Corsi INC 23

Story by Joey Porter on SoFurry

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#23 of Corsi INC

Just a forward to go along with this story. As most of you know that are writers, a forward is written after the completion of a book to let the readers know how the writer felt as he/she wrote the story. Well to be honest I rather enjoyed this one. It's a new theme and without revealing anything about it ... expect to see more of the little twists you will soon read. Also I want to thank Anthony Lion who inspired the new characters you will read about in this next chapter. He's a fan of Corsi INC and pointed out to me that there was one aspect of furrydom that I had not explored in my own fetish. So on that note I told him to send me a few characters and I would incorporate them into the story. Little did I know what I would find on opening THAT E-mail. So on that note I give you ...

Small Problem

On her usual route, the small otter jogged home from the public pool where she took her evening workout. In the mini-fur side of town, the pool was built specifically for her species type. Two inches shy of two feet tall, Lorna lived downstairs from the normal apartments under the stairs. There were a few other apartments like hers in the basement but hers was the only split level. A college student, she had to find some way to keep the rent down and this was the cheapest place on the block.

As usual, her timing was perfect. The red line bus passed her and stopped right in front of her door. Another mini-fur stepped out, a slim lop-eared rabbit. Her figure was a spectacle of perfection. Slim waist, round hips, lone powerful legs, full voluptuous breasts, all made up a beautiful bunny that almost made her muzzle water. She licked her lips just staring at her for a moment until as usual when the bus departed, the rabbit raced across the street just as a white Audi pulled up to another apartment building just across the way.

Although the feline driver that hopped out never noticed, she did. The rabbit's fascination was on him and not herself. Even though she was a virgin, she always thought herself a lesbian and with the rabbit looking in the cats way, it would most certainly take something rather drastic. In her pocket was that thing.

She walked down the stairs into her apartment and climbed up into her bedroom. She sat a flier down on her desk that read:


Get into the hottest adult magazine ever.

Earn $$$ just for doing what you do everyday.

You will be required to appear nude.

Exotic species highly desired.

Call 1-800-Corsinc for details.

Not exactly the first thing she wanted to do to make money but if it meant getting that rabbits attention, so be it.

Merlot, an orange feline with long amber hair, about the color of wine, took the call at the estate. A few days later and she was jogging across to the next town, arriving at the mansion gate.

A tall gray wolf easily seven feet tall and rather intimidating to say the least, stepped out from the bushes. She froze in her tracks when he blocked her way and said with a deep commanding voice, "And who are you small one?"

"I ... I'm here for ... for the interview." She stammered.

Lone stepped forward right up to her, towering over her. "Name?"

Lone smiled and bowed his head, "Blessed Be then. Follow me. I shall take you to see Mistress Corsi. She's been expecting you."

Lorna just stared up to him as he turned and started to unlock the gate.

"I think you should do quite well. Not too many other applicants are as comely as you are. Not to mention you have a body that would make a rather good centerfold."

Unable to comprehend if she ought to be scared or thrilled at all she blurted out, "Huh?"

Lone turned around and looked down to the two-foot mini-fur. He laughed slightly and with a comforting voice said, "Miss Lorna, your interview started upon your stepping up to this gate. I am part of your interview."

Lorna continued to stare up at the towering giant. She could only muster a blank confusion and repeat, "Huh?"

Lone nodded his head and replied without so much as batting an eyelash, "Appearing before the camera can be rather intimidating. Prior to seeing Mistress Corsi, we like to see how you react to an intimidating situation. Now, follow me if you please. I shall take you to see Corsi."

Lorna watched the wolf turn to unlock the gate. She decided that if this were going to be a part of the test, she would take her boldness to a new level. She walked right past the wolf and stepped between the bars of the gate without a second thought or even a break in stride. And as she walked up the drive to the mansion, she called back. "If you want, I can find my own way."

Lone's ears flattened as he just stared through the gate to the jogging otter that just gave him the slip. "Very well then." He agreed. "I shall have Aventis lead you the rest of the way when you reach the front of the home. Just watch for a blue ferret!"

