Alan's Story(Chapter 1- First Day)

Story by Xiuh on SoFurry

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#1 of Alan's Story

So, I meant to redo Highschool Days, but I started on it and then my computer crashed(grr) taking the first chapter(which I was in the middle of spellchecking, revisit grrr) with it. So, I'm going to write this one first. Feel free to make guesses about what's wrong with Alan, I've purposely left it out of the story. Anyways, enjoy!


Travis grunted as he heaved me through the door and into a kitchen chair. He bent over panting and said, "Jesus Alan, you're heavy." I leaned my head back tiredly and he put his arms back under my armpits, picking me up again with a grunt, half carrying half dragging me upstairs. When we made it into our room he helped me onto my bed and I curled up instintively. He covered me up and rubbed a paw over the top of my head, "Sleep well bro."

My eyes closed slowly. The last thought that passed through my head was 'God this sucks.'


It wasn't until the next morning that I woke up to my mom shaking me. When I opened my eyes I was briefly shocked, still not used to being awoken by my mother and her kind, orange furred face and beautiful green eyes instead of the cold, black furred wolf that had been my barracks leader at Brookwood Military Academy.

"Hi mom," I groaned softly.

She smiled at me and kissed my forehead, "Hey baby, breakfast is on the table. I know the doctor told me to make a double meal of what I normally would, but I made a triple, just because I know you eat a lot as it is."

I smiled and held out my paw to her. She chuckled and helped me up. I stumbled and she had to catch me. "Guess that nine years of military training could never have prepared me for this."

She nodded her head and put a paw on my cheek, "You don't have to start school today if you don't want to. You can take another day to rest if you need it."

"I don't," I said, shaking my head with a sigh, "I just need to get some food in my stomach and to take a shower."

She nodded her head again and then kissed my forehead, "You know," she said, "your father would've been proud of you."

I nodded my head and whispered, "I know," very softly. Tears flowed down my cheeks at the mention of my father, who had died three years before I came home. I hadn't been notified until I got home. She wrapped an arm around me and rubbed my arm as she led me downstairs. She sat me down where a plate was already set up for me and I started eating instantly.

Travis was sitting in his own chair, his orange fur, darker than my mother's but lighter than mine, was still messy from sleeping and his blue eyes were tired. He stared at me as I shoveled food into my muzzle and kept taking his slow bites.

"Jesus Alan," he said as he watched me eat, "I know your hungry and all, but holy hell."

"Watch your mouth," my mother said, snapping him on the back of the head with a towel.

"Ow," he said, rubbing behind his ear, "that wasn't very nice."

"I'm your mother," she said, "I don't need to be nice. It's your brother's first day of this, don't insult him because he eats fast."

I rolled my eyes and kept on eating, listening to them bicker back and forth. When I was finished I got more and sat back down, continuing to eat the pancakes and sausage that I had piled on my plate. "I'm gonna need to make more food next time." My mother said, "You've eaten twice as much as I've expected."

I blushed but kept eating. When I was finished I stood up and stretched. My mom hugged me and said, "Go take a shower, and take your time, they won't care if you're a little late."

"Ok mom," I said, turning and walking upstairs. I walked into the bathroom and I put my head against the mirror with a sigh. "So. Tired." I groaned to myself as I took off my pajamas and then got into the shower. The water washed over me and I murred in pleasure as I started to rub all my sore body parts.

I started to wash myself, digging into my muscles and groaning as I relieved the tension. I don't know how long I stayed in the shower, but I do know that I stayed in long enough for the warm water to run out.

I got out with a sigh, drying off my fur and walking across the hall into my room. I collapsed on my bed my eyes drifting closed and I groaned. "This sucks," I said to the empty room.

"Talking to yourself is a number one sign of insanity," my brother said from the doorway.

"You aren't insane until you start asking yourself what," I told him, cracking one eye to look at him.

He shrugged and said, "Come on, we gotta get to school."

"I'm going to take mom up on that offer of being late." I told him, turning onto my side. "Tell her to wake me up in an hour."

