Corsi INC 29

Story by Joey Porter on SoFurry

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#29 of Corsi INC

A new kind of training.

Nova awoke as usual and sat up in his bed. He had quickly grown spoiled on everything that was being done for him in the mansion. He took his shower bowing to the slave that handed him his soap and held his towel for him as he stepped out. He leaned over and kissed her softly on the top of the head.

As he started to dry his headfur, she stroked her claws over his thighs and kissed gently to his warm sheath. The feline slave let out a warm purr and looked up to him with a coy smile. "Today?" She asked hopefully.

Nova looked down and shook his head. "Thank you though."

The feline folded her arms over one another disappointed. "Master Nova you haven't played with me at all." She looked down to the floor. "Is there something wrong with me?"

Nova shook his head. "Absolutely nothing at all. But Corsi is my mistress. And I am only reserved for her."

"How often does she use you?"

Nova shakes his head with a half smirk. "About once a week. She likes to mount my teeth. She says they are just the right size."

"Your teeth?" The feline sounded shocked.

Nova just nodded his head and motioned for the slave to follow.

As they headed from the room, Nova didn't take three steps when he was grabbed by the arm by a passing fur that seemed in a rush. Without a word he was being dragged off to the main foyer.

Nova didn't even have the time to ask what was going on before he was led ... dragged ... into Corsi and Yoiko's office. They stood there with Cedar pacing back and forth on the floor.

"Good. Nova, we need to talk." Cedar said excitedly as he jumped up onto the desk. "Please have a seat."

"I'm sorry. Why am I in trouble?" Nova asked hastily.

"You yourself didn't do anything wrong." Yoiko commented.

"Your old Mistress called me this morning. She is demanding you back claiming you are her property." Cedar said rather plainly.

Nova fell back with his eyes wide. He shook his head in fear. "No. Please no. Oh goddess." He nearly cried. "I can't go back there. I won't let her take me. I can't." He went on in a frantic blitz of babble in his utter fear.

"NOVA!" Corsi shouted. "No one is coming to take you. I promise."

Nova sat on his knees. "Oh thank you mistress. I just can't go back there."

"Well she is supposed to be here in a few minutes. I want you here. Lone is already on his way. She won't be able to get anywhere or do anything to you."

Nova nodded shakily not totally comfortable with the idea but not about to question his little mistress.


About a short ten minutes later, Lone stepped out of the room to answer the front door.

Corsi churred, "That was not a long wait. At least she's punctual."

Nova just sat trembling even with the six extra furs lining the sides of the room in waiting.

Yoiko sat behind the desk with her wide round glasses just staring at the door as it opened to reveal a rather bizarre looking creature.

The fur that walked in had four digitigrade legs looking much like the full body of an average non-morphic feline. However where the head would be was the torso, shoulders, and full upper body of a normal morphic female feline. She was solid black from tip to tail with no other markings. As soon as she started to come in, she smiled and in an obviously foreign accent, said, "Oh good you have brought him. This will make things easy and we'll be on our way."

"Without him, Thunder." Corsi said angrily. "He's here and he is under our protection."

"Who the hell is a little side dish like you to tell me what I can and cannot do?"

"She is mistress here. She is very good and very kind hearted." Came forward one tall male.

The black feline-taur walked the rest of the way in, followed by three other of her own guards, each one of the same race of fur.

"Kind heartedness is the reason why you furs are so miserable." The taur retorted.

Yoiko couldn't hold back a laugh. "You're kidding. The pets that live here are always free to go at any time. If they are unhappy we still pay for a major part of their living expenses."

"Who asked you little hussy?" She snorted.

That was all Lone could take. He stepped aside her and planted a firm hand on her shoulder squeezing uncomfortably. "I think you need to leave now."

"That is assault tall one." Came a bellow from another of the taurs. "We will be calling the police and have you placed under arrest."

"I doubt it." A small voice came from inside a wall. "This room has camera's all over it as well as recording devices. They are fed directly into the police station downtown." It was Cedar. One of the picture frames opened and he stepped out on a small platform.

"Another side dish?"

"That makes two counts of terroristic threats of murder. One of them is now against a registered lawyer in the county. And this entire conversation is being broadcast to several private rooms and several different buildings around the city." Cedar chittered as he sat down on the edge of the frame. "I think it would be best if you all went home.

The taur feline sneered and snapped back to the little mice and Nova. "Let's make it three then. I will have my slave back. Even if it means killing you all."

