Corsi INC 17

Story by Joey Porter on SoFurry

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#17 of Corsi INC

Chapter 17

Corsi Incorporated hit the streets two months later. It did not take off immediately as the mouse had hoped but after a week of nearly nothing, word got out about exactly who was in the magazine and everyone was sold out of them by the end of week two.

The second issue was already in print with Yoiko and another rabbit by the name of Blackberry on the cover. The Russian seductress having been more than happy to perform for the special 'bondage bunny' issue.

Corsi herself was just settling down into the mansion. She had no idea how difficult it was to run the company or for that matter, just how much money was made. When the first profit reports started coming in, Corsi realized just how Greyson was able to provide like he did and why. Instead of cutting a check for the stars, they were given a home and safety for the small exchange of assisting with the magazine production. A little work here and there on the weekends and many furs to do it. The work was negligible, and the several million dollar profits every month went straight to the upkeep and care for the castle as well as sent out to the furs in the field looking for new talents. The real hard part fell on Corsi and Yoiko. And that was keeping everything flowing right.

Corsi and Yoiko had moved out of the apartment and Lone had moved in there with Calli so they would have a more private and intimate place for themselves. Since the mansion was so large, Corsi had a remote control car reconfigured to allow her to get around the building. Ramps were set up on the stairs along the side and a large whip antenna with a flag had been attached so she would not be overlooked.

Things were quiet as per the usual in the mansion that morning. Most of the furs that lived there had their own jobs they attended outside and along with the work they did for the magazine. The place was near empty by 10:00 AM when Corsi came barreling down the stairs. She was on her way down to meet up with Lone and Calli with a friend of theirs none of them had seen in ages.

"MAKO!!!" Corsi screamed excitedly as she spun the car to a stop and jumped out. "Where have you been? I haven't seen you since Red died."

The Vampire bat knelt down to the floor to talk. "I went overseas to visit a friend of mine in England, a red deer by the name of Tandreia. She is very sweet and I haven't seen her in ages."

"In more ways than one?" Calli commented unable to resist.

Mako blushed a deep shade of red, revealing quite a bit about that trip. She lowered her head knowing she had been caught. "She was alright. Very passionate, and the way she held me ... I'm going to be heading back to live with her."

"You mean you are just here for a visit?" Yoiko asked as she walked in. She was completely nude from head to toe. Since they now lived all the way out here, they took advantage of the opportunity and stayed sky clad.

"Hey sweetheart!" Mako replied. Her eyes going wide at the sight of the beauty of a bunny walking her way. "Afraid so. I'm actually interested in getting into Corsi Inc." She said turning to the mouse with a sheepish grin. "If that's alright."

Corsi looked up at Mako with a little twitch of her long whiskers. She looked intently at her, scanning every inch of Mako's body. After a few moments she replied. "We shall see what happens. But first we have some catching up to do."

Calli and Lone, having kept quiet to let everyone get reacquainted, stepped forward.

"We already have a restaurant chosen." The gray wolf spoke up. "I think you will find the place suitable."

"Well, where is it?" Mako asked.


The Black Rose ... Mako's old work had changed quite a bit. Before, it was a quiet restaurant. But now things were quite different. A dance stage had been put in and the windows darkened. It was now, an amateur exotic dance club. No one was on stage at the moment since it was daytime and the place was just about empty.

Yoiko had thrown on a kimono, wearing nothing else underneath. Corsi, being a microfur, took advantage of having her long enough fur and wore nothing. After they had found their seats, a Border Collie walked up wearing nothing but her tanned leather chaps.

"DONNA!" Mako shouted excitedly about two seconds before she realized how she was dressed. She stared blankly at her in utter shock.

"O'er here honey." Donna said as she lifted Mako's eyes up away from her breasts.

Mako's brown fur took on that amber hue showing her deep blush underneath. "What on earth happened to you?!?" She exclaimed still in half shock.

"Well, where else can ya find work that has this relaxed of a dress code honey?" She answered back in that deep southern drawl.

