Corsi INC 32

Story by Joey Porter on SoFurry

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#32 of Corsi INC

Mid-summer. It had been almost a year since Thunder had made the invasion and things were just barely returning to normal. Police had charged Avena with homicide, and Lone was charged with assault with a deadly weapon but all of the charges were dropped when it was brought to light that Thunder had committed three first degree murders and that two of them had been caught on. The entire scene at the foyer had conveniently not been filmed and with all the witnesses available including those that had been with the prosecution, testifying in favor of Avena and Lone, the case was closed with a finding of innocent.

The Magazine was booming. The few Chakats that had agreed to appear in the magazine at first were getting more fan mail than anyone else in the place including Corsi herself.

Nova had only just started coming out of the room about a month before and still would not go anywhere close to the front door much less outside.

Today was the day of the Mansion Pool Party. A party that would have more yiffing than the beach and with it being private, the photography always made for an easy month and the biggest selling issue of the summer. Corsi certainly had a knack for making things as fun as they could be.

Lone was having the most trouble trying to take pictures with his camera. He now had a high quality digital camera that registered better than a flash camera with a higher quality. Not to mention the special feature he had installed allowed him to take thousands upon thousands of pictures without ever having to change cards.

Ikari had become Lone's partner and was now a natural at photography. But his camera was still on order so he was using Lone's prior camera. Still of a beautiful quality.

Lone sat down to take a break under Corsi's umbrella and sat his camera on the picnic table. Corsi was lounging in a large glass bowl with her brother and sister swimming casually on the table while she lounged back and watched the festivities.

"It would appear mistress that the party is going quite well. I have gotten quite a few shots that will give the readers something rather interesting to look at." Lone said as he leaned back in his chair. "A few of the Chakats were getting into positions that I had to study to understand."

Corsi looked up to him trying to hide a smirk. "Seriously?"

Lone pointed over to the other side of the pool saying with a smile, "See for yourself mistress."

Corsi looked over to watch a male Chakat standing on his four paws. Under him was Myrilla the hermaphrodite vixen with his cock deep inside her. Under HER, was Tanya with Myrilla plowing into her. Both of them had their heads out from behind either front paw of the Chakat. Each of them had a male buried deeply into their muzzle kneeling and facing each other. Well they WOULD and been facing each other had it not been for Avena and Jess in a 69 crossways on the Chakats back getting help with licking from the two males. And if THAT was not enough, The Chakat held in his arms a rabbit upside down with her arms wrapped around his torso.

Corsi lowered her sunglasses to get a better look and then snapped her head back to Lone, "Why aren't you taking pictures of that Lone?"

"Because mistress I have about two hundred of them already and I thought more would be redundant." Lone said with a grin. "Ikari is taking pictures of one that is even more complicated than that one."

Corsi settled back in the bowl laughing, "You know Lone dear, I think we need to talk to some of the other Chakats overseas and get a few more over here."

"You've mentioned that already mistress. I took the liberty and we are working on a purchase of about 10 more of the most beautiful slaves over there." Lone commented as he relaxed on the deck chair.

Corsi nodded her head staring almost in disbelief to the folf as he set a pair of sunglasses on. She watched him pause a moment and pull off his swim trunks to let free his thick and already hard cock, laying back just as casually as ever. "Lone. You know that is going to be very distracting."

Lone nodded his head replying, "Wait for it mistress. You'll see."

Within minutes, a pair of female chakats strolled along and knelt at Lone's feet on their four paws. They didn't even ask before the two were nuzzling against his legs and breathing warm breaths over his loins.

Lone looked to the side to Corsi and held up a paw as she was about to speak. "Not yet mistress."

Corsi just sat back and watched several others male and female stroll over to the table. Within fifteen minutes, seven of the chakats had arrived mounting Lone or each other in every conceivable manner with the original two kissing and bathing his cock with their tongues while they were getting plowed doggie style by two other males. One of the males had found their way UNDER the chair to pump into his tailhole with another female clambering on top of him with her sex on his muzzle. Yet another sat on their hind legs with sex on the muzzle of the male under Lone and her forepaws on the head of the chair while she gave a rim job to the one Lone was eating out. And finally between Lone's legs, her back paws over the shoulders of the one on Lone's chest getting eaten out by her, front paws on the backs of the two blowing Lone, and her arms around the two males stuffing them while both of her breasts were getting suckled hard.

And running around them was Ikari taking as many pictures as he could before the entire group of sex crazed feli-taurs had burst in the fury of orgasm almost in unison all around the folf.

Corsi just blinked.

Lone crawled out from under the mass pile of fur and settled down on another chair grinning wide. "Go on mistress. Ask."

Corsi tried to suppress a laugh, "I just watched that. I'm yiffing as fuck and you want me to ask questions? Only thing I can think of is what the hell just happened?"

Lone sat up straight just when one of the chakats had crawled over and whispered, "Master Lone has not cum yet. Master play more?"

"In a moment dear. I have to talk to Corsi." Lone said as he stroked his paw over her head.

This did not deter her at all and she promptly drew his shaft deeply into her muzzle.

