Corsi INC 26

Story by Joey Porter on SoFurry

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#26 of Corsi INC

Chapter 26

"So, think they will be anything like me Yoiko?" Corsi chittered from the bunny's shoulder. They were in her VW Rabbit heading into town. Even though she had the chance to get a brand new car, Yoiko insisted on restoring her car every time it needed work. Just something about a rabbit in a rabbit. They pulled onto the highway and Corsi strapped herself into the special harness they had developed for her.

"I do not know. But if they are anything like you my beloved, I think we will have our hands full and then some." She said with a laugh. "Oh, and no pulling off your drive and ride on the way home either. Not this time."

Corsi folded her arms over one another pouting, "But Yoiko! You know that's just about my favorite." She paused a moment and chittered, "You know I can always order you to let me do that to you."

Yoiko nodded and agreed, "This is true. But you know you would not."

Corsi's ears flattened and she squeaked, "Dammit, you know me too well. I'm going to have to start being more unpredictable."

Yoiko reached over to scritch Corsi's headfur musing, "I knew you were going to say that."

"STOP IT!" Corsi said with a laugh. She stared out the window of the car and pondered; "So you think..." She stopped herself in her tracks as Yoiko pressed her muzzle down with a fingertip.

"Stop thinking about it. The more you do, the more stressed you are going to make yourself."

"You're right way too much Yoiko. So who is it we are going to see?"

"A social worker by the name of 'B.B'. I get the feeling that is not her real name but I also get the impression that she does not use it at all. She said she is really easy to spot. Bright blue furred rabbit. And it's natural too."

"Natural Blue? How did she manage that?"

"Her father. She didn't really get into why but just that her father had blue fur himself."

"Think B.B. stands for Blue Bunny?" Corsi said curiously.

"Or if she has a big chest I suppose it could stand for Busty Bunny." Yoiko said with a laugh, making Corsi giggle as well.


They arrived a little while later at the courthouse. Yoiko and Corsi were dressed to kill. Yoiko in her Daisy Duke cutoff jeans and a half-shirt that barely contained her wife's favorite seating arrangement with her normal collar and Corsi dressed in a short miniskirt and a bikini top that also barely held back her sizable breasts. They headed up the stairs of the building and went to go inside. At the door to the courthouse was none other than Fferret.

"Good Morning Ladies." The ferret churred with his head bowed in respect.

"Fferret," Corsi chittered, "How did you end up working here in security? I thought you were a patrolman."

"Well once Terl left the force, I had no partner. So I requested this. With your connections in the force, they let me choose where I wanted. At least here I don't have to chase down speeders. And no one really wants to walk in with a gun here. So security is perfect. Why are you guys here anyway? No one's in trouble right?"

Yoiko shook her head with a soft smile as Corsi's ears flattened. Yoiko replied for the mouse, "Just coming in to check on the building plans for the mansion. We are thinking about putting on an addition."

Fferret nodded his head and ushered the ladies in. "Well I will love seeing it. I look forward to it when I visit next."

The pair headed into the courthouse, the mouse again thanking the gods for a wife that is such a quick thinker. Trying not to be seen too easily, they made their way to the second floor following the signs to the hall of records.

There she was, bright blue and a smile that could stop a train. Yoiko stepped up to her and said, "Excuse me. Are you B.B.?"

She nodded her head and said in a rather soft voice. "That I am." She looked to the mouse on her shoulder and glanced to the right and left and took Yoiko by the arm. "Come. Let's get you into the office. Someone sees you talking to me and furs will start asking questions." Quickly leading them into her office and shutting the door. She pulled shades down on the large windows for privacy and sat down behind her desk. "Have a seat Mrs. and Mrs. DeAllura. I have been waiting for you guys." B.B. was dressed in a womans business suit. Purple of course to contrast her blue fur. She took off the jacket, a white blouse underneath that flaunted a chest that made Corsi and Yoiko's look average in comparison.

Yoiko leaned down to Corsi and whispered, "Now that we have figured out what B.B. stands for..."

Corsi playfully bopped Yoiko on the nose. "Behave."

"Hmm? Did you say something?" B.B. asked curiously.

"Oh never mind. Anyway, how did you know it was us?" Corsi chittered.

B.B. couldn't help but laugh. "Two reasons. One, I subscribe. And two, you don't see metallic purple bunnies walking through here all too often. Kinda makes you stand out in a crowd." She commented as she dug through her files. "Now you know the procedure right? I can only give you non-identifying information at first. Let you know a little more about your past. If you want to progress further, then what we will do is contact your family. If they wish to see you like you do them, then we will arrange for you to get together."

