Corsi INC 30

Story by Joey Porter on SoFurry

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#30 of Corsi INC

Furs that go thump in the night.

Avena and Jess stood guard just inside the main entrance to the Mansion. A few months had passed and the heat of summer was upon them. Hardly the time of day to actually stand outside in the blazing heat so Corsi had a small building made for the guards.

Jess was on her knees under the main desk at the window on the inside of the first gate. Avena was sitting at the same desk with a very flushed expression on her muzzle as she watched a long stretch limo come up to the gate. She whispered quickly. "Jess put something on. Corsi's coming!" and she sat up straight trying to hide the fact that she had been fooling around with her slave for the majority of the day and was looking ragged enough to show it.

As the car stopped at the gate the voice on the speaker came in, "Hey hon it's Tanya. Let us in?"

And without missing a beat, Jess called up, "Code please."

The voice of Tanya's growl could even be heard through the speaker. "I wanna fuck da bunny! Are ya happy now?"

Avena laughed into the speaker. They had been having fun other than just oral sex. To drive out the dullness of the day and keep things interesting they would amuse themselves by coming up with bizarre and sexually suggestive codes. They already ran through ones such as 'Who wants to have sex?' and 'Oh, Me so Yiffy' but they sat at the gate arguing for 20 minutes until they made her say 'Master Lone makes me scream when I cum.'

The Limo rolled past and stopped at the window. A ragged and oversexed Avena stared right into the eyes of an even more over sexed Tanya.

"I thought Lone was still at the Mansion." Avena asked.

Jess popped up with her muzzle still soaking wet.

Tanya smiled and replied, "He is." And then without missing a beat she added, "Mistress Corsi however, is not." And tipped her chauffeurs cap with a mischievous grin rolling the window back up.

Avena stared slack jawed as the Limo drove away and back up to the Mansion. Jess looked up and said in a quiet voice. "Mistress, I will assume that my duties will now include making her bicker for an hour before she says the password."

"Yes." Avena said with her arms folded over one another. "Keep licking." And under her breath, she muttered something about wanting it to be their turn to drive.

Just then, the Limo stopped and rolled back to the gate with Tanya rolling the window back down. She smirked and teased, "Yoiko is here too so I guess I did fuck da bunny." Pausing a moment for dramatic effect before she put the car back into drive and rolled off with the purple bunny waving from the seat next to her.

Inside the Limo, Yoiko laughed with Corsi on her shoulder. "I am sorry. I had to have you add that in after seeing the look on her face. Those two really have no idea what we do while we are out, do they?"

Corsi shook her head with a laugh. "Not a clue." They pulled the rest of the way up and stopped at the door.

Lone was already there to escort the trio out of the car and up the steps. "Did you have a pleasant time mistress?"

Corsi answered cheerfully, "Of course. We went down by the water and took the limo out on the beach. We already took it in for a full cleaning to wash the salt and sand off so don't be upset Lone."

Tanya giggled and pointed out that the sounds of sex coming from the darkened windows gifted them with an extra clean car done by hand while the fur cleaning crew were trying to catch a glimpse inside to see what was going on.

Lone looked over his shoulder saying, "Oh my the way mistress Yoiko. You had a most bizarre call. A woman by the name of Hayleh Alcott had rung the main office phone asking for you by your full maiden name. She claims she knows you personally."

Yoiko stopped dead in her tracks. A look of utter horror took over her face and her eyes struck wide. She shivered as a deep chill ran over her body.

Corsi knew what this meant. She stared up to Yoiko in silence. "It's okay beloved. I am sure she just wants to talk to you."

Yoiko said nothing and stood motionless.

Corsi gently stroked her fingers through Yoiko's fur.

Tanya and Lone stared at the two of them in bewildered shock.

Finally after several long minutes. Yoiko stammered out, "M... Mother."

Lone stepped a little closer. "I thought your mother was gone from this Earth."

Corsi shook her head. "We'd like her to be. We don't associate with her much because of her prejudice to preditor species. She'd rather see them all dead."

Yoiko nodded her head with a half smile. "But she is my mother unfortunately. We shall have to welcome her with open arms and muster the best greeting we can for her when she arrives."

"And we still are on the lookout in case that Thunder cat comes snooping around again." Lone pointed out.

Tanya looked up to Lone, "Sensei. Are we going to have to start doing the grounds patrols again?" almost hopefully.