"Lone ... Please escort her through the door. Then open it to say goodbye."

A few minutes later and a loud crash outside the room, and the entourage had left the place.

Lone came back in the room rubbing his hand with a little grimace on his face. "She has a hard head mistress."

"It's alright. You head down to the doc and have them take a look at you." Corsi chittered. Don't worry about them. They won't be back any time soon."

Yoiko just tapped her fingers together looking to her mouse in silence. Clearly she did not have the same thoughts.


Corsi and Yoiko were in their office just as the door shut on another applicant.

"Dammit Yoiko I don't need this."

"But beloved, we almost lost you once and then this threat. I don't know about you but I have a serious feeling that she will be back and she will try something. We cannot let this happen again and even I know there are certain things you would not want Lone doing or going. So outsourcing a female bodyguard or two seems the only feasible thing to do." Yoiko answered to her wife. "And you have made it a point that Nova is not to do any work outside of home. So even you know there is a chance she is not leaving yet."

"So what if one of these guards are actually furs from their country?"

"They're all getting in depth background checks with friends and relatives. Even the ones they don't list as well as neighbors. They're only here if everything checks out."

Yoiko was sitting at her desk, Corsi's of course on top and watching as the applicants stepped one by one. None of them had met Corsi's criteria. "I still doubt we are going to find a muscular and strong rabbit never mind two."

A knock at the door interrupted Corsi's bitching.

"Please do enter. And do not..." Yoiko started and stopped short as not one but three lop eared rabbits walked into the office. One stayed a few feet behind the other two. As they approached the desk, the rabbit that was slightly behind stopped and kneeled down on the floor. She was a light brown fur with her headfur spiked and dyed in a rainbow of colors. She even wore a small collar around her next that was very different from the standard Mansion pattern. The other two were dressed very modestly in fur tight shirts and jeans.

"Greetings Miss Yoiko and Miss Corsi." One of the rabbits spoke. "I am Avena and this is my sister Tanya. We're here with our pet Jess to apply for the bodyguard position." Getting very straight and to the point. "You can tell your other applicants to go home."

Corsi stood to her feet. She shook her head and stepped closer to the edge of the desk. "Not very casual are you?"

"No." Was the simple reply from Tanya, whom folded her arms over one another.

Even Yoiko was starting to get a bit miffed at the dominant attitude of the duo. She nodded her head and pressed a button on her instant pager. "Well then. In that case you will get a chance to prove yourself."

A few confused moments later, Lone walked through the doors.

Corsi smiled and churred, "Prove yourself to him, and you have the job."

Lone took the hint and reached behind him to the upper doorframe. He took down a staff that was mounted just on the inside in his reach. "My Ladies. I suggest you leave before you are hurt. I do not wish to drive the both of you to a hospital."

In a flash, the two rabbits both had a pair of batons in their paws. They started to slowly stalk down the wolfox just as Yoiko shouted. "Wait! This would be better handled in the Foyer. Not as much to break."

Lone nodded and backed out of the room, heading just the short distance to the main hall. "Come and follow. The door to leave is closer that way."

The two rabbit mistresses and their pet following close behind went after Lone. Jess always staying just a few paces behind. A few of the pets that were travelling the halls, raced away quickly as soon as they saw the entourage walk in. In mere minutes, they were back with quite a crowd of furs surrounding the group.

Jess kneeled slightly off to the side but still in the middle of the circle of furs that soon surrounded the combatants. Tanya and Avena both stood on opposite sides of the wolfox forcing him to keep well on his toes to watch at the pair circled him.

The tenseness of the room grew as every moment passed of mutual sizing up.

Avena was the first to move. She slid in, stopping short with both her batons running in impossibly quick.

She was almost as fast as he remembered Nidaja.


Lone's speed staff spun even faster in his paws. In no time at all, Avena's weapons were sent to opposite sides of the room. A thunk on the back of his head alerted him that Tanya was already on him. He shoved Avena back, landing her on her rump. He turned and delivered a swift back kick to Tanya's belly, knocking the wind out of her and forcing her to her own knees. He turned to the pet Jess on her knees and silent.

"Are you going to fight too?" Lone requested.

Jess simply nodded and snapped to her feet. In seconds, a pair of brass knuckles were in her paws. He started to back up and a tap on his shoulder told him he was not just fighting Jess. But both Tanya and Avena as well. He didn't even have time to think about how they were up so fast.

