Valentine's Day with Daddy(Part 2)

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#2 of Valentine's Day with Daddy

A month and a week late, but here it is! Sorry that I rushed it so hard!


I hopped out of the car, putting my glove on and turning to watch my dad take his time getting out of the car. When he was finally out, he stretched out, smiling at me. He knew it bugged me when he took so long. "Alright," he said finally, taking his glove out of the car. "Let's throw that ball around."

I ran out onto the large grass field and stood still, my tail wagging behind me, waiting for my daddy to throw me the ball. He smiled as he got ready to throw it. "Here it comes pup," he said, swinging his paw back and forth before throwing it to me underhanded.

I caught it eagerly, leaning forwards before it could hit the ground before holding it up triumphantly. "Nice catch pup," he told me. "Now throw it back."

I took the ball in my paw, trying to get a good grip with my tiny paw. I threw the ball as best I could and it flew a few feet before hitting the ground and rolling to him. He smiled as he bent over and picked it up, "Nice throw baby boy."

I blushed and he threw it back to me gently. I caught it eagerly, holding it up triumphantly once more. He chuckled and smiled.

We kept passing the ball back and forth with me throwing it all the way to him once or twice. After I caught it twelve times in a row I whined at him. "Throw it overhand!" I whined.

"I don't know pup," he said hesitantly.

"Pleeeassseee!" I asked.

He sighed softly and said, "Alright pup, here it comes."

He threw the ball and I reached up to catch it eagerly. It hit my glove with a satisfying smack and I grinned happily as I showed him the ball. "Nice catch pup." He said, smiling.

He kept throwing overhand for a few before he messed up on a throw. I yelped as the ball hit my ankle and I fell on my butt. I put my paws on my ankle crying. My daddy rushed over to me and got down on his knees next to me, rolling my pant legs up. "I'm so sorry baby," he said as he rubbed up and down my ankle. "Where does it hurt?"

I pointed at the spot and sniffled. He rubbed it lightly and I whimpered in pain. "Just a bruise," he said with some relief in his voice while he nuzzled my neck. "I think we're done for now."

I nodded my head, sniffling softly. He picked me up and cradled me against his chest as he carried me back to the car. He set me down in the passenger seat, putting the ball in my glove and then putting my glove on my lap. He kissed my cheek and said, "You had some good catches today pup."

"Thanks daddy," I said, sniffling and wiping my eyes and nose on my sleeve.

He scratched behind my ears briefly before closing my door and walking around the car on the driver side. I buckled my seat belt as he sat down in his seat and buckled up. He looked over at me and said, "Well pup, what do you wanna do now? It's too early for lunch, so it's your choice."

I sniffled softly and said, "I don't know where to go."

"Well," he said, "We could go to the bowling alley, or we could go to the zoo, or..." I didn't let him get any farther.

"Let's go to the zoo," I said, my tail giving a little flick on my seat. He smiled and nodded his head.

"The zoo it is," he said.

I looked out the window as he started to drive, and I was practically bouncing in my seat, which made my dad laugh. "Pup, we have an hour long drive until we get to the zoo, just sit back and be patient."

I whined and flattened my ears but did as he told me to do. I managed to be patient for a while, but when he pulled into a gas station I couldn't help myself and whined at him. He smiled and said, "We have to get gas buddy. Do you want a soda while I'm inside paying?"

"Yes please," I said with a sigh.

He smiled and went inside. I waited impatiently for him to come out, my tail twitching irritably underneath me. It didn't take him long to come back out and when he did he leaned into my open window and handed me a 32 oz. soda. "It's Dr. Pepper pup, don't drink it too fast, we have twenty minutes left until we get to the zoo and I'm not pulling over so you can go to the bathroom."

I took a small sip and nodded my head, "Alright daddy."

He smiled and ruffled my head fur, moving to the back of the car to start pumping the gas. I waited impatiently for him to finish, holding my drink in between my legs and trying to resist the urge to start sucking on the straw.

Once my dad was done pumping the gas he got back into the car and the last twenty minutes of the drive started. I was very impatient to get to the zoo. When we did finally get there, my daddy helped me out of the car and rubbed my shoulder as I limped alongside him.

"Do you need me to carry you pup?" he asked me, looking down at me as we got closer to the entrance.