Lone nodded, "Yes, but this time we will not be patrolling together. Call a meeting and have Avena and Jess come up to the mansion foyer as soon as they can get dressed."


Twenty minutes later, the front steps of the mansion held Lone and Avena with Tanya and Jess just behind them. On the drive at the base of the stairs, were fifteen other recruited furs to assist in the patrol.

Lone Bellowed, "We're starting out by splitting into five groups. Three of you will go down tot he front gate. Open the gate for no one. Three of you will come with each of us, and head to the four corners of the lot. Wear clothes at all times. Arm yourselves accordingly.

One of the vixens a short plump one that looked far too strong for her height raised her hand and Lone shouted, "No Myrilla you can not have the Mini gun." And the vixen dropped her hand only to raise it a few seconds later, "Or the grenade launcher. And before you think of it you cannot have any weapon that fires any sort of projectile unless it's a slingshot."

Myrilla folded her arms in front of her with a grumpy look on her face and sat on the spot.

The group had started to separate as Yoiko rushed out of the mansion. "She just called Lone. Mother is coming."

"Shit." Lone exclaimed. "Okay all predator species, in the mansion and to your rooms. If you see any other predator species on the way in, tell them to also head back to their rooms.

"Does that include you sensei Lone?" Jess inquired.

"I will be with Corsi. I don't think she will see me as a threat if I am protecting our mistress. But I don't want to take chances with anyone else." He said softly as more than half the pets grumbled up the stairs. "Okay then. Those that are left, out on the grounds. Keep an eye out for anything out of the ordinary and radio me with a report. Jess, Avena, and Tanya. please head down to the gate with hand weapons and sidearm. Escort Yoiko's mother from the gate. If she gets out of line, detain her."


It took about twenty minutes for the car to arrive. A small sedan with a rather mean looking rabbit pulled up to the gate. Avena stood behind the gate with Tanya taking aim with a pistol behind a one way glass. Jess was hidden and had her hand weapons drawn and ready to attack should any aggressive move be made. Avena's swords were at her sides and with her arms folded she could draw them in a second if needed.

A rather short rabbit with peach cream fur and long black ears and forearms stepped out of the car and approached the gate. "I'm here to see my daughter." She shouted demandingly.

"State your name and set your ID on the ground. Then back up to your vehicle door." Avena demanded.

"Who the hell do you think you are? I am Hayleh Alcott. How DARE you tell me what to do!"

"I am Avena Marshall. And I don't give a flying fart who you are. You do as you're told and you'll get in the gate."

"I don't have to stand for this!" Hayleh shouted and hopped back into her car. She backed up the car slightly and floored to gas to ram the gate.

"Fire to disable!" Avena shouted and whipped out her pistol. The three rabbits opened fire on the hood of the car with armor piercing bullets and shattered the engine block stopping the car dead before it even touched the gate. The sounds of the gunshots echoed back up from the mansion.

Hayleh jumped out of the car and boldly stormed to the gate with all three weapons pointed right at her. "THIS IS OUTRAGEOUS! I'LL SUE!"

"You won't be able to sue if you get a bullet between your ears. Now step back, keep your paws where we can see them. We're going to open the gate and put you in detention until the police arrive." Tanya said calmly as she stepped through the shattered glass.

Hayleh looked to the rabbits one by one in utter shock. She snarled her muzzle. "I guess I have no choice." And stepped back just as Yoiko and Lone ran down from the top of the hill.

"Mother what in the goddesses name did you do?" Yoiko screamed.

"What do you mean what did I do? These three lunatics shot my car up!" Hayleh snapped back.

"I am afraid Mrs. Alcott that the video camera's shall show something quite different. They will show you attempting to ram the gate. And to bring harm to Miss Avena." Lone said in his normal emotionless tone.

"Shut the hell up you ... Wolf!" Hayleh retorted.

"Folf." Lone corrected.

"Mutt." Hayleh insulted.

"Correct." Lone said with a bow of his head. "But either way I am afraid you will have to be escorted back up to the mansion with the weapons drawn. Either I or Jess can pat you down for a weapon."

I will not have any filthy dog touch me." Hayleh insulted.

Lone casually dismissed the insult and replied, "Jess then. Pupil if you please."

Hayleh's scowl burned into Lone with Lone just smiling quietly while her body was felt up rather unceremoniously for anything out of the ordinary. Jess paused a moment with her hands at her belly and abdomen and looked hard up.