Lone cooed deeply and held tightly to the chair trying to keep his demeanor and explained to Corsi. "Mistress ... The pets ha.... Oh god" He groaned and rested his paws to her head with a deep shudder. "They ... Since they are ... its Illegal..." He stammered as he felt the hard thrusting onto his cock. "They ... They learned to ... GrrrrrrrrRRRRRRRAAHHHH" He screamed and arced his back, flooding his cream into the Chakats muzzle and bursting his juices from her cheeks. Every one of the females that had been in the pile rushed over, greedily licking at his shaft and trying hard to get at anything they could. They were literally fighting over who would get the last drop of his seed.

When Lone caught his breath back and a few of the disappointed chakats had stepped aside having not been the ones to make their master pop, he said in a panting effort to catch his breath, "As I was saying mistress. The pets had not only found ways to get each other off quickly, giving them incredible stamina with the average fur, but they invented some bizarre orgy positions so that they have grown accustomed to simultaneous orgasms. This invitation of the pool party has all of them that came from overseas jumping at the chance to just fool around never mind appearing in the magazine."

Corsi chittered in reply as she settled herself back in the bowl just as Coyra and Cedar swam over to her. "Maybe we ought to see how they do with us. I think we could add a new dimension to things don't you?"

Lone shook his head and laughed. "Not even close. If you want to talk about adding a new dimension, wait until the true chakats arrive?" He settled back in the chair with all three of the mice leaning against the side of the clear bowl.

Both Coyra and Corsi's breasts and nipples pressed against the edge with Cedar's hard cock flaring out as well. After a few long minutes of the trio waiting, Corsi chitered, "Well? Are you just going to sit there or are you going to say something?"


"I'll beat you." Corsi threatened.

"Yes mistress. These Chakats are single sexed. In our country this is normal. Over there they are like our hermaphrodites. They are a fluke. And also being single sexed does not necessarily mean they have both a male and female sex organs. They can have two cocks or two vaginas or one of each. Or they can be dual hermaphrodites." Lone explained rather too casually.

Corsi's eyes went so wide they almost popped out of her skull. Cedar and Coyra were trying to do the same it seemed. And all three of their upraised tails splashed on the surface of the water at the same time.

"Let me explain." Lone offered.

"Please!" The three said at the same time.

"Both pairs of the Chakats legs can have genitals. The full female true chakats can actually have two wombs, one in their torso and one in their lower belly as well. The full males have two sets of sperm sacks. The male/female's can actually impregnate themselves if they masturbate and inseminate themselves but that is how the single sexed slaves came to be. And why sex is all but illegal in the country to prevent what they call 'impure' versions of their race." Lone commented.

"So wait a second." Corsi commented. "So with the way they are built, they can sit in a 69 with their torso genitals pumping into each other while they are using their tongue on each others hindquarter genitals?"

Lone thought for a moment and nodded his head smiling, "I would assume so."

Cedar spoke up, "I would pay to see that."

"I think that's the point brother." Coyra commented and smacked him on the top of the head with her tail.

"Hey! That's assault." Cedar commented.

"Settle out of court?"


"Yes Master."

One of the chakats strolled over to them and bowed down before Lone and purred, "Master Lone, Slave would ask for Mistress Corsi to come see."

"You can ask her pet." Lone smiled and turned to Corsi. "She wants to commit to me solely. I still need to speak with Tanya about this though."

"What ever happened to Thirty?" Coyra asked.

"She left the mansion. Asked I come. I told her I would not leave here and asked her to stay. She did want me to only commit entirely to her and we had agreed at the start that I am a porn actor and photographer. Monogamy is not possible." Lone said casually. "So Tanya and I had talked and she told me point blank that since she did not have a cock. I need to find one."

"Sounds as much a keeper as Yoiko." Corsi said with a smile. "But I ought to go. If this one wants to show me something it's got to be good."

Corsi hopped out of the bowl, picked up a tiny little backpack that she slung over her shoulder, and bounded over onto the chakats back to be carted away.

The others stayed behind for the time being. The chakat trotted along slowly trying to balance Corsi on top of her and trying to be precarious as not to drop her.

Corsi bounced rapidly to her head and whispered into her ear at point blank range, "Where's the traffic jam?"

The Chakat slowed down even more almost to a crawl. "Slave does not understand mistress. Please have pity." She commented and knelt on the ground.

"Well this just won't do. We're going to have to do something about this." Corsi chittered as she slid down off her head to the ground.

Almost immediately, the chakat dropped to her knees and bowed her head down with her paws behind her head. She shouted, "Please don't beat me mistress. Please! I promise I will do whatever you ask! Just ... Don't take the whip to me!"

"Would you Stop acting silly?" Corsi said casually as she looked up to the cowering chakat that was at least 100 times her size. "No one is going to beat you."

But the Chakat didn't even hear her at all. She just trembled in place with several of the other furs at the party turning to stare.

Corsi called, "Megaphone!"

Almost immediately, a ferret was kneeling next to Corsi with a large megaphone that towered over her. "Now hear this!" Corsi shouted into the mic. "This is Mistress Corsi and I am officially pissed off!"

