Alan's Story-Chapter 3(Part 1 of Sleepover)

Story by Xiuh on SoFurry

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#12 of Alan's Story

I had to cut it down because one: It was taking too long, and two: it WAS too long. :)


It didn't take long to get into a constant schedule. Every day I would suffer through my classes, paying more attention than I did on my first day as I wasn't so tired, and then eating lunch with Nathan. It was about two weeks after I started hanging out with Nathan when he first invited me over to his house. "My parents are tired of me being gone all the time," he told me with a grin. "You would think that after almost a year of not going anywhere they would be tired of me."

I grinned and rolled my eyes, "Well, I'm more than happy to come over to your house. I wanna see it."

He smiled and said, "It's kind of nice."

"I'm sure it's better than nice," I said as I zipped up my backpack of clothes, "considering the way you brag about it."

Nathan blushed but smiled happily up at me. "I have one condition!" he said with a grin.

"What?" I asked.

"You have to let me cuddle up against you when we watch that scary movie tonight." He said.

I rolled my eyes and said, "Fine."

He grinned happily, his tail swishing and I sighed and shook my head as I shouldered my backpack. "Your mom is waiting, come on."

He led me out to his mother's van and I climbed into the middle seat. "Hello Mrs. Terrance."

"Hello Alan," she said with a smile. "How was your day?" she asked us both.

"Fine," Nathan said. "I'm forcing Alan to cuddle me tonight."

"Oh?" she said, raising her eyebrows at me.

I shrugged and said, "Why should I have a problem with it?"

"Because you claim to be straight." She said.

"I claim to not know," I corrected.

She grinned and said, "I'm still hoping to see the day you find out you're gay."

"Oh?" I said, "You want me to date Nathan?"

"You make him happy," she told me, "that's what I want for him."

"Hello?" Nathan said, "Yes, excuse me, but I believe I'm still here."

I dropped my blanket over Nathan and said, "Now you're not." He struggled to get the blanket off his head and I rolled my eyes and pulled it off. "And you say you're smart."

He glared and straightened his shirt. "It got caught on my necklace," he said, flashing the silver chain at me.

"Aha!" I said, "Nice excuse."

He sighed and said, "Just go mom! Alan is being a meany."

As Nathan's mom started to drive I squeezed Nathan and he murfed. "I sowwy," I murmured into his ear before sitting back up.

He smiled at me and took my paw. I couldn't help but grin at him and wink. When his mother pulled up to their house I blinked twice in awe. "Wow..." I said.

He grinned at me and said, "What? It's not like it's a mansion or anything."

"It's still HUGE." I said, staring in awe at the two story house, fronted by a porch supported by old style pillars. "And amazing."

Nathan rolled his eyes and said, "Come on."

He took my paw and pulled me inside. I stared around at the foyer of their house. The floor was well polished hardwood and the foyer was perfectly straight, leading to a door that was backed on either side by staircases, curving away from the door in both directions, that I assumed would lead to the bedrooms. A massive crystal chandelier hung on the ceiling.

I was gaping openly and Nathan still had a grin on his face. "My parents are doctors," he said with a shrug.

"It's awesome," I said, looking at Nathan.

"Yep," he said, "Come on, you can put your stuff up in my room, and then I'll give you a tour."

I followed him upstairs and down a short hallway to his room. He opened the door and we went in and I blinked twice before my mouth dropped into an O shape. "Holy shit..." I said, stepping into the giant room and looking around.

Straight across from the door was a king sized bed that looked insanely comfortable. On either side of that were two windows, both from floor to ceiling and looking out on a backyard that was huge. Half of it was taken up by a pool and another fourth was a concrete patio that was half shaded and half in the sun, the sunny part having a hot tub on it while the shaded part had a glass patio table and cushioned metal chairs.

On the left corner closest to the door was a couch that wrapped around the corner and immediately to the left of the door there was an entertainment system that had a thirty inch T.V. and a PS2 and Wii as well as a DVD player and plenty of movies and games. On the right corner there was a computer desk that wrapped around the corner. His computer had dual, flat screen twenty-six inch HD monitors and a really expensive gaming keyboard and mouse. To either side of the monitors were shelves, one filled with books and the other filled with computer games and software.

To the backleft there was a door on the wall and to the back right there was a closet.

"What's that door too?" I asked, nodding my head towards the door.

"Bathroom," he said with a smile, "Take a look if you want."

I dropped my stuff next to his bed and then opened the door, stepping in and looking around at the twelve by twelve foot bathroom that a huge tub took up half of. I took a step back and closed it, turning to look at Nathan and I glared at him. "I think I might hate you." I said.

"Well that isn't very nice," Nathan said, pouting at me.

"You torture me with your room," I said, looking into his closet that was almost as big as the bathroom.

He giggled and poked me in the back as I looked at his games, "You can come over any time you want Alan."

I grinned at him and said, "I'll be taking you up on that offer."

He smiled and sat down at his computer and said, "Look, at the glory that is my baby."