I shook my head and said, "No, I'm fine."

"Alright," he said, rubbing my shoulder softly.

He paid for us to get in and we walked through the metal thingies that spun*Author note: I seriously don't know what they're called XD* around and I took a deep breath, smelling the musky air of ferals. There were a surprising amount of people here today, considering it was February, and even more importantly, Valentine's Day.

My daddy picked me up suddenly and I yelped as he settled me on his shoulders. I almost dropped my soda and I was glaring down at him. He looked up at me and smiled, "I think you might have a better view from up there puppy."

I glared at him for a few more seconds but that's when I saw the first ferals. I stared in awe as I saw them. They were cheetahs, and their bodies were big, and they walked so gracefully on all fours. They were beautiful. "An amazing sight isn't it pup?" my daddy asked me.

"Uh huh," I said, staring at the Cheetahs for a second more before looking at the animals across from them. The lions were even bigger, and the males were so easy to spot because of their manes. They were beautiful too.

The tigers had little cubs playing with each other, fighting over a log that they were all trying to sleep on. That made my daddy and me laugh hard, and my daddy laughed so hard I almost fell off his shoulders.

We saw giraffes, deer, moose, other big cats, and a lot of other animals. The ones that struck me as the most amazing were the wolves though. They were all lounging around, not really caring that there were a lot of people looking at them. There were pups stumbling around and growling and pouncing at each other.

"There's what we used to be pup," he said, pointing at the wolves.

"They're pretty," I said.

"They are," I heard a feminine voice say from behind me. My daddy turned and saw a vixen standing next to the wolf sign. "Would you like to feel a little bit of their fur?"

"Sure!" I said eagerly. My daddy let me down so I could run my paws over the thick pelt. "Why is it so much softer than mine?" I asked curiously, running my paw down my own fur in comparison.

She smiled and said, "Well, since ferals still have to live without the extra warmth of clothing, their fur is much thicker than ours so they can survive while it's cold outside, while yours isn't as thick. Do you notice that?"

I nodded my head. Now that she said it I noticed it easily. "It's so soft." I said, rubbing my paw down it again.

She nodded her head and my daddy picked me up again. "Thanks for the information ma'am," I said when my daddy reminded me.

"It's no problem puppy," she told me with a wink.

My daddy carried me off. "Wasn't that interesting?" he asked me with a smile, turning his head up to look at me.

"Uh huh!" I said, "That was awesome!"

"Where do you want to go next pup?" he asked me.

"Reptile House?" I asked.

"Oh sure, pick one of the three types of ferals that aren't endangered," he said. I knew he was rolling his eyes, but he also started to head towards the reptile house.

I giggled and knotted my paws into the thick fur on his neck and rested my chin on the top of his head. "I love you daddy." I said suddenly.

He chuckled and tried to look up but almost dislodged me so looked back forwards. "Love you too pup."

When we walked into the reptile house he had to duck down so he could get through the door without me bumping my head. "So, what do you want to look at first pup?"

"Umm..." I said, thinking for a second, "big snakes!"

My dad chuckled and said, "That narrows it down." He started to walk and he stopped next to a tank that had a very big snake in it. I stared at it with wide eyes. "That thing could eat you whole." He said, looking up at with me a grin.

"It could," I said, staring at the camouflage snake. It's tongue flicked out and I gripped my daddy tighter and he chuckled again.

"Is my puppy afraid?" he asked.

"Uh huh," I said.

He swung me off of his shoulders and held me against his chest and said, "How about now?"

"Not so much," I said sheepishly and my daddy kissed my cheek. "Let's say we move on?"

I nodded my head, staring at the snake some more.

My daddy led me away, not carrying me anymore but still holding my paw tightly.

When we were back outside we gave our eyes time to adjust and my daddy looked at his watch. "We've been here for three hours already. You ready to leave pup?"

I looked around and nodded my head, putting my thumb in my muzzle unconsciously. My daddy picked me up with a smile and said, "Sucking your thumb? Aren't you a little old for that?"

I blushed but didn't take my thumb out of my muzzle. He smiled as we walked out of the metal rotatey things*Still don't know what they're called XD* and towards our car. He put me down in the passenger seat and buckled me in before walking around to his side and sitting down and starting the car.

"What's for lunch?" I asked him as we drove.

