Anything to Start a Family

Story by Bubba on SoFurry

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Anything to Start a Family

You know the drill. Cubs and kits get off your diapers and make for the exit. You know who you are. Same for those who don't have a particular taste for fighting, masturbation, impregnation, threesomes, or what you might consider incest (would adopted furs be considered incest?).

Just outside the city, before you reach the suburbs, is a house. It is a simple house; with three bedrooms, two bathrooms, a kitchen, and a living room. Best place as any to start a family; to call a home. That is exactly what its occupants intended upon purchase.

Lester and Jane had bought their house a few years earlier, after they had gotten married. Lester was a 26 year old hare with sandy fur and a strong, solid build; made to support a wife and children. He is an easy-going kind of guy, someone that's always fun to be with. He was the kind of fur who was friends with everyone he met.

His wife, Jane, on the other hand, was a 24 year old, deep auburn-furred squirrel with an athletic body, kept in shape to chase her young one in the backyard while they played. Unlike her husband, she had a more serious nature. That doesn't mean she doesn't like to have fun, as it was Lester's playfulness that she fell in love with.

Although they have yet to bear any offspring, they are not the only residence in the household. A few months after they bought their new place, they decided to treat themselves to a nice dinner in the city. They had just left the restaurant and were walking home when a young rabbit stumbled out of the darkness and collapsed in front of them. After a lot of consideration, they decided to take her to their place to recuperate. Under the kitchen light, the full extent of her damage could be seen.

After a full night's work, they had her patched up as best they could and left her to rest. It took over a day for her to come to. When she woke up, she found herself in a dark bedroom, not knowing where she was or even when it was. She left the bedroom and crept down the stairs to find herself looking into the kitchen, where a squirrel was eating breakfast and a hare was reading the paper. The two looked up as she entered, worry in their eyes. After a long silence, she announced a meek, "hi," before being interrupted by the growling of her stomach and weakly falling back into an open chair. The squirrel snapped back to reality and quickly handed the rabbit her plate of eggs. Their strange guest ate the remainder gratefully, letting a small burp escape her throat as she finished.

As soon as she had properly recuperated, she introduced herself as Sandy, which was returned with an introduction of themselves. Then she began the background of herself. As it turns out, she was raised by an abusive family, being beaten on an almost daily basis. Like most others in her situation, she had learned to 'deal with it'. This continued until about a week ago when her father tried to rape her. She managed to escape before any damage was done to her, any real damage at least. She had been living on the streets until they found her.

The couple listened silently, intently. Worry showed in their eyes as Jane asked, "How old are you?"

"Sixteen," she answered nervously.

Concern could be seen in their faces as they thought over the situation. She was too young to live on her own, but there was no way they were sending back to that hellhole. There was only one option left. The hare and squirrel looked to each other, agreeing to what was on the other's mind without saying a word. Turning back to Sandy, they said in unison, "We'll take you in..."

It took only one day in court for the judge to make a decision. Comparing the young, married couple to Sandy's drunken father, the judge ruled the rabbit's custody to Lester and Jane. Never had he seen a happier trio. The celebrations that night were cut short, however, when Sandy's father showed up at their doorstep, pounding at the door in a drunken rage.

"Get Sandy up stairs and call the police," Lester commanded, "I'll deal with him." Jane quickly went to action, grabbing Sandy and leading her upstairs and retrieving the phone on the way.

Lester stood in front of the doorway, waiting for it to give in to the damage it was delivered on the other side. Finally, the old rabbit crashed into the house, only to be greeted with a punch to the nose. He stumbled backward with his paws cupping his bleeding muzzle, earning him a solid kick in the stomach. The maddened drunk landed flat on his back outside. He managed to pick himself up, knife in paw, and rushed the defending hare. Timing it carefully, he slammed the door as the assaulter crossed the threshold, dazing him. Taking this opportunity, Lester decided to finish this with a kick to the side of the rabbit's head, laying him out cold.

A few minutes later, the police arrived to arrest the drunk and haul him away. After a few questions, the police left the trio to settle into their new lifestyle. Three years later has led them all to be a little older and a lot happier.

