Corsi INC 20

Story by Joey Porter on SoFurry

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#20 of Corsi INC

Chapter 20

Corsi had been on the plane for hours already. She had taken off already from Layleaux after informing Lone of the news and making a few final arrangements. Only two and a half weeks ago, she had been in the mansion with Lone and her wife Yoiko and now .... Now she was on the verge of death. She had been told of what happened shortly after she had left. Yoiko's simple cold turned into a striking illness that about took her life only hours after she had set sail. Without even the chance to say goodbye to her if she died, Corsi sat on the plane crying through her dry eyes that had no more tears to shed.

Everything she held dear to her... everything she loved and everything she knew hung in the balance. She was dead silent as the plane landed and she was escorted down the runway. She was carried off the private jet by the pilot and handed to a very familiar fur... Jaxx. Like the last time something tragic happened, the lobby of the airport was wall to wall with furs bearing the collar mark of her belated master... now they were her collars.

"She can't die Jaxx," Corsi squeaked. "She just can't."

"Mistress, Yoiko is stable but I won't lie to you." Jaxx whispered. He came to the end of the crowd that had already started following the two out. "Yoiko's heart stopped. They have her on a respirator and an artificial heart. She might not make it Corsi."

Corsi closed her eyes tightly, "She better. She's all I have left after Red and Greyson died."

"Well let's go Mistress. We need to get there as soon as we can. A car is ready and we have Fferret and Terl as a police escort for you." Jaxx replied. "Just take it easy mistress. Like I said, she is stable though she is unconscious while the doctors work on her heart."

Corsi turned to Jaxx dipping her head down and whispered softly, "Tell me straight up Jaxx... Do you think she is going to make it? I want your honest opinion."

Jaxx lifted her eye to eye with his muzzle. He looked to her with eyes that spoke for him. He doubted that she would be able to pull through at all and when Corsi looked past to the rest of the furs gathered. They didn't believe Yoiko would make it either.

"Well she is going to make it. I know she will."


Tirant looked back from the drivers seat on the dashboard of Corsi's Limo. Jaxx was holding Corsi with the mouse's closest pets in the cabin with her. Kirzen, the priestess at her wedding, Mako had flown back over once she heard of word, Aness a female mute cheetah that she had originally trained with, and the rabbit twins Bekah a female and her brother Hakeb. "We're almost at the hospital everyone. Yoiko will be on the third floor in critical care. Mistress Rieva is looking over her and waiting for us."

Terl and Fferret pulled up to the front door of the hospital and escorted the party in the Limo into the hospital. A few of the patients in the room looked up to the small caravan, some in sorrow knowing what was happening and others in disgust of their blatant wearing of the collars in the facility. The rest of the cars had all been instructed to wait outside the building.

One older woman stepped boldly up to Jaxx who was still holding Corsi. A deep displeased and angry scowl over her face, she cursed, "How dare you come into here you people are sick. Little god dam tramp, you should be ashamed of yourself."

Corsi immediately started crying once again and Terl came to her side, "Ma'am, this woman's wife is dying. If anyone should be ashamed of themselves it is you about treating her like this."

A much larger gentleman stepped over to confront the officer. "Hey asshole, don't talk to my mother like that or I'll kick your ass."

Fferret stepped in. "Jaxx, you take Miss Corsi to the floor. We'll arrest these two here." He turned to the larger wolf, "Sir, you are under arrest for threatening a police officer and Ma'am, you are also under arrest for disturbing the peace." He reached for his radio. "This is car eighty-six; I need two units at the Lincoln clinic for backup."

The rest of the crew headed straight for the elevator as hospital security came over to assist the two officers.

"Why is it furs need to be so judgmental of other furs? Started at and even ridiculed at times. We don't judge them for being straightedge." Bethany said quietly. She stood close behind Jaxx with the twins next to her and Kirzen with Mako behind them.

"If they only knew of the sensual bliss of the scene they would be able to understand how wonderful the feelings are when you can be so close to someone and allow them to take you and use you in the perfect ways you want. I love every moment of intimacy from the first kiss to the gentle spanking over me all the way to the intense..." Bekah started.

"Dear sister, please stop before you get us all aroused from your more than vivid explanation. If that lady knew about US she would have had a field day." Her brother Hakeb cut off.