For the one foot ten inch otter, the jog was still long. She came to the front drive and there at the door, buck-naked, stood a rather handsome ferret of the normal color with the exception of his fur seeming to shimmer with blue highlights. He stepped down to her and said in his rather fair voice, "You are over-dressed. You will need to remove your clothing before coming in."

Lorna stepped back and looked around. Was this another test? Maybe for modesty? Just as she started to slip the shoulders from her jogging suit down, she heard a squeak coming from the main doorway.

"Aventis! You should know better than that!" the voice called. Corsi slipped out from behind the ferret and giggled, "Please excuse my pet here. I'm Corsi. Please follow me if you will?"

"Alright but ... wait. You're Corsi?"

The mouse nodded.

"But I thought you were..."


"Shorter actually. I didn't expect you to be a full quarter of my height." Lorna admitted.

Corsi giggled as she walked ahead over to the door. "Interviews are rather informal here. I wasn't expecting a mini-fur never mind an otter. As for Aventis, he's never been the most obedient of pets."

"So I noticed." She commented with a smirk.

Corsi turned around stopping at the door. "Would you like to talk out here instead? Like I said we're rather informal."

"No application?"

Corsi shook her head no and chittered, "You already gave us permission to check into your background and detailed life. I have everything I need except just a few things."

Lorna just stared down at Corsi. She was doing a lot of gawking it seemed that morning. "Okay ... well what is it you want to know about me?"

"Well first of all, other than being broke, why did you want to try out and appear in Corsi INC?"

Lorna sat down on the top step to Corsi's gesture. Almost on cue, the mouse hopped to her knee. Lorna's feet barely touched the step not nine inches down. Corsi's feet barely touched ground as well. Lorna wasn't exactly sure how to reply but with what the mouse must already know, she might even know about, "Tamera. She's a beautiful black rabbit across the street from where I live."

"And you are hoping that if you make it in here, she'll stop chasing after that male Calico Daniel."

"Had a feeling you knew about that."

"I know a lot more. It's why I want you in here."

Lorna as you might have guessed, stared at the mouse not knowing exactly what to say.

Corsi laughed gleefully and hopped off the otter's knee. She started into the house and chittered, "You can live at your apartment if you like. We will insure the rest of your tuition is taken care of as well as the rent for your place. You would have to still pay for your own food but with the money you are saving on tuition, you shouldn't have a problem." She said rather matter-of-factly. "Or you can live here. A room has been prepared for you as well as arrangements for transport to and from school. Here though you would be fed since the room is already paid for. All we ask is that you graduate and help out in the production of the magazine after you get out of school."

NOW the otter spoke up. "Apartment? Here? But I thought I was just going to get paid like a hundred bucks or something."

"If you were just appearing nude, yes. Centerfold slaves get paid in ... other ways."


Two months later, the otter Lorna was back at her old apartment. For now it was easier for her to get her workouts and to see her love ... well she hoped Tamera would if her plan came together as she had hoped.


Daniel drove home as usual, taking a little work home with him. A laptop computer sat on the seat next to him as well as his night's relaxation, his favorite magazine, the latest issue of Corsi INC just waiting to be read.

He pulled into his usual spot just as his neighbor the black rabbit walked up to him. He gathered his things and climbed out of his car just as Tamera nonchalantly bumped into him.

Daniel almost dropped the computer to the pavement and just as he was about to yell at the assailant, he realized exactly who it was. "Oh! Um ... Hi ... Tamera. I um ... didn't see you there."

"Hi Danny." She giggles as she stopped in the way to trap him between herself and his open car door. "Need a hand upstairs?" knowing he would most likely say no.

"Um ... I ... well..." He knew it would be difficult managing the computer and his tool bag, he continued, "If you want to ... then sure." He turned into the car and casually slipped the magazine into the bag. It would be the lighter of the two and he handed it to her. "Can you get th ... this?"

"Alright Danny!"

"Daniel." He stammered, correcting the black rabbit.

