The Twelve Talismans:Dimensional Travels - Chapter 28 - Rock This Party

Story by MrRedRover on SoFurry

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#46 of The Twelve Talismans

And we are going to continue with the alternate verse! This one is a bit of a request from my proofreader. Guess he finds Spike cute. But then again, so does Gomamon...


The Twelve Talismans: Dimensional travels Chapter 28 - Rock this Party (Gomamon/Spike)


The digimon trio were at the summer celebration called the Summer Sun Festival with their new pal Applejack. A large two-storey gazebo in the centre of the small town was the gathering point. An enormous white marble fountain reached two stories tall, topped by a statue of a slender white unicorn with her wings spread wide, a visibly recent addition, apparently a tribute to their magical princess. The grounds swarmed with a kaleidoscope of colours as the ponies chatted and ate. The winged ones flew overhead, a beautiful sight to behold. The Digimon had not failed to notice how most of them had pictures on their hindquarters ranging from fruits to flowers to food.

They had split up, mingling a bit with the large crowd of mostly horse of all colours. Gabumon and Gomamon were still arguing at every turn. Gabumon walking upon the seal jerking off Big Macintosh--Applejack's brother--in the back barn that morning had not improved the lizard's disposition. And that Gomamon had pointedly continued until the Pony completely coated him in cum only had made it worse.

Gatomon was talking to a purple unicorn by the name of Twilight Sparkle. She was apparently an apprentice of the Princess and overseeing the ball. The cat had been regaling her story to her, since she seemed to be sort of in charge. "Well if anyone can help you, Princess Celestial can." The pony remarked, looking a bit nervous. "I am just a little worried myself..." The two of them continued chatting, Twilight explained about some odd prophecies she found in some text... about the moon goddess Nightmare Moon returning and bringing ever-lasting night. This concerned Gatomon to... it seemed like any prophecy she came anywhere near always came true.

Gabumon meanwhile was chatting with some other horse. He was still appalled that an entire world not only didn't know of Jesus and God, but seemed to worship a false idol called "Princess Celestial". His nonstop sermons, fortunately, were met only with a mixture of confusion and mild amusement.

Gomamon was having a better time, having found another exotic creature: a little purple dragon with a series of green scales sticking down his head and back. "So, Spike, is it?" He chatted him up. "Hanging out with all these cute girls? lucky dragon."

"Bleh." The dragon stuck a finger down in his throat mockingly. "I'm not into all the girly stuff. All flowers and ribbons and junk!"

"Oh..." The seal chuckled. "Do you like the boys better, then?"

"Oh, way more! Much rather be with a guy than an icky girl." Spike puffed out his chest. "I wish there were more guys here!"

"Well then." The seal placed a flipper on the purple dragon's shoulder. "You and I should talk..."

The party continued without anyone noticing the crowd was down two males. Eventually Twilight Sparkle walked up to the balcony. "Stallions and mares of all ages! I'd like to thank you for coming. Princess Celestial will be here any moment, so let's give a great big cheer for our goddess!"

There was indeed a cheer, but mostly a great pounding of hooves on the outdoor patio; the very ground seemed to shake. Gatomon smiled as her new friend went on with her speech about sharing, kindness, and so on. "She's a good speaker..." The digimon looked around curiously and finally noticed someone was absent. "Where is Gomamon? I can't believe he is missing this..."


The seal was... busy.

"So you like that?"

Spike was sitting on the floor in some sort of closet, Gomamon behind him with a flipper curled around the dragon's penis. It was a tiny little purple scaly thing with green markings down the underside, barely over two inches. The seal thought it was utterly adorable.

"Uh uh uh!" The dragon panted. He wasn't sure what the furry creature was doing, but it certainly did feel good. He just sat on his rump, tail thumping on the ground like a dog. He wasn't sure how it had come to this. The seal was certainly a smooth talker; it had started with a quick game of "I'll show you mine if you show me yours" and before he knew it the redhead was introducing him to something called "jacking off."

The sea mammal was shocked by the creature's sheer naet he didn't even know what masturbation was! He would have assumed he was just a baby... until he found out that the so-called kid was decades old. Seemed that dragons, like digimon, aged very slowly, if at all. How a creature could go that long and not learn about self-pleasure remained beyond him.

"Now then, you can do it yourself of course, but it is ever so much more fun if you can find a fellow to do it for you." He joked as he licked the dragon's face. He could feel each individual scale under his tongue as he gave him a thorough taste testing.