"I was thinking we could just go home and eat." He said, looking at me.

"Oh, ok." I said. I knew I sounded disappointed because my dad looked at me and said, "We could stop at McDonald's and get something to eat before we go home."

"Ok!" I said excitedly, my tail thumping against the seat.

He smiled and ruffled my head fur, the car swerving slightly but he got it back under control. "Ok," he said, grinning at me, "not doing that again."

I giggled at him and closed my eyes as I leaned back. I think I fell asleep because the next thing I remembered was him shaking me awake at our house. He smiled at me as he picked me up, rubbing my back as he walked. My tail started to wag slowly behind me as I smelled the McDonalds that he was holding in his paw.

"Did you get me chicken nuggets?" I asked him tiredly.

"Uh huh," he said, nuzzling me, "and orange soda."

"Thanks daddy." I said as he sat me down at our dining room table and put my food in front of me. I started to eat my food slowly, savoring the taste of chicken nuggets and French fries. It was really good.

My daddy ate his own food, watching me enjoy mine with a smile on his face. When we were both finished he held out his arms to me and said, "Come on pup, time for a nap."

I whined at him, flattening my ears to my head. "Do I hafta?" I asked.

He nodded his head, "Yes, you have to."

I sighed but walked over to him, pressing my head against his chin. He carried me upstairs, rubbing my back before putting me down and saying, "Change into your PJs buddy."

I did as I was told, changing out of my clothes and into a pair of PJs. When I was ready, he picked me up and carried me into his room where he dropped me onto his bed and then laid down next to me. "You're taking a nap too daddy?" I asked him.

"Uh huh," he said, nuzzling my neck. "We both have plans tonight." I giggled and put my head on his neck as he whispered, "Sleep well pup."

It took me a bit to fall asleep, but by the time I had my daddy was snoring softly with his arms clutching me tight to his chest.


I woke up to my daddy shaking me lightly and nuzzling my neck, "Come on pup, time to take a shower before we go out tonight."

"Five more minutes," I groaned, turning onto my side and burrowing into my dad's bed.

He chuckled and picked me up, stripping me down with one hand as he walked to the bathroom. I whined and squirmed in his arms and when he put me down in the bath tub I took my shirt off on my own, glaring at my father.

He grinned at me as he stripped himself down and turned on the water. This is the second time I was looking at my daddy completely naked today, and I still couldn't get over his body. He was so big compared to me, I was so shocked.

I jumped as he turned on the shower head and almost slipped but my daddy caught me. "Woah buddy, be careful," he said with a grin.

I blushed but grabbed some shampoo and put some on my paw. I started to rub it into my fur digging in so I could clean myself well. My daddy smiled as he started to wash himself and said, "Don't forget behind your ears pup."

I glared at him but pulled my paws away from the stream of water and started to wash behind my ears. He chuckled softly and ruffled my head fur, making my fur spray bubbles everywhere.

I glared at him again and he smiled, "Just finish washing yourself so we can get dressed." He said, winking at me.

I sighed and finished washing my fur, and then started whining as my daddy started to rinse me off using the shower head. He held me still as he pushed the shower head close to my fur, making sure to get all the soap. When he was done I got out of the shower and shook myself, making my daddy laugh as I sprayed the entire bathroom with water.

I turned back to him, my tail wagging as I looked up at him. He snatched me up and squeezed me to his chest. "What did I do to deserve such a pretty pup?" he asked me with a smile.

"I dun know," I said with a blush.

He stepped onto the fur dryer and squatted down to turn it on, still holding me to his chest. The air blew up my fur and I giggled as he nuzzled and tickled me as we dried. When we were dry he carried me into his room where there was a pair of jeans and a white button up shirt. "That's for you pup," he said, patting my back.

I walked over to his dresser and reached out for my clothes but he yanked me back and said, "Not yet puff ball, we gotta brush your fur down first."

I blushed and whined as he started to run the brush through my fur. I let my ears flatten all the way to my head and let my tail droop. He chuckled and finished off my tail with a flourish and gave me a pat on my rump. "Alright pup, perk those ears up and get your chubby little butt dressed."

I blushed but started to get dressed, pulling my underwear on and then my jeans. When I got the shirt I whined as I tried to do up the buttons but couldn't.

