Corsi INC 18

Story by Joey Porter on SoFurry

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#18 of Corsi INC

Chapter 18

Lone walked his daily route, bag of mail in hand and that icy expressionless glare on his muzzle as he made his way from house to house delivering his packages and letters as the usual.

All that was on his mind was his beloved Calli and the way she had left him over a month ago. After she drove off he had gone home, packed a few things and moved out with a rose left on the counter. Delivering her mail daily didn't help ease his mind at all either.

As usual when he approached the complex, he removed his own mail from the pile and any bills that needed to be paid as well. He still loved her and knew why she was upset with him. He just couldn't bring himself to say anything.

Today was different. Lone, putting the mail away in the slots, noticed the slot for his apartment had been taped up and sealed. His and Calli's names were removed as well and the box was vacant. He ran into the building and into the apartment.

Bare ... except three neatly stacked bags with a card on top of them.

Lone swallowed hard as he crept in and picked up the card. He opened the card and a ring fell from inside. The engagement ring he had given to her. He picked up the ring and sat down to the floor staring at it for a moment before reading the words on the card,

Roses are Red

Violets are Blue

You broke your Promise


Lone fell back against the wall and just cried.


"You sure you want to come along Lone?" Corsi chittered looking up to the giant wolf. "I mean, you stand to lose your job if you go on the spur of the moment like this."

"I already gave my notice that I was leaving. I couldn't stand it any longer. My choice to leave was made after I found my bags packed and Calli gone. My life there and here was over and I find the need to go somewhere a little less ... complicated. So the vacation will do me some good Mistress." Lone stated in his upright and professional manner.

"Well, all right Lone, I just hope Nita likes you." Corsi said with half a grin. "She is very picks with those that would share her company. I am still unsure she believes me when I told her how tall 'I' am."

Yoiko, dressed for a change, added in, "It would be better to know you are going with someone we trust beloved instead of alone. I wish I could go but with as ill as I have felt this morning, I don't want to get any worse."

"And a trip overseas on a ship isn't the best thing for you." Corsi agreed. "You just take care of yourself while I am gone."

Yoiko nodded with a soft smile. "I love you sweetheart. I am going to get some rest upstairs. You two have a boat to catch so off with you and don't worry about me."


The next morning, Corsi and Lone awoke to the salt sea air filling their lungs. The mouse was curled up on Lone's belly fur instead of sleeping on the shoebox bed that was prepared for her by her hosts.

Lone had been awake for some time already and just lay, relaxing to watch the mouse awaken. "Good morning Little Mistress. I trust you slept well?"

Corsi stretched her tiny body as she replied with a yawn. "Very well Lone. Though I think you would have slept a little more soundly then I."

Lone's cheeks flushed over a deep crimson, shade factor six. "You are very talented mistress... not to mention beautiful."

"I think that black wolfess thinks so as well." She paused for a moment. "What's her name?"

"Misha." Lone said unable to help but laugh.

Corsi just smiled. "Her lover was watching us last night you know... Through the window."

"I think we can ease up on the 'mistress' thing now that she left." Corsi giggled. "Some furs don't realize how acute our hearing can be. Her deep breathing gave her away this morning. And the way she was masturbating last night..."

"I have no idea how you heard her. And I have very good hearing myself or so I believe."

Corsi chittered as she gave him a wink. "You just think of what I have heard you doing my dear Lone. But for now, I think we need to go out on deck."

Lone nodded in agreement and set the mouse on his shoulder. "Strap in Little Mistress, the wind might sweep you away once we get outside."

Corsi looped her tail around a hole in Lone's collar as he stepped out of the room and almost tripped over a young fox kneeling just outside the door. They both looked down upon him in question. He was no older then sixteen and his wrists were handcuffed to his ankles. He wore no shirt and only rags for pants.

"I have been ordered to serve you master and mistress." He said with a boyish voice though still monotone and very quiet. "Your key is around my neck."