Corsi, perched on Yoiko's shoulder, looked up and down the puppy's figure. She took every inch and every strand of fur on that body in ... especially those two very large assets of hers.

Donna's breasts were enormous. She was a tit-man's dream come true and just at the brink that they were not too large to manage.

"Well what can I get y'all today?" Donna asked. "Or would y'all like menu's?"

Mako's eyes had drifted back down again, but darted right back up as she was addressed. "OH! I'll just have a salad hon."

"I think y'all would be wanting a pair of melons rather than a salad honey."

"I think I am going to like this place." Calli elbowed Lone, whose eyes were also taking in the beautiful collie. "Behave you."

"Yes my dear." Lone answered ignoring the last comment for the moment. "I do believe this will be quite a nice and enjoyable place for us to get together and socialize. But does this amateur dancing thing really take off?"

"Oh yeah sugar. I would go up myself but..." She started and cut herself off. "Well all you have to do is sign a disclaimer and any tips y'all make when yer up there are yours" she finished with a soft giggle. And with a desire to change the subject and as well of curiosity she added. "Forgive me for askin' but why are y'all wearin' the same collar 'cept Mako?"

Corsi hopped off Yoiko's shoulder and down to the table as Mako found it hard to suppress a giggle. "Pleased to meet you Donna, I am Corsi Hibiki."

"Now where have I heard that name before?" She said looking down to the tiny woman.

"Don't worry about that hon. Have you ever really thought about dancing on stage before?" The mouse asked.

The table knew exactly where this was heading. Yoiko played into things by adding to Corsi's comment before Donna had a chance to reply. "I know I think you would make a killing up on stage. So photogenic."

"But ... but I couldn't dance up there." Donna replied nervously.

"Tell you what Don, I'll come up and dance with you." Mako offered, trying her hand at coaxing her. "You and I worked together for a long while right?"

"Well yes of course but..."

"Well here you are standing already almost nude and you want to be bashful on me?"

"Well no sweetheart but..."

"But nothing." Mako interrupted again. "Come on we can do this."

"Oh well fine, if'n it'll make y'all happy."

A well built though surprisingly young looking white tiger behind the bar standing about five foot ten inches turned around to watch what all the commotion was about. He sat back in his high barstool idly sketching on a pad of paper. "Hmm, this ought to be good." He mumbled to himself, setting the sketch pencil aside for a moment. The tiger was obviously well on the road to intoxication through the scribble of a sketch in that notebook and the fact that several empty shots sat behind him on the bar top.

As Mako and Donna walked into the back room, Corsi hopped off the table heading over to the bar and the handsome feline tender.

Yoiko followed her, picking the mouse up in mid stride. Corsi climbed the rest of the way up and onto her wife's shoulder.

"Hey hon, how much would it take for you to close shop and make this a private showing today Hmm?" The mouse said very matter-of-factly.

Yoiko cleared her throat to get the felines attention since it was obvious his mind was not on the two customers and instead, following the dancing lights that only he could see.

"Oh! Yes ... Can I help you miss?" The tiger jumped, almost falling out of his chair as his daydream ended with jolt.

Yoiko just pointed to the little mouse on her shoulder.

"Yes sweets, as I was saying, thank you for being so kind as to close down for the daytime to make this a private showing for us. It is very considerate of you." The mouse chittered with as polite a smile as she could muster without laughing. Yoiko, doing her best to stifle a giggle as well.

"Oh yeah ... yeah! No problem ... no problem at all ma'am." The plastered barkeep replied, not really wanting to offend or be caught with his little fetish either.

Corsi nodded as the Tiger set right about closing up shop without so much as another thought.

Corsi and Yoiko headed back to their seats as the mouse whispered, "You know sweetheart? That was kinda cruel. Remind me to send him a signed copy of the Corsi INC issue we get Donna into. Signed by everyone of course." She finished with a soft and content sigh as she curled up into her wife's fur.

