Alan's Story(Chapter 2) Second Part of First Day...

Story by Xiuh on SoFurry

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#11 of Alan's Story

After seventh hour was over, I walked outside and looked around for my mom's car. When I found it I walked over to it and gestured for her to roll down her window. She rolled it down and said, "What?"

"Where's Travis?" I asked.

"He's going out with some friends tonight," she said, "Why?"

"No reason," I said, "I've got a friend that's coming over tonight, if that's alright with you."

She beamed at me and said, "Yes, that's perfectly fine."

I turned around and started looking for him. When I saw him I waved and he waved back, a smile on his face and he started heading towards me. A wolf tripped him and his group of friends all laughed as Nathan fell face first. I growled, feel oddly angry at the wolf, and dropped my backpack. I walked over to the wolf and pushed him hard. "Leave him alone," I said.

I turned and helped Nathan up, watching as he wiped tears out of his eyes and held his sleeve to his nose. The wolf said, "Oh yeah, sorry I pushed your boyfriend."

"Not my boyfriend," I growled, "but you might want to apologize to him anyways."

"Oh?" he said, "Why's that?"

"Because I'm more than capable of rearranging your face and enjoying it than you may think," I said, cracking a knuckle.

The wolf dropped his backpack and took off his jacket, holding his arms out to the side he said, "Why don't you try me?"

I pushed Nathan behind me gently and balled one of my fists. I didn't like fighting, for all of my life I'd never been in a fight, but that had all changed and just because of Nathan. The change is the reason I didn't hesitate in slamming my fist into the wolf's face hard enough that he fell backwards. I knelt down and gripped the collar of his shirt. He was obviously stunned.

"Apologize," I growled softly, drawing my fist back again.

He whimpered instantly and closed his eyes, "I'm sorry." He spat.

"You're sorry who?" I asked.

"I'm sorry Nathan," he said.

"For what?" I asked.

"For tripping you." He growled.

"That's better," I said, patting his cheek. I stood up and put a paw on Nathan's shoulders, leading him away. As an afterthought, I turned back and said, "You look better on the bottom, by the way."

That brought howls of laughter from the gathered crowd as I lead Nathan to my mother's car. He got in the backseat and I got in the front and my mom looked at me. "What was that all about?"

"Nothing," I scowled, looking out the window at the crowds of teenagers waiting for buses or for parents, "I've just been here for one day and I'm already sick of people picking on Nathan."

"Why are they picking on him?" she asked as she started the car.

I looked back at Nathan and he looked down with a blush, scratching his wrist idly. "Because I'm gay," he admitted softly.

"Oh well that's horrible," she growled, starting to drive.

His ears flattened to his head and my mom noticed, "Oh no, not you being gay hun, the students picking on you, that's horrible."

"It's not just students," I said, "the teachers do it too."

"That's really horrible, why haven't you reported it to the school board?" she asked him, looking at him in the mirror.

"We have, but the day that the inspector came everyone was all nice." He said, looking down. "I didn't realize she was there and the next day when I tried to sit with people they just pushed me away."

I looked back at him and reached back, I took his paw into mine and squeezed it, "Don't worry," I told him, "I'm not gonna do that to ya."

"I know you won't," Nathan said, squeezing my paw right back. I grinned and turned back to look out the windshield and my mom gave me a look.

"What?" I asked her.

"Nothing," she said, amusement heavy in her voice, "Nothing at all."

I glared at her but turned back to Nathan, "What are we going to do first when we get to my house?" I asked him.

"I'd say calc since it's what you're having the most trouble with." He told me with a grin.

"Alrighty then," I said. The rest of the ride was silent except for the radio and when we got home I got out of the car. Nathan followed me inside and said, "So, where are we going to work."

"Upstairs in my room," I told him, leading him upstairs.

"Do I need to initiate the "no closed doors" policy?" My mom asked with a taunting grin.

"Ummm..." I said, "No?"

"Alright," she said, that tone of amusement still in her voice. "Do you two want anything to eat? I've got pizza bagels."

"You want anything Nathan?" I asked him.

"Sure," he said with a smile.

I turned and nodded at my mom, "Sounds great mom."

She grinned and said, "I bought soda too, if you guys want any of that."

"Soda?" I asked Nathan.

"What kind do you have?" he said with a grin.

I rolled my eyes and said, "You just have to make this difficult for me. What kind?" The last part was yelled to my mom.

"Pepsi and Dr. Pepper." She said.

"Dr. Pepper." Nathan said instantly, "Definitely Dr. Pepper."

I grinned and walked downstairs. I got two Dr. Peppers out of the case and then grinned at my mom, "ETA on the pizza bagels?"

