Corsi INC 25

Story by Joey Porter on SoFurry

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#25 of Corsi INC

Beach party Boobs.

Soft dry sand beach, warm summer morning, and radio DJ's setting up all their equipment for an afternoon radio program in the parking lot. Volleyball nets and tents were being set up by Lone and a select few of his personal pets on the private beach. Every year, the whole gang of pets of Corsi Inc hit the beach, stripped down to the buff.

This was the second year the group actually hit as Corsi Inc and not Greyson's Playfur. Prior to this, it was always a casual and private get-together. But Corsi liked to do things in a big way. She had brought the local radio station just the year before and this year she held a contest for one of the radio listeners to call in. The winner would be invited to come down and appear in the swimsuit-less edition of the magazine. Underneath the main tent, Corsi and Yoiko sat down to talk about the day and as well, the days recent.

"So beloved, let me get this straight." Yoiko replied after Corsi had gone through the events of the slave trade the week before. "You were adopted as a baby and your parents never got around to telling you at all?"

Corsi nodded slowly as she commented, "That's why I have been so quiet lately. And why I wanted to have an enclosed tent. Just in case I lose it. I've been doing a lot of thinking and wondering why my parents gave me for adoption. Not to mention we are going to have a lot of personalities here today sweetheart. And the last thing I want is for this to go public."

"I understand beloved. If you wish, I can start the search for them after today." Yoiko offered. "It has been quite a few years since, so I believe it is in the best interest of all involved for you to seek them out while time is still available to you and they still stand the chance to be alive."

Corsi cringed. "You are correct as usual you know."

Yoiko nodded, "I can be incorrect if you wish beloved." She said with a laugh in her own sense of humor. "I shall start the search immediately."

Corsi spoke up, "Just be certain to keep it quiet sweetheart okay?"

"Keep what quiet?" Lone asked as he stepped in.

Corsi stared up blankly at Lone, not finding words to speak on that spur of the moment.

"We were going to have a little surprise for that fur that is coming to the party today but we were looking to keep it quiet for the time being so she does not find out." Yoiko piped in to save the mouse. "Do you have any suggestions?"

Lone shook his head 'no' and answered, "Why not just wing it for the day? I would think that would be more like our style, just being ourselves and have a good time just like last year."

Yoiko piped in, "From what I hear of her on the radio, she is quite extraordinary. I would most like to see her in action. Perhaps having the yiffing tents be open this year would make for an interesting addition."

"We already know she is looking to have a little action other than just posing nude when she gets here. She sounded quite promiscuous on the air." Corsi commented. "I say go for it. But I think the volleyball game will have a little too much distraction."

"No more than usual." Lone laughed. "Everyone ends up nude playing anyway."


"Fifteen to ten! Game point!" Terl called out as he tossed the ball up to serve. Since he quit the police force, to dedicate himself to the magazine, he had really started to become athletic not to mention a little more self-confidant. He slammed the ball over the net, just clearing the top.

Maggie, a gray chinchilla, dove for the ball just in the nick of time. Meaning to set up her front line, she sent it sailing over the net right in Lone's way.

Lone slammed the ball down to the sand at Maggie's feet before she could even stand up. "Game." He declared with a grin.

"Lone, you can't play anymore today. You're too damn tall." A female skunk on the other team protested.

"Very well then Susie. I could use a break anyway." Lone nodded as he walked off the court to Corsi's tent. Behind him, he could hear the rest of his team groaning for the loss.

Lone ducked into the tent where Corsi sat with Yoiko. He smiled and laughed, "And is everything going well Mistress Rodent?"

Corsi burst out in laughter after staring up to Lone for a moment. "Puppy, you haven't called me that in like forever! Everything's going just fine. How's the girl? She even here yet?"

Lone nodded, "Yes mistress. She arrived a few moments ago. I think knowing your seating preferences that you will truly approve of her."

"Seating arrangements? What's her name anyway?" Corsi asked.

"I believe her name is Klay."

"Hey! Someone call me?" Came a voice from the other side of the tent.

