Corsi INC 24

Story by Joey Porter on SoFurry

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#24 of Corsi INC

The Sound of Inevitability

The sun rose on a new day. Lorna had moved into the mansion. Daniel and Tamera with her. Since Lorna had appeared, there grew an outcry of letters for more Mini-fur pinups and sex. Daniel and Tamera had succumbed to appearing in a photo session and with a lot of coaxing, Corsi along with them even though she was never physical directly with them because of Daniel's nervousness.

Today was to be the month end event. Social Training Day. Practically a holiday in the mansion. Once a month, masters would trade off the lower ranking pets as well as furs that just wished to be traded off to the other furs in the mansion. Everyone was gathered in the mansion's foyer. Masters pulling pets along on leashes and kneeling them all aside them. Calli was there with Lone and Thirty in tow alongside them. Since they had gotten back together, they had officially mated to each other to prove their affection. Sayai was right up front with a vixen by the name of Likeness. Even Haruka appeared with his Master. Even Corsi's parents had come with Tracy kneeling beside David. Every month the two would trade who would be Master and who would be pet.

When Trading began, no one spoke as usual. Yoiko stood at the front with Corsi bowed in her palm. Master after Master came to the pair with Yoiko turning down every trade offered for the mouse.

Since the start of the tradition, Corsi was never traded. Yoiko held off for one pet that was never offered to her. This time, she would try herself. She weeded through the crowd until a pair of raccoon twins, Alexandra and Alexandria stopped her. The only difference between Alex and Alex was a birthmark discoloration in their fur that was placed on opposite shoulders.

Yoiko just nodded to the pair politely and continued on. When at last she spotted the couple that was her goal, she held out her paw, offering Corsi's leash to the master. Everyone in the near vicinity stared at them with envy or gawked in utter shock. And when the master accepted the trade, Yoiko trotted off with her new acquisition while Corsi's new master gave the mouse a gentle kiss on the top of her head and led her along to their own private room.

After turning a bend in the hall, her new master commented, "You know Corsi, you don't have to do this."

Corsi nodded, keeping her head bowed down obediently. "But I want to Master. Since I saw your photo shoot I have wanted to."

The rest of the walk was in silence until they reached the door to the playroom they would use. They stepped inside, closing and locking the door behind them.

Staring down to the mouse kneeling beside him, the master smiled and leaned down to her, stroking a fingertip over the soft fur along her head. "You are so beautiful Corsi. I've always been unsure of how you would feel about me taking you. I just want to make sure you don't feel like you have to do this."

"But don't you understand?" Corsi whispered as she looked up to him. "I'm the one who asked Yoiko to offer me to you."

"Well then, why don't we talk for awhile. I mean as much as I have wanted this, it's still something we need to move slowly with. So no 'master' until I say alright?"

"Alright dad. So why did you want me in the first place anyway?" Corsi asked. This was her father before her. Something rather out of the ordinary at the very best. Quite bluntly it was incest.

"When we were separated sweetheart, I missed you terribly. More than I had let on. I had kept dreaming about you, thinking about you." He sat down on the floor with his daughter, smiling warm. "I found myself fantasizing about you once in a while sweetheart. I felt a little ashamed about it and admitted it to Tracy. She liked the idea and admitted that she had as well." He said, lowering his head unable to believe he was telling her all of this.

Corsi grew concerned. "What's wrong dad?" She asked. "There's nothing to ashamed about. Loving your own flesh and blood is normal. I mean look at Alex and Alex."

David stared down and shook his head. He couldn't keep the secret anymore and certainly not be intimate with his daughter without telling her the truth. "You are not our flesh and blood sweetheart. You are our daughter but not our flesh and blood."

"What do you mean by that?" Corsi asked, very confused.

David stood back to his feet and brushed his fur with his paws. "Look at me hon. My fur is the exact same color as your mothers. Solid black without a stitch of gray like yours." He sat back down in front of her drawing a deep breath. "Corsi, your mother had grown up with ovarian cancer. They were removed over thirty years ago. She's never been able to have a child of her own."

Corsi shook her head in utter shock. She backed up slightly and squeaked, "You mean... I'm..."

"Adopted Corsi." He finished for her. "We raised you as our own, loved you as our own, and fell in love with you all the same." He could tell the mouse was rather displeased at the suddenness of all this. "Please try to understand sweetheart."

"But... you lied to me all these years. You told me I was your daughter." Corsi snapped, beginning to cry.

David advanced to her. "But you are our daughter. So what if someone else gave birth to you. We didn't tell you as a child for fear you would not understand. And when you grew up, we were afraid of how you would react."

"So why now? Why tell me now thirty years later? WHY DAMMIT!?!" She screamed and started to run.

David pulled on the leash still attached to her collar and reeled her back in. "Because... you can't just run from this. The last time you ran from us, we thought we lost you forever. We don't want to lose you this time."

