Corsi INC 33

Story by Joey Porter on SoFurry

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#33 of Corsi INC

With as hectic as things had gotten after the Chakats arrived, Corsi and Yoiko had looked forward to a nice vacation away from things. Lone and his three mates had joined the pair along with Cedar and Coyra out to a nice chartered yacht for a tour in the Gulf of Mexico. They had been out there a full three weeks with Magick left in charge of the mansions affairs and none other than Krana in charge of the photo shoots for the upcoming issue.

On one morning the group were out on the deck of the ship just relaxing and taking in the sun. Cedar and Coyra were hiding in the cabin while Myrilla and Tanya had taken to skeet shooting with Myrilla making her usual complaints of not having anything larger caliber than rifle rounds.

Over the speakers they called out for a cease fire of all weapons off the main deck. Lone sat up, taking off his sun glasses to look out over the water just as Myrilla and Tanya headed back to them.

"Well this sucks. And here I was just getting up to beat the captains score." Tanya said with a pout as she sat on Lone's chair.

Lone was busy staring off in the distance and trying to see what all the fuss was about. "Looks like another ship is on it's way out here."

"What? But we're supposed to be the only ones around for ten miles!" Myrilla protested. "What in the world is going on?"

"I can just make out the flag colors. It appears that Queen Razelle is what's going on." Lone said solemnly. "Looks like even on vacation we can't seem to escape work mistress."

Corsi had other concerns however. "You suppose Nidaja is with them?"

"I would imagine." Lone said quietly as he realized what this meant. Without warning and time to prepare, very shortly, he would see his former mistress.

They spent the next hour discussing the events that came about when Yoiko had almost died on the last trip over and how Lone had stayed, but they had chosen to part ways. And how inside, there was still a part of him that loved Nidaja Razelle.

The Captain came straight down to the group and stood upset with his arms folded in front of him. He was furious. A tall bear with round glasses, he loomed over the group with an angered expression. "Okay, which one of you is Corsi?"

"I am captain." The little mouse squeaked as she stood to her feet. "I did not expect my friends ship to actually be here. We are on vacation."

"I'm not in the frame to rightly care. We have royalty coming on this ship to come and see some little rat..."

"Mouse!" Yoiko corrected him rather sternly. "And I would suggest you watch your tone sir. It's not like we were expecting Nita to send a ship."

"And who in the blazes are you?" The bear challenged.

Before he knew it, Lone had the captain in a hammer lock with Ikari and Tanya side by side in front of him with the short little Myrilla standing in front of them both.

"Mistress Corsi and Mistress Yoiko do not like to be spoken to in such a manner. I suggest you apologize. And I mean at this moment." Lone whispered almost seductively into his ear.

"S ... sorry Ma'am!" The captain stammered out as best he could looking quite shocked indeed at the speed and anger stemming from the trio standing in front of him.

Lone released his grip and the captain rubbed his shoulder to ease the feeling back into it. He glared over at Yoiko sternly and then just turned and huffed away. He stopped several feet away and turned back to them, "I want all of you off this ship with them. If they're here to see you and disrupt the goings on of the other people on this ship, they can keep you!" He bellowed shaking his fist in anger.

Tanya and Lone were at top speed after the captain whom promptly bolted around the corner.

"STOP!" Corsi shouted, bringing Tanya and Lone to a dead halt. "Let him go. I can't explain that one if you two go and beat the hell out of him. And I doubt he'll say anything about the arm-lock."

"Yes Mistress Corsi." Tanya nodded as she walked back to the others.

Lone stayed standing watching for the captains crew to come walking over to start more trouble but they stayed put for now.

The group went to the side of the boat watching Nidaja's ship heading closer. One by one, the ships patrons all headed over to the starboard side with Corsi's group at the front. A few of the random furs around, recognized Lone and Myrilla from a the most recent issue and as the word started to spread out in the group, most of them had backed off slightly.

All except one. A small adorable raccoon girl. She just stood at Yoiko's side staring not to the ship that was approaching but at Corsi. She was a light brown furred with darker brown highlights. She had on just a pair of cut off jeans and a tied up shirt that showed her slender waist off.

Lone rested his paw on Ikari's shoulder,"Sweetheart, please retrieve Mistresses siblings. I have a feeling we really will not be staying."

Yoiko side glanced down to the raccoon whom was just a little shorter than she as Ikari took off running. She smiled and turned to her, "Hello dear. Is something wrong?"

It took her a full ten seconds to realize she was being addressed before stammering, "S ... sorry ma'am but you're from ... that magazine, aren't you?"

Now Corsi's attention was diverted to the girl. At first glance, she couldn't have been more than sixteen or seventeen. Far too young to appear in a shoot. And before she could reply, Yoiko chimed in.

"Actually we are. I am..."

"Yoiko. And you're Corsi, and Lone, Myrilla, and Tanya." She said happily. "I've been trying to get into your magazine since I turned eighteen."

Lone watched solemnly as Alps and Nidaja were lowered into a dingy to come over to the ship.

"How old are you?" Tanya asked her.