"I have a feeling though that he would rather have a nice sized bottle of Vodka than porn hon."

The lights dimmed and the stage was lit up.

Mako walked out of the back room, much to everyone's surprise.

"I thought you were going up with her?" Calli asked.

"She wants to try it herself." She replied with a shrug. "We walked back and read through the no touching and no mess rules and she told me she wanted me to watch with everyone else. Just asked I give her a big tip."

And before anyone could say anything else, the sound of an upbeat country fiddle blasted out of the speakers.

Donna stepped out from behind the curtain in just a cowboy hat and fringed tan chaps. She danced with every once of her heart and soul put into every step. And when she stepped off stage to give a certain giant wolf a lap dance, her eyes flared wide at the surprise cushion.

Calli whispered over to her knowing full well why Donna had been surprised. "He's a big boy ain't he?"

Donna said nothing ... she didn't have to ... her blush did it for her and she jumped back up with a little surprise though no one paid it any mind and as the song ended she sauntered her way over to the bar and the white tiger behind it. "Haruka, can I keep these on?"

"Sure, why not? You look good in them." He replied with a soft grin.

And Donna's blush rose by one shade factor. "Coming from you sweetheart that's a nice compliment."

Lone stood up and walked over to her bowing slightly. "Madame, The rest of my companions and I would like you to seat with s and discuss a few things about a possible advancement in a new career."

Donna looked to Lone confused for a moment. That puzzling look turning to complete anger. She slapped the hulking wolf across the muzzle and stormed over to the table. She slammed her palm on the table with teeth barred. "If'n y'all wanted to fuck me the least you could have done was have the grace to ask first before sending tall dark and ugly over to me!" She screamed out to the flabbergasted table. "Mako, I hope you don't plan on associatin' with these perverts for long." And with that, Donna turned and stomped off into the back room again, slamming the door behind her.

Mako stood to her feet, about to go after her. She paused a moment and burst into a flood of tears.

Corsi jumped down from Yoiko's shoulder. She walked across the table over to Mako. "Hon, you want to go talk to her?"

"Well ... Yes ... Lone, what did you say to her?"

"I simply told the lady about our business proposal. I didn't think she would react so adversely." Lone replied in his usual businesslike mannerism.

"And right after she sat on your lap? Lone Reilen Wolfe, you have her thinking we want to buy her like a hooker." Calli snapped out as she jumped to her feet.

"We have got to go talk to her." Yoiko commented.

"Let Mako and I go. Donna knows her and I am not as intimidating." Corsi offered.

Mako nodded and scooped up the mouse, excused herself from the table and headed into the back room.

Donna had taken the hat and chaps off, throwing them to the side. She was seated on a bench against the wall where stripper volunteers would wait to go on stage. She looked up to the vampire bat and then back down to the floor. "It's been all muh life sweetheart. I just can't get away from furs thinking I'm just some two bit whore cause I got big breasts."

"Donna I know that's not what Lone meant by what he said." Mako whispered, sitting herself down next to the collie. "Lone is just very professional when it comes to potential employees."

"Yeah I know, So he wants to..." She snapped out in anger, stopping herself for a moment to finish, "...What the hell does he want from me?"

Corsi's cue. "He was trying to offer you a job working for us."

"But I like my job. This is the best thang that has ever happened to me." Donna said as she eyed the mouse. You are a very tiny lady. Do you work for that Lone guy too?"

Mako couldn't help but laugh. Corsi just smiled wide and answered, "Not exactly. Lone works as a cameraman for me. He's the best I have found anywhere."

"You mean to tell me that you are HIS boss?" Donna exclaimed. She sat back on the bench accidentally knocking a short stack of books and magazines for furs to read and occupy themselves before going up. "Ma'am you are far too funny."

Donna started to pick up the books. Corsi just smiled and waited with her arms folded. As Donna picked up the books, she froze solid. There it was, staring her right in the muzzle. Corsi Incorporated ... Issue One ... volume one. The pictures of the mouse she had just laughed off seconds before staring right back at her from the cover of the magazine.