"Four maybe five minutes," she said.

Just then the door slammed open and Travis stormed into the house, throwing his backpack on the couch. My mom smiled and said, "Hey Travis, I thought you were going out with friends."

"I WAS going out with friends, until Alan decided he wanted to be friends with that stupid faggot," Travis snapped at me.

"Language!" my mother said.

"Hey," I said, talking over her, "Don't blame me because you're friends with some of the most shallow fuckers I've ever met."

"Language!" my mother shouted.

"I'll blame you for coming into school and successfully murdering my social life!" Travis shouted right back.

That's when Nathan ran out the door, the door barely closing behind him. I growled, put the Dr. Peppers down and pushed Travis as I past him. "Good job you dick," I told him.

I opened the door and ran after Nathan. I put a paw on his shoulder and stopped him. "What's the matter?" I asked him, turning him towards me.

"You and Travis are fighting because of me," he said, wiping his tears off his face and said, "I don't want that."

I sighed and started leading him back to the house, rubbing his back softly I said, "Don't worry about Travis, he's just being a dick."

When we got back inside my mother was fuming, her face red, turning her normally orange fur ever darker. "Pizza Bagels are on the table," she told me softly. She looked at Nathan and said, "You alright Nathan?"

"Yeah," he said, wiping his eyes again, "I'm fine."

She ruffled his head fur and grinned, "Forget Travis. He doesn't have any decent opinions anyway. His opinion was that he was too old to be spanked."

Nathan's eyes widened and I grinned, "Seriously?"

"Yup," she said, "I never would've thought such a big guy would squeal like that."

Nathan hiccupped and giggled. I grinned as I set his Dr. Pepper down in front of him. He ate four Pizza Bagels and I ate the rest... of the thirty pack.

"Jesus Alan," my mother grumbled, "Gonna eat us out of house and home at this rate."

I blushed but grinned and said, "I'm hungry."

Nathan stared at me, "Where do you put it all," he asked, poking my stomach, "You aren't even full!"

"He's a black hole." My mother said jokingly.

I glared and gripped Nathan's paw, looking at him. He blushed but smiled and said, "What?"

"You're touching me," I told him with a grin.

"I didn't realize it was a crime." He said.

I rolled my eyes and said, "Assumptions make an ass of you and me."

"Language," my mother said sternly, glaring at me. "I thought a military child would know better."

I rolled my eyes and said, "Mom, one of my classes was called Obscenities 101."

Nathan giggled and my mother glared at me. "Go do your homework," she said dismissively, waving her paw at us.

I grinned at Nathan as we walked upstairs, new Dr. Peppers in hand, and we sat on my bed. "So," Nathan said, pulling his physics book out of his satchel, "Pre-Calc."

I sighed and pulled my book out, "I worked on it some during study hall, but I think I got the three or four problems I did wrong."

He checked them over, making small marks here and there, and then passed the book back to me. I looked it over and said, "Oh, ok, I get it."

He smiled and watched as I worked on the rest of it, making small corrections here and pointing out information I missed there. It didn't take as long as I expected it to, and we finished really quickly. "Wow," I said, rubbing the back of my neck as I looked at the clock, "Much faster than I expected. We have three hours before nine. What time do you think your parents will want you home?"

He slammed his paw into his forehead and his paw dove into his pocket, "My parents," he grumbled as he dialed a number in and held the phone to his ear, "I completely forgot."

"Mom!" He said quickly, "Sorry for not calling!" I heard indecipherable garbling from the phone and he held it away from his ear. "Sorry! I know you were worried sick... but... Mom!... I'm at a friend's house!" At that the garbling stopped and I heard one word. "Yes Mom, really... he's new to the school... yes he knows mom... well it's kinda hard not too... ok mom... love you too..." he hung up and rolled his eyes. "Over worried, as usual." He said with a grin.

"What time does she want you home?" I asked.

"She's gonna pick me up at eight thirty," he said.

"You didn't give her the address," I said.

"There's a GPS in my phone Alan," he said with a grin, "She was just about to send cops over here to see what horrible thing was happening to me." He rolled his eyes and said, "Overprotective."

"I can't blame her," I told him, patting his cheek, "Someone might decide to snatch you up, pretty as you are."

Nathan blushed and looked down, "That's happened before." He said.

"You've been kidnapped before?" I asked, my eyes widening a little.

"Before I knew I was gay, when I was eleven." He looked up at me, and, seeing my expression quickly said, "He didn't rape me, the cops came in when he was about to. My mom has been super protective since then."

"What about your dad?" I asked.

"Much, much more protective." Nathan said with a grin, "he treats me like his little girl instead of his son."

"Well," I said, "he has to work with what's he got."