Yoiko and Corsi stood to their feet as the soft furred red and white bunny dressed in a swath of cloth that might be confused for a bathing suit, stepped into the tent.

Yoiko smiled. "Hey! You had your fur dyed just like I did. It looks very beautiful on you. I myself had been tossed between blue and purple but red looks wonderful on you."

Corsi's eyes took in and fully understood Lone's comment. "Holy ... They told me you were large breasted but ... Damn you give that a new meaning! You get implants or something?"

"Nah. They're natural. You're Corsi aren'tcha? I've been like, dying to meetcha." The rabbit giggled. "Everyone calls me Klay. I didn't want to go by my real name. Izzat cool?"

Yoiko stared at the red and white rabbit, absolutely enamoured by her. She walked over to her with a bright smile. "I believe that ought to be fine Miss Klay. Would you like me to show you around a bit? Perhaps go for a swim?"

"Klay looked over to Corsi looking a little concerned. "Sure but ... when was I gonna do the pictures?"

Corsi nodded over to Lone intently. "Lone. You have your equipment?"

"Of course Mistress. Let me get it out of my Explorer." He bowed to the mouse and turned to the pair of rabbits. "I shall catch up with the two of you in a few moments." The Folf bowed once and took off back out of the tent.

Yoiko's eyes never left the red rabbit. So beautiful, so sweet, and such a personality. Almost exactly like her mate but big as life. She looked down to the patches of cloth. "Miss Klay, you realize you are a little over dressed?"

Corsi laughed as she watched her wife and Klay. She knew Yoiko wanted to pounce her right then and there. She adored watching her play around with other furs. As a micro, furs were not able to share a hug or even a simple kiss with her. So Corsi elated in watching her wife share in those simple pleasures.

Klay looked down to her bathing suit and with a slight blush (Shade factor three for those wondering) she reached back, untying the strap. Next came the bottoms with a relative ease. "Just not used to being undressed in front of others."

Yoiko took her fellow bunny by the hand, "Well Miss Klay why don't we head down to the shoreline? Go or a little swim."

She nodded once and the pair of them bounded out to the beach party. The radio station, blaring out music over the speakers, and all of it being suggestive to the things that keep happening around them. They had just finished playing 'I touch myself' and just started playing Green Day's 'Dominated Love Slave' after.

One of the DJ's waved the pair of ladies over. Yoiko and Klay complied and sat down with the two jockeys.

The song had just started to finish when one of the DJ's announced over the air, "Hey everybody. For those of you that have not been paying attention, we're here at a private beach broadcasting live from the yearly Corsi Inc beach party. I swear I have not seen so many naked bodies in one place in all my life. Not to sound gay but there's this wolf walking around with a shlong down to his knees."

"Lone." Yoiko commented.

The DJ continued, "We have our contest winner here Klay and ... well since you were so nice to speak up, are you her Mistress for the day or something?"

Yoiko laughed and picked up one of their microphones. "No I am not. I am Yoiko, Mistress Corsi's wife and I am normally submissive."

The male DJ, thinking he can stir up some trouble, asked, "So you like to be spanked?"

Yoiko answered in her professional attitude, "Yes of course I do."

"And do you like to be tied up and paddled?"

"Oh yes, very much so. Corsi does of course have help and usually, she pleasures me or I her while another pet takes the physical control of me."

Klay couldn't help but stare at the rabbit in shock. To just announce something like that over live radio just boggles the mind. "What in the... Yoiko, how in the world does a five inch tall mouse have sex with a normal sized fur like you?"

Yoiko couldn't help but laugh. "Ask her. She has a standard response to an inquiry like that."

The DJ sarcastically replied, "And what's that? 'Yes Master'?"

"Actually that is quite correct."

Leaning over to his partner he commented "Hey Nexxus, go out and find Corsi. I think we need to be interviewing her."

Half the beach started laughing with the interview being broadcast over the speakers. The only ones not laughing were Klay and Yoiko. Yoiko, knowing her wife's talents first hand and Klay a little confused.

"I think Mistress Corsi would have to object to playing with someone she does not intimately know and would not be interested in something like that." Yoiko announced.

