Corsi INC 31

Story by Joey Porter on SoFurry

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#31 of Corsi INC

Shadows and secrets.

The darkness of the Black Rose back alley was barely lit by a lone street lamp half a block away. In the inky black shadows waited just a large pair of glowing yellow eyes scanning anxiously around in every direction.

After a few minutes, the side gate opened and the coal black silhouette of a feline slipped into the alley.

"About time you showed up." Sneered the set of eyes in an angry female voice as the gate closed quietly.

"Would you keep it down? I told you this is her place. Do you want someone to just walk out and catch us Thunder?" The feline snapped back.

"I chose back here for a reason Ikari. That mouse has half the city looking for us. They won't look in their back yard. Now what have you got for me?"

"Whatever." he replied curtly. "The rabbit is a spy."

"You mean that Alcott?"

"Yes. The tunnel was a setup. They've been watching it for a week now." Ikari admitted. He stepped slightly into a brighter stream of the dim light. He was a lanky leopard with a set of dark sunglasses on and a long black trenchcoat. Underneath, he wore a pair of black pants and a dark grey shirt. "But I do know a few things that will help if you trust me. It will cost you of course."

"Why should I trust you?" Thunder growled and stepped chest to chest to him. Her hot angry breath bearing down on his muzzle.

Ikari did not even budge. "What choice do you have?" he asked back.

A deafening silence flooded the alley for several tense moments while the two stared each other down.

"I want my slave." Thunder said after some time

"I want money."

"Nova first."

"Then I can't help you."

"I'll kill you."

"With Corsi's guards and the mouse this close?" Ikari sneered as he pulled a single chopstick from his pocket. "You wouldn't make it out of the alley before you had a bullet in you."

The two stared at each other once again. Ikari broke the silence this time.

"I have what you want. You have what I don't need. I have everything I need. You have the one hundred grand, yes?"

Thunder reached back to her side pack and pulled a leather case from within. She dropped it in front of him and growled, "You don't have to count it."

Ikari smiled. He tapped the stick in his paw and picked up the bag. He tossed the chopstick to her and told her, "The stick's hollow. The instructions are inside. If all the money is not here, I'll make sure those instructions get you nailed."

Thunder said nothing but swept past him and through the gate. She did turn back and say, "You need to get back to work. If you are missed, you'll give us both away."

"Then get out of here so I can."

Thunder closed the gate quietly just in time for Lone to open the back door.

"Ikari. Why are you all the way back here? I thought you were running out to your car."

"I was but I heard something back here and came to make sure it wasn't that big cat." Ikari replied.

"You know you shouldn't be out here without backup." Lone reprimanded.

"Sorry Master. It will not happen again." Ikari said as the two closed the door behind them, disappearing inside.

"When I get Nova home, I'm going to whip his hide bloody and leave him chained to heal so I can whip him bloody again. Then I'll skin him for a rug." Thunder whispered to herself and took off into the night.


Thunder read through the instructions several times. She handed them to her war general/slave to look over as well. They had taken up house in an old apartment building on the other side of town on the top floor.

"God the people in this town. Seems like half of them are all wearing those bloody collars." Thunder growled as she set herself down on her hindquarters.

"It was hard enough just trying to get a place to stay mistress, that didn't have anyone loyal to that mouse. How the hell does she have any control over them anyway?" The General asked rhetorically.

"One of her little toadies actually said she is good in bed!"

"How does a little..."

"I don't even want to think about it." Thunder interrupted. "Whatever it is I would think she would need a long shower after."

"Hmmm... Kinky."

"That's disgusting."

"Can't say she doesn't get into her work."

"That's even more disgusting."

"Well then, why not get back to this Ikari's instructions." The commander offered, thinking it better not to continue teasing. "He has here that on the opposite side of the complex from the hole that Miss Alcott dug is a small section of fence that is not caught on camera. If we can take it down, and rush in, he goes on that Nova is very habit driven and will pass through the main foyer at about 8:30 on his way to bed. So if we time it right, we can get into the mansion and kidnap him back before they can stop us."