Off on the other side of the street, Lorna watched. She had seen the main thing she had been looking for. The Magazine with her picture plastered over the front cover of her jogging in the nude around Corsi's mansion with the College Special monogram on the front. She could only see the corner of it but having had a hand in the production, she knew it by just that much. And luck behold, Tamera was the one holding it. Things were coming out better than she had expected.

"The elevator was dead again when I left this morning." Tamera told Daniel as they headed into the building. "What's in this bag anyway? Lead?"

Daniel struggled with the laptop computer that was almost half his height and rather awkward for a one foot eleven inch calico cat to carry. "They're my tools. I ... I'm taking a look at this computer over the weekend. I ... I think it's an easy problem but I promised a customer I'd try and have it done by Monday."

They had already started up the main elevator that was working when Tamera sat down and giggled, "What do you use to fix a computer anyway?" Promptly opening the bag.

"NO!" Daniel protested but it was too late. Tamera was already staring at the magazine inside the bag, wide eyed in shock.

The rest of the elevator ride was in stunned silence. Daniel staring at Tamera with the centerfold picture opened wide. When the door opened for the top floor, no one moved for several minutes.

Finally, Tamera grabbed Daniel, closing the magazine and dragging him over to the stairwell to their apartments. "Oh my Goddess. Danny we have to put this stuff away. We're going for a walk."

Barely holding onto the laptop that threatened to crash to the floor at any moment, Daniel stumbled up the stairs. Tamera opened the door to his apartment and practically pushed the cat inside. Neither of them really bothered to lock their doors since the stairs up to their place couldn't fit a full-sizer and mini-fur belongings really weren't too valuable. Crime was virtually non-existent. Tamera was practically in hysterics over what she had seen in the magazine.

Daniel panicked. For all he knew, she could be up to just about anything. He turned away and set the laptop down near the couch just as Tamera jumped next to him and thrust the magazine into his paws.

"Danny! Look at this!" She shouted to him.

"What? I ... It's an otter. I ... I get this for the articles and interviews ... And my name is Daniel."

Tamera folded her arms over one another and commented, "Yeah right. You're single, live alone, never being anyone or anything home save for work." She rambled, starting to get on a roll with this. "You never bring groceries home other than microwave or take out Chinese food, so you don't have a girlfriend ... be willing to bet you're a virgin too." Tamera stopped short after making her last comment staring into Daniel's shocked eyes. "Oh Goddess you are a virgin."

Daniel nodded his head 'yes' and sat down on the couch a little embarrassed to say the least. "I ... I have a lot of work to do tonight Tamera. I think it would be best if you went home now. Thank you for the help."

Tamera had just hurt the one fur she wanted to spend her time and perhaps her life with. "Daniel I'm sorry. I didn't that in a bad way."

"It's alright." He said quietly. "At least you got my name right."

She couldn't help but laugh at that point. "Well, before we cure you, Read on."

"Cure?" Daniel asked a bit confused as he flipped through the magazine. He really didn't want her to leave and said nothing more about it. "What am I looking for anyway?"

"Danny ... I mean Daniel, she lives across the street. Read through her Bio."

Lorna Sandison

Age - 18

Height - 1' 10"

Weight - Never ask a girl her weight.

Species - Otter

Fur - Brown

Sexual Preference - Untested Lesbian

Likes - Everything I won't allow myself to eat. My rabbit mini-fur neighbor ... if she only knew.

Dislikes - That I am still a virgin. The fact that my neighbor has the hots for a calico feline.

Daniel stared at the magazine reading and re-reading the likes and dislikes. He wasn't quite sure how to react. If what the bio said is true...

Tamera knew what he was thinking. She slipped behind him and wrapped her arms around him, stroking her fingers through his chest-ruff under his shirt.

Light dawns. Daniel's mind wanders back, remembering all the times she would offer to help, when she would brush up against him 'accidentally', even the comment of curing him when they were talking about his virginity moments before. He jumped to his feet from her grasp and spun around about to speak when Lorna beat him to it.

"Danny, she's right. I have been very attracted to you. Quite a bit too. Things I have wanted to do with you..." She trailed off with a giggle. "Not like anything I fantasized about at night in bed would be bad for you at all. But anyway, we need to go and talk to this Lorna."