"Daddy!" I said, "I need help."

He turned and smiled, getting down on his knees and started to button my shirt. "Mhm, you're going to need to learn how to button up your own shirts pup." He said, patting me on the top of my head.

I blushed and said, "When are we leaving?"

"As soon as I get dressed." He said, patting my head.

I waited impatiently for him to get done and when he was he picked me up and squeezed me to his chest, "Ready to get some tasty food?"

"Uh huh," I said, putting my paws on his shoulder as he walked. He put me down in the passenger seat and rubbed a paw down the back of my head before getting in. "Where are we going?" I asked him.

"You're favorite restaurant," he told me with a wink.

"Really?" I asked, my tail wagging.

"Uh huh," he said, "To the Red Dragon, away!"

I giggled at my daddy being silly, but my tail was still wagging behind me. I looked out the window and when we got to the Chinese restaurant I hopped out eagerly.

My dad smiled as he took my paw and I followed him inside, practically pulling him. Once we were inside I took a deep breath through my nose, smelling all the delicious smells that came with being here. I looked around at my favorite restaurant and realized how much they had changed it for Valentine's day.

There was a paper heart hanging over every booth and there was a dance floor that was dimly lighted, although no one was on it yet and no music was playing. The female panda behind the podium smiled and said, "Name?"

"Ray Farniok," my daddy said.

"Alright," She said, looking down at the little reservation book, "here's your name. Right this way please."

We followed her down the rows of bamboo tables that tons of teenage couples were sitting at, holding hands and occasionally kissing as they ate. We sat down at a table and the panda said, "You're waitress will be right over."

"Alright, thank you," my daddy said smiling.

She left and my daddy turned to me, "So pup, what are you gonna eat?"

"Umm," I said, "Sweet and Sour Chicken?" I asked.

"With or without the rice and veggies?" he asked.

"With," I said.

He smiled and we waited for our waitress to come. When she did get to our table she smiled and said, "Hello, I'm Karen and I'll be your waitress for the evening. Are you two ready to order?"

"Yes ma'am," my daddy said. "My pup here would like some Sweet and Sour chicken with the rice and vegetables, and I'll have the same."

She smiled and looked at me, "And is he your date tonight sir?"

My dad grinned and said, "You bet."

"Well then, you're very lucky." She said, "he's a little cutie."

I blushed deeply as my dad chuckled, "Yes he is."

"I'll be back soon with your food." She said, ruffling my head fur as she walked away.

I waited patiently for the food, fidgeting around in my chair. My dad chuckled softly and said, "Patience is a virtue little puppy."

I glared and said, "I'm not wittle!" I realized my mistake too late and my dad winked at me.

"No, you aren't "wittle," you're little." He said.

I looked down at he reached across the table to ruffle my head fur. "Cheer up pup, here comes our food."

My ears perked at that and I turned to see the pretty fox girl walking back to our table. She put my food down in front of me and my daddy's food down in front of him. "That was awfully quick," he said.

She smiled and said, "I told the Chef a cute little wolf pup and his daddy were on a date. She went crazy to get your food out to you first." She winked at me and I blushed deeply, looking back down at my lap. She started to walk away and then stopped with an "Oh! I almost forgot your drinks. Silly me." She turned back and smiled, "What would you like?"

"Um..." I said.

"I think the Pup wants a Dr. Pepper, and I'll take the same." My daddy told her and she nodded her head.

"Alright, I'll be right back with that." She said, turning to walk away.

I looked down at my food, licked my lips, and was about to dig in but my daddy stopped me. He looked me in the eye and said, "You know we pray before dinner."

I sighed and closed my eyes, bowing my head and clasping my paws in front of me. It bugged me to have to pray, even outside of the house, but I guess it was something that my dad wanted to do. My father said the prayer as I tapped my foot impatiently. I said, "Amen." With him before attacking my food. My dad smiled as he started to eat his own food.

Karen came back with our drinks and I started to drink mine right away and she laughed, "Inhaling your drink is never a good idea pup."

I blushed deeply again and slowed down. She smiled and left again. I continued to eat my food and when I finished, way before my daddy, he put some on my plate.

"Thank you daddy," I said, looking at him.

He smiled at me and said, "Just hurry up."

