Collared - Chapter 1 - Perpetuating the Species

Story by MrRedRover on SoFurry

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#8 of Duez's Collared

And this one is for Duez. I admit, I had to think of a bit of a back story to try to work an anthropomorphic cat into season 2, without it being a digimon. But I came up with something. You know me; I like to have a bit of plot with my porn. Granted this series is going to mainly being a horny cat going through a good chunk of season two digimon.


Chapter 1

Continuing the Species

"Well it was good to see you again!" Floramon wrapped her leafy arms around the snow-white feline's back, the stamens on the end of her hands interlocking behind her back.

"Oh you too Floramon!" Gatomon smiled as she hugged the plant digimon back, squeezing her tightly. They held each other for several seconds before she let go. "I know I don't get to the Digital World enough." She took a step back, rubbing one of her yellow gloved paws over her forehead. It was a bright day, sunlight streaming down on the quaint digimon domicile.

"Oh don't worry about it." Floramon leaned against the doorframe of her simple wooden hut. The red petal head hung over her faces, almost like a little warrior mask. She lived alone, and welcomed one of her best friend's company. "I know you have another life in the human's world with your digidestined Kari... not to mention that hunk of a Veemon you've been seeing. I am just happy you can make it out at all."

Gatomon blushed a touch when Floramon mentioned her blue boyfriend. Though you really couldn't see it under her white furred cheeks. "Yeah, but still, I really should try and make it out here more."

"Well you do that. And you can bring them along next." Floramon gave a wave of her purple petal hands. "I'll see you later! And give that cute boyfriend of yours a nice squeeze on that blue butt of his." The plant rookie giggled a bit a she turned around.

The cat mon gave one last goodbye, before she started to walk out of the village. She had been back in the Digital world for a couple of days now, visiting her friends. This little town was a simple one, populated mainly by Floramon and Mushroomon with a scant scattering of other rookies. Simple huts with thatched roofs popped out of the ground, with little vegetable gardens scattered all around. It was a lot simpler and quieter life than back home in Tokyo. Gatomon took another deep breath as she walked out of the village. She was glad she told everyone she was taking a couple of weeks to travel alone. She loved Kari, her digidestined and Veemon was something special. But she just needed a bit of alone time to see her friends...

It was a nice autumn day in the forest; the leaves falling down... of course even the seasons were chaotic in the digital world. One area could be in the dead of winter, a few miles away it could be a heat wave. She was walking down the path, long purple ringed tail moving behind her. It was fairly dark, the trees making a canopy overhead that pretty much blocked out all light. Another person was walking down the path towards her, though it was hard to see with all the dark shadow criss-crossing over him. A normal girl might be a bit cautious, being along with no help nearby, but for a battle trained warrior like Gatomon it didn't even dawn on her. "Good day!" She cheerfully replied as the figure came closer, dressed in a dark brown overcoat. It was all she remembered before the lights went out.


"Uggghhhh..." The digimon cat slowly began to come to. She instinctively tried to get up, but was held fast. It took her a few minutes to realize her arms and legs, and yes, even her tail were chained down somehow. She tried to move her head, but there seemed to be a metallic strap across it to. "Now what?" She growled softly, more angry than worried. Sadly, this was far from the first time she ran into trouble like this.

"Sorry about that... the stun gun was probably not the most pleasant way to incapacitate you, but quite frankly there was no way I would be able to subdue you in a physical contest."

The feline managed to turn her head a little, so she could get a better view of who was speaking. She was with it enough to see she was in a laboratory of some sorts. There were several machines, half of which weren't running right. The others were beeping and churning with numbers flashing across the screen. One large screen had a three dimensional picture of her, with some sort of ring beside her. There were a lot of phrase that Gatomon could not understand like neurological suppression of endorphins and more... Gatomon had no idea what the machines were. She was secretly wishing Izzy, the computer genius or even Joe who was studying to be a doctor was here. She herself was tied down to a large metal table by strong shackles.

She continued to scan the room till she saw her attacker. Gatomon looked at her captor... it was humanoid, yes. And surprisingly, feline like herself. He looked around six feet tall, with chocolate brown fur except on his tan coloured belly and his muzzle. He was wearing a brown trench coat that hung open in the front. Underneath he donned a faded pair of jeans with a chain looped around the waist. He wore a simple white t-shirt for now, with the Japanese Kanji symbol for power etched in red lines made out of barbed wire. "Are you a.... digimon?" She asked, though, instinctively she knew she was wrong.

"No.... I am from the Human world, believe it or not." The cat smiled as he was fiddling with something in his paws. A black collar of sorts. "It's a long story... but we will get into that later." He turned and around and came over to experimental table.

