Corsi INC 15

Story by Joey Porter on SoFurry

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#15 of Corsi INC

Chapter 15

Things had finally started to slow down around town. Corsi and Yoiko's names were plastered all over the front pages of the paper right after the wedding as expected. For a while they were barely able to go out on the town without having a camera flashed on them. But now as with all media hype stories, the two had stepped out of the spotlight and settled down at home.

Kirzen and the two after the wedding had become fast friends as well as the blue vixen Chiana.

Chiana had come form a poor family and was not very educated for her age of twenty-three. She danced at a local strip club for tips and did very well for herself, as her rare pale blue fur was high in demand. She was unmistakable in a crowd and many a fur fantasized about her at night. That is until they talked to her and found out she had trouble speaking. Others would try and take advantage of her for that very same thing but her roommate would watch out for her.

Tasha was a giant of a woman. But then again most bears were as a genetic trait. All she would have to do is stare at any fur that even attempted to do anything to Chiana. Most of the time they were smart and would back down. But then you had the elite few that thought just because this bear was a woman that they could take her on and with over the vixen. They usually ended up running off with their tail between their legs. Then there's the rare fur that tries pulling a knife. They usually wake up in a hospital.

The Golden Unicorn was the club where Chiana worked. The other girls there were quite envious of her natural talent stemming from natural mating instincts.

One such night when she was working and Tasha was sitting at her usual table at the front of the stage, Lone and Calli whom had grown quite close since the night Jaxx was initiated into Greyson's pets, visited the club. The pair looked intently up to the blue vixen as the last shred of her clothing was dropped off and she bared everything right in front of the couple.

Lone whispered over to Calli with Tasha watching out of the corner of her eye. Lone then pulled out a bill and after kissing his wolfess partner, Lone flashed it as a 100 c-mice bill.

Tasha almost died right then and there. Who was this guy that was so well off that he could tip a dancer a half a nights wages at once? Jealousy reared its ugly head when Lone put the bill in his teeth and laid back on the stage. Chiana following routine that Tasha did and leaned over resting her hands to Lone's thighs. He pushed the bill clean inside her with a bright smile. And Chiana stayed a few moments. Calli helped out the situation by stroking her hands along his thighs as well. She couldn't help but notice Lone's sheath start to grow from under his jeans. She turned away just for a moment. But when she looked back her jealousy grew even stronger turning to an ugly rage. Chiana was frozen in place just staring at Lone's lap. Calli was sitting back in her chair arms folded with a smirk on her muzzle and there was Lone stretching the seams of his trousers and still growing.

Tasha cleared her throat looking sternly to Chiana and the vixen snapped her head up.

"Chi sorry sir. Chi no mean stare." She whimpered to Lone and stood back up. She reached down to her sex removing the bill from within. She looked at it a moment and stared in blank surprise. She looked up to the wolf a moment and smiled softly. She began to dance again a little more wildly. Bill in hand she bent over backward baring the soft petals of that delicate flower for the entire place to see. And what was more she was directed at the two wolves and NOT at Tasha. Tasha and Chiana were in no way intimately involved, though Chiana danced for the polar bear and adores her sweet affection.

Tasha growled under her breath as her vixen inched her way closer and closer to the wolf only to stand back up at the last minute and continue her dance.

Calli was watching the entire thing and as Lone sat back to his seat with her, she whispered to him. "Lollipop, I think we have a little problem with your gift." Pointing over to the hulking bear whom was walking over to their table.

Ice cold eyes stared into Lone's calm and collected though expressionless muzzle. "Nice little toy you gave her there." She took another 100$ bill out of her pocket and placed it on the table next to him. "I would prefer not to seduce the young vixen."

Lone looked down at the bill, and then over to his date for the evening.

Calli shrugged and Tasha turned to sit back down.

Lone stood back up. He was not a fur to be taken lightly nor was he about to let this one intimidate or order him. Besides, he stood far taller then the bear. That height made him at the very least equal to her. He placed the bill down next to her brow furrowed. "Madame, I care not for your money. Just because I appreciate beauty and skill means not that I would wish to bed the lady as you assume. I would appreciate you not be so sexually discriminative when it comes to someone tipping your girlfriend."