Donna didn't know what to do. The realization that she not only laughed at her, but had insulted her and practically turned down a job in the magazine. For what seemed an eternity, Donna didn't move a muscle.

Corsi finally broke the silence, "Corsi Hibiki, pleased to meet you. I think with that natural southern gait in your step and that hat you had on you would make an absolutely perfect centerfold for the magazine."

Donna's face went ghost white as she snapped back around. "You mean ... even after I called y'all those names ... you still wanna put me in there?"

"I know a pretty face when I see it hon. And besides, I would want to appear in your photo shoot with you." Corsi chittered with a wink

Donna just stared slack-jawed. Not only was she just re-offered a job, but also the millionaire owner of the adult magazine just offered to go through the nude photo shoot. "I... I... I don't know. I mean I've never done that sort of thang before."

"Yes you have Donna. You were just up on the stage dancing right?" Mako said trying to help out.

"Well yeah but... Well isn't there anything else to it?"

"Sweetheart, how do you think the magazine gains its success? We don't pose furs in unnatural or uncomfortable positions, or force them to hold back, or egg them on or twist someone up to look like a pretzel just to get a better shot of whatever body part they are flaunting." Corsi offered the collie with a smile. "After all, we have ferrets that come in and give themselves head for that."

"You mean..." Donna had just been flooded with far too much information than she needed. "Next thing y'all are gonna tell me is you wanna crawl up inside me to yiff me for try-outs."

Corsi laughed loudly, making Donna do the same. Mako however turned a warm shade of pink and was getting redder by the minute. Donna noticed quickly and the realization that her joke was really not a joke at all, slammed into her like a ton of bricks. She stopped laughing.

"You're kidding?" Donna said with that ghost white expression again. "You actually DO that?"

"I was driving home when she did it." Mako said bluntly through her blush.

"And I did it to Red when he was alive right here in this building. Before the changeover." Corsi added. "I think you were working that night actually."

The room went dead silent again. Donna just stared at Corsi. She had no idea how to respond to that little revelation. All she knew was just the thought of doing something like that excited her tremendously.

"You alright Donna?" Mako asked.

But there was no way the collie was going to be able to verbally respond. Instead, that rapidly flipping tail of her spoke novels.

"Well you know Donna, we could always have you try out now." Corsi whispered quietly as that little fetish of hers kicked in. She had a serious fetish for nervous furs. If she intimidated anyone, she wanted him or her right then and there. Though her flirting would usually make a fur even more nervous which in turn would get her more excited.

Mako giggled to herself as she watched the tiny mouse seducing the canine. "Should I go so we can make this a private interview?"

Donna looked between the mouse that was stepping over and onto her thigh and to the vampire back that was getting up to leave.

"Well... I ought to have Yoiko in here to witness the interview, as well as our head photographer Lone..." Corsi ordered as she stroked the tip of her tail along the lush fur of the collie's bare thigh.

"No!" Donna snapped out as her ears flattened back. "I... I think this ought to be private... I mean I... I... I wouldn't want to be nervous or nothin'. I want to... uh... Ma'am, are you thinkin' about doin' what I think you are thinkin' about doin'?"

Corsi say herself down on Donna's lap. She looked up to her with an innocent grin. She thought to herself, Something's wrong, she's a little too nervous. I'll ease up a little on her. But I WILL have a collar on her.

"Well then I'll tell you what Donna. You get back up on stage again and dance, and we'll see about having a private shoot right here. Just something a little less than intimidating to start." Corsi replied after the pause and hopped back over to the bare seat.

Now the collie was visibly shaking. She stood up, walking away to try and keep from showing it.

Mako piped in; "I can go up with you if you like sweetheart." She piped in to try and ease the situation.

Donna slowly gained a smile. She really liked Mako. She had for years. She calmed down a little looking over to her. "Alright... but only if you do it with me."

