The Twelve Talismans:Dimensional Travels - Chapter 26 - Under the Sea

Story by MrRedRover on SoFurry

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#44 of The Twelve Talismans

A short jaunt here to inject some lightheartedness after what we just had. Also, forced male kissing!


The Twelve Talismans: Dimensional Travels Chapter 26 - Under the Sea (Gomamon/Sandy the Squirrel)


Gomamon was floating in mid-air when he awoke. He felt lightheaded as he tried to recall what had happened. All right... We Figured the power was in the Digital World... We found the Centarumon... I was getting my power... and then a fucking Drimogemon burst out of the ground and interrupted the transfer. The seal cursed the purple drill-nosed digimon as the magical haze faded into the background, bubbles floating away from his mouth as he did so. "Wha-?" It took him a moment to realize where he was and why he was floating upside down. He was underwater, but that was no reason to panic: if anything, he was more at home here. He did a quick upside down looping. "How'd we get..." He turned toward the others, and found what was indeed a good reason to panic.

There floated Gatomon and Gabumon, but they were struggling for air, lacking at him in desperation. Already Gatomon was turning blue. "Fuck!" The seal could hold his breath for half an hour fine, but in the few minutes they needed to recover the other two's air had ran out. He knew he had only seconds to act and rushed to Gatomon to press his muzzle against hers. He held her face in place to make a tight seal with his mouth.

Gatomon couldn't figure out what the hell the seal was doing, and at first actually tried to fight him off. That was before the rush of lifegiving air filled her lung. Her vision cleared and she promptly saw how deep in trouble they were.

Gomamon didn't waste time checking on the feline and immediately swam over to Gabumon. And fuck again... He thought as he grabbed the yellow muzzle and pressed his lips to it. He didn't let a spec of air escape as he gave up more of his reserves for his friends, who took them eagerly. "Don't panic!" The seal told them, making good use of another of his abilities. Interiorly he didn't feel so calm, though. He had maybe two minutes, having expanded over twenty minutes of air for him to give them one or two each.

Gatomon frantically pointed up. Neither she nor Gabumon them were particularly good swimmers. But Gomamon shook his head. "No way..." He could tell they were a good three or four minutes from the surface. He could make... on his own. No way he could drag them up before they started inhaling water, and the surface of the ocean was a poor place for resuscitation. Not to mention the pressure differential alone would be a problem for them. He took a moment to survey their surroundings. Nothing but sands, rocks, sea anemones... and a glass dome with a tree inside two hundred yards away? No time to think. "Grab on!" The seal shouted as he swam by.

Gatomon and Gabumon didn't even ask, each holding onto one of his back flippers. Gomamon swam as fast as he could, a task easier said than done: he had to go fast, but not so fast as to burn out his remaining air supply or have one of his passengers slip off, and he couldn't use his back flippers either. And despite their thinning reserves (and his were hardly better at that point), he managed to make it to the strange structure.

It was a massive glass dome with an oak tree in the center, grass carpeting the grounds, a picnic table set for one and even workout equipment. Only one thing was really important, however: it was definitely air inside. Smashing the dome to get inside would be counterproductive, assuming he could even do it in the first place, but fortunately there was an airlock built in the side. He swam over, grabbed the metal wheel and started spinning it, the door swinging open easily to let the trio in. He shut the door just as bubbles started to escape his lips. Gatomon and Gabumon were hardly any better by the time Gomamon spotted the lever and pulled it hard. As a red siren buzzed, the water slowly receded and began to drain out of the airlock.

"Gah!" Gatomon coughed up some water. She took deep breaths to get the air back.

"Oh thank the Gods! Air!" Gomamon panted as he shook his head, his mohawk sending droplets of water everywhere. "That was close... you guys okay?"

Gabumon leaned on the wall with a paw. "Yeah..." He panted.

"I'm fine..." The feline digimon slowly stood up. "But that was close... thanks Gomamon. You saved us..."

"I wasn't trying to save you. I just needed an excuse to French you!" The seal retorted playfully.

He almost killed us and all he can do is joke about it?!

"We almost died you know." Gabumon grumbled snarkily as he shook his head.