Thunder looked to the sheet of paper rather uneasily. "This is too easy."

"Easy? Mistress, we are not to underestimate this Corsi. Your leopard contact has given us a slim chance here. This has to be perfectly executed." The General nearly shouted.

"Stand down!" Thunder roared. "Fine. I'll go along myself to make sure you don't screw up."

The smaller chakat shook his head and replied, "I can't let you do that. It's too dangerous. I will bring in a small team and..."

"Who do you think you are?" Midnight threatened as she stood to her feet and started closing in on him. "I will go if I want to. You will do as you're told."

The General looked back to the parchment and replied. "It's your neck madame." And as soon as he said it, he felt a sharp sting in his chest coupled with a quiet but short hiss. He looked down and saw his white shirt turn a deep crimson just before darkness surrounded him and life slipped through his paws.

Thunder slipped the small silenced pistol into her sleeve saying rather casually when he collapsed in a heap. "Fine then have it your way. I'll do it myself."

She trotted over his corpse and pulled the letter from his lifeless paw.

"Now. I'll get another slave in here, promote another General, and we'll be off." She recited as if reading from a grocery list. "At least Nova was too scared to talk back. He knows I don't care about him. It's what made him a good worker."

And with that, she walked out of the apartment knocking on a few of the doors to summon her makeshift troops. Not a one dared to ask where their General was. Their questions were answered of course when one was given the death sentence of promotion.


The next several days were spent with the her group in the small hotel. They could not believe how bizarre this side of the ocean really was. In their country, they were almost all four legged with full torso's. Somewhat of a hybrid version of the furs they saw here and their wild counterparts. With the exception of the lower class slaves of course who could have been kidnapped from anywhere.

What was even more bizarre were the various sizes and shapes of them all. In their country, these micro furs like the ones they saw at that Corsi mouse's mansion were virtually non existent. They were all either eaten or stepped on underfoot. And even more bizzare were the scant few mini furs they saw once in a while heading up into attics or into basements in their own little sort of society.

Thunder and her group of slaves that she brought with them went over the plans. They looked in detail how their assault would go and went step by step along the path Ikari had set out for them. There was just one little problem.


Back to the Black Rose. But this time Thunder had sent one of her slaves along during the day rather than risk getting seen with another close call like the other night.

The slave was named Raphael. He was a rather large green turtle. His shell from being bipedal was rather small compared to him and over the millennia of evolving, he was not able to actually draw within his shell anymore.

Timidly he walked down the street and to the club with just a toga to cover himself.

Furs sneered and poked fun at him for looking so odd in such a large city where no one dressed like they did in his country. One feline in a trenchcoat stopped short upon seeing him and right away noticed just how out of place he was.

Ikari grabbed him by the arm and rushed him off down a small side alley between two buildings. He whispered harshly, "What the hell are you doing here?"

The turtle replied quietly, "Who are you?" Too nervous to actually realize who he was talking to yet.

Ikari shook his head looking down and pulled a single chopstick out of the pocket of his overcoat. He tapped it over the top of the turtle's bald head and snapped, "Recognize me now?"

The turtle nodded his head looking a little more excited that he had found the fur he was looking for, and so soon. Maybe he would not be whipped when he returned. He started to kneel to the ground but Ikari grabbed him around the neck and lifted him back up.

"Would you stop that? You're going to draw attention to us!"

The turtle cringed, waiting for the crack of the whip, his eyes tight and his body tensed and ready for a strike. Instead he was seized by the arm and dragged further down the alleyway out of sight of passers by. Ikari tossed him against a wall and demanded, "What do you want?"

Raphael said nothing but handed Ikari a small note.

Ikari read over the note


How do we get through the woods leading up to the gate? You did not specify how to get through the trees. There's about half an acre. How are we supposed to know WHICH section of fence is the right one unless we have that map too?


Ikari smiled. He looked to the turtle and grinned, "I'll give you a choice. You can take this chopstick that has the map." He took one from his pocket colored a solid black. "Or I can send you back to your mistress for another hundred thousand dollars."