Corsi's grin went from ear to ear. "Well Mako, you did say you wanted to get into the magazine. Now's your chance." She jumped down to the floor, landing with a light tap. "I'll see you up on stage whenever you are ready then."

"Alright Ma'am." Donna replied al those butterflies returned full force and with a few of their friends.

"Just Corsi hon, no need to get so formal at all." She giggled and ran out into the front of the club.

Donna was shaking visibly. "Oh Mako, I don't think I can do this. Goofing of on stage is one thing but this... this is different."

Mako slid closer. She was far over dressed for this, as Donna was already nude. Mako stood to her feet slipping the straps of her dress down and allowing it to fall to the floor. She unbuckled her bra as well and let those firm breasts bounce free. Her soft frilly pink panties were next, and those as well were casually tossed aside.

Donna's eyes stared at Mako. Her jaw dropped, finding herself gawking in awe of the bats seductive figure.

Mako stifled a laugh. "Is there something I can do for you?"

Donna snapped her head up blushing red as a cherry. "No... no, I'm all right. Just didn't expect you to... I mean I never... I didn't think you would just... DO that." She managed; getting more embarrassed by the moment.

Mako just smiled and shook her head. "Look Don... here toy are working in a bar there you just a little while ago were mentioning how great it is to work naked in front of total strangers. Now you are doing the same thing with someone you know full well doesn't mind. Something's wrong so talk to me. What's the matter."

"Well honey, Its just that... I've never really had pictures taken like this... never mind that they are gonna be posted in a magazine for all the world to see and everythang. Not to mention that the owner of the thang will be right there watching the whole..."

"I know a way to help relax you hon. But, I don't know how you might feel about it." Mako whispered with a slight nervousness in her voice.

"Mako" Donna whimpered. "If'n y'all can relax me, just go ahead and do it." She was just as nervous and even more so then Mako.

A soft hand rested down to Donna's thigh and Mako gave her a light squeeze. She cupped Donna's muzzle with her other hand and leaned in a little closer.

Donna couldn't even breathe. She leaned in. Her muzzle pressed warm and affectionately to Mako in a soft and nervous kiss. Her fur bristled with an inner excitement as she reflexively slipped her arms up and held Mako around the shoulders.

Mako broke the kiss and smiled over to her long time friend. "A little more relaxed not Don?"

Donna nodded as a smile slowly crept over her muzzle. "Mako, I think there's somethin' I ought to tell you."

Mako's hand squeezed Donna's thigh once again. "What's wrong babe? Tell me."

Donna took a deep breath and focused herself off towards the door. "You know how I be losin' all my boyfriends? Well, they all wanna be mating with me and when I tell 'em I be wantin' to same myself for the fur I wantin' to be with forever..." She blushed even deeper as she stopped herself for a moment. She then added, "I never even kissed any of 'em neither."

Mako slid up against Donna, putting her arm around her. She snuggles her close and kissed her once again on the cheek. "Well I'm glad you let other women kiss you. Otherwise I would have to suffer..."

"Never kissed a woman neither..." Donna cut in.

Now it was Mako's turn to stammer. "Why... why me then?"

"Please don't ask why... Just share with me." Donna said in a pleading whimper. "Please..."

There was nothing to argue. Mako just stared at her for a moment, not knowing just what to do. Her hand was still resting on Donna's lap and as the thoughts settled into her, she squeezed a little tighter and leaned in.

It was hard to tell which of the two were more nervous. Donna, about to lose her virginity or Mako, about to take it from her.

Donna closed her eyes tightly and took Mako's hand in her own. She leaned into her and gingerly pressed her muzzle to her lovers with a gentle and affectionate kiss.

The vampire bat slowly crept her hand up Donna's thigh as she just as slowly deepened the loving kiss. She had rarely been with a woman before and even more so, never been with a virgin. Unsure exactly how to handle things, she pushed along carefully ahead while she tried not to look just as nervous as she was.