"Nineteen." Corsi interrupted. "Her birthday is September 20th and she has a birthmark on her left breast that discolors her fur just slightly. She dislikes any form of slavery and wants to do a photo shoot for free. Rebbecca correct?"

"You remembered me?" The raccoon shouted excitedly.

Corsi nodded with a bright smile. "I also recall you trying to get on stage at last years tryouts over at 'The Black Rose' but in all the confusion, you never got up. I had been looking forward to seeing you too."

The petite raccoon looked like she had just won the lottery shouting "REALLY!?!?" And almost bounding into the air.

"Yes ma'am." Ikari said out of breath from sprinting back. "That is if you're that Rebbecca girl I keep hearing about."

Cedar and Coyra were sitting on opposite shoulders looking down to the raccoon girl.

Coyra looked down to the girl and was about to speak when the captain along with several crew members came down the deck to make sure the entire lot of them left.

Rebecca turned a little disappointed knowing she was going to miss out again. Corsi and her band were leaving and she had to stay behind.

The raccoon walked right into the Captain himself whom stopped her dead in her tracks.

"And where do you think you're going?" The captain said angrily. "I thought I told you all to get off the ship!"

Rebecca looked to the captain boggled. She stammered, pointing out to them with her paw shaking. To her, this guy was intimidating and with the group of crew members behind them it almost looked like if she did not go with them, she'd be thrown off. "I... I'm not with them. I just..."

"Shut up!" The captain shouted. "Just get your sorry tail off my damn ship before I have you thrown off!"

"B...b...b... but we're in the middle of the Gulf of Mexico!"

"Then I hope you can swim!"

Cedar caught every word. He turned around on Ikari's shoulder staring at the goings on while Alps and Nidaja tossed a rope up to Lone.

"Sir. Please I can't!" Rebecca cried, falling to her knees. "I can't swim that far!"

Then it happened. The Captain reeled back and kicked the raccoon square in the jaw, sending her reeling across the deck.

Myrilla and Tanya heard that thud and leaped over to the group. Lone's head turned and his brow furrowed. He looked to Ikari and commanded, "Give Cedar and Coyra to Yoiko and help them. NOW" Then as Ikari bolted at the Captain like a bat out of hell, Lone called down, "This will only take a moment Nidaja!"

From over the side the voice could be heard, "HEY! NO FIGHTING WITHOUT ME!"

In minutes, the four guards and lovers combined a defense for the young Rebecca that sent every one of the crew members either scurrying or doubled over clutching some random damaged body part. The Captain being left standing and staring at the quartet like a deer caught in the headlights of a truck.

Of the four, each of them ended up with a few bruises. Ikari was hurt quite a bit with his left arm hanging limp. He was not as accustomed to fighting as the others and missed a well placed punch to the joint of his shoulder.

Lone growled low watching the captain starting to back away. The shout from behind him took him off his stride, making him spin around.

"Lone, Stop!!!" Nidaja screamed. In her hands was not her standard sword but a staff instead.

Lone stared at her in shock for a moment before they got a surprised expression. Lone knew what was about to happen. He spun his arm around just in time to block a punch aimed for his head. "Bad idea." Lone said softly. His closed fist gave a sick crunch with the breaking of the captains nose.

"We're going to have to take Rebecca with us." Coyra commented, getting the attention of just about everyone. The captain was not in a position to look.

Corsi nodded "You're right sis. We can't very well leave her here now."

Alps noted, "New slave?"

"Very new. But not anything yet." Ikari groaned, rubbing the feeling back into his shoulder.

"You Motherfuckers! I'll Sue you all!" The Captain screamed with blood rolling down his thick moustache.

Cedar hopped down. He slowly walked between Lone's legs and just stood there smiling brightly. "On the contrary. We are going to be filing a suit against you personally and the liner company for hiring you."

"WHAT?!?!" Demanded the captain making sure to keep his distance.

"Simple. Two counts of aggravated assault. You struck little Rebecca here and came into the personal space of Mrs. Yoiko DeAllura in an aggressive manner." He said quite matter-of-factly. "Also you threatened to murder Rebecca by telling her you would throw her overboard to drown. Lone, Ikari, Tanya, and Myrilla were forced to act in self defense for Rebecca and Ikari will need to seek medical attention." Cedar just smiled proudly looking up to the captain.

"You have no proof of any of that and you know it. I could just step on you and..."

"That makes two counts of murderous intent. Care to rack up anything else until you recall that we had the company owners allow us to set up closed circuit video and audio surveillance that beams via satellite direct to our building and is currently being monitored at all times?" Cedar said as plainly as he could.

The captain just stared with seething hatred at the small mouse.

Cedar continued, "Two Coast Guard ships and one police ship are currently waiting off about five minutes away. And I really don't suggest trying to head into Cuban waters or else risk about 500 kidnapping charges right in front of Queen Razelle."

"God damn you all. I'll see you in HELL!" He cried out in a spatter of blood running down his muzzle as he charged at Lone.

Lone simply stepped aside at the last second, letting the captain trip over his leg and crash down onto his already broken nose. He then proceeded to sit down on the captain's shoulders. "Please stop. I don't want to be forced to disable you."

