Corsi INC 27

Story by Joey Porter on SoFurry

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#27 of Corsi INC

Chapter 27

Corsi and her newly found brother and sister were sitting out in the front of the mansion on one of the steps. It was nearly pitch black with the only light coming from the full moon above them. Yoiko had already gone to bed on her wife's orders since she knew she would be awake for most of the night just talking. The photo shoot for herself and her sister was over and the pictures ready to be developed.

"So tell me a little about yourself Corsi. I mean we really haven't found out about your life. I know most of it's been like an open book with your parents being actors and you being part of all of this." Cedar asked as he gestured to the gigantic building and land.

"Well I was adopted when I was still a baby. Honestly I didn't even remember anyone." Corsi commented just gazing off at the sky.

"Cedar and I..." Coyra stopped short at her master gesturing not to speak.

"No, what?" Corsi asked in her usual demanding to know way.

Cedar took his sister's paw in his and turned to Corsi with a shrug of his shoulders. "We were never adopted. In fact we're still orphans. Our last names are our biological parent's name. Cedar and Coyra Young."

"So how did you two ... grow up?"

Cedar looked back to Coyra and then to her sister. "I went from family to family. Some full sized and others half sized. Mostly Micro sized like us. The last one I was with when I was sixteen had some money. They died in an auto accident and left everything they had to me. They weren't rich or anything but they were comfortable. They had it set up so that I would be taken care of until I was eighteen and then I would be on my own with access to what they had left from their estate. So I spent nearly the entire estate with a few heirlooms to serve as a reminder of them kept safe. I went to law school and became an attorney for the state department. The rest you pretty much know. I don't really like to talk about any more details.

Corsi's ears flattened back to her head. Coyra cleared her throat and told of herself. "I was put into one home as a baby. They raised me to 5 years old and were arrested for mistreating me. They would 'watch' me by leaving me in a plastic ball with air holes in a box with their pet snake. They were full sized furs."

Corsi gasped in shock. She just stared at her sister in utter awe.

"It didn't really affect me much. I think it made me a little more submissive. After they were arrested, I was put in an orphanage and never adopted. When I turned eighteen I was in my own. I was always used to being told what to do and taking care of the younger kids wherever I was at the time. I didn't really know how to be on my own. I would have been homeless if it wasn't for Cedar."

Corsi's expression turned grim. When she was a child she thought things were horrible. She didn't think back then that anyone could have been worse off than she was, never mind it being her brother and sister.

Cedar snuggled Coyra close and gave her a kiss on the forehead. "Honestly we just wanted parents. But we turned out alright I think." He finally looked up to see Corsi. "Sis, it's okay. We're together now. The three of us."

"Five." Came a female voice from one of the windows they had thought was closed.

"Who's there?" Corsi demanded with a scowl.

"Don't talk to your mother like that Corsi." Came a male voice from the same window. "We'll be right out."

David and Tracy stepped out of the door a few minutes later. They sat down next to Corsi's brother and sister. "Legally, we can't adopt you or change what happened. Had we known Corsi had siblings we would have tracked you both down." Tracy started.

"But if you want, you can think of us as mother and father. Or at the very least we can be someone to turn to." David continued.

Corsi blushed shade factor six, "That sounds like an idea." Corsi paused a moment and continued. "And I have another idea. We need a court attorney for the magazine. Our regular attorney is getting ready to retire. If you want the job Cedar it's yours."

Coyra looked bright eyed up to her brother asking him to say yes as any pet might.

Cedar looked around him. All the eyes were on his choice for not only parents but also a new career change. "How about we talk about it tonight and get back together in the morning."

"That would be great. You can stay here for the night in one of the guest suites. I'll have everything catered for you so you can see how things work around here."


The next morning, Cedar and Coyra woke up to a gentle knock at the door. Without warning, the door slowly creaked open. A bright white feline stepped cautiously into the room carrying a rather large tray.

Cedar jumped up in shock waking his sister from her sleep. "Who are you?"