Corsi looked up to Yoiko in the same shocked expression. The realization setting in that this bunny has seen the both of them in their most intimate of situations. And to render Corsi herself near speechless was indeed a feat in and of itself. Corsi was the first to speak up; "Yes ... I mean yeah I know how it works."

After a moment of paper rustling, another microfur stepped out from under the door. A tiny little vixen with long blonde hair (well long for a micro anyway) down to the small of her back. Her fur was a bright orange with an off white chest plate of fur. She hopped up onto the desk having walked right through Yoiko's legs as if she was not even there. "I got the file you wanted B.B. on that mouse you had been looking for. What was her name?"

"Corsi." Yoiko replied for the blue rabbit.

The small vixen spun around eye to eye with the rabbit. And slowly she turned her head to see the mouse on her shoulders. "Lemme guess. Corsi right?"

"Yes that's me but keep it down. I don't want furs to know who I am or why I am here if they find out." She chirped.

"Oh yeah yeah yeah not a problem at all." She stopped a moment and cocked her head curiously, "Hey, haven't I seen you someplace before?"

Busty's turn to interrupt. "No you don't. And no you won't either. Where are the files Squeak?"

Squeak, took a tiny disk out of her pocket and placed it down on the desktop before the rabbit. "Here. But I want to know. Why the incognito crap? I mean who is this mouse that makes her special compared to all the other furs that we know?"

Corsi bounded down, landing on her feet next to the like sized vixen. She folded her arms over one another and commented, "Evidently you do not read Corsi Incorporated or watch the news much."

And the look of realization crept over the small womans face. "Oh ... Oh THAT Corsi. Okay I'll not say a word but why did you want to get a copy of your birth records?"

"That will be all Squeak. Don't worry about it and pretend you didn't ever even see her. Understand?" Busty replied, dismissing the small fox with a look of intent on her face.

"Oh yeah no prob. Never seen 'em before in my life. Don't even know a Corsi DeAllura at all. Nope never knew a thing. Won't get a peep outta me no way in..."

"Squeak DiLittle Foxx?" Busty interrupted.

"Yes B.B.?"

"I get the idea. Do me a favor and bring in the documents for the next appointment please? This won't take long at all."

"Yes Ma'am." And the little fox ran under the door once again, disappearing from sight.

"She's a sweetie but a little hyperactive. Knowing her, she'll forget she ever really saw you in about ten minutes or so. Nothing to worry about." Busty commented with a grin. She looked over the information she had in her paw and for the first time, her expression drew down. "Mrs. Corsi, would you please have a seat?"

Corsi looked up to the blue bunny. The expression said it all. She sat down to the edge of the desk trying to not look too saddened but not being all too successful at that.

Yoiko seated in a chair beside her and looked on as well.

Busty looked to Corsi and took a deep breath. "Corsi. There's no other way to tell you this. But I am sure by the look on your face." She paused a moment, "From what I am reading, your mother died in complications from childbirth. Your father k..." Her voice cracking. "Killed himself shortly after."

Corsi looked down starting to tear up. Yoiko stroked a fingertip along her headfur to comfort her.

"Does it say how my mother passed away?" Corsi said after a moment of pure silence.

"Actually that's where this really gets hard. It says here that she died right after she gave birth another child leaving your brother and yourself as orphans. It doesn't say that the child made it or not but you have a twin brother out there and if I am reading this right and he wants to meet up with you. He's already given signed permission to get in touch with you although we could not find you." Busty rested her hand in front of the mouse. "I think in my professional opinion that you should at least let this all sink in before you go and meet him."

Corsi and Yoiko looked to the blue rabbit dumbfounded. For a good long moment, the three of them sat in silence. Torn between her parents death and that she has a missing sibling somewhere in the world.

Finally, Yoiko spoke up. "Does it give his name at all?"

"Actually yes it does. Cedar is his name. And if I recall right, I was the one that worked on his case. I can't give you the last name of course until after we have spoken with him. But I can tell him you are interested in meeting him if you like."

Corsi nodded quietly her reply and after a few more formalities, the couple left the building.

They stopped on the stairs to the courthouse to rest and let everything start to sink in. Corsi's head stayed down the entire time with her ears flattened back for what must have been at least an hour.

Yoiko just stroked her fingertip along her back to comfort her. "A lot to take in isn't it beloved."