"Find anything interesting?" Hayleh hissed through her teeth.

"She's clean Sensei." Jess said quietly and drew her gun again.

Yoiko finally spoke up. "Are the guns needed?"

And before Lone could say no, Hayleh said, "Yes. Or I'll kill the fucking mutt."

Lone drew a deep breath. He replied. "Firearms away. Avena, Jess, Tanya... You are dismissed."

The trio of rabbits stifled a laugh as they headed back up to the mansion. Once they were out of sight, Lone bowed and stepped to the side. "After you Mrs. Alcott." Offering the way up to the mansion open.

But of course things would not go peacefully. Hayleh rushed Lone.

Yoiko stepped back and sat to the ground knowing what was about to happen. She pleaded, "Lone. Don't hurt her." Just as Hayleh closed the gap and went to tackle him.

Lone stepped aside quickly, letting Hayleh stumble past him and crash to the ground.

She got to her feet again and rushed in even faster. She slowed just short and threw a punch in with Lone simply dodging to the side. Punch after punch came in with Lone practically dancing just avoiding the strikes. This only got Hayleh angrier and angrier with every second.

And as with anger comes carelessness, when Hayleh threw a punch a little too hard Lone grabbed her arm and tripped her to the ground face first. He stood one foot on her back and held her firmly planted to the soft grass.

Hayleh struggled trying to push herself to her feet. The weight was too much for her. She growled up to her daughter, "Get this puppy off of me before I kill him!"

Yoiko kneeled next to her but out of slapping range. "Mother. He's not going to let you stand if you keep threatening to bring harm to any of us. He's one of the mansion pets and is sworn to protect us."

"Yeah right. Just look at him. He's a CANINE! They eat us!"

"Mother. Lone is a vegetarian. He doesn't eat meat." Yoiko explained.

Hayleh just stared at her daughter. "I'll believe that when I see it. Now can you please tell this mutt to get OFF ME!"

Yoiko stood to her feet and stepped back a pace. "Let her up Lone."

"Are you sure Mistress Yoiko?" Lone replied.

Yoiko nodded her head and Lone released his prisoner.

Almost immediately, Hayleh went to kick Lone between his legs. Lone deftly kicked the foot away sending her onto her face again and the foot planted on her back ... again.

"I shall have to restrain her mistress." Lone said to Yoiko as she stared down to the struggling rabbit.

"I'll get the chains and leash."



And twenty minutes later, Hayleh was lead up to the mansion struggling and kicking as best she could the entire way up. Her ankles were restrained with a one foot chain to prevent her from running. Her wrists were shackled behind her back and because of the vulgarity she had been spewing forth, a ball gag was brought down as well and tied tightly in place.

Hayleh Alcott was not a happy bunny. And yes she was leashed with a choke collar.

When they got into the mansion, they lead Hayleh over to the main office to greet Corsi. She was brought inside and shackled to a chair by Lone and Avena.

"I think we can take the gag off. I have already spoken to Terl and he is taking care of matters with the local police. They're not coming." Corsi ordered.

Lone untied the gag and Hayleh sat in contempt silence.

"You came here to speak to me Mother." Yoiko questioned.

"Tell the mutt to leave and I will speak." Hayleh spat out.

Corsi looked up and nodded her head to Lone.

"I will send Jess and Tanya in Mistress."

Almost as soon as the door slammed shut, Hayleh's proud and stoic look turned to one of compassion. "We need to get you to safety Yoiko. I have heard things."

Corsi stood from her chair and looked up to Hayleh from the desk. "What kinds of things? Lone will have to be in here to hear this. He's head of security."

"He's a Canine!" Hayleh protested.


Hayleh grimaced and lowered her head saying in a gruff tone. "Very well then my daughter." Her muzzle a sneer with anger.

The door opened a moment later with Lone sending in the other two rabbits and coming in himself when he was summoned.

"Well, word has it that there is a feline beast that has been roughing up a few of the locals. She's been good about keeping away from anyone with a collar. She's been asking about how to get into this place. About a secret way in. Daughter you're in danger. She's going to find her way in and kill to get a hold of some fur by the name of Nova." Hayleh explained in a very monochromatic sort of tone.

Corsi pressed a tiny button on her tiny desk. "Nova Lontosh report to my office."

It wasn't even ten seconds and the striped folf stepped through the door and knelt beside Corsi's desk. "How can I serve you mistress?"

"Oh well if that's all just give him back." Hayleh said heartlessly.