The feline backed up a step and knelt to the floor. She bowed her head and said softly. "I am sorry master. I am here to bring breakfast."

Coyra sat up slowly. They were in a full sized bed just barely having shifted the sheets at all in the night. "She's what Cedar?"

"She's ... serving breakfast."

The feline looked cautiously up with a half grin. "Shall I leave it here on the table for you?"

Cedar shook his head no and stood to his feet with Coyra.

The servant hurried over and sat her palm down after kneeling again and bowing respectfully.

The sibling lovers took seat in the palm still trying to get a grasp on all of this. They were carried over to the tray that held not only breakfast but also a small table and a pair of chairs for the two. Tiny goblets of juice and just about everything a fur could want for breakfast. As the pair ate, the nameless pet stayed kneeling in case she would be needed.

Coyra whispered to Cedar across the table, "Hon ... this is a little odd don't you think? I mean I am usually the one cooking for you."

"Your food is, was and always will be better. The eggs are a little overcooked for my taste."

"I shall make sure next time they are cooked correctly for you Master." Came the quick reply from the white feline.

Cedar and Coyra just looked down and over to her again puzzled as ever. They had never had any sort of treatment like this before.

After breakfast they were escorted off to a bath where they were given the option of bathing themselves or having it done for them. They both opted to be alone this time. In the shower the lovers discussed things a little further.

"This is all just so much to take in. When Corsi's profile in the magazine mentioned that she never does things halfway she really meant it." Cedar churred as he washed his sister's back.

"Yes sir. But I think I could get used to all of this."

"I think though that you might be taking a position much like the cat that's pampering us."

Coyra just nodded her head with a giggle. "And this is a problem?"

Cedar grinned and wrapped his arms around his love, squeezing her breasts gently. He nuzzled in close and kissed her on the side of her neck behind the ear.

"Master ... we just finished showering and you want to get all sweaty?"

Cedar twitched his whiskers and agreed. "Okay ... but you are mine tonight love."


And the two left the shower only to find a pair of towels waiting for them that weren't there before they went in. The towels already had their names stitched into them.

"Now this is just spoiling us."

The two got dressed in a pair of silk robes that looked brand new and walked back out into the room. The feline was nowhere to be seen at all. They snuck out of the bedroom and into the hallway. There she was.

The feline was kneeling down with her head to the floor and paws flat to the floor. "Mistress Corsi would like to see you in her office. Would you like to walk or shall I carry you?"

Coyra spoke up and shouted. "I'd like to be carried!"

Cedar scowled and Coyra bowed her head back down. "We will be carried. And Coyra will be disciplined later."

"Yes Master. I shall arrange that for you." The feline replied as she sat up and offered her palms. Each of the mice took a different paw and were carried across the mansion to the front hall. A large door in the hall opened as the two approached. "Master Cedar and Coyra, Mistress Corsi." She announced.

"Very good. Come in you two." Corsi called from atop her huge desk. She was sitting behind a smaller one with Yoiko working on the desk itself. The both of them were unclothed and had papers they were reading over and working on.

Yoiko stood to her feet as the white feline helped the two siblings to the table. The cat bowed once and was dismissed. As soon as she was, she took off running to the door and quietly closed it behind her.

Coyra looked to the door as it closed and commented, "Okay what's with all of this?"

Corsi cocked her head to the side. "What's wrong? This is the way things normally happen around here. The pets willingly serve their masters. Everyone who is a Master or trainer helps on the production line when it is needed. We're like a well-oiled machine. And at times we can get a little well oiled." She concluded with a giggle.

Cedar shook his head and asked, "But I mean the wake up call, the food, the shower, and everything..."

"Was there something wrong with breakfast? It was my turn to cook this morning in the main kitchen." Corsi pointed out.

"YOU cooked that?" Coyra blurted out obviously shocked. "It was perfect!"