Corsi whispered to Lone and he kneeled down, taking the key and snapping the slender chain from around his neck. The fox didn't even so much as flinch. Lone unlocked him and set the shackles aside. He stood back up to his feet with a deep scowl working across his muzzle. That cold aura formed around him as he slipped into Dom mode. "What's your name?"

"I have no name sir, but you can call me the same thing everyone else does. Devil Fox." His voice, always quiet as he rubbed the sting of the cuffs off of his wrists.

A pair of emerald green wolfesses stepped around a different deck, making their way over. One of them, the shorter, dressed in a rich black gown that whipped in the gentle breeze blowing over the deck. The other was dressed in more of a ceremonial chain mail body armor that was polished to a pristine shine. Nita and Nidaja Razelle. The pair was followed closely behind by a wolf dressed very moderately in a new looking tunic with fur a brilliant white and blue eyes that stood out handsomely

Corsi's eyes widened as she cried out "Alpsie! Good to see you again!" The breeze wasn't TOO bad so she dropped down to the deck and rushed right past the queen and general. "And with clothes on too!" she mused.

Nita almost seemed to growl as Corsi hopped up and onto her slave's shoulder with Alps blushing Red as a cherry.

Corsi, having had her fun, stood up on Alps's shoulder with her tail curled through his fur for balance. "And good to see you again as well Nidaja." She bowed to the general before turning to regard her sister. "And you must be Queen Nita." This time with a slightly deeper bow offering a soft smile. "I am Corsi Hibiki and was given care of your Alps while he was staying in the Greyson Mansion."

"You are the new mistress over there?" Nita said in disbelief. "I was expecting someone a little ... taller." She looked upon the mouse with idle wonder ... okay she was completely baffled at the sight of such a tiny creature. "And how do your pets and servants have any respect for you at all." She finished, feeling quite insulted that a 5 inch mouse should be called anything never mind mistress

And Lone's smile disappeared. The towering hulk stepped between Corsi and the Queen with a deep scowl of disapproval on his muzzle. Alps in turn stepped around behind Nita with Corsi hopping off in passing and up onto Lone's shoulder.

"Queen Razelle, I request you take back and perhaps rephrase your question. That seemed rather insulting to my mistress." Lone barked out to her.

Devil-fox stood to his feet as well and off aside Lone. After all, he was commissioned to serve the pair. And any chance to stand next to another fur he wasn't going to pass up.

"You are aboard my ship servant, and I will not have..." Nita snapped being cut off by Alps nudging her in the shoulder.

"Nita please, remember your first meeting with me? Corsi is very kind as well as talented and capable." He whispered to his owner.

Nita sighed softly as Alps's words hit home. She looked down to his chest at the slight and almost unnoticeable imperfection of the scar near his heart that stood out to her like a sore thumb. She turned back to the mouse and her giant of a lover, you are right, and I apologize." She bowed slightly as she continued. "Mistress Corsi and Lone, I welcome you aboard my ship and give you this servant to see to your needs while you are here." Motioning over to the kneeling fox.

"It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance your highness. And please, just Corsi. Lone here is a lover of mine and is my escort as my wife fell a little ill and apologizes for not coming." Corsi chittered and extended a tiny hand in greeting.

Nita returned a fingertip after a moment of fiddling with how to shake hands with the tiny creature. "You know, I just have to ask you this..."

"Here is comes Corsi." Lone chuckled.

"How can I have full sized furs as lovers?" Corsi giggled to Nita with a bright grin as she watched Alps blush a bright red and Nidaja begin to pay very close attention.

Nita nodded bashfully. "Just curious."

"Well you know ... I could always give you a personal demonstration." The mouse winked.

Nita stepped back with eyes wide and shaking her head quickly. "No ... that's alright ... I ... don't ... I mean ... just ... no thank you Corsi..."

Her sister piped up. "I wouldn't mind it. Kind of been thinking about it off and on since we talked." Nidaja almost seemed to purr. "But I have a feeling that someone else might be a little more eager to try."

"Misha and Uri." Lone mentioned. "Corsi told me all about the conversation you had with her."

Corsi giggled and looked beyond the sisters and Alps. She motioned for Nita with a grin and when she came over, she whispered, "Could you have Alpsiekins get Uri from around the corner your majesty?"