"Back?" Nova asked puzzled at first. Then a look of realization hit him followed by utter horror. "OH GOD PLEASE NO!" He begged. "Please don't let her take me please!"

Corsi raised her paw.

"Slave is sorry mistress. Slave will not blow up again." Nova replied in tears with his head bowed low.

"Well trained. Okay he's at least moderately tolerable." Hayleh spoke.

"Where is she?" Yoiko asked.

"Untie me?"

"If you get out of line I will have my students quiet you again." Lone threatened.

Hayleh took a deep breath to calm herself. "Very well then. I will not start trouble But if you lay so much as a finger on me..."

"...I'll regret it I'm sure." Lone finished for her as he unclasped the shackles.

Hayleh rubbed her wrists and stared up to the wolf gruffly before turning back to her daughter. "Not sure. But she questioned me. I lied to her about a place on the south side of the complex with a tunnel. I started to dig one before she could get herself together for a raid. I figured it's the perfect setup to kill that feline bitch." She smirked and rested back in her chair. "Predators are so stupid."

Corsi stopped short. She looked at Hayleh shaking her head in confusion. "So you built a tunnel starting from outside the walls so that this killer Chakat can try and sneak in and murder us? Are you NUTS?"

"Tunnel is not finished mouse. They'll walk into the tunnel, realize there is no other side, we collapse the tunnel and bury them alive." Hayleh said in such a cold tone it was frightening.

"And then we are no better than they are." Lone replied. "Fight murder with murder? That's not worth the Karma."

Hayleh stared up to the towering Lone with her fists clenched. Her mind rushing through thoughts of murderous rage and hate for everything predatorial and especially canines like this mutt in front of her. But hearing a canine talk about peace? About not harming? And worse yet he's VEGAN?! This was unheard of. "Dogs are supposed to piss on trees not hug them." Hayleh spat out with her cheeks turning a bright red with hate. "What the hell happened to your killing instinct!!!"

Lone stepped forward and bowed low. "Miss Alcott. I am sorry that you feel that way about my species. But the days of the wars between the predators and the prey species have long since ended. I would never wish any harm to befall you or Mistress Yoi..."

"STOP CALLING HER MISTRESS!" Hayleh burst out in frustration.

"MOTHER!" Yoiko screamed. "Would you listen to yourself?"

Hayleh's eyes turned to her daughter in utter shock. She was for the first time since her arrival, at a complete loss for words.

"Listen to what you are saying. For years you kept talking about murderous wolves and killer foxes. And here you are in front of a wolf/fox hybrid that wouldn't hurt a fly and you're telling him to be the stereotype you want him to be so you have a valid reason to hate him. And you're talking about killing other furs more than anyone. You're more of the stereotype then anyone you've accused!" Yoiko shouted very uncharacteristically. She took a deep breath and said calmly, "Now. I believe our best course of action would be to have a few of our guards to stand ground somewhere near the area in which you had dug the tunnel. We can call to the local police of a break in and have the entire lot of them deported back to their home country."

Hayleh just stared at her daughter. She didn't even hear the second half of what she said. She ... The crusader for the prey species compared to a lowly canine. She looked down to the floor thinking of something to say. ANYTHING she could come up with to defend herself. After she glanced back up to the pair of them actually showing concern. Even the half-breed canine was kneeling down and talking to her. The volume turned back up with a snap from her daze.

"... can call someone in Madame Alcott." Lone finished.

"What?" Was all she could find.

"Mother you went white. Is there something wrong."

Hayleh shook her head. She looked into Lone's eyes pleadingly. Something had struck inside her. But at that point she had no idea what it was. "Can I be fully untied please ... Sir?"

Lone looked up to Yoiko and bowed his head. "I think it will be for the better."

Even Nova looked to the previously raging rabbit with a show of concern. The rabbit trio stood to the side equally dumbfounded.

Lone received a nod from Yoiko and took the rest of the binds off Hayleh, setting the ankle shackles to the desk close to Corsi.

Corsi hopped up from her desk and literally sat on one of the cuffs.

Out of nowhere, Hayleh lunged at Lone once again. Lone was about to defend himself but instead he received a tight hug from the rabbit. He looked to Tanya in confusion and she nodded her head. Lone wrapped his arms carefully around the smaller rabbit and held her tightly. "It's all right. Your daughter is safe here. I promise."