"Why 'we.'"

"Because if she is going to have me, she has to accept you too."


Lorna sat in her bedroom waiting. It had been nearly an hour at least since she had come in. Just as she thought her plan had failed, there was the door buzzer. She hopped down from the bunk and hit the intercom. "Yeahello?"

"Um ... Lorna?" Came the masculine voice from the speaker.

"That's me. Who's this?"

Feminine this time, "It's the rabbit and cat. You mentioned us in your article. We want to talk to you."

Lorna smiled slyly and thought to herself, Oh good. Just have to get rid of the pussycat and I get the rabbit all to myself. She pressed the button that would let them in and called, "Downstairs under the steps. Just knock."

A few minutes later and the trio were in Lorna's kitchen gathered around a small table.

"I have no living room. Just this and the bedroom upstairs." Lorna giggled and took a sip of her carrot juice.

"Let's just cut to the chase alright?" Tamera started scooting closer to Daniel. "We read the bio you put in the magazine."

"Well, I'm sorry if..." Lorna started, getting cut off.

"If you want me, my boyfriend comes along."

Daniel's head snapped up to Tamera. "HUH?!?"

"Humph. I'd probably be better at him anyway." Lorna commented, winking to Tamera.

"Hey! What do you mean by that?" Tamera snapped "You wouldn't know the first thing about sucking a cock."

"Teach me?"

Daniel just stayed quiet. He was growing more and more apprehensive about the whole thing and contemplated running. Was he really being argued over?

"Teach you?" Tamera puzzled.

"If you come along, I'll try it, but just once. Depends on how things go." Lorna offered with a shrug.

Now Tamera was really confused. She turned to Daniel seeing the confusion on him as well and then back to Lorna, "Now let me get this straight..."

"Bi actually."

"Would you stop that?"

"Would you like me to do something else instead?"

"Yes! Anything but this annoying crap... Wait." Tamera stopped and looked over to Daniel a moment, a little grin forming on the black bunny's muzzle. "You know, I think I know what you are up to. You're trying to scare Daniel so much that he'll want to leave. Then you think you'll have me here all to yourself. That's your game isn't it?"

One caught otter... She shook her head, buying the few seconds she would need to come up with an excuse for her confusing and backlashing comments. "I've just been trying to feel you guys out. I'm kinda nervous I guess about this whole thing. Always been attracted to the shy type. Gets me excited and I end up acting a little goofy no matter what the genders involved."

Tamera nodded once with a slight smirk that just widened into a mischievous grin from ear to ear. "Then both of your training is going to start now."

Daniel stood up fast and began backing up and away. "Now wait just a second!" He protested. It was only halfhearted, for in him mind, this was what he had wanted from Tamera. And two women at once he thought only a fantasy. Now, even though it was about to come true, he was still quite the nervous.

A few minutes and not a whole lot of kicking and screaming later, Daniel found himself tied to Lorna's bed while the girls began undressing one another for him.

Lorna and her tight, short brown fur, was shaking almost as much as Daniel. Her jogging shorts were slipped down, exposing the bathing suit underneath.

"You always jog half naked?" Tamera giggled, trying to break the tension. "I mean, the suit must at least be a little uncomfortable being wet when you jog."

Lorna grinned and slipped the suit off, letting her small but perk breasts catch the rabbits touch. "They're made out of a polyester fabric. They don't hold water so almost as soon as I am out of the water, they're dry." She revealed and kicked them aside.

Daniel trembled in the restraints. They weren't even needed, as he was too scared to even move. His eyes stayed trained on the pair with Tamera's jeans slipping off. Just as he had fantasized, she wore no panties underneath at all. From merely watching the pair undress, he felt as if he was about to pop right then and there. This was certainly going to be a hell of a way to lose his virginity.

Tamera pulled Lorna slowly onto the bed. "I have wanted to do this to Danny here for years. Since before you moved in across the way." She gave a wink to the otter while her teardrop tail twitched behind her. "Been watching you too but I wasn't sure how you'd do with the age difference."