Lone dropped to his knees just as two swings skimmed across his head and nicked both of his ears. He rolled onto his back confirming that all three of the rabbits were his adversaries. Still with staff in paw, he darted it back out above his head, taking Avena and Tanya off their feet at the same time.

Jess the timid pet planted a solid punch right into his belly. The metal of the knuckles, driving pain deep in his chest.

Lone could not waste any time. He rolled back to his feet just as the sisters were getting to their feet as well. Lone took a couple of steps back and declared, "Alright. No more playing around then." He came in fast. Very fast. His staff was a whirl as attack after attack ran up the rabbit trio. Most of the blows were blocked but the ones that did hit home slowed them down considerably.

Lone let loose completely. One long sweep sent both Jess and Tanya down to the floor with Avena jumping at the last second. Too bad. Lone spun around, planted one last kick to her chin, and sent her sailing back and skidding across the floor on her back out cold. Lone took a step back from the remaining pair and declared, "This fight is over. Do not get up."

Tanya nodded her head and held up a paw to Jess to stop as well. "Well? I suppose that we're not going to be hired now."

Corsi shook her head as she walked up on her tiny little legs. "On the contrary. You're hired. All three of you."

Tanya looked down to her confused completely. "I don't understand."

Jess slipped into a kneeling position and bowed her head; "She was testing our performance in battle. She knew we could not beat him but instead wanted to see how well we would do. I believe the fact that we both struck blows onto Sir Lone and were able to still defend against him coupled with our quick recovery whilst we were down is what is allowing us to gain the employment My Mistress."

Avena came around slowly sitting up and clutching her chest from the earlier kick. "But I think I am going to need to take a little while before I am back up to par."

"We have good doctors teams." Lone detailed as he turned to pick up a few of the scattered weapons. "And I will train you three on a weapon other than the batons." He turned back to the trio and smirked. "Avena and Tanya, you both seem to have the same general style in fighting. Once one of you is defeated, your opponents will know how to defeat the other. As I did."

The pair of rabbits stood slack jawed. Tanya was the first to speak up. "Now see here pup, we've trained quite a few years on these weapons." She started to stalk in on him, taking out another set of brass. "I'm not about to let a MALE instruct me."

Lone just smiled. He crouched down low and lowered his muzzle. "Tell you what then. You land one strike on me and I will allow you to fight in your current style. If you cannot strike one punch before I take you out totally, you will train under me."

"FINE!" She shouted angrily.

Avena tapped her on the shoulder. "Tanya you better know what you're doing." She watched Lone toss his staff aside with a smile. "Really hope you know what you're doing."

"Mistress Tanya. I think you ought to reconsider. He's going to kick your ass." Jess interrupted.

"Why you little brat slave. You know better than to say something like that. Now get behind me and stay kneeling."

"Yes Mistress."

Tanya turned back forward and stared down the towering wolfox. "Now pup. Let's dance."

The crowd of furs surrounding them had already started to make bets on the winner. It was few and far between that were willing to bet on Tanya. The odds given were 100 to 1 against her. Lone had 1.5 to 1 odds just to make things interesting.

Lone cracked his knuckles and smiled, "Whenever you're ready my student."

That was all she could take. Tanya raced in. She even had a paw drawn back ready to send it into Lone's gut. She screamed out as she sent the paw sailing in. The room almost turned into slow motion as Lone just held fast and waited. Tanya was inches from him when he finally started to move.

Lone's electrifying speed kicked in. He grabbed at Tanya's outstretched fist and pulled it aside him harmlessly. He picked her up straight from the crotch and pulled her into the air. He hoisted her high above his head. Continuing the momentum, he literally tossed her like a sack of potatoes away end over end, landing her on the stone floor on her back.

She skidded over the marble for several feet before finally coming to a stop. She started to get up when a swift kick came across her cheek sending her rolling.

Lone was already still on her. He leaped on top of her and pinned her arms down with her his knees. He reached back, took a hold of her legs, and rested his weight on her abdomen. "Pinned. You lose."

"FUCK YOU!" She spat up at him. "I'm not unconscious."

"Have it your way then." Lone flipped her over onto her back and leaned her over into a submission hold holding her legs bent over backward and her face planted on the floor.

Tanya growled as she tried to push her way up and out of the hold. Her arms shook just barely getting her cheek off the ground before Lone leaned back and planted her back down again hard. "Okay okay you win!"

"But you are not unconscious." Lone growled stoically back to her. "I gave you a chance to allow you to quit."

Jess stepped forward as Lone leaned back harder increasing the pain. "Please sir. Let her go. She's just as stubborn as I am."