Sandy is now nineteen and attending a college at a university in the city. She has grown into the perfect image of a femme rabbit; with soft, tan fur mixed with white, dazzling blue eyes, and an attractive, athletic form, kept in shape while working out with Jane at the gym. One thing that seemed odd about her was the fact that she never seemed to have a boyfriend. Lester would often joke about it, saying, "Well, it makes my job a whole lot easier," earning him an elbow into his side by Jane.

On this particular day, Lester could be found jogging home, returning from the city with a bag in his grasp. As he rounded the corner, he sprinted the rest of the distance to the front door. As he entered the house, panting slightly, he announced quietly to himself, "New record." A quick scan revealed Jane lying on the couch, idly watching TV.

She shifted slightly as he flopped down beside her. She curled her bushy tail around his waist to pull him closer, sighing with a soft, "Hey honey."

"Hey," he returned, just as lightly, before asking, "Where's Sandy at?"

"Upstairs," she answered, and then quickly added, "I wouldn't go up there just yet."

It was then that Lester's sensitive ears picked up a faint vibrating sound from above, occasionally interrupted by gasps and moans. The hare looked back at his wife with pity in his eyes as he remarked, "Poor girl; she's so lonely."

"Yeah," she agreed, "I don't understand why she doesn't why she doesn't have a boyfriend, though."

"I know what you mean," he replied, a grin spreading across his features, "what with that silky fur, beautiful face, fluffy tail, and that tight, round..." THUD! Jane forcefully slammed her mate's head into the wall. Lester rubbed his head, laughing as she scowled at him with her arms crossed. "What was that for?" he giggled.

"What do you think?" she countered.

"Well, I thought it was okay by you," he answered, matter-of-factly, "Seeing as I often hear you daydreaming about her the same way."

Jane's composure quickly changed as a blush shown in her cheeks and trying to avoid his knowing gaze. Trying to change the subject, she asked, "Did you get what I asked for?"

Lester's mood suddenly became very serious, replying, "Yeah, its right here," as he handed her the bag. She took the bag and began to head for the bathroom, but was headed off by her mate, warning her, "Jane, just... just don't get your hopes too high."

"I know," she reassured him.

Unconvinced, Lester continued, "I'm serious. We've been trying for over a year now with no success."

"I know," she repeated, more sharply, and slipped around him into the bathroom, closing the door behind her. The hare returned to the couch, awaiting the inevitable.

He was dragged back to reality, however, by a pair of arms wrapping around his neck in an enthusiastic greeting, "Hey Lester, I thought I heard you get home." Lester looked up into a set of shiny blue eyes, returning, "Hey there, kiddo. What have you been up to?"

"Nothing," she answered as she climbed over the furniture to land beside him, "just hanging out here. So... what did you get at the store, anyway?"

With a grim look on his face, he answered, "Pregnancy test."

The young rabbit looked very confused, asking, "For Jane?"

"Yeah," he confirmed.

Sandy interrogated further, "But she's a squirrel, and you're a..."

"Yeah," he repeated.

Still trying to understand, she continued, "I thought crossbreeding was only in myth."


Her suspicions were confirmed by a loud howl of dismay from the bathroom. Lester hung his head, knowing full well what it meant. Both looked up in concern, however, at the sound of objects crashing and Jane crying out, "Dammit! Dammit! Dammit!" over and over.

Sandy looked over at the hare, asking, "You think, maybe, we should get her out of there?"

He just shook his head, replying, "Its better she does this now to get it out of her system."

She fidgeted a little, adding, "I was just hoping to use the..."

He frowned in confusion at her, "You do know that we have two bathrooms, right?"

She began to protest, "But that's you're's and Jane's..."

Lester just pointed up the stairs, eyeing her down. After a bit of uncertainty, Sandy decided to rush up the steps to the vacant restroom. The hare just sat himself back down, waiting for the destruction to cease.