Calli was already standing up and getting ready to leave. Lone turned around nodding in agreement that it would be the best course of action.

Calli screamed out pointing behind him. "WATCH OUT!"

And a bottle came down crashing on the giant man's head. Glass shattering all around and falling to the floor.

Lone turned around completely unscathed to regard the polar bear wielding what was left of the beer bottle. "Maybe we should take this to a more appropriate place. Follow me." And Lone turned around walking out of the club just as the bouncers had come to remove the two.

Lone and Tasha were more than willing to leave on their own accord and once outside, the pair immediately commenced to sizing the other up.

Tasha, a trained martial artist lunged at Lone. Lone went to grab at her wrist but instead she feinted. She pulled her arm away at the last moment and dodged aside him driving a knee into his belly.

But that was not nearly enough to put the giant down. Lone was fast and grabbed her leg tight. He used her own momentum and slight loss of balance to guide her body into the brick wall with a loud smack. Then with her slightly dazed, he grabbed the scruff of her neck and pulled her down slamming the back of her head off the ground.

Chiana ran out screaming. Lone stood above the bear, arms folded and not moving an inch. Tasha was starting to get up as Chi ran to her side. "Please no hurt Tasha. She just protect Chi."

"Have no worry Miss Chi. My actions to her are solely to defend myself. If she does not strike out I will not counterstrike. She tried to give the tip I gave you back to me assuming it was to try and bed you." Lone said solemnly as Calli went over to Tasha's side as well.

Tasha was fully conscious and since Lone was not attacking at all she was content to rest for the moment rather than take the chance of making another mistake. She underestimated Lone drastically. She never lost in a bar fight to anyone and this was just a major blow to her ego not to mention her head.

Chiana leaned down to Tasha. "Tasha okay?" She said worriedly.

Tasha nodded and slowly sat up. "Yes I'm fine. No thanks to the wolf here."

Chiana blinked and shook her head. "But Chi watched Tasha hit wolf with bottle. Tasha hurt wolf first."

Calli nodded softly feeling at the back of Tasha's head. She pulled her hand away looking at it in the light for signs of blood. There were none thank goodness. "Tasha, Chiana has a valid point there. If you didn't shatter that beer bottle over his head, we wouldn't be out here."

"Well if he didn't give me back the money I wouldn't have hit him." Tasha defended.

"Why did you refund the money I tipped Chiana in the first place?" Lone said staying standing and well out of immediate range.

Tasha growled angrily. She searched for an excuse, a reason other than just jealousy. She couldn't find one. She looked blankly up at the streetlight not saying a word.

Lone just smiled. He stepped forward, reaching down to her with his hand to offer her help to her feet.

Tasha looked at him in utter disbelief. No sarcastic comment, nor kicks in the teeth ... Nothing. Perhaps this wolf that just dropped her like a bad habit wasn't the typical male. She took his hand pulling herself up to her feet. "Still don't like it but ... very well."

Chiana smiled with her little laugh. "Chi happy! Tasha and big wolf master friends?"

"Master? What do you mean 'master' Chiana?" The white bear said looking questioningly over to her.

Chiana covered her muzzle shaking her head. "Chi say nothing!"

Lone rested his hand on Tasha's shoulder with a smile and a slight laugh. "Chiana here posed for Playfur once correct?"

Tasha nodded in agreement.

One of the bar's patrons heard that and walked over. Stumbling slightly and obviously well on the road to complete intoxication, the ferret leaned up to Chiana. "Hey sexy, howzabout showin' me one of yer private dances at my house. You don' need any of deeze losers." Slipping his hand down to her waist trying to pull her along.

Lone reached out taking the ferret's hand away from Chiana. "I don't think the lady would like to go with you this evening. Please be on your way sir."

"Fuck you asshole." And the ferret took a lazy swing at him.

Tasha moved to help but Lone had things well in hand. Lone grabbed him by the arm and shoulder tossed him to the ground.

The ferret landed hard. But numb in drink and obviously dumb as a stump he stood back to his feet. He started to run at Lone but Tasha grabbed him by the back of the collar.