The ENTIRE mansion dropped to their knees almost in unison, stopping everything they were doing and who they were doing it to. Even the music silenced in mere seconds.

"This is a message to every one of the new chakats in the group. No one is going to beat you. No one is going to hurt you. No one is going to kill you. No one is going to be disappointed in you." Corsi called out with the speaker making her voice about the volume of four full sized furs. "I am 5 inches tall. I have been sat on, dropped off the top of the mansion itself without a parachute, been sent sailing into a brick wall at 60 miles per hour, and I have been inside my wife's pussy while LONE was banging her. I will not be afraid if ANY of you drop me off their shoulder. Everyone clear on this?"

"Yes Mistress." Droned over the entire group bowing their heads amongst whispers of trying to figure out who in the place was silly enough to worry about Corsi's height.

"Good. Now then. Back to the party." Corsi commented and strolled away from the Microphone and to the still cowering Chakat. She walked straight up to her muzzle and chittered. "Now. I am going to climb on your head. You are going to stand up. You are going to take off running to whatever it is you wanted to show me. If you Don't run at full speed I will do things to you that will make a beating seem merciful. Understand?"

The Chakat nodded her head with her paws covering her eyes.

"Look love. We all care greatly for you. We adore having you here. Hell I know Myrilla is looking to yiff every one of you. But you are not back in that country. You never have to go back. You're going to be well cared for here. I was serious when I said no beatings. But psychological discipline works a heck of a lot better anyway. I don't want to be disappointed in you. You've all impressed me so much."

In the background came a bellow. "Attention!" It was Lone's voice. "We have enough outdoor material for the Magazine! Anyone that wants to have indoor shots, a set has been erected in the foyer!"

Corsi giggled, "Lone always likes to use the word 'erected' for some reason." She turned back to the Chakat who now had her head perked up and looking longingly over to Lone. "Down here." Corsi corrected.

The Chakat looked back down and blinked. She knelt slowly down with her ears flattened to her head. She wanted to cringe but thought that cringing would only make this mouse angry again. "Slave is sorry mistress."

"Do you have a name?"


"No I mean a real name dear."

"Mistress. Slave would ask a question if permitted."

"You may any time. You don't need my permission."

"Why does mistress want to know slaves given name?"

"Because you are not a slave anymore."

"Slave does not understand."

Corsi took a deep breath and looked up worried to the Chakat. "So it starts with one." Corsi commented to herself. "Come.. Follow me."

"But ... Slave wanted to show you..."

"Oh Yes!" Corsi exclaimed. "Are you feeling a little better?"

"A little mistress." The Chakat replied.

Corsi nodded her head and hopped up to the top of her head in one bound. Almost as if the rodent were made of rubber. "Now run. Don't worry about me."

"Yes mistress." She replied and the Chakat took off like a shot. She ran almost all the way across the complex to the small grove of trees they left. The Chakat slowed to a walk, heading into the shade. "Still here mistress?"

Corsi giggled, "Of course dear. I told you not to worry about me. I can just hold onto your fur. I am so light the wind doesn't even drag much when I am behind your neck or on your back." She came back out and settled down on the top of her head between the ears. What was before her just amazed her. Three Chakats were there around a small building that looked like a shack made up of scrap wood and tree branches that were tied together with vines. The thing was built around trees and looked as if there were no floor. Just the walls, roof, and dirt. "What is this?"

"Mistress, the other chakats did not want to take up your home. So your slaves built a shelter out of the way so they are not in the way. Your slaves will come up to serve when you need them." The Chakat said proudly.

Corsi shook her head. She hopped down from her head and walked over to the makeshift shack. She literally walked through one of the cracks in the wall onto the other side. Looking up through the roof were large gaps that could never hope to shelter them from any foul weather. The walls were held up just barely with some of them balanced against trees. Corsi's eyes began to tear up. They had been forced to live like this. And they had grown so accustomed to it that they expect it. Corsi bowed her head and charred as the chakat came in through the opening in the wall that served as a door. "Do you WANT to live here?"

"Slaves do not deserve better."

"That is not what I asked."

The Chakat stared at Corsi confused. "But mistress, slave is here to serve. Not to be comfortable."

"That is not what I asked." Corsi repeated. "Now answer the question I asked."

The Chakat shook her head. "Mistress, Slave ..."

"You are not a slave anymore." Corsi interrupted. "Now what is your real name?"

"Slave is ..." The Chakat stopped herself this time. "My name is Krana."

"See Krana. Now that was not too painful." Corsi chittered and hopped her way back up to her head. "Now, do you want to live in these conditions?"

Krana had to force herself to bow her head down. "No mistress. But our opinion does not matter. We will live out here."

"Tear this down."

"But Mistress! We won't have anywhere to live!"

"Yes you will. Now do what I am telling you." Corsi ordered and hopped back down from Krana's head. She took a small cell phone out of her backpack and proceeded to make a phone call. She put the tiny cell on speaker and in a moment there was a fur on the other end,

"Dragon Construction." Came the voice of a secretary on the other end.

"Yes, can I speak to Drac?" Corsi called into the phone.