Corsi angrily stormed back aside her father and growled, "Very well Master David. Whatever you plan on doing to me... it doesn't matter. It'll be the last time you touch me."

David shook his head and kneeled beside her. "Corsi, do you remember when you started school? You were very small and they did not have any micro-accessible desks."

"Yeah?" She scoffed. "So what? They installed a ladder for me the next day. Who cares anyway, what's that got to do..." Corsi stopped as she was cut off.

"I put that in." David squeaked. "You came home crying so hard. You told your mother what happened and I spent all night building that for you to make you happy."

Corsi turned aside not feeling much better.

"Remember back when you were in third grade? You were all jealous of the full size kids cause they had bicycles and they did not make them for micro's yet?"

"Yeah? So what? I got one for ... Solstice." Corsi finished quietly.

David caught her. "Took me and your mother six months to make that. You know you almost discovered that surprise three times. Once looking for Samhain candy."

Corsi couldn't help but giggle even trying to force it back. "Is that why you grounded me that night? All I could hear was you guys in the living room banging around like the place was coming down."

"You were awake?"

"Hard to sleep when you're screaming in pain." Corsi snapped in her usual playful sarcasm.

David laughed. "See what torture I went through for you?" He joked. "I dropped the damn frame on my tail. We had to weld it by paw."

"I think Daddy needs a little more pleasure than pain." Corsi giggled. She crawled over on her knees, smiling brightly up to him.

David shook his head and pulled hard on her leash, forcing the mouse to her feet. "Bad girl. I am your master if you recall. You shall do as I say."

Corsi's ears flattened. She knew her place as a pet, but having it come from her father made it all that much more intimidating. Just as she had hoped. She loved being intimidated. "Yes Master."

Raising Corsi from a baby, David knew what she liked and how she liked it. "Corsi my pet. Tell me. Have you ever spied on your mother and I? After we went to bed?"

She was not expecting that at all. Her muzzle flushed a bright red, nodding her answer.

"And what did you see my dear?"

Corsi swallowed hard. Her blush was a shade factor of ten. "It was... different each time I watched. Sometimes you would tie each other up ... other times you two would just play around and tease each other."

David cut her off from further embarrassment and smiled, "And you enjoyed watching?"

Corsi nodded again and then asked, "Permission to ask a question master?"

David stood straighter and answered, "Go ahead my pet."

"When you found out I was a pet, Why were you so upset? I mean you were really upset and... after seeing you and mom when I was a kid I thought you and her would be have approved of everything."

David laughed. He couldn't help himself and answered, "I thought we went over this. It's because I love you. I didn't know how Greyson or Red would treat you. I wanted to make sure you were happy and..." He stopped for a moment and lifted her muzzle to meet his gaze. "...and I wanted to be the one to be your master."

Corsi asked in return, "Then why didn't you ever say anything?"

David shrugged his shoulders and answered, "Not sure how you would react. It's incest but in a way it's not. Since you were adopted, there's no blood relation."

Corsi just smiled up to her father. She bowed her head down respectfully and chittered, "Master David, do with me as you see fit."

David took his daughter, leading her over to a specially made bondage horse custom made for her. Bending the mouse over the device with her chin propped up, he strapped her wrists down the legs of the device with her legs strapped down as well over the back legs. David placed a pillow under her waist to raise her hips slightly and even went so far as to tie her tail up and out of the way.

Corsi was unable to move even the slightest, completely at the mercy of her father. As each knot tied the mouse down, the desire and lust continued to ride with ferocity. By the end, her thighs were quite damp and her sex glistened with it's sticky honey. She did not know what to expect from her father and at that point she did not care either. Just as long something was stuffed inside her and fast.

When David came back around affront the mouse, he had already disrobed. His cock, stiff as a board and twitching with a bead of pre-cum seeping from him. Corsi licked her lips, staring at her fathers shaft. He wasn't large. Actually he was smaller than average but just as succulent. Size never mattered anyway. Sensitive pleasure points are all very shallow within so if anything, none were really better than the other in her mind, just different. And this was one cock she had been waiting too long to try.

David stroked his fingers through his daughters head-fur He made sure his shaft was barely out of reach of his daughter as he spoke, "My pet, I have watched you for so long now. In the time I have been here with you I have watched how you like to be touched..." As he spoke, his fingertips trailed down her cheek. "How you like to be teased." His voice a mere whisper, running down her muzzle-fur. "And how you like to be taken." He concluded in a rough voice, forcefully parting her muzzle and thrusting his length down his daughters throat.

Corsi looked up to her father delightedly as her hair was pulled and her father drove into her warm muzzle. Her body was afire with lust and a desire for him to do whatever he wished to her captive body. In seconds, her lips wrapped around that flesh and drawing a tight suckle onto him.