Nathan smiled and then looked down. Hesitantly, he moved his paw over and put it in mine. "Alan," he started hesitantly, "are you gay?"

I looked into his eyes and sighed softly, looking at my lap and pulling my paw slowly away from his, "No Nathan, I'm not. It has nothing to do with you," I told him, "It's just... not the way I am."

He sighed and looked at his lap, "Ok," he said and he started to gather his stuff.

"Where ya goin?" I asked him curiously, tilting my head a bit.

"I was gonna leave," he said. He had a tear in his eye.

I looked at him and sighed. I put a paw on his shoulder and pulled him back down into my arms. I squeezed him tightly and said, "I don't want you to leave Nathan. I want to be your friend. But I'm not like that... and if I am, I'm not sure yet."

"It's not what you did that made me cry," he said with a sigh, "I just got my hopes way to high and was shut down."

"I didn't want shut you down," I said, "and I really didn't want to be a jerk, I just don't want you to get any false ideas. I'm your friend for now, and I might figure something out about myself later, but for now, let's just stick to being friends. Ok?"

He looked at me, and nodded. I squeezed him again and then unwrapped my arms from him. "Now," I said "Let's watch some TV, get your spirits up a bit. Maybe laugh at a few politicians if you're into that sorta thing."

That got him to laugh and I grinned, "There's that smile."

"You're awesome Alan," he said.

I leaned back with a wink and a groan, "I know I am."

He blushed and, hesitantly, moved over and scooted his way under my arm. He was judging my reaction as he moved and I just looked at him and nodded, "Feel free bud, you can snuggle against me if you want. I won't mind."

He smiled and pressed himself tightly against him, putting his head on my chest. From that point on we watched TV. By the time eight thirty came around and his mom came to pick him up he was asleep. I picked him up gently, trying not to wake him, and carried him out to his mom's van. His dad was there too, and he was furious, but when he saw a sleeping Nathan, he sighed.

"So," he said quietly, taking Nathan from my arms, "You're the kid my boy is going to be hanging out with?"

I smiled and said, "Yes sir."

"Well, it's too late for me to give you a full inspection," he said with a glare, "but first time you come over to our house..." he wagged a finger at me and smiled.

"Sir," I said, "I'm not some crack head rapist trying to get into your son's good graces before I rape him. I'm just the new kid who doesn't care that he's gay unlike everyone else."

"Mhmm," he said, turning to climb back into the car, still holding Nathan against his chest.

'Damn,' I thought as I looked at him, 'he is pretty cute. I'm not going to be able to stop thinking about him like that now that he mentioned it.'

I went back inside and closed the door. Then I was assaulted by my mother and her evil grin. "What?" I asked her, glaring.

She shrugged and said, "Are you two?..."

"No!" I said defensively. "I'm not like that..."

She cut me off and smiled softly before stepping up to me. She wrapped her arms around me and kissed me softly on the forehead, "I don't care if you're gay, or if you're straight, or anything like that. I just care that you're happy, and if you're happy with Nathan, that's all that matters."

I sighed and burrowed my head into my paws, rubbing my head, "I don't know mom. I think I may want to but there's another part of me that doesn't. I'm still not completely over Alicia."

She smiled and rubbed the top of my head, "Whatever works for you sweetie. That's what matters to me. As long as you don't turn into some insane murderer or a druggie or a rapist, I'm fine."

I smiled at my mother and then yawned deeply. She nodded her head, "Tired, I knew it. Bed!"

"Mom! It's eight thirty-seven!" I said.

"I don't care!" she said sternly, "You're new to being... well, you're new to this. You need to get to bed."

I sighed and said, "Alright."

I hated to prove my mother right, but as soon as I was dressed in my pajamas and my head was on my pillow, I was asleep. Normally, you would think that being new to a horrible disease you would have nightmares about that disease, but my dreams were full of indecision. Should I go gay? And be with Nathan? I liked him, but I had only known him for a day. Was I getting ahead of myself?

But there's also Alicia, the beautiful Vixen I had left behind at the Military Academy, who had broken up with me because she didn't want to have a long distance relationship. We still loved each other, I knew that. I was so confused, and only time would tell which path I would take... but which one is the right one for me?


Will Alan date Nathan? Or will he choose Alicia? Who IS Alicia? What disease is Alan afflicted by? Only time will tell ;)

Alan's Story(Chapter 1- First Day)

So, I meant to redo Highschool Days, but I started on it and then my computer crashed(grr) taking the first chapter(which I was in the middle of spellchecking, revisit grrr) with it. So, I'm going to write this one first. Feel free to make guesses...

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Valentine's Day with Daddy(Part 2)

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Workings of the Mind

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