Kirzen gave the twins a nudge. "Guys, enough. Now is not the time. It's our floor."

The door opened and just outside and waiting near the elevators was Dr. Rieva and a pair of nurses.

Jaxx stepped out of the elevator and ushered him away from plain view. "Come. I already heard what happened downstairs but forget it for now. We need to hurry." She practically dragged the entourage along as she rushed to the critical care ward.

"What's wrong Rieva?" Corsi exclaimed as they ran.

Rieva didn't even hear her. She was too interested in getting the mouse where she needed to be. They burst through the door of the CCU and down the hall. There looking near death was the purple rabbit. She had so many wires hooked up to her she looked like more of a machine then anything else.

Corsi started to cry again and as Jaxx walked her over to the bed. She leaped out and landed on the metal arm that was raised next to her wife. She looked into her unconscious wife's closed eyes with the pain stabbing through her heart as if she was just murdered. "Yoiko ... please wake up."

Yoiko stirred a moment but did not awaken.

Corsi sat down on the metal arm of the bed, getting comfortable.

"We have to go." Rieva said. "Yoiko will be alright for now but you all have to wait in the front."

"Rieva, I am staying." Corsi declared, not taking her eyes off her wife.

"Mistress Corsi," she whispered. "You have to go. It would be best..."

"Rieva, I am staying and that's it. I lost Red and I was never there with him, I was kept out of Greyson's room when he was dying. You will have to kill me to get me to leave."


"But nothing. That's that and you will take your order slave." Corsi snapped back. This was the first time she had ever used her position with a serious order and everyone around them looked to Corsi in shock.

No one said a word more as the group of them shuffled out of the CCU and headed back to the waiting room with Corsi staying vigil over her wife.


Weeks went past and Corsi never left her spot watching over her wife. She refused to move and ate only when she was starved to the point of fainting. She had even ordered a nurse to set her up with an IV so she wouldn't have to leave the room at all. She never slept at all and her eyes stayed glued on the one fur left in her life that had her heart more than any. Corsi herself was near death in exhaustion.

A full month had past and the mouse refused to speak to anyone. Dr Rieva came in to visit. "Good Morning Corsi." She started. "Hon, why don't you sleep a little?"

Corsi didn't even hear her.

The skunkette walked over to the side of the bed. "Mistress Corsi. I know you ordered me to not move or interfere with you standing vigil over Yoiko but I must insist you rest and sleep."

Still, Corsi didn't move or even so much as flinch.

Rieva started to walk out of the unit just as Corsi spoke up. "Rieva, I know I could cost you your job with this but Yoiko means so much to me. I really appreciate your doing this for me."

"Corsi, when Master Greyson was alive, you were one of my instructors. I loved you then as I love you now. And even if you married I just want to see you happy. I will see Yoiko out of here and back with you." Rieva declared.

"I know sweetheart. I owe you a great deal" Corsi squeaked though her eyes never veered from her wife.

"That really doesn't really matter at this point now though. I just want to see her awake as much as you do." Rieva admitted. "Let me check on her and see how she is."

Dr Rieva looked over the display and the heart monitor and froze. She rushed out of the CCU and bolted back in about half a second later with a stethoscope. Not any clue to the mouse as she rested the pad of the scope to Yoiko's chest and listened.


"Shh!" She replied as she closed her eyes and listened.

"Rieva, what is going on?" Corsi demanded. She looked up to the heart monitor and her heart soared as the slight peaks of Yoiko's heartbeats were seen and growing stronger with each pulse.

Yoiko stirred in her slumber and her eyes cracked slightly open for the first time since she had fallen ill. With eyes glazed over, she looked around. Yoiko was alive. She was going to make it.

Rieva's eyes went wide as she jumped up from listening to her heart. "Corsi..." She gasped, looking to Yoiko.

"I know ... She's going to be fine." The mouse cried as she pointed up to the monitor.

"No... Listen..." Rieva said as she handing the earpiece to the mouse and held the pad to Yoiko's throat.

"Corsi..." Came the faint whisper from the purple rabbit. It was the first thing spoken since she had gone under and into the coma. "...I love you..."

Corsi began to cry through her bloodshot and bagged eyes. "Yoiko. Rest and take it easy. Don't strain yourself." Corsi replied and jumped up and onto the pillow next to her head.

