Corsi INC 22

Story by Joey Porter on SoFurry

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#22 of Corsi INC

Chapter 22

Morning. Thirty awoke to find herself alone in her and her master's room. She looked around for a moment and slipped out of bed still nude like she was when she fell asleep with her master the night prior. She went over to her dresser that she had stored her clothing to get dressed to go out. After a great deal of tugging and pulling, the drawer was locked. Even her clothes that she had discarded into the hamper the night before were gone.

"Shit. I can't go out into the hall like this. Everyone will see me." She commented aloud to herself.

"That's the point my pet." Lone said as he walked out of the bathroom, dressed in his black leather pants and a likewise black leather vest. He walked over to the feline and she immediately kneeled before him. "Very good my pet." Lone said and stroked his fingertips along the crest of her ear. "Do you like your new collar?"

Thirty looked up to his puzzled. "What collar?" she asked and immediately felt to her neck where the collar was already placed. She felt along the slightly loose leather band. She felt studs evenly spaced over the length of it but when she felt to where the buckle would be, she found instead, a lock. Her eyes widened as she watched Lone dangle a set of keys before her and then, from his pocket, a sterling silver leash.

Lone answered her question before she could even ask, "You are in training. I will be dictating how you live for the next six months. In return for your servitude and obedience, you will not have to work outside of this building. You will be intimately trained by several furs including Corsi and Yoiko."

Thirty just stared up to him from the floor with her muzzle drawn down. She didn't know exactly what to say. She didn't know if she should be saying anything at all but she had to say something. "What if I do not want to do this?"

"You have already stated this was what you wanted my pet. You wanted training no matter what it involved." Lone answered. "If you want to back out now, you can leave the premises any time you like. Your clothing and gear will be provided for you at the door. But I ask that you choose to stay and accept the training."

Thirty just stared up to her master. She looked to him for what seemed like an hour at least. Neither of them moving an inch and neither of them were saying a word. She finally lowered her head down, looking to the floor and whispered, "Alright sir."

No sooner did the words leave her muzzle than the leash was attached to the lock on her neck. Lone started to walk out and gave the leash a gentle tug, knocking the cat off balance. She caught herself before she fell and stood to her feet.

"Come along slave. We are going out." Lone commanded.

"Like this?" She cried nervously.

"You will have an overcoat on. Nothing else but an overcoat." Lone commented.

"But ... what if someone sees me?"

"You must get over your bashfulness Thirty. You will be yiffing complete strangers to you at times. Granted, they will all be Corsi's pets but you may not know their names right away." Lone admitted.

Thirty did not know what to make of that. She had a feeling she would be thrown into intimacy with some of the furs around the mansion but just to be told was a lot to take in on a casual comment. "So it is part of the training master?"

Lone nodded and walked Thirty out of the room, leading her on the leash. "Yes it is part of your training. The shoot out in the garden has been postponed until tomorrow. We still have some time before we need to go to print with the pictures of you. Today, we are heading out to an old hangout of mine."

Thirty followed along, making sure to keep the leash line slackened so she was not choked. "What kind of a club is this that we are going this early?"

Lone looked to her a little surprised. "Oh my dear pet we are not going now. That is for later. I have to serve breakfast for Mistress Corsi and Mistress Yoiko. And I have to feed you. I believe in taking care of all the needs of my pets. Besides, with the morning I have planned for you, you are going to need the energy.


Lone sat out on the back deck of the mansion looking out at the pastel night sky of the setting sun. He had Thirty to train with Yoiko and Corsi for the morning and was expecting the feline to be returned to him for their outing.

The sounds of a squeaky wheelbarrow caught his keen ear and he turned to watch the purple bunny-girl presenting his pet back to him with a proud and soaking wet mouse standing triumphantly on Thirty's bare breast.

"She learned a little lesson on endurance Lone hon. Might need a wheelchair for her to go out to The Little Minx Club tonight." Corsi squeaked as she slid down the felines soaked with sweat body and jumped to the edge of the barrow.

Yoiko added, "I don't think that giving her the mouse massage was a very good idea her first time with you Corsi. But then again, I don't think double-teaming her was the proper way either."

"It sounds like Thirty here has had an eventful day and shall be sore in the morning. But she will sleep well of that I am certain." Lone nodded and hoisted Thirty up. "But she is getting cleaned up and going out tonight."