I watched the single monitor he was currently using as he booted it up. "I haven't hooked up the second yet," he said, gesturing with his head, "Waiting for my new graphics card first."

"I'm surprised you don't have it yet," I said.

"It'll be coming in tomorrow." He said with a smile, "It's literally a brand new card. The brand is being released tomorrow."

I whistled and said, "Gotta gets those connections." I looked at the screen which he was trying to hide quickly now, his face red. "What?"

"Nothing!" he said quickly, right clicking to close something. I slapped his paw away and opened the file. I grinned at the picture of a small fox kit in a bathtub playing with a few rubber duckies.

I laughed and said, "Awww! Nathan! You're so cute!"

"Well," his mother said from the doorway, "I like hearing that."

She came into the room and looked at the picture on the screen and grinned, "I remember taking that. You were four years old. So cute. You had just gotten done telling me you wanted a feral pup for Christmas."

Nathan blushed and said, "And then you got me one." He sighed, "I miss Dallas."

She smiled and ruffled his headfur, "He was a good pup, I'll give him that. Even if he was a menace to all of mankind. Anyways, put away your clothes before doing anything else."

"But mom!" he said, "I was just about to give Alan a tour of the house."

"The tour can be done after you put away your laundry," she said.

Nathan sighed and I grinned, "I'll help you put it away," I said, taking the large stack of clothing from his mother.

"Thanks," Nathan said as he led me into his closet. I started to hang his stuff up, occassionally having him reach over and move something with a grin.

I rolled my eyes and said, "OCD much?"

Nathan glared and said, "I like being able to find everything."

I rolled my eyes and hung up his last shirt just to have him move it. "Come on," he said with a smile, "Let's go ahead and give you a tour of the house."

My stomach growled and Nathan grinned, "Let's start with the kitchen."

I blushed as he led me out of his room and downstairs, through the door in between the staircases and through, what I assumed to be, the living room. "This is the livin room," he confirmed, "I don't spend much time here because all my parents watch is CSI."

I looked around the room. On the wall there was a white leather couch that could easily sit three. On either side there were sqaure marble tables and then two white leather chairs that were both tilted towards the table. On each table there was a lamp and there were two coasters for drinks on each of the tables. On the other wall hung a 42 inch HD flat screen and on either side of that there were two shelves filled with DVDs and on either sides of those there were bookshelves filled with books.

On one of the tables a laptop sat, running some program in the background. I was almost tempted to eavesdrop but Nathan pulled me on into a carpeted hallway. "That way is the game room," he said, pointing to the left, "straight is a bathroom, and to the left is our destination."

He led me into the kitchen and my stomach growled again. "His favorite room," Nathan said with a grin.

Against the wall there was a double doored fridge and on either side a counter that was topped by marble. In the middle of the room there was an island topped by marble. There was an oven, a sink, a dishwasher, a microwave, and a coffee maker around the counter, and there were cabinets which I assumed were stocked with silverware and possibly food.

Nathan's mom was standing by the island, reading a newspaper article she had laid out on it. She looked up when Nathan spoke and smiled, "You guys want a snack?"

"Yep," Nathan said, "Alan is starving. You can hear it."

I rolled my eyes and said, "My stomach is not that loud."

"It doesn't need to be that loud," Nathan said, "You just have to have good hearing."

I rolled my eyes again and said, "Completely irrelevant."

"It's relevant when I say it is," Nathan said.

"You're a woman now?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

HIs mother chuckled and said, "Well, at least he knows his place." I growled and she raised her eyebrow. "What?"

"Nothing!" I said, "You made a joke and I have an insanely sexist comment that I can't use because you're my best friend's mother."

"Is it the one where you tell her to make you a sandwich?" Nathan's father said as he entered the kitchen, "Because I've used it on her plenty of times. In fact..." he trailed off, raising an eyebrow and staring right at her.

She glared and folded the newspaper, "I'm making meatballs for dinner, so don't look at me expecting me to make you a sandwich. However, if you want, you can go get blankets out of the closet."

"Why?" Nathan asked, "Alan is going to sleep in my bed and I'll sleep on my couch."

"They're for your father kid," his mom said, winking.

"I'm not sleeping on the couch," his dad said.

"Then I guess you better stop making sexist jokes." his mom said, winking.

Nathan rolled his eyes at me and said, "If you guys are done bickering, how long until dinner? Alan's hungry."

I glared and slapped his shoulder and he smiled up at me. "Meatballs take a while," his mom said, "So if he's hungry he can have a sandwich or chips or something as a snack."

Nathan nodded and he walked over to the pantry. He pulled open the door and winked at me as my mouth dropped open. "Lots of food," he said. "What do you want?"

I looked at the seemingly endless amounts of food and shrugged, not wanting to seem greedy. Nathan rolled his eyes and pulled a bag of chips out of the pantry and then said, "Call us when dinners done."

He pulled me back upstairs and to his room and he passed me the bag of chips. "Well, what do you wanna do?" he asked as I opened the bag of chips.