In response, he swung another lazy backhand at her.

Tasha smiled. She grabbed his arm ready to finish this fight once and for all and quickly. She reeled back giving him a very solid haymaker right to his jaw and the poor ferret dropped like a lead brick.

"We ought to get the hell out of her and fast before someone comes." Calli said taking Lone by the hand. "Come on you two, we can take my car. It's parked around the corner."


"Good to see you again my dear Chiana. You were at Miss Yoiko and Mistress Corsi's wedding a few months back." Lone looked over to Tasha; "Chiana and I have known each other for a while now." Lone explained to her. And with the look that Tasha was returning to him he decided to explain a little more fully. "When she posed for the magazine, she received access to Greyson's mansion."

The four of them were in Calli's Fire engine red Porch. Casually driving down the main avenue in town. Calli driving with Chiana and Tasha in the back seat. No police anywhere in sight.

Calli looked back to the blue vixen through the rear view mirror. "You won't get in trouble for leaving will you hon?"

Chi stayed silent for a moment until Tasha nudged her. "OH! Chi not know you talk to her. Chi never get in trouble. Chi boss say Chi make too much money for place so Chi never ever have to leave."

Tasha smiled shaking her head. "Chiana likes to dance and show herself off. Whatever makes other furs happy really. Even though I would love to be her lover, she doesn't want another woman. She was never taught how to speak as a kid either. So I took her in and help take care of her and I watch out for her. I want her to be happy really and I don't want some drunk taking her home promising things to her just to use her." Tasha sighed looking down to the floor of the car. "Sorry I did started in on you Lone."

"Don't worry about it Tasha I feel the same way about her." Lone said with a casual glance over to Chiana. "I wouldn't want anything to happen to her. Chiana is far too much of a sweetheart."

"So you two know each other well?" Tasha deduced. She paused a moment and asked, "So what was that thing Chiana said earlier about you being 'master' Lone?"

"During Chiana's collaring ceremony I was the master she chose. She was very good and more than eager to please." Lone said with a smile.

"Yes Ma'am. Master Lone make Chi feel special. Master Lone treat Chi nice."

"So ... You made love to Chiana?" Tasha pressed.

Lone shook his head. "No. I usually don't do that at all. Just using different toys and such. Her favorite was..."

"SIR!" Chiana interrupted with a start. "No tell Tasha bear!"

Lone sat back down in the seat after getting an elbow in his ribs from Calli. "I wasn't going to say a thing Miss Chiana. The night of your collaring is private."

Chiana looked over to Tasha, her best friend. She wasn't at all happy with the response and obviously wanted to find out what happened. Tasha WAS a voyeur after all.

Tasha put on a disappointed stare into the passenger seat of the car. Though her mind was racing and fantasizing what it would be like to see this hunk of a wolf spanking and paddling the vixen she loved so much. Her mind flashed through scenes of waking up late at night, walking past Chiana's room. The covers kicked off her bed and innocent little Chiana lying there naked. She would fantasize about her every night, sleeping with her, loving her, making love to her. She started to think about cuddling close to the beautiful vixen. Running her fingers along her voluptuous curves and...

Lone cleared his throat.

Tasha blinked snapping her head up. "Yes?"

"Are you alright Miss? You were moaning just then. Are you still in pain?" Lone said with a concerned look.

Calli elbowed him in the ribs again.

Tasha realized right then that he had been fantasizing about Chiana again. She looked out the window trying to hide her blush when Chiana, concerned, rested her hand on her shoulder.

"Miss Tasha want Master Lone to show what Master Lone did to Chi?"

"You mean ... you would want him ... to play with you ... so I can watch?" Tasha barely stammered out.

"Well, why don't we show Miss Tasha the mansion and then see where things lead? After all there something to be said about spontaneity."

"Well if you want spontaneity I can pull the car over and Tasha and Lone can switch seats." Calli interjected with a laugh.

Much to Calli and Tasha's delight Lone replied, "We have the toy-bag in the trunk do we not my dear?"

Ten minutes and one quick pit stop later, Lone was in the back seat with Chiana, windows open and driving casually down the city streets.