"He's on a jobsite. Can I take a message?"

"No. It's the mouse. Can I speak to him now?"

The voice on the other end whispered quietly into the phone. "Yes Mistress. Right away." And the sound of Muzac came on a few seconds later.

Krana just stared off to Corsi as she hopped back through the gap in the wall. She bolted out the entryway of the makeshift hut and ran around to see Corsi still there with the muzac on. It took another few minutes before a male voice came back on.

"Dragon Construction this is Drac. What's so important?"

"Now you know better than that pet. After all the training I gave you I would expect to have a little more respect." Corsi squeaked trying to suppress a giggle.

"CORSI!!! Mistress, how are you? We haven't had the pleasure of speaking directly with you since we did the guard booth." Drac replied in obvious elation even through the phone.

"Well I got another job for you. The Mansion will of course pay for all materials but this one is going to be a toughie."

"How so?"

"There are going to be trees in the way. And they can't be cut down. However you want to do it be it small shacks or in the trees themselves on ropes but you know how much the trees on the property mean to us." Corsi chittered, sitting back on the ground.

"Is this for those Chakat's that we saw in the last few issues?"


"How high can they jump?"

Corsi looked up to Krana with a smile expecting an answer.

Krana looked back down to Corsi and the cell puzzled. She did not know what to make of everything. A few of the other Chakats were strolling over equally puzzled.


"Waiting for Krana to tell us."

"Um ... Slave can jump 30 feet straight up on my hind paws mistress."

"Never refer yourself like that again. Say it the right way."

"Yes mistress. I can jump 30 feet up." She corrected herself with a tiny voice."

"Wow ... That's a hell of a long way up. But I think the tree house community will be very nice and give you a more feral setting for pictures."

"Great idea. How soon can construction begin? You know the accounts are at your disposal."

"I'll have a team out there in an hour."

"Very good. Thank you Drac." Corsi chittered happily.

"My pleasure mistress. I have to go now though."


"Of course. What else?" Drac replied with a laugh.

"You have fun. See you soon." Corsi said and closed the phone putting it back in her pack. She looked up to the other Chakats and clapped her paws, "Okay. This needs to all be taken down. The construction crew will need the area free of debris to do the surveying."

Krana didn't even pause. Her grin turned wider than ever before. She flipped herself around and forcefully kicked one of the walls down with her back paws, sending it right through another wall on the other side. "Come on everyone!" She shouted as out of character as ever. She shouted, "WE'RE REALLY NOT SLAVES ANYMORE!" Her voice booming so loudly that it echoed from the mansion walls. In a few moments, there was a stampede of Chakats running over the lawn to the woods and filing in.

Corsi hopped up onto Krana's head so as not to be trampled and allowed her to explain everything that had just happened. A building had never been torn down so fast. And before the hour was even up, every twig, branch and stray leaf had been picked up from the ground when the truck with a team of six wolves in the back came out with papers and pencils to do a rough overlay of the area.

They were carried like saviors into the woods on the shoulders and backs of the chakats.


The houses were built in less than a month. With the Chakats help, they did everything in record time. Everything was built to detailed specifications with Krana the now mistress of the group having the largest tree hut near the edge of the tree line. With the size of everything, the huts had to be built at different levels so that all of them could fit along with empty ones for normal furs that might want to move out into the trees. Things were so tight, that Corsi had to buy another acre past the estate just to accommodate everyone and everything she wanted to provide.

Once everything was done, to stare in from the outside, you would never know there was anything in there, save for the large stone path coming down from the mansion itself. Once you passed the tree line it was like stepping into a new world. The lower dead branches were taken down with rope ladders and rope and board ramps that took a fur or Chakat up into the trees with hanging homes and bridges that would take someone from place to place like a miniature city. And for those that dared in the center complex, rope swings spanned the wide open center with a safety net underneath ... just in case. The place looked like something out of a fantasy. And the photo shoots weren't even scheduled for another month.

Yoiko and Corsi were strolling over along one of the bridges ... well Yoiko was strolling, Corsi was riding ... looking over the edge to the nets below and occasionally peeking into the cozy apartments. None of the places were built too big. All of them just enough to be one room. The Chakat's insisted on having small quaint huts.

Even though Krana's house was the highest and closest to the front, the path they had to take to get up there, took them around almost the entire complex unless you could jump like a Chakat. Such was the attention to the finest detail.

When they finally made it all the way to the final bridge Yoiko sat on the edge. "You know beloved. With as much work as went into this, one would think they would have made it easy for us to get up here. It's exhausting to just make the trip."

"Sorry dear. It's been made hard for normal furs to get up. Micro's and Chakats can get up there easily. I just climb up the tree like I climb up anyone else." She squeaked and shrugged her shoulders.

"Then who's idea was it to come all this way just for the housewarming party?" Yoiko asked picking up her wife and setting her to her muzzle.

Corsi straddled herself on her wife's nose and crossed her arms over one another, "Yours. I tried telling you it was a long walk for you but you insisted on carrying me."

"But you never said you could climb the tree."

"Beloved, you didn't give me the chance. You can go back if you like. Or you can be carried down by one of the Chakats. They can take you down but not up." Corsi offered.

