The Twelve Talismans:Dimensional Travels - Chapter 22 - Last Mon Standing

Story by MrRedRover on SoFurry

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#39 of The Twelve Talismans

And a continuation of the Zombie-mon verse! I've been watching the Walking Dead and was just inspired. Everything is better with zombies. A blood and gore warning on this one again. Also, the sex scene is pretty harsh too. And gay. Can't forget thegay. People seem to like gay Gomamon.


The Twelve Talismans: Dimension Travels

Chapter 22

Last Mon Standing



The pyramid shook under the assault. Zombies clawed and bit at the barriers surrounding the base, battered it with fire and ice, energy and water. "Fortunately it would appear my reserve batteries were fully charged." Even as the crowd rushed through the hallways, Datamon still found time for bragging.

"How long will they last?" Sora asked, stumbling a bit as another tremor shook the ground. She was looking at the computer read out, shouting random numbers. The rest of the Digimon were watching the entrance, afraid their defences would breach at any moment.

"Hopefully as long as we need them to." Gomamon shouted back from one of the stone tunnels. "I personally don't feel like the workout myself!"


June 23, 2006

The seal stumbled out of the room with a happy grin on his face. Armadillomon and Veemon would be on duty not much later and had gone back to their apartments to rest and eat, but not before humping him almost non-stop for the better part of an hour and dumping each another load in him first. Well, Veemon had dumped his in Gomamon's ass; the seal was currently wearing Armadillomon's fresh, creamy load over his face. "My goodness..." He sighed, worn out. Normally he could handle the pair of them just fine, but today, it just left him... exhausted. His tiredness along with the fact the cum over his protective eye membrane left his vision very hazy explained why he walked headfirst into a pink and blue belly.

Gomamon stumbled back and rand his claws through his pink hair. "Oh, heya Gabumon." The seal winked. "Off duty I see?"

"Shut it." The yellow Digimon snapped, reaching over with his one remaining arm.

"Whoa!" Gomamon was grabbed by the hair and dragged across the hallway. Gabumon's grip was surprisingly strong.The seal squeaked when he was thrown boldly against a door. It crashed open and he found himself in a broom closet, slamming into some cleaning supplies with a clatter as a mop fell on him. "Man, you're in a bad mood today, hon." He commented. "Worse than..."


Gabumon had cuffed the furry mammal across on the face with a backhand. Hard. "I said shut it!"

Gomamon shook his head to clear the cobwebs, blood now dripping down his nose. "Yes sir..." he mumbled as he regain his senses, head still swimming. He ran his tongue over his lips and tasted the coppery liquid in his muzzle... and he licked again without even noticing. Man that's good... He thought to himself absent-mindedly.

The lizard roughly grabbed the seal by the scruff of the neck, turned him around and slammed him against the wall so hard the entire cabinet shook. A half-full jar of mothballs shattered on the ground. "Stupid wimp." He snarled in Gomamon's purple-tipped ear. Another smack on the back of his head followed, not as hard as the first one but enough to rattle the seal's cage, who shuddered and blacked out for a moment.

What the fuck? he wondered. It wasn't even that much of a-- "Ugh!" The thought was cut short by the familiar sensation of a big cock going up his ass. The queer Digimon's eyes went wide and he gave a deep gasp. "Gods!" Veemon and Armadillomon's members, nice as they were, simply could not compete with Gabumon's size. Only Armadillomon's ribbed penis came anywhere close, being only barely longer. What made all the difference was thickness, with the lizard's the most Gomamon could usually accommodate au naturel, and since he only ever got to take it sparsely, it was never a smooth ride.

Gabumon was pressing him hard against the wall, shaft already balls-deep into the sloppy, loose hole. He held absolutely nothing back, pressing the seal's face right into the plaster, making blood from his broken nose streak the wall from his ramming. "Fucking queer!" The lizard growled as he continued his relentless assault.

"Of course, sir!" The seal blurted out between pants. It wasn't like he had any ground to deny it, after all. His head felt like it was filled with gravel, but he was fast getting an erection. A very hard and throbbing one at that. Armadillomon and Veemon hadn't gotten an orgasm out of him. Not that they cared, much less tried. The pair typically just used him to their content and left him alone to jerk off afterward. He had in fact been on his way to do just that before getting... sidetracked by Gabumon, and now his red seal dick was rubbing up and down against the wall as he was bounced up and down. It was hard as a rock and aching for stimulation, but he wouldn't dare do reach for it with the angry Digimon around: he'd probably get smacked again for his trouble.