Yoiko and Corsi both shook their heads in unison. "I don't think she is going anywhere Lone. You know the capabilities of a fur after we get through with them." Corsi chittered.

"And I also know that she wants me to treat her as a slave ... and a proper slave will come regardless."

"Very well Lone but I think you would be ill advised to go." Yoiko spoke up.

"Why is that mistress?"


The front of The Little Minx Club, formerly known as the Golden Unicorn. This is the place Chiana dances in the evenings and where she met the polar bear Tasha. It was a rather small brick building and on the main street. Not very well lit and regularly patrolled by any officer in the area mainly because of the number of dancers that leave the place at random times and the history of them being propositioned.

After their incident some months ago, Lone was actually asked to be a bouncer for them but he kindly declined stating that if there was an incident while he was a patron of the establishment, he would be more than happy to help in the offender's removal. So when he was there. Not a soul would even try ... save for the out of towner that didn't know the wolfox.

Lone escorted his servant from a black limo. As he promised, she was dressed in nothing but a long black overcoat that went down to her ankles. It was already very dark and the bar was crowded. Thirty was having trouble standing let alone walking but she did her best to keep up with her master.

"Hold it." Came the bellow from a bouncer. A tall male fox standing in front of the doorway. "She's already half in the bag. There's no way you are..."

Lone turned around and stood fully to his feet. "I beg your pardon?" Lone addressed him. A soft little grin working over his thin muzzle.

The bouncer bowed respectfully. "Sorry Master Lone." He whispered low enough for just Lone to hear.

"Thank you Jaxx. Good to see you still recognize me." Lone replied and set his massive hand to his good friends shoulder.

Thirty took the chance to kneel down by Lone's side and rest her exhausted legs.

"Have you saved my seat in the front?"

Jaxx looked behind him through the door and then slowly back to Lone. His expression carried a sense of worry. "Maybe ... you ought to not come in tonight Lone."

"That's the same thing Yoiko and Corsi said but I plan on relaxing tonight and rewarding my new pet and lover." Lone commented as more an order than anything. He lifted Thirty to her wobbly feet and entered the place.

Lone barely made it into the bar. He froze solid, just looking up to the stage and the performers. The blue polar blue vixen Chiana and next to her danced naked as the day she was born, a golden wolfess ... Calli. He stared up at his ex whom was having the time of her life up there. After a few moments and Thirty the rubber-leg feline kneeling back down again, he was tapped on the shoulder and snapped out of his daze.

"Lone. So good to see you again" A black wolf greeted him.

"Orim! Hey there. It's been a while yes..." He trailed off looking back up to the stage once again.

Orim looked down to the floor and the near collapsed calico kneeling next to him and attached with a leash. "Going to introduce me or stare at her all night?"

Lone snapped out of him astonishment and turned back to Orim. "Sorry ... just a little surprised to see her working for you."

"She dances well. Come on over to the bar and I'll get you a drink. Besides, I would rather her not see you right away." He paused a moment looking to Lone expectantly and finally said again, "Lone ... your tag-a-long. Who is she?"

"Thirty." Lone answered. "Just took her as my own. She was too beautiful to pass up. I had her training this afternoon with mistress."

"You let Corsi have her already?"

Lone just nodded as he took a seat at one of the barstools. "Corsi wanted to have a go with her. I didn't expect to hear that Yoiko had taken her as well and at the same time. My little pet here is tired but I wanted her to come out this evening."

Orim took his place behind the bar to talk to Lone as the wolfox helped his pet to the stool aside him. "She is very beautiful Lone. But you can't stay here long. Calli is about to finish her shift on stage and will be coming back out here. You sure you want to have her see you with a cat?"

Lone rested his hand to Thirtys thigh and gave her an affectionate squeeze. The feeling was still very sensitive and shivered deeply just to Lone's touch. "It looks like she has gotten over me completely. I don't see anything wrong with her seeing me with someone else."

Orim just shook his head and looked Lone directly in his purple eyes. "Lone ... that's not the way it is. You don't understand."

"Understand what boss?" came a voice stepping up.

Orim and Lone looked up to the side and lo and behold as if on cue, the gold wolfess strolled over. Her turn to freeze dead in her tracks at what she thought had to be a ghost. She picked up her momentum a heartbeat lat later and sat herself down next to Lone and addressed Orim like the wolfox wasn't even there. "Orim, when's my next time up on stage?"

