The Twelve Talismans:Dimensional Travels - Chapter 23 - Hakuna Matata

Story by MrRedRover on SoFurry

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#40 of The Twelve Talismans

And goodbye zombie-verse. Time for something a touch more cheerful.


The Twelve Talismans: Dimension Travels Chapter 23 Hakuna Matata (Gatomon/Simba)


Camp setting went well. The survivors were used to make do with so little and under such dangerous conditions that not having to worry about an impending assault seemed like a dream. They had brought only what they could easily carry, but this new world was filled with fresh water and fruit, both rare items in post-apocalyptic Tokyo. On the other hand, and to everyone's great relief, it seemed utterly devoid of rampaging undead monsters. There was crying and widespread sadness at the loss of their protector, but even that could not dampen their spirits.

Biyomon flew overhead, enjoying the sun over her body. "Well, so far this world seems pleasant enough." She noted hopefully.

Datamon was trying to assemble something with what components he had scavenged and carried over undamaged. The device was powered by a couple solar panels stretched along the ground. "I myself will be missing the Radio Shacks."

Gomamon came up to the robotic digimon. "Yeah, um, by the way, Datamon... We got a problem."

Gabumon held out the dragon statue. The only head that was glowing was the one pointing at Gomamon. "There's no magical power in this world." He stated the obvious.

Datamon didn't even bother to look at them. "That would be obvious. I did not use your magic as a coordinate. It served as the power source for the portal. I couldn't take the chance of infecting another parallel world with this virus, not to mention the problems with having two copies of all of us in a single world. I scanned for the first universe without a Digital World that could sustain human life. For all we know, it could have brought us to the surface of the sun, which, as unbelievable as it seems, would have been far from an improvement upon our prior situation."

The three travellers blinked. All that they had gotten out of it was that Datamon had done this on purpose. Finally Gatomon spoke up. "But how do we leave?"

It was a pleasant place, sure: sunlight, vegetation, life. However she had no plans for staying here forever.

"Oh, is that you concern?" Datamon's left index finger sparked as he soldered a circuit board. "I am working on that as we speak. I salvaged enough components to make another mini-portal. It will take at least forty hours to charge one of sufficient strength to transport you to your next destination, however. Not to mention computing a vector of transportation." He stated without turning away from his work. "With your own vibrational signature and the residual energies from the first portal, I can program a new dimensional nexus to bring you back to your original world."

"Thank the heavens." Gatomon smiled, a wash of relief falling over her.

"A shame to lose the rest of my powers." Gomamon joked. "But I think home sweet home will do fine."

After all the trouble he's made, he still worries about those stupid powers!

"The sooner the better." Gabumon snorted in annoyance at the seal's joke. He hoped maybe once they got back home, Izzy might be able to help him find Vulpix again.

"Are you sure you won't stay here with us?" Sora asked as she unloaded some freshly picked fruit amidst excitement: none of them had eaten fresh fruit in years.

"Yes. It's really nice to have you three around again." Biyomon admitted as she flew overhead.

"And it's nice to see you again Biyomon, but we have our own Biyomon to get back to." Gatomon smiled back. "Not to mention the rest of our loved ones."

Gabumon snorted again. "Most of our loved ones." He opened his mouth and fired a blast of blue fire into a pile of wood. It was a much stronger blast than needed, and embers flew around. "I'll fetch more wood." He grumbled before walking away.

"He's upset about something?" Elecmon asked, resting near the fire. The red furred quadruped was more drained than ever. He had used every erg of energy to power two portals in a row. He swore he actually lost a pound or two, and now he just stayed curled around his babies, all huddled together in a makeshift nest and sleeping comfortably.

"Yeah. We, uh, kind of left his girlfriend behind by accident." Gatomon sighed, watching the angry lizard.

"Another reason we'd like to get going." Gomamon answered. "She was a friend of ours too, and we do want to get her back. Although I must say the scenery here has a lot going for itself..."