Corsi just nodded slowly. She couldn't say anything. She just was not in the mood to talk at all.

A shadow fell over the two of them from someone that stepped up and stopped on the stair just before them.

Yoiko didn't even take the time to look up. "Not now. This is a bad time."

A small voice answered back that took the both of them by surprise. "I think I can make it better though. May I talk for just a moment? Then if you still want me to go, you do not have to see me again."

Yoiko looked up slightly. She recognized the shoes immediately. "B.B.?"

Corsi turned around and looked up to the rabbit. She could not yet see where the smaller voice came from. "Is there something more? Don't tell me that Cedar is gone now too."

B.B. shook her head and stood over the two with her arms folded behind her back.

The voice came again from her shoulder. "Nope. I don't think so. At least I hope I am not."

Yoiko stood straight up with Corsi climbing straight to her shoulder.

Corsi's eyes went wide as she just stared over the two-foot distance at another mouse. Black and ash colored fur just like her own with what looked like two connecting spheres under his eyes connecting down the muzzle. His chest was the same ash but stopped at just above his belly with the rest of him a solid coal black. But what really caught her eye was the simple piercing through his tail exactly like hers with the bell on the end and everything.

Busty broke the silence. "I saw out my window of you down on the stairs. Thought I would make a few calls and such. Consider this my good deed for the day."

"Cedar? You're my brother?" Corsi said, almost in tears she was so thrilled.

"Yes that's me." He churred in much the same way his lost sister would "I brought someone with me too."

Another mouse obviously a little shyer stepped out from behind Busty's neck. "Um ... Hello." She squeaked with a little wave. With the same colorings as herself and Cedar, this mouse was more ash colored than black. She had a black mask over both her eyes with her hair a solid black as well but the rest of her face was the same light gray as her own. The only other black on her was glove marks up her arms and past her elbows. When her tail flickered into view ... there was the telltale piercing with the bell and everything.

"Who ... Who are you?" Corsi stammered, absolutely trembling in her nervousness.

"Coyra. I'm your younger sister and have been living with Cedar for the past year." She churred. "We have had a subscription to the Magazine." She chittered in that small voice and a blush of at least a shade factor of seven.

"We never came to you because we weren't sure you'd believe us." Cedar helped out.

"Why don't we talk more at the mansion? Might make things a lot easier for all of us." Yoiko said with a smile. "How did you two get here?"

"We took a cab. As soon as I told the driver I was coming to meet you, he got us here real fast and didn't charge anything either." Coyra squeaked, seating herself down. "I thought it was odd."

"Was it another purple bunny with long pink hair and glasses a lot like Yoiko?" Corsi asked.

"Yes. How did you know?" Cedar chittered

"That's Ikurai. She's with me. She drives around this area during the day. But come on, we can take my car back home."


The entire group of them with the exception of B.B. rode in the limo on the way back. Corsi and her newly found siblings sat on the special seat made for her. She had never been so nervous in her life. They had caught up with Ikurai for her to drive them home. She had been standing by after she dropped off Cedar and Coyra just in case something happened unexpected and their usual driver had gone to take the cab home.

As they entered the mansion, Cedar noted trying to break the dead silence and constant staring that had been the entire ride to the mansion, "No offense Yoiko but all these Technicolor bunnies are starting to get to be a strain on the eyes. I am rather glad we're back down to the one. Next thing we'll see are felines leading canines by collar and leash."

Yoiko stage whispered to Corsi, "I shall inform Magick not to lead her training class through the foyer as soon as we get in."

Corsi's two siblings stared a moment and churred in unison, "You're kidding right?"

Mistress mouse just shook her head and giggled, "Nope." She paused a moment and added, "Now you guys DO know what you are going to end up seeing as we come through here right? Clothing is optional in here. As well as a few production runs and photo shoots in different parts of the grounds and rooms."

Coyra the normally quiet mouse chimed in, "Can we sit in on one? Cedar and I have wanted to watch one for a long time."

Cedar's ears flattened back and a flush ran across his cheeks. He bowed his head down and squeaked in a low voice, "You're not supposed to mention things like that Coyra."

"Sorry sir." Was the short and quiet reply.

Yoiko turned over to Cedar and said in a rather bouncy voice, "Something we ought to know about here?"

And on that note, Cedar turned straight to shade factor 10 with Coyra going way off the scale. Cedar looked over to Coyra and smiled. "I think we do have a little bit of explaining to do here. Since we already know enough about Corsi and all, it's only fair to talk about ourselves right?