I giggled and started to eat again. This time my daddy and me finished at the same time and Karen was coming back around. "Excuse me," he said, catching her arm. "Can we get the check?"

"Yes sir," she said, going through the little folder she was carrying. "Here you go." Just as she said that there was a loud squawk from the speakers around the dance floor and someone said that they were going to start playing music for people who wanted to dance.

"Ooh!" I said, "Can we dance daddy! Please!"

"No pup," he said, "we're going to the movies, remember?"

"Just one dance! Please!" I said.

He sighed and was about to protest but Karen stepped in, "You brought him out, you gotta give him all the benefits." She winked at me and I glanced at my dad in triumph.

"You just ruined your tip," he said with a glare.

She shrugged, "Your pup is cute enough to compensate."

He sighed and took my paw. I squealed in joy as he picked me up and carried me out onto the dance floor. There were already other couples, mainly teenagers, on the dance floor but I was the only cub. I put my head on my daddy's neck as they dimmed the lights and a slow song started to play.

My daddy swayed lightly to the music, holding me in his arms and rubbing my back, causing me to murr softly. I rubbed my head against his chin and started to rub my nose into his neck. He let out his own little murr and I giggled happily. He chuckled and kissed my cheek. "You're so cute," he said.

"I know," I said with a sigh as I started to play with my daddy's black fur.

He kept swaying back and forth, and even though that's all it was, this was the best moment of the day. When the song ended and my daddy whispered, "Alright pup, we gotta catch our movie," I groaned.

My daddy paid the bill and we left. I followed him out slowly, my ears and tail drooping. He smiled and started so scratch behind my ear with a claw. "Don't worry pup," he said, "I'll take you out dancing sometime soon."

"Really?" I asked, my ears perking.

"Yep," he said, poking my nose as we left. The now chilly air hit my face and I gasped. My daddy chuckled and nuzzled my neck. "Cold, pup?"

"Uh huh," I said, burying my face into him to protect it. I could feel my daddy's paw as he ran it down my back once before putting me down in the passenger side seat.

I put my head against the window and he started the car. As he drove my head vibrated against the window which made me giggle.

"What are you laughing about pup?" he asked.

"It feels funny," I said, giggling.

He chuckled and reached over to me to ruffle my head fur. "Have I told you that you're cute yet?"

"Only twenty times," I said with a blush.

"Mhm," he said, "Let's make that twenty-one. You're cute."

I put my head back against the window and waited patiently for us to get to the movie theater. When we did get to the movie theater my daddy got out and walked around to my side. When he picked me up I said, "You don't have to carry me daddy."

"No, I don't have to," He said, "but I want to."

He held me on his hip as he walked inside and he started to rub my arm. When we got inside he whispered, "What movie do you wanna see?"

"I don't know..." I said, flattening my ears to my head.

My dad chuckled and ordered tickets to a random kids movie, "Let's just hope we enjoy it," he said with a grin, nuzzling my neck as he walked towards the theater that the movie was in. We sat down in the back and I was sitting in my daddy's lap. He had bought me a large soda- another thing he was hoping wouldn't be a mistake- and some candy.

The movie was fun to watch and when it was over he carried me back out to the car, and I still had an entire soda due to a free refill. He sighed as I jumped up and down in my seat on the ride home. "Way to much soda today pup," he said.

I blushed deeply as he pulled into the drive way. When we were inside he picked me up and carried me to the couch where we sat down. "Only 8 o'clock pup, what do you wanna do?"

I thought about it for a second and said, "Can we just watch TV?"

"Sure pup," he said, rubbing my arm as he turned the TV on. We sat there and watched it for a little while with me snuggling up against his side. "Hey daddy," I said.

"Yes pup?" he asked, looking down at me.

"There's something that someone at school told me about, and they said that only people who love each other a real lot do it..." I said, getting kind of hesitant as I spoke more.

"Oh?" My dad asked, trying to sound casual and failing. "And what's that?"

"They said it was called sex," I said.

I saw my daddy close his eyes and he sighed loudly and said, "It's too early to have this discussion," under his breath. "Alright pup," he said, taking a deep breath. "When two adults love each other, a lot," he said, making sure to emphasize those words, "they have sex."

"What is sex though?" I asked.

My daddy looked at me and sighed softly, "Sex is when a boy puts his penis," he reached down and touched my privates lightly, making me blush, "into a girl's vagina, which is what a girl has here."