He was looking over at a pair of Floramon coming back from the river with a large fish caught by Crabmon. More than any kind of food fresh meat had become little more than a dream, and the two were now busy preparing the fish for cooking it on the fire. Gomamon winked at the plant pair.

"Girl, he is really different from our Gomamon." Biyomon whispered to the feline.

Gatomon rolled her eyes a bit. "Yeah, I am thinking of having him neutered."

"Okay, Maybe not that different..." The bird sighed back.

The girls giggled a bit at the attention. "Hey Gomamon." One waved at him.

"So ladies." The seal grinned cockily. "I was thinking we might go celebrate. You know, escaping an entire world of undead deserves some sort of celebration.

The second Floramon smirked. "Oh really? Why how lucky we are."

Suddenly a drumming rhythm and guitar riff rang through the air, making most around jump, but soon that was pushed aside by the plant digimon's singing.

(Sung to the tune of That Dont Impress Me Much by Shania Twain)

We've known a few boys who though they were pretty strong But you think you're buff like the next King Kong You think you're a god in bed, or a mega digimon But baby hate to tell ya but, you're just plain wrong Oh-oo-oh You think you're something special Oh-oo-oh You think you're something else

Okay, so you can shoot lasers

That don't impress us much So you got the power But have you got the touch Now don't get us wrong, we think you're good in a fight But that won't make us do you every single night That don't impress us much

The second Floramon took over for the next verse, running her hands lightly over Gomamon's body.

We've known a few digimon who thought they were oh-so funny But see you're not always... on the money You think you're hilarious, all smooth like a, real comedian Caus' heaven forbid us not being your biggest fans Oh-oo-oh You think you're something special Oh-oo-oh You think you're something else

Okay, so you can make us laugh

That don't impress us much So you got the wits But have you got the touch Now don't get us wrong, we think you're funny alright But that won't make us do you every single night That don't impress us much

Now both digimon were hugging each other now and singing in duet:

You're one of those mons who think he's god's gift in bed You think any women you meet will put her legs by her head You pro'ly kiss your dick to sleep every night Now come on baby tell me, you gotta be joking right? Oh-oo-oh You think you're something special Oh-oo-oh You think you're something else

Okay, so you've screwed a girl

That don't impress us much So you got some moves But have you got the touch Now don't get us wrong, we think you're cute alright But that won't make us do you every single night That don't impress us much

The two Floramon continued humming as the music began its decrescendo. Then they walked off into the jungle, hand in hand, humming slowly. There was stunned speechlessness for a good minute. Most of them where wondering what they had just seen, but Gatomon and Biyomon were wondering why they had provided the background choir.

"What the hell was that?" Gomamon asked. "Also, did I just get dissed in song?"

Elecmon rubbed his head. "I... I don't know. And yes, you did." Even the babies were blinking in unison. "That was... unexpected."

"Where did the music come from?" Biyomon asked, lifting a palm leaf to look for speakers, a sound system, anything.

"I don't think it came from anywhere... It just... was there." Izzy answered. It was a new world after all... Maybe this was normal around here?

"Oh great. We've landed in The Sound of Music." The seal sighed.

"I dunno... Does this place looks like Austria to you?" Sora asked.

Gatomon was chuckling now. "Oh that was rich!" She snickered some more: "Shot down in harmony!"

"Oh yuck it up." The seal waved his flipper at Gatomon. "There might be more to this world then we thought." He looked to Biyomon and Elecmon. "You guys think you will be good watching the camp? I think me and Gatomon should make a wide patrol, in case there is something else funky going."

"You really think music could be trouble?" Elecmon took one of the fishes off the fire and bit into it.

"If it can make two chicks dismiss me like that, who knows what it can do?"


The two digimon took a wide berth around the camp, walking side by side. Gatomon continued to chuckle from time to time. "How'd that go... You're one of those mons who think he's god's gift in bed." The cat started to sing a bit off key; it had never been her strongest suit.

"It's not funny!" The aquatic digimon grumbled.