"Uhh... you mean... the ponies can do this to?" Spike asked as he shot out a little pre cum. It was an odd green shade and seemed to evaporate almost instantly, like smoke, as the digimon continued to pleasure him.

"Well... Maybe not with hooves... but what do I know?" The seal released the little cock and moved in front of the little wyrm. "Here is something I do know the hot pony gals around here can do." He winked as he took the cock inside his mouth.

Spike let out a loud squeal. The furry flipper was good at... whatever it did, but this... this simply did not compare! Gomamon self-congratulated: he had gotten plenty of practice over the years after all. He ran his tongue under the little pecker, his cheeks to massaging the cock's sides. As an underwater animal, his ability to do this for minutes without needing to take a breathe was a big advantage: he had yet to met a guy able to last more than a lungful of air. Not surprising considering that gave him a good half an hour to make his "victim" explode.

"Something... Something is happening!" The dragon squealed and instinctively humped. He didn't last much longer, too inexperienced to face Gomamon's honed skill. His entire body shook with the unexpected pleasure when he came.

For Gomamon, it was also an unexpected sensation. He expected cum, or something like it. Digimon sperm came in a wide variety of colour, taste and consistency, sure, but it was never gazeous! It was like sucking on a car exhaust, and soon he just let the dick flop out of his muzzle, puffs of green smoke coming out of his coughing maw. The member continued send whiffs of the vapour that swirled in the air and quickly dissipated.

"Okay... I wasn't expecting that." He coughed and wiped his lips. "Never seen a guy cum smoke before..." He paused for a moment. It felt weird in his mouth... how would it feel in another orifice? "So big guy?" The seal gave the dick a lick up the green scaly undershaft. "'like to try another trick?" Nobody ever said he wasn't up for experimenting.

"You mean there's more we can do?" Spike looked down happily.

"Oh we're barely getting started..." He grinned, then turned around and wiggled his cute white rump at the dragon. He didn't take it up the butt much, but the dragon had such a cute little cock the seal didn't think it could be a problem. Plus he was curious how having hot dragon vapour cum up his ass would feel. "Now for lesson two..."


The party was now in full swing, Gatomon still hanging out with Twilight Sparkle. The pony had done her introduction, and seemed interested in learning more about digimon. Gatomon was drinking some thick cream, the warm liquid putting her a bit at ease. Gabumon was still giving a lecture... some pink pony with blue and yellow balloons on her butt was listening with great interest.

Suddenly there was a flash of light on the second story balcony. The background chatter instantly died and all eyes raised towards the light source. It shaped into a winged horse, purple eyes forming first, then a rainbow mane of living light behind her head. She had a long white horn and wore a golden tiara and a gold collar with a diamond-shaped purple jewel in the centre. Even Gabumon was left speechless for a bit at this false god. Princess Celestial stood above them all, surrounded by a low white marble railing. "Welcome my fellow Equesterians, and noble citizens of Ponyville!" She spoke with that tone that only leaders managed. "It pleases me to welcome you all here, to start the celebration of the Summer Sun festival!" There was a cheer from the horses, and a great stomping of hooves on the ground. "I promise you this will be a festival to remember!"

There was another cheer from the equine crowd, and then a bolt of lighting across the summer sky. The white clouds grew dark, the night expanding from nowhere. There was a hushed murmur of worried questions and comments. Princess Celestia opened her mouth to speak, but before she could she was wrapped inside an orb of purplish black energy. There was a gasp from the crowd as their princess suddenly vanished into thin air. Before it even had a chance to register, there was another bolt of purple lighting. The sound of thunder rumbled through the banquet hall and a new winged unicorn floated there, skin as dark as night, mane of moonlight with stars glistening on it, and a light blue helm covering its face. "She has that right! It is a festival to remember." She smirked, now standing on the second floor and looking down at the crowd. She had a crescent moon on the left hip.

"The prophecies came true!" Twilight sparkle shouted in fear. "It's Nightmare Moon!"

"For once, I'd like a doomsday prophecy not to come true!" Gatomon sighed as the wind whipped around her.

Twilight Sparkle took a step forward. With the sun princess gone, she was left in charge. The Pegasus guards stood on either side of her, white stallions in strong golden armour. "Now then..." She tried her best to sound brave. "You return Princess Celestia right now and surrender!"