Donna tried to relax. But between her nervousness and excitement, she wasn't certain how to react at all. She sat frozen in the kiss and shaking, visibly scared of the new and first lovers touch.

"Don..." Mako whispered as she broke the kiss for just a moment. "Calm down hon."

"But I hear it's painful the first time." She said in more of a squeak than a whisper. "But... this doesn't hurt none and I'm a little scared of when it will."

Mako couldn't help but laugh. She kissed Donna with a little peck, the last bit of anxiety slipping away, as did her giggle. She gently stroked her fingertips against her lovers dampened petals. She traced along the soft curves letting the natural moistness allow her fingers to slide and caress easily along. "Love, it only hurts when you are penetrated the first time. I won't hurt you at all. I promise."

Donna gasped deeply. She had only masturbated before this and ... this felt so much different and far better. She couldn't believe that just the barest touch from her new lover could fill her so completely with this intense of pleasure.

Mako watched Donna's reactions with a gleeful grin. She leaned in closer, giving Donna a delicate kiss on the side of her neck. "You want to really feel something?" Mako whispered into Donna's ear. Her fingertips worked slowly in a soft tease over her lovers' warm and needing sex.

Donna's mind could not conceive this pleasure as getting any better. But she was not about to decline the intense feelings coursing through her. She barely managed to whisper through her clenched teeth, "Yes..." when Mako stood up only to kneel down in front of her. Donna's eyes snapped open to watch Mako leaning in closer and closer still until she could feel that bats warm breath surrounding her already hot slit.

Mako carefully licked her tongue along the sweet tenderness of her lovers' sex. Her reward... a scream of ecstasy that led into a long luscious howl. She could swear that just that little touch made Donna cum.

Donna panted hard. It was her first orgasm given by another fur. Incomprehensible words trembled out of her but not out of nervousness, out of anticipation.

Mako on the other hand was still quite surprised by the quick and unexpected treat. A determination had set in to give Donna pleasures she never thought were possible in all her life.

Donna's paws gripped tightly to the hard wooden bench as she relished in the intensified aftershocks of her euphoric orgasm. She fully expected Mako to stop but that lengthy tongue of hers just kept at her. Every strand of fur was popping on edge with her body as sensitive as it was.

Mako drove her tongue deep inside of Donna, releasing another sharp howl. This time it was even louder than the first. Her talented tongue diving repeatedly into her lover as her claw tips scratched playfully along the Collie's thick fur.

Donna was shaking. She wanted to say how wonderful she felt, how much she loved Mako. But the intense feelings kept her muzzle shut tight. For the first time in her life she came twice in a row. And somewhere in the back of her mind, she knew things were just beginning.

The Bat noticed quickly that with as hard as Dona had cum, that she was having trouble staying up straight. In fact, the puppy playmate looked as if she was about to pass out completely. Mako laid her down on the bench to let her relax, giving her one last lick for good measure.

Donna's eyes closed, though she never stopped shivering. The aftershocks of the double whammy cutting through her like a knife. "M... Mako... How did y'all do that to me?"

"I can teach you sweetheart. But I don't want to rush you too far into things too quickly. Just relax. You know you came so fast you could barely enjoy any of it."

"Couldn't enjoy it?!?" Donna shouted, snapping up. "Sweetheart if'n you can make it feel any better that that, y'all ought to do it for money!"

"Then maybe we ought to get Lone and Calli in here to take pictures." Mako replied calmly as a slow but mischievous smile crept along her muzzle.


Everything just fell into place right then and there. Donna realized exactly what Lone meant and exactly what Corsi was suggesting and what she would have to do. She smiled to Mako and lay back down to the bench with a giggle. "Then I got a better idea than anything. You call out to Misses Corsi mouse and we'll give her a real dance routine she'll never forget."

Ten minutes later, the two were up on stage. The dancing lasted about two minutes and Mako was already on her back with Donna pulled atop her in a sixty-nine.

Lone was there with a digital camera in hand and Calli had retrieved a video camera from her car. All the doors were still locked tight and Haruka the white tiger just sat back behind the bar and watched the show.