Even so, it was still a very brutal fuck, with Gabumon ramming his thick number in brutally, unendingly, and with virtually no regards for Gomamon. Even the seal's well-trained anus was feeling the effects of a fucking so savage it drew some blood from it. And still the scent of blood reaching in nostrils was no incentive for the lizard to even consider stopping. Soon he was shooting precum up the seal butt, followed no less than a minute late by the main course.

Gabumon grunted as he came hard, filling the seal's asshole with a massive load. The lizard only came for Gomamon when he was massively pent up, and that meant his loads had no equal anywhere.

"Mmmh yeah!" Gomamon's own seed came out in wet splotches, making a mess between the wall and his underside. He felt so full; Gabumon's dick was simply far too thick for the cum to possibly escape, and that was putting even more pressure on his prostate. He only rarely reached orgasm from anal stimulation alone, but when he did, they were by far the best ones.

Soon the seal found himself sprawled on the floor. His ass, already loose and distorted from years of enthusiastically being passed around from Digimon to Digimon, could not possibly have held onto all the seed Gabumon had pumped into him, and it messily leaked out along with some blood. Yellow fingers grabbed his dyed mohawk once more. They forced him around and shoved his face against the messy dick. "Clean it." Gabumon snarled, his member pushing past the seal's split lip.

Gomamon complied eagerly, partly out of worry about what the lizard might do otherwise, but mostly because he just liked to suck on a cock, no matter what it might have been doing or where it might have been moments before: the taste of his own ass had become second nature to him a long time ago. The blood from his torn sphincter, now... it was a different taste. A much better one than usual for some reason, though Gomamon could not figure out why. He suckled on the thick shaft for a few minutes, but Gabumon yanked it out before he could have a chance of coaxing another orgasm out of it and cockslapped the seal twice on each cheek instead of just wiping his shaft dry.

Despite his battered look and the lizard's dismissive attitude, Gomamon kept a cocky, sultry grin on his face. Gabumon always smacked him around when they fucked, and the seal wasn't about to get upset about a bit of ass-to-mouth, or even the bleeding. That would heal fast enough. "Even more brutal than usual." He snickered softly, licking his lips clean of jizz and dried blood. A most... delicious combination. "Matt's still being a dick, hun?"

"I don't fuck you for conversation." Gabumon snarled as he tucked his member back into its pouch. "I fuck you because there's no other option. Believe me." He spat on Gomamon's face.

If anything, the spitting seemed to make the other Digimon even more turned on. "Oh I know; I'm stress relief, babe. That's what a good faggy mon does~." He crawled forward. "And you're always so tense... I am always more than happy to take a beating or two, you know..."

He started kissing the lizard's yellow feet, but all he got for his trouble was a hard kick in the jaw that turned him head over flippers. "You don't fucking know anything about me Gomamon." He snarled as he opened the door. "You tell anyone..."

"Yeah you'll kill me, I know. I don't argue with anyone who'd cut off their own arm just to stop the infection." The seal giggled like a sissy. "Always better to do exactly what he says." The seal wagged his short little tail some. "Anything he says!"

"Fucking homo." The chubby Digimon left with a bit of a snarl.

It took Gomamon a good ten minutes before he was able to move again... The chubby Digimon only fucked him when he was in a bad mood, and it was always hard on the aquatic Digimon. This time, though, had been particularly intense, and his entire body now ached. Finally he got up and headed back to his home downstairs. "Wow..." Gomamon sighed as he walked into the room he and his partner. He was totally exhausted, cum stains on his backside and face. "That was a workout!" He announced cheerfully as he walked to the bathroom, waving his salutation to Joe. Water was rationed, but he really needed to clean up.

"Gomamon." Joe got off his cot and put down his medical textbook. He had reread the pages about viruses and pathogen so many times he could recite them from memory, yet he still hoped something would just "click", that he would think of a cure... without luck thus far. "We need to talk."