"Another bonus: you got to kiss Gabumon too." Gatomon smirked back, obviously taking the incident in stride. "So, was he any good Gomamon?"

"Yeah, well, I was thinking of you." Gomamon shot back, blushing a little. "So. First order of business, find me some mouthwash..." Before the exchange could continue there was a loud metal clanking and the airlock's inside door swung open again to let through a shapely anthropomorphic squirrel in a purple two-piece swimsuit. "Why, hell-o there." The seal broke into an interested grin.

As usual... first he jokes about killing us, and now he's considering bedding the first piece of ass that shows up.

"Why, what are y'all doing here?" The buck-toothed mammal looked down at them. "We don't get a 'hole lot of land critters down here in Bikini Bottom." She said in a heavy Texan accent.

Gabumon was glaring searingly at Gomamon as he spoke. "Sorry... we didn't mean to intrude..."

"Now don't ya be silly. You best get in here." The squirrel gestured them in. "It ain't all that hospitable to us air breathers down here." She smiled as the water logged group sloshed in. "And now y'all can tell me just how ya three got in this predicament in the first place!"


The introductions were followed by a lengthy conversation. Sandy the Squirrel, as she called herself, sat across the bench with her lemonade. "Wow. And I thought I had some crazy adventures."

Gatomon sat across the table eating something the squirrel called a Krabby Patty that didn't taste anything like crab, but still managed to make a good, if humid burger. "And that was just the last couple months or so." She piped.

"So now we need to find that power." Gomamon continued. "Which might not be easy around here... If you could help us, we would appreciate it."

"Well, shucks, of course I will!" Their host stood up. "Just give me a moment to get suited up and we'll find that power o' yours quicker than a coyote finds a wounded jackrabbit."

"Uh... sure." Gabumon cocked his head as the squirrel disappeared into a door in the trunk of the giant tree.

"Cute accent." Gomamon smirked after her. That drew raised eyebrows from his friends.

"It's the same as Armadillomon, and you never called it cute then." Gabumon pointed out.

"Well, she looks way better in a two-piece."

After a pause, Gatomon asked the question that itched both of them: "You've seen Armadillomon in a two-piece swimsuit?"

"That time when he found out Long Island iced teas are a whole different beast..." Gomamon explained. That didn't actually explain much, but Sandy's return curtailed any further questions.

"All right, ya ready?" Instead of her two piece, she now sported a steampunk-style full underwater suit with a solid glass bowl for a helmet.

"Will you be okay?" Gatomon asked as she looked across the table.

"Yeah. There is air above, I can sense it; I can easily get a breath if need be." He reassured. "'sides, if a squirrel can live underwater here, I don't think I'll be in much danger. I'll find out who or what exactly has my power, and hopefully bring it back here." He turned toward the suited mammal again: "I'm all ready Sandy."


"So, some animal's got this power of yours?" The squirrel asked as they trudged through the sandy waterscape.

"Yeah, but I do wonder what it could be..." Gomamon swam near her in broad strokes. "I mean... All those animals are air breathers..." He held the dragon statue in one flipper as they followed the red glow. They eventually stopped outside a dark cave. "Looks like it's in there."

"We'll need a torch. It looks dark in there." She noted and grabbed a piece of drift wood from the ground before wrapping it with seaweed.

"A torch?" Gomamon went up to her. "You're pulling my..." Sandy whipped out a match and struck it on the undersole of her boot. It burst into flame which the squirrel promptly used to light the apparently dry seaweed into a blazing torch. "Flipper? ... Okay, how'd you that?"

"Um, you guys don't have matches were you come from?" She retorted, walking into the cave.

"You know, I'm just going to stop questioning the weird stuff every place I get to..." The seal conceded, continuing deeper into the barnacle-laden cave. As they moved toward the back, they could see a yellowish, scaly creature sleeping softly. Little bubbles floated from it nostrils whenever it exhaled. It had fins on both sides and a long curled tail.

"Duh... a seahorse." Gomamon smirked as he swam towards the animal. He had been wracking his brain wondering what power could be hidden here.

"Be careful." His guide warned as she watched the sea mammal swim to the wild aquatic creature.