His daughter was better than he had imagined. He had only started with her magnificent daughter and could feel himself close already. And not soon after at all, he found his shaft exploding into his daughters perfect muzzle.

Corsi was at fault for her father filling her belly with his seed. She wanted him off fast but stay hard so she could still have him. When David pulled from her throat in his spasms of lust, streams of cum blasted onto her cheeks and soaked into her fur.

"Now that's a good girl Corsi." He gasped on wobbly knees. "Your trainers did well in these years." Still rock hard, David straightened himself and walked behind his mouse so she could not see what he was up to. "Still, you made your master cum too fast. You shall have to be punished."

Corsi whimpered. Her head held fast by the binds and unable to turn at all, she could only whisper, "Yes Master." Though her appearance gave that of hesitancy, the mouse was burning and begging for the sweet torture of punishment.

David knew his daughter better than anyone. He took a paddle down from a shelf on the wall and stepped back to Corsi. "Is this the kind of punishment my baby girl wants?" Not expecting a reply, he rapped the device down over the cheeks of her ass and then stroking and massaging the sting in.

Corsi wailed out with her pain filled lust as he brought the paddle down once again. Her heart raced like a chariot over the tracks with her musky sweet juices almost pouring down over her thighs and the paddle as well.

But he was not at all finished with his girl. Another pair of toys were chosen from the shelf and brought over to her. He left the paddle aside and slipped his fingers inter her sensitive depths rather pleased to find her drenched already. He slipped an anal plug into her warm pussy, slickening it up for what he would do next. The toy just like all the others Corsi owned were made specifically for micro-furs and some made by the mouse herself.

She relaxed herself, knowing full well what was to come next. Her entire body shivered when that plug slipped carefully inside her tight little pucker. And settled within for that was certain to be a long ride.

The other device her father chose came into play. He reached up, grabbing a handfull of her hair as he impalled his shaft within her tight and searing depths. Father taking daughter in the throes of passion in an instant. Riding crop in paw, he brought it down on her back hard as he thrust his cock deeply inside her, using her headfur for leverage.

The slap of that crop and the lustful sting tearing into her back, sent the rodent into a pleasure she had been dying for. She was nowhere near orgasm yet, but the feelings coursing through her, made her feel more alive than she had in a long time. Rare indeed it was for the mouse and rarer still would it be for her to be with someone that knew how much she adored this special treatment.

David's teeth clenched tight. His daughters pussy hugged him tighter than he had ever felt. Slamming his cock into his beloved daughter with a reckless abandon and bringing that riding crop down with a loud crack so hard, he made welts on her flesh under her fur. All in the name of love and passion. A father / daughter moment like none other.

Corsi thrived on abuse. She thrilled at the idea of her body being used for someone elses pleasure. And she thrilled even more with being used by the father she grew up fantasizing about at night. That was until his beautiful cock slipped out from within her.

David laughed as he caught his breath. "Wondering why I stopped girl?" He stated in a commanding tone. "Well I have a surprise for you my daughter." He snapped his fingers and the door they had only just locked opened up from behind her. "I had a feeling this day would come. So I invited someone to join us. And it's not your mother."


Corsi recognised the voice as soon as she walked in and spoke. "Tamera?"

The mini-fur rabbit giggled as she squeezed into the room. "Mrs. DeAllura I didn't know it would be you. How is a five inch tall mouse going to yiff a two foot tall rabbit?"

Corsi couldn't help it... "Can I take that as an order Master?"

"Yes. Yes you can." David laughed and untied the knots from the horse she was bound to.

Corsi practically jumped to her feet. She had just started to bolt over to Tamera when David barked out a command.

"Corsi. Kneel." David ordered, sending her obediently to the floor. "You are still my pet Corsi and you will act as I dictate, understand?"

Corsi nodded and stayed unmoving for the moment. A little confused. A moment ago, her father had wanted her to pounce the rabbit. Now here he is stopping her.

Tamera was a little unsure as well. Having heard of Corsi's prowess, she wanted to be on that receiving end and this further delay was torturous.

"Corsi, I know your tendancy to get into your work. But I want you to keep it slow with her. Take things easy and sensual." He ordered in a soothing tone. "Not to mention you are going to be with me as well."

For just a moment, the mouse looked a little confused. In truth, this was the first time she had been intimate with a mini-fur. Though with her imagination, she quickly realized exactly where this was to go. She nodded to her father and turned to the rabbit. "Miss Tamera, please lie down on your back. You will need to bend at the knees and lie flat." She squeaked.

Tamera did as she was asked, not used to being called 'miss' by those in a commanding position over her. She had already taken to walking around in the nude and even had been getting Daniel to doing the same. She figured since everyone else around the place was, why not try it? She got herself comfortable and propped her head up to be able to watch.