"Oh," I said. "What if it's two boys?"

"Then one boy puts his penis in the other boy's butt." He said, scratching behind my ear.

I hesitated and took a deep breath before asking my next question. "Will you have sex with me?"

He was shocked, his eyes widening. "No!" he said, almost yelling. "There is no way I would ever have sex with you!"

I looked down, suddenly feeling very, very hurt. "Oh," I said, feeling tears coming to my eyes and my heart starting to break. "Ok."

My daddy noticed the tears in my eyes and squeezed me into a hug and said, "It's not that I don't love you pup, it's just not the right kind of love." He whimpered softly and said, this time beneath his breath, "I can't do that with my son."

"Ok daddy," I said, hopping down off the couch. "I'm going to go to bed."

My daddy sighed as I walked to the stair case, wiping some tears away from my eyes. I heard him growling and hitting something when I was up the stairs and I couldn't help but feel that it was my fault. I walked into my room and I started to change out of my nice clothes and into pajamas.

Before I could pull my pajama bottoms on I heard the sound of my door opening and turned around to see my daddy standing in the doorway. He was completely naked and had a bottle of something in his paw. He walked over to me and picked me up in his strong arms and squeezed me to his chest. He put a paw on the side of my face and pressed his muzzle to mine.

"Are you sure you want this pup?" he whispered into my ear when he pulled away.

"Uh huh," I said, panting softly. He plopped me down on my bed.

"Then roll over onto your tummy for me."

I did as I was told and rolled over. I raised my rump and my tail hole into the air, figuring that that's where he was going to be sticking it. I heard the sound of a bottle opening and turned my head to look back at him.

My eyes widened as they landed on his penis and the first thought I had was 'how is that going to fit inside me?' He was rubbing something on it and it was glistening in the small amount of light that was coming in from the window.

He took his paw away from his penis and moved it to my rump. He started to rub his finger against my tail hole. He put more of the gel onto his finger and he said, "This may hurt a bit pup."

He started to put pressure on my tail hole and I yelped as it popped into to me. I clutched the bed as he pushed it deeper into my tail hole. I clutched my toes and panted, gasping for breath. "Are you ok pup?" he asked me in concern.

"Uh huh," I said, "it just feels funny."

"Are you sure you want me to put this inside of you?" he asked, clutching his penis as he pushed his finger in and out of my tail hole.

I nodded my head and said, "Yes daddy! Please!"

He sighed and said, "I don't think you're ready yet..."

"Just put it in," I said, clutching my sheets. "Please daddy!"

He sighed and pulled his finger out of my tail hole. He climbed up onto my bed and hunched over me. "This is gonna hurt pup," he whispered softly, "a lot."

He reached back with his paw and he guided his penis to my tail hole. The tip of it felt so big as he pressed it lightly against my tail hole it made me wonder how it was going to fit again. He started to apply pressure to my tail hole and soon, his head popped into me. I cried out in pain as he drove an inch of his penis into me. "Owie! That hurts!" I said.

"shh, shh, shh" he said, rubbing my chest. "It'll go away pup, it'll go away."

He didn't move for a little while and the pain slowly went away, taking my tears with it. When the pain was gone I said, "You can go again daddy."

He sighed and started to push deeper. I gasped as he continued to go deeper into me. I felt like it was never going to end as he pushed it in. It hurt a lot but I didn't let him stop. I wanted him inside of me. "Ohh pup," he moaned softly into my ear, "you're so tight. You feel so good."

When I felt his hips pressing against mine I sighed in relief. "Just tell me when you're ready for me to go pup," he whispered softly into my ear.

We waited a bit, with me shifting underneath him out of discomfort. When the pain was gone I said, "You can go daddy."

He started to pull out, moaning softly as he did so. When he was about half way out, he jabbed it back in really fast. I gasped softly, but not in pain this time, it felt good. "oooh," I moaned, "faster daddy," I panted, "please!"

My daddy sighed but he obliged, humping into me with short quick thrusts. I panted and moaned with his penis in my tail hole. It felt so amazing. My daddy started to pull out farther and slam back in harder. Soon he was hunching over me, wrapping his arms around my stomach. "Oh yeah," he moaned in pleasure, much different than what my own sounded like. "You're so tight puppy," he said. "You feel so good around my cock."