Donna straddled Mako's hungry muzzle with her body draped over her lovers. The two women laying right in the middle of the stage for the small groups viewing pleasure. Donna panted hard from the affections of Mako's long and talented tongue filling her deeply with her eyes focusing on Mako's glistening sex.

Calli took the chance to get on tape Donna engrossed in intimacy whilst she stared at that aching with need pussy.

Donna, still exploring her body, stared down. The scent of Mako drifting up to her as her mind swept through thoughts of her own sweetness and the times she tasted herself after she masturbated. It wouldn't be much different would it? Her body was completely filled with such intense pleasure, she knew she just had to return the favor, and she wanted to desperately.

Mako was so engrossed in her fixation that when she felt Donna's fingers tease along her sex, it took her by complete shock. She gasped deeply with her tongue snapping quickly out of the canine in reflex.

Donna shivered deeply as that quick withdrawal left her on the verge of another orgasm. Inhibitions being tossed aside and replaced with pure lust, she sank her slender muzzle down onto the seductive bat. After tasting a woman for the first time in her life... she liked it. The musty sweet taste felt so appealing that she hungered for more and thrust her own tongue down into her lover without a second thought.

Mako's need had built up for so long by that point, she thought for certain she would burst. Her body filled with a relentless onslaught of ecstasy, she screamed out at the top of her lungs and wrapped her leathery wings tightly around her furry lover.

The audience of three sat casually, watching the erotic display before them. Corsi and Yoiko sat together and Haruka walking over to the pair as the rabbit picked up her mouse wife and sat her down on her shoulder.

Haruka say down next to the couple, not taking his eyes off the stage for a moment. He was practically drooling over what his eyes feasted before him and idly; he started to carefully massage his thigh.

Corsi whispered softly to Yoiko, catching a glimpse out of the corner of her eye. Yoiko nodded back to her with a giggle and the tiny mouse hopped to the floor and ran up on stage to Lone.

Lone was solid as stone under his leather pants. And with as tight as they were in the first place it was more than obvious to everyone that watched. He felt Corsi begin to climb up him and leaned down to offer a paw up to her shoulder. "Yes my little mistress?"

"Look over at the tiger hon." She whispered pointing over to Haruka.

Haruka, sitting tight to the table with his hands hidden underneath, was staring up on stage indeed but not at Donna and Mako, but directly at Lone.

Lone nodded with a coy grin and Corsi hopped down to the floor. He set his digital down and slipped off his pants kicking them aside. Over a foot of wolf cock being freed, and it with the thickness of a tree branch.

All eyes fell on Lone. Mako froze solid, as did Donna when she looked back to see what was wrong. Calli just smiled as she thought to her self "These two are in deep trouble." Not knowing yet what Lone's plans were with that oversized meat.

Haruka was the one that was really drooling, and more so over any of the others. Haruka had his job for one big reason. He was gay and for that matter, he was highly aroused. His mind was set on the wolf and what he could do with him.

Lone stepped off stage much to the tiger's shock and handed the camera to Yoiko. The Giant wolf turning to Haruka and kneeling down next to him with a soft grin. "My Mistress wishes me to thank you properly for allowing us to film." Were his simple words as he turned Harvey and his chair and proceeded to unzip his jeans and free his throbbing length.

Lone wasted no time at all. He drew every inch of Harvey's shaft within his warm muzzle with a soft suckling. His tongue dancing along that solid length as he reached behind himself to get ready for what he wanted to do next.

Haruka was frozen in his seat. He went from fantasizing about the wolf, to oral sex in the span of just a few short minutes. He didn't even have enough time to protest, not that he would. Lone was more intense than any lover he had even been with was. His pounding shaft sucked so hard and so steadily, his body felt so alive with pleasure he couldn't believe it.

Back up on stage, things were heading straight back to yiffiness. Donna and Mako had turned, twisting and entwining their legs together to press their hot pussies and clit together. The stage and room filled with the sounds of their juices squishing lewdly.