The turtle reached for the stick his hands shaking. If he ever had to tell his owner it would cost her more money he would not live the night. Such was the way of his owner.

Ikari snapped the stick out of the way just at the last second. "Not so fast. There is a catch to this of course."

Half an hour later, Ikari walked out of the alley rather pleased with himself and holding his head high.

Raphael waddled out a few minutes later rubbing tenderly at his sore and violated bottom.


When Thunder had taken the stick away from Raphael she sent him off with only one hard lash of her whip.

Across his face.

Droplets of blood were cleaned up by several other slaves of hers as she cracked the tip of the stick off and slid the thin parchment out from inside. She unrolled the thin piece of paper and scrawled on the sheet, sure enough was a map through the woods that would lead them directly to the correct piece of fence. At the bottom was a small note that read


I had a feeling you would send a male slave. And I hope he had a nice tight ass. He might want to go take a bath first though before you send him anywhere. I tend to have a lot of cum when I finish off.

Happy hunting


Thunder started to grow a little angry but then smiled widely. She pointed to one of the guards by the door and ordered him to go and get Raphael.

Ten minutes later, Raphael was tied up to a chair in a separate room for any male slave to have a go at his ass as often as the wanted. She figured since he enjoyed it once and did not ask her permission ... he would be more than willing to have it a hundred times in one day to insure he would not walk for a week at least.


Eight o'clock. Two more weeks had passed. Thunder and about seven slaves with her were at the fence waiting. They had been there for about a half hour watching for any sign of movement from the mansion.


As the minutes ticked past, Thunder's anger heightened. Her servants had already taken off the bolts holding the gate up.

At eight fifteen, she gave the order to move out. The new General would have given the order to go but he made the mistake of telling her he wanted to take point to take a bullet for her. He now lay on the ground with his lifeless eye staring eerily into blank nothingness, his chest dripping the last drops of his lifeblood from Thunder's bullet.

At once, Thunder lead the group at a gallop up to the mansion. No alarms yet. They got to the front door that had been left open seemingly from the so called tight security on the grounds.

Thunder ordered two of her pets to stand guard outside and the rest ran in with her.

The foyer was empty. By the sound of it, most of them were elsewhere engaging in various activities.

For a few more minutes, there was nothing. Then there he was. Nova emerged from the far hall and headed over to them without seeing them. As he started past the door down the near hall, Thunder made her move.

She lunged from the dark entry-way and grabbed a surprized Nova by the arm.

For a second, Nova just sat shocked trying to wrap his head around what was happening. The next second he screamed in panic realizing who had a hold of him. He latched himself onto the door with all his strength to keep from getting taken away, his claws digging in deeply to the wood. He kicked her in the teeth once in his frantic attempt to escape. He would not be taken back. He would rather die than be taken back.

Thunder released him with that. She growled, "Fuck then. That's it Nova. I was going to play with you a little before I killed you but now you die!" Her paws already had the gun in it.

Nova broke down totally. He collapsed to the floor ready to accept his fate. He did not care anymore. He had had several blissful months of being cared for in the CorsiINC mansion. He knew what it was like to be loved. Those thoughts filled his mind along with the panic of his impending doom.

The gunshot rang out down the hallways of the mansion with the sound of splitting flesh resounding sickeningly right after. An eerie silence followed with the sound of a shell casing ringing on the floor.

Nova opened his eyes. He just lay there shaking. He looked around for a few moments. He was still alive. He looked up to see Thunder clutching her paw and her gun lying on the floor with a bullet right in the handle.

He looked up to see Avena at the top of the stairs still staring down the barrel of a smoking rifle with Jess and Tanya standing side by side with her.

Thunder snapped her head up to the three growling low while what looked like a parade of furs marched into the hallway just as the lights burst on in the main foyer. She screamed, "YOU FUCKERS CAN'T KILL ME!!"


The sound of a shotgun cocking came from behind her where her group of slaves had stood a few moments before.