"Alright," he said before closing my door.

The next thing I knew, my mom was shaking me and saying, "Come on kiddo, it's time to get up."

I groaned as I sat up, "That extra hour didn't help at all." I rubbed at my eyes and then blushed deeply as I realized I was naked. "Mom!" I said.

She sighed and shook her head, "Nothing I haven't seen before," she told me, patting the top of my head.

"You haven't seen it since I was seven!" I whined at her.

She rolled her eyes and muttered as she walked out, "Doesn't care that I washed em when he wet the bed but he does care that I look at them."

I blushed furiously, glaring at her back and hopping out of bed. "Well," I muttered to myself, "I'm not tired anymore."

I walked over to my dresser and I started to get dressed, pulling on a pair of jeans and a plain black T-shirt before pulling my socks on and putting on my shoes. I didn't realize how complicated getting dressed would be when I'm this tired, and I didn't look forward to going through the process again.

I grabbed my backpack, heavy with all my schoolbooks and supplies, and stumbled downstairs. "Ready mom," I said tiredly, rubbing my eyes.

She stood up from where she was sitting and said, "Want a cup of coffee? You look like you could use it."

I shook my head and said, "I don't like coffee."

"Alright," she said, patting my cheek.

I follow her out to the car, my backpack drooping off of one shoulder as I climbed in. I sighed and leaned my head back against the seat and my mother reached her paw over and touched my forehead. "You can stay home if you want to," she said, giving me the most concerned look I had ever seen.

I shook my head and said, "I'll get over it."

She sighed and started the car. The car ride to school was quiet and I was glad of it because of the raging headache that had managed to develop. When she pulled up in front of the school I sighed and got out. When I closed the door she rolled down the window and leaned across the middle console to hand me my schedule. "Get a pass from the main office kiddo," she said.

"Alright mom." I said.

"Love you," she said.

"I love you too." I replied.

I turned around and walked upstairs, walking through the doors and following the map on the back of my schedule to the main office. I stepped in and the secretary looked up. "Yes?" she asked when I was at the desk.

"My name is Alan Nuerga." I said with a smile, and was about to say more when she stopped me.

"That's all I need," she said with a smile, writing a time on a piece of paper. "Your mom told me to have a pass ready. Have a nice day."

"Thanks," I said, taking the pass.

"If you need any help, at all," she said, "the counselor is always in."

"Ok, thanks." I said, turning to leave.

I walked through the empty halls, following my map to my first class. When I got there I took a deep breath and entered. Everyone's eyes were on me as I walked to the teacher. "Hi," I told the wolf, "my name is Alan."

"Ah," he said with a smile, "Alan, glad to see you.My name is Mr. Alexander and your desk is in the third row, fourth spot back."

"Alright," I said, "thanks."

I sighed as I walked back to my desk. Everyone's eyes were still on me. I looked around for Travis and saw him sitting in a spot two rows away from me.

I gave him a small wave and he winked at me. I turned my head to look at the teacher as he started to speak. "Now," he said, "as I was saying, World War 2..." and I dozed off.

I woke up when the bell rang and groaned as I stood up and followed the rest of the class out, looking down at my map and schedule groggily before following it to my next class. This is how the rest of the day went, until Lunch where I walked through the line, handed the lunch lady a note explaining the double lunch that I had, earning myself a nod and a smile, before walking into the cafeteria.

I looked around for a table to sit but couldn't see any but one that only had one person at it. I walked over to the table and sat down, looking at the small fox and smiling at him. "Hey," I said.

His eyes were wide as he stared at me, "Hey." He stuttered.

"My name is Alan," I told him.

"Nathan," he said, looking down.

"Why are you sitting alone?" I asked him as I started to eat.

"Umm," he said hesitantly, "you're about to find out."

I stared at him curiously as his ears flattened to his head and then I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned to stare at the gorgeous mare who was standing there and she smiled. "You don't have to sit with this fag if you don't want to, there's a spot at our table." She gestured towards a table where my brother was sitting. I had the strangest feeling that they were only offering me a spot because my brother was there.