Hayleh looked up to Lone with her eyes just slightly glazed over from the verge of crying and buried her cheek to his warm inviting fur.


Lone and Hayleh lay in watch at the area where they had found the tunnel she started. Hayleh insisted on keeping watch with Lone saying she wanted to keep an eye on the canine. That she still did not trust him. She also said that they carry hand to hand weapons as well as M-16's with burst fire capabilities to send several bullets in a tight compact area just in case they needed them.

The night was deathly silent with the rare exception of a wail of lust coming from an open window from the Mansion. Lone was so used to this that it did not even phase him anymore. Hayleh however stared back and up to the windows with every peep. Shifting uncomfortably afterwards every time.

She looked at Lone's fixed expression and broke the silence when another pleasure filled scream came over the lawn. "Does this happen every night here?"

"No Ma'am. Most of the times it's far louder. The pets are being quiet for our watch."

And Hayleh reached down to her thighs to adjust herself. She settled herself down with her weapon still in her paw. "Lone, I want to talk to you."

Lone replied without ever taking his eyes off the clearing before him and the fence beyond. "Very well. But it would be wise if we keep our voices down in case we are heard and our tactical position given away." His voice but a whisper.

Hayleh whispered to him, "Do you know what a hermaphrodite is?"

"Of course Madame. I am the photographer for the magazine. I have filmed quite a many. All of them fully functional."

"Have you ever..." Hayleh paused in the darkness. "Been intimate with one before?"

Lone nodded his head. "A few times. It's rather enjoyable. I like to give pleasure to them. Allows me to have the best of both worlds." Lone finally glanced to her with a stern look on his muzzle. "But we should not think of that right now. We are on watch."

Hayleh turned back to the fence and just beyond. She whispered. "Right." Almost a little disappointed.

The pair of them sat in silence. Lone taking a bow from his side and notching an arrow for a silent volley just in case. A brush in the grass in front of them caused them both to take aim. Lone peered down his arrow just as Hayleh cocked her gun to fire. But when he saw the thing that made the noise he reached out and put his paw over Hayleh's whispering, "Stand down."

"What?" Hayleh protested.

"That's not our quarry Ma'am. That's a rabbit that lives on the grounds. A feral one. If you kill her, you'll kill her babies in their den." Lone whispered even quieter then before. "She's heading to where we leave food for her. Sometimes she comes into the Mansion. She's sort of our pet but she's too timid for anyone to touch her but me."

And if Lone could have seen the utter shock on Hayleh's muzzle even he would have been surprised. "You really are a peaceful wolf aren't you?"

"Folf." Lone corrected. "But yes. I am a trained combat specialist to disarm and disable rather than kill." He looked to her for the second time and smiled. "Pardon the expression Miss Alcott but Murder is for the Dogs."

"We really have to talk once our shift is over Lone."

"Very well Miss Alcott."

The next several hours were spent either watching the fence or watching the rabbit bound about the grounds until she sniffed at the air and caught Lone's scent. She started to head over to them until she caught wind of Hayleh and bolted to her burrow and was not seen again.

When the next pair of guards came out to the makeshift encampment, Lone and Hayleh went back inside. When they had closed the back entrance to the mansion, Lone turned to Hayleh, "Allow me to show you to your guest room. If you are not too tired I shall send Myrilla ... Or maybe it would be better if ... Hayleh, would you like a prey slave or a predator slave to see to your needs?"

"How about you?" She spoke before realizing what she was saying at all.

Lone stopped short.

Hayleh did not and walked right into him in the narrow sloping runway. She had been staring at his rump the entire walk up the narrow runway that lead from the patio. It was sloped for those pets that were handicapped.

Lone turned around and looked to her as she stepped back with a flush of red on her cheeks. "I suppose that could be arranged." He cocked his brow and inquired half honestly and half sarcastically, "You are not going to fight me again right?"

"No Lone dear."


Lone shut the door to the room after Hayleh had entered before him. He had winded his way through the hall letting himself slip into his submissive self. He knelt at the foot of the bed and said softly, "Would Madame like a shower before she sleeps?"

Hayleh nodded her head and stood before Lone almost shaking. "Lone ... There is something I ought to let you know about me." She looked to him a moment and shook her head once. "Oh, you'll find out anyway."

Lone nodded his head and started to undress the rabbit. He slipped his paws under her warm sweater and slid it over her head, keeping his eyes from resting on her. He had expected her to turn around to remove her bra but when she did not, he started to walk around her.