Orim looked back at the stage and what was now a female skunktaur with a double endowment that would surely drive the patrons wild. "You can have the rest of the night off if you like Calli. Besides, I think there is a fur here that would like to have a little bit of a talk with you."

Calli looked over to Lone and then past to Thirty. She then turned back to Orim and commented, "Who?"

Orim just shook his head and turned away to attend to other customers.

Calli started to stand to her feet and Lone rested his hand to her shoulder. "Calli please. Can I talk to you for a minute?"

Calli sighed and sat back down saying, "Sure sure why the hell not? But I don't have much time, I have to go out and sunbathe."

Lone looked quizzically, "But it's night."

"Better than talking to a fur that can't keep to the rules of the relationship."

"If you mean Haruka and I ... well dear Calli, it's not like I was stopping you from yiffing other men or woman. I was the only one that had a restriction on the relationship. So when I share with a male one time at the request of my mistress ... you walk out." Lone snapped back. "Now what kind of rules are those?"

Calli stared back at him for a few minutes saying nothing. She finally turned back away commenting, "Sure didn't take you long to get yourself another girl."

Thirty sat herself up a little straighter and slumped back down, resting on the bar top. Her legs were near useless and her body limp but gaining her strength. She looked past Lone to the gold wolfess and ... with her mind completely gone in the still lingering afterglow, she mumbled, "Is this her Master Lone? The one that could take you all the way in?"

Calli spun around in utter shock. She stared at Lone but only could see the back of his head as Lone was staring at her with the same shocked expression.

"He really loves you Calli." Thirty continued, "I asked Mistress Corsi about you after I heard Lone mumble your name in his sleep."

And Lone felt like he just shrank three sizes. He could feel her eyes burning the back of his head from an angered wolfess. He just knew she would be furious at hearing that from his new pet. But then he felt her lean over onto his shoulder and stare to the feline.

"What else have you heard about me?" Calli commented.

But Thirty was out cold already.

"You worked her well Lone." Calli commented as she sat back on the stool. "You have moved on and gotten quite a cat for yourself." Her voice showing a hint of disappointment now, but she is trying to keep her cool and be the better fur.

Lone rested his hands to the bar top, staring off at one of the bottles under the opposite side of the bar. "I didn't work her Calli. This is Corsi's handiwork. And she is my pet yes but..." Lone trailed off and continued his stare.

"But what?" Calli asked as she leaned up against him. "But that girl of yours..."


"Thirty ... she was telling the truth wasn't she?"

"About what?"

"That you still love me..." Calli almost sounding hopeful.

Lone just nodded his head with his eyes closed. He wanted to leave right then and there but he couldn't. He just couldn't walk out.

As Lone sat there pondering what to do, a ferret walked up to the golden wolf and put his arm around her. The ferret was drunk as ever and not really thinking well.

"Hey there sweetheart. Why don't you leave this fur ball and come home with a man that really knows how to treat you like a woman?" The ferret asked.

Three bouncers started to walk over from the door. Jaxx stopped the new employees and just pointed to Lone who was now standing to his feet and towering over the ferret.

"Excuse me sir. Can I see you outside for a moment?" Lone asked.

The ferret looked up to Lone and with a wobble in his step stood face to chest with the giant. "Fuck you asshole. You got a woman ... what you need another for?"

"Because they are both with me." And Lone just picked up the ferret and ... WHAM! Right into the wall. The ferret dropped to the floor in a heap. Lone took his seat again and with a grin, waved Jaxx over, calling out, "Clean up on asile four...bring a mop."

Calli looked over her shoulder and commented, "Wasn't that the same guy as last time?"

But Lone didn't hear her at all. He was more interested in the four friends of his that were walking over.

None of them even bothered to talk and the first one swung quick at Lone with two others charging.

Lone's new training had him ready. He faked a brace for the charge and deflected the swing to the side, sending the ferret fist into the wall. The two charging attacked air as Lone dropped to the floor at the last second with the two sailing right over him inches from him.

The fourth was standing over the wolf ready to pounce him as he came up, but instead, he was caught with Lones feet upside his chin and flew back, landing to the floor with a thud. All this took one fluid motion.

Lone landed on his shoulders and hands. He tucked his legs up and thrust them out as he arced his body and landed to his feet to meet the ferret that was shaking his broken fist. The ferret stared blankly at the giant and never saw the double axe handle uppercut that sent him toppling onto his other friend with a broken jawbone.