Klay interjected, "And how do you feel about fooling around with others."

Nexxus leaned over to the lion, "Hey Parasha, I think they are flirting."

Yoiko stood to her feet and settled herself down on Klay's lap. "Miss Klay, if what you wish is to share a little intimate time with me, I would be more than willing. I find you very attractive and very sweet as well."

Parasha laughed, "Should we clear off a table for you two? We can have the two of you on the air, though I would like to warn any listeners that might be faint of heart not pay attention."

"Like any of OUR listeners would be upset about hot lesbian action on the air." Nexxus commented.

Klay giggled, "I'm up for it if you are."


"Ready when you are Mistress Yoiko." Lone said as he walked up.

The two DJ's never moved so fast. In almost no time at all, a new table was set up for the bunnies.

Lone couldn't help but laugh. He leaned over to Yoiko and Klay with his comment, half to them and half into the microphone, "For two furs not a part of our group, they take orders well. Don't you agree?"

Again, the entire beach started cracking up laughing. A few of the crowd had started migrating over to the DJ's setup. Among those, were Calli and Corsi perched on the shoulder.

Klay winced slightly at first. She felt a little more than nervous about playing in front of an audience. Though she made it a point not to show it. Yoiko was about to cure that.

Yoiko absolutely adored being watched. Just the thought that at that very moment, thousands had their ears to the radio. It practically moved her body for her. Her arms slipped around Busty as she snuggled herself into the rabbit's lap. She smiled down into the large breasted bunnies eyes and whispered, "Ready to become a star?"

Klay's ears flattened back against her head as she stared back up to Yoiko's purple muzzle. "I'm ready when you are."

Yoiko leaned in close. Breast pressed against breast, she touched her muzzle to the red rabbits into a deeply admirable kiss in her heartfelt lust. She stroked her fingertips up along Klay's back to her headfur, pulling the somewhat reluctant bunny to her.

Klay started to melt. Her slight inhibitions starting to slip away as she returned the warm kiss. Her eyes closed tightly, she showed her deep admiration by letting her fingernails drag down the purple lover's back to cup delicately to her rump. She offered a playful little pat, drawing a light little gasp from Yoiko.


Yoiko's embrace held fast. Her muzzle placed gentle kisses along the fellow lapine's snout and to her warm cherry cheek. With the DJ's and half the crew watching, she lost herself in the fantasy coming real of being able to perform for a crowd. She felt herself soak over already in her thighs in her need for this pleasure. Her delicate kisses slipped over her lover's cheek to trace down her neck as Yoiko began to slide carefully down off Klay's lap.

Nexxus and Parasha just stared. The lion spoke softly into the Microphone to narrate. "This is great. All you furs that lost this contest can just start crying now. I mean ... wow. Klay and this purple bunny Yoiko are starting some serious making out right in front of us. And here we thought all we were gonna get to see is naked women."

Nexxus replied, "You ought to know Corsi INC better than that. This group ought to have a hell of a fun time while we're all here."

Klay didn't hear a word of what the DJ's were saying. Her mind and attention stared down to the sweet purple rabbit as her thighs were kissed softly and tenderly. The soft blush over her cheeks and the color of her fur turned her a nice shade of purple to match Yoiko. She reached down to stroke her fingers over the bunny's long ears. Her awareness then came back that a cheering section surrounded her but her inhibitions slipped away, actually getting excited about being watched.

Yoiko of course loved the audience. A chance to show off her intimate prowess always got her juices flowing. She rested her paws to the rabbit's knees slowly easing them apart to expose that delicacy of a slit. She stared up to Klay, licking her tongue over her lips a second before she leaned down and teased the bunny further with her gentle kisses pressed slowly up her thigh growing ever closer to that sweet treasure hidden therein.

Lone had his camera in paw, snapping picture after picture. He got in a nice position behind Klay and took a seductive picture over her shoulder of Yoiko leaning in to give her last kiss to her hot and needing sex. He himself was hard as steel being more than turned on by the scene before him. Thirteen inches of throbbing folf-cock twitching with his pre-cum oozing forth.