"Corsi ... sleep ... you need ... sleep." She managed before passing back out in exhaustion.

Corsi passed out with her wife before Rieva could even suggest it.

Yoiko was going to make a full recovery that was for certain. And thanks to the diligent care of Rieva. She left the CCU for a moment to leave the wives in peace for the moment. A few minutes later the crowd still in the lobby cheered so loud they awoke half the hospital. But the mouse was still sound asleep. With as long as she was awake, Armageddon wouldn't stir her.


When Corsi had finally awoken a day and a half later, she was not in the same room as Yoiko. In fact, she was in her own hospital bed and she jumped up looking for her.

Aness the mute cheetah came rushing up to Corsi excitedly. She picked her up without a word and pointed to the wall.

"Aness! Where is she?" Corsi asked.

Aness again pointed to the wall with great excitement. She lifted the mouse to her shoulder and gave her an affectionate lick.

"Next room? Well let's go!"

Aness was already on her way out. They were no longer in the CCU and instead they were on one of the regular floors. They rounded the corner to see the rabbit sleeping soundly in a bed. Aness crept over and rested the mouse on her wife's shoulder.

Corsi snuggled herself into her wife's soft warm fur. The cords were gone with the exception of an IV in her arm but other than that she appeared to be perfectly fine. Corsi waited all this time and finally she was with her wife.

Yoiko opened her eyes after feeling the rodent on her shoulder. She managed a whisper louder than before, "Good morning beloved."

"Yoiko! Oh Goddess you had me so worried! I thought you were going to leave me." Corsi cried out with overjoyed tears streaming down her cheeks. "You had me very scared love."

"I know beloved I know. I told you I would never leave you and I will always be by your side and I plan on keeping that promise." She leaned down, kissing her one true love on the top of her tiny head before turning to the cheetah. "And thank you as well Aness. I greatly appreciate your watching over her."

Aness bowed deeply for Yoiko and stepped closer again to the pair. She licked her tongue along her muzzle as she looked down to the mouse.

"Not food cheetah." Corsi commented.

"That's not what she wants from you my love. She wants something more than just that." Yoiko hinted.

"What?" Then Corsi realized what Aness wanted. "HERE?!? ... NOW?!?"

Aness nodded franticly with an oversized grin over her muzzle.

"Now wait a minute here, Yoiko you were near death just days ago and now you want me to play with Aness in the middle of the hospital room when anyone could come in?" Corsi exclaimed.

"What would be the problem beloved? You know I love watching, and Aness is a mute. She cannot scream so she cannot very well disturb anyone in the next room and she has never had the privilege of being on the receiving end of your talents. And while I am still under the order of Rieva not to get physical ... well beloved I would be most grateful if you even gave us a little demonstration. Besides, she has wanted to be with you and have you train her for a lone time." Yoiko answered in her normal persuasive way.

Aness leaned down, picking the mouse up in her muzzle carefully. She licked her raspy tongue through her fine fur slowly and sensually. The little mouse shivered over with the feelings through tiny body that had not been touched in over a month and with as intimate as she was used to ... it was as if she was going through withdrawals. She was almost instantly brought to the height of her arousal with just the first lick. Any stopping or thought of slowing down was gone to be replaced with her intimate desires.

"Aness, if you would, please shut the curtains and shut the door to the room?" Yoiko ordered and continued as she sat up in the bed, "And then take the gag out of the box I asked you to get from our room in the mansion."

"Oh goddess ... this is a hell of a way to wake up in the morning." Corsi whimpered. "Yoiko ... no doing anything to yourself that would raise your heart rate."

"So you are agreeing my love?"

"You think I am arguing?"

"I thought you would see things my way. Oh ... and my heart is as strong as steel. The toxins have completely left my system. There was nothing wrong with my heart so I will be very able to do whatever I want ... I have a towel as well and Dr Rieva knowing what I had planned for you. I assure you beloved we will be undisturbed." Yoiko confessed to the mouse.

Aness nodded again as her tongue flickered over the tiny rodents even tinier slit. She held Corsi gently as she could in those sharp feline jaws with the mouse holding tightly onto her long teeth.

Corsi knew this would not get to Yoiko as much as she would want it to even though it felt good to her; her intentions were on pleasing the wife she almost lost. She shifted herself within Aness's muzzle and straddled one of her long lower fangs as Aness opened her muzzle wide to show Yoiko. She held herself up on the cheetah's snout leaning as much into her as she could to allow Yoiko to watch her tiny wife.