"Oh come on." The champion level digimon retorted. "The look on your face was priceless!" She continued to chuckle with a paw on her laps. Suddenly she stopped, holding out her paw to Gomamon in a stop motion.

Gomamon listened. Gatomon had better ears than he did. The feline crouched low and moved until she reached the top of a steep slope. The broken ground suddenly dropped some fifteen feet down, and below they could see a young feline, his tail whipping back and forth, a tuft of brownish orange fur on the end. He was hunting, of all things, a large grub. "A lion." Gatomon remarked as she looked down below.

"Huh, not exactly threatening." The seal remarked. Admittedly compared to everything else they had seen, a lion was mundane at best. "Kinda looks like Kimba." Joe, for some reason, had DVDs of the old anime series, and Gomamon had seen it a few times.

"If there are wildlife wandering about, we should tell them to be on the watch." Gatomon continued to watch as the lion caught his prey. It pounced the large green bug and quickly wolfed it down. "Though if all the lions here are insectivores, we may not have too much to worry about."

"What makes you think he eats only bugs? We should watch for a bit longer." Gomamon whispered as the lion moved to the side, licking his lips. The feline looked around once, scratching on the ground a few times as he squatted over. His red penis had slipped out of his sheath, the red barbed thing aiming at the ground as he proceeded to take a leak. "Annnndd I did not to see that." The seal turned away with a look of disgust, but noticed the look on Gatomon's face. "Hey!" He poked.

"Huh?" Gatomon snapped her head to the side, blushing softly.

"Oh. My. God, Gatomon. Cheking out his junk?" The seal whispered as the carnivore continued finished relieving himself. The quadruped scratched his back paws back a few times to cover the wet spot with dirt before wandering off. "I mean, his dick, it's just so... pointy! That's nasty!"

"Well..." Gatomon blushed a bit more, Gomamon having caught her. "I mean..." Gomamon's ears flattened down as again music raised in volume. A deep beat, more rap-like than the previous one.

"Oh not again!" The seal sighed as Gatomon burst into song.

(Sung to the tune of I like Big Butts by Sir Mix-a-lot.)

I like barbed cocks and I cannot lie You other pussies can't deny That when a feline strolls in with that kinda piece of meat With hooks and barbs on that shaft You get hot Want to tap that cock 'Cause you really know that dick is rough As his groin I can't stop staring Look that cock head as it's flaring Oh pussy, I wanna get with ya And feel that texture Other men's cocks always warm me But that shaft right there Make me so horny Ohhhh that length of barbed skin I'd let that dick slide over my chin Well use me, use me, cuz I ain't your average pussy... I've seen some hot man dick But to hell with smooth tricks It's rough, tough, got it going like a piston set! I'm tired of silky smooth sheen Normal cocks don't make me preen Take the average feline cat and ask her that She gotta have barbs like that! So pussies! (Yeah!) Pussies! (Yeah)! Has your boyfriend got those barbs! Well stroke it, stroke it, stroke it, stroke it, stroke the feline shaft! Kitty got barbs!

The song continued along those lines for a bit, but eventually the music died off, and Gatomon stopped gyrating her hips and wiggling her ass at her male friend. Gomamon stared dreamily at said rear end as she turned around: "Please tell me I did not just spend several minutes rapping about barbed cocks..."

"I personally liked the hip thrusts and you pretending to rub yourself." Gomamon smirked, than repeated the opening line: "I like barbed cocks and I cannot lie..." his voice was almost spot on to Gatomon's. A talented that extended from his ability to speak underwater.

Gatomon blushed six shades of red and stood up slowly. She tried to change the topic. "We still should get back and tell them there are lions about."

"Well, one lion anyway. But I'll go back. You follow him. See if there is a pride near." The seal grinned. "And who knows, maybe you'll get lucky." He ran off, chuckling as Gatomon threw a clump of dirt at him and missed.

"Not everyone digimon thinks nonstop about sex you know!" She shouted, but couldn't keep a small chuckle.

