gomamon put a flipper on his shoe. "But if he's anything like me, he is trying everything to get back home."

The blue-haired boy smiled and picked up the digimon to hug him. "You be careful... We could always use another Gomamon."

The seal snickered. "Oh I am surprised the multiverse can handle more than one of me!"


Gatomon was less confident in her goodbyes. She uneasily hugged Kari, assuring her real partner would make it home no matter what. She then went over to Wizardmon for the conversation she had been dreading. He was leaning against a wall, looking in the other direction. There were several seconds of awkward silence before she spoke. "I... suppose you know..."

"That you aren't my Gatomon? You're just some copy?" He didn't look at her, but she could hear his voice falter.

"I am not!" She protested, sniffing and wiping her nose on the back of her glove. "I... I'm just like her... just..." The wizard slammed his staff in the wall before she couldn't finish her thought.

"You're nothing like her! How could you be? You lied to me, attacked your friends... I had given something special to her... only to her... and you... you took that away!"

"Wizardmon... I wanted... wanted to tell you..." She reached out with a shaky paw, but he took a step away and turned his back to her.

"Don't touch me. I don't even want to look at you. Just leave." With those parting words he took to the sky without letting her answer. She was left there, trembling, tears streaking down her face.


She turned around toward Gomamon as he came around the corner. "I... I'm fine... I'm..."

He wordlessly held his flippers wide. The feline stood there for a moment, then collapsed on her knees to hug him. She bawled and sobbed, burying her face in Gomamon's neck while he held without a word.

Gabumon watched from across the street, a snarl on his face. Wizardmon had let him on a merry chase until Garudamon and Stingmon had come in and taken him down. Hard. They had blindsided him and forced him to devolve without letting him put up a fight. His shoulder still stung from where Stingmon attack had hit after he'd tried to attack him even in his rookie form.

Cheaters... if that bitch hadn't already drained me I'd have taken them down...

Everyone else had chalked it to a misunderstanding, especially after hearing the full story, but he looked at the other two with hate in his eyes. He should have felt sorry for Gatomon, but all he had were anger and contempt. For both of them. He snorted, paw clenching around the dragon statue until it began biting into his skin, causing drops of blood to fall on the ground.

That bitch tries and kills me... and we're just supposed to forgive her like nothing happened. And that fucking man-whore! He's already trying to get in her good books so he can fuck her again later.

It was a while before Gatomon could compose herself enough to walk. She walked straight to the lizard, eyes red from the crying. "Gabumon... I'm..."

"Can it." He cut her off. "Let's just find the power and get the hell out of here."

"Gabumon!" Gomamon protested.

"Fuck off, you twat. I just spent the afternoon getting my ass kicked around the block by my so-called 'friends'. I don't need you to rub it in my face on top of it." And he stomped ahead.

Gomamon was about to say something, but Gatomon stopped him. "No, he's got a right to be angry..." She put a paw on the seal's shoulder. "Please, give him some time, for me."

Gomamon sighed and nodded. He hoped he wouldn't have to regret leaving things unsaid. They kept a healthy distance behind their angry friend as they tracked down the power, so they could finally leave this world.


Okay so I lied. Well... more manipulate the truth. I just wanted to have a bit of drama! If you look at the previous chapter you will notice lots of inconsistencies in the world. And now we will have a contest! And grats to Mearth for figuring out the Wizardmon angle, and Lord Patamon for being the first to figure I was full of it!


Contest Rules!

There are 7 hints in the previous chapter. (Not this one!) By hints, I mean mistakes, things that were wrong in this world, where something was described or said that happened differently than in Gomamon and Gatomon's homeworld (At least, the universe of my "12 Talismans" series...). These mistakes are NOT ones that the characters noticed themselves (i.e. Palmon's attitude, Patamon having Gomamon's porns...).

You also have to tell me what should have been said. (the last time I did something like that, "bright" people sent me two million lines saying 'X is wrong', hoping to get all the mistakes eventually...)

Here is an imaginary example...

1) Palmon asks what happened to Gomamon's piercing, but he never had a piercing!

First one to get the seven mistakes gets a free lemon of their choice! If no one gets all seven in, oh say a month, I will give it to whoever gets the most correct! Send via notes on this site, or to my email [email protected]

Comments, ratings, posts, emails are always welcome as well!

The Twelve Talismans:Dimensional Travels - Chapter 26 - Under the Sea

A short jaunt here to inject some lightheartedness after what we just had. Also, forced male kissing! \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* ...

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The Twelve Talismans - Chapter 0.5 - Wine and Womon

Another request. I made a comment in my Twelve Talismans about the French Floramon getting into a threesome with Agumon and Patamon. It was an offhanded comment, barely one line. But I guess someone really wanted to know the full story! So here it is....

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The Twelve Talismans:Dimensional Travels - Chapter 24 - Home

And the first of the last chapters of the series. I was getting bored with the series, and rather than simply leave it hanging, I am going to finish it in the next two chapters or so. ...

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