"I am sure we can coax him out..." Gomamon went right up to the sleeping creature. "Hey... wakey wakey..."


Gomamon went flying out of the cave, a giant spiral mark on his face from the curled tail. "Gwaahh!"

Sandy ran out after him, freezing and wincing at the sight of the seal's landing place. "Ohhh... right in the spines."


"Why are there cacti underwater?" Gomamon whined as a spine was yanked out of his ass.

"Actually, they are sea urchins, phylum Echinodermata, nothing to do with plants, much less cactuses. I'd have thought an aquatic guy like you would know." The squirrel commented while yanking another of numerous spines stuck in the furry rump. "And technically, there is no need to put a Latin plural on it: the words comes from Greek."

"Yeah, plurals are my biggest concern right now. Specifically the plural of 'spines in my butt'." The seal sighed as the last offending spine was removed. He then swam over to one of the "trees". "All right, time for plan B." Gomamon grabbed a length of seaweed hanging down from it. "I'm just going to loop this around his neck..."

"Maybe you should let me try it. I mean I am the Texan girl here, ya know." Sandy replied. "I know how to handle broncos."

"I can handle this." The seal replied as he held onto the vine and swam back into the cave. "The day I can't deal with a friggin' seahorse of all things I'll give a blowjob to Gabumon!"


Gatomon leaned back in a lawn chair, looking out to the water. Watching the jellyfish slowly float by, making pink translucent flowers above them, was surprisingly soothing and peaceful, if kind of surreal. She looked round to Gabumon. The lizard sat on the ground, a stick in hand which he dragged around aimlessly. She realized she had not really talked to him since... well since they had gone psycho at each others. Gabumon had been getting more unapproachable ever since the Vulpix affair, but she still could not figure why she had exploded like that. She hopped off the furniture and went over to her friend. "How are you doing?"

She didn't even notice me until Gomamon was gone...

"Like you really care..." Gabumon almost growled, continuing to stubbornly jab the stick in the ground.

"Gabumon, please..." She hadn't ever seen the lizard this angry. "I just wanted to apologize.. and help if I can..."

How could you possibly help? My love is in another fucking dimension!

"What do you think you can do? We left Vulpix back in that Pokemon world... all alone." The stick was shoved in the ground so hard it broke.

Gatomon struggled for an answer, something that could give him hope.

"We went there once; I'm sure we can go back..."

Gabumon proceeded to break the stick in fourths, then eighths, not an easy feat even for Digimon. "How? We've already got the magic power from that world..."

Unless... A power goes back...

"Unless the power goes back..." He'd grumbled it without thinking, but suddenly looked up, remembering what Datamon said about the release of energy by the powers.

"What do you mean?"

"A power went there the first time... If the sheep, or the other powers were released..." It was all taking shape. "Maybe one would go back there."

"Yeah... that could happen." Gatomon admitted. "But we don't know how to get the powers out of Gomamon... Only that he can take them out of both..."

There is a way... and we both know that.

"There is a way..." Gabumon spoke out loud.

"Well, yeah..." Gatomon too had figured that out a while ago. "But we'd never consider it!"

"No." Gabumon stood up slowly. "We would never..."


Well at least I avoided the cacti this time... Gomamon thought bitterly. He swung upside down from a tree-like coral, wrapped into the vine he was wielding just minutes before.

"So ya owe yer friend a blow job?" Sandy looked up at him.

"Just cut me down..." Gomamon sighed as he swung back and forth like a pendulum.

She shook her head and scurried her way up the trunk. "Just what exactly's a blow job anyway?"

Uh? Another world without sex? Man, what a waste with her body. He should have known by now that things he took for granted may not exist elsewhere. "Nothing... just a form of, y'know, sex." He said casually

"Oh! Ya mean procreation?" The squirrel replied. Apparently she did know about sex. "Funny name for it, 'blow job'. What does that form of coitus entail?"

Man she uses a lot of ten dollar words! He tried to get to her level. "It's a kind of... oral stimulation performed on the male... hence the name. So you know about this stuff?"