Corsi nodded slowly and slid down Yoiko's shoulder to seat herself neatly between those large mammaries. "This I have got to hear."

Coyra looked sheepishly up to her brother but didn't say a word.

Yoiko headed the entourage into the downstairs study. The room has several furs that were intently reading.

Each one of them stood hastily to their feet as the group entered.

Yoiko asked in her quiet tone. "We ask that we have a bit of privacy." Coming out more as an order than anything else.

Almost immediately, the room was cleared leaving just the four of them.

Yoiko sat herself down on one of the chairs in front of a table. Coyra and Cedar hopped down to the table. Cedar standing and Coyra kneeling.

Cedar spoke up. "I am sure you've figured out that we're more than just brother and sister. We're lovers as well. Please don't get put off by this. It's just that..." Cedar paused a few moments and continued. "I found Coyra when Corsi and I were nineteen. Of course I didn't know Corsi then but after I found Coyra here, I never really thought of her as my sister. She and I were always like best friends."

Yoiko nodded and chimed in. "Well in the science of sibling relationships and adoptions, the siblings usually take that stand at first and sometimes for their entire co-existence."

Corsi giggled, "In other words, that's normal."

Yoiko nodded in agreement and allowed Cedar to continue.

"Well at one point, Coyra couldn't pay the rent on her apartment cause she lost her job. I have been doing well for myself in law school so I took her into my place. And since I am not married, there was no one to object." Cedar ruffled Coyra's headfur with a smile. "The day she moved in I noticed the Playfur Magazines in her suitcase and in turn, Corsi in a few of the pictures. This was of course long before Greyson passed away."

Cedar took out a long thin collar from his pocket and continued, "Coyra started talking to me about some of the things she had seen in the Magazine and told me her interest in the BDSM lifestyle. To be honest, one thing led to another and we ended up in bed together. Two days after that and she was calling me her Master."

Corsi stifled a giggle. "Sounds like..." She stopped herself mid sentence and churred, "How would you two like to do a photo shoot?"

Yoiko shook her head, "That may not be a good idea. As much as we are comfortable with the idea of incest, most of the population is not. Not to mention it could seriously harm Cedar's career."

Cedar nodded his agreement. "If word got out that I am appearing nude, I wouldn't be able to show my muzzle in court again. I thank you for the offer though."

"Well what about Coyra then?" Yoiko thought aloud. "There shouldn't be any harm in that. At least not if she appears alone that is."

Corsi nodded her head. "We can always get the new guy NovaLon to show with her. He's a wolfox like Lone."

Coyra looked up pleadingly to her Master/Brother and squeaked. "Oh please Sir?" She begged thinking of the things this fur could show her.

"Well I suppose." Cedar said with a grin. "When would you like to do this photo shoot?"

Yoiko just smiled. "Well while we're all here I am sure we can expedite this matter if the subject is so enthused."

"That means we can do it today if she's yiffy." Corsi smiled and turned to her wife. "Been reading the thesaurus again beloved?"

"Mistress Corsi you know better than that."

"Oh yes that's right you have the thing memorized."

"That would be accurate."

Corsi just shook her head and turned back to her sister. "One question. Have you ever been with a full sized fur before?"


Corsi and Cedar sat on the large arm of a director's chair. Lone was ready with his digital camera as usual with Thirty his fiancé on the 35 millimeter. Lone had a new cameras that had a 15 Gig chip installed so he never had to change disks and of an intense quality.

Coyra and NovaLon were up on the stage. Nova would mainly be used as Coyra's stage for her performance.

Yoiko just sat in the chair next to her wife and her new cousin. She would be the director for this performance.

Nova was rather unique. He was obviously canine. He was a black wolf whose father was an arctic fox. But the most peculiar thing about him was that his entire fur pattern was striped. His great grandmother was a white tiger. This stripe pattern made for some very intense looking scenes.

Nova looked rather confused on stage. "Where is my partner? I thought I was going to be shooting with a Zebra this afternoon."

Yoiko shook her head with a laugh. She was already quite nude, relaxing in her chair. She mentioned casually, "Your co-star is right next to you. Nova, meet Coyra. Coyra is Corsi's sister."

Coyra just smiled up to the much taller wolfox innocently. "I've never really done this before."

Nova looked over to Corsi and then back down to the small mouse next to him. "You'll do fine I am sure. But ... how are we going to work this?"

"Just lean back in the chair and scoot down. Mainly just try and relax. Coyra's going to give you a mouse massage. She is a virgin to this so just take things easy." Yoiko encouraged.