"Oh heavens no. I came all this way, last thing I am doing is stopping."

The sun peeked through the roof of trees above them leaving the landscape a cool shaded palace underneath while they walked over the swaying bridge. Corsi sat back on Yoiko's muzzle leaning back between her eyes. It was rather hard to walk but Yoiko was an expert by now with Corsi being there all the time.

When they got to the front, there were ten Chakats kneeling by the door, five on each side with a bed of red leaves decorating the path up to the door like a carpet. Yoiko stopped before the first two looking down. The both of them looking very confused.

One of the Chakats spoke up, "Mistress Corsi and Mistress Yoiko, Mistress Krana asked us to escort you in." The male Chakat explained, keeping his head low.

"But we had told you not to kneel for us. Just for Krana, and she would kneel for you." Corsi squeaked and hopped down to the landing.

"Mistress Krana said this was a special occasion. A full dual hermaphrodite chakat replied opposite the first. Sie was a small creature. Certainly if she were standing straight, sie would be even shorter than Yoiko.

"Very well then." Yoiko replied with a bow. She looked down to Corsi with a bright smile and murred, "After you beloved."

The two Chakats that had spoken looked up. They said in unison, "But mistresses are supposed to ride on us." The hermaphrodite adding, "I am to take Corsi."

Yoiko and her wife stared at one another for several minutes before Yoiko said in her soft tone, "I don't see a problem with it."

Then as Yoiko went to climb on the male's back, he spoke up again, "We are supposed to undress you both mistresses." He said calmly. "Mistress Krana has forbidden clothing in her home."

Corsi nodded her head and looked up to Yoiko with a half smile. She churred, "She gets it from me sweetheart."

Yoiko put her paw to her muzzle with a giggle and said in reply, "She's not our child beloved. You don't need to treat her like one." She stepped back a little and set her paws behind her back looking to the male. "You may proceed. Just be careful."

Corsi as her usual was already nude. Not many things really fit her for most of her life so nudity had always been the norm for her.

Yoiko closed her eyes letting the chakat remove her sweater and bra, her jeans and white cotton panties, even her necklace was removed and neatly folded and set by the door to the tree house.

The pair of Chakats kneeled down to the landing with the smaller of the two bowing her head down, touching the wood with her chin. The wives climbed onto the pair a little uneasily and were walked over the carpet of leaves with loud crunching with every step. The doors opened just as they approached with Krana offering them inside and looking quite surprised indeed.

"Come in mistresses Come. We made a set of chairs for the both of you. The mats we use would be rather uncomfortable for you I would assume." She purred cheerfully, back trotting. She lead the two into the house on their mounts still with a quizzical appearance.

Yoiko and Corsi stared in awe. They purposely did not want to see the insides of the lofted buildings just so they could see them completed all at once. The walls were painted with a natural brown with one of the trees branches winding through the front room. It had a straight piece before curving up that a platform had been set to use as a high table. Where it curved up, a hammock had been tied to the thick branch and attached to the other side that was HUGE and obviously meant so that a Chakat could lay all the way out on their back.

There were only two chairs in the entire place with the floor covered instead in several mats with a coffee table set in the middle of a circle of them. The chairs were obviously meant for Yoiko and Corsi with one being a doll house chair set on a pedestal and all. The two of them were carried over to the set of chairs and the two chakats they were riding knelt down with Corsi's holding her muzzle close to the seat.

Yoiko dismounted and settled herself down on the chair. Corsi however did not. She bounded down to the floor and walked straight over to Krana. She leaped straight up to the obviously scared Chakat's nose and to everyone's surprise, she squeaked, "Okay, this is about enough. I thought you guys were freed now. What's with all of this kneeling and bowing and scraping and crap?" She said in as calm a voice as she could fake.

Yoiko just stared at her wife in utter shock although this was to be expected. Corsi liked to be served but not bowed to. A willing pet was her preference.

Corsi continued to the surprised Krana, "I don't want you to treat me like a superior. I don't want you to treat me like a goddess. And I sure as hell don't want to be put up on a PEDISTAL!" She ended with a shout, her fur puffing out with her anger.

Krana slowly sunk to her four knees along with the other two Chakats in the room.

"On your feet." Corsi ordered. "I have ways of making you relax. I don't to use them. They were used on me years ago when I put Master Greyson on the same pedestal and he was furious."

But Krana did not move. She did not budge even an inch. The other two pets bolted outside in fright.

Corsi paused there arms folded and standing on the bridge of her nose. She chittered, "Retraining starts now. Yoiko, please retrieve the box."

Yoiko's ears flattened. She carefully stood to her feet and walked over to Corsi and the pet Krana. "Beloved. I think Krana would be better off with a little different training to start."

"Krana obviously has had training. She's too obedient. For that I need the box." Corsi reasoned.

Yoiko understood and knew exactly what object was needed.


Three hours later, Corsi sat on the edge of the hammock ring that was tied up to the tree. Yoiko lay on one of the mats on the floor. Lone had come up and had the door locked to Krana's house. Krana was lying on the hammock and in a rather precarious position. The wrists on her torso were tied up to the tree that poked through the wall. She was lying on her belly with her foot paws pushed through the holes in the hammock.