The Digimon opened the hot water tap to the maximum. For some reason it didn't seem to actually increase the temperature of the water. He could barely feel it at all. "Gimme a sec." He splashed water on his face, to no avail.

"Hurry up..." Joe sat on the bed, cleaning his glasses as he waited for the seal to fix the results of his latest sexcapade.

"Sorry Joe." Gomamon hoped off the sink with a light shudder. Wish I could have a hot bath... I could really use one. He headed over to his DigiDestined and looked up to him. "So, finally decided you would make use of me?" He joked, incapable of not making such lewd offers even to humans who could barely stand next to him.

"Gomamon... I... I am your friend. And you know I don't care that you're gay..." Joe started. He wasn't sure how to approach this. He knew Gomamon had a lot on his plate. The constant fighting was getting at all of the chosen Digimon. Veemon and Armadillomon had become utterly detached, Gabumon was always angry, Lillymon was barely any better... and Gomamon tried to help them in his own, strange way. "It's... what you let them do to you... I know... I mean... you're a brave and true friend, but you let them treat you like dirt..."

Gomamon wasn't listening. He was shivering. Joe's voice seemed so distant, droning on. "Man... it's so cold..." The Digimon looked up when his partner finally stopped talking. "I... I'm fucked, Joe..."

"No Gomamon, you're not." The older teen reached down and picked up his pal, holding him tight to his chest.

"No Joe... I'm not fucked up..." Joe felt a sharp prong of pain in his chest. He tried to speak, but his voice had completely left. "I am fucked..." Gomamon hissed, all six of his diamond-hard claws buried into his once friend's chest. He pulled his flippers wide to the sides, ripping open the torso. The boy collapsed, a wordless gasp on his muzzle as his Digimon and friend began hungrily consuming his organs.


Lillymon came back on the verge of collapse. She had been in Ultimate form for hours, and her body had to fight to maintain it. She spotted Veemon and Armadillomon on her way back, standing by a patch of trees.

Good... She thought as she landed and promptly reverted to her default Palmon form. This made the machete shift to her back, where it almost looked like a broadsword to her reduced frame. "All right, I took out those swimmers... but there's a group of flyers coming in on their tails. We got about an hour before they'll be here, but you two better get ready... maybe get Stingmon as well, there's a lot of..." She paused and looked at them. They stared back with vaguely demented expressions. Something was wrong; she reacted a second too late.

"Ugh!" The plant was tackled by both Digimon. They tried to hold her face down.

"Always wanted a piece of that ass! And finally we get our chance!" Veemon hissed. From closer up she could now see the rigor mortis peeling back his lips.

"Not yet!" Palmon dug her vines in the ground and used them to twist around, barely avoiding the Digimon chomping onto her neck. She sent them flying, then ripped the machete from her back while the Veemon rushed at her. The blade sliced off his arm like it was sugarcane, and a kick then sent him flying, but that was only a second of relief. Armadillomon, balled up into his Diamond Shell, came at her next and she had to flatten herself against the ground, then swung as he uncurled.

"I am going to..." The mammal turned around and promptly fell on his face. "What?" He looked back. "Ya bitch... Ya cut off my leg!" He protested, waggling the stump where his hindleg had been moments ago.

"Your head will come next..." She retorted, but the sound of growling made her turn around to face another assault from Veemon, and it was on the blue Digimon's head that the blade came down instead.

"Gwaahh!" The Digimon screamed and fell back, the blade now firmly embedded inside his thick cranium. Palmon grimaced as the weapon was wrenched from her grip. Veemon's head was solid, and the blade was firmly locked in place, leaving her with no ranged attack of any sort. Using her vines would have been stupid: all it would do would be multiplying the bitable area by three or four! I need help... That conclusion reached she ran into the forest.

"That bitch!" Armadillomon growled as he hobbled on three. "Lookit that! Took ma leg!" He snarled at Veemon.

The dragon wasn't listening. "Gah?" He reached up to grab the wooden handle with both of his strong hands, wiggling it a bit, before giving a hard pull. It was successful at freeing the blade. A little too successful, though, since a chunk of his skull also came off, taking out one of his ears. Some of his brains flopped on the ground with a wet sound.