"Oh I think not." Nightmare Moon flashed her wings nice and wide. "I spent eons trapped in that stone globe, looking down at you as you worshipped my sister's sun, but ignored the beauty of night. Needless to say I am quite hurt." Her long black horn began to glow.

Twilight Sparkle felt the mystic energy wrap around her. More power than she had ever felt. She hastily pieced together a protective spell as Nightmare Moon's mane expanded like a super nova while its owner chanted in a deep voice, eyes flashing like jewels.

By the stars far above And the full moon's light I curse you to stone Ponies and Dragons alike!

Everything was drowned n purple smoke. It swirled around the scared equine crowd like a maelstrom. The ponies began to stiffen, the sound of crackling stone filling the air. Twilight Sparkle's horn continued to glow as she completed the spell, surrounding herself with a shimmering globe. The purple energy splashed against the barrier, trying to destroy it, and it took ever erg of energy to hold the cursed spell at bay. All around her, her friends turned to stoic, unmoving statues. She could feel herself weakening, but she would not give up...


Gomamon laid on the ground, flat on his belly. On top of him, as hard to believe as he found it, the grey statue of Spike had him pinned, its stone dick firmly lodged in his ass. The dragon had a look of ecstasy on his face permanently etched in granite. "Okay... What the fuck?" He seal grunted as he struggled to free himself from the compromising position. "I like hardons, but come on!"


"Uh!" Twilight Sparkle stumbled back in a flash of light from her magical barrier failing just as the spell finished. She had put every erg of her being in it to ensure it would protect her. It had... but now she had no idea where to go from here. She weakly looked up, vision slightly blurred, and could make the shape of the black spellcaster looking down at her.

"Well, well... Twilight Sparkle, was it?" Nightmare Moon smiled and batted her emerald eyes. "I see you possess impressive magical skills for one so young." Her dark mane whisked around as she tossed her head. "My dear sister Princess Celestial taught you well."

The purple horse panted; defending against that stone curse had taken a lot out of her, but Nightmare Moon didn't seem so much as fazed from casting a spell that turned all the ponies into mere lawn ornaments. "So, are you going to surrender?" She finally managed to utter.

"Cute." The dark horse smiled as she spread her wings wide. Her horn began to grow as she channelled her power. The power of telekinesis, and hers was the strongest in all the lands.

A loud cracking resonated when the stone statue of the sun princess was ripped off the fountain with a large snap. Stone shards fell off as the heavy projectile went flying at the purple pony. Twilight Sparkle took a step back, but could not possibly dodge and shut her eyes tightly, but caught a blur of white from the corner of her eye. "Uh!" Gatomon landed in front of the scared purple horse. The statue was far too heavy to catch correctly, but she was easily capable of deflecting it to the side, when it broke into pieces.

"What?!" The dark horse's eyes widened as the tiny little feline somehow avoided being crushed. Such incredible strength. "What are you?"

"Digimon." Gatomon stood in front of the only remaining live horse. Twilight Sparkle looked drained, and no matter how much she hated fighting the feline could never allow the innocent to get hurt. She pointed at the demon mare and did her best to sound threatening. "Now... just... Back off." Even Twilight Sparkle wasn't impressed.

Nightmare Moon seemed to share that opinion. "You should be stone like all the others." She walked down the spiral staircase. "But I foolishly directed the curse only towards ponies and their dragon kin..." Gatomon backed off slowly as the evil pony approached, shaking... She hated fighting with a passion. And she was never all that good at it... "No matter... I will simply deal with you sepa-"


A large apple collided with the side of her head with enough strength to explode. Whether or not she was injured was hard to tell given how enraged that made her, turning as juice and pulp ran down her face.

"Another hint, lady!" Gomamon shouted, standing by the buffet and tossing an apple up and down in his right flipper before flinging it at the angry princess. "Don't forget seals in your precious spell next time either!"

Nightmare moon snorted and effortlessly froze the apple mid-air with her magic, then let it drop it after a few seconds. It rolled along the ground and came to a rest at the feet of one of the Pegasus guards statues. "Where are you... Digimon coming from?" The equine snarled.

"A galaxy far, far away." Gomamon smirked, not getting so much as a grunt. "Okay, should've figured Star Wars jokes wouldn't work 'round here... Neat trick by the way." He hopped off the table. "Y'know, I've got a few tricks of my own." Gatomon was all but useless in a fight unless someone was in danger and his Omnitrix was useless right now, so all there was left were his own skills... good enough for him. He held out his flipper and shouted. "Neptune's DEEP!"