Corsi shook her head and churred as she sat back in the tiny chair. "They were overcooked. We were keeping them warm while you slept so they must have dried out a little."

Cedar asked, "What time is it?"

"Almost time for lunch. Lone's going to be cooking. He'll have someone bring food in for us." Yoiko interjected with a smile. "So have you given consideration to our idea Cedar? Coyra would of course start her servants training if you accept. I think Lone could take you on personally unless you want to go along with Magick's group."

"Magick?" Coyra asked.

"She's rather insatiable. With her libido and dominance she worked out well to train pets on how to perform to their greatest potential sexually." Yoiko giggled.

"But isn't that like whoring out?" Cedar buzzed in always full of questions.

Yoiko shook her head. "Our magazine is more on the sensual aspect of intimacy. If the subject is truly feeling bliss that will come across in the pictures. So training the pets to perform better sexually only helps them perform on camera."

Cedar looked down for a moment puzzling over this. His mind racing through laws and books all committed to memory from his years of schooling. He looked up and said confidently. "I accept." Then he offered a slight laugh; "With as many laws as you guys are bending here you'll need me."

Corsi and Yoiko both stood with a grin, "Excellent! I'll have Lorna show you to your office. Just about anything you would need or wish is at your disposal. And you will have one of the mini-cars to get around the mansion so you don't have to walk."

"Mini Cars?" Coyra asked.

"Yes. They're converted remote control cars done up so you can drive them around the mansion. Corsi even has some hidden areas that are accessible only by the vehicles with some very interesting things going on inside." Yoiko said with a giggle.

"Can we have ourselves a look around then? We haven't seen much of the mansion." Cedar pointed out.

"Sure. It's not like you or Coyra are scheduled for a shoot today. And Coyra's training won't start until Monday." Corsi chittered and pressed a rather large button speaking into it. "Lorna." Her voice echoing through the halls on speakers none of them could see. "I need you for a moment to show my brother and sister to their office."

The sounds of cheers boomed through the halls of the mansion without the aid of any intercoms to welcome to new addition to the team.

"Everyone's been waiting all morning for your answer." Yoiko laughed as the door opened and the minifur otter ran inside and knelt down beside the large desk. "Lorna here is pet to..."

"Tamara. Daniel is also her pet right?" Coyra jumped in.

Lorna kept her head down and what ears she had flattened for an otter. When Cedar and Coyra hopped onto her shoulders, she stood up and carefully walked out of the office with a wave goodbye to her new employer and sister.


About two hours later, Cedar and Coyra were zipping through the mansion looking about in a replica of an old 1967 Ford Mustang. The two mice were as nude as the day they were born. Coyra was leaned over in the seat with her brother's cock deep in her throat. What they had seen in the past half an hour was enough to make anyone intensely yiffy. They had found several of the secret passage tunnels in the mansion and taken a long drive.

They had found themselves spying on several of the couples in the mansion and even watched Lone with Lorna the mini fur. They were amazed at the sheer size difference or to be more precise, similarity. Lone's cock was as big and almost as thick as she was! And there before their eyes was his shaft halfway down her throat.

Cedar had given his slave sister orders to show him how well she can do the same. But he didn't think she would respond so quickly.

He drove as best he could in the unfamiliar terrain. The lights in the tunnel grew darker as Coyra's muzzle took his shaft down to the hilt. When the lights were almost black, the road ended in a parking space. Cedar almost crashed to stop but Coyra never let her muzzle loose from him for even a second.

Cedar leaned back in the seat, allowing his sister more room. He closed his eyes churring softly, just letting the ripples of pleasure tickle along his tiny body. But after a few short moments, he felt his pet lift her muzzle off of him and everything was silent.

He sat up quickly and turned to Corsi rather displeased. His cock was throbbing and he was so close. He watched Coyra just staring past him in awe. Thinking there was more action going on behind him, he turned to see a door on the wall no bigger than they were.

Coyra looked around and saw no other openings or peepholes. "You wondering the same thing I am Master?"