Corsi just stared down to the hapless chakat. She chittered softly, watching her, "Now. You've been so adamant to please me, it's time to see just how far you will go to make me happy." She turned over to Lone who was now standing with a large wooden box in both paws. "You may begin Lone."

"Yes mistress." Lone nodded as he set the box down just out of Krana's sight. When he opened the box, he pulled out what looked like a chastity belt. However, this belt has two long thick dildo's jutting inside. Lone took out a very small box about the size of a thumb claw and handed it to Corsi. He walked around to face Krana holding the toy as a display of what was to come.

Krana's ears flattened back to her head taking the first look at the device. She whimpered, "Mistress, What are you going to do with that?"

Corsi just smiled. She chittered, "Long ago I had this used on me. The task is to endure. You are not allowed to orgasm. You are to hold back no matter what happens. Yoiko will be the one to tell you when you can finish." She rotated one of the knobs on the dial and one of the dildo's on the belt started humming softly. "You're just going to lie there. Nothing more. Hold yourself back. I would be very displeased and disappointed in you. Not to mention that you would have to be disciplined severely if you don't obey me."

She didn't even pay attention to the pleading expression on the Chakat's muzzle. Corsi simply turned to Lone and squeaked, "Put it on her." Shutting off the controls with her back to her slave.

Lone stalked down the chakat like a ravenous beast. He smiled sadistically holding the toy for her to see. One step at a time and wordlessly threatening endless torture.

Krana shook her head violently screaming, "Please no mistress. Master Lone please I can't. I'm just learning!"

Corsi shook her head and looked down, raising her paw to Lone. "Hold on Lone I can't bear to hear her scream."

Lone nodded his head and reached back into the box much to Krana's relief. But when he pulled a phallic ball gag muzzle from inside, she stopped smiling very quickly.

Krana continued to protest as the gag was being set into place on her head with the straps wrapping around her muzzle and holding her fast in place. Only the muffled cries of the hapless beast resounded through.

Corsi just stared into the eyes of her captive creature. Her desperate whimpers and pleading moans seeming to have no effect at all.

Then, all at once Corsi spoke again, "Krana. why are you telling me no?"

Krana and Lone stopped short while Yoiko just sat back and relaxed a little better on her cushion.

"Don't look at me as if I'm crazy. I asked you a question. Lone, take the gag off her." Corsi ordered and tightrope walked on the hammock down to stand eye to eye with the much larger Krana. "Now Krana. Why are you telling me no?"

Krana bowed her head down respectfully. She closed her eyes with a muffle of words coming from her through the gag locked in her mouth.

Lone unclasped the gag from her and took a hold of her hair forcing her eyes up to the mouse. "You will answer mistress Corsi."

"Slave is sorry Mistress." Krana cried softly. "She will obey."

Corsi folded her arms over one another and hopped back up to her perch to watch. "Wrong answer." She said calmly. "Lone. Re-gag her and put the toy on her."

Krana didn't protest this time. She lifted her muzzle for Lone to have a better access to place the gag. She watched with her eyes, silently pleading not to be violated with the toy. When Lone administered the toy inside her sex and tailhole, she let out a hard groan through the muzzle, lifting her head up and biting down hard on the gag.

Corsi just smiled. She tapped her fingers along the remote, just watching to her slave hapless and bound. "Now remember slave, You are not to cum. No matter what happens. You don't want to really upset me. You protested once and I was unhappy with you." She looked down to the device and pressed one small red button.

The belt started to buzz softly for just a moment then it stopped. A light on the wireless remote started to glow at the top.

Inside herself, Krana felt the twin rubber pistons start to heat up with the base swelling up like a knot. She panted softly enjoying the feeling for the moment. She enjoyed any sex she received but remembered she was not supposed to and tried to keep her mind elsewhere.

Thoughts of the task they had building started to pass through her mind. The hard labor and sweating matted fur with aching bodies. She thought of one day she was stuck on the top of one of the trees with another male chakat she had not met before. She remembered how he kissed her. Her eyes shot wide realizing where she had started to wander.

Corsi settled herself back on her perch just enjoying the show. With her thumb, she clicked one of the tiny dials just letting herself relax. This test of endurance would most certainly take awhile. She looked over to Lone who was getting ready to invite some other spectators on his cell phone.

Lone tapped on the buttons idly not even thinking about what was happening to Krana just yet. He looked over to her squirming body just as the phone started ringing. "Hey Ikari. Do me a favor and grab Tanya and Myrilla and bring them up here will you? Things have just started." There was a pause before he replied, "No Myrilla does not need any guns, ammunition, or weaponry of any kind." Another pause and he answered again, "Fine then Myrilla can miss out and water the ivy. How about bringing up ... say ... Well I know Avena is out on guard duty for now. How about grabbing that new girl." Another Long pause. "Well if Myrilla wants incentive to come she can give me a blowjob." Lone looked up to the tortured creature as she writhed on the hammock. "Yes you can help but hurry up. Lone out."