Yoiko rested back on the bed and cast the sheet aside revealing her already nude state. She watched her wife intently as Aness pulled a chair over to get more comfortable. She touched the tip of her finger along her slit, taking in a deep breath with her growing arousal. Things were just getting started and the bunny was already enjoying herself more than she thought she would.

Aness relaxed back on the chair having to cross her eyes just to watch the mouse driving her hot slit onto her long fang. Every thrust down, gave her a delicious taste of the little rodent's juices. She flickered the tip of her tongue along Corsi's voluptuous breasts and what of her clit she could. A soft rumbling purr emanated from her throat and sent vibrations through the tiny little mouse to further intensify her arousal.

Corsi was in her glory. She was on display for her wife and intended to give her the best show she could. She turned her head to her with that deep flush over her tiny cheeks and the succulent juices of her delicate pussy dripping down that impaling tooth. Her deep panting combining with her soft moans of pleasure to fill the hospital room with the scents and sounds of her intimate pleasures. She winked to Yoiko with a whimper of a whisper. "You are next beloved. Just watch and enjoy. Everything I do to Aness I will do for you when you get out of here." Corsi prophesized.

Yoiko giggled softly as she replied, "I am going home today. I stayed in per Rieva's request that we monitor you to see if you would be alright. I am fine and ready to go." Yoiko's fingers, prying her sweet slit apart and separating the tender petals, teased her sensitive depths with a careful dive inside herself. Just watching her wife got her hot and needing for more. She wanted her wife desperately but for now she would be content to watch and masturbate.

Aness lapped her ling feline tongue over her muzzle as the tastes of Corsi's arousal flooded into her mouth. The mouse felt all of the intensity of the pleasure just in the soft little whimpers of the mouse. She took the tiny little gag in her hand and brought it up to Corsi so she wouldn't scream too loudly.

Corsi took one look at the gag and tossed it aside, standing from the tooth. "Oh no Aness, this will not be needed. What I have in store for you will not require a gag of any kind." The mouse hopped up onto the Cheetah's muzzle so her hips were raised high for her wife to see. "What I have in store for you will blow your mind love." And with that, she let herself slip off of the fine fur and drop down to the cheetah's lap.

Yoiko was already soaked with her deep excitement. She massaged the tender and sensitive flesh of her delicate bud as she watched her wife. Her healthy heart raced with anticipation of bearing witness to her favorite trick Corsi could muster. Corsi called it the 'mouse massage' ... she liked to refer to it 'Oral sex from inside out.' And knowing Aness had never had such an experience just made it that much more exciting.

The look of shock on the cheetahs muzzle was beyond priceless when the little mouse crawled down into her skirt. She wasn't exactly sure what she should do in a worry she might hurt the mouse. Instead, she just held on to the arms of the chair and prepared herself for what was to come.

The mouse was in a place she was used to being... hidden. She had done things in public in the past but nothing this drastic. Even in a shopping mall or a restaurant didn't compare to this. She could hear the furs walking up and down the hall just on the other side of the door as she snuggled herself into down and realized the cheetah didn't wear any panties underneath the short dress. This was going to be easier than she thought. Aness's excitement was building quickly and her warm and soaked sex, dripped with the lubrication the mouse would need to perform her task at hand.

Sliding herself down in the half upright bed, Yoiko was able to peek under the Hiked up skirt of the cheetah and watch her beloveds every movement. Her fingertips worked over her pulsating clit as her other hand pressed two digits within the tight confines of her own slit, sending the scent of her musk into the air to fill the room and seep out into the hallway.

Aness felt the gentle touch of the mouse as she snuggled herself against her entrance and began to envelope herself around the petals of her labia like she was covering herself in a blanket. The feeling of the mouse gaining her entrance inside her was perhaps the most bizarre thing the cheetah had ever felt prior. She slid herself lower in the chair with her thighs slightly wider more to allow Corsi more access than anything else.

Corsi, near deprived of intimacy for months between the ship and the vigil, was now up to her chest in it... Literally. Her body having slipped inside the cheetahs depths, she proceeded to cup the seductive pet's pulsating hooded clit in the palms of her hands and massage her with careful precision. She glanced over her shoulder spying her wife and with a little wink, she gave that hot bud a delicate kiss.