Staying still, the captain stared at the boots of the most intimidating woman he had ever seen.

Nidaja Razelle stood above him and casually spoke. "Lone dear. Be a good boy and let this man up. I want to have a word with him."

Lone stood back to his feet and stepped aside, picking Cedar up as he took his place beside Corsi and Yoiko.

Nidaja slowly approached the captain. She stared into his eyes never wavering in her emotionless gaze.

Lone watched obediently getting down on his knees. His eyes low, watching him and the general of the Letai army. He could barely hear Nidaja whispering to the Captain with his eyes transfixed to her boots.

Nidaja walked back over as the captain bid a hasty departure along with the entire crew. She stared down to Lone quizzically, "What do you think you're doing Lone?"

Lone looked up to Nidaja and then to Corsi all the way up on Yoiko's shoulder. He realized he had just knelt not for Corsi but for Nidaja. In fact, Tanya, Myrilla, and Ikari were staring at him as well wondering why their Master and trainer just dropped to his knees for someone they never met before. "Pavlovian response Ma'am" He muttered as he stood back to his feet. He looked over to Tanya and continued, "We will discuss this later. Let's go. Quickly."

"What about Rebbecca?" Cedar asked.

"We are taking her with us still correct?" Coyra continued.

Corsi looked across her wife's shoulders to her siblings with a halfcocked smile, "You two like her don't you?"

Coyra nodded her head, flushing over a shade factor seven.

"Rebbecca, welcome to the group. Orientation will start as soon as we are back from this trip." Corsi ordered. "Cedar will be your trainer. Coyra will see to your modeling training."

"But Miss Corsi, I don't want to be someone's slave." Rebbecca protested.

Yoiko just smiled. She leaned in and whispered quietly. "You will not object to these two for long dear. And you won't have to call any of us master or mistress if you don't want to."

Ikari laughed after overhearing that. "Madame, trust Mistress Yoiko on this one." He paused and gave the little one a wink "Just trust me on this one."

Rebbecca looked around to each in turn. All nicely dressed and not a single one of them appearing as if they were unwilling to go along so timidly she replied, "Well all right then. But I can go home whenever I want right?"

"Of course you can." Cedar comforted as he hopped down to the Raccoon's shoulder. "But for now, we have to leave."

"Agreed." Lone said, ushering the others to the side. As he passed Nidaja, he asked, "So what did you say to that guy anyway?"

Nidaja just smiled and replied, "I told him Alps thought he was cute."

Lone turned with his ears slicked back and stared at Alps in shock.

Alps was waving over to a cowering captain and acting as seductive as he could muster.

Lone just shook his head, lowering each of the group one at a time.

Aboard ship a little later, Corsi sat in Nita's cabin carried by Lone with the just Nita herself and Alps present. Nita looked as beautiful as ever. But today, she looked even more serious than usual.

"I want to negotiate a trade Corsi." The Queen said flatly. "For one of your sla... pets." she corrected.

Corsi and Lone looked to one another, Corsi simply turning her head from her perch on his snout. The mouse looked back to the queen puzzled, "Why do I get the feeling that you don't mean this to be a short visit?"

"It's not." Nita said plainly.

Lone looked to Alps and then to Nita. "With all due respect Queen Razelle, none of the pets in our care wish to be owned in such a manner."

"Oh, of course you do Lone."

It took several moments for that comment to sink in before Corsi hopped down and stormed across the table straight at Nita squeaking angrily, "Lone is not for sale, trade, rent, or otherwise. Nita, I can't even begin to believe what you are asking."

Nita rested her paws on the table. "Corsi, a lot of this is because of something you did. Your choice has brought a potential war on our country. And your government has chosen not to get involved."

Corsi plopped down on the desktop dumbfounded as Nita continued, "When you purchased those chakats and then freed them, it brought them to our doors for slaves to replace them. The other slaves in their country heard of the incident and revolted."

Nita took a deep breath and continued, "The ones that survived, fled to our country. They wanted to serve us over them, taking anyone and everyone to serve as a cared for slave. Now their original owners are outraged. They are threatening to take the chakat slaves by force."

Lone was the first to piece things together. "And you want me to train them to fight and win their freedom."

Nita simply nodded to Lone and turned his attention back to Corsi. "You had started this when you took in that tiger stripped wolfox Nova. We are asking you to finish it."

Corsi shivered from head to toe. Faced with a choice like this ... "Nita, I can't just trade Lone to you. But he will be able to help train. But we have one thing we need to do first."

"What's that Mistress Corsi?" Alps asked quizzically.

"We need an Army."

A few hours later Corsi's limo, driven by Tyrant the rat, sped down the highway with Nita, Nidaja, Alps, Corsi, Lone, and Rebbecca with Cedar and Coyra in her shirt pocket.

Corsi was on her cell phone talking to Avena as she nestled in a wine goblet. "Make sure they are all on the front lawn and have a proper greeting arranged."


"Yes they should be clothed."