Cedar nodded his head and opened the door to the small car. He motioned for his sister to follow. Together they carefully opened the door and peered inside.

What came to their eyes was a sight of wonder. A hidden bedroom, done up in luxurious velvet on the drapes that lead to a pair of tiny windows. On one wall was a giant bed made up perfect with sheets and a bed spread to match the drapes. There were two other doors. One was open and went into a marble bathroom. The entire place was in a warm inviting crimson. Just inside was a small table with just a card on it with their names on it.

"Oh my." Cedar said in a quiet voice as he picked up and read the card. "I think this is our bedroom."

Coyra's eyes went wide. "You're kidding? This!?!" She exclaimed in shock.

Cedar walked through slowly. Everything was in perfect proportion to their small height. A private shower, sink, a pair of nightstands, even miniature copies of the Corsi INC Magazine were all around the room. The place was immaculate.

Coyra jumped over to the bed excited. She bounced on the soft mattress and snuggled one of the pillows in her arms. "Oh Master! This is perfect!"

A few moments later they heard a knock at the other door. Both of the mice jumped and looked at each other. Then they heard a familiar voice coming from the other side. "Hey. You guys okay in there?"

Cedar opened the door. "Corsi? How did you know we were in here?"

"Cause the long tunnel you've been in only leads to here. I figured eventually you would find your bedroom." Corsi giggled. "I don't want to disturb you. Just tell you about a few of the things in here. This used to be my bedroom until I moved into a big room with Yoiko."

"This is our bedroom?" The both of them said in unison.

Corsi just nodded and added. "Just take your time and settle in. If you two need anything just let someone know. I have to get back to work." Corsi churred and winked to her brother. "Don't do anything I wouldn't do."

Cedar shouted to his sister as she hurried away. "Thanks for everything!"

Coyra was still lying on the bed. It was still just early afternoon. Coyra snuggled down in the soft sheets against her short fur. Her expression turned to a sly grin as she commented. "You know you did give Corsi a good show."

Cedar spun around watching his sister pointing down. He looked down to his long shaft still throbbing from it's earlier attention. "Well that explains why she wanted to give us our privacy."

"Come master and let me take care of that for you." Coyra whispered as she sat up kneeling on the mattress. As she did, the sound of metal against metal clinked near the wooden headboard.

Cedar looked at the bedpost to find a pair of restraint cuffs attached and bolted to the bed itself. "Corsi thinks of everything. HEY!" He shouted as his pet pulled him up to the bed and sank his cock in her muzzle.

Coyra did not want to wait for anything. She pinned her Master to the bed and lay down on top of him, stuffing her nearly dripping pussy onto his muzzle. She let out a light moan from need before pulling up from him to speak. "Just thinking that Corsi had been screwing other furs in this same bed is..." She trailed off taking him back in her throat once more.

Cedar wrapped his arms around her thighs as a surge of sexual intimacy rushed through his tiny body. His tail wrapped back and gave a loud *smack* over her rear. "I get the idea love. Trust me." was all he wanted to say before his tongue teased over the delicate folds of her glistening labia. He pressed teasingly inside, dragging the tips of his claws over her raised rump.

The hard shaft in her muzzle muffled Coyra's pleasure filled moan. She grabbed his length in one paw, gingerly stroking him as she nursed on his cock's crown. The desperation set in wanting to get the cum to fill her throat already.

Underneath, her brother was not ready to give her that satisfaction just yet. He whipped his tail over her ass once again letting the sound rebound off the walls of the tiny room. He pressed his fingertips into his sister's deep and burning sex drawing out her slick juices.

Neither of them heard the door crack open once again.

Corsi had never actually walked off. She watched her brother and sister for a few moments as she toyed with herself. Unable to help herself, she snuck into the room and crept over to the bed. She reached up with one paw and much to her sister's shock, she took his shaft in her own hand signaling for her to be quiet for now.