The two other ferrets jumped at Lone and hit him hard from behind. Lone went down or so they thought... He flipped forward and sent a boot into each of their jaws, reeling them back to meet ... the bouncers. Lone stood up and looked around. Jaxx and a black bear escorted the two out, missing the door with them before throwing them to the sidewalk.

"Orim could you please call these three an ambulance and let the paramedic take them away?" Lone asked.

Orim was already on the phone with 9-1-1 and with a bright smile on his face, "Yes, could I get someone down to the Little Minx? These five ferrets get into a fight about paying their tab. I think they have a few broken body parts. Our bounders are taking them out to the sidewalk on stretchers ... Thank you."

Calli just stared at Lone as did the now wide awake Thirty. The rest of the building was in an uproar of applause for the show, even the buck naked skunk on stage.

Calli was the first of the two to speak, "How in the ... Lone I have watched you fight a lot, protect all the pets as a bodyguard and even watched you spar with anyone and anything. I have NEVER seen you do that. Where the hell did you learn to do that?"

"I went overseas ... I almost stayed there too but I didn't love Nidaja. I couldn't love her while I still loved you." He finished his blank statement with a drink from his glass not looking Calli in the eye until she grabbed his muzzle and turned him to her.

"Lone, Nidaja was the queens sister over there. You learned under her and left to come back here to a fur that didn't want you?" Calli addressed him softly.

Lone nodded and looked away from her. He pulled his muzzle away and down. Lone stood to his feet and began to walk away, "I am sorry Calli. I should not have stayed. I shall leave you alone now."

Thirty stood ... a feat in and of itself with as numb as she was. "Master ... I cannot believe you are just going to up and leave!"

Lone shook his head and lowered his muzzle. "You heard her. She said she doesn't love me."

"I said I didn't then." Calli whispered up to Lone as she coiled her arms around his waist. "Lone I made a mistake walking out on you. I want you back in my life again. Please forgive me."

Thirty kneeled back to the floor unable to hold herself up any longer as Lone answered, "You mean that? What about Thirty? I still love her. She is a wonderful slave girl."

"And I am bisexual." Thirty commented.

"Keep her. But on one condition..." Calli commented. "Two actually."

"And what conditions?"

"You find a boyfriend." Calli commented. "I've always been protective of you hon but I know I can't stop you from seeing who you want to see or doing what you want to do. Just promise me that you won't leave me and I promise I won't leave you."

Lone was almost in tears. He looked between Thirty and Calli not know which of them to hug first, Calli for taking him back or Thirty for stopping him from walking away.

Orim made the choice for them by tossing a set of keys over onto the bar top next to them. "Lone, take the back room. I have been hoping you would come to your senses one of these days and t back here. Not going to let you leave here tonight."


"GO ... The rest of the bouncers will take you back there and tie you down if they have to."

"You would need all of them."

"I know. Just go back there will ya?"


Lone ... tied up to an old steel bed frame. He never was one to take orders easily from a fur and this wasn't going to be the first time. The door had been shattered in one place by his own head. Jaxx had kicked him against it and luckily knocked him out cold which was his current state of affairs.

Calli and Thirty stood next to the bed and watched the wolfox, plotting with each other on exactly what they will do with him. Thirty was still exhausted and couldn't stand any longer if she tried. Calli on the other hand was ready to go. "Thirty, what exactly did Corsi do to you?"

"Something about a massage..." She replied weakly, kneeling next to her. She already had the overcoat off and Calli was undressed as well, she had only been wearing a short skirt and was topless in the first place.

Calli shouldered the feline up and brought her over to the knocked out wolf who had as well been relived of his clothing. The door was locked and they had all night for a little fun and entertainment. "I am sure Lone has a lot of tricks you have never seen hon. You are gonna like him. Though looking at you I doubt you can take him all in."

"Master Lone is too large for me yes. I can only fit about half of him in ma'am." Thirty answered. She didn't even really have the energy to talk never mind what the wolf was requesting.

Calli leaned over the bed and took Lone's cock in her hand, stroking along the flaccid shaft and letting it swell in her paw. "Don't worry pet. You only need to relax for what I want you to do. You are going to get the ride of your life."

"That's what Corsi said..." Thirty pleaded. "Do I have to?"


"Can't I just be forced to watch?"


Lone groaned in his sleep as if dreaming of hot and wild sex with who knows what. His shaft thickened quickly to its full length. Thirteen inches of wolfox cock. His slumber did not stir a moment even as he tried to pull against the restraints.