I panted softly, not understanding what a cock was but I guessed it meant his penis. "Beg me for it," he whispered into my ear, stopping his thrusting. "Beg me to fuck you."

I whimpered because the pleasure had stopped and said, "Please fuck me!"

"Please fuck me who?" he whispered.

"Please fuck me daddy!" I moaned.

Once again, he obliged. He started to pound into my tail hole so hard it almost hurt. I moaned and panted beneath him, thrusting my hips back into him. "Moan for me, you little bitch." He growled softly into my ear.

I started to moan even louder as he changed his angle and the pleasure in my tail hole doubled. He bit down on my neck, hard enough to break skin but not draw blood, and it sent electric tingles down my spine. My muzzle opened wider to moan louder but it was quieter due to his jaws closing on my neck.

I could feel his something bigger spreading my tail hole slowly and it was still growing. I whimpered and squirmed, "Daddy," I said, my voice wheezing, "that's too big."

He growled around my neck and thrust against me harder and I cried out, "Daddy that hurts!" He growled again and I whimpered, going limp as he tried to force it in. "Daddy..." I whimpered, one last time.

This time it seemed to get through to him, and he stopped attempting to push it into me. He just stopped moving, holding me against his chest and rubbing me softly, "I'm sorry pup," he whispered, unclenching his jaw.

"It's ok," I whispered.

He reached around me and took my paw into his. He guided it back and rested it on the big knob of flesh. "Rub it," he whispered into my ear. I did as he told me and started to massage it, rubbing and squeezing it. I could hear him moaning softly and I started to rub harder, knowing that it made him feel good.

"That's right baby," he said softly, nuzzling my neck, "keep rubbing. I'm close."

I was curious to what he meant by close until he groaned loudly and bucked into me again, making me gasp and moan. I felt his penis throb in my tail hole before I felt something warm flooding me. "Are you peeing inside me?" I said, gasping and moaning softly as the warm liquid coated my insides.

"No pup," he said, moaning and nuzzling my neck, "that's called sperm. It's what happens when you make your penis feel really good."

"Oh," I said, looking at my bed again before saying, "Will you make my penis feel good daddy?"

He nuzzled my neck and said, "Sure pup."

He started to pull out of and when he was out I felt some of the sperm spraying onto my tail. I blushed deeply as he rolled me over. He smiled and nuzzled my neck, "I love you puppy."

"I love you too," I said, murring.

He moved his paw down to cover my penis and started to rub it softly. "I'm not sure if you're going to be able to get hard puppy," he said, nuzzling me.

"Why?" I asked, tilting my head.

"You're too young," he said, nuzzling my neck softly.

"Oh," I said, looking down.

My daddy smiled and rubbed my cheek, "Anything else I can do pup?"

"Can we cuddle?" I asked him, looking up at him hopefully.

He chuckled and said, "Sure pup. Of course we can." He pulled me up so that I was lying on his chest and he wrapped his arms around me. "I love you pup, and I'm sorry I almost hurt you."

"It's ok daddy," I said, nuzzling his neck happily. "It felt really good. But what does fuck mean? And what's a bitch? And a cock?"

"Oh umm," he said, blushing deeply, "Umm I'll tell you in the morning. Good night!" he said.

After that he quickly turned off the lights and covered us before closing his eyes quickly and faking a snore. I giggled because of my knowledge before putting my head on his neck. It had definitely been the best valentine's day ever.


I know I rushed a lot of it >.< But I was desparate to finish it.

Workings of the Mind

Ok, this one is really short, so I was debating not even giving it it's own page, but hey, why not? \*\* **Workings of the Mind** Rushing through my mind; brush fueling the fire. Ideas come unbidden; yet they match my desire. See, short. I...

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Time of Day

Another poem. Been writing a lot of these lately. \*\* **For the Time of Day** For the Time of Day I shall give, This heart of mine, Or part of this soul inside. To know that the sun Has yet to rise, Fills me with anguish And desire for...


Fire and Shadow

**Fire and Shadow** The Fire in your Heart Or the Shadow in your Soul, The choice of which remains unknown. Those who believe in, But can not see, The mind is not a place, For rationality. Reality invades; Fiction begins to...