Thunder spun around to the sound of a growling wolf. Or more accurately, a folf.

Lone stood there with his teeth barred and a true anger in his eyes as he stared down the barrel of a sawed off shotgun. His nostrils flared and he threatened, "I would. And I can." In even more a low and deeply monotone voice. The normal comforting calm from him was replaced by an intimidating aura of an unforgiving lack of emotion. "You tried to kill someone in my care."

Thunder started to advance. The furs in the foyer parted like the red sea in case of a crossfire.



Lone had planted a round of buckshot into one of Thunder's four legs sending a spray of blood and torn flesh down into the foyer.

A light squeak came from behind Lone and a voice far too familiar to Thunder's taste.

"Hello Thunder. We have been expecting you." Chittered Corsi.

"And your turtle does have a nice tight ass." Ikari said as he leaned against the main door. Corsi standing on her shoulder.

"Not anymore." Thunder said with a sarcastic sneer.

Corsi hopped down and pushed Lone's ankle aside. She paced the floor between Lone's legs from foot to foot, "Myrilla, Please take Nova back to his room. Try and get him to relax."

Nova was ushered away almost immediately and not only by Myrilla. Several servants helped him out of the way almost immediately.

Lone was still growling harshly, his fingertip stroking the trigger of the shotgun almost lovingly. He was ready to dismember this bitch piece by piece if she so much as moved again.

Corsi chittered, "Thunder. Let me ask you a few little details on how you thought you would get away with this." The little rodent walking from ankle to ankle with the towering folf above her like a boat sailing under the statue of collossus. "Did you honestly think that in a town where I have hundreds of furs loyal to me and this mansion that I would not know where you were?"

Thunder sneered and spat at the mouse.

Ikari shot her in the eye with a squirt gun.

"Bad kitty. No hissing." Corsi taunted.

Thunder started to lunge at the mouse.



Lone took a piece of another of her knees away from her, sending Thunder crashing down face first right in front of the mouse.

Corsi slapped Thunder across the nose and ordered, "Stop dripping your fucking blood on my clean floor!" And indeed there was a spray of stripped hair and blood running down into the foyer. "Now. where was I? Oh yes, I was just saying how much of a short sighted bitch you are. Silly me."

Thunder looked to the mouse in hatred mixed with disbelief. Fear was added when she felt Lone's shotgun press painfully hard between her ears.

"I'm running out of legs to shoot off Thunder." he muttered coldly anb still stroking the gun's trigger.

Thunder's slaves stood by watching. Not a one of them moved an inch to help their mistress. Not even Raphael who was still blushing involuntarily at the comment of how tight he was or wasn't.

Corsi continued, "Let me introduce you to a few furs. This is Tamera and Lorna" Corsi pointed to the two mini-furs that walked into view by Ikari's feet. "Their apartment has been right above you all the time you have been here. They have a boyfriend who is not here right now. He's putting together all the tapes and video's of your ... discussions in the apartment."

Thunder screamed so loudly that Corsi's head fur fluttered comically in the breeze, "You can't do this! I have special rights in your country."

"Unless you are breaking laws in your own country. And last time I checked, even you can't murder." Cedar spoke up appearing at the top of the door frame.

"I can dispose of my slaves if I want to!" Thunder protested angrily. "Even Nova is still my property."

Corsi shook her head with a grin. "Nope. Not quite." she stood right up to Thunder's muzzle and whispered, "All of your pets are mine now. While you were out seeing Ikari at the Black Rose, we were at the apartments converting your slaves. Why do you think some of them became so self confident all of a sudden?"

Ikari shot the feli-taur in the eye again taking a sadistic pleasure in treating her like a common house cat.

"Bad kitty" Corsi squeaked.

Thunder crawled back on her four paws even on her broken front legs.

Lone took the aim of his shotgun right at her head snarling. "I'm going to kill her." the creak of the trigger just barely being squeezed hit Corsi's sensitive ears as he continued, "With all she has done, she does not deserve to live."

Corsi ran up Lone as fast as she could, leaped on his muzzle and punched him as hard as she could right between the eyes.