"Yeah, no offence kitty, but I've seen lots of humans and not many of them have fur." Gatomon struggled in her bindings a bit, growling. Digizoidium. Pretty much unbreakable except by anything less than a strong ultimate level digimon.

"Well I personally am not from the real world... my ancestors were. Way back when." The tall cat turned around, holding the black collar in one paw. "Anyway, my name is Duez. A pleasure to meet you." His other paw moved to stroke Gatomon's left ear once, touching the purple tips on the end. As soon as his fingers got close to her cheek, she snapped. A touch too slow though, as Gatomon's jaws snapped shut on empty air. "Wow, you bite pussy."

"I also claw, scratch, kick and bunch." The digimon's eyes narrow so just the blue eyes were visible as narrow slits. "And I have a dozen friends at least who will come looking for me that would chew you up and spit you out. So why don't you be the smart pussy, let me go, and I may just forget about you."

"I simply can't do that." Duez snapped open the collar. Gatomon could see it better. It resembled a dog's collar with silver spikes around the side, except the inside seemed to be filled with green circuitry. In the front of the collar, a little silver tag shaped like a digivice hung down. It was currently blank.

"Didn't your mother teach you any manners?" She strained again at her bondage, unable to stop struggling even though deep in her mind she knew she would never be able to snap the chains at her current power level. But the warrior in her would not give up without a fight.

"Sadly... I am the last of my kind. I have no family of any sorts left." The lean and trim feline captor replied. "Which is the whole reason I brought you here. I am simply not willing to let my species die with me."

It took Gatomon a few seconds to digest the implications of what he said. "Any part of you that touches me, I am going to keep in a jar under my bed." Her words came out like a long hiss. Her muscles tensed yet again, to no avail. "No way in the darkest ocean will I let you touch me."

"I thought of that too." He moved the collar close to Gatomon's neck, the feline trying to lower her chin so whoever this was could not put it on. But the strap around her forehead kept her neck nice and exposed. "You know Ken? The so-called Digimon Emperor way back when he tried to take over the Digital World using black spires and rings to make digimon pretty much his mindless minions?" Duez began to explain. "Well... this was his old laboratory. One of them anyway. He probably doesn't remember how many of these places he has squirreled away." He snapped the black collar around Gatomon's neck. It made the softest of metal clicks as it sealed tightly. "It took me a few years to figure out his technology... I focused mainly on the black rings he used to control digimon. A couple more years how to rewrite the code on them so that it would serve me properly instead of the Digimon Emperor." Duez smiled as he moved to Gatomon's arms. He pressed a code into the keypad imbedded in the metal. There was a metallic ka-chunk, and the manacles opened. Gatomon was free and in the clear. "And at least a year waiting till you were alone. So you can understand why I am quite eager for this."

Gatomon stood up on the table, looking at her captor. She was now free, and whoever this was, he had no more power than an average human. It looked like a rather foolish move for this Duez to do. She could easily take him now. So she looked at him, and smiled. "Well of course Duez!" She smiled as she turned around. She couldn't figure out for the life of her why she fought Duez before... why, the very idea of disobeying him seemed simply ludicrous! "We can get started on making you some children right away?" She slid down to the end of the table and lifted her tail nice and high. "Would you like to mate with me here?"

Duez let a large grin form across his face as Gatomon instantly exposed herself. "Pussy? I prefer you call me Master." He said. He was quite pleased with himself seeing how easily the collar made her not only willing, but eager to fulfill his every desire.

"Sorry Master!" Gatomon reached back, spreading her pussy back with two claws nice and wide. The fleshly pink insides were a stark contrast to her soft white fur. "The pussy promises she will learn her proper place as your breeder!" She seized on 'Pussy' as her name. It was what her new lord and master had called her.

"That's good." Duez reached down and began to fiddle with his jeans, taking off the silver chain he used as a belt before unzipping the fly. He pulled out his member, semi erect but fast growing. He had a tan fur over his sheath and balls, and a nice red barbed cock that stuck out about five inches, but it didn't look like it was finished growing yet. "Here is fine. I've been looking forward to this for years." He rubbed his cock again, feeling the roughness of the barbs on the palm of his hand. "I don't even want to take the time to take you to my room Pussy!"

"Oh Master..." Gatomon looked back, just dripping in anticipation. "I simply can't wait either!" Her entire focus had shifted. She wanted, no needed to make Duez happy in anyway. The thought of carrying his child excited her so. She never realized just how much she wanted one till her Master mentioned it. "Take me and fill me. Knock me up with your baby!"