Krana was biting down hard on the gag. When Corsi has turned the dial, the dildo in her sex started to barely buzz. The light vibrations radiated through her body sending the most delicate of sensual vibrations into her. The base of the toy vibrating just slightly to almost casually massage at her engorged clit. She balled her paws up into fists with her clawed feet stretching out. And she knew this was just the beginning. She fought back the pleasures as best she could, just trying hard to let her body relax.

Corsi looked curiously to the chakat. She looked over to Yoiko with a laugh and coaxed her over. "Beloved. She needs something to keep her mind where we want it. Can you come up here please?"

"Yes My Mistress." Yoiko obeyed. for this session she had to be pet as well as wife. She climbed onto the part of the tree that flattened out and looked to her wife with a smile. She balanced herself with her feet on the hammock itself so that her already damp sex and sweet scent basked over Krana.

Lone followed suit and stepped in aside the rabbit. with his shaft hanging at half mast between his thighs. It would not take long for Ikari to gather the girls. They would have to use the rope swings to get up to the top faster. for now, he stepped aside Yoiko and Krana at Corsi's instruction to be of service.

Another light click from the remote sent the long dildo in Krana's rear buzzing at the same gentle massage. She whimpered softly trying to grab at anything she could. She looked up to see Yoiko parting the delicate folds of her sex.

Since she came to the place, she had wanted to have and be intimate with Yoiko. She had never had the chance. And here in front of her just out of her reach, was the beautiful rabbit she longed for. She whined through the phallic gag in her muzzle, suckling and running her tongue over the tip. It was several minutes before she realized she was letting herself be pleasured and closed her eyes, dipping her head down so as not to look.

Lone grabbed a tight hold of her hair and forced her gaze up. But when he looked down to see her eyes still shut tightly, he leaned down to her and whispered with a light growl, "You're disobeying Mistress Corsi. She wants you to see."

Corsi hopped over onto Yoiko's belly, staring down to the chakat. She cocked her head to the side and chittered, "You want her don't you? You would like to make love to my wife wouldn't you?" As Yoiko stroked a fingertip along her clit watching Krana over the mouse.

Krana nodded once just as Myrilla burst through the door panting from her run followed close behind by Ikari and Tanya. The three of them were at Krana's side almost immediately all with broad smiles on their muzzles. Myrilla was nearly bouncing eager to play with the Chakat but Lone pulled her back by the scruff of the neck.

Krana looked almost disappointed but at the same time she felt hesitation. She wanted to play with the group as she loved to, but at the same time she was not allowed to cum and she was not sure if that was possible if she could yiff with Myrilla, Lone, Ikari, AND Tanya without doing so.

Corsi watched closely to Krana's expressions just grinning mischievously. She clicked the vibrations inside the Chakat up one more notch and whispered, "You're just going to watch us. You are not going to cum no matter what."

Myrilla was already getting started. She knelt down in front of Lone with eyes wide. She had admired the sheer mass of him and and still took awe every time she gazed at the monster. She knelt high on her knees, taking the mass in both of her paws, her lips kissing affectionately at the very tip.

Ikari being the slippery feline he was, crawled under the plump little vixen, giving her a soft lick with his raspy tongue as he snuck his way fully under her. Looking up, he noticed she barely reacted to his presence. Perhaps she was too entranced with Lone's shaft to think of anything else. But he and Tanya had other plans. Number one being to take this vixen into the fold of their relationship with Lone. Ikari gentle pushed his length into the tight little vixen guiding her carefully down onto him.

Tanya scooted Lone along side of the two mounted on the floor. She touched him on the nose and stood up on the tips of her toes just to kiss him on the cheek. Then she lowered herself down his chest, taking note that Myrilla still was blissfully unaware that anything was really going on other that the cock in her muzzle. But Myrilla realized that things were happening when Tanya's soaking wet slit wrapped around her shaft as she straddled herself over Ikari's chest.

Krana lapped her tongue over her muzzle. Watching the four of them all coupled in one array of pleasure was too much. She found herself pumping herself back against the humming toy in her pussy. She wanted the pleasure. She burned for it. She caressed the gag with her tongue as if she was the one sucking on Lone's shaft. She barely noticed Corsi turning the dial on the remote up a full three clicks.

Corsi whispered down to Krana to get her attention. "Slave. Obey me or you'll never taste this." She hopped down to the hammock as Krana turned her head to her just in time for Corsi to brush her Yoiko laden fingertips along Krana's lips.

The taste was magnificent. More delicious than she had thought. She stared at Corsi for a moment longer and turned her attention back to the fur pile over aside them.

Myrilla was in heaven. Her cock imbedded in Tanya, her pussy filled with Ikari, and Lone's cock in her muzzle. Breast to breast she was held to Tanya as she took Lone's thick rod in both paws with her tongue basking over Lone's shaft hungrily. Her body pulsed with lust feeling Ikari ease into her just as Tanya sank down and Ikari draw back as Tanya pulled up. She was nearly in tears with the sensations rushing through her body.