Lone blinked and released the trigger, staring at her bewildered.

"Pet, I will not have you killing anyone. Not tonight. We worked too hard in curbing that demon in you and I will not allow that to come out on my watch." Corsi blasted out angrily.

Lone bowed his head slipping Corsi off and to the floor lightly.

The both of them jolted back to the task at hand when another gunshot rang out followed by the same sickening thump of tearing flesh.

The both of them turned around just in time to see Thunder's last moments of life when Avena fired her rifle and placed a bullet into the back of her head, with her face exploding in a burst of blood, teeth, flesh and brains. Thunder slumped to the floor, dropping her still smoking pistol.

For a moment, no one spoke a word. They just stared at Thunders dead bleeding corpse.

Lone looked around a moment, first at Corsi to make sure his mistress was okay. Then another slump behind him spun his attention around.

Dropped to his knees and clutching his chest, Raphael had sunk. He looked up to Lone with a half smile as if to thank him. His eyes slowly glassed over and he fell to the side dead.

Lone sank to his knees just staring emotionless at the scene before him.


Three months after that night, Nova still would not come out of his room no matter how or who tried to get him to come. He was still convinced Thunder was out there waiting for him.

Lone and Ikari visited him daily to comfort him and convince him to come out and socialize at least a little but to no avail.

It would be months if not years before Nova would make any sort of recovery mentally.

A special edition of Corsi INC had been released with a few of the unique chakats that had been brought back willingly from Thunder's estate appearing in all manners. They had been so pent up from not being able to have sex that the money shots they got were some of the best yet.

Once again, Ikari and Lone left Nova's room heading back to the foyer. Lone stopped and looked to the big doors and to where he watched the body of someone in his care fell at his feet. He did not even realize how long he was staring until Ikari pulled his arm to turn him away.

"Lone, you've got to stop beating yourself up over this. The turtle is dead. You can't help him now." Ikari told him.

Hayleh saw the two as she walked past and headed over to the two.

Lone and Hayleh stood there eye to eye neither of them moving an inch.

Ikari just shook his head looking down to the floor. "I swear, the two of you. Just kills me sometimes."

But neither Lone nor Hayleh moved an inch.

"Just kneel and get it over with, will you?" Ikari snapped after several long minutes.

Alcott just smiled and nodded her head with her grin. "It's more fun this way."

And Lone settled down to his knees with his head down obediently. "Yes Mistress."

Hayleh stroked Lone's ear grinning down to him. "I am heading back to the pool. I think this is the only place where a woman can have a cock at poolside and still get flirted with." And she strolled off leaving the pair as they were.

Lone stood back to his feet once Hayleh was out of sight just shaking his head. "There are times that I think she says things like that just to torment me."

Ikari reached up and grabbed Lone by the shoulder, "You don't have to get up you know." Ikari grinned. "Not on my account anyway."

Lone turned around ever so slowly and stood chest to chest with Ikari with his arms folded over his chest. "You, pet should know better."

Ikari grabbed Lone by the collar and tried to pull him down but succeeded in nothing more than pulling himself up.

Lone grabbed Ikari by his outstretched arm and pulled him off his collar. His muzzle twitching and staring icily down to the feline.

Ikari lay his ears back, his eyes going wide. He was almost dangling from Lone's paw.

"Kneel slave." Lone ordered and released the leopard roughly. His muzzle flared heavily and the folf barred his teeth with a growl.

Ikari wasted to time. He didn't even try to stand. He dropped himself to his knees on the marble floor hard. "Master Lone."

"Silence slave. You're still new around here. You need discipline." Lone was not happy. He took a leash from his pocket and snapped it to Ikari's collar. "Come." He ordered and started to walk down the next hallway to his room.

Ikari didn't have time to get to his feet. He had been pulled over and dragged by the neck for several yards before he stumbled to his feet choking from being strangled on his collar. And with the speed of Lone's pace, he almost had to jog to keep up.