"Not specifically. My field of expertise is engineering. I never really researched mammalian procreation. I may add it to my research schedule eventually though... I know next to nothing about male genitalia." She remarked as she finished cutting through the vine. Gomamon swam free, an eyebrow arched

"What about the guys you know? They never make lewd jokes or anything?"

"Not really." The squirrel replied, shaking her head back and forth. "Besides when it's the 'season' I gotta stay inside 'cause all the sperm and eggs floating around clog my filters."

Gomamon almost swam into a rock. "What the... Who are your friends??"

"Well, a sponge and a starfish for starters." Sandy 'jumped' off the branch and slowly fell down to the ground. "Then there's the jellyfish, and that plankton fellah."

"Ah." Gomamon, as he had demonstrated earlier, did not know that much about marine biology, but he could surmise the source of her... problem now. "I guess that would explain it... a penis is more of a mammalian thing, y'see."

"Well, I'd love to examine ya sometime back at my tree house." She commented.

The seal smirked to himself. "Why wait? We can afford to take a break." While he enjoyed underwater sex, most species were incapable of it; why would he let this chance slip him?

"Right here?" The squirrel looked around. "I mean, this isn't exactly a proper laboratory environment..."

"What? You've never done a field examination before?" He retorted, letting himself sink on the sand on his back. Already his red penis was slipping out of its pouch as the other mammal came over.

"I suppose we can make it a preliminary examination." She got down on her knees and ran her hands over the organ. Her fingers wrapped over the exposed end and gently tugged the rest into view along with the seal's furry testicles. "Interesting. So your reproductive organs are normally hidden away." She played with it curiously, flopping the flesh back and forth. "Is that to keep yer sperm at an optimum temperature, or is it more for protective purposes?"

"Uhhh... Yes?" He was far too unfocussed to give a sensible answer right now. He'd never really thought much about his dick... only about what his dick wanted.

Sandy's interests, borne out of pure scientific curiosity, were more pragmatic. She examined it closely, hands still playing with it. "It seems like manual stimulation causes a form of blood-mediated turgescence. Is some physical contact necessary, or can it be triggered voluntarily?"

This one he could answer fine. "A male can get an erection from an image or just a passing thought... but a stimulation like this, called 'jerking off', is generally the most efficient way." He smiled as a naughtier thought came to him. "You want to try a blow job?"

"Sure." Sandy smirked. She took a hand off his member and knocked on her suit's glass dome. "If ya can explain to me how an air breather such as m'self could perform one without drowning."

"Oh." He had not thought that far ahead. "I guess that is out of the question..." He admitted, rubbing the back of his head embarrassedly.

"Most likely." She continued to grin throughout her continued molestation. Gomamon's penis was now firm to her touch and quite slippery under her gloved paw. Underwater, his precum turned into a thick slime that provided a form of lubricant even in this penetration-unfriendly environment.

"It's a shame you gotta hide those pretty shapes of yours like that..." Gomamon moaned lightly.

She still moved her paw up and down and detailing every one of the Digimon's reaction as she spoke. "Well shucks, that's a nice compliment! Actually, the suit's just to keep my fur dry..." She released the throbbing penis and stood up, reaching for the zipper in front of her suit and pulling it down slowly. A huge cloud of bubbles escaped before her furred body was exposed, barely hidden by the same purple two piece she was wearing when they'd first met. "Ya wouldn't believe how long it takes to get it dry!"

Gomamon's thought were interrupted by the realization that the suit did not include any oxygen tank. All she had for the air was the little fishbowl over her head. How the hell is that possible? Man, this place's physics as are way off. "Mhmm, but sometimes it's fun to get wet, too." He eventually said with a grin, reaching to move the purple bikini bottoms to the side and expose her fur-coated vulva.

Apparently she wasn't a shy person. "Forward creature, ain't ye?" She giggled. She'd seen her pals naked more than once and nobody amongst them had much to show off for it. Her giggles turned into a soft moan as Gomamon began dragging his claws up and down her wet privates. "Golly..." She shuddered a bit, feeling this sort of stimulation for the first time in her life.

He snickered. "You ever played with yourself before?" On his back with her standing over him, he soon started to push a claw into her.