"Stay there Lone." She commanded.

"Yes Madame." He answered and wrapped his arms around her closely as he could without touching her. He unfastened the clasp and pulled it from her allowing her breasts to catch the air conditioning in the room. He kneeled back down and worked on the side zipper of her slacks. He slowly brought them down to leave the rabbit in just a set of boxer shorts. He knelt back down and bowed his head.

A full minute passed before Hayleh snapped, "Are you stopping NOW slave?"

Lone nodded his head and replied, "I did not know if you wished to be completely unclothed before someone you only just met." He picked at the elastic band of the boxer shorts with the tips of his claws and slid them down her legs, folding them and setting them aside. He stood to his feet and bowed with his eyes closed, "I shall draw the shower mistress." He turned around and just got one step to the shower.

Hayleh grabbed him by the arm and spun him around to face her. "Would you look at me already mutt?"

Lone's eyes caught Hayleh's directly. Instinctively he dropped his gaze down past her breasts and what filled his vision caught him completely by shock. He looked over the creamy colored rabbit. Her soft plush and short fur. Black fur glove and boot marks halfway up her forearms and thighs. Her breasts were a delicate white. And her cock was hard as stone. "So you ARE a hermaphrodite Madame."

"Well let's not say you aren't observant." Hayleh retorted. She took a step back and folded her arms under her breasts. "Well come on. Let's see it then. If you are going to shower me you are not going to do well dressed in camouflage."

Lone nodded his head. He was trained not to disobey and just to do as he is told. He slipped his jacket and T-shirt from his shoulders and folded them on the nightstand. He then removed his pants as well, unceremoniously kicking them to the side. He took a deep breath ready for what would come and slid his boxer shorts off in one quick movement.

"Holy Shit!" Hayleh exclaimed as she stared at Lone in near disbelief. "You're HUGE!"

"Yes Madame. Males wish for this size every day of their lives. I wish for half. Most of the pets cannot even take the thickness without extreme pain." He said as he kneeled back to the floor. His eyes darting down. "Shall I draw the bath for you Madame?"

Hayleh nodded her head eyes still fixed on the flaccid cock that had to be as long as hers was hard. Then she realized Lone could not see her and replied after the embarrassing silence. "Yes. Go."

Lone bowed low and stood to his feet and disappeared through a doorway.

Hayleh sat on the edge of the bed. She whispered to herself. "Okay. I don't know whether to hate him or to love him. Putting his species aside he is a little handsome. Not to mention strong and ... God he's fucking big." She shook the thought out of her head with her shaft already throbbing at the thought of a cock that big inside her warm sex. "But he's canine. I could never." She looked up to the door and then back down just as she heard the shower start in the room.

She only had a few more seconds to some up with a choice. "Then again. He could have broke me in half at the gate today. And he did respect my daughter in her request for him not to hurt me. And he left me without a scratch." She continued to argue with herself. "But he's canine."

Lone appeared kneeling at the door frame. "The shower is ready Madame."

"I'll be there in a moment. Go back inside and close the door."

"Yes Madame." He said softly and carefully closed the door after scooting back a bit.

"I need to think." She whispered to herself. "He's obedient. He even takes orders from a rabbit." She stared at the door with a puzzled look on her muzzle. "And anyone that takes carrot juice to a stake out and passes up a hamburger until he's told it's a veggie burger cooked without fat can't be all bad. But how does he get his protein without meat?" Then she blushed a shade factor seven and her swollen shaft throbbed heatedly. She stood to her feet. There was no hiding her arousal at all at this point with a bead of pre formed at the tip. "Besides, if he really IS a slave he will do what he's told." She opened the door to see Lone kneeling in the middle of the floor with his cock still dangling flaccid between his thighs.

"Come Lone. You may bathe me." Lone kept his head down and stood to his feet. He opened to door to the large shower stall and kneeled down again.

When Hayleh stepped past him and she heard the door close. She turned around with a coy grin on her muzzle that was wiped clean in an instant. Here she was getting soaked to the bone in a hot shower and Lone had stayed outside the stall. "You expect me to clean myself slave?"

The stall opened once again and Lone looking completely confused, entered after. His eyes settled on the thick shaft that throbbed on his temporary mistress and even though he was not trying to, he felt a tingle run through his shaft as well. "Madame. I wish to ask a question of you."

"You may ask as you get the shampoo." She answered simply.