Without warning, the door to the room flew open. Aness sat up straight, sending Corsi straight up and fully within her. Yoiko sat up straight as well and pulled the thin sheet up to her chest with a deep red flush that thankfully was hidden by her purple dyed fur.

A tall female lynx walked in holding a clipboard. She strolled over not yet noticing anything with her nose buried in the clipboard. "Well miss Yoiko I see you are up and about. How are you feeling this morning? I'm nurse..." And at that moment ... she looked up and noticed the scent in the room as well as the haphazardly placed sheets. "Bethany..."

Further verifying the lynx's suspicions of what was going on, Aness's heavy panting with the mouse buried deeply inside her stroking her hands over the her most erotic g-spot, sent her over the edge of orgasm right there in front of her with no holding back at all. Aness buckled under her own weight and collapsed to the floor in a quivering ball of fur.

Yoiko smiled innocently as she could as her eyes glanced down to the floor and then up to Bethany. And if just that little display wasn't enough, the bright red flush over her cheeks told the balance of the story. "It's not what you think."

Bethany froze just staring blankly over to the two she could see. Aness lay on the floor panting hard and squirming at Corsi's administrations. She had no idea how it was happening but she knew full well what she was seeing. "Well ... I ... Miss Yoiko," she continued trying to keep as professional a demeanor as she could, "are you and your wife ready to go home? I just came in to check to see if you were in need... I mean I was looking for something ... I mean ... are you feeling well?" She stumbled over herself in absolute failure of her attempt.

Meanwhile, on the floor, the cheetah was sprawled out on her back and gyrating her hips up against the relentless mouse. A high pitched squeal of her pleasures could not be heard outside the room but inside, it caught both the other ladies ears.

Corsi had slipped her upper body back out of the cheetah completely unaware of the lynx that had entered. She was too centered on what she was doing for anything else. Her body pumped desperately into her depths with her tongue in a deep massage over that beating clit. The mouse had a goal ... making the cheetah faint.

Yoiko couldn't help herself with her fingers idly stroking over herself under the sheets even with Bethany watching. She tried making as few movements as she could as she answered, "Yes nurse, I am fine. My wife is awake and fine as well." She didn't even realize what she said.

Bethany's eyes went wide as she put two and two together and flashed her eyes down to the floor. She just pointed at the frothing feline and whispered. "Corsi?"

Yoiko nodded with a shade factor of nine.

Bethany kneeled to the floor to watch. Her eyes went WIDE when she saw the mouse half buried in Aness's sex. She stood back to her feet and just stared down at the half lidded cheetah lying on the floor. After a moment of watching, she ran and locked the door to the room. She rushed back to Yoiko's side just as the cheetah squeaked out in the erotic pleasure before collapsing into unconsiousness. "How in the world does she do that?" she asked flatly.

Yoiko couldn't help but grin. "Well since you asked so nicely, would you like a little demonstration?"

At that moment, the little mouse jumped up and onto the bed, soaked from tip to tail. She grinned and pointed over to Bethany, "Is she next?"

"Now ... wait ... Hold on ... How in the world is this gonna work? I mean I SAW and everything but what can a five inch tall mouse possibly do that would satisfy a full sized Lynx like me?" Bethany challenged

Corsi looked over to Yoiko with a little knowing grin and squeaked, "Should I take that as an order mistress?"

Corsi INC and all characters portrayed within

Are copyright their respective owners.

Corsi INC, Corsi, Lone and any other bullshit in here

That is not someone else's is copyright

Joey Porter 2002

Corsi INC 21

Positions. Corsi and Yoiko awoke to the sound of a car pulling up to the mansion. Yoiko turned over to the clock on the wall, cringing at the time. "Just go back to bed beloved. It's 4 in the morning and it's probably just a delivery guy." ...

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Corsi INC 19

Chapter 19 Over two weeks had past and the ships crew grew very eager to get back on land. Devilfox had taken to his chores with the added benefit of having Carrot as a new incentive at night. Lone and Nidaja were getting along well...

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Corsi INC 18

Chapter 18 Lone walked his daily route, bag of mail in hand and that icy expressionless glare on his muzzle as he made his way from house to house delivering his packages and letters as the usual. All that was on his mind was his...

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