Nita snapped up straight as even Lone couldn't help but laugh. She gave the order to Alps and sure enough, when Alps stepped around the corner, he returned with Uri.

Her entire face was a bright red as she approached the group. "I'm sorry, I was just ... curious to ... well..." She was a shade factor ...oh who cares, she was solid red.

Devil fox just sat in place the entire time. He didn't dare move with everyfur around him. Besides, with the conversation going on, his interest was well peaked over the scene before him.

Nita interrupted. "Well, breakfast will be ready soon so we ought to get on our way."

"Alright. I'm eager to see how you royal furs eat. But might I have a word or two with Uri alone for a moment?" Corsi replied with a mischievous grin on that tiny muzzle of hers.

Nita nodded and motioned for Devil to join her.

Corsi spoke up, "No, I would want him to stay as well. What I wanted to talk about involves him too."

Alps smiled, looking down to the young fox and giving him a wink from behind the queen and her sister.

"Very well then. We shall meet you below deck when you are ready." Nita said as she turned and headed back to the stairs that would bring them below deck.

Once the trio was out of sight, Corsi turned to Uri with that little grin of hers again. "Uri, did you enjoy the show last night?" she squeaked out flatly and openly.

Uri backed up in shock. "How did you..." Her words lost in her throat as she choked in surprise.

"Little body, big ears, and a constant wariness about getting stepped on." She explained. "Makes one very attentive over the slightest noises."

"I'm sorry, I ... I was just curious to see how it ... you know ... works. I mean how you work with ... Well ever since you and your rabbit friend came over..." Uri stumbled trying to get out what she wanted to say.

Corsi felt this was quite enough torture and finished Uri's thought for her. "You want to see just how I would be intimate with Lone here. Well you know ... I figure, tonight we can put this fox to work as sort of a ... demonstration tool. You don't mind do you Devilfox?"

The fox shook his head quickly showing he had no objections at all.

Lone added, "Mistress Corsi, might I be excused for this evening? I think I may be in the mood for a little night air." He said with a sly grin.

"So you will come Uri?" Corsi chittered with a twitch of those tiny little whiskers of hers. "I could relieve a few more of those idle curiosities of yours if you like."

Uri agreed albeit hesitantly. "You know Miss Corsi, I didn't think that back then, you would ever have considered this."

Devil fox tugged at Lone's jeans. "Sir, I think we should be heading to breakfast soon. Nita may be offended if she is kept waiting too long."

"Well little Devilfox, you seem oddly obedient. What's gotten into you?" Uri said with a sarcastic tone to her voice.

"I'm going to get laid. Why the hell should I disobey?"

"Even as disrespectful as that obscene reply was boy, you do have a point." Uri said with a half grin. "If that's all it takes then..."

Devil bowed his head down though the smile on that muzzle was more than obvious. "Nita and Nidaja are waiting for us."


The rest of the day was spent over delegations and talks of borrowing different furs for an appearance in Corsi Inc as well as hosting an article on the castle itself and Alps's place within.

Night had closed in and Lone stood out over the bow of the ship, eyes on the brilliant light of the stars that cast a soft glow over the crashing waves their ship sailed across. A voice startled him from behind, "Sir, I have someone here who wishes to speak with you."

Lone turned around to face Alps and Nidaja of all furs. Alps, dressed in just his plain tunic and Nidaja in more casual attire than this mornings garb. "Hello my friend and Blessed Be Mistress Razelle. To tell the truth, I had expected Corsi to have come out to inform me she would be retiring for the night."

"She is below deck with Uri and Nita." She stated turning to her escort. "Alps, I would like to speak alone with Lone." She said with her normally commanding but compassionate voice.

Alps nodded then stepped back and away to return below deck.

Nidaja watched him leave with a smirk over her muzzle. She let out a content sigh and approached Lone whom was leaning back against the railing of the bow.

"You wished to speak to me general?" Lone said in her normal monotone.