"Whoops!" Armadillomon smiled, shaking his head. "Looks like she got ya there. Well, don't worry boy." He patted Veemon on the shoulder as the other Digimon bent down, taking a scoop of his own brains and eating them, only to spit them back out with a disgusted expression. "She'll get what's coming." The Texan-accented Digimon licked his lips a few times. "Why don't we go continue with Davis and Cody? We didn't get to finish before that guy showed up..."


Palmon ran through the forest until she was sure they had not followed her. "Fuck..." She growled as she leaned against a tree to catch her breath. They had lost Veemon and Armadillomon. How could that have happened? She wondered angrily. They could hardly afford to lose any of their own, much less two of them. She was even more angry at herself for not having noticed earlier that she could have destroyed them, so that they were still on the loose. Her anger quickly morphed at the feeling of something dripping down her leg. She looked over with tears already welling in her eyes.

Green sap bled out of a bite mark across her left cheek. Her adrenaline was pumping so hard she hadn't even felt it. It was shallow, bleeding only slightly... yet ultimately fatal. Within seconds she crumbled to her knees, shaking all over as usual "tough girl" fade broke down completely and she started to sob uncontrollably. She stayed curled in the foetal position until death came and failed to take her.



The shrill alarm felt like it made the room vibrate, It got Matt attention immediately. He had been preparing a protein feed for his brother, but this was far more urgent. It meant there were zombies on the island. He had to rendezvous with his partner in T.K.'s room. He rushed out and tore up the stairs three at a time. He reached the floor where his brother's room was to see an older man in a military uniform bolting around the corner. He was firing behind himself almost blindly at a snarling blood-covered Hawkmon. One bullet cracked the bird's beak down the middle, but the digimon didn't seem to notice, leaping onto the man, who only got clicks out of his empty weapon. Hawkmon landed right on the soldier's chest, making him tumble to the ground. The middle aged man let out a scream as the jaded beak was jammed into his chest. He gurgled blood, eyes rolling back in his head as the bird pulled a good chunk of his rib cage.

T.K. was in a room down that hall. Matt flew like the wind past the Digimon, figuring Hawkmon would be too... distracted to go after him. We should have checked him out! was the only thought going through his head until he tripped over, bleeding from a gash across his leg.

"Hmm..." Gomamon grinned, licking the blood from his claws. "Heya Matt! Come to join the party?" He snickered, his voice still high pitched.

The situation was getting worse by the second. The seal leapt at him, but was sent flying from a blast of blue energy that tore his cheek off. "Matt!" Gabumon called after his relieved partner, embers still sparking from his mouth as he fired again, forcing Gomamon to hide into a room. "We need to get out of here!"

"No! We need to get T.K.!" Matt continued down the hall.

The lizard didn't argue, knowing his partner would never leave without his brother if he had any choice. By the time Matt rushed into the room, the digimon had evolved into WereGarurumon, and almost knocked down the teen as the human froze into place.

"NO!" Matt's scream seemed to go on forever. The boy's body had been shredded to piece, and blood splattered across the floor and walls. A humanoid insect loomed over the corpse and ripped fragments of flesh to shove into his maw. His attention caught by the scream, he looked up at the pair.

"He wasn't very fresh. You look better!" Stingmon leapt at the frozen Matt. WereGarurumon's timely intervention was the only thing that saved the human. His fist slammed into the green champion's face and sent him flying into the bed. An arm rolled off and came to a stop near them.

"We need to get out now!" WereGarurumon howled, grabbing Matt in his one remaining arm. The human flopped around in his grip, seemingly taking no notice of the situation at all. WereGarurumon clenched his teeth. Hopefully he could find Lillymon, anyone that could help. Gomamon, Hawkmon and Wormmon were all infected... What about the other ones? They needed to get away from here...


The giant werewolf burst on the roof and slammed the door closed behind himself. A bunch of flyers had reached the islands and were now attacking all that was still alive. WereGarurumon did not know that Lillymon had been unable to warn anybody about them, but he could tell this meant no one remained to effectively defend the place. Screams filled the air, sending chills throughout his body. "Too many... Can't fight them..." He growled. "We'll escape... find some place..."