"Uh no. " The Texan-born furry squealed from being claw-fucked. "It never dawned on me I coulda physically stimulated my vulva..." A squeak came out of her as a claw went in, making it two.

"I have a feeling you'll be doing it a lot more after this." The seal snickered. he continued pumping for nearly a minute before he pulled his claws out. He couldn't exactly get her 'wet', but he could get her more than receptive enough for the next: he would provide all the needed lube. "But there's actually something way better than claws or fingers." He pushed away so she could see his red, throbbing cock slowly bob up and down in the water.

"Shouldn't we be using some sort of contraceptive?" She asked, nonetheless guiding him back closer.

"A seal impregnating a squirrel? What are the chances?" Gomamon smirked as she slowly bent down. She still had on both her underwater diving suit, and the bathing suit underneath. Mhmm fucking a girl with her clothes on. Sexy.

The squirrel pulled her purple panties to the side, holding it so her wet cunt was exposed. "Good point. Plus you're from another dimension entirely. Statistically, it's pretty much impossible!"

"Yeah. I'm way too young to have kids." The digimon grinned as she slowly lowered herself on his erect shaft.

Sandy quickly took the initiative, grabbing the cock and guiding it to her vaginal opening before slowly inserting it in. The feeling was indeed different than the claws: the penis was bigger, warmer, and seemed to throb inside her. She never gave a thought to the issue of her virginity: she was a scientist at heart, and that sort of worry would have been thoroughly inappropriate. "Wow." She chittered softly, soon finding herself pressed down all the way. She remained squatted there for a long moment, enjoying feelings and sensations that her knowledge proved insufficient to describe.

Gomamon's furry balls pressed against the female's perineum. "Mhmm, I do love underwater sex." He commented as he reached down, grabbed her knees and began to thrust up.

This sent another feeling of pleasure in her. "Uh!" She promptly reached down and grabbed the seal by the shoulders to buck against him. She was a fast learner, quickly getting into the rhythm of his pumps. Soon her legs squeezed tighter around his midsection paws digging tighter in his shoulders.

"Ugh!" Gomamon oofed at the painful squeezes. "Not so rough!" He was sure she'd bruised a rib.

"I do work out, you know." She panted, her groans echoing in her fish bowl helmet. She was going even faster now. "Gotta keep my girlish figure." He'd seen the workout equipment but he had not expected that. Sandy could in fact juggle anchors. Just because it was easier underwater didn't leave her any less freakishly strong. The seal was suddenly getting flashback to that Tiny Toon girl and her bath.

He groaned loudly. Her cunt felt like it physically gripped and pulled him deeper, and it only brought him closer faster. She might have been new to sex, but she was the most eager beaver... err, squirrel he'd come across by far. Her orgasm suddenly washed over her. Apparently the seal's dick had his the sensitive spot. Unfortunately her legs almost closed down completely as she orgasmed. Gomamon could swear his eyes actually popped out of his sockets for a split second. "Guh!" A good chunk of his air reserves were forced out. "Man, you are dangerous!"

Sandy wasn't listening at al anymore. This had to be the best experiment she had ever run. She used her legs to slam Gomamon against herself harder and harder; the seal's vision was darkening from lack of air now. She was actually turning out to be far too much for him to handle, and his erection was starting to falter, but Sandy simply reached down and began to rub over her privates on her own. She soon found her erect clitoris and let out an orgasmic scream as her entire body went rigid like a board

"My ribs!" The seal managed to squeak out. Digimon had tried to kill him before with less painful grips! It took what seemed to both of them like an eternity (though for very different reasons) before the squirrel relaxed. "Uhhh..." Gomamon was spent, and he had not even had an orgasm of his own. That was certainly some of the roughest sex he had ever had. "Man... you're like fucking a constrictor snake."

She panted for a moment, more exhausted than a bucking bronco at an all-day rodeo. "They build us tough in Texas."

She got off the member, feeling oddly weak-kneed. She adjusted her bikini bottom back to cover her modesty, then slipped her suit back on. "Sorry if I hurt ya, lil' guy... don't know my own strength sometimes."