"I wish to know how your version of slavery works. You seem to have a casual relationship with Corsi, yet you are her pet. It interests me greatly."

"I am no slave general. I am mistress's pet and employee. I care for and protect her. I have my own goals, my own life and I am ... or I mean I was engaged to be wed." Lone finished as he turned back to the ocean. "General Razelle, I apologize for my emotions, I have not been myself this evening."

Nidaja stepped over and touched her hand to his shoulder. "So purchasing you would be out of the question? I'm sorry Lone. To tell the truth I came out here, as I am not feeling well at all. I get motion sickness from sailing."

"And Alps was going to care for you away from everyone."

"Yes, I sent him away because......*hurk*" Nidaja clamped her muzzle shut and ran to the edge of the ship, tossing her dinner over the edge.

Lone rushed to her side, lifting her hair up out of the way, and holding his hand to her stomach to help massage and ease her belly.

Nidaja hurled again with a deep shiver. She took a cloth out of the band of her dress and wiped the side of her muzzle.

Without even realizing it, he had her in a hug from behind and stayed there for a moment before whispering, "Are you all right general?"

"My pills just went overboard with dinner."

"General Razelle, allow me to take you to your quarters for the night. I can give you a massage to help you sleep and take your mind off the illness." Lone said calmly as he stroked him fingers through her belly fur.

Nidaja was already feeling a little better and leaned back against Lone out of affection. Without thinking, her back and rump snuggled against Lone's waist and she felt something a little more than she bargained for.

Lone stepped back with a smile and as well, nicely oblivious to Nidaja's observation. He held out his hand to her with a soft bow of respect. "May I escort you to your chambers then my dear general?"

"Not right away Lone. I want to see something first." She replied with a grin. "You mentioned earlier today that you act as Corsi's bodyguard correct?"

"Yes this is true. Part of my training was in the arts of self defense and close quarter combat."

Nidaja's reply was one he did not expect. She slid in low with a sweep to Lone's legs.

His reflexes being the only thing that kept Lone on his feet. With a shift of his weight, he was sent back a step and into a quick back flip set him back to his feet, poised and ready. "General Razelle, you are not ready or in the position to fight me. I bid you to rest and continue this on the mainland."

"No. You will need this disadvantage to fight against me." And Nidaja lunged in aggressively at Lone. Lone backed up and braced himself for a charge but Nidaja knew that would be the reaction of the much taller wolf. She feinted at the last possible moment and slipped past as Lone's weight shifted forward. With a quick rap to the back of his head, she threw him completely off balance and sent the giant to the deck.

Lone rolled with the fall and was again; fast back to his feet just as Nidaja, light and agile, came right back at him. This time, Lone charged back and caught the wolfess warrior by surprise with a quick punch to her chest.

Nidaja dropped hard but not for long at all. She grabbed Lone by the ankle while she was down and he was moving in and took his legs out from under him, using the leverage to drop the seven-foot beast to the deck once again.

In less then a second, she was atop him with a shorted punch right to his throat. "Dead" was her only comment as she just smiled to him.

Lone lost.

He lay there sprawled out on the deck just staring up at her in utter disbelief.

On impulse, Nidaja kissed Lone on the cheek before standing back to her feet. "Again, and this time, no more underestimating me."

Lone stood back to his feet with a blank expressionless face. "I assure you general, I shall not. Best two out of three then?"

"Very well."

The two circled around one another, sizing each other up. If Lone had learned one thing of this adversary, she's fast. She was almost too fast in fact.

Nidaja learned as well. Lone hits hard, VERY hard.

Both rushed at once at each other in hand to hand. Lone lashed out at her with everything he had with Nidaja parrying every single strike effortlessly. Just what Lone wanted. Out of nowhere, Lone slid forward taking her legs out from under her and caught her by the arms as she tried to keep her balance.


Lone tossed her back to the deck and shifted up to claim a win but Nidaja was ready and as he came down, she planted a solid kick right in his belly.

Lone was down again, sprawled out on the deck and gasping for breath. Nidaja kicked up to her feet and came down for a victory but Lone was not about to let her win so easily. As the agile wolfess came down, Lone rolled aside and flipped atop her into a lightning quick chokehold.