Nova looked curiously down to Coyra at first. The expression on his long slender muzzle slowly turning to a wide grin. "Oh this is one scene I can definitely do." And he sat down and back on a lounging chair on the set. He leaned back with his arms resting down to his sides so his tight lines in his muscular body could be seen even through his thick fur.

Coyra hopped up onto the folf eagerly. She waited on his thigh, looking back to the purple rabbit. "I'm ready when you want me to begin."

Corsi slipped closer to her brother, letting her long tail wrap around behind him and hold him from getting too far. She may not be able to star on stage with her brother but she didn't have to worry about off camera.

Yoiko glanced down to her wife with a soft churr. She looked back up to the pair on stage. "You can begin at any time. Just tease him for now. We need to take a lot of good shots for this with the color similarities between yourself and your subject."

Coyra nods and looks back up to Nova with a half smile. Her eyes drift to his cock. It looked bigger than she was. She had never seen one so large before. Curiously, she just reached out and touched the warm flesh with the tip of her finger getting a warm rumble from its owner.

The camera's both flashed, capturing the tentative moment for all eternity.

Coyra froze for a moment. A new sensation running through her. She slowly turned to the cameras, her cheeks almost immediately turning pink. Her gaze went back to the beautiful shaft she had just graced with her fingertip. She gave it a long gentle stroke.

The camera's flashed once again.

Coyra only felt the radiating heat of the moment at that point. That was all it took. The camera and the people disappeared from around her. All that was left in the world to the mouse was that beautiful gigantic cock. She snuggled close and gave the throbbing shaft a gentle and loving kiss.

Cedar started watching in awe. He never thought his sister would have it in her. He looked over to Corsi whom seemed rather relaxed and unfazed by the way her own flesh and blood was acting on stage. He whispered over amidst the flashing of cameras, "Corsi, I have never seen her act like this. One second she's acting like a scared child and now she's looking in love with Nova."

Corsi just shook her head. "She's just like her older sister. It's called cock worship. She's not falling in love with Nova. You're safe. She's in love with his cock."

"How do you know?"

"I have the same fetish"

Back on stage, Nova held on snug to the chair. The sensations starting to rumble through his body were like the beginnings of an earthquake. And he knew this was just the beginning. He looked over to the cameras knowing they would not be on him at all. He smiled up to Lone and Thirty and leaned back to allow the pleasures to overwhelm him.

Coyra had her arms wrapped around her 'partner' in a deep embrace. She longingly kissed the soft tip, relaxing him down and straddling herself atop the pulsating cock. She gasped as she felt the rush of warmth through Nova's veins against her tiny sex and adjusted her position to entice more from him. Her lips touched gently to the searing warm cap of that length while allowing her fingers to trace every beautiful contour.

Corsi slid closer to her twin brother. She looked over her shoulder once again to him and then stood to her feet. She alluringly peeled her clothes from her body all the while allowing her brother to have the best view he could of her sizable breasts and her moist sex.

When Corsi seated herself back down, she leaned in against her brother with a light churr. She leaned up to him and whispered, "Your turn."

Yoiko picked the mouse up and sat her down on her shoulder, "Now now beloved. I am afraid that the actions you are taking will result in the dismissal of attention on the part of Coyra."

Corsi countered, "Beloved. She's not going to be distracted by anything. She's in another world."

"Even still. I would suggest waiting on pouncing your brother until you have gotten to know him a little better. You waited with your father and it was worth it. Wait with Cedar."

Corsi just folded her arms over one another and pouted under her breath, "I'm going to yiff someone."

Coyra was indeed in a totally different world. She succumbed to grinding her pussy tightly against Nova's cock. Her tongue lapping greedily over the now bright red crown of the length with her arms holding tightly. His most sensitive underbelly was being cuddled delicately between her thick breasts. Before she could even realize it, the first of her orgasms pierced through her tiny body shaking her to the bone. Her entire body was showered in a flurry of snapshots with her hear whipped back and the wail from her voice echoing across the room.

Thirty had had about her fill. She couldn't take any more as was the usual. She handed the camera back to Terl who took the cue and stepped up from the light board to take over. Thirty slipped over to Lone while his eyes were in his digital and dropped his pants in half a second and had his giant cock in her throat in the other.

Lone never saw it coming. His knees buckled and gave way from under him and he landed to his back. Yoiko stood up and laughed, taking the camera in paw herself. "Corsi, I do believe you will have to take over directing. It seems that our camera crew is down for the count again."