David got into his position between Tamera's thighs right under her small slit which was about the size of his head if not slightly larger. Just within range of his paws to so he would be able to tease the rabbit with his daughter.

Corsi completed the triangle by straddling herself over her fathers shaft. She slipped him inside her depths and reached forward. Just the perfect height. Her fingers graced the delicate petals of Tamera's soft sex, parting them just enough to reveal the warm and pulsing bud. She leaned in, giving that warm treasure a gentle and affectionate kiss.

A shiver ran down Tamera's spine as the feeling of those small hands brushing in a perfection of a tease took her body by storm. Wide eyed in disbelief, she sat up slightly more, stuttering, "How?... Oh fuck that's nice..."

David reached up to his daughter. His hands cupping her breasts and pinching hard to her nipples letting Corsi do as she please to satisfy the pair of them. His muzzle was quickly slickened, treated with a virtual shower from Tamera's dripping sex. He took a drop in paw, tasting a bit of it while he was at it. His slick and smooth fingertips, glided over Corsi's nipples as she started to slip into her euphoric state.

Corsi let herself go from the world around her, allowing her mind and spirit drift into the sheer lust of worshipping intimacy. She kneaded her fathers cock tip at the very entrance of her sex, pushing down every so often to take his entire length within. Her fingers traced over Tamera's sweet petals her own arm glistening with her dew. She pushed deeply inside, reaching up with her arm for that slightly rougher spot, letting her tongue dance and play over her clit. She never even noticed the door open.

A seven inch tall black rat strolled into the room, with his new acquisition close in tow. Tirant and another mouse. A handsome gray field mouse named Coffee. For a moment, they watched the three wide eyed, having expected the room to be vacant.

David waved the pair over to the group with delight. More for his daughter. "Corsi, I told you, you would have fun today. Now you will have these two furs to pleasure as well as Tamera and I. See to it they leave here happy."

Corsi barely heard her father but she knew what had to be done. Her tail wrapped around Tirant, puling him behind her. One arm ripping the sweatpants from Coffee, letting his cock bounce free, then stroking her paw over her clit while she took that succulent cock into her muzzle in a lust filled need.

Tirant had been with the slut mouse enough to know what she was expecting. He stroked his cock nice and hard as he kneeled down behind her and out of her fathers way. Without even a seconds more hesitation, he impaled his cock within her tail hole, filling her in an instant. Her juices of arousal having already had her lubricated more than enough for him for a smooth and easy entrance.

Tamera could only stare in utter awe. She never dreamed the mouse's talents were this in depth. Her body felt on fire with her g-spot stimulated. Just the touch of that hand sent streams of pleasure running through her, and when she switched to tease her huge clit with that pecfect tongue, she felt she would cum at any second.

David loved every second. Worked over as he was at that point, he held on, about to burst himself He kneaded Corsi's bouncing breasts tenderly in one paw, having taken over the duty of pumping his arms full length into the black bunny-girl.

Corsi felt in utter heaven. Filled from every angle imaginable, a pussy to lick and a cock to suck at her leisure, she prepared the three males to prepare them to all cum along with herself and Tamera. Working desperately on clenching her tight pucker n Tirant and suckling long and hard on coffee, they were almost ready.

Tamera buckled down. She was about to explode and explode hard. She gripped tightly to a rack nearby and with a loud wail, echoing with the trio of rodents, her body gave way to a tidal wave of bliss washing over her from head to toe.

Coffee's shaft burst in a fountain over Corsi's muzzle with David and Tirant simultaneously gushing inside her. The room became filled in a chorus of wonderful pleasure and joy that resounded through the entire floor of the mansion and filled every ear available with either interest about what happened or jealousy that they were not the ones under Corsi's attentions.

David looked up to the already comatose rats and rabbit, then to his daughter. He stroked his fingertips along her back as darkness began to consume him. "I love you my daughter. I knew this was a fantasy for you. It is a gift for you my daughter."

Corsi watched her father's eyes close ad she snuggles down with him equally tired. "Thank you Master."

All Characters contained in this story are copyright their respective players.

Corsi, Corsi INC, and Lone Rielen Wolfe as well as this story are Copyright me.

Corsi INC 25

Beach party Boobs. Soft dry sand beach, warm summer morning, and radio DJ's setting up all their equipment for an afternoon radio program in the parking lot. Volleyball nets and tents were being set up by Lone and a select few of his personal pets...

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Corsi INC 23

Just a forward to go along with this story. As most of you know that are writers, a forward is written after the completion of a book to let the readers know how the writer felt as he/she wrote the story. Well to be honest I rather enjoyed this one....

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Corsi INC 22

Chapter 22 Morning. Thirty awoke to find herself alone in her and her master's room. She looked around for a moment and slipped out of bed still nude like she was when she fell asleep with her master the night prior. She went over to her...

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