Chiana was already naked kneeling in the back seat bowing her head respectfully. "What you want Chi do Master Lone?"

Lone said nothing. He took a set of leather wrist straps and clips out from the bag locking Chiana's wrists to the roof handles over each of the back seats side windows. Lone took position seated underneath her so they were muzzle to muzzle. Lone took a small riding crop out of the bag stroking the leather tip along the soft blue and white fur of her rear. "Tell me Miss Chi ... Confess to your master how bad a girl you have been." His voice was low and seductive. He cupped Chiana's rump tenderly looking up to her straight in the eye.

Chiana looked away with a soft whimper. She was already warm feeling Lone's shaft underneath her held back only by the loose fitting jeans he wore. "Chi play nightly. Chi no have boyfriend. Chi lonely so Chi play to feel good."

Lone struck her hard on the rump with the crop making her jump with a light squeal of intense pleasure. "Such a bad girl doing such nasty things." And again the crop was sent crashing down on her. "What else have you done."

Chiana shook her head no, biting down on her lip.

Lone spanked harder down onto her as reached into the bag for another toy. "Tell your master what you have done or you shall be punished."

Chiana turned to look over her shoulder. Very quietly she shook her head again "Chi can no say."

Lone growled low. "Do not disobey me Chiana. Answer me." He said angrily reaching up to her muzzle and taking a careful hold. He forced her to look into his steel blue eyes. "Answer me now."

Chi couldn't help it. Her last remaining bit of independence washed away as he stared her down. Lone let go of her muzzle and she looked down away from his eyes. Her voice barely a peep she admitted, "Chi watch Miss Tasha bear play when she thought Chi was sleep."

Tasha sank in her seat eyes wide with shock. "You SAW that?"

Chi nodded softly not turning around. "You wake Chi up when you feel good." She paused a moment before continuing, "Tasha bear loud when she play in Chi doorway." Finally now she did turn around to regard her polar bear room mate. "Chi sorry Chi no like yiff female. If Chi did ... would play Tasha."

And you could almost hear that tough as nails polar bear melt right then and there.

"But Chi like Tasha watch." Chiana added, trying to make her feel better.

Lone, not about to let this emotional moment steal the thunder, rapped Chi's ass with the crop again. He knew from the last time how Chiana liked to be dominated. He grabbed tightly at her hair pulling her around to look at her straight in the eyes once again. "Then if Tasha wants to watch a show, You can give her something to watch."

Chi nodded whimpering quietly. She closed her eyes trembling a little in fear and a little in anticipation of what was to come. "Yes Master Lone, Chi obey."

Tasha had never actually thought of it before but she realized it then. Chiana was an exhibitionist. Tasha was a voyeur. Though they would never be intimate because of Chiana's sexual preferences, they could share at least that. Just thinking of that got her blood pumping hot.

Calli looked over to Tasha trying to keep her eyes on the road. Cars drove past with the occasional fur taking a double take of what was going on behind her. She looked up in her mirror to watch as well. She loved the hunk of a wolf so much it wasn't funny. And she adored the way he dominated her. Herself a voyeur, she thought of letting Lone dominate other furs was in her own little way, showing him off.

Lone took out a small paddle. Calli and Tasha moved their seats forward a little to give Lone more room. "Chiana, Lift your tail out of the way to Tasha has a better view." He whispered to her stroking the paddle along the soft fur of her quickly reddening rump.

Chiana quickly obeyed, flipping her tail up and over her shoulder. She wailed out as Lone brought the paddle down with a hard smack. She hung herself limp on the straps leaning up to Lone and grinding herself down against his jeans and hastily hardening cock.

Lone paddled her again feeling her rubbing against him. "Bad girl." He disciplined her. One more time he slammed the paddle down onto her making her scream. Her voice echoing out of the open car windows. "Keep still. I haven't allowed you pleasure just yet." Lone growled making it sound as if he was truly angry.

"Yes, sir" Chiana whimpered, trying to keep herself still. She was always a curious vixen. And after her collaring ceremony, she wanted to see Lone's package. She wanted to feel what it was like to have something that gigantic inside her.