Coyra didn't know whether to be scared or turned on. She sat up slightly and allowed her sister to have her way.

When Corsi took Cedar's cock in her throat, Cedar let out a long and low groan. He felt the slight shift but thought nothing more about it until his cock was warmed again. He held on tightly as he could, thrusting himself back up and into Corsi's willing maw.

Coyra rested her paws to Corsi's shoulders, only forcing her down to the hilt onto her brother. She leaned her head back as a rush of lust blasted through her from the new positioning. She glanced back to her brother unable to see his expression under her. But obviously he was not in any sort of pain. Her soft pussy throbbed just grinding her clit onto his tongue.

Claws extended, he drove them into his sister Coyra's thighs just to hold on. His cock felt like he was on a wild ride from the pleasure. He had never thought Coyra had it in her to perform this well. He still had not realized it was not Coyra at all. His tongue pressed in deep into Coyra's juicy sex driving everything he could from her. He wrapped his legs around Corsi's head just to relieve some of the pressure from the reflex to pump up.

Corsi slowly pulled up from his shaft with an audible pop getting a longing twitch from her brother. In a second his cock jolted back up wanting more attention. She drew him deep into her throat once again since now she could not go too far. She wanted his cum and she wanted it right then and there. Her muzzle suckled hard and deep into him with her tongue circling his crown over and over as it swirled in her hot mouth.

Cedar couldn't help himself any longer. He arced his back, not even realizing he had thrown Coyra free in the sheer force of his explosive orgasm. Coyra simply knelt above him on the bed and held his head in her arms as he pumped round after round of cum down Corsi's throat with barely a drop spilled. He collapsed back and stared for a second into Coyra's eyes with love and admiration. Then he felt the tongue lapping his shaft again.

He looked up in shock to see Corsi down there with a small drop of his cream on the corner of her muzzle. "Oh Shit." was all he could come up with as he watched her sit back up and straddle herself over him.

"You have no idea Cedar my pet. One other thing you have to remember is this, as long as you are here, I am Mistress." Corsi churred as she sank her brother's cock into her tight and needy depths. She let out a long desperate gasp having not had a hard cock inside her since she and her adoptive father had coupled.

Cedar didn't know what to expect but Goddess his sister was hot. He had fantasized over and over with his sister about what this would be like. And now that it was happening, he could hardly believe it. He didn't have much time to think about it though when Coyra knelt herself over his tongue once again.

Coyra held tightly against her sister. Breast to breast they hugged tightly running her fingers through Corsi's hair. She pulled back a moment and leaned in to kiss Corsi desperately to her full lips. The taste of Corsi's tongue invading her muzzle sent a jolt of electricity through her body followed by the beginning surges of an orgasmic fury that would soon take over her sultry body.

Corsi's fingers searched out and cupped over one of her sister's supple breasts just as Coyra exploded in her deep heated lust. Her muzzle pressed tightly to her sisters to muffle the heated moan that filled the tiny room. As she did, her trained depths worked her brothers recently spent cock, keeping him solid and full of life. She parted the kiss slightly and whispered, "Good girl my pet. Just hold on to me and relax."

Cedar could barely hear a single word. He lay sprawled out on the bed with his arms holding his beloved Coyra in place while Corsi pinned him down. He just had enough strength in him to keep his attentions on his pet. Feeling the juicy pussy of Corsi massaging his cock to a state of euphoria he never imagined left him one very yiffy mouse. His tongue danced over Coyra's clit with the grace of a swan and the desire of a nymph. The orgasmic juices that graced his tongue were too exquisite for just such a small sample.

Coyra hung nearly limp from her sisters shoulders. Her hard panting was too hard to catch up as the fury of her brothers tongue mixed with her sisters velvet soft touch brought her to new heights of lust. Coyra finally passed out and fell off to the side on the bed sprawling out with her eyes closed and a bright smile on her face.