A ball of water suddenly exploded out of the fountain and sailed at the shocked princess, causing her to stumble when it exploded in her face. She tripped over her front legs right as she saw the seal leaping at her. He had crossed the space between them faster than she would have expected. The claws that scrapped across her face seemed as solid as horseshoes. The seal's flippers then wrapped around her horn to throw his full weight into a toss. Not that he could actually lift her, but he did make her lose her balance. Her neck twisted sharply and her body slammed onto the marble floor with a pained whinny. The seal rolled away, using his claws to skid to a screeching stop. "You've never been in a real fight, have you?" He smirked.

"You little, insignificant..." The mage mare snarled, a small trickle of blood seeping from the scratches across her face.

"You got power, toots, I'll give you that." Gomamon came forward. "But I've taken down way tougher than you..." He let his claw drag loudly over the ceramic tiles. "So you'll forgive me if I don't wet myself in fear."

Nightmare Moon snorted back and spread her wings. "I have no time to waste with your petty perorations... I have a whole kingdom to rule!" Her last word was swallowed in a puff of purple smoke. When it dissipated, she was gone, wisps of dark energy swirling upwards in the moon light toward the skylight.

Once she was gone, Gomamon let out along relieved sigh and allowed himself to pant. It had been a lot harder than he'd made it out to be. "Everyone okay?" He looked to Gatomon and the purple horse which were apparently the only one capable of answering.

"Wow... that was... impressive." Twilight Sparkle came forward; she was getting her wind back. "You can control water?"

"Yeah... a bit." He wiped his brow. At best he could throw a few litres of water around. "More useful than throwing fish, anyway."

"He always was one of our best, bravest fighters." Gatomon admitted. She wished she had his confidence in battle.

"Aw, you flatter me so." Gomamon joked, then went up to the statue of Gabumon, the statue's face still have that same holier-than-thou look on it while a petrified paw clutched tightly around his crucifix as if the wooden cross could have warded off the attack. "Seems that he counts as a dragon here."

"Are they..." Twilight Sparkle asked with a whisper.

"No." Gatomon came over, lightly rapping a knuckle on Gabumon's stone horn. "When we die... we break up and there is nothing left. If he's still there, then your friends are not really dead." She turned to Gomamon. "What can we do?"

"Put him on the front lawn?" Gomamon unhelpfully suggested, getting himself the best approximation of a nasty glare that Gatomon could muster. "Just let me bask in the quiet for a second... Okay, so she wants to rule, obviously she needs a kingdom... Looks like the vain type to me: 'bow down to me' and all that jazz."

"Then she'll go to Princess Celestia's castle! Canterlot!" Twilight spoke up. "She and Nightmare Moon ruled together once... obviously she'll go there again."

"A castle?" Gomamon distinctly remembered not seeing anything that remotely looked like a castle in the small town. "I don't suppose it is anywhere near?"

"Not... uhm... Really." Twilight Sparkle didn't even know how far: that would have been farther than anywhere she'd ever walked to.

"How much is 'not... uhm... really'?" Gatomon asked.

The pony considered it. "Well... it's four hours by Pegasus. But... Err, obviously we can't fly there... Which means we will need to walk... Let's see... through the Mountains of Silence, the Forest of Darkness, the Valley of No Return..."

"So it'll be just like back home, I guess..." Gomamon sighed. "All right... everyone. Get supplies, water and food. Pack light because we want to move fast." He righted himself straight. "Time to eclipse Nightmare Moon."


There's going to be one more lemon after this with the almost verse. Then we are going back to find out what happened to the original Gomamon's fate! I know you are all just dying to get back to the main plot! Again, feel free to post, make comments, or contact me at [email protected]

The Twelve Talismans:Dimensional Travels - Chapter 29 - Arion

More ponies. This one is with the one I want to do the most. Well, okay, Trixie and Rainbow Dash are up there too. ...

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The Twelve Talismans:Dimensional Travels - Chapter 27 - A Gift Horse

The climax... Gomamon's fate... Gabumon's madness... questions and theories and more... everything you've been waiting for... are finally going to have to wait for a bit. Instead, let' s take a look at what happened to the trio from almost-verse,...

Gatomon's Punishment - Chapter 1 - Bad Day

And this is a request from Weed/Shippo. I am going to say it's pretty much a PWP. Porn without plot. So if you guys don't like the characterization, bite me :). ...

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