"I'm fine," I told her, smiling coldly.

"You sure?" she asked.

"Positive." I told her.

She shrugged and said, "Suit yourself," before leaving.

"You don't have to sit here just to be nice," Nathan said, looking down.

"Don't have to," I agreed, "but I do want to."

"Really?" he asked, his ears perking up. "You don't mind me being gay?"

"No," I said, taking a big bite of salad. "I couldn't care less."

"Really?" he said, his eyes still wide.

"Yep," I told him, "and if you don't stop staring at me like that someone's gonna hit you and your eyes are gonna be stuck like that."

He blushed and stopped staring. "So," he said slowly, "you must not be from around here if you don't care about me being gay."

I rolled my eyes and said, "My mother, my brother and I all moved here recently."

"Why?" he asked curiously.

"Trouble in our old town," I said, shrugging.

"That must suck," he said.

"Yeah, it does. A lot." I told him. "Not anymore than your situation though."

He sighed and flattened his ears to his head again, "Yeah, I know."

"I wasn't trying to be mean or anything," I said quickly, "I'm just really exhausted."

"I know you're not trying to be mean," he said, "well... maybe I don't. But it's hard to believe that, after sitting alone for a the entire first quarter, someone is actually going to be my friend."

I smiled at him and said, "I'm glad to have a friend as well. One that isn't stuck up."

I looked over at where my brother was sitting. He was glaring at me and everyone at the table was laughing about something. "Anyways, I'd be glad to hang out with you, anytime you want."

"Really?" he said, his ears perking up.

"You betchya," I told him.

There was an orange blur and I was getting tackled by the fox. "Thank you thank you thank you..." he said, repeating it under his breath for I don't know how long.

I chuckled nervously as I wrapped my arms around the little fox, "It's alright bud."

He sniffled and sat back, wiping his nose on his sleeve. "I'm sorry," he said, his already orange fur going redder. "I haven't had a friend in such a long time."

I smiled and ruffled his headfur before turning back to my food and gulping down the rest of it. "Jesus," he said, "you eat a lot."

"Just really hungry," I said with a blush. "I haven't eaten anything all day." It felt bad to lie to him already, but if he thought I always ate this much I would start feeling fat.

He slid his tray over to me and sm iled, "If you're still hungry you can have the rest of it. I never eat much of what I take."

"You mean it?" I asked him.

"Go ahead," he said with a smile.

I dug into the extra tray of food and finished just as the bell rang. Nathan laughed and I used a napkin to wipe some salad dressing off my lip and said, "What?"

"Nothing, nothing." He said. "What's your next class?"

"Bornwhal's Pre-Calc." I said.

"Oooh," he said, "We have the same class."

"Really?" I asked curiously, "How old are you?"

"Thirteen," he said.

"How are you in pre-calc then?" I asked.

He shrugged, "I'm just really smart. I skipped eighth and went straight to being a freshman. I'm turning fourteen in December."

"Odd," I said with a smile, "So am I."

"What day?" he asked eagerly.

"First." I said.

"Second." He said with a grin. "My birthday is better!"

I rolled my eyes at him. "I'm fifteen, so I win."

He shrugged as he pulled me towards our class. When we entered the classroom I walked over to the teacher to get my seat assignment. He looked up, took my name, and pointed to an empty desk next to Nathan's.

I sat down and grinned, "Well, good, if you're really smart than you can help me, because I suck at math."

"Consider me your personal tutor," he said as he pulled his book out of the satchel he was carrying.

We sat through class and when the teacher put the assignment on the board I started to work. Nathan did his own work, finishing well before the hour was up and looked over at me. "Need help?" he asked.

I nodded my head in frustration. "I get this part," I said, pointing to the problem I was currently working on, "but whenever I put it through my calculator it doesn't come out right."

He looked it over and said, "You've got your numerator and denominator swapped on the first digit."

I looked at it and said, "Oh, woops."

He grinned and the teacher came over. "Are we cheating over here?"