Corsi nodded and slipped down from her wife's shoulders and down to the floor. She walked off to the side of the stage and watched closely in a position where she could whisper orders to Nova.

Nova's breath headed drastically. He couldn't take the constant flashes in his eyes so he turned away from Terl and Yoiko. His hips reflexively grinding up to try and increase the sweet sensations but with the microfur riding him like a rodeo bull, he was just at the mercy of her control. His mind was in such a blissful trance; he didn't even notice something touch him on his shoulder.

Coyra slipped around and under the beautiful cock in her hands. The weight on top of her was minimal due to Nova's cock standing almost painfully erect. She felt that weight increase after a few moments, sending the pressure against her heated sex and the sensual pulses of Nova's rushing blood flooding through her. She looked up to see the smiling muzzle of her newly found sister.

And the cameras went insane.

Yoiko murred, "I think this is going to make a good centerfold. How about you Cedar?" She looked around a moment. "Cedar?" She looked back onto the director's chair. Her brother in law was massaging his cock through his dress pants with his eyes glued up to the stage. Yoiko smiled and stepped over Lone and Thirty to get a closer picture.

Thirty suckled deeply on that thirteen-inch cock of her masters. She could never get enough of lone or that cock. She had learned to take him completely within her without pain. It had taken her awhile but just to feel so full it was worth it. Similar thoughts were running through her head and she lifted her tongue off Lone's cock and straddled his needing trunk. She purred up to Yoiko, "I can take his camera again if you want."

Yoiko laughed. She handed Lones digital to Thirty watching her carefully and methodically lower herself onto him. Lone and the calico shifted position so Thirty would be able to take pictures of the stage.

Corsi's hands wrapped around and caressed her sister's cheeks. "Just follow my lead sweetheart. We're gonna make him cum." She giggled and with a wink added, "You're going to get wet." Her tongue lapped expertly at the underside of Nova's cock. Her long slender tail wrapped around the base of his shaft and then around his tightened sack to hold him from cumming until she was good and ready. Her fingers danced along with her sisters over his cock. Almost immediately under the pairs attention was precum oozing from the tip of him.

Coyra greedily lapped the precum from her partner. Her cheeks were flushed over a deep crimson as she was ready to flood over again from the euphoria. Her legs held in tightly around the base of Nova's cock, arms gripping for her life with her cheeks smeared with his juices nuzzled lovingly. Before she could even blink, she was hit with the first jet of cum straight in the face like a water cannon.

Nova howled loudly. The cameras went wild capturing the moment and the splatter of thick white liquid oozing down both of the mice's tiny little bodies. Sensitive aftershocks jolted through the folf's body as the pair attending to him cleaned off the head his spent cock.

Thirty couldn't stand it anymore. She pounded herself down on Lones shaft, squeezing as hard as she could. When her eyes caught the orgasm on stage she could barely contain herself long enough to take the money shots before she herself was sent into spasms of bliss, collapsing to the floor on top of her master.

Yoiko just smiles and picked up Thirty and Lones camera. She stepped up to the stage and knelt down to the pair still playing with each other teasingly, "So Miss Coyra, will you be able to do another shoot for the centerfold? Say, this evening? I need to borrow your surprise co-partner."

Coyra, still a little dazed, looked up to Yoiko and asked, "Can I at least watch?"

Corsi nodded. "Of course. We have a lot to teach you ... dear pet."

Corsi, Lone, Squeak, Corsi Incorporated, Coyra, and Cedar

are all copyright Joey Porter and may not be used without permission.

Yoiko, Thirty, BustyBunny, NovaLon, Fferret, Terl, and all supporting cast

are all copyright their players and used with permission

Copyright 2005 Joey Porter

Corsi INC 27

Chapter 27 Corsi and her newly found brother and sister were sitting out in the front of the mansion on one of the steps. It was nearly pitch black with the only light coming from the full moon above them. Yoiko had already gone to bed on her...

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Corsi INC 25

Beach party Boobs. Soft dry sand beach, warm summer morning, and radio DJ's setting up all their equipment for an afternoon radio program in the parking lot. Volleyball nets and tents were being set up by Lone and a select few of his personal pets...

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Corsi INC 24

The Sound of Inevitability The sun rose on a new day. Lorna had moved into the mansion. Daniel and Tamera with her. Since Lorna had appeared, there grew an outcry of letters for more Mini-fur pinups and sex. Daniel and Tamera had succumbed to...

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