"So what are we gonna do to him?" Lorna giggled with a casual point to the cat.

Tamera crawled over to the other side of him and stroked her fingertip over his tri-colored chest fur, receiving a contented whimper from the feline. "Anything we want."

Daniel's ears flattened. All he could manage to do is to stare from one naked body to the other. That is until Lorna decided to go exploring...

Transfixed on Daniel's rock hard and surprisingly thick shaft, she reached to him running her leathery fingertip along it's throbbing and twitching length, getting a warm moan from the test subject as well as a small bead of pre-cum forming at the tip.

Tamera, happily watching her play for the moment, kissed Daniel on his cheek to remind him she was still there next to him after she noticed his eyes were staring downward. She then leaned over, resting her hand to his chest as now eagerly; Daniel returned the embracing kiss, though otherwise, unable to move.

Daniel's terror remained, however slight. And the heated lust within him, more than made up for it. Dreams of this moment filled his mind all of just being with Tamera... losing his virginity to her. Now he would have something more to fantasize about. This time, being more wonderful than he could have fathomed... or so he thought.

Lorna's curiosity was starting to get the better of her. To both Daniel and Tamera's surprise, she leaned down to get a closer look at his cock. Closer still she crept until her warm breath cascaded down over him. Almost trembling, she closed the gap, kissing tenderly to the tip of his shaft.

Daniel and especially Tamera watched Lorna intently. "For an otter less than two feet tall, who not just a half hour ago proclaimed herself lesbian, you seem to be awfully fond of Daniel." Tamera giggled.

Lorna looked up to Tamera just as Daniel eased his head back to the pillow. "It's ... I don't know. It's so beautiful seeing him in person ... I ... I just want to do this so badly." She struggled between kisses along the length of his cock.

"I'm not arguing." Daniel jested as he pulled on the restraints just when Lorna drew him into her warm muzzle. The first time he was even touched, and it felt more incredible than anything else in his life."

Tamera concluded that if this were his first time, he would not last long under the pressure. She leaned down to Lorna giggling, "Wouldn't you like to feel what he's like inside you?"

Lorna didn't need much more coaxing than that. With all but pushing Tamera out of the way, she straddled herself on Daniel's lap, caressing her untouched slit along his cock. Staring down at the cat, she thought, only one thing could make this feel any better.

Daniel's eyes were shut tightly. He never expected what was about to happen to him, never mind was already was. About to speak, his words were cut off by another kiss. This unlike any other he had ever felt. A slightly tangy taste touched his lips when he returned the kiss. His eyes opened and to his delight, he found why.

Tamera held close to Lorna, her sweet sex straddled over Daniel's tongue. Although she could tell his touch was that of a novice, his talents could still rival that of most she had been with... even some of the women. She rested her forehead onto Lorna's shoulder as her hips settled down onto Daniel's wonderful tongue.

Breasts pressed together, Tamera leaned back with her arms draped around Lorna's waist. She reached back with one arm, cutting loose the restraints around Daniel's wrists, allowing him the freedom to touch her.

Lorna took that opportunity to kiss the beautiful rabbit. Her arms tightly holding her, not yet having taken Daniel inside. Just the feeling of his cockhead rubbing against her clit with her labia parted by the length of him. She couldn't help but feel a little nervous. The rumors of the pain, the tales of the wondrous pleasure... perhaps that was why she never had an interest in males. But now, she was here and here felt so beautiful she had to brave the unknown. She had to have him.

Daniel could only accept what was happening to him. Not that he would be objecting anyway. His fur stood on end from the pleasure running through him. Pleasure from the otter on his lap grinding against his cock, pleasure from the bunny filling his senses with her scent and taste, pleasure from watching the both of them embracing one another in their heartfelt kiss, pleasure from just the feeling of being loved. Only thing was that the butterflies in his belly kept him nearly shivering.

Tamera could tell the both of them were scared, but loving and wanting for what was soon to come. She reached down with her paw, massaging Lorna's clit as she whispered, "Don't be scared sweetheart. It only hurts for a minute and then you won't believe how great he'll feel for you." She stroked her fingertips gently along Lorna's slit and Daniel's shaft while her breath quickened from Daniel's talented tongue.