"Avena! Get Jess out from between your legs for five minutes and do what I tell you or I'll have you tied up in the foyer and make you watch while I fuck Lone and let him blow his load on your gagged muzzle so you don't get any!!!" Corsi screamed into the small phone as Lone's ears rose up a few shades of red.


"That's better. And have Krana call me." And with that, Corsi closed the phone and looked up to Nita and Nidaja. Alps was just sitting quietly off to the side listening intently.

Nita just shook her head and commented, "I still can't get over the power you have over everyone in your harem. It never ceases to amaze me."

Lone spoke up, "Queen Razelle, you have never been to the mansion yet, have you?"

"Neither of us have since Greyson passed." Nidaja answered casually.

Corsi froze for a moment. She looked to the glass she was sitting in, then to the seat across from her. They were in the same limo she first had met Greyson in all those years ago. She was even sitting in the same glass. The mouse gave a half smile though she couldn't help but think of how her life would have been different and where she would be now.

Rebbecca looked down and picked up the glass along with the mouse, "Mistress Corsi, Greyson would not be happy seeing you upset about his passing. I think if I were him looking down from heaven, I would be proud of you for the things you have done."

"Couldn't have said that better myself pet." Cedar commented with a smile. Coyra was quietly snuggled in the bottom of the pocket for the ride.

"You know, for the new girl, you know just the right things to say." Corsi squeaked, looking up into the eyes of her new pet. She smiled down to her siblings as she was placed back in the goblet stand.

Lone commented, "We're almost there. Are you ready Mistress?"

Corsi turned to Nita with a broad smile as if she were ready for anything.

The mansion grounds were even more breathtaking than ever. It seemed that in the vacation, the pets had landscaped the entire place with bright green grass and gravel running along the sides supporting the towering five story mansion.

The place normally would look tranquil and serene. Today however, the lawn could not even be seen through the field of every pet in the mansion. The limo pulled right onto a bright red carpet that was surrounded by the chakats and eased to a stop. The Queen stepped out of the Limo and the entire crowd fell to one knee. She was followed by her sister Nidaja and Lone. It was Rebbecca that carried Corsi out of the vehicle and immediately, the entire field sank to both knees.

"Stand." The tiny mouse ordered over the silence.

Everyone rose in unison while Corsi bounded up onto the roof of the limo.

Lone pulled a megaphone out from inside the limo and set it on top for Corsi.

A silence fell over the mass as Corsi started to speak.

"Pets, slaves, masters, and mistresses ... I come before you today with Queen Nita Razelle and General Nidaja Razelle. A war is coming. The freedom of every slave chakat hangs in the balance. Nita has asked us as her only hope. As a final resort." Corsi gave a pause to let that sink in.

A quiet roar of talking amidst the crowd ensued until Corsi spoke again. "Now I know that those of you that were here from the beginning remember the one that built this home you live in now. He fought his legal battles and waged war against those that shunned us and rescued some of us from the gutter, from a life on the streets, from an empty life as a cog in the corporate machine. Saved us and brought us to a life we love in a place we are cared for. That tiger was Greyson."

"The chakat slaves are now a part of this family. We have sworn to protect this family. Now it's their families that are in dange..." Corsi froze solid as she watched the front door to the mansion swing open and one small fur walk out. The striped folf Nova.

"Mistress Corsi?" the trembling folf spoke. "This one will come with you." He looked absolutely terrified as he headed over to her. The group making way for him step by step until he knelt as the ground in front of his owner. "Slave cannot let you do this alone,"

And with those words, the group of pets and mistresses that earlier that day had been peaceful and serene, chatting amongst themselves, exploded in a cry of support and war. A war for freedom. A war for their family


"So what is in those two large cases we had to get from Myrilla and Tanya's room?" Nita asked as they pulled out of the mansion.

Lone shrugged his shoulders as did Corsi.

"They just told us they were supplies." The folf answered.

"Can't you open them to check? They were awfully heavy. Felt like lead." Nidaja commented as she looked back into the trunk.

"We would but there are no latches on either of them." Corsi said with a shrug.

Every vehicle at their disposal lined up in the long drive full of furs, some of them sitting on one anothers laps. The ones with darkened windows bouncing sporadically from who knows what going on inside.

They left in a line of cars and trucks with one very long dark bus that likewise was rocking back and forth.

As the caravan meandered it's way to the docks, through the city, other cars joined the parade from other pets that received cell phone calls of what was going on.

By the time they got to the generals ship, the number almost doubled.

Nita stepped out of the limo as Tanya and Myri bolted down the ramp. Lone popped the trunk from inside and the cases were pulled carefully from inside and carried aboard. Lone took one of them himself while Myrilla and Tanya hoisted the other.

Weapons for paw to paw combat were brought aboard from Lone's dojo since most of the fighting in that area had to be done without the use of complicated weaponry. explosives and simple guns would work.

When everyone was aboard and the ship started to pull away, Tanya and Myri's cases were surrounded with curiosity. Nita right at the front of the line.

Several of the pets poked and prodded the pair of them. They were solid black with chrome trim around the edges and just a pair of handles showing along with an edge that obviously opens up but not even a hinge or a latch.