Taking a few more toys out from his bag, Lone was going to really give Tasha a show she would not soon forget. He lifted her muzzle to him and leaned in kissing her tenderly and affectionately. He truly cared deeply for every fur he ever played with and Chiana was certainly no exception. His fingers combing through the delicate white fur on her muzzle as he looked into her eyes. He caressed the stinging he gave her rump away for a moment only to bring it back with another hard crack.

Chiana twitched after feeling the paddle strike. She leaned her rear down onto the gently stroking paddle. Her wondrous reward for taking the blow. The stinging feeling rippling over to slender figure. She wanted him ... She needed him. And when Lone cracked that paddle back across her tender cheeks she whimpered out as softly as she could from her trembling lips. "M ... Master Lone sir, ... Chi speak?"

"Very well my dear Chiana. You have been a good girl taking your punishment." He took a gag out of the bag with a soft grin. "But you have the one chance to speak. Make it a good one." Lone was acting very stern. Quite out of his normal character. He lowered the ball down to her sex. Feeling with just the tip of his finger as he stroked her clit. She was soaked completely already.

Tasha's hand was already in her pants. Carefully caressing her own sweet sex staring intently at Chiana's and the scene right there. Chiana was so close but always just out of reach. She could never bring herself to manipulate the innocent vixen. But that very innocence making things click just that much more.

Calli was finding herself paying more attention to Tasha then she was the lines on the road. She casually licked her lips watching the bear dive her fingers into herself.

"Chi want Master Lone inside Chi." She looked to him shy with a blush reddening on those lush blue cheeks. "Please sir."

Lone said nothing. Not even the slightest hint of emotion showed from that cold muzzle. He put the personally made ball gag in her mouth. It was equipped with holes to allow her to breathe easier and padded so it would not be harsh against the teeth. When he finally strapped the flexible band over her head, Lone grabbed at her hair snarling playfully, "You think you can handle me?"

Chiana was almost in tears but loving every second of it. She nodded hastily with her pleading eyes to Lone. "Nnnngh."

Lone spanked Chiana hard and bare handed as he slipped his jeans down to the floor. His shaft was only just hardening, and even then it was larger than anything Tasha had ever saw before. Her eyes fixed on him as it began the lengthen inch by inch.

Calli reached over to Tasha. Driving or no, she couldn't take anymore. She stroked her fingertips up along the bear's thigh surprising her. Calli just looked over to her for a moment and winked. Her hands gliding along her pants and up to her hidden mound. Things were about to get really interesting. Calli worked her way around to Tasha's belly and proceeded to unbutton her pants.

Tasha was more than willing. She didn't want to speak and ruin the scene before her so silently she shimmied her way out of her pants letting her dew laden mound catch the cool wind of the air conditioning. She shivered deeply from that cold hitting her burning sex and as Calli reached up, tenderly caressing her, she leaned into the seat to watch the show before her.

Chiana whimpered through the gag as she felt Lone scratch his long claws through the fur on her back. She was totally helpless. She wanted to feel that thick rod in her. She needed it so desperately and as every moment passed the heat inside her and pumping heartbeat rose exponentially. Chiana would burst if she weren't rewarded soon.

At the last possible moment, just when Chiana was at the peak of her arousal and need, Lone guided his shaft to her sex. He didn't even have to help her fit it inside, she impaled herself onto him taking a good seven inches of that throbbing meat within her.

"MMMMMMMMM!!!!!" Chiana cried out in her pain filled ecstasy. But even then she wanted more. Such wondrous pleasure from just the pumping blood through that shaft. She slowly sank herself down just a tiny bit at a time. All the while pulling at the restraints that bound her wrists in place and forbid her from touching the wolf.

Tasha couldn't move. But her immobility stemmed from her intense stare at Chiana's depth swallowing that cock. Still with 5 inches to go, she wondered if her little exhibitionist would be able to take the entire thing.

Calli had stopped teasing the bear and slowed down to turn a corner. She eased around the bend where a young couple was about to cross the street. She decided to take it to a crawl and really give them a view.

The two black foxes stopped dead in their tracks. Jaws agape, they stared inside the vehicle at the naked women and wolf for just the few moments until Calli had driven around the corner and down a side street. The echoing sounds of the vixens muffled cries of pleasure catching their ears before fading into the night.