Lone nodded his head and stood to his feet. Tanya dropped from him like a wet rag.

And money was exchanged in the crowd.

"The three of you will get a room and report to the dojo in one hour for training" Lone barked out.

Corsi chimed out. "After Yoiko and I go out for awhile. I haven't been out of this place in over a week and I could use some fresh air. Avena, Tanya and Jess will come with us. Lone you can stay here."

"Yes Mistress. Be careful. That Chakat might be around the city even though our friends on the force have not seen them." Lone warned as he helped Tanya to her feet.

Tanya stared up to him. "I will train under you. But you ain't fucking me like your other slaves."

"You're not my type." He said with a smile. "But I think you ought to stay and have your injuries taken a look at rather than depart with Mistress Corsi. And from what I can gather, you're not into males."

Tanya blushed a shade factor 3 barely noticeable. "Shows how much you know."


Tanya lay in a small bed in the infirmary with a raccoon tending to her. He stepped away from Tanya and over to Lone whom was sitting in a chair at the foot of the bed.

"You did a good job on her sir. Nothing broken but you did bruise her cheekbone nicely with that kick of yours." The raccoon said as he reviewed the notes he had been taking on a clipboard.

"Thank you Rocky. Is she staying the night?" Lone replied as he stood to his feet.

Rocky just nodded and looked over his shoulder. "Since she's staying here now that she's been hired on, there's no reason she shouldn't. I want to do a few more x-rays on her in the morning just to make sure there is nothing wrong."

Tanya spoke up, "I am here you know. You can tell me what's going on."

Rocky turned back to her and nodded his head. "Okay. If you really want to know, you got your ass kicked, you have some bruising in your shoulder muscles and the kick Lone here gave you left rather deep bruising all the way to the bone. If the swelling continues to get worse we'll have to use ice compresses to keep you from looking like a balloon." He said in a matter-of-fact sort of way.

Tanya just stared to him and spat, "Just leave me sit. I want to talk to this dog alone."

"Folf." Lone replied.


"Fair enough."

Rocky nodded his head and said, "I'll be in my office in the next room if you need me. If I hear any fighting, you have my permission to incapacitate her and tie her down. Just watch out for where you already hurt her." He smiled wide and looked directly to Tanya. "Just hurt her in new places."

Lone smiled. Tanya didn't.

Rocky turned on his heel and casually waltzed out of the room and closed the door to the office behind him.

"Now." Tanya said a little calmer as she turned her head to Lone. "I have to ask you something."

Lone nodded his head and sat back in his chair.

Tanya tightened her grip on her teeth. "Were you serious earlier?"

"About what student?"

Tanya sneered for a moment but slowly calmed herself down. "Were you serious that you can make us fight as well as you?"

Lone nodded his head and sat forward. "You three are still very good. You will need some training but not much. The first is to get you three experienced in separate weapons. It will help to confuse your opponents and force them to fight each of you differently and make them prone to errors."

Tanya sat up actually paying close attention.

"Your slave Jess would be more apt to take something with a great deal of speed." Lone paused a moment considering." And something small. I would suggest she train in something that can fit in her sleeve the length of her forearm. Perhaps Nunchucks or a pair of daggers."

Tanya nodded her head still listening intently.

"Your lover..."

"She's not my lover."

"Your partner then. Avena would be well with something to take advantage of her strength in agility. But again it would need to be something discrete."

"My sister Avena but go ahead." Tanya snapped in her normal defiance.

"Your sister would be something like a sword. A cane sword. I think she would look very elegant walking with a nice one at her side."

Tanya gave a smirk. "She likes them actually. She would not object." She looked down to Lone's body for the first time. Her eyes trailed over his bare muscled chest and down. When she stopped at his crotch, she took a double take at the size of the bulge in his jeans and snapped her head back up before she started staring. "And me?"

"You're easy. You're aggressive and violent. You would need something to suit your mood but not be lethal when you beat the heck out of someone."

"I'M NOT VIOLENT!" She screamed with her voice echoing through the room.

Rocky stuck his head out of his office and smiled, "Sure you're not." Before ducking back in seeing nothing was really amiss.

Tanya folded her arms over one another and gritted her teeth again. "Fine. So what if I am?"

"Well you would be best for a staff."

"A Staff?!? Why the hell would I want a big stick?"