The rabbit dashed into the open room and slammed the door closed behind her, locking it with fumbling fingers. Failing to calm herself, she practically tore the clothing off her heated body, her legs rubbing together as she waited for the water in the tub to warm up. The thing is, Lester's arrival had interrupted her before she could finish earlier. She had decided not to risk being caught by ending early, getting dressed, hide everything away, and go down to greet him. Now she could barely control herself as the temperature rose at a torturous rate.

Once the water was bearable, Sandy jumped into the bathtub and turned on the shower head. As the soft torrent came upon her, she relaxed her body and let her self go. She then grabbed the body shampoo, pooled a portion in her palm, and ran it over her form; massaging it into her fur. As soon as she worked up a good lather, and hoping that the sound of water crashing on porcelain would mute out her activities, she laid down on her back in the tub and let the shampoo be rinsed off her, shivering slightly as a stray droplet hit a sensitive spot. Once she was ready, the rabbit reached up for the conditioner and, with another small amount, glazed in across her palms to serve as a substitute lubricant.

With her left paw massaging her breast, the other, quivering paw inched slowly toward her inflamed mound. A gasp echoed throughout the bath ass her slicked fingers slid across her hot flesh. Her hips rose with each stroke as Sandy dared to probe her cunt with a single digit. Arching her back as the lubricated finger slid easily inside her depths, a soft moan escaped her maw, reaching beyond the walls. Her palm slapped against her clit as her pace increased, shivering from the building pleasure. Vocalizing her fantasies, driven by her lustful imagination, she called out, "Oh god, harder Lester! Right there, Jane, Yes!"

She climbed higher and higher to her much needed peak. "Ah, ah, ah ah ah, Ah Ah, AH AHH, AAAAAAHHHHHHHH!" she screamed out her climax, her cum drooling out and around the finger twitching inside her slit, mixing with the conditioner as it spiraled down the drain. She lay there panting hard, exhausted, before picking herself up and continuing her shower. "I hope no one heard me," she worried to herself.

After some time, the sound of destroyed toiletries subsided and Jane came out, looking distraught. Lester rushed over and grabbed her before her own legs gave out. Within his embrace, she let out all her emotions, crying heavily. Her mate did his best to sooth her while fighting off the pressure in his throat and welling in his eyes. When she had caught her breath, she admitted softly, "I can't take it anymore, it's too hard."

The hare softly stroked her head, calming her down as he reasoned, "It's alright. We can try again when you're ready."

"No," she declined, pushing him away a little, "I can't go through that again, and I don't think you could either."

He nodded in understanding, he really couldn't. "Well, we can always go down to the adoption clinic," he suggested.

"The thing is," she explained, "I really wanted this child to be ours." Lester knew what she meant. He, too, wanted a baby that he helped bring to life. But this understanding was thrown completely off as she added, "even if it's only one of ours."

He started to inquire, "What do you..."

Jane cut him off, explaining nervously, "And there are no squirrels living in this house."

His eyes went wide as he realized what she meant. Stepping away from her, he vigorously shook his head, "No way. There is no way I'm doing that."

"Please," she begged, "I willing to do this; anything to start our family."

Her reluctant mate began pacing back and forth, arguing, "No, no no no no no. I am not doing that to her. She's ten years younger that me. Isn't that statutory rape, or something?" The squirrel sighed in frustration as he continued, "And even if I went along with this crazy idea, who says that she will?"

"Well, there's no harm in asking," she suggested.

Lester dismissed the thought, "That could drive her away. Then you and I would never see her again. Is that what you want to risk? And what about you? I married you - I vowed only to be with you. I am not about to betray you by sleeping with another, no matter how much even you may want me to."

Jane started to argue but stopped, seeing that this approach was getting her nowhere. Then a smirk slowly grew on her muzzle as an idea formed in her mind. Bending forward toward him, she had her tail bushing and chest sticking out. With her eyes hooded and a grin on her face, she planted a soft kiss on his nose and spoke seductively, "Who ever said it would be just you two?"

