Alan's Story(Chapter 4- Part 2 of Sleepover)

Story by Xiuh on SoFurry

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#13 of Alan's Story

Alright. Enjoy :)


Later that night, Nathan and I prepared to watch the scary movie I had made sure to bring. Nathan had made popcorn and had a two liter of soda and two plastic cups on the table on one side of the couch(we were in his room) and he had blankets to cover up with because his mom turned on the AC at night.

I put the movie into his DVD player and sat down next to him. He leaned into me and covered us both with the blanket, putting the popcorn in his lap. I put my arm around him and when he looked up at me I shrugged, "My arm will go to sleep if you're leaning on it."

He turned off the light and played the movie and ate some popcorn. "Is this movie really scary?" he asked nervously, looking up at me, "I get nightmares really easily."

"It's really scary," I told him, "but don't worry, I'll keep ya safe."

He giggled and leaned back into me, sipping from his cup. In my opinion, the movie was just really bad, but Nathan thought it was scary. About halfway through the movie he started squeaking and burying his head into my neck and I hugged him, rubbing his back until the scary parts were over. He was always shaky after a scary part and it almost got annoying.

When the movie was over he eagerly turned on a lamp. The popcorn was completely gone and there wasn't even a cup left in the two liter. He stood up and stretched. "Well," he said shakily, "that was a good movie."

I smiled and said, "Didn't get to enjoy your cuddle session?"

"Not really," he said with a sigh as he got a pillow from the bed and put it on the couch. He laid down on the couch and curled up.

I stared at him in curiosity and said, "Whatchya doin?"

"Going to bed," Nathan said, "I told you you could have the bed."

I picked him up and grabbed the pillow too. I carried him over to his bed and plopped him down before getting onto it next to him, pulling him against me and pulling the covers over us. "I told you," I whispered into his ear, "I'll protect ya from all those nasty nightmares."

He smiled and curled tighter against me. "You know Alan," he said, yawning after it, "you really are the best friend a subby gay guy could ever have."

I chuckled and waited a minute for me to hear him snoring before closing my own eyes.


At some point during the night I woke up and my arm was stinging like crazy. I briefly recognized the pain from when I hadn't taken medicine once before but it didn't register instantly. When it did I sat up in shock and pain, remembering that I HAD forgotten to take my medicine before bed.

I rolled off of Nathan's bed and scrambled for his lamp anxiously, turning it on and then looking for my bag which I picked up and yanked open, tearing through it. "Alan?"

I looked up to see Nathan staring at me tiredly. "I forgot to take my medicine," I said, my voice barely a whimper. When I didn't find my medicine I nearly squealed and I grabbed my phone and rushed out of his room, down the stairs and out the front door, my fingers flying over the keys as I called my mom. "Mom?" I said through gritted teeth when she picked up, "I forgot to take my medicine."

"Can it wait?" she asked tiredly.

"Mom!" I said, my voice a squeak, "it hurts."

That got her attention and she said, "I'll be right there sweetheart."

She didn't even wait for a goodbye before she hung up. I hunched down onto the porch and wrapped my arms around my knees, rocking back and forth as I chewed my lip, trying to ignore the pain in my arms. Nathan was watching me from the doorway and I was more than grateful that he wasn't trying to talk to me.

When I finally saw the headlights of my mom's car I jumped up and ran towards the car. The window was down before I got to it and she held the black case out to me. I whimpered in pain as I undid the zipper and started mixing the multiple bottles of liquids before pulling some into one of the needles. I whimpered as I found a vein in my arm and pressed the needle into it, pushing the liquid into it.

As I did so, the burning in my arm died down a bit and I sighed in relief as it slowly but surely dissipated from the rest of my body. "Thanks mom," I said, suddenly exhausted.

"Do you want to come home?" She asked me, concern heavy in her voice.

"Nah," I said, "Now that I have my meds I should be fine."

"Alright," she said. "Good night."

"Night mom," I said, turning from the car and tucking the little bottles of liquid back into their proper places, sealing the used needle in a ziploc bag that was in the case. When I got back to the porch and Nathan he stared at me.

"Will you please tell me what's wrong with you?" he said in a whisper.

I hesitated, looking at the ground and seriously thinking about it. It would be nice to have someone to talk to but... I just wasn't ready. "No," I told him quietly, "It's too new... I'm not ready to let people know quite yet."

"Ok," Nathan said. He took my paw and led me upstairs. We both crawled back into bed and it didn't take long for either of us to fall asleep.


In the morning when I woke up Nathan wasn't lying next to me. I looked around tiredly but he wasn't in his room. I stood up and stretched, yawning as I did so, before walking downstairs and following the smell of cooking bacon and sausage to the kitchen. Nathan looked up from flipping pancakes and smiled at me. "Hey sleepyhead."

"Hey," I said tiredly, smiling at him. "Where are your parents?"

"They left for work." He said, flipping another pancake."

"It's Sunday," I said.

"They don't have set days to work," he said with a smile.

"What do they do?" I asked curiously.

"They're doctors, sort of." He said. "They run their own little hospital thing where they help people. They don't do anything major like surgeries but they do blood tests and minor stuff."

"And they make money to pay for all of this doing that?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

He grinned at me and said, "You'd be surprised how much they get paid for what they do. Most people believe they're more confidential then other places and so they go there instead."

"Well I guess that's good," I said, "How long until breakfast is done?"

He winked and said, "I was waiting for that question." He put four pancakes on a plate and two pieces of Sausage and Bacon as well as two pieces of toast and scrambled eggs. He poured a good amount of syrup on the pancakes and put the plate down in front of me with a grin and a wink. "Hope that's enough."