Myri came running up followed by Tanya whom had been getting quarters set up for so many furs. Almost every one of them was here with only a skeleton crew left behind to run things.

"Be careful with those!" Myri shouted, shooing away everyone else including the queen herself.

Nita was not pleased with being told what to do on her own ship and ordered, "I want to see what is in these ... now!"

"Madame Queen," Tanya spoke with a bow, "we would be happy to ... just don't touch anything please."

Myrilla already pulled a keychain from her pocket that looked like a car remote. She pointed it at one of the cases and the trunk beeped twice before the top lifted up and back. Rows of compartments slid up and back like a tackle box. Each of the smaller compartments held various grenades.

One particular compartment held a grenade about twice the size of a softball!

Nita stared wide eyed. In the basin of the case was an assortment of guns and ammunition including what looked like a smaller version of a minigun.

The queen reached out to pick up the large grenade but Myrilla grabbed it fast to keep it out of reach.

"Careful Queen Razelle. This is nothing you want to take lightly." Myri warned hastily. She cradled the mammoth explosive in her hand and pressed it to her cheek protectively.

"What IS that thing?"

Myri just smiled and answered, "Betty."

"You named your grenade?" Nita asked taking a step back.

"This is not JUST a grenade. This is a thermite grenade with a titanium/magnesium casing."

"And that means?"

Tanya walked over while those that knew started running. "Picture this Queen Razelle. A bomb going off in a 40 yard heat wave with a temperature of about 38,000 degrees that also shoots out flaming chunks of metal in an 80 yard radius that will eat through just about anything including other furs."

"And you brought one of these on my ship!?!"

"Yeah just one of the big ones. I have a few of the smaller ones too." Myrilla said in honest disappointment. "My idea is to sneak Betty into their camp on a trip wire. At the edge of that radius, we can use the smaller ones to increase the blasting area. Ought to take out over half of the entire army with this little baby." She concluded, stroking her fingertips lovingly over the pineapple grooves.

"And you brought these on MY SHIP?" Nita repeated in obvious frustration.

"With all due respect Queen Razelle, if you want to reduce casualties on our side, taking them out before they come to us is the best idea." Tanya explained casually.

Nita turned to the rabbit and then looked down to the other case. She shuddered from head to toe and looked back to the rabbit. "Open it." she ordered through gritted teeth.

Tanya shrugged her shoulders and pressed the button on another keychain with the same result from the case.

Nita swallowed hard looking over the contents. Inside this case was an array of sniper rifle rounds labeled 'exploding', 'elephant killer', and one box listed as 'betty junior'. There was also one more row of grenades and two black sniper rifles in styrofoam in the base.

"I ran out of room in my case" Myrilla explained casually.


Rebbecca had a private quarter with Cedar and Coyra. She needed some time to take everything in. Just hours ago, she was aboard a cruise ship sailing through the water without a care. Now she was on a warship getting ready for a battle.

She had far too much to think about. And the promise she was going to be in the back lines with an invading army three times their size did nothing to comfort her at all.

She wandered the deck of the ship back and forth heading to the bow. She heard fighting and peeked around one of the bulkheads to see Lone helping Nidaja to her feet. She hunched back to try and stay out of view, watching the pair.

To her, it appeared as if the muscular body gaurd of Corsi's was getting taught a lesson in how to fight. Only winning out over the general about one out of three times.

Rebecca settled down, trying to stay out of sight but curious to watch. She took mental notes, getting lost in the match.

After about half an hour, the pair stopped and retreated off below deck. She headed up to the bow and just stared off as the black water. "What am I doing?" she asked herself in her personal confusion.

"You look to be sitting to me." A voice spoke behind her.

She spun around to see Nidaja there alone. She must have come back up from below to catch the night air or something.

"You look troubled dear. You're the one from the cruise ship aren't you?" Nidaja said quietly as she settled back on the railing next to her. "Everything happening too fast?"

Rebbecca just nodded looking to the deck.

"You ought to go back to bed. I am sure Cedar and Coyra are wondering what happened to you." she said assuringly and rested a paw on the girl's shoulder. "Tomorrow we will discuss battle plans. Nothing will happen until we get there anyway. The chakat nation is a very proud country and they would not dare attack without a queen to claim."

"But General Nidaja. We're going to be severely outnumbered." Rebbecca pointed out with a very worried look up to the queen sister. "How are we going to win?"

"I don't know young one. But we will." Nidaja said very confidently. "And as long as you know that in your heart, we will win. Now go to sleep. We have a long week ahead of us and you'll want the rest."

Rebecca nodded her head and took a deep cleansing breath. She started to walk off and stopped after only a few steps before turning back and thanking the general and bolting off.

A few moments after she was out of sight, Lone came back up from below, "She okay?"

"She will be." Nidaja replied. "I had a feeling something was wrong when you saw her hiding to watch us."

Lone nodded his head, looking off to where the raccoon had disappeared. "Do YOU believe we will be all right?" Lone asked a little worried himself.

"I don't know yet." Nidaja replied solemnly. "We'll have to see if our ideas work."