"No sir," I said, looking him straight in the eye. "Nathan already finished and he's helping me with work that I don't understand."

"That's what I'm here for." He said with an agitated voice.

"If I had asked you you would have explained it exactly the same way," I said, "and if I didn't understand it the first time I probably wouldn't understand it the second."

"Then how can he explain it better?" the teacher asked.

"Because he's a better teacher," I said, turning back to Nathan, "what do I do next?"

The teacher was flabbergasted. He stared, gaping, his muzzle hanging open in shock before he turned and walked away, muttering under his breath. Nathan giggled and then continued to show me how to do my work. When the bell rang we both stood up and left the room. As soon as we were out Nathan tackle hugged me and, unaware of the possibility, grunted when he hit me.

"What was that for?" I asked him when he let go of me.

He blushed and said, "You've stood up for me twice in the past two hours. How could I not hug you?"

I rolled my eyes and ruffled his head fur, "I told you, it's not a problem."

He smiled and said, "Maybe not for you, but for me it's a really big deal."

"Hey listen," I said, catching his paw before he could go to his next class. "Do you think you could come over to my house and help me out with my homework tonight?"

"Sure," he said, his eyes lighting up and his tail flicking with excitement. "I'd be glad to."

I grinned at him and said, "Alright, meet me at the front of the school after last hour. That's where my mom is picking me up."

"Alright," Nathan said, "bye."

"Bye," I told him, ruffling his headfur.

He blushed but smiled and turned around. There was a bounce to his step that I hadn't noticed before class. I went to my next hour, sitting down and leaning my head back. 'So tired,' I thought as I sat there. I looked at the chemistry teacher, a thirty something vixen who I assumed was Mrs. Galager, started class. I put my head on my paw and tried to pay attention but ended up drifting off while she was summarizing what they had learned the last class.

When the bell rang, I looked around drowsily before standing up and gathering my stuff. I walked out and towards my locker but as I started to enter my combination I heard a commotion around the corner. I put my stuff down and then walked around the corner. I saw my brother holding a fox up against the wall and I realized it was Nathan. I growled when I saw him punch Nathan and the rest of the crowd laughed.

I forced my way through the crowd and pulled Travis off of Nathan. I knelt down and looked at him, "You alright bud?" I asked.

"Yeah," he gasped, sucking his breath through his teeth as his arms wrapped around his stomach, "nothing I haven't felt before."

I stood up and turned to Travis who was just picking himself up. "What the fuck is your problem?" he shouted at me.

"What the fuck is your problem?" I shouted right back, "What did Nathan ever do to you?"

"He's a faggot!" Travis growled.

"So the fuck what?" I asked him, "Why does that mean anything?"

"It's not right."

"Not right?" I said, "It's what our country believes in."

"Then maybe the country should believe something else." He growled.

I tensed up and I reached out and gripped Travis by the front of the shirt. I looked at him and said quite loudly, "Our dad died defending this country and what it believes." I said, "You may not give a fuck about what dad's dreams were, but I spent almost nine fucking years in military school because of his dreams, so excuse me for deciding that accepting someone for being gay is better than disrespecting our father by hating someone for their lifestyle. Besides, not like I have any room to judge." I pushed him back and turned around, I held out a paw to Nathan and he took it. "Come on bud," I muttered, rubbing his back, "Let's get you to your next class."

I picked up his satchel and I walked back to my locker. I got my own stuff out before having him lead me to his next class. He turned before entering and wrapped his arms around me, resting his head gently on my chest. "Thank you," he murmured.

I patted his back and said, "It's no problem. Really."

"Is it true?" He asked, "What you said about your dad?"

I nodded my head, "Yeah, it's true."

"I'm sorry," he said, looking up at me.

"It's alright," I said. I ruffled his head fur, "Remember, front of the school after class."

"I won't forget," he said, rolling his eyes.

I winked at him before heading to my next class. I wasn't sure if this town was going to be a happy place for me, but at least I had a friend.


Comment plox, my email inbox is lonely.

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