Lester's argument caught in his throat as images filled his mind of what his wife inclined. Taking advantage of his hesitation, she pushed him onto the couch and proceeded to straddle his lap, her knees on either side of his hips, and held his shoulders against the back of the furniture. Leaning forward to nip on his ear, she whispered, "I've always wanted to try a sexy threesome." With the nibbling on his earlobe and his own desire for such sexual actions, the hare could feel his will slipping to that of his mate's wishes.

"...and that's about it. What do you say?" Sandy's jaw was on the floor from what she heard. A few minutes ago, she was lying on her bed, idly listening to music, when Jane and Lester entered. She was a little nervous as the two came in looking serious, like something important was on their mind. She really began to, though, when they sat her down and said the four most frightening words, "We need to talk."

Several thoughts raced through her mind. Did they find out about how she felt for them? Did they overhear her at one time? Were they going to be so disgusted with her that they were going to kick her out onto the street?" Before she could begin a teary-eyed stream of explanations and apologies, they started explaining their own predicament.

They began by telling her about how they've been trying really hard to have a baby. This was common knowledge to one who often fingers themselves to the sound of the passionate love making down the hall. They also told her of their lack of success; again, common knowledge. What did take her by surprise was the fact that they wanted their offspring to be, well, their's; at least one of their's. But when they asked her to be the 'third party', she was completely stunned.

Her greatest dreams were to become a reality, to be in their king-size bed with them, hot and naked, rubbing their sweaty bodies together, the pleasure building. But the proposition also unveiled something new, a longing hidden even from herself until now. It was a yearning to be closer to them, more so than custodial rights. It was to feel like a true part of the family.

Oh, how she wanted to say yes. She wanted to yell it out to the entire world, but she didn't. Not yet, at least. She didn't want to seem like some nymph, jumping at the notion of sex. However, she had waited a little too long as they suddenly recoiled and turned to leave, mumbling, "Sorry, we shouldn't have asked you. It was wrong of us to..."

Sandy reached out and grabbed their wrists, turning them to face her. Looking shy, nervous, but eager, she looked up at them and replied, "I would love to bear your child." With eyes watering, the squirrel and hare hugged her tightly and thanked her over and over, failing to hear quietly repeat it back. Soon they all let go of each other and an awkward silence followed. Finally, she had to ask, "So, when do we do this?"

Trying to lighten the mood, Lester jumped to his feet, clapping his paws together, and said, "How about right now?" Sandy's heart skipped a beat at the impulsive suggestion.

Jane, however, smacked him in the back of the ears and countered, "I was thinking that, instead of jumping in bed our first chance," she paused to frown at her mate, who beamed back innocently, "we make a day of it. Since you have no school on Saturday, Lester and I can call off work that day. That will give us a full day to prepare. What do you think?"

The other two considered it deeply. Finally, Sandy replied, "That could work. I'll go with that idea."

The hare added, "Me too, even though it is two whole days away."

The squirrel grabbed his ear and twisted sharply, pulling him toward the door and commanding, "Come on, you pervert."

He playfully obeyed as he followed her out, saying, "Of course, my dear dominatrix," and left the young rabbit to laugh at their antics. They always had a way of making light a serious situation. It was a part of their character that she really admired.

They all continued their daily tasks as the sun crossed over what was left of they sky. As darkness fell upon the landscape, all three lay in their beds, unable to fall asleep. Anticipation ran fresh through their minds of what the next couple of days would bring, wondering what event awaited in the weekend. Eventually, all three drifted off to dreamland, their dreams having very little in difference.

After a long night of yiff dreams for the trio, the rose to announce the new day, offering light and time for the special chores needed to be completed. While Sandy was at class, Lester and Jane were at their separate jobs, convincing their bosses to allow them a personal day the next day. It wasn't too difficult; Lester just needed to call in a favor while Jane had worked more than enough hours that week.

The two women got home at the same time, greeting each other at the door. They both proceeded to their designated rooms, changing into something more comfortable. During which, Jane called across the hall, "You soon ready?"

"For what?" was the reply, unknowing of the squirrel's intentions.

An answer was immediately returned, "To go shopping for... tomorrow. I just want a few things to make it special."