Duez was up to his full eight inches in a few seconds. He had not taken a mate yet, and frankly his own paw was nowhere as exciting as the hot little pussy in front of him. "I intended to!" The tall cat smiled as he got behind Gatomon and began to push his thick cock head against her pussy.

The digimon champion shuddered in anticipation. "Oh gods sir..." She dragged her claws over the table, making metallic scratching sounds and even a spark or two. "You are so much bigger than my boyfriend!" Her tail made a long lazy loop counterclockwise as he sank deeper inside of her. The shaft stretched her a fair bit, causing her a bit of pain. But it was all worth it to hear the happy purr of her Master.

"I am the only cock you need now." Duez surprised himself a bit with the talk.... But having complete mastery over this girl, to make her do whatever he wanted, was intoxicating. He slid in far, till Gatomon was fully impaled on his cock. His crotch rested against her ass for a bit, before he began to pull out. The barbs began to extend, dragging roughly in Gatomon's insides. Gatomon did not know this, but all those little prongs on the dick had a purpose. The pain caused a female cat to ovulate, priming her body for the inevitable semen to come. Already Gatomon's body was responding... a thousand different hormones coursing through her body, preparing her to carry a child.

"Rrrrooooorrrrooo!" She let out a loud cross between a pain filled hiss and a lustful moan as the barbs dug into her oh-so sensitive insides. Her body shuddered, tears forming in the corners of her eyes. Yet despite the obvious discomfort, her mind-warped brain wanted more. "Oh gods sir.. I... I..." She couldn't finish the sentence. Her mouth just hung open wide, drooling ever so slightly as her body was racked with so many sensations.

The cat master groaned as he held on tightly on Gatomon's tight hips. He was just fucking her for all he was worth now. His claws extended ever so slightly, the pin pricks digging into Gatomon's tough furry hide. "I wanted to do this ever since I saw your tight little ass." Duez moaned louder, starting to sweat. His brown coat flapped like a flag in a windstorm as he plowed the smaller cat hard. He started to shoot precum into the tight cat, getting closer and closer to releasing his full load.

"Uhh uhh..." Gatomon could no longer speak. She had fucked before... but never with a feline shaft. She hadn't realized how much her body was made for such a unique shaft. The barbs in her sent off sensation that Veemon's blue cock never did. She didn't even realize she was cumming at first. The pain overshadowed the first blast of pleasure. But soon she was hit full force by the climax. Her body began to spasm, tail whipping around like an angry cobra. She finally found her voice, screeching out "Oh Master!" Her howl was filled with a mixture of lust and blind devotion to her new lord.

Duez felt the pussy spasm around his large shaft rapidly. It seems Gatomon's vaginal muscles were as strong as her biceps. That cunt was like a strong fist, squeezing his dick. "Oh man!" The master screamed in delight. He was unable to hold back, even if he wanted to. His balls emptied, filling the digimon cat with hot sperm. Duez closed his eyes, letting the orgasm wash over him. It was so much better than his own palm.

The frantic humping slowed down, Duez just drained for now. His moans turned into a deep purr. Gatomon began to purr as well... her entire body shook like a vibrating toy. It felt so good on Duez's shaft, almost as good as the initial cum. He kept himself inside of Gatomon, soaking in the cum filled cat. "Oh, I so wanted to have a child... but I think the mating is even better." He finally pulled out of Gatomon's snatch.

"I aim to please master." Gatomon clamped her pussy shut. She didn't want to leak any of it out, so eager to have this new cat's child. She turned around, sitting on the cool steel table. She ran her tail over her neck like a shawl, batting her eyes playfully. "And if you want master, we can mate as much as you like." She purred softly, letting her tail snake around her body. "The more we mate, the quicker I can carry your child." She placed a paw on her stomach, rubbing softly as if too somehow coax the sperm to her womb.

A sly little smile crossed Duez's face. Perhaps there was more use out of this digimon than simply fathering his child. "Of course Pussy. I think I am going to enjoy keeping you as my cute little pet."

And the first part of Duez's story! There should be more upcoming. Many, many more digimon to come for the horny anthro house cat! We are also going to have a couple of themes going. Every digimon gets a pet name, and Duez is going to break each newcomer in with a new fetish. Today? Was pregnancy. Since Duez was a cat, Gatomon was the most logical choice! If you want to comment, please do so on the site. Also, please

Collared - Chapter 2 - Expanding the Harem

And now for part two of Duez's series. For those of you were asking, yes we will be getting a few of the male cast members in here. We are kink number two now, musk and sweat. So if you don't like getting down and dirty, I suggest you skip this one! It...

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The Twelve Talismans:Dimensional Travels - Chapter 30 - Betrayed

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The Twelve Talismans:Dimensional Travels - Chapter 29 - Arion

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