Nidaja tapped out. The score ... one to one.

Lone let Nidaja stand. "You are far faster than I had thought madam general. And quite strong and resilient as well. I can see why you have the position you do.

"And it's not because Nita is my sister either." Nidaja replied with a smirk.

"I shall not lose this time general. Are you quite ready?"

"Confident are you? Tell you what pet-boy, if you win, I'll allow you to lead me through the city and castle on a leash when we hit the mainland.

Lone, not to be outdone, "And if you win, I shall give my life to you as a bodyguard."

"I'll hold you to that overconfidence Lone." And Nidaja darted in almost impossibly fast. Lone barely had enough time to block.

Nidaja again swept down and Lone jumped over the kick. Her next move, again sent far too fast for Lone, caught him with an uppercut right square in the muzzle just as he was coming down.

Nidaja was literally having her way with him. Lone couldn't even hope to fight back and with another kick right across his muzzle, Lone went down and stayed there for a moment with Nidaja standing over him. "Stay down Lone."

"No ... I cannot lose..." And as Lone stood to his feet, he was met with a punch to his chest that dropped him like a rock. He curled into a fetal position in pain, unable to breathe.

"You just did ... my pet."

Lone barely gasped out a reply. "So I did, Mistress Nidaja."

"Let me help you dear." Nidaja rested her hand on his shoulder and a surge of energy rushed into Lone.

Lone drew a deep breath in with most of the pain gone in just that instant. "How did you..." was all he could stammer out.

"I told you not to underestimate me Lone." Nidaja stood to her feet and straightened her dress out. "You do not need to honor the debt since I tricked you." She said plainly.

"Mistress." Lone addressed as he kneeled down to the ship deck. "In a fair combat, one is never to underestimate their opponent. In war, one never knows the abilities of their adversary and in sparing one should act in the same manner. I lost no mater how and my life is yours as I promised."

"Are you sure Lone? I don't want to take you away from your life with Corsi and everything you have back home." Nidaja whispered quietly as she crouched down next to him.

"Corsi will be fine without me I assure you. She has her wife to care for her." Lone said solemnly. "Besides, I would like to train under your hand to better myself."

Nidaja stood to her feet looking down to Lone. "No one has ever bested me in combat, not even once. You did, and if you can do it again, I will take you in. And I won't use and magic either.


Nidaja never saw the uppercut coming and was sprawled out with Lone smirking as he stood over the more than dazed wolfess. "Deal, I win."

Neither of them even noticed that Nidaja wasn't seasick anymore.


The loud thud from above was followed by silence for a few long moments. Then a pair of footsteps followed, walking off from the bow to the stern of the ship.

"Well I hope those two worked out their differences." Nita commented with a laugh. "Be careful little mistress, you might lose your friend there."

"If I do, I would miss him greatly. But to tell the truth, he would really deserve someone like your sister. Though he would be a little difficult to handle."

"Oh? In what way might that be?" Nita asked with a casual nudge to Uri's leg.

Devil was kneeling on the floor on the opposite side of the table with the mouse using his head as a chair. "You sure you want to ask that?" Corsi replied.

"Yes." Nita replied quickly with arms folded and sitting back in her chair.

"Lone is very well endowed ... VERY well."

"So is Alpsie but she can handle him, she loves him almost as much as I do?"

"Would she love all thirteen inches of him?" Corsi commented defiantly.

Nita's muzzle dropped. Uri picked it back up. Nita composed herself for a moment and drew in a deep breath. "Well, on that note, Alps is warming the bed and I am heading to sleep." She stammered as she stood to her feet and closed the book in front of her.

"No you're not, you're heading to bed." Corsi chittered.

Nita blushed and said nothing with the exception of bolting out through the back door.

"Well, I think we know what she thinks of Lone now don't we?" Uri giggled.

"Most definitely. And on that note I think it's time to go to bed ourselves."

Devil stood up, keeping his head straight so he wouldn't drop the mouse. "Yes Ma'am."