"Ebon, Did you just..." The female asked her husband.

"Xshinarai, lets just get out of here before something else freaky goes on. First it was a that small mouse couple eating at the restaurant and now this."

Back in the car, inch after inch of Lone's massive member was drawn into the ice blue vixen. When she had passed the eleventh inch, Lone couldn't help but wonder if for only the second time in his days, he was completely taken. Calli, the fur he truly loved, was the only one that could bury Lone. Chiana trembled as she was filled so completely. She looked over her shoulder to her roommate and her best friend kneeling there on the seat and watching her every movement. Chiana then did something she never thought she would. Her lust and love taking the place of her inhibitions she whimpered to speak. She looked back over to Lone, her eyes begging to have the gag removed for even just the moment.

Lone pulled the gag back so she could speak. But before she did he leaned up kissing her tenderly on her cheek. He whispered to her making certain that he was as soft as possible. "You are doing wonderful my dear pet. I am quite pleased with your performance." He leaned back in the seat and finished, "Alright my pet, say what you have to say to her and make it quick."

Eager to obey, Chiana turned quickly. "Miss Tasha bear ... touch Chi?" Her voice still unsure of herself but her desire and need to make her happy were all that was on her mind.

Lone smiled. He beckoned the bear over to them as he relaxed on the seat and removed the gag completely. "We won't be needing this any longer."

Calli heard enough. There was no way she was going to let the three of them get away with yiffing right in front of her. She had to do something. She looked around to find an alleyway and pulled in just as Tasha was about to get her hands on Chiana. No she was not going to let them get away without letting her join in the fun.

Tasha tentatively slid her hands along the vixen's arms. She has waited a long time for this moment. Her deep desires for Chiana kept in check so she didn't move too fast. She wanted to ravage her with love and make Chiana squeal like she would hear from her bedroom late at night when heard her masturbating. And as she finally cupped the vixen's breasts in hand, Chiana dropped completely down onto Lone, once again taking the remainder of his thirteen-inch girth inside. Chiana was indeed only the second to so take him.

Chiana screamed. Lone's giant snake was almost tearing her apart. Chiana loved every second of it and with a great shudder, she came hard. Her sleek form pulling at the restrains that held her in place over the wolf. She was completely helpless from escape. Not that she wanted to go anywhere that is. Her body shook like an earthquake. Her pussy squeezing hard onto him. She leaned back to Tasha and in the heat of passion and lust, kissed her.

Tasha reeled back a moment. Chiana that same night had told her that she was not interested intimately in her. And here the polar bear had just been kissed.

"Misses Tasha bear kiss Chi?" She said with a mix of hopefulness and disappointment.

Tasha leaned forward again and kissed her beloved vixen hard.

Now it was Calli's turn to join in the festivities. She put the car into park and taking advantage of positioning, dove her muzzle into Tasha's depth.

The polar bears eyes lit up. Her kiss deepening, and her tongue snaking out to Chiana. She kissed Chiana for all she was worth, writhing in the feeling of Calli's tongue dancing along her tenderness.

Chiana broke the kiss for just a moment to look behind her. Her eyes settling onto Calli As she ground herself down onto Lone's thick and needing length. She turned over whispering to Tasha, "Misses Tasha bear happy?" She leaned back into her to kiss her once again. She felt content with it, as if a strange feeling was coming over her that she never felt before. Her kiss deepened once again and she pulled hard at the binds holding her back. She needed to touch her badly. Her body was screaming out but she was held fast. All of a sudden the binds were gone one, then the other. Chiana wrapped her arms around Tasha holding her tightly in her arms. Immediately, she came again. Chiana screamed out into the night beyond the confines of the car.

A police cruiser started to pull up hearing the cries but once they saw that signature collared white heart on the back of the window, it dawned on them exactly what was going on and that someone was not being murdered. The ferret and skunk officers parked just around the corner.

Calli's hungry tongue licked deeply inside Tasha. Her hand working over her own soaked mound as she took in the slightly tart tastes of the bear. She brought her other hand around to stroke tenderly along her inner thigh to add to her sensations.