Sandy understood what she meant. She, too, wanted it to be more than just a good yiff. She acknowledged out loud, "Yeah, just about." A few seconds later, she was out of her room and jogging down the stairs to the patiently waiting Jane.

Getting up off the couch, she announced, "Alright, let's go," and headed out the door.

The young rabbit interrupted as she followed, "Wait. Aren't we going to wait for Lester?"

The squirrel shook her head as she continued down the sidewalk, "No. I think it'd be best this way. We're going to the yiff shop at the mall. It's more feminine based so he would just feel out of place and..."

"I would not," sounded a voice from behind the two. It was Lester, catching up to them with a look of comic resentment. As he reached them, he added defiantly, "I can be a lot more useful than you think. At the very least, I can serve as the pack mule."

"Fine, you can come along," she sighed, the three heading into the city.

Hours later, the trio found themselves where they had started, on the sidewalk, returning from their trip while they conversed lightly. Lester piped up, "You sure didn't take that 'pack mule' thing lightly," as he looked over the numerous bags hanging from his hands, arms, and shoulders.

Jane debated, "Yeah, but it was your idea."

"You're right," he agreed. He looked over at Sandy, who had remained silent during the walk back. With an edge of concern, he asked, "Is something wrong?"

Looking up, she confessed, "I think the cashier there was one of my classmates. And I think she recognized me."

"Oh," he exclaimed with some relief. He was afraid that it was something more serious. Trying to comfort her, he stated, "A lot more people go to those places than you would expect. I wouldn't worry about it if I were you."

Still unsatisfied, the rabbit protested, "But what if she asked what I was doing there?"

Lester just shrugged, as best he could, and suggested, "Tell her you yiffed your foster parents over the weekend."

She replied with a look of horror, "No way!"

Catching onto her husband's scheme, Jane added, "I'm with Lester. I doubt that we stood out from any other customers."

"Are you kidding?" Sandy argued, gesturing to the hare beside them, "We nearly cleaned out the store."

"It's not that bad," the squirrel rebuked, "In fact, I don't think we got everything we need. Did we Lester?"

Grinning, he began to sift through their purchases, calling them each out loudly, "Well we got the candles, the insence, the silk sheets, the lube, the..." He was interrupted by the sound of pawsteps as the youngest raced to the house, mortified, and leaving the remaining two doubled over in laughter. They soon reached the house themselves and went inside. Saying their apologies, all three soon went to bed. However, sleep was nigh impossible as anticipation sent adrenaline coursing through them, building up the pressure they all hoped to soon release.

The morning sun slowly made its way to peak over the horizon. The couple laying on the bed had not realized that sleepiness had overcame impatience until as assault on their mattress woke them both. They found the attacker to be Sandy, who had by now crawled up between them. Once she had gotten comfortable, she asked, "So when do we start?"

Bolting upright, Lester exclaimed, "We don't need anything else done. Lets get to it."

Not noticing the look of hope in the young rabbit's eyes, Jane sat upright and contradicted him, "Not until we get something to eat first."

The impatient hare argued in mock rage, "Now you're just stalling, woman!"

His mate just gave him the most innocent look she could muster and replied, "Maybe a little. Besides, you don't hear Sandy complaining, do you?"

With one quick glance at the teen, he answered, "No, I don't hear her complaining."

Two pairs of eyes now rested on Sandy. Deciding to side with Jane, she explained to Lester, "I guess eating something will replenish our strength. Then we can go at it for a lot longer."

Giving in, he sighed heavily and led them to the kitchen. How ever, their own eagerness was seen as the two wolfed down the quickly made mess of a meal (no offense, wolf readers). As soon as he saw that the plates were empty, he picked them up, one in each arm, and hauled them, giggling, back to the bedroom.

He tossed them, playfully, onto the bed, looking from to the other for guidance, "So how are we going to do this?" The squirrel and rabbit looked to each other and grinned, understanding exactly what to do.