Uri had been blushing softly all day long and now, she was redder than ever. "Let's go then." Was all she could come out with.

Corsi looked over to her with a laugh as she shook her head. She called down to her escort. "Alright, lets go."


Uri was sitting on a chair with Devil sitting up on the bed. Corsi was already engrossed in teasing her living demonstration tool. She was straddled over his erect shaft with her fingertips stroking along his entire length. They had been at things for the better part of an hour and the fox had his hands cuffed behind his back with his legs tied to the frame of the bed.

Uri was already undressed and watching intently at every touch Corsi gave the poor fox. Her own thoughts racing over what she could do to the mouse. "My goodness Corsi, are you going to let him get off or are you going to kill him?"

"Oh he will once I am done with him." Her tail wrapped around the base of his shaft went taut. "You can do whatever you like to him Uri. I have him tied so he can't cum and he will stay as hard as you need him to be for as long as my tail is wrapped around him."

Devil's eyes went wide and jolted down to the mouse. "You ... you wouldn't."

"I think our slave here needs a gag." Uri giggled as she took her cloth belt from the chair and sauntered over to the bed.

Devil's eyes were filled with a mixture of fear and hope. Shaken, not stirred. From being tied up most of his life, he grew comfortable with the idea and at points he actually enjoyed the feeling of helplessness. And this mixture of fear and pleasure were just the perfect thing for him. He let out a muffled whimper as the mouse on his lap began to over stimulate him with timed perfect strokes of her hands over his near painfully throbbing cock.

Uri tied the sash between the foxes teeth and then around his muzzle so he could easily breathe but not speak a word. She stood back, watching his eyes tear up with the intensity already rushing through him. "I know what will really get to him."

"What's that hon?" Corsi chittered as she gave him a careful lick along the underbelly of his cock head.

Devil tried to scream, but all that came out was a muffled groan. He pulled at those chains holding him tightly and opened his eyes to pitch-blackness. He never even felt the blindfold tied around his head but the next feeling that shot through him made him truly ache.

Uri slid her muzzle down that shaft bringing a gagged howl from the fox. Corsi settled herself down between his separated thighs and caressed his sack with those skilled hands of hers.

Devil was already feeling like he was going to explode. His entire body was afire with pleasure as well as the painful forcing back of his orgasm. He couldn't move at all laying bound and back on the bed practically in epileptic seizures of his intense over-stimulation.

Uri began to suck long and hard with his shaft deeply in her throat with Corsi's tight grip on the base of his length just refusing to budge. When she felt he could take no more, she gave him one long careful stroke off of his shaft and stood next to him just to watch.

Corsi was being merciful as well and stopped her own teasing to sit herself down on his belly-fur.

Uri untied the gag and Devilfox wailed out in his frustrations a second later. "I hope you are enjoying yourself slave, because you are not finished yet. Not until we say you are finished."

Devil pulled at the restraints again. His hot shaft painfully in need of a release... any release. "P... please ma'am... I have to... please..."

"Watch this Uri." Corsi chimed. She took a deep breath and blew a cool stream of air onto that cockhead, sending Devilfox into another wail of intense pleasure. "He'll be the most sensitive now when he is left alone for a few moments."

Uri straddled herself upon Devils chest. She looked down to him with a sly grin working over that muzzle of hers. "Well maybe we ought to leave him alone for awhile, or at least that part of him anyway. We have do make him earn his way to finishing his pleasure now don't we?

Corsi just smiled. She knew what Uri had in mind. So did Devil but it wasn't like he had a choice in the matter.

Uri straddled his muzzle. "Make me scream and I'll think about letting you get off." She seethed with her teeth barred as she grabbed his hair and pulled him up to her burning hot slit. She was certainly in need alright. She was completely soaked over with sweet sticky juices.

The slave wasn't stupid in the least. He dove up with that tongue of his, tasting her deeply and greedily. Uri was indeed sweet and with every flicker, his muzzle was greeted with her delicious juices. Then, another rush of pleasure struck through him and he howled out into Uri, sending his sonic vibrations deep inside her.