Lone did as he was asked and took a bottle of unscented shampoo with fur conditioner from the shelf inside the shower and poured a dollop in his paw. When he turned around he saw Alcott not standing impatiently. But paws against the wall standing with her back arced and her rear in the air. "Madame. Earlier today you wanted to kill me."

"I changed my mind slave. Now I am expecting to be bathed." She looked back to him with a smile. The first he had seen on her. "Now I would rather not change it again if you please slave." She looked down to Lone's steadily inflating trunk and whispered, "Just go gentle on me. I just hope you are as experienced as you say."

Lone nodded his head once and closed the gap. He set the bottle on a closer shelf and warmed up his thickening shaft to her rump. She was much shorter than he was so his cock dangled over the cheeks of her ass as his soap-filled paws massaged the thick suds into her back. His eyes shot wide when he felt a paw reach back and wrap around his length.

Hayleh was more than ready. She could feel the moistness of her pussy soaked even more than her fur. She wanted to feel it filled more than she had ever been filled before. Even her cock throbbed so hard it too needed a release and badly. She didn't care about the shower itself, only to have that meat inside. Her fingers kneaded delicately over his cock as she pressed her rump back against him. She too noticed the height difference. As much as she wanted this to work. It would not without ... Then she spotted it, a small metal sitting stool for a slave to use when bathing a master or mistress. She reached out with her foot and pulled it closer, stepping on top of it immediately.

As Hayleh's rump lifted within range, Lone's cock reached it's full thirteen inch length. He pulled a clean washcloth from the shelf above in the steam filled shower and whispered. "Bite down on this in case it hurts. Water does not make a good..."

"Fuck me already. God I need it." Hayleh cried as she snatched the cloth from him and tossed it aside.

Lone took hold of his member and carefully guided himself to her fem-sex. Gently, he ground his shaft to her pussy with his massive paw holding to her waist. When the head of his cock slipped inside, the wail of pain echoed impossibly loud in the resonant shower. Lone did not pull out. Instead he held the screaming rabbit tightly letting her get used to his girth.

Hayleh couldn't believe how much this thing had her stretched. She felt as if she might tear apart on his cock. But she was not going to let a wolf get the best of her. She pushed back letting another inch ease inside her. Had Lone not been holding her, she might have gotten more. Drips of pre-cum oozed from the tip of her own thick cock waiting and wanting to fill inside someone else.

Lone shuddered as the warm vice took yet another inch of his cock inside. Three inches down and ten to go. He reached around front of her and wrapped one paw around her length with a grin. The warm water rushing over his head as he leaned over her back and eased himself inside just a little more. Then all at once he felt Hayleh wrench back and take almost his full length inside. Lone let out a howl that must have been heard outside the locked quarters.

Hayleh felt at least ten of the thirteen inside her. She slid herself to the wall just a little and bit her lip. Then she forced herself back onto his cock biting back the harsh pain she felt to pry him inside but she at last heard the lewd slap of his balls against her clit and a wave of sweet pleasure rippled through her. She only just noticed Lone stroking her warm cock. Her cheek pressed against the cool tiles and she whispered back through the hiss of the shower. "Fuck me hard wolf. I want you to treat me like a bitch. Don't go gentle."

"But..." Lone started to protest.

"FUCK ME!" She screamed and pumped herself hard onto Lone's cock.

Lone wrapped one paw around her waist and lifted her of the stool. The other gripped her cock as tight as she had his. He pressed her up against the wall of the shower and rammed his cock into her sex like a pile driver. He leaned over and bit her hard on the nape of the neck to hold her in place.

Hayleh came almost instantly. Her cock exploded a burst of cum that painted the wall for just a moment before the showers rushing waters washed it down the drain. Her burning sex quaked on his length as she felt that rod ram inside her over and over.

No slow lovemaking, no gentle affection, this was raw animalistic fury. The heat of lust couldn't compare to the steamy waters that rained down onto them and only served to cool the pair of them from near spontanious combustion.

Lone kicked the stool aside and forced Hayleh onto her hands and knees on the hard tile shower floor. The water rushed over them like the torrents of rain from a thunderstorm. He held onto her with all his strength squatting behind her with one paw still clenched solidly around her spasming shaft. He drew back several inches of his length and pumped it back in within a moment.