Lone smiled simply as he rested his arms at his side. "Simple. If your two partners are wielding shiny blades and you have a staff, your opponent is going to run to you thinking you are not as lethal. You beat him up and about the head a few times, knock him out," he started to recite as if reading off a shopping list. "And when he's down you get to kick him a few times to wake him up while Avena and Jess have their blades at his throat."

Tanya blinked. She stared at Lone for a few good minutes before a smile started to broaden over her muzzle. Now, a lot calmer indeed, "I'm starting to think I am going to like this training of yours."


Three weeks later, Tanya was finally recovered. Avena and Jess had started training as soon as they had gotten home with Corsi. Nova had joined in the training just so that he could protect himself in case his old owner had come knocking. She had not been seen since the short incident in which she left with her blatant threat even with police all keeping an eye out for her.

The group of five had just finished a lesson and were breaking for lunch when Tanya pulled Lone aside as he was cleaning up the remains of a practice dummy they had beaten into straw. "Sensei Lone?"

"Yes Tanya?" He answered idly as he swept up the broken pieces and started to discard them in a barrel.

"Sensei, your student wishes to have a private lesson if you have the time."

Lone turned with a smile. "You have some a very long way in a very short time Tanya. I wish your fellow students had half of your will to master their weapons."

Tanya made sure the door had closed. "Sensei, I wanted to practice with the least restraints on us as we can. I needed to work on my speed and I cannot with..." She paused a moment and a blush fell over her cheeks that was quickly rising to a factor five.

"With clothing on?" Lone finished for her. "That's actually why I have a private dojo in my room. It helps to feel the movement of your body if you can move without any restriction at all."

Tanya looked up with a hopeful smile. "Now?"

Lone looked over to the door and then back down to her. "Prepare and I will insure we are not disturbed." He walked over the dojo and locked the door, pulling a shade over the only window to the inside" When he turned around, Tanya was already standing with her staff held horizontally behind her and all of her clothing thusly removed. She was a little thicker than Yoiko from her tightly muscled body. He smiled and took his own staff in his paws. He taps the base to the floor sliding into a defensive stance. "Prepare." He ordered calmly.

Tanya did not move. She cocked her head curiously to the side. "Sensei. I said I wanted to practice with the least restraints on US." Quoting herself a little more directly.

Lone stood up straight once again and nodded. "But that will be quite a distraction to you Tanya." He said plainly. "You have not yet seen me unclothed."

Tanya smirked and chimed in, "Sensei. It's not like I have never seen a guy naked before. It's not anything special."

Lone raised his eyebrows and shrugged his shoulders. "Can't hurt." And started to untie his gi. He turned away from Tanya as he removed the black pants of his uniform and then the set of boxer shorts, tossing them aside casually. He turned back to her and slid into his defensive posture once again. "Prepare."

But Tanya didn't hear him. What she had seen a minor glimpse of almost a month before in the medical wing dangled there right in front of her in a gentle sway of freedom. She almost dropped her staff. Her jaw she couldn't keep up.

"I told you it would be a distraction." Lone said calmly as he came in, dragging the tip of his weapon across the floor more to give Tanya an alert that she was being attacked than anything else.

Tanya whipped her staff around just in the nick of time to block a downward strike from the Folf. "Holy Shit!" She screamed and flipped backwards out of the way, allowing Lone to drop his weapon to the floor just off balance.

"Very good. Now would you like me to get dressed again?" Lone snapped.

Tanya's eyes were already back down on his shaft. She shook her head licking her lips idly.

Lone planted his paw in his face and turned to go back and get dressed again.

Tanya's eye candy just disappeared. She looked up and ran after him grabbing him by the arm, "Sensei No. Please." She pleaded.

Lone turned to face her, looking down into her disappointed and ashamed expression. "You lust for this? When I said I wanted you to learn how to use a staff I meant one of your own. Not mine." He jested, cracking a smile.

Tanya's expression brightened. "Sorry Sensei."

Lone took a step back. He looked her over once more not as a student but as a woman. He took note of the delicate features of the sweet lady before him. Her warm cheeks leading down to her soft and supple bosom. Her slim waist to her hourglass hips. And when his eyes came to her thighs, he took a step back further. She was already intensely aroused. The dampness of her thighs told the tale for her.

Tanya, still looking to him said softly. "You wondered why I wanted to train so hard Sensei?"

Lone's attention snapped straight back to her eyes as she stepped back over to him. "Yes?"

"I wanted to impress you. At first because I was still angry with you for beating me up. Then because I started thinking about your talk with me in Doctor Rocky's office." She paused a moment before stepping just inches from Lone. "No matter how rude and sarcastic I got, you didn't get angry with me. You put up with me."