Furs in the audience that had not been with Lone, stared with envy while others cringed in the thought of how painful he would be to be with. That attention was quickly averted back to the pair of rabbits with Klay letting out a longing moan of pleasure with Yoiko teasing her.

Klay had gotten her wish. She was going to be a star in the magazine. And what a wonderful way to stardom. Her body felt on fire. Her eyes slit as she lifted her legs to rest on the table that was set out for them and allow Yoiko to have easier access to her.

Yoiko tuned in to Klay's every movement. Like a trained pet, she paid attention to the warm caresses that would eventually drive the rabbit crazy. She teased the tip of her tongue along the warm glistening folds of her labia as she watched her lover lean back in her chair, cooing in the sheer enjoyment of the moment. When she sensed Klay was ready for more, her tongue lapped ever so slowly, deeper and deeper into the rabbits hot and soaked pussy, not yet even coming close to that warm pulsating bud hidden within.

Corsi, sitting on Calli's shoulder watched with a great intent. Her own heart raced as she took witness to her wife's skill. She stood up to her feet and reached all the way up to Calli's ear with a little giggle, whispering into her ear. "Should we really give them a show or should we just behave for now?"

Calli giggled, "For now, behave. We can have a private thing later Mistress Mouse. Besides, watching Yoiko go at it, is always worth the showing."

Most of the crowd had all ceased their activities in favor of bearing witness to the live radio show. Some couples snuggled and fooled around while others were completely involved in playing with each other in the crowd. The heat was rising on that beach and it had nothing to do with the sun. The furs that were in charge of the cameras were all rushing to their cars, getting their equipment for this event.

Back onto the bunnies that started the whole fiasco, Klay stared down at Yoiko nearly in disbelief. She had never felt anything quite like what she was experiencing. She constantly felt on the verge of orgasm but never allowed to fall over, so her body tingled and pulsed with that wondrous lust that would inevitably send her screaming over the edge into bliss.

Yoiko knew exactly what she was doing. Her touch was sheer perfection. Her tease made the eyes of all that watched beg for more. She glanced back up to the rabbit waiting for that exact moment when no matter if she stopped or not, the red and white bunny would explode.

Klay bucked up to Yoiko's tongue as she began to fall into bliss. Just as she did, Yoiko suckled hard on her hypersensitive clit and impaled two fingers deeply into her pussy. That quick increase in sensations made her orgasm blast through her with the force of a nuclear warhead. Every ounce of her being rippled over in lust and pleasure that took her body by storm.

Yoiko knew if she continued these attentions, Klay would start to feel uncomfortable. She lifted her muzzle from that clit at the exact moment she needed to and leaned back to Klay with her fingers still impaled within to ease her orgasm down and leave the rabbit with that nice warm feeling inside her. She leaned close giving the bunny of red a gentle nose-bump and giggled, "I hope Lone got a nice picture of that."

"Yes I did." Lone interjected

Nexxus and Parasha just sat and stared. Parasha spoke finally and said, "God damn ... Now that ... was incredible."

Yoiko could help but laugh. "And you have not even seen the half of it baby." She turned back to the red bunny, giggling, "You up for a little hardcore sweetheart?"

Klay, flushed over and still high on her orgasmic cloud, nodded her head and managed to meep, "Ready when you are." She lay down on the table curled on her side as Yoiko climbed up with her. The two of them entwining both of their legs with each other with their warm and needing depths pressed clit to clit.

Calli didn't even notice Corsi disappear from her shoulder. The little mouse slid down her back and climbed through her fur to the front of the wolfess's bathing suit. She hastily crawled inside getting the attention of her soon to be victim.

Calli was too late to react. She was about to get a Corsi mouse massage weather she liked it or not. And odds were on that she was going to love every second of it. When she felt that mouse snuggle up into her highly aroused depths, she dropped to her knees, parting them slightly. One of the other pets, seeing what happened, stepped in and gave Corsi the breathing room she would need by removing Calli's bikini bottoms for her.