Hayleh's eyes went wide with shock. Her tight sex was instantly ravaged like a bulldog. A feeling of helplessness rushed over her in which she felt that even if she protested, she would not escape the clutches of the massive wolf. He was her predator and she was his willing prey. The sounds of his fur slapping wet and lewd against her soaked rump resounded like the beating methodic drums of a head hunter.

When he felt she was comfortable on her paws and knees and sensed she wanted more, Lone reached up with his paw and grabbed a tight hold of Hayleh's ears and forced her head back while the grunts of her lust echoed with every feral pump into her. Lone's paw worked feverishly over the thick length as the last drops of Hayleh's cum were milked from her like a cow still leaving the hermaphrodite solid as a rock.

Her head forced back, the water from the shower beat against her muzzle and forced her jaws closed to keep from choking on the water in her throat. But she didn't care. The feelings of her female orgasm had already started to well up inside her again. She looked back with just her eyes and shouted. "Turn me over slave. On my back!"

Lone was more than willing to comply. Without missing a beat, he twisted the rabbit around on his shaft and forced her shoulders pinned on the tiles. He kneeled down himself and totally pinned her to the floor with his teeth clenched tightly and a low growl coming from within. Slowly and unwillingly, his mind slipped from slave to master with the final crescendo coming with a blaze in his eyes. He leaned forward and solidly bit Hayleh on her neck with his huge and powerful muzzle and the growled words, "Don't Move."

Hayleh wrapped her thighs around him just as her throat was taken. Her already viselike pussy erupted in a torrent flood of pure bliss extended by the moderate restriction to her airflow. She gasped for breath, just barely able to whisper though the hurricane of her orgasm, "Yes ... Slave."

Lone released his grip not slowing his hard ripping cock from impaling her sex and abusing her to the fullest. "I am no longer your toy Hayleh. You asked for this. Now you have it."

If Hayleh thought she was being fucked before. She just learned a new meaning of the word. Lone was lifting her into the air from their prone position. He quite literally held her in one arm and forcefully lifted both of hers to a pair of shackles that were attached to the reinforced shelves in the shower. Then he let her weight fall onto them. He grabbed her tightly around the thighs with his massive paws and swung her onto his shaft harder than ever.

Hayleh struggled against the restraints. This was far too much. She kicked with her paws to get away but nothing would let her loose. She was trapped just like the prey species she was and a cock that had her in its clutches. She cried, "Let me go! Release ..." Her words getting cut off as both her male sex and her female gender erupted without so much as a warning. Her cream sprayed her square in the muzzle while the juices of her pussy washed down her new masters thighs and down the shower drain.

Lone smiled as he carefully pulled his cock out of her gaping sex not lett. He let her relax to hang from the shackles and onto her knees. He stood over her with his cock throbbing and dripping wet. He looked down to his new acquisition and smiled. "Hayleh I want you to look at me. This will be the last time you will be allowed to see my eyes."

Hayleh was panting. Her pussy was still quivering and her cock still twitching with the sheer force of the orgasm that slammed into her just moments before. Her body basking in the afterglow, she looked up to his steel blue eyes and whispered, "No ... I can't." The waters from the hissing shower rolling off her sweating and soaked fur.

"You are going to have a long night. When it is over you will be glad to call me Master. You will be cared for and you will ..."

"NO!" Hayleh shouted pulling herself to her wobbly feet. She glared up to him with her eyes glazed over. "Nice mutt or not, I'm not kneeling to you."

Lone's grin teased over his muzzle with the waters beating his chest. "This shall be a long night then won't it Hayleh?"

Corsi INC, Corsi, and Lone are copyright Joey Porter.

Nova and Thunder are copyright Charles Adams and are used with permission.

Yoiko and Hayleh Alcott are copyright Mike Henry and are used with permission.

All other characters are copyright their original owners.

This entire work is copyright Joey Porter 2005

Corsi INC 31

Shadows and secrets. The darkness of the Black Rose back alley was barely lit by a lone street lamp half a block away. In the inky black shadows waited just a large pair of glowing yellow eyes scanning anxiously around in every direction. ...

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Corsi INC 29

A new kind of training. Nova awoke as usual and sat up in his bed. He had quickly grown spoiled on everything that was being done for him in the mansion. He took his shower bowing to the slave that handed him his soap and held his towel for him as...

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Corsi INC 28

Chapter 28 Cedar had called out for his sister. Corsi was already on the way, being carried by Nova Lontosh. Nova knocked at the door to Cedar's office and stepped inside. Cedar and Coyra had asked for both of them to visit to discuss something...

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