Donna, on her back, thrusted herself against her lover with her nails digging deeply into the wooden stage. Her body, pleasured deeper than she has ever felt before, was exploding in the grips of an orgasm that seemed without end. She could do nothing at all but gasp for breath and bask in the intensity of it all as it tore over every inch of her ravaged body.

Mako wasn't stopping yet, not for a second. She leaned back on her knees with every grind of her pussy against her lovers was being met with a harsh wail from the canine. Those screams of wondrous bliss filling her ears only drove her to want more. Their sweet juices mixing with one another and dripping down to the wooden stage.

Donna finally collapsed down to the stage out like a light from the erotic over stimulation. Mako, slowing her gyrating to ease her lover down into her euphoric slumber.

Mako carefully slid herself back and glanced back down offstage. She had not finished and with as excited as she was she aimed to get something out of it. And after seeing that monster of Lone's, she knew what she wanted.

Lone had settled himself on the Tiger's lap, with Haruka's shaft imbedded deeply into the wolf with arms wrapped around his waist. Lone slowly and carefully worked his tight pucker in Haruka's thickness with his own mammoth length free and dripping pre from the very tip.

Mako smiled wide. She sauntered offstage and made her way over to the two males. Without even a word, she straddled Lone, standing up on the sides of the chair and lowering herself carefully onto that thirteen inches of hot and ready wolf cock.

Yoiko smiled brightly This new turn would do wonders for the magazine. The digital camera flashing away with her entire concentration on catching just the perfect shot she and her wife would need to make the next issue a real hit. Corsi, sitting on her shoulder, slipped herself down to her favorite snuggling spot, nestled right between her breasts.

Haruka had never been this close to a woman in this situation before. He was gay but at that point he really didn't care. He was under the weight of Lone and her with his shaft pleasured up to the hilt. Buried deep inside the giant wolf, he ached on the verge of exploding with every twist, grind, and squeeze Lone's tight pucker gave him.

Lone, caught nice and in the middle, could only hold on. Everything around him seemed to melt away as he was pleasured by the trembling bat atop him and the more than well hung tiger under him.

Then, Mako slipped, instantly forcing all thirteen inches into her weather she wanted it or not.

Lone immediately exploded his seed into her. A virtual fountian of cum filling Mako completely as she screamed out in a delicious mix of pain and pleasure and slingshotted her into her own intense tidal wave of orgasmic bliss that ran straight into her and over every fiber of her being.

With Lone atop him and tail-hole clenching tightly, Haruka was the next to be sent over the edge. He gripped tightly onto Lone and Mako as his orgasm sent his burning hot seed inside his canine lover with a deep groan of his intense pleasure.

Yoiko caught all of it on camera ... every last frame she could snap. This unexpected scene would be one of the biggest hits the magazing has ever witnessed.

Though one would not share in that enjoyment... Lone's video camera, the one Calli had been using, lay broken on the floor alongside her gold collar. The screetching tires of her car speeding around the front of the building struck deep in lones ears and into his heart.

Lone said nothing.

As usual... All characters used and abused in the writing

of this story are the sole copyright of their respective players.

Corsi, Corsi INC, and Lone Rielen Wolf

Are Copyright the writer.

Joey Porter 2001

Corsi INC 18

Chapter 18 Lone walked his daily route, bag of mail in hand and that icy expressionless glare on his muzzle as he made his way from house to house delivering his packages and letters as the usual. All that was on his mind was his...

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Corsi INC 16

Chapter 16 "And CUT! That's a wrap guys!" Came the bellow of the black and white feline dressed in camouflage pants and an open jacket of the same material. He walked over to David and Tracy De Allura with a smile. "Alright you two, that ought to...

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Corsi INC 15

Chapter 15 Things had finally started to slow down around town. Corsi and Yoiko's names were plastered all over the front pages of the paper right after the wedding as expected. For a while they were barely able to go out on the town without...

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