Lorna nodded once shakily to the rabbit as she lifted herself carefully off Daniel. Grasping delicately on his length, she guided him to her untouched entrance and carefully settled herself down onto him. For a moment, she thought it as not painful at all, but when she felt the resistance of her blossom, she knew where the pain would be. She closed her eyes, bit her tip and thrust herself down. As promised, the pain only bit into her for a second with her tangy slick nectar, aiding in helping to ease the prying. All left was the bliss she had been looking for. The bliss of being filled for the first time in her life.

Daniel hugged his arms around Tamera's thighs as she started to buck on his muzzle. Unlike full-sizer felines, his tongue was smooth, and gracefully teased over Tamera's delicacy, working her into a frenzy. From watching porn occasionally, he could tell she was getting close for the way she was panting and the fact that she was practically trying to impale his muzzle inside her.

Tamera clenched Lorna tightly. And as Daniel had thought, she was getting close. Seconds later, her body popped in a series of orgasmic wails that numbed her legs from under her. She fell from atop the feline, lying aside him exhausted and needing a few minutes to pant and recover from her explosive release. Daniel was better than she thought. "There's something to be said about a first timer."

As Tamera fell aside, Lorna fell forward not having the support anymore. Face to face with the feline she had wanted to get rid of only a short time before, she kissed him hard and passionately. Her tongue lapped over his muzzle as her body bucked onto his cock. She could taste Tamera on him, giving her the feeling in a way of her feminine fetish while she stuffed herself deep. Her body felt as if she was about to burst, her orgasm straining to overtake her but with her own nervousness, she just couldn't let herself fall over that edge.

Daniel had the same problem. His first time, he almost felt completely numb. He could feel what was happening to him but between shock and his concentration on pleasure the two beauties he had found himself with, there was no way he could relax enough to cum ... and he knew it. "Miss Lorna ... I don't think I can..." he stuttered managing to get out barely half his thought when he watched Tamera get up.

Tamera snuck up behind Lorna kneeling to place a gentle kiss to the otter's rump. Her soft paws caressed those supple pillows, parting them. Then to Lorna's surprise, the rabbit ran her tongue sensually along her tight pink tail-hole, circling that perk muscle as she massaged the otters thighs.

Well that was it for Lorna. She arched her back and thrust herself down onto Daniel's shaft just as her first non-self-induced orgasm took her body with its relentless force. Her small frame shook down to her very bones squeezing Daniel hard within the spasming walls of her pussy. As her orgasm continued to ripple over her into a blissful calm, she slowly sank down against her feline and whispered, "Oh Daniel, that was wonderful. I never realized that intimacy would be so exciting." She slipped off of him lying next to him as Tamera snuck back up to Daniel's other side. "But you didn't..." Lorna trailed off.

Daniel shook his head, "N... No I didn't." He stammered a little and flushed a deep red. "It's alright though..."

"Oh hell no it's not." Tamera interjected. "You are going to get off if it takes all night Daniel."

He laughed and shook his head snuggling his lovers tightly. "It's Danny... But only for you two."

Copyright 2002 Joey Porter

Al characters contained in here are

Copyright their owners

Special thanks once again to Anthony Lion

Without him, this chapter might never have taken place

Corsi INC 24

The Sound of Inevitability The sun rose on a new day. Lorna had moved into the mansion. Daniel and Tamera with her. Since Lorna had appeared, there grew an outcry of letters for more Mini-fur pinups and sex. Daniel and Tamera had succumbed to...

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Corsi INC 22

Chapter 22 Morning. Thirty awoke to find herself alone in her and her master's room. She looked around for a moment and slipped out of bed still nude like she was when she fell asleep with her master the night prior. She went over to her...

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Corsi INC 21

Positions. Corsi and Yoiko awoke to the sound of a car pulling up to the mansion. Yoiko turned over to the clock on the wall, cringing at the time. "Just go back to bed beloved. It's 4 in the morning and it's probably just a delivery guy." ...

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