Rebbecca crept through the hall of the ships quarters. They were set up in the commanders quarters so unlike the other pets, they had privacy. Not that the others weren't used to being in close proximity and naked. From the sounds coming out of a few of the barracks, they were having a grand time with very little sleeping.

She came to the door of her room with Cedar and Coyra and listened close. She could only hear the two of them talking to each other but she could not make out a word.

She took a step back and knocked lightly at the door.

"Come on in." Came Cedar's voice from the other side of the door.

Rebbecca opened the door and stepped into the small room. The quarters were about the size of the twin bed, closet, and enough room to get dressed.

Cedar and Coyra were sitting on one of the pillows looking over from their conversation. The only light came from a small lamp that hung from one of the bedposts. It was a scene straight out of a mediaeval movie.

"Come and sit pet." Cedar offered. "We had just been talking about you." He patted his paw on the pillow in front of the two of them. "Come and have a seat. We wanted to talk to you."

Rebecca's ears rang with that one word 'pet' for several surprised moments before things registered in her head. She climbed onto the bed, being very careful not to stumble. "What were you talking about sir?" She asked. She was not yet comfortable saying 'master' so she compromised.

Coyra her usual quiet self, just looked over the full sized girl, taking in every last detail.

Cedar, bold as he was, came right out with it. "We were talking about sex." He paused a moment before finishing, "With you."

Rebbecca went wide eyed. She stared to the tiny pair in total shock. She had no idea what to say and just blurted, "How can someone as small as you ... DO that?"

"Shall I take that as an order Master?" Coyra squeaked through a giggle.

"What?!" Rebbecca exclaimed. "You two can actually do that?" She was flushed over a bright red. The young girl pulling her knees to her chest. She looked aside nervously.

Cedar had a feeling something was up. He hopped up onto her knee at eye level. He spoke softly, "Dear, we're not going to force you into anything you don't want to."

"I know." She replied, her voice shaking. "It's not that ... I mean I would like to but."

"But you're nervous about your first time with a microfur?" Cedar tried to finish for her.

Coyra shifted to a kneel and shook her head. She squeaked softly, "Master. Rebbecca is a virgin."

Rebbecca turned even redder. A full shade factor ten. She said "I'm sorry sir. I have never even masturbated before. I wanted to save that for the first fur."

Cedar turned back to the raccoon with a nod. He wanted to be comforting, "I fully understand. We can talk about it and when the time is right..."

Coyra interrupted, "Master. She wants to." She giggled quietly and looked to Rebbecca, "Right dear?"

Rebbecca just nodded still looking away. She was shaking from head to toe. After several silent minutes, she smiled, "Just tell me what to do. This is all new to me."

Cedar stared up to the beautiful raccoon. He knew what she needed. He beckoned his sister and up to join him on her knee with a wink.

Coyra bounded up, joining him. they gently pulled her muzzle over, each of the mice tenderly kissing the larger raccoon in warm affection.

Cedar took a step back and churred, "Now sweetheart. You can watch Coyra and I for now. Just relax and lay back."

Rebbecca shivered at the thought of her first time. She turned around as her soon to be lovers slid down from her knee. She laid back, letting the pillows prop her head up. Her thighs were parted slightly, allowing the sibling lovers to settle down in between.

Coyra knelt to the blanket before her beloved brother. Her head stayed low obediently. She glanced sidelong up to the raccoon with a warm smile and offered her a wink.

Cedar stood over her as her master. He wanted to give Rebbecca a show she would not soon forget. He lifted Coyra by her collar up to her feet. Cedar grinned evilly into her eyes and pushed her stumbling back against his new pet's thigh.

Rebbecca shivered at the display of domination. She observed down over her own supple body as Coyra was pressed against her leg. Coyra was wearing just a pair of long pink silk pants and a similar billowing silk shirt. Cedar was dressed in leather pants and a white silk shirt. Rebbecca herself was dressed in nothing more than the same cutoffs she had on earlier in the day. She felt Coyra pressed hard against her bare leg with Cedar descending on her.

Coyra's tiny paws were held over her head by her own brother. Already, the desperation was welling up inside her. The desperation for the intensity of her brothers touch. She looked aside catching Rebecca's gaze staring down in near disbelief. But to the small rodent, this was all quite real. She gasped sharply feeling her brothers paw pressing up through her silks at her moist sex.

Cedar wanted to show how domination and slavery were very different. He leaned into his pinned sister, pushing her back flat over that toned thigh and kissed his sister sinfully. His tongue invading her maw in a hungering passion. He slid her silk pants down to her ankles and pulled back from the kiss with a grin. "Good girl. No panties."

Rebbecca felt the little tingles begin to rush over her body. She had felt them before but always pushed them back. This time would be different. She was flushed red wanting nothing more than this experience. She felt a warmth between her thighs more intense than she had ever felt before. She unbuttoned her tight shorts to relieve the pressure of her rapidly flaring heat.