The door opened, letting Gomamon through. "Honey... it's waaaaay too late for that." He announced, voice deformed by the scorched gash in his cheek "Where would you go? More importantly, how would you even get there in the first place?" His smile just got more disturbing as he approached the taller digimon, who could see his teeth all the way to the back... he never quite realized how sharp they were.

"I'll deal with you quickly. But only because we were allies." WereGarurumon snarled.

"As if it'd make a difference." Gomamon dismissed the threat with a wave of his flipper. "Oh babe! I told you: it's far too late for you, much less Matt. Not that it looks like anyone is home for him anymore."

WereGarurumon looked down at Matt... the teenager's eyes were open, but he was completely limp, not much better than his brother had been. "What about me? What do you mean?" Something in Gomamon's voice scared him.

"Remember the two ways to get infected? Blood and saliva? Well honey, turns out they're one and the same." The seal gave a lewd wink. "Should have figured any and all body fluids would do the trick, uh?" Pure horror washed upon the ultimate-level as the realization filled him. Gomamon just snickered. "Give it a minute, cutie. It's an awesome feeling! I don't know why we fought it for so long..."

WereGarurumon backed away from the seal and toward the ledge, when vines latched on it from below, dragging Palmon up. "He's right, WereGarurumon. It's... so liberating!" She announced, her normally lush green skin starting to turn brown already. "We don't have to fight anymore! No more endless battles... Well, there's the hunger... but soon you two will be helping us with that..."

"No morals... no giving a shit about anyone." Gomamon came forward slowly. "A minute, two max, and we will all have a nice meal..."

The wolf-man moved toward another corner. A few hours ago they had greeted Hawkmon on this very roof, and now he was facing the end of it all. Facts came together in his mind about his current size and power, and to the other two digimon's great surprise, he devolved back to Gabumon, tears flowing down his cheeks. He cradled his partner closer, conscious that in a few moments, he would be no better off than Gomamon or Palmon, who were waiting patiently, aware that he had no way out. "It's okay Matt..." The lizard whispered. "I promised I'd protect you..." Then he took a step back, off the ledge and into nothingness. Leaving behind the angry bellows from his former friends, he closed his eyes: the rush of the wind felt so soothing...


Present Day

"Shields are down to 12%!" Sora shouted the readout. The tremors from outside intensified with every passing minutes: the horde could feel how the shield's power was decreasing, making their prize that much closer.

"Almost there!" Izzy had been working so fast his wound had reopened.

"Biyomon, Gomamon, get to the platform and initiate energy transfer!" Datamon ordered once the final few connections had been done.

The bird and seal quickly got in line. Biyomon shook nervously at the thought of something going wrong. "What do I do?" She asked.

"Just look me in the eyes." Gomamon instructed. Dust regularly rained down from the ceiling, but he barely noticed.

They locked gazes just as another explosion rocked the laboratory. The Rooster symbol formed in Biyomon's eyes and white energy began sparking. "Power transfer initiated!" Datamon shouted as he worked the switches. Something exploded behind him, but that hardly seemed to faze him.

The mystical energy began flowing into Gomamon, but the flow suddenly curved up into the hastily built archway. The structured glowed a faint blue and a hovering, expanding circle materialized. "Portal's stabilized!" Izzy announced. Here was their chance to escape, seemingly so fragile.

Datamon grabbed a trolley of computer equipment and dragged it behind himself, going through the second it was large enough for the cart to fit. "Brave guy!" Gomamon shouted sarcastically as he turned toward the crowd. "All right everyone. Let's move. Move! Move!"

The survivors moved with speed but efficiency, going through the portal with their meagre supplies, alone or in pairs. Gomamon was one of the first digimon through, Gabumon coming alongside. the seal wasn't worried about being stuck behind, but he figured there needed to be protection in case the new world held some sort of surprise.

"We better get going Piedmon." Biyomon remarked. Izzy was still handling the computer and somehow keeping the portal stable despite the pyramid rocking from the combined attack of pretty much the entire undead digital world.

"Oh, sorry." Piedmon said, as if he had been distracted. "I won't be going with you." He stated flatly, watching the human disappear steadily through the energy ring.

"WHAT?" The clown had been about to add something, but Biyomon had cut in.