Lone nodded and smiled, "You forgot to say Sensei." He pointed out.

"Do I get the same punishment all other trainees get?" She asked in a coy sort of way.

Lone just shook his head. "You have a pet Jess. I do not think it wise I discipline you in the way you are asking me to. If you went back to the bedroom..."

"...I'm not sleeping with Jess. That's Avena's pet." She cut him off.

"So you are..."

"Single!" Tanya said triumphantly. She reached boldly forward and wrapped her fingers around Lone's flaccid shaft that was not so flaccid anymore. Lone's shaft had already started to swell in the anticipation.

Lone did not back off this time. He drew in a tight breath and looked down to her grinning widely.

Just as Tanya had settled on her knees, bringing Lone to a full length and parted her lips to suckle on his mammoth trunk, the door cracked open. "Sorry sensei but we forgot to..." Avena started with Jess close in tow. Both of them froze on the spot with Lone staring back to the door, his cock just about to dive into Tanya's muzzle.

Tanya blushing hard at a factor 10 sat back on her haunches. "Sensei was um ... This is not the way it looks."

Avena and Jess looked at one another grinning widely and nodded their heads.

"Slave" Avena ordered her pet. "Lock the door the right way for our Sensei. I think we might get to see another bit of training."


A few short minutes later, Avena and Jess were stripped down as well. They had pulled a few training mats out while Tanya teased Lone with the tip of her tongue.

Avena snuggled tightly with Jess, petting her paw along her soft hourglass form. Her fingers bedded themselves in her fur, nibbling lightly to her slaves' tender neckfur. She whispered softly to her, "I bet you would want a piece of him wouldn't you slave?"

Jess just nodded her head watching Lone with his thirteen-inch girth twitching in Tanya's maw. She leaned back to her mistress starting to reach down to her thighs to relieve some of her growing tension only to have her paw batted away from herself.

"No touching slave. If he is going to have you later you're going to be well worked up for him." Avena ordered simply.

The conversation was entirely unheard by Lone and Tanya. Lone stood on his feet with Tanya kneeling before him and the tip of his thick branch in her muzzle. She held onto him with both of her fur-lined paws, caressing his shaft and adding to his arousal with her velvety touch. Her tongue lapped vividly over his mushroom cap teasingly licking the droplets of pre that had already started to form.

Lone rested his large paws on her shoulders massaging the delicate muscles underneath. He admired how well she could work him without being able to take his length down her throat like Thirty. For the moment, he would be content on getting a nice fluffing from the rabbit. He glanced to the two observers with a smile. This could easily get to be more fun than he had in a very long time.

Avena grinned when she met Lone's gaze. She looked down to her pet and rolled back pulling her slave onto her back as well. She rolled her leg over and turned Herself and Jess so that they could both see while her hot sex hovered threateningly over Jesse's muzzle. She caught Lone's gaze once again and then down to Jess. "If you do a very good job on me my slave, I may let you play with our Sensei." She barely got the words out when she was hit with the heated pleasure of her slaves' tongue.

Jess took that as a promise. Her arms wrapped around Avena's thighs so quickly that her paws were but a blur. Her tongue buried quickly inside Avena's slick sex. She kept her eyes on Lone hovering not too far away and over her. No teasing came to mind. She just wanted to hit into Avena and hit into her hard. Her tongue lashed over her sensitive clit like a whip as her thighs rubbed desperately against one another looking for some sort of pleasure to ease the pain of her need.

Tanya just smiled. She looked back over to the pair that she would watch so often and sat enthralled that this time it was her turn to be the center of the show. She didn't even notice Lone reach down and wrap his huge arms around her waist until she was lifted off the floor like a rag doll and inverted so that her nose hung once again at his cock. For a moment, she didn't realize what was happening but Lone's broad tongue snapped her back to reality.

Lone held her with his arms wrapped around her waist, her knees over his shoulders, and her pussy in his muzzle. His long canine tongue diving deeply into the recesses of her warm sex. He stood sideways to his observers to let them see clearly. He let out a deep gasp when he felt Tanya's paws wrap around his shaft once again. He gave her a playful swat over her tight rump, nuzzling his nose deeper past the folds of her sweetness.

For a moment, Jess just stared at Lone. She was snapped back to her senses when she felt the warm slit of her mistress pressing down and looking for attention. She took to her task with a renewed fervor hungry for both her mistress's orgasm and what she knows would follow. She tightened her grip on Avena almost pushing her muzzle deep inside her and nuzzling her nose against her pulsating clit.