Lone almost quite literally dragged him behind. He didn't even look behind him, walking down the hall at a quick pace. He stopped short at a door with Ikari almost walking straight into him. He grabbed the leopard by the scruff of his neck and tossed him inside like a rag doll.

Ikari stared up to Lone wide eyed. He had never seen Lone act with such aggression. It was almost as if he were someone else. Ikari stood to his feet and looked up to Lone. "No Lone. You're not right. Something's wrong."

Lone froze. He stood there staring to Ikari burning with anger. "How dare you!" he bellowed. "Who do you think you are talking to slave?"

"To someone that never called anyone around here a slave."

Lone folded his arms over one another defiantly for barely a moment. Then without so much as a hint of a warning, closed the door, locked it, and abruptly fell back against the door sinking to the floor hugging his knees against his chest crying.

Ikari stood over him in absolute shock. He had rarely seen Lone show any emotion at all but this was the first time he ever watched Lone cry. "Lone, are you okay?"

Lone just shook his head. "I failed Ikari." Lone sobbed lightly. He looked up at his own shaking hands, "I took my eyes off her. Thunder could have killed anyone she wanted."

Ikari just stood watching his master explode with all the pent up emotion he held back for weeks. "Lone ... Sorry, Master Lone, Corsi is fine."

"But that turtle is not!"

"There's nothing you could have done about that."

"No? I took my eyes off Thunder. I let rage start to take over. I was not in check of my emotion." Lone explained. "I need discipline."

"It's only one. And you know he understood he could die in all this. They all knew Lone" Ikari protested.

"Red did not know."


"Red. When Master Greyson married Entai, Corsi went back to find her parents. She found Red. He became her master and tended to him and his roommate at the time. That was Yoiko." Lone went on. "Red was murdered right in front of me. I couldn't stop it."

Ikari just nodded his head and looked down. "Lone, how long have you been hiding all this?"

"Years. I swore no one else would die. Corsi made me promise I would not protect her in rage." Lone swallowed. "There's a lot I keep secret even from her."

Ikari knelt down next to Lone. The tough hulking guardian of the mansion breaking before him like a child. He put his paw on Lone's knee, "Hon, I want you to confide in me. We can go walk and if you have something you need to let out, I want you to tell me."

Lone just stared to him. His teary eyes almost sparkled. He reached to Ikari to hug him but kissed him hard instead. His eyes closed and heart pounding in his chest. Lone's arms held tightly to Ikari, pressing him into his chest.

Ikari took shock at first but returned the warm kiss. He had always admired the huge folf since his arrival, but he had not gotten this kind of a chance to be alone with him.

Lone parted the kiss still holding to him. "Sorry Ikari. I have not been close to another male. I mean really close since Jaxx left for school."

Ikari pulled back only slightly. "Who is Jaxx?" Still smiling and stroking his claws through Lone's fur.

"We've known each other since we were kids. Until my mother took me out of school to learn at home." Lone was obviously getting more relaxed by the minute. "When I went back to school, he and I hooked up and we had been lovers since. But he went off to college and we thought it best to just go our seperate ways. He found someone quickly. I didn't."

"Well you have now Lone." Ikari smiled.

Lone brightened up so much they didn't need the lights anymore. He leaned into Ikari kissing him once again. But this time, his touch held his deep affection for the feline. His fingers and claw tips hung tightly in Ikari's fur just pressing to the hide underneath.

Ikari let out a soft elated dreamy sigh. From the day he arrived and had the initial greeting interview at the gate, he wanted the gentle giant. He brought his paws to the ties that held Lone's robes back and fumbled with them haphazardly.

Lone pulled from the kiss abruptly, looking to Ikari. "Pet you have never seen me..."

"Yeah I have. You tend to get playful with Tanya by the pool. You do realize it when you get an erection I would hope." Ikari purred with a smirk. "Besides, I've spied on your orgy sessions you call training with the bunnies."