Meanwhile, Gomamon figured he might as well fix himself some personal time while nobody was going to look for him. He had not emptied his balls in what, four days? Five? Too long anyway. Plus with the rooster, it was ever so much easier...


Gabumon walked through the forest looking for some more fruit, or maybe wild mushrooms. Nowadays just looking at Gomamon made him angry, for some reason, so he tried not to hang around the seal too much. The jungle seemed to reflect his somber mood. The shadow grew darkers, moving oddly, shaped like skeletons. That didn't worry him in the least, though, and he just went on deeper. He could sense eyes on him, but they stayed far, perhaps sense the power and rage bubbling up in this tiny, odd-looking creature. He didn't seem to hear the electric guitar playing low and deep... or the voice, clearly female, that began to sing.

(Sung to Sweet Dreams by Marilyn Manson)

Sweet dreams are made by thee... Who are you to disagree... Travel through worlds for your true peace... Always forever looking for something...

All of them want to use you... But none of them ever cared for you... All of them say they will help you... But none of them want to see it through

Sweet dreams are made by thee... Who are you to disagree... Travel through worlds for your true peace... Always forever looking for something...

All of them want to use you... But none of them ever cared for you... All of them say they will help you... But none of them want to see it through

Sweet dreams are made by thee... Who are you to disagree... Travel through worlds for your true peace... Always forever looking for something...

All of them want to use you... But none of them ever care for you... All of them say they will help you... But none of them want to see it through

They're gonna use you and abuse you They'll never see what's inside... Just gonna use you and abuse you Just let them see what's inside you...

The shadow retreated slowly as he walked out of the forest, a cold look on his face.


Gomamon stomped his way up to Datamon. He was fuming. It took several minutes before the other Digimon deigned to acknowledge the seal's presence. "What now?" He sighed.

"Where. Is. My. Power?" Gomamon asked slowly, making sure the cybernetic digimon was not going to sidestep the question.

"I thought it would be obvious. I needed it to power the portal, so obviously I couldn't return it to you afterwards. Not without violating all three principles of thermodynamics, anyway."

Gomamon groaned. The rooster had been one of the most useful power for him. Not having thumbs was ever so much a drag...


"Oh Simba!" Gatomon panted from her position on all fours. Her tail was wrapped around the young lion's body while that not unsung spiked cock of his pushed into her. It wasn't anything as big as Kiba's, but the way those wonderful barbs that she was growing to love scratched her insides made up for it nicely.

"Oh yeah!" The young lion leaned on her with all his weight and fucked with the same youthful enthusiasm as the tiger. He suddenly bit down hard on the back of her neck, growling with the same savagery as he did when he hunted bugs, and his tempo went up a level. The white cat groaned louder at the barbs rubbing back and forth against her vaginal walls.

"Uhhh!" She felt those sharp fangs pierce the scruff of her neck. It was instinctive of most male felines, and it made her shudder in delight.

Simba meanwhile just pumped harder. His own tail whipped back and forth above like a snake ready to attack while the lion made low rumbling sounds. Gatomon could feel those deep purr-growls vibrate through her entire body. She got a big kick out of the primality of the whole encounter, in the dirt, being rutted like a lioness in heat. "Rrrrr!" Her mate let out another growl, his muzzle inches from her large pointed ears, then bit down again, making her feel like she was a mere kitten.

She howled loudly, her own fangs flashing in the sun, then closed her eyes partway, feeling a buildup in her body. "Yeah Simba..." She growled as he tugged slightly at the nape of her neck. It was like a hard pinch, but she had such thick skin and fur there it didn't bother her. If anything, it seemed to heighten the whole experience.

The lion was going ever faster, his growls now muffled by the flap of white fur in his jaws. The barbed cock continued to piston in and out, occasionally shooting some precum. But his furry balls couldn't bounce back and forth like that indefinitely, making a slight slapping sound. All too soon, he began to shoot his load inside of her, teeth biting just a little bit more, making his partner squeal just a bit longer.