Calli picked up the tired Thirty and commented. "Well we can't do anything spectacular but it's been way too long since I have had a decent dick in me. So no offense pet, but you're getting laid." And with that, Calli sat Thirty onto Lone's muzzle. "Wait here. This will only be a moment.

Thirty rested her self down to Lone's chest and was caught by Calli as the wolf settled herself on Lone's throbbing cock.

Much to Thirty's shock and surprise, Calli slid inch after inch of that hot shaft into her. As each inch sunk deeper into the wolf, her eyes grew wider until Lone's mammoth meat was completely buried inside her. Calli let out a long and slow moan of a little release that surged through her from being stuffed full. Thirty couldn't take her eyes off the display before her. She just held onto Calli's shoulders tightly, not even noticing Lone starting to stir.

The giant wolfox, feeling the soreness of his head and the sweetness of that tight sex like a vice on his cock, finally woke up. The bump was immediately forgotten and the sensual probing up into who he knew had to be Calli filled his body with the blissful pleasure. He didn't even notice the feline on his chest for a few moments and when he did, he leaned up to lick that broad canine tongue over her firm ass.

Calli rested her hands to the felines shoulders to steady herself a minute just as Thirty felt that tongue lap over the sweet curves of her rump. Thirty instinctually drew her claws out and wrapped her arms around the wolfess with her claws digging tightly into her fur. Calli let out a shriek of delight and clenched herself tightly down onto Lone.

Lone howled out and pulled tightly at the restraints in an effort to take hold of the kitten.

Thirty knew what he wanted. She wanted to give it to him even though she was sexually burnt for the day already. She lifted herself to her knees and slipped herself back to Lone's eager tongue. She was caught completely by surprise when she felt that huge tongue dive deeply inside her and lap out her delightful juices. She didn't realize how sensitive she was and immediately came in the tenseness of her orgasmic bliss.

Calli, hot with lust and passion with her beloved boyfriend and the beautiful calico in her arms, pumped that massive shaft into her needy depths in a reckless abandon to share that same pleasure as Thirty. But she knew it was long in coming and reveled in the bliss of being filled to her capacity. A deep howl of pleasure ripped from her lungs with her curled tail wagging happily.

Thirty's muzzle flushed a deep purple in the erotic pleasure. When Calli's head came back down, it was met with her lips in the lock of a desperately needing kiss. She was still cumming with no sign of stopping any time soon with the masterful attentions of the wolfox's tongue.

Calli was caught by surprise not having expected the kiss. But she was not about to say no to it. She returned the kiss with an unbridled passion and need that she had not shared for far too long. Her tongue pushed past the felines lips to taste of her as well. She reached one hand down between the felines thighs and touched delicately at her clit.

Lone felt the feline tense and buck with her hard pounding orgasm that he knew would send her into unconsciousness very soon. She would sleep well tonight he would see to that. He pushed his muzzle up tight into her with as thin as it was and rushed his tongue into her, drinking deeply of her juices.

Thirty screamed out in what was a mixture of pain and pleasure unfathomed. Her entire body felt alive with the rush of the peak of her orgasm. As Lone had expected, the pleasure was short lived and Thirty collapsed quickly to the side out like a light.

Calli had Lone all to herself now. She rolled Thirty to the side a little more comfortably and kneaded her hips down onto her lover as she just stared into his eyes. "You've been active Lone."

Lone was still tied up and not going anywhere at the moment. He looked back up to her and smirked. "It's been quite an adventure my dear. Though by the looks of it, you have been rather active yourself."

"It pays the bills."

Lone yanked the restraints and asked, "You letting me go?"


"Then what are you going to do with me?"

Calli grabbed a hold of his chestfur and leaned in close. "Anything I damn well please."

Corsi INC 23

Just a forward to go along with this story. As most of you know that are writers, a forward is written after the completion of a book to let the readers know how the writer felt as he/she wrote the story. Well to be honest I rather enjoyed this one....

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Corsi INC 21

Positions. Corsi and Yoiko awoke to the sound of a car pulling up to the mansion. Yoiko turned over to the clock on the wall, cringing at the time. "Just go back to bed beloved. It's 4 in the morning and it's probably just a delivery guy." ...

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Corsi INC 20

Chapter 20 Corsi had been on the plane for hours already. She had taken off already from Layleaux after informing Lone of the news and making a few final arrangements. Only two and a half weeks ago, she had been in the mansion with Lone and...

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