Coyra did not even notice yet. Her thoughts were swimming in the euphoric river of passion from her master. Her brother pinned her arms behind her back, against Rebecca's thigh as her body drown in lust from those fingers invading her quivering depths. She bit hard at her lip looking up to Rebbecca. She turned back to her brother whispering, "She needs help master."

Cedar stopped a moment and turned to the raccoon as well seeing her starting to slide her paw into her shorts. He pulled his slave from her place and forced her to her knees. He smiled in a sly little way and ordered, "Pet, take them off. You are not allowed to touch yourself at all. You are just to watch and let us play with you at our leisure." Her paused a moment and continued, "Just relax. You don't need to do anything. Just relax."

Rebbecca flushed in a shade totally off the scale. She had never taken an order from anyone before so this was a little uncomfortable for her. But her desperate need took over for that and she leaned back, being careful not to knock her new master or her fellow pet. She eased her shorts to her ankles, placing them to her side so they were not too far away. Then in some way, she actually turned a darker red as she started to fight herself in removing her very skimpy panties. She tried as hard as she could to actually relax but in her embarrassment and shy nature, she could not help but try and cover her sex with the fabric.

Coyra knelt at her brothers side and could not help but stare. The quick glimpse she got of that warm mound was enough to make her hungry for a snuggle. She stared up to Rebecca and mouthed the words 'It's okay. You'll be fine.'

Rebecca was literally shaking. In her mind, this was not the way she had pictured herself losing her virginity. But this was something she wanted for so long. And she did always tell herself that her first time was going to be a memorable and unique experience. She slid the silk panties to the side and over her thigh just setting them in a heap on the bed. She closed her eyes and took in a deep breath, setting her paws to her side. She peeked down to the siblings looking for approval.

Cedar grinned wide. "Good girl." He squeaked and pulled Coyra to her feet by the scruff of her neck. He led her over to Rebecca's mound and pinned her just aside the raccoons plush mound. He leaned in kissing his sister/slave in warm erotic passion.

Coyra basked in the sweet scent of the virgins arousal. Her tiny paws were pinned over her head to the side so that her left paw was pressed into Rebecca's soft labia. Her eyes were shut tight, feeling the warmth on her tiny fingertips and inciting her own deep desires. Her loins begged for the return of her masters blissful attention.

Rebbecca gasped sharp and had been trembling from the second Coyra was pushed up against her desperate sex. Almost like an instinct running over her, she had to force herself to keep her hands off her own body as she had been ordered. The sensations running through her body from just that light touch were unlike anything she had ever felt before. She closed her eyes, gripping tightly at the sheets just to hold on with every inch of her body feeling that wondrous tingle throughout her body.

Cedar felt his pet shivering. THIS was a sign he was familiar with but he did not want to bring her over the edge too quickly. Still dressed, he released Coyra's wrists long enough to shrug off his shirt as Coyra nearly tore his pants to his ankles.

Coyra was thrust back again this time right against the delicate folds of Rebeccas slit. Her back immediately getting soaked to her hide in the girls arousal. Everything happened so quickly. Her leg was lifted high over her brothers shoulder and her body invaded so sharply, it send her into a tidal wave of sexual gratification.

Rebecca could beleive the sensations tearing through her. Her nervousness mixed with confusion and elation was beginning to overwhelm her. She just could not take her eyes off the two mice as they coupled against her sex. She found herself panting in the heights of ecstacy with a feeling of a strange but blissful tension starting to overcome her. She stammered out, "Sir? What's happening?" A little nervous over this sudden feeling running through her.

Cedar slid Coyra slightly and pushed her into the raccoons soaking wet slit. Every deep thrust into his sister, pushed her hips against the slick opening of her pure and untouched depths. He shifted his hand to her warm labia to give him more leverage and to add just slightly to Rebecca's heated arousal.

Coyra shuddered from head to toe. The force of her brothers shaft filling her sex and the warmth of Rebeccas euphoric glow kept her on a high of unfathomed lust.

Coyras trembling body brought the height of that tension to a build that she could barely hang onto. But the pleasure it filled her with, drove her to hold on even longer. With every strand of her fur burning with such a blissful feeling she could not fathom even possible, she dug her nails into the sheets and her toes curled into tight balls in an effort to make this feeling last as long as she could.

Cedar could feel his new pet shaking as he pushed into his sister. He whispered to Coyra, "Make her cum slave." And he pulled himself from Coyra's depths.

Coyra slipped her soaked body into Rebecca's quivering depths. Her entire body smothered in the silky slick massage of the raccoons excitement. She coiled her foot-paws up to hold gently along the tender bliss of her g-spot while her tail snaked past her cherry to pleasure her most intimate depths. Her head and arms still extended from the girl's outer folds, she could not help herself and drew Cedar's shaft into her throat, wrapping her tongue over his sensitive crown

Cedar shuddered over from head to toe as soon as he felt those lips carress his shaft. He leaned inti Rebecca's slit, with his tiny muzzle snuggling in adainst her pulsating clit. The sheer heat that resonated from her penetrated into his flesh and filled him wirh a pleasure rarely blessed. He teased over Rebecca's nub with his long tongue and found himself pumping his cock into his sisters throat and in turn pushing her into the raccoons tight pussy.