Simba humped through his orgasm. One, two, three times, and then he held himself there, getting every drop in. Gatomon let out a low, long meow as she felt more cum spurt inside of her. He stayed inside for only a second before pulling out abruptly.

Gatomon had expected it this time, and still the sensation caught her by surprise. That flash of delightful pain when those flared barbs dug into her vaginal walls. She let out an orgasmic howl, the smaller, less civilized feline actually doing a better job than Kiba. "Oh yeah!" She dragged her claws into the dirt again and again, making long, deep grooves as her entire body shuddered with delight. The lion finally released his jaw, leaving behind a tiny bruise on the back of the digimon's neck, but luckily it was hidden under her white fur... mostly. "Oh... maaaaan..." The digimon shuddered as she felt the teeth let go of her neck. The sense of relief was almost as good as the biting sensation.

"MMmm that was fun, Gatomon." He came over, and ran his head over her, instinctively marking her with the scent glands under his chin.

Gatomon purred softly, nuzzling back at the same time. She did make a mental note to have a quick wash in the river before getting back to the village. Gomamon's sense of smell did leave a lot to be desired, but Gabumon and Elecmon would definitely be able to smell the sex on her. "Mmmh... What can I say? I like barbed cocks." She chuckled.

The young lion moved away from his partner, lapping a few times over the white cat's shoulders before turning his attention to his own crotch. Gatomon wasn't surprised. Though she herself preferred showers these days, she knew how cats were often meticulously clean.

Simba licked at his junk a bit before speaking again. "That was a lot of fun... I mean... It's just... I..." A rhythmic electro beat began to crescendo as he searched for his words.

"Oh not again..." Gatomon placed her paw over her eyes, just as the two of them began to sing once more.


She came back into camp later after a nice wash in the river. Some distance downstream from the camp so she could get some privacy. "Oh welcome back." Biyomon waved, carrying some branches in her feet. Simple grass and mud huts were being constructed all around the clearing, and Biyomon dropped the supplies for a new roof.

"Thanks, I was just doing a little, um, exploring." Gatomon tried to act nonchalant. "Anything happen here?"

Sora snickered a bit. "Well you did miss us all singing about building camp."

"Got to admit, That was awesome." Gomamon cranked his left flipper around with a wince. "Though I was not built to do back flips... So anyway...what did you learn?" The seal looked vaguely grumpy, but Gatomon had no idea why. He had been back for a while now, and given them a general report.

"Oh... apparently the lions are sentient here, and they speak too." The cat went on, explaining what she had learnt. "He's a lone lion, living with a warthog and a lemur of all things." Gatomon smiled slightly. "He only eats insects, and he is probably the most dangerous thing for a hundred miles. I think it's pretty safe here."

"Oh that's good... though I guess we obviously can't do much hunting if all the animals talk." Elecmon replied, constructing a simply crib for his digimon babies. "But I am sure we can get by on fresh fruit and fish."

"By the way," Gomamon piped, asking what was everyone was obviously wondering. "Did you hear someone singing 'I just had sex' too?"


Datamon put the finishing touches on the portal. "I've tuned the portal to send you to a dimension with your own... 'magical' signal." Using that word obviously left a sour taste in his mouth.

"Are you sure you guys want to stay here?" Gatomon asked. "I mean... the songs are annoying to say the least."

"Annoying?" Biyomon chuckled a bit and hugged Elecmon tighter around the neck. "Do you have any idea what I would have given for a world that was merely annoying?"

"We're not going to risk everything by searching for a magical perfect world." Elecmon grinned, nuzzling into Biyomon's wings. "I doubt anyone here is willing to tempt fate."

"What about you Datamon?" Gabumon gave a wandering look to the computer digimon. "Can we trust you once we leave?" As he spoke he was stripping bark off a branch, using the red claws on his pelt like they were knives.

"You need not worry." He replied as he hooked up the makeshift portal to the batteries. "My life will be dedicated towards a cure to the plague I created. It might be futile and ultimately never be used, but I must."