Corsi stroked just the tips of her skilled fingers along his length with a light giggle of mischief. She wanted to do more to the hapless fox but she was afraid it would take away from Uri's pleasure too much.

Uri had other ideas in mind. She was having fun sexually torturing the poor fox and a little more wouldn't hurt ... much. She stood up off his lap and turned around. Devil was about to get a lot more then he bargained for.

He was truly frightened. His tentative tongue trembled as he lapped along Uri's sweet slit once again though he was still unable to se anything at all with the blindfold securely on his head.

"No stopping slave. Not for anything." Uri ordered. Her voice rang with a slight hint of delicious pleasures granted by the fox's talented tongue. Uri shivered over as she took that needing length back into her throat with a delightful hum that vibrated deep into his burning fox-cock.

Corsi, just content on watching, perched herself on Devil's thigh with those tiny eyes staring intently at that deep throat suckling. She lay back scratching carefully at her own inner thighs with a bright grin over that tiny muzzle.

Devil had to force himself to continue. Slow and deliberate strokes working along the dew laden labia of his mistress's hot sex grinding down onto his hungering muzzle. He could barely move with Uri's powerful tongue lapping over his length inside her warm mouth. The only thing holding him back from blasting into Uri was Corsi's tail holding still tightly around the base of his cock.

Uri pulled her mouth off of him for just a moment so she could whisper to Corsi, "Next time I take him in ... Let go." She continued to lick along his cock carefully with the deep rooted pleasures of Devils tongue pulling her juices out of her hot pussy. Her body was on fire with intensity. Just from watching earlier, and with Devil's natural talent she felt so alive with the beautiful pleasure, he deserved the reward. Out of nowhere, she drew Devil deep and hard into her muzzle, bobbing her mouth and tongue over every inch with a reckless abandon to over stimulate him vigorously.

Devil cried out in his frustrations. He could barely do anything to Uri to reciprocate to her. And once Corsi released her strangle hold on him ... that was it. He howled out at the top of his lungs, sending the vocal waves out over the ocean to disappear into the night. His entire body felt ripped apart with the sheer force of the orgasm with Uri continuing to drive and swallow down every drop of the boiling cum firing deeply until the last drop was gone and all that was left of Devil was a babbling mass of orange, red, and yellowish fur. He passed out about half a second later.


Devil was awakened once again to the same intense pleasures rushing over his already ravaged body. This time however, he was tied to the four posts of the bed and completely unable to move. He had no idea how long he was out. Uri was straddled on his lap with his still hard cock imbedded deeply inside her. The blindfold was off and Uri was riding him nice, and sensually. Corsi was nowhere to be seen.

Uri on the other hand, knew exactly where the mouse was. She had not cum yet, and there was nothing that was going to stop her. She drove herself vigorously onto the hapless fox underneath her. She moaned out deeply, having been on top of him for some time at this point.

Corsi had a determination as well. Her tail wrapped around the base of Uri's and she wan dangled down licking delicately at her sensitive tail hole. The skilled mouse working that tight muscle to give Uri double the pleasure she had bargained for.

"Oh Goddess... Corsi... That feels incredible... I'm gonna..." Uri cried out with the mouse and her intense stimulation working with her driving impaling onto the fox's cock.

"Hold off a moment love. I have something special for you... and for our slave here." Corsi answered as she flipped off of Uri's tail. She headed over to the window and shouted out with a mischievous little grin. "HEY CARROT!"

In walked a beautiful black bunny slave girl. She was dressed head to toe in nothing but a lace sash draped loosely over her body. She walked in as seductively as she could with her eyes fixed on Devilfox. Across her left eye was an oddly shaped fur discoloring of a bright orange... This carrot looking marking was where her nickname derived.

All eyes were on her as she, without a word, let that sash fall to the floor to bare her nude body before the audience. Her eyes drifted over to the small black mouse with a shy grin.

Uri turned to the mouse responsible but she was already gone from the sill. She looked around a moment for her and a soft taping at her thigh let her know where the mouse had disappeared to.