Both grabbed the hare's arms and pulled him onto the bed. Once getting him to lounge on the headboard, the two arranged themselves at the foot of the bed. "I was thinking we could get each other ready with a little show," Jane replied. At this, both females started stroking up and down each others sides, still nervous with the idea of being intimate with another female. Jane was the first to make a bold move by reaching down and squeezing the rabbit's ass. Sandy squealed at the groping but only found the squirrel grinning wickedly, "I've always wanted to do that."

"Well I've always wanted to do this," returned Sandy, throwing her arms around the squirrel's head and pulling her into a deep kiss. Lester's eyes grew wide as he watched the two women sitting by his feet while they kissed and stripped each other, their tongues exploring their mouths as their hands explored their bodies. His pants suddenly became very uncomfortable but he did not attempt to remove them, lest he disrupt the show. Sandy noticed the male at her side and grinned at his mate, "You know, I pretty sure that we're ready, but what about Lester over there?"

Jane caught on to the teen's plan and answered, "Well, correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe there's only one way to find out." At this, the two jumped the hare and proceeded to tug at his pant legs. Their lust-driven proved successful as the lapin cock sprung open from the cloth prison, already free of its natural coverage.

"Wow!" Sandy exclaimed as it throbbed inches from her. She explained for their slightly puzzled expressions, "I've never really seen a real one before." She looked from one to the other nervously, waiting for a response.

"Really?" Jane's eyes took on a devious glint, "This is going to be more fun than I had hoped. I've always wanted to break in a virgin." Sidling up next to Lester's waist, she started, "Let me show you how it's done. First, you-"

She was cut off as the rabbit slipped past her and dragged her tongue firmly from the base of the hare's cock all the way to the tip, causing him to gasp out in surprise and grip the sheets tightly. She looked over her shoulder at the squirrel with a wild grin, "Just because I haven't done it before, doesn't mean I don't know how." Returning her attention back to her treat, she began lapping at it ravishingly. Jane moved herself opposite of the rabbit and joined in her efforts. Her hand squeezed and massaged his balls while she took the tip of his meat in her mouth and sucked on it noisily. Lester groaned loudly at the unbelievable treatment he was receiving; two pairs of lips salivating all over his crotch, two pairs of paws groping all over his body. Groaning again, he petted their heads, encouraging them further.

Their actions soon became more frenzied as they lost themselves in the lust; they began grasping at him more frantically and started moaning around his cock. The hare's panting became heavier as he felt his balls drawing close to his body. Deciding to finish him off, the two girls kissed around his cock, their hips instinctively humping against the bed. Proving too much for the hare, with his hips bucking upward, he cried out and came across their faces. With their faces covered, the two girls lapped up the rest that dribbled down.

Unlike with most other guys, such an experience only seemed to heighten his sex drive. Scratching behind the young rabbit's ears to get her attention, he asked her, "Are you ready?"

She nodded back as she straddled his waist, obviously nervous of the organ pointing at her untouched entrance. Jane got up behind her and started stroking over her stomach and thighs, trying to calm her, "It's alright, honey, just take your time and start when you're ready."

Taking a few deep breaths to prepare herself, she slowly lowered her body down onto his. She whimpered slightly as his girth stretched her lips to the max but had to stop when the head reached her final barrier of innocence. Drawing one last breath, she dropped herself upon his body, his length plunging past her wall of purity into her depths. Crying out from the new pain, Sandy remained as she was, cringing from the pain. Immediately, she was hugged close to the two bodies on either side of her, trying to soothe her body.

Eventually the pain faded, as did her tears. "Alright," she sighed as she raised her body slightly and let it glide back down his shaft. A soft moan escaped her parted lips as the hard flesh slid through her own. The sensation - the new kind of pleasure - was unlike anything she had experienced before. She never felt anything close to this with any of her toys. It was a feeling of being truly filled, being completed. She never wanted to be without that feeling ever again.

It took a few more moments to realize that her body had taken over and was moving atop the hare at a quickening pace. With each thrust, his shaft dove a little deeper. With each thrust, she spread her legs a little further. With each thrust, she gasped a little louder. With each thrust, they drew closer to the inevitable.