Avena fell forward, grinding her sex against Jess's snout. The soft whimpers of her desperation resonated from her. Her tail quivered in the warm rushes of lust that started to overtake her. But she could not allow herself release. Not yet. She wanted to make her slave work for her reward. She whispered down to Jess, "Good girl. You're getting mistress nice and close."

Tanya held on tightly to Lone's shaft. The blood was rushing to her head but her soft tongue continued to lick tenderly over her sensei's shaft. Both paws still fixed tightly around that hot rod, she was left not even able to push against Lone's tongue with the suspension.

Knowing his pupil could not stay like this for to long, he leaned back carefully and settled on the floor on his back without once taking his tongue from her sex. Immediately he felt Tanya press her weight onto his muzzle and he returned the affection, probing into her depths with his thin snout. This granted him with the expression he was looking for. A rush of juices and a churr of pleasure erupted from his rabbit, feeling her cum almost immediately. This only served as lubrication for him. He began to pump his muzzle into her heat with his tongue diving in deeper and deeper to lick his student in places she had never been licked before.

Jess watched this, noticing Tanya sit up straight and straddle Lones muzzle and leaning back. Now was her chance. She had to make her mistress cum or she would not get a chance at that mammoth cock. She dug her claws in deeply, rubbing hard to Avena's clit as she squirmed in place. Her sex was already soaking wet and nearly dripping with the need to be filled.

Avena couldn't take it any longer and with a scream that would have made any of the porn stars in the mansion jealous, her orgasm shot through her like a cannon. She held herself up with her arms for as long as she could before she planted face first on the mat. She struggled to right herself as that attentive tongue continued to work her clit through her intense rush of lust but to no avail. She fell back to the floor panting as her slave slid out from under her limp body.

Lone didn't even realize until it was too late that a rabbit was hunting the wolf. At least that was not until he felt a different set of paws wrap around his shaft and guide him to one of the tightest pussies that had ever wrapped around his cock. He groaned into Tanya's sex unable to verily move and wanting more than ever to feed his attentions to his students.

Tanya opened her eyes to see Jess steady herself with her shoulders. She tried to sound shocked when she whimpered, "What are you doing slave?" but the heated pleasure of a wolf she thinks she just fell in love with took every ounce of denial out of her voice. She could only allow her sisters' pet to use her for balance.

Jess had Lone's cock in one paw, Tanya's shoulder in the other, and Lone's cock pressed tightly inside her already and steadily going in deeper as she squatted herself over him on her toes. She winced the pain back from how tight of a fit he was but the pain just added to the slaves' lust to see how much of him she could take. When she finally felt she did not need her paw for guidance, she held onto Tanya once again and carefully continued to press herself further down on that thirteen inch shaft.

It was all Lone could do to keep from howling out from under Tanya. His shaft throbbed in that tight sex so hard it was almost painful. He continued to lick greedily inside his pupil, feeling her sex clench tightly around his muzzle as if it was another's sex. He sought out for a moment as he felt Tanya pull up to push back down once again and gave one long solid lick over her G-spot.

She froze in place. Her thighs trembling, Tanya felt a rush of pleasure that spiked through her like a bolt of lightning. She didn't dare move. Then at once, she felt it again. That fiery spike that she could only seem to make herself feel hit her again. She silently prayed, wrapping her arms around Jess breast to breast and Lone's tongue was felt over that spot again. She came with the fury of an inferno. The rest of her weight leaned on Jess and pulled her down abruptly.

Jess screamed. She had only gone down 5 inches when five more pressed within her in an instant. But her scream was not out of heated pain. She came in the very instant she felt the tip of Lone's cock hit the back of her cervix. Ten out of thirteen inches of Lone's cock buried inside her and forcing it's throbbing girth against every corner of her pleasure centers. She was hoping for his knot but this time size mattered. However with the rushing feeling of his shaft, she didn't really care if she could not take him all the way.

Lone bucked his hips reflexively up as he felt the sudden vice-like sex take his cock in almost to the hilt. He let out a low groan that vibrated through Tanya's sex as he continued his slow agonizing licks over that slightly rougher patch of fur. His breathing became slow and steady being forced to take in breaths out of the side of his muzzle since his nose was stuffed within Tanya's tight pussy.