"Ha ha," I said, glaring at him. "Stop calling me fat you jerk."

"I'm not calling you fat," he said, "I'm saying you're a never ending void when it comes to eating."

"Same thing," I said.

Nathan smiled and said, "Just eat."

I took his advice and dug into the food. He sat down with his own plate and watched me eat, grinning from ear to ear. "I'm assuming I'm a good cook?" he said when I finished my plate, "Of course, you ate it all so fast you probably didn't taste it."

"I did taste it!" I said defensively, "And it tasted good."

He grinned and said, "Wanna go sit in the hot tub or something?"

"No," I said.

"Why not?" he asked, tilting his head.

I rolled my eyes and said, "Because I know you're just looking for an excuse to get me naked."

"Ewww!" he said, "We don't go naked in the hot tub. I was going to say you could borrow a pair of my dad's swim trunks."

"Oh," I said, "Ok then. I can do that."

He grinned and he went upstairs and when he came back he tossed me a pair of swim trunks. "You can go change in the bathroom," he said.

I did as he said and I walked back through his house and into the bathroom. I closed the door and sighed, looking at myself in the mirror. I could tell I was exhausted and despite having felt rested when I woke up in the morning I felt pretty bad now. I took a few steps closer to the mirror and I leaned forward, placing my forehead against the cool glass and sighed softly. "Fuck my life," I grumbled under my breath, generally just meaning this horrible affliction that I was stuck with.

I undressed quickly and put on the pair of swimming trunks Nathan had given me and, surprisingly, they fit me perfectly. I left the bathroom and walked upstairs to Nathan's room to find him stretching in front of a mirror. "Hey there," I said, closing the door and dropping my clothes on top of my bag, rummaging around in it for a second and pulling out the black case that my mom brought to me earlier. I opened it with a sigh and started mixing liquids together before sucking some into a fresh needle.

"Whatchya doin?" Nathan asked curiously, walking over to me.

I tied a strap around m arm and tightened it, balling a fist a few times to get a vein to stick out before taking the end of the strap and biting it to keep it from coming undone. I then carefully pressed the needle into my vein and pushed the liquid into it.

My arm twitched for a few seconds and then I sighed softly, letting the strap fall from my muzzle and untying it from my arm, using a cotton swab to wipe off some blood and putting a smaller one onto my arm and putting a band aid over the top of it. "Just giving myself my medicine."

"How often do you have to do it?" he asked me.

"I do it twice a day. Once in the morning and once at night before bed." I said.

"Ouchie," he said slowly, "I couldn't stick myself once, let alone twice, a day."

I sighed softly and said, "The pain when I don't is three times as bad as the small pinch from a needle."

"Why are you putting a band aid on your arm now but you didn't last night?" he asked, tilting his head.

"Normally when I'm resting my pulse doesn't push out much blood but when I'm active it does so much more." I blushed and looked at him, "It's my own little way to not waste money."

He grinned and said, "I can almost understand that. Come on, let's go have fun in the hot tub."

He led me outside and into his backyard onto the stone patio. He smiled and he gestured towards the hot tub, "Have fun." He said.

I rolled my eyes at him but wasted no time getting into the hot tub. As I slipped in I sighed in pleasure. "Oh wow, this feels good." I said, walking to the other side before sitting down and leaning back against the padded side.

Nathan grinned and said, "If you think that feels good," he pressed a button the side and jets turned on behind me. I jumped but then murred happily as the jets hit my back in the best of ways. I grinned and said, "That feels good..."

I leaned back and just relaxed, something I hadn't done in a long, long while. I heard the sound of water being displaced and a couple seconds later I felt paws on my shoulders. I jumped and then settled again when I realized it was just Nathan. He started rubbing my shoulders, digging into them with and massaging them expertly. "Oh wow," I said, "If you weren't so good at this I would be totally freaked out right now."

"You know I'm just buttering you up right?" he whispered into my ear.

I rolled my eyes and said, "Uhh, duh? What do you want?"

"Well," he said as he rubbed my shoulders, "The school's homecoming dance is October fifteenth... and I wanted to know if we could go together... as friends of course."

I thought about it for a second and said, "I don't see why not. We're only going as friends right?"

Nathan sighed into my ear and said, "Awesome. At least I won't be going alone."

I rolled my eyes and said, "I think it's weird you needed to ask since you already knew I would say yes."

He laughed in my ear and said, "I actually wasn't expecting you to say yes."

I reached back and patted the top of his head. "You should've. I have yet to say no to you when you're asking me to do something."

Nathan grinned and said, "You have YET to say no. You probably will at some point."

I rolled my eyes and leaned back, letting myself relax fully once more. **

Comments please. Constructive criticism. Point out any mistakes to me please so I can fix them ASAP :)

Alan's Story-Chapter 3(Part 1 of Sleepover)

I had to cut it down because one: It was taking too long, and two: it WAS too long. :) \*\* It didn't take long to get into a constant schedule. Every day I would suffer through my classes, paying more attention than I did on my first day as I wasn't...

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Alan's Story(Chapter 2) Second Part of First Day...

After seventh hour was over, I walked outside and looked around for my mom's car. When I found it I walked over to it and gestured for her to roll down her window. She rolled it down and said, "What?" "Where's Travis?" I asked. "He's going out with...

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Alan's Story(Chapter 1- First Day)

So, I meant to redo Highschool Days, but I started on it and then my computer crashed(grr) taking the first chapter(which I was in the middle of spellchecking, revisit grrr) with it. So, I'm going to write this one first. Feel free to make guesses...

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