"Wow... that's... surprisingly noble." Gomamon had to admit.

"Nonsense." Datamon replied. He seemed a bit insulted that the digimon would think of him as the self-sacrificing type. "The digimon virus remains a threat to me, and may return even here. I can not let any threat to my being exist." Better a live coward than a dead hero.

"Ah, right. Well that sounds more like you." Gabumon snarked. He discarded the stripped stick into the fire.

"Our calculations show a 98.65% chance you will reach your home world." Izzy remarked as he read the single screen. Their technological resources were even more starkly limited, but that seemed to be a mere annoyance to the pair.

"And I shudder to ask, but the other one percent and some?" Gabumon asked, already looking on the down side.

"Should the vibrational energy lie on a dimension close to your own home world, your so-called magic may possibly drag you to that dimension." Datamon hooked up another two wires, his fingers sparking a bit as he soldered the connection. "I dislike dealing with less than perfection, but I see no way to increase your chance with the meager supplies at hand. Plus in such a case, you should be able to continue what you were doing before you reached our dimension."

"Sounds good enough." Gatomon nodded. "Certainly more than we could have hoped for."

"It better well have to be." Datamon moved to the control panel. "This is a one-time attempt, if it does not work, you will not be able to track down your home dimension again using your vibrational signatures. I have to tune your bodies to the receiving world, or else I risk transporting you midway between two dimensions."

"And that would be bad, right?" Gomamon replied.

"Only if having ever atom of your body simultaneously turn to energy, exploding with the force of a million suns, is 'bad'." Izzy remarked as he got ready to activate the portal.

"Two million, three hundred thousand, forty three suns." Datamon corrected. He didn't even look away from his work as he correct his assistant. "Based on the seal's mass."

"Thank you for the precision." Gomamon goaned.

Datamon worked steadily for another five minutes before finally joining two power cables together. Izzy typed on the keyboard. The round wire ring in the middle of the field began to glow the now familiar ball expanding slowly into a complete portal that crackled with energy. "Get moving! It won't last long!" Izzy shouted.

Final goodbyes were shouted hurriedly, thanks from everyone who had gathered to watch their heroes leave. The trio then jumped into the glowing portal, three flashes marking their passage through. After Gatomon jumped in last, it flashed a final time an quickly depowered. "Good luck... wherever you end up." Biyomon waved, one of the baby digimon in her wings, cuddling close as everyone walked away, ready to begin their new lives.


The songs are, obviously, "That Don't Impress Me Much" (Shania Twain, Come on Over, 1997: ), the first verse of "Baby Got Back" (Sir Mix-A-Lot, Mack Daddy, 1992: ), "Sweet Dreams (Are Made of This)" (Marilyn Manson, Smells Like Children, 1995: ). The song Gomamon asks about is "I Just Had Sex" (The Lonely Island ft. Akon, 2010: ).

Actually, you probably could just play Manson's version of "Sweet Dreams" without changing a word... Great cover song. As for the lemon scene, I decided fuck it with the back story. You know, hello, I'm Gatomon, fuck me, etc. Sometimes it's nice just to jump right in. As always, comments, votes, faves, and feedback are appreciated, here or at my email [email protected]

The Twelve Talismans:Dimensional Travels - Chapter 24 - Home

And the first of the last chapters of the series. I was getting bored with the series, and rather than simply leave it hanging, I am going to finish it in the next two chapters or so. ...

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The Twelve Talismans:Dimensional Travels - Chapter 22 - Last Mon Standing

And a continuation of the Zombie-mon verse! I've been watching the Walking Dead and was just inspired. Everything is better with zombies. A blood and gore warning on this one again. Also, the sex scene is pretty harsh too. And gay. Can't forget thegay....

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The Twelve Talismans:Dimensional Travels - Chapter 21 - Infected

Yes,that's more of the Zombie-mon verse! I've been watching _The Walking Dead_ and was just inspired. Everything is better with zombies! A _ **blood and gore warning** _ on this one to. And a **gay digimon sex** warning! ...

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