The car and half the alley was filled quickly with the sounds and scents of intimate lust. Outside and down the road the sounds of Tasha's orgasm were heard. An ear piercing high-pitched growl.

Calli never stopped her attentions. Chiana had turned herself around on Lone and was still driving herself down onto him. She was near exhaustion and so was Tasha. But Chiana was determined to finish Lone off.

She evidently didn't have far to go. And with the feeling of Chiana's quivering depths having been ravaged with two powerful orgasms, Lone was very close.

Tasha just held her beloved tightly in her arms. She hadn't gotten off like she just had in what seemed like forever. All she could do now was hold on tight and ride Calli's expert tongue.

Calli knew why Lone was holding his orgasm back. She hadn't finished herself off just yet and Lone was too polite to cum before she did. Calli reached into the bag next to Lone and retrieved a semi transparent purple vibrator. Her favorite toy. She stroked the tip along the delicate folds of her pussy before sliding it within with a deep gasp; she drove it all as far as she could. Se didn't realize just how close se was to finishing herself. She had to remove her muzzle from Tasha's sweet orgasmic juices as her breathing quickened.

Lone held n tightly to the fabric of the car seat. He was ready to blast into Chiana but upon looking over Calli's body he knew he wouldn't allow himself to finish off. Instead he held his claws tightly against the fabric piercing in. He closed His eyes and with all his will in him, he held back until the familiar sounds of his beloved's orgasm caught his ears. He then without warning exploded into Chiana. Thick hot ropes of wolf cream filled her completely.

Chiana was sent into yet a third orgasm from Lone's juices. This time however, she was able to embrace Tasha in a loving hug. At that point she whispered to Tasha, words she never thought she would say or Tasha would hear. "Chi love Misses Tasha Bear." Chi collapsed in Tasha's arms and Lone himself fell panting to the back seat of the car.

Tasha held the limp vixen in her hands astonished at the revelation. Half scared and half wanting to jump for joy, she laid the comatose Chiana down to Lone's chest and turned back forward.

Calli sat herself back to her seat after a moment and licked her toy clean as she searched for where the car keys went. Of course ... in the ignition they were.

She started to back out of the alley when one of the police officers stepped out of the cruiser.

"Be sure and tell me who it is." The skunk said staying behind.

"Don't worry about it Terl." He walked over to Calli with a smile and leaned down to her. "Pardon me miss, or mistress rather."

Calli's initial reaction of fear washed away and was replaced with a sigh of relief noting the phrasing of the statement. He was of Greyson's pets as well as she. "Yes master can I help you?"

"Next time you want to come out and play hon, Please keep it in another district. We are the only cruiser on this beat in the mansion. Greyson can help out by paying your ticket but he can't keep you out of jail if it was another cruiser. Just be careful." He said casually as he bent himself over.

"No problem hon, this was kind of spontaneous anyway." Calli said as she stroked her fingertip along the officer's hand. "What's your name anyway?"

"Fferret. That's spelled with two F's but one is just silent. Look hon, you have three tired furs in your car. You head home and like I said, be careful."

"Alright sir I'll behave even though behaving is just zero fun."

Fferret stepped back with a wink and headed back to his cruiser while Calli backed up and took off back for home. She whispered over to Tasha with a little grin, "Well hon. At least I know why you woke Chiana all those times."

Tasha said nothing.

Copyright 2001

Joey Porter

Corsi INC 16

Chapter 16 "And CUT! That's a wrap guys!" Came the bellow of the black and white feline dressed in camouflage pants and an open jacket of the same material. He walked over to David and Tracy De Allura with a smile. "Alright you two, that ought to...

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Corsi INC 14

Partners in Life Alps was on his way back to the docks. Yoiko was driving on the highway with Corsi on her shoulder. Yoiko had asked Greyson if she could drive him to the ship but more for Corsi's benefit. She quite enjoyed the wolf and a few...

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Corsi INC 13

It's the little things that make life great. Jaxx awoke in the room lying comfortably on one of the tables. He was curled up in a content little ball and left his eyes closed for a moment. In the moments between being asleep and fully...

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