Rebecca squealed out in her strain just to hold on from the tension. She did not know what would happen if she let go but this pleasure was better than anything she had ever felt in her life and she did not want to let go. Her fingernails tore into the fabric of the bed until she could no longer hold back and let the flood gates of her lust burst. Her entire body burst in a torrent of a sensation that could only be described as heavenly. And as the downpour soaked her soul in that angelic chorus, her voice sang out in a heated scream. And just as the waves started to subside, she felt that tension building even faster and at the same height that she had broken at only moments before. And when her body released not seconds after, the same explosions raped her body and left the raccoon a trembling heap.

Cedar knew what was happening. It was even obvious enough for him. His new slave/pet was having a chain orgasm. He pulled his cock back from Coyra's warm maw and gave Rebecca's clit a single kiss before he slipped his body alongside Coyra's inside the spasming raccoon. And while Coyra's tail stroked at the raccoon's insides, Cedar's tail snaked out to coil the tip over Rebecca's clit to pick up where his tongue left off.

Surrounded by Rebecca's quaking depths, Coyra managed to wrap her legs around her master's waist. She guided that throbbing length inside her heat as they snuggled inside Rebecca's. She let out a shrill squeal, gyrating her hips onto him. Her body desperate for pleasure as pleasure sorrounded the both of them in the form of their new pets first explosive release.

Rebecca's eyes rolled back with what had become a cascade of orgasmic rapture, flooding over her body. Her heart pounded in her chest threatening to burst from her chest. Never before had she felt such a sense of absolute bliss. It was almost angellic. Just as one explosive release would begin to subside, the next would take it's place. She could do nothing. She felt ecstasy beyond measure. She knew as well somewhere in the back of her mind that word she wanted to scream. And as another peak burst through her already exhausted body she found herself screaming, "MASTER!!!"

Cedar, his shaft squeezed tight in the clutches of Coyra's firey depths held onto her like his very life hung in the balance. The warmth that surrounded him from Rebecca's deeply penetrating heat kept him on the edge of insanity. His claws dug into Coyra's back and his hips forcing his shaft into his beloved sister, prying the intimacy around him and served to just drag on the bliss forever.

The trio coupled in that bizzare intimacy. The sibling lovers in one intimate bond while their bodies worked in a flurry of pleasure that echoed off the walls of the small ship cabin. The sweet scent of the trio sharing their heated love carried down the halls up through the deck and into the night air to dissapate into the wind.

Back in the room, the broken virgin that until that night had never felt the pleasure of another, never desired to submit to another, and had never really felt anything quite such as this, was finding herself getting a crash course and leaving her reeling in the basking glow of that everlasting series of lust.

Inside her, Coyra's claws dug deep into her most beloved brothers shoulders. She managed to whimper as her own peak was drawing near, "Maater ... Oh Goddess Master. Slave is going..." Her voice trailing off as her tension became hastilly too much to bear.

Cedar had been on the verge for a long time. And just as those words muttered from his sisters muzzle, a great flood of semen and cum emptied into his slave. Everything in every part of his being, let loose as he held his sister in that sinful embrace. Her tiny screams of rapture peircing his ears as she shared in his orgasmic fury. The pair trembling as a living vibrator inside the snug fitting raccoon.

It had felt like an eternity of heavens angels caring for her bodies pleasure when she felt her master and co-pet peak within her pure depths. Her tears of joy poured from her eyes until she could take no more and blackness overtook her, sending the raccoon into a quiet ragged peace.

A few minutes later, her eyes snapped wide with a start to see Coyra and Cedar sitting quietly on her heaving breasts. Her body tingled from head to toe in the glow of her first time making love. Her mind reeled with things she wanted to ask and say how glorious she felt at that moment. But she could barely even move let alone speak.

Coyra and their master just smiled brightly staring back to the young girl. Cedar whispered to her as he lay back propped up against the flesh of her bosom. "You did very well Rebecca. I am very pleased with you."

Rebecca beamed proudly. She did not know what she did, and at that moment she was lucky she could think at all.

And as Coyra lay back snuggling into the warmth of Rebecca's chestruff along with her brother, not one of them had a worry about the war on the horizon.

Corsi, Lone, Corsi INC, Krana, The Black Rose,

and all manner of other crap not owned by

someone else is Copyright 2006 Joey Porter

All characters contained herein are

copyright their respective players

Corsi INC 34

"So is this the entire plan?" Nita Razelle asked disbeleiving. Corsi, Lone, Nidaja, Alps, and Queen Razelle sat on the ship not a day away from home in the tactical meeting room. "You're kidding." She protested. "What if something...

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Corsi INC 32

Mid-summer. It had been almost a year since Thunder had made the invasion and things were just barely returning to normal. Police had charged Avena with homicide, and Lone was charged with assault with a deadly weapon but all of the charges were...

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Corsi INC 31

Shadows and secrets. The darkness of the Black Rose back alley was barely lit by a lone street lamp half a block away. In the inky black shadows waited just a large pair of glowing yellow eyes scanning anxiously around in every direction. ...

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