In fact, half the beach was already snuggled close to each other with others getting warmer than the sun could ever make them. Bodies pressed against bodies in intimate lust al started by the two rabbits performing for airwaves.

Klay grabbed tightly to the table whose legs shook in the grinding of flesh against flesh from her purple lover. She cracked her eyes slightly and stared to Parasha with a bright smile. She mouthed a thank you to him and just stared at him as her body was swept up in the intimate bliss.

Yoiko, taking a dominant position for a change was on her knees with one of the red big-breasted bunny's legs in her grasp for leverage. Her hot clit pulsating in a need for intimate release that would be long in the coming in cumming. As she thrusted herself within, she spied a slender microphone going unused on the table next to her. Without even asking, she took it up in her paw, inspecting it closely. "Just the perfect size." She said with a wink to the speechless lion watching her every move.

Yoiko parted her and Klay's sexes for a moment, using the slick juices they had created to ready her makeshift toy. The Mic was wireless without knobs and a large ball for a head. All the mics were waterproof for the beach setting so it served as a perfect device for the radio listeners. Over the speakers came the sloshing and squishing of the microphone being slipped headfirst into Yoiko's snatch. She gripped the ball tightly with her trained inner depths and pushed the toy within her red partner.

Parasha and Nexxus could do nothing but stare in awe at the spectacle before them. Watching the pair of ladies yiffing each other in passionate lust with the sounds amplified into the air and across the entire listening audience. Parasha finally said, "Hey Nexxus. Think we are gonna get fired for this?"

"Yeah but it would be well worth it." He replied, not taking his eyes off them for a second.

The world around Klay slipped away. The intensity of everything going on about her forced her body up into new heights of pleasure. She knew she would cum any second. Just before she felt that pleasure start to take her, Yoiko cried out in her own pleasure, exploding her juices against her blue body and sending her over the edge instantly. Her body felt more pleasure than she had ever thought possible. The fires of ecstasy raged within her and consumed every inch of her very being until her body was left to a smoldering exhausted lump of red and white fur that was left of Klay.

Yoiko fell back to the table as well in her own deep running aftershocks of pleasure. The moans and cries of lust around her settled in and added to her pure contentment. She pulled her body away from her partner and withdrew the Mic from her quivering depths. She took it up and spoke into it. "And to our fellow listeners. Who wants to purchase this Mic? We're taking bids now with the proceeds going to charity."

And the phone lines lit up like a Christmas tree. In the background came the screaming cry of pleasure from the golden wolfess Calli followed by a drenched soaked mouse dropping free from between her thighs. The mouse shook herself off happily, letting droplets of the wolf's heat splatter aside. Nexxus and Parasha looked past the prone and tired rabbits to the little rodent.

"How in the ... I mean where ... What in the hell did you do to her?" Parasha stammered.

"Yeah no shit. I mean we can see how these two can go at it. And damn they can go at it but how in the heck does a 5 inch tall rodent even fathom being able to bring an ounce of pleasure to a full sized fur never mind bring her to the big 'O'?" Nexxus finished.

Corsi folded her arms over one another and looked up to the blue panting rabbit with a giggle. "Well you know ... I COULD always give you a demonstration ... if that is your order."

Corsi, Corsi INC, Lone, Parasha, and the story in general are copyright Joey Porter

All the characters portrayed within are copyright their

respective players and are used with permission.

Corsi INC 26

Chapter 26 "So, think they will be anything like me Yoiko?" Corsi chittered from the bunny's shoulder. They were in her VW Rabbit heading into town. Even though she had the chance to get a brand new car, Yoiko insisted on restoring her car every...

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Corsi INC 24

The Sound of Inevitability The sun rose on a new day. Lorna had moved into the mansion. Daniel and Tamera with her. Since Lorna had appeared, there grew an outcry of letters for more Mini-fur pinups and sex. Daniel and Tamera had succumbed to...

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Corsi INC 23

Just a forward to go along with this story. As most of you know that are writers, a forward is written after the completion of a book to let the readers know how the writer felt as he/she wrote the story. Well to be honest I rather enjoyed this one....

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