Lone smiled widely and helped his new lover remove the gi shirt. Bare chested he held Ikari again him just letting his own fur mingle with his. He felt Ikari's paws slide down his back and slip inside his pants. He stood, pulling the feline to his feet with him. He was at least a head and a half over Ikari. He stroked his paw affectionately over his head as he watched his pants drop to the floor and his flaccid cock dangle freely.

"Going commando this evening Lone?" Ikari laughed. He picked up the dangling shaft in his paw and watched Lone just shake his head with a laugh.

Lone slipped his large paws under Ikari's open shirt. He felt Ikari's paw leave him just long enough for the shirt to fall to the floor when he slid it from his shoulders. But when he lowered his paws down the back of his leather pants, he got himself quite a surprise. "Ikari, why do you have a rather large anal plug inside you right now?"

"I told you I've seen you Lone. Thought I would prepare ahead of time." Ikari whispered casually. His paw gently caressed along Lone's tingling cock. His own length was already throbbing when Lone took the eight inch length in his hand.

Lone took a long steady breath when he felt his cock start to thicken. His heart pounded in his chest pulsing his passion through his veins like rocket fuel. Lone held his free arm around Ikari, kissing him gently on his neck. Subconsciously, he started to grind his cock onto Ikari's palm letting out a light growl in his growing lust.

Ikari slowly sank down to his knees looking up to the folf. His bright smile spread over his muzzle as he carefully licked the tip of his tongue along that thickening shaft. "I'll need to work on my gag reflex next." Ikari purred with both paws wrapped around the base of his cock. He kissed once to the swelling tip just teasing Lone for the moment.

Lone fell back against the door with a thud that was sure to have been heard by half the mansion. "I don't think anyone has yet." he swallowed, feeling the felines warm maw cupping over his tip. All thirteen inches of him came to a full girth in moments after the heat surrounded him. His legs slowly gave way to sweet passion when the slightly rough tongue stroked along the underbelly of his thickness sinking him to the floor hastily.

Ikari settled down with him. Hie mind was clear in his intentions. He stroked Lone's long shaft with one paw while his other twisted and toyed with the plug in his tail hole. He almost had to lay on Lone's belly with the sheer size of the folf's throbbing rod. his cock ached for attention but he did not dare touch himself yet.

Lone growled deeply feeling those delicate tongue bathings swoon over his length. He had slinked back so that just his shoulders and head pinned the door shut tight. His hands absently lingered down over Ikari's soft copper head fur, petting him lightly and caressing his fingers over the felines ear tip. His cock was throbbing. With just his shaft head getting nursed on, he would just more and more hopelessly aroused.

Ikari did not plan to just tease his lover. He gave Lone one last long lick over his shaft before he slipped the plug from himself and settled himself over Lone's shaft. He took a hold of Lone's paws and clenched his fists tightly around Lone's. He settled himself into position and between the lingering lube from the plug and the saliva he left over Lone's tip, he forced himself hard onto Lone's cock.

Ikari let out a roar. The sharp pain thrust into him for a few moments while he pressed himself against Lone's chest. When the initial pain subsided, his teary eyes shined with pride and elation. He knelt over Lone's cock, rotating the tip inside his tight tail hole and gently easing him in.

Lone hissed a breath in through his teeth feeling that tight squeeze on his cock. A deep shudder rippled down his body as he felt the searing warmth slowly wash over him. He opened his eyes after several agonizingly pleasure filled minutes to see Ikari's shaft bobbing barely inches from his eyes. He did not even think twice. He leaned in just enough and took the tip of the 8 inch length into the warmth of his muzzle.

Ikari had not been looking down when he felt the warmth of Lone's tongue bask over him. He looked down as he fell forward, catching himself on the door and feeding a few More inches of his length into Lone's straining muzzle.

The position held rather awkward but still intensely stimulating. Lone pinned to his back against the door. Ikari straddled over his chest so just a few inches of Lone's cock, snuggled into his tight tail and his own cock buried a few inches into Lone's muzzle. Only two so well endowed males could ever achieve such an erotic pleasure.