"Hmm," I said, "Don't know. You choose."

"Well," he said, "We could watch TV. We could play video games. We could... I don't know what else."

I rolled my eyes and said, "Let's play video games."

He pulled me over to his couch and sat me down before walking to the entertainment system. "What do you wanna play?" he asked.

"Do you have any racing games?" I asked him.

"I've got Need for Spee Underground 2..." he said, "But that's about it for racing."

"Sounds like fun," I said.

He passed me a controller and then sat down next to me after starting the game. "I hate this game," he said, tossing his controller to the side after losing his third race in a row.

I grinned and said, "I'm just better."

He stuck his tongue out at me and said, "Let's watch some TV."

I rolled my eyes but said, "Alright."

I ended up watching cartoons with him, watching him staring at the TV with child-like interest in the cartoons. I had to admit that even though I was straight, or thought I was at least, he was cute as hell when he giggled.

When his mom called us down for dinner, I followed him through the house and into the kitchen. He led me through the kitchen to a door that I hadn't noticed before and into a well furnished dining room. There was a decently sized and well polished black wood table in the middle of the room, surrounded by eight chairs.

On the table was a metal pan covered in meatballs and next to it was a bowl of sauce. I raised my eyebrow as we sat down and said, "Just meatballs?"

"I haven't brought out the salad yet," she said with a smile.

"Oh mom," Nathan said, shaking his head, "You should've made more. Alan can eat that entire bowl."

I punched him lightly on the shoulder and said, "I don't eat that much."

"Yes you do," he said.

"Not all the time," I said, glaring at him.

He rolled his eyes and his mom put the bowl of salad down on the table before taking her seat. I was about to go for the food but Nathan grabbed my paw before I raised it. "We pray first," he whispered softly.

"Oh," I said.

I clasped my paws in front of me on the table and waited patiently for whoever's turn it was to pray. His dad sighed and said, "It's my turn isn't it?"

"Yes." his mother said.

He sighed and bowed his head. "Dear Lord, thank you for the wonderful food made by my wife and thank you for making women so men don't have to cook. Also, could you please, just once, give the Rams a good season? Amen."

I was holding back laughter and so was Nathan, but his mom slapped his dad which caused us to burst out laughing, which didn't settle for at least five minutes. "Well," his mom said, still fuming, "I guess we can eat now."

I dug in happily, piling meatballls(And some salad) onto my plate and attacking them with my fork. Nathan's mother was watching me and when I had finished off my plate and said, "Jesus Nathan, you were right. He can clear a plate quickly."

I blushed and pushed my plate away. "So," his dad said, "Alan. Where did you live before you moved here?"

"Well," I said, "my family lived in California but I spent the last nine years at a military academy."

"Oh?" he said, "Why did you go to a military academy?"

"My dad was a major in the Navy and he wanted one of his sons to go into the military, so I went." I said.

"Aha, and where is your father stationed now?" he asked.

"He ahh..." I said awkwardly, "He's dead."

"Oh," he said, "Umm, sorry."

"It's alright," I said with a sigh.

Nathan's dad cleared his throat, ate a meatball, and then said, "What do you want to do with your life?"

Nathan rolled his eyes and was about to interupt but I spoke first. "I wanted to be in the Air Force, but seeing as that won't work out due to my... condition, I planned on going into mechanics."

"Mechanics?" he said, "What kind of mechanics?"

"Cars, computers, anything and everything honestly," I said, "I've always been really good with my hands. No comment necessary." I added to Nathan, who had opened his mouth again. He closed it with a snicker.

"Mhmm." he said. "That's all I can think of... for now."

"Dad," Nathan sighed, "You're embarrassing me.

"I just want to know his intentions," his dad said.

"Dad!" Nathan said, "He doesn't have any intentions!"

"Of course I do," I said, rolling my eyes, "I'm going to kidnap and tie you up in a forest somewhere where I can use you for my own pleasure." That got a laugh out of everyone and I said, "What? I'm serious."

Nathan smiled and patted my paw.


Horrible cliffhanger is horrible. I couldn't find a better place to end it. Hope you enjoyed :) I'll get my next chapter out ASAP.

Alan's Story(Chapter 4- Part 2 of Sleepover)

Alright. Enjoy :) \*\* Later that night, Nathan and I prepared to watch the scary movie I had made sure to bring. Nathan had made popcorn and had a two liter of soda and two plastic cups on the table on one side of the couch(we were in his room) and...

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Alan's Story(Chapter 2) Second Part of First Day...

After seventh hour was over, I walked outside and looked around for my mom's car. When I found it I walked over to it and gestured for her to roll down her window. She rolled it down and said, "What?" "Where's Travis?" I asked. "He's going out with...

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Alan's Story(Chapter 1- First Day)

So, I meant to redo Highschool Days, but I started on it and then my computer crashed(grr) taking the first chapter(which I was in the middle of spellchecking, revisit grrr) with it. So, I'm going to write this one first. Feel free to make guesses...

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