"They build us tough in the digital world too." Gomamon did a little flap with his flippers and turned back on his belly, if a bit awkwardly. Oh fuck, I can't feel my rear flippers. Good thing I didn't eat her out; she'd have crushed my skull! "...but not amphibious. I really got to take a quick trip to the surface for a breath, then we'll get back to that horse." He made a big swooshing motion with his flippers, and sailed straight upwards, aching all over. Man I am so looking forward to that horse talisman.

He came back a few minutes later to find the troublesome horse eating out of the squirrel's hand. "What the-?"

"Ya just got treat the darling nice." Sandy held out one palm, the horse munching out of it happily even as she petted his green scaly hide with the other. "You just happen to have sugar on you?" The seal watched as the horse's tail wagged back and forth. He didn't bother asking how it did not dissolve in the water.

"Always pays to be prepared." Sandy smiled as she moved back and wavd another sugar cube. The seahorse followed docilely. "Now let's get him back to your friends and get y'all on your way."


The trip back to the glass dome was uneventful, Sandy feeding the animal one sugar cube after the other until they reached her home, and now Gabumon and Gatomon held their breath while Gomamon prepared for the transfer. "All right horsie..." He swam in front of the seahorse. "Let's do this..." Both pairs of eyes began to glow, but no one noticed the jellyfish drifting dangerously close and actually landing right on the creature's back.

"Neehooo!" The green horselike creature let out a pain-filled whinny and turned around in panic, its curled tail smacking Gomamon across the face and sending his smacking into the dome.

"We are unable to connect your call, please restart your radish." The dazed digimon mumbled as the magical portal prepared to engulf them again.

Gabumon snarled at the spark of energy.

Incompetent... We will never finish anything at this rate... I'll never see Vulpix again....

The blast of energy hit him, and he felt his body fade. The only thought in his mind was "Last chance... One last chance to see Vulpix... My true love.."

Two more blasts of white lightning shot out from the sparking ball of mystical energy, hitting Gatomon and Gabumon both. They too faded after a moment, though a third bolt of lightning seemed to snake out, striking something in mid-water that wasn't there, before fading into nothingness.


The feline lay on her back as she regained her senses. "Air." She smiled and slowly got up. "Sweet, choking pollution-filled air! Oh, how I have missed you, Tokyo smog!" Gomamon was still sprawled on the ground and mumbling nonsense about frog legs and the Duke of Windsor. The travels were already getting at him, and being zonked out at the same time was just making it worse. Gabumon was already on his feet walking over to the seal.

Gatomon turned around to survey their surroundings. They were back in Japan, apparently in Tokyo again if the language on signs and smell were any indication, but not in any area of the city she was familiar with. A livable world was a relief: for all they now knew next time they could pop out into a world made of fire, or in outer space. "Seems like Tokyo, but I'll wager it-" The high-pitched shriek of a wounded animal covered the end of her sentence and made her jump around.

Gomamon had his flipper clamped over his left eyes as crimson blood streamed down his face and stained his snow-white fur. Gabumon stood over him, the same vital fluids covering his horn and giving him the look of an enraged beast as it streaked down the middle of his face and dripped over his nose and over a fang. "I will get what I want..."


And we switch from comedy to drama once more. Gabumon has crossed over to the dark side. Will Gomamon survive? Can Gatomon stop their once friend? Tune in next time, same digi-time, same digi-channel!

The Twelve Talismans:Dimensional Travels - Chapter 27 - A Gift Horse

The climax... Gomamon's fate... Gabumon's madness... questions and theories and more... everything you've been waiting for... are finally going to have to wait for a bit. Instead, let' s take a look at what happened to the trio from almost-verse,...

The Twelve Talismans:Dimensional Travels - Chapter 25 - Past Mistakes

And the last chapter of this world. Hope you enjoy! \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* The Twelve Talismans: Dimensional Travels...

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The Twelve Talismans - Chapter 0.5 - Wine and Womon

Another request. I made a comment in my Twelve Talismans about the French Floramon getting into a threesome with Agumon and Patamon. It was an offhanded comment, barely one line. But I guess someone really wanted to know the full story! So here it is....

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