Lone's long and slender muzzle nursed on Ikari's shaft with his tongue delicately swirling over the head in a ballet of sweet pleasure. His muzzle took the shaft in his maw with every push back onto his own cock by his lover, the master allowing himself to be used by his slave for his pleasure. He felt the swelling of his orgasm begin to burn inside him but in the position he could not warm his lover. No matter. He would find out soon enough anyway.

Ikari's claws dug into the door and drew deep gouges into the wood. He bucked against Lone's maw with his rump clenching tight over his shaft with every intensely passionate shiver over his body. His cheek pressed tightly against the cool wood while the heat of the moment overtook him like a torrential flood. He barely heard the sound of Lone's muffled groan but when he felt his prostate whitewashed with Lone's cream, he glanced down to his cock engulfed in the wolfs hungry muzzle with a look of sheer bliss in his eyes. Jets of the thick cum flooded inside him so tightly, he pulled off the spasming member letting the rest, shower his back with the sticky juice.

Lone growled deep in his throat, sending the sensual vibrations into the feline's cock in the most intimately sensual of massages. He felt every pulse of his cum surging through his body and empty onto Ikari's fur while the cock forced it's way down his throat. He reached with his paw, massaging his own cock through the last fading tingles of his release. Then Lone decided to gift his slave with a real treat.

On shaky legs, Lone wrapped Ikari in his arm with his cock still buried in his throat, then power lifted the leopard up into the air. He balanced the shocked kitty for a moment before turning and pinning him against the door with a loud thump. He held Ikari aloft by the armpit so that just his legs could move while Lone could suckle on him freely.

After getting over the initial shock, Ikari succumbed to the heated torturous blowjob. He hung limp as if shackled to the spot just basking in Lone's touch. What the folf was doing, he had no idea but he knew he had felt nothing like this before.

Lone's fiery passion surged into the desperate Ikari. He bobbed his muzzle onto that cat-cock intending to drain him dry with the harshly suckling of his maw. His tongue fluttered around the felines barbed length like a butterfly tumbling over the grass. His ears caught the deep sharp inhale and strained growl while feeling Ikari's feline cock broaden. In moments, the salty sweet flavor of Ikari's juices exploded into his muzzle with the sheer volume bursting from the sides and rolling down his chin.

Ikari hung limp with his body shuddering in the force of such heated perfection. His eyes glazed over and heart threatening to burst from his chest, he wallowed in the wondrous sensations as the last drops he had to offer oozed from his tip onto Lone's tongue.

Lone gently lowered Ikari's sexually battered body to the floor and carried him to a long couch. He sat on the floor next to him with a bright smile.

The two just relaxed nude for several minutes, watching each other adoringly when a soft knock came to the door that snapped them back to reality.

Neither of them said a word when the door opened and there stood Tanya peeking her head through. She said softly, "You know, I hope you have enough energy for practice. It was supposed to start half an hour ago."

Jess's voice resounded from the other side of the door, "Perhaps Sensei would like to make this a lesson in stamina?"

Ikari shrugged his shoulders and said casually, "I'm Bi."


HEY!!! Want to know what happens next? E-mail me @ [email protected]!!! If I get enough requests, I'll add a few more pages to this scene!

Corsi INC, Corsi, Lone (and his cock) are copyright Joey Porter.

All other characters are copyright their original players/creators.

(including the dead turtle)

This story is copyright me and was written entirely on a Zire 31 handheld computer.

Corsi INC 32

Mid-summer. It had been almost a year since Thunder had made the invasion and things were just barely returning to normal. Police had charged Avena with homicide, and Lone was charged with assault with a deadly weapon but all of the charges were...

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Corsi INC 30

Furs that go thump in the night. Avena and Jess stood guard just inside the main entrance to the Mansion. A few months had passed and the heat of summer was upon them. Hardly the time of day to actually stand outside in the blazing heat so...

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Corsi INC 29

A new kind of training. Nova awoke as usual and sat up in his bed. He had quickly grown spoiled on everything that was being done for him in the mansion. He took his shower bowing to the slave that handed him his soap and held his towel for him as...

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