Corsi looked down to her brother, his cock buried down to the hilt. A sinister grin widened from ear to ear as she gave his cock a squeeze with her silky sex. "You're not done with her. And I'm not done with you my brother." She said with a twitch of her tiny whiskers. "Get her on her hands and knees and keep your attentions on her until she comes back around."

Cedar did as his new mistress told him. Coyra was propped up, face to the pillow at the headboard with her pussy in a much better position for him to work her.

Corsi churred, "You are both to have a test in lesson one. Endurance."

Coyra's eyes went wide almost at once. She sat up abruptly as soon as she felt her brother's tongue on her clit once again. She was hastily taken up and her arms restrained behind her back. "Oh Shit."

Corsi wrapped her arms around her sister and bit down hard on the nape of her neck receiving a light squeal from her sister. Now she would really test her brother as well. She shifted herself onto her feet, squatting on his cock. In long strokes, she pumped herself down onto his shaft bringing her sex all the way up to his swollen head and back down to the hilt over and over again. "Tell me when you are going to cum boy." She barked out her order.

Cedar could barely contain himself. Every time Corsi drove down onto him, his hips thrust straight up like an engine piston. He screamed out into Coyra's sex sending enough vibrations into her abused clit to send her over the edge once again.

This time, she fell forward out of Corsi's grasp into a quivering heap at the head of the bed, still half straddled over her brother's muzzle. Coyra lay quietly over the two of them, so out of breath she could do nothing for the moment. Her eyes slitted barely open watching her brother and sister.

Corsi didn't miss a beat. Her nails dug in tight to her brothers muscled chest as she worked his length to perfection. She had years of training and practice. Over and over being taught how to work the most she could from a male her size and even those taller than herself. Her desire swelled as soon as she heard her brother warn her.

"I'm ... I'm going to cum Corsi." Cedar said in a weak voice. "I can't hold it back."

Corsi reached back and pinched the nerve at the base of his cock, stopping the impending orgasm dead in it's tracks. "No you're not. You are going to wait." Corsi swallowed hard as even she started to feel the inevitable starting to take control. "You're going to wait until Mistress is ready." She finished with a whisper.

Cedar's claws dug hard into the sheets underneath. He had already relaxed so that he could cum but without having the ability, his pleasure swelled right back up to his peak again and again. He felt as if he was cumming over and over. He couldn't speak. He couldn't beg. He could barely breathe. All he could do is feel that wondrous pleasure inside him. Filling him. Consuming him. He was Coyra's Master. And now he would be Corsi's pet.

Corsi let go and the wail that came from her brother was enough to shatter glass. His cum erupted into her like a volcanic blast of boiling hot cum. She was sent over the edge herself with the cream dripping down her thighs and Cedar's throbbing cock. She lay down atop him, holding his chest close with his spent and exhausted shaft still hanging inside her. She kissed him on the cheek and nuzzled in close.

Cedar was passed out cold.

Coyra looked down to her sister and giggled. "I think I am going to like this training."

Corsi shook her head with a giggle. "Lesson two is coming in a few minutes for you pet."

Coyra grinned widely. "And what lesson is that mistress?"

"Clean up."

Corsi INC, Corsi, Cedar, and Coyra

Are copyright Joey Porter.

All other characters are copyright their

original creators and are used with permission.

Corsi INC 28

Chapter 28 Cedar had called out for his sister. Corsi was already on the way, being carried by Nova Lontosh. Nova knocked at the door to Cedar's office and stepped inside. Cedar and Coyra had asked for both of them to visit to discuss something...

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Corsi INC 26

Chapter 26 "So, think they will be anything like me Yoiko?" Corsi chittered from the bunny's shoulder. They were in her VW Rabbit heading into town. Even though she had the chance to get a brand new car, Yoiko insisted on restoring her car every...

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Corsi INC 25

Beach party Boobs. Soft dry sand beach, warm summer morning, and radio DJ's setting up all their equipment for an afternoon radio program in the parking lot. Volleyball nets and tents were being set up by Lone and a select few of his personal pets...

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