"I met her when I was roaming around a little below deck. I thought she would make a nice reward for Devil."

"And what is my reward?"

Her question was answered seconds later as the mouse hastily squeezed her way up and inside the wolfess. And just as she disappeared within, she squeaked "Have at him Carrot... And Uri, I'm a professional so don't worry about me." With one deep breath, Corsi submerged herself within.

Carrot settled herself down onto the bound fox's muzzle. She was immediately treated to the eager tongue of the fellow servant. She had to grab hold of Uri just to hold on with the quick burst of pleasure stroking through her.

Uri couldn't believe what was happening to her. Corsi was deep inside her along with being stuffed full with Devil's cock. She wasn't quite sure what the rodent was doing, but she felt like every pleasure center in her body was being hit all at once. Trembling and already on the edge already, she rode her slave for all he was worth as her nails dug hard into the bunny.

As for Devil... Who ever told him the life of a slave was a hard one, he couldn't remember for the life of him. But right now, he wished they could see him now. Three beautiful women, albeit one of them smaller than his dick, were all having their way with him. Oh how terrible... As independent as he was and as much as he disliked being a slave, if he was to be rewarded with such intimacy and downright sexual abuse, why would he ever run?

Uri's groan took all three by surprise. Her body crashed over the edge in her orgasmic frenzy. She held breast to breast with Carrot, kissing her deeply in her deep, lustful passion. Her body had never been touched so perfectly before in her life by anyone other than her beloved Misha. She shook so hard, she fell off the fox slave to the floor in a shivering ball of aftershocks.

Corsi was left on Devil's length with Carrot still riding his attentive muzzle. She looked to the floor at the half unconscious wolfess as she stroked her damp body along the pole of a cock. Her talented fingertips caressed his length with the sole goal of finishing him off a second time.

Carrot grinding her pussy down onto the bound fox, gasped deeply with every lick of that naturally talented tongue. Her midnight black fur stood on end with the rare pleasures riveting through her seductive figure. She was forced to fall forward, her hands catching herself on his thighs as she bucked her hot and needing sex against him.

Devil was far too close then he could help himself. With nowhere to go and nowhere to move, he blasted his cream into the cool night air and directly onto Carrot's muzzle. Stream after stream, blasting out to soak the bunny's face, neck and breasts dripping down onto the mouse until Devil was passed out like a light again.

Carrot looked down to the unconscious fox and then down to the sleeping wolfess on the floor. "Well Miss Corsi mouse, now what? You promised me I would be able to get off..." She looked down to where the mouse was but again... no mouse. "Where did you go Ma'am?"

Corsi finished licking her fur clean from off the edge of the bed and climbed back up with a quiet giggle. "You will. But we need to take care of these two first." She proceeded to start to untie the fox as she squeaked. "You pick her up and then help me untie the rest of these binds."

"Then what?" Carrot quizzed, hopping off him.

"Then you can take me to your room and I can fulfill that promise I made you."

"How exactly does a five inch mouse bring a fur that has never gotten off to orgasm?" The black bunny challenged.

Corsi just smiled knowingly as she shook her head and giggled tossing aside the first binding. "Oh, you did not what to ask me that."

Copyright 2002

Joey Porter

All characters portrayed herein are

Copyright their respective owners

Want to hear what happened to Carrot and Corsi?

Email [email protected]

If I get enough feedback, I'll write in the extra scene!!

Corsi INC 19

Chapter 19 Over two weeks had past and the ships crew grew very eager to get back on land. Devilfox had taken to his chores with the added benefit of having Carrot as a new incentive at night. Lone and Nidaja were getting along well...

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Corsi INC 17

Chapter 17 Corsi Incorporated hit the streets two months later. It did not take off immediately as the mouse had hoped but after a week of nearly nothing, word got out about exactly who was in the magazine and everyone was sold out of them...

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Corsi INC 16

Chapter 16 "And CUT! That's a wrap guys!" Came the bellow of the black and white feline dressed in camouflage pants and an open jacket of the same material. He walked over to David and Tracy De Allura with a smile. "Alright you two, that ought to...

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