"Please." He continued arrogantly as if the outcome was obvious as day. "I am keenly aware whatever world is on the other side of that portal wants nothing with someone like me. Believe me you wouldn't either, weren't it for the virus. In any case, this here is my world, and I shan't be chased off by any being, whether they are alive or dead."

"Piedmon! Don't do that!" Elecmon pleaded. "If you stay here, you'll die!"

"Oh." Again that odd tone, as if reminded that he had to tell them something. He lifted his sleeve, revealing a bloody bite mark in the biceps. "It is far too late for that. Puppetmon, I am afraid, made sure he would get the last laugh, the insignificant idiot."

Everyone looked in horror at the bite mark. "Piedmon... maybe we can..." Izzy started to say.

"I cannot believe that you of all humans would attempt to entertain such a delusion." Piedmon rolled his eyes and his sleeve back down over the injury. "You will all leave this condemned dimension and start something new. Maybe even something better, who knows?"

Biyomon was now in tears. "We'll always remember what you did... for all of us." She sniffed.

The clown prince grinned broadly. "Why my dear Biyomon, I don't expect any of you to ever forget me. What with all the statues you shall be building to honour me."

Biyomon rubbed her eyes and waved her wings dramatically. "They will be huge, ten stories tall!"

"I expect no less!" The mega-level calmly walked to the entrance as another blast sent more rubble crashing down around them. The shields were definitely failing now. "If you will excuse me now, I tire of goodbyes, and you have not one more minute to spare."

Everyone left flocked through the dimensional gate, but Gatomon had one last thing to say. "Piedmon... I... just have to say, and you're not going to like it, nor can I believe I'm actually saying it, but... you really are a true hero." Gatomon looked up proudly to her greatest enemy.

"Perhaps." Piedmon bent down and smiled, looking back as the last few survivors quickly made their way through. "Maybe you were right. Maybe there is a smidge of good in even me..." He paused, then whispered: "But I'd appreciate if you told them I called you an overbearing lump of sentimentalism with no greater vision. I spent far too much energy building up my image to let it go to waste so easily."

She wiped a tear. "I'll let them know I still think of you as a self-righteous bastard."

"I truly appreciate it." Piedmon stood up straight despite the floor becoming less and less steady. Calmly he straightened and dusted off his white collar. "Now if you will excuse me, I have guests!"

Gatomon watched him ascend the steps without looking back. Probably the bravest thing I have ever seen... She gave him a salute, though he did not see. "Gatomon, get moving!" Izzy shouted, waving urgently at her, before he too jumped in the portal.

"Good luck." Gatomon turned and ran, jumping into the white energy right before it crackled and disappeared.


Piedmon waited until he was completely out of sight to give one final look back. He heard the explosion when the gateway finally collapsed in a hellfire of shrapnel and, satisfied with that outlook, straightened his gloves and made his way out of the half-collapsed pyramid. Reaching the top of the stone steps, he could not see the end of the army, nor any sign that the shield was still up. The sky was filled with everything from decomposing dragons and birds to giant insects and angels. Digimon from the size of a child to that of an entire building surrounded and towered above the pyramid, and not one giving any sign of life, only black ichor dripping from gangrenous wounds.

As calmly as one would pick an apple, the clown pulled out two of his swords, then bellowed: "I Piedmon, Dark Master, and the last digimon alive, declare myself ruler of both worlds! Any of you who dispute my claim, come forth now!"


A heroic death if I do say so myself. And we are finally done with the zombie verse! That one went on for a bit, did it not? Anyway, comments, ratings, feedback are always appreciated! Contact me at [email protected]

The Twelve Talismans:Dimensional Travels - Chapter 23 - Hakuna Matata

And goodbye zombie-verse. Time for something a touch more cheerful. \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* The Twelve Talismans: Dimension...

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The Twelve Talismans:Dimensional Travels - Chapter 21 - Infected

Yes,that's more of the Zombie-mon verse! I've been watching _The Walking Dead_ and was just inspired. Everything is better with zombies! A _ **blood and gore warning** _ on this one to. And a **gay digimon sex** warning! ...

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The Twelve Talismans:Dimensional Travels - Chapter 20 - The Trek

More zombies! This world may last a bit. Warnings still apply. If you are squeamish, I suggest skipping the next 2-4 chapters. ...

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