Ikari could not see anything. Tanya blocked most of his view. Myrilla certainly was a tight little slut. his cock felt very snug in those slick depths. Every movement was a striking burst of sensations running through his body. He needed something to distract himself else he would cum far too soon. That distraction hit him in the face not a moment later. And quite literally! On one particularly sensual thrust into the vixen, Tanya's tail puff him right in the muzzle. He took a firm hold of her thighs and...

Tanya let out a shrill churr as soon as she felt it. Ikari's tongue on her tight little tailhole. She looked back seeing him leaned up just enough for his long tongue to gain that access. She clutched tightly to Myrilla pressing her weight onto the shorter vixen and plunging Ikari's cock forcefully to the hilt as well as Myrilla's thick hermaphrodite cock deep inside herself. She didn't want to move. Her sex quivering around Myrilla's cock and gripping tightly. Only the disappointed whimper from Lone caught her long ears and brought her to attention. Since she had sat Myrilla down, she could no longer reach Lone's shaft. No matter, She was used to taking him down her gullet by now. And with one swift stroke she had all thirteen inches of the massive member in her throat.

Lone let out a long howl. From the tip of his shaft to the fur on his balls, the sweet warmth of his lovers maw was the most exquisite. So soft of a tongue, so tender of a caress, not to mention Tanya could suck like a Hoover. He grabbed a hold of her ears and pumped his length forcibly down her throat. Gyrating the entire trio in the process.

The scene looked like nothing Krana had seen before. Usually she saw groups like this all trying to get themselves off. But watching furs trying to get each other off was more than she could handle. The sweet taste of Yoiko's nectar still in her maw, the sight of everything she could not help it. The feelings of her pending orgasm started to well up inside her before she could even realize3 what was happening. That is until she started to peak. Thrusting herself back onto the vibrating toy inside her, her eyes widened with a start. She was ordered not to. She could not disobey. Her paws gripped tightly to one another and she cried into the gag just trying to hold back. On the brink of total disobedience of the one fur that saved her and her friends from their hateful mistress. Shaking, she looked up to Corsi standing there watching with a smile on her muzzle. She watched her mouth the words not to cum just as the dial on the toy was turned up to full blast.

Ikari, Tanya, Myrilla and Lone all froze as they heard the scream. Yoiko almost lost her balance and Corsi just sat on the hammock ropes smiling as brightly as ever.

Krana disobeyed. She disobeyed with such a force that every inch of her being ached with her heat. The force of her orgasm sent a spray of sensual juices streaming from her pussy and soaking the toy deeply inside her. Her eyes teared up with every wave of pleasure burning into them in a cascade of burning lust that made volcano's look cool in comparison. The joy of the pleasure was for naught. She felt a paw untying the gag from her head even as she was still cumming in an orgasmic display that would never stop. When the gag was pulled free and the inferno of pleasure turned into the warmth of afterglow, she whimpered, "Mistress Corsi. Slave is sorry. She tried, she really did."

"You're forgiven." Corsi said plainly. She looked aside to Tanya, Ikari and Myrilla whom had gotten to their feet. "So, do you think she passed the test?"

The three of them nodded.

Ikari commented, "She did better than I did."

"I beat her time though. My display got to cum before I couldn't hold on." Tanya mused.

"I beat all of you. Corsi had to call in reinforcements for me." Myrilla said with a grin.

"Yeah but as soon as you saw Jess's sidearm you shot so hard we thought you'd put a hole in the wall." Ikari retorted.

Krana still had a confused look on her muzzle as if they were speaking another language.

Yoiko sat up with a warm giggle. "Miss Krana. You were supposed to fail the test. In doing so you passed the real test. The real test was for stamina and to show you that occasional disobedience is alright and forgivable."

Corsi nodded her head, stroking her paw over the chakats nose.

"Yes my mistress. Slave will ... I mean I think I understand." Krana carefully worded to see what would happen.

Corsi turned to Myrilla and laughed, "Well she learned that lesson fast. Too bad you learned it too well."

Myrilla turned shade factor seven point three.

Ikari stepped forward and commented, "I only have one problem."

Lone nodded his head and replied, "And that would be?"

"I thought you promised me that I could give you head along with Myrilla."

Lone just scruffed the feline's head fur and commented, "We have not yet finished yet dear Ikari."

Corsi, Lone, Corsi INC, Krana, The Black Rose,

and all manner of other crap not owned by

someone else is Copyright 2005 Joey Porter

All characters contained herein are

copyright their respective players

Corsi INC 33

With as hectic as things had gotten after the Chakats arrived, Corsi and Yoiko had looked forward to a nice vacation away from things. Lone and his three mates had joined the pair along with Cedar and Coyra out to a nice chartered yacht for a tour in...

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Corsi INC 31

Shadows and secrets. The darkness of the Black Rose back alley was barely lit by a lone street lamp half a block away. In the inky black shadows waited just a large pair of glowing yellow eyes scanning anxiously around in every direction. ...

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Corsi INC 30

Furs that go thump in the night. Avena and Jess stood guard just inside the main entrance to the Mansion. A few months had passed and the heat of summer was upon them. Hardly the time of day to actually stand outside in the blazing heat so...

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