Tanya could only hang nearly limp off Jess's shoulders panting hard into her fur. She felt herself being leaned back and held fast in Lone's arms. Soft kisses were being played over her cheeks and muzzle but try as she may, she could not return them. Her mind was somewhere else for that time. At least until she felt the familiar rush of a tongue flickering tenderly over her hardened nipple. She looked down in her cherry flushed cheeks, watching Jess now hungrily trying to feed from her breast.

Pumping carefully onto Lone's cock in a squat, Jess was lost in the oblivion of pleasure as well. Just partaking in anything she could get her paws on. While Mistress Avena was not paying attention, she liked to get away with as much as she possibly could. Arms wrapped around Tanya's chest, her muzzle pressed tightly to her breast. Almost in a zombielike trance, she took Lone's mammoth cock into her sex over and over again.

Avena had started to come back around. She glanced up to the trio with a soft grin and then glanced around the room for a few moments before taking up a set of polished nunchucks left at paws reach. She thought to herself, 'Well, at least it's long and hard.' Before she lay down on the mat and stroked the tip of the wooden shaft over her clit.

Jess was the first to notice. She caught her mistresses' eyes and turned herself around on Lone's monster. A wide grin crossing her muzzle, she coaxed her mistress back over to her, licking her tongue suggestively over her muzzle.

Lone almost shot off instantly. The euphoric twisting over his shaft, already squeezed like a grape, sent him into another long groan trying to keep control of himself. He bucked his muzzle hard and deep up once more before he fell back to the floor, pulling Tanya back down with him and plowing her deeply onto his snout.

Tanya whimpered softly. She wanted that touch on her nipples again as it was too short for her. She fell forward on the towering wolf, catching herself with her paws just inches away from Jess's full rump. She looked up coming slightly to her senses and still bucking herself back against Lone's attentive muzzle. She wrapped her arms around Jess eagerly and casually teased over her exposed clit with the tips of her fingers.

Jess watched Avena stroll over to her and lay down facing her. Avena parted her thighs grinning widely and coaxed Jess with a fingertip. Then like a domino, when Tanya fell against her, she in turn fell down to Avena. Her muzzle immediately getting a deep taste of her hot sex. She resting on her paws and knees running herself back on the thickest cock she had ever felt. Then it happened. She felt that delicate touch on her hardened clit and her orgasm pierced into her like a sword. Her impossibly tight sex tightening down even more in it's attempt to squeeze the cum out of her sensei.

Lone was too fast to oblige. Without a moment's pause he let out a hard howl and with a pop, snapped his muzzle out from Tanya's hot sex. His seed exploded into his tight pupil with his cock bucking in the sheer beauty of that sensual moment. His fingers gripped so tightly around Tanya that for a moment he thought he would break her. Then as the pounding blasts of the hardest orgasm he had felt short of his mistress started to subside, so did his ability to stay conscious and the towering hulk of a half breed became nothing more than a dead weight on the floor of the dojo.

Tanya nearly cried. She looked back to her Sensei and then up to Jess whom lay there panting hard and unable to even so much as lift herself up from the floor where she lay breathing hard with the thirteen inch madness still inside her and slowly deflating like a popped tire. She looked past to Avena whom also looked slightly disappointed to see that her pleasure was stripped from her a little too early.

They both stood to their feet. Well Avena stood. Tanya more rolled off Lone's chest and lay staring at the ceiling of the dojo.

Avena sat down next to her naked sister and smiled. "How long until you think they'll be awake?"

Tanya couldn't help but let out a tired laugh. She rolled her head to the side to gaze at her sister and smiled. "Who knows. But I want to know one thing."

"What's that sis?"

"What will the sex be like when we graduate?"


Corsi, Corsi INC, Lone, Cedar and the contents of this story are copyright Joey Porter.

Yoiko, Tanya, Avena, Jess, Nova, and Thunder are copyright their original owners

Corsi INC 30

Furs that go thump in the night. Avena and Jess stood guard just inside the main entrance to the Mansion. A few months had passed and the heat of summer was upon them. Hardly the time of day to actually stand outside in the blazing heat so...

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Corsi INC 28

Chapter 28 Cedar had called out for his sister. Corsi was already on the way, being carried by Nova Lontosh. Nova knocked at the door to Cedar's office and stepped inside. Cedar and Coyra had asked for both of them to visit to discuss something...

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Corsi INC 27

Chapter 27 Corsi and her newly found brother and sister were sitting out in the front of the mansion on one of the steps. It was nearly pitch black with the only light coming from the full moon above them. Yoiko had already gone to bed on her...

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