Jane, feeling a little left out, decided to take action. Crawling around the two, she straddled her mate's chest and engaged in a deep kiss with him. With their lips still locked together, she stood on the balls of her feet and presented her own needy cunt to the rabbit. Understanding the squirrel's desires, Sandy began massaging her thighs and prodded the wet lips with her nose, inhaling the arousing scent. The pressure on her sensitive mound caused the squirrel to moan in her mate's mouth and arch her back to reveal more of her crotch. The rabbit took the invitation and lapped at the juices excreted from the folds.

Lester added to his wife's pleasure by moving his hands from the lapin thighs to his wife's breasts. Within his hold, he began massaging the furry orbs, eliciting louder moans from his mate's mouth into his own. Not forgetting the rabbit riding his cock, he added his own thrusts off the bed as she fell down upon him, heightening the pleasure for both of them.

The longer they continued their love making, the more frenzied their actions became. Jane was the first to cum, pulling away from the kiss to cry out her bliss as her hips humped at open air, spraying her juices over her two lovers. With the sound of his wife's ecstasy, Lester was the next over the edge. Holding his mate's body close to his, he pumped frantically into the rabbit, blasting his fertile seed into her and igniting her own orgasm.

Taking only a minute to recover, Lester slipped behind his wife and pulled her up onto her hands and knees, breathing into her ear, "It's your turn, honey," and penetrating her sensitive pussy with his glistening rod. Her cry of surprise only spurred him on to pump deeper into her depths, his hips becoming flush with her ass before pulling away. Jane was soon pushing against his thrusts, his head poking into her womb.

The sounds of their passion soon woke the still dazed Sandy. Seeing that they had started again without her, the rabbit crawled underneath the yiff-entranced squirrel. With her arms wrapped around Jane's panting body, she pulled herself up into a lustful kiss and shifted her groin across the couple's connection. The friction on her lips and the way her clit rubbed against Jane's had the rabbit murring into the kiss. Every time the hare would thrust in, his length would grind along the lapin lips before plunging into the squirrel's. After only a few strokes, the rabbit's excitement a much slicker passage for the hare. Lester's groaning became louder as his pumping became more frantic. With one final thrust, he released his seed deep inside his wife, grinding harder against her to shoot deeper into her body.

With cum being spent, Lester flopped down onto the bed, followed closely by the two he loved the most. As they curled up on either side of him, he kissed them both on the forehead, saying, "Well that ought to do it, don't you think?"

Yawning, Jane replied with a drowsy grin, "I'd kick your ass if I wasn't so tired." Chuckling lightly, the hare pulled them closer to him and fell asleep with them following suit.

Some weeks later...

Lester is once again heading home from the city with a parcel in his paw, running at a speed that would shatter his earlier record. Reaching his front door in no time flat, he composed himself slightly before entering. Lounging on the couch was Sandy, seeming to be distracted from the TV program. Upon seeing the hare, the rabbit's eyes lit up with glee, "Lester!"

Flopping down next to her, he put an arm around her shoulders, returning the greeting, "Hey kiddo."

Resting her head on his shoulder, she looked up at him with her darling blue eyes and a small smirk, "I think you can stop calling me that, considering what we've done."

"Yeah," he replied flatly before breaking into a smile that was rewarded with as playful swat at his chest.

Seeming to appear out of nowhere, Jane came up behind her mate to give him a kiss on top of his head, stating to Sandy, "You'll have to get use to that, now that we... you know."

"It was definitely worth it, even with the pain at first," the rabbit defended.

"I can't argue with you there," Jane related, "now that I think back to my honeymoon..."

"Wait," Sandy interrupted, "You lost your virginity on your honeymoon?"

Returning the kiss, Lester corrected, "We both did."

The rabbit stared at the two in wonder, "That is so romantic." They continued their idle chit-chat for a little longer until Sandy remembered the plastic bag hanging from Lester's fingertips, "Hey Lester, I think I'm going to use that now." Understanding what she meant, the hare revealed from the bag a pregnancy test package. Tearing it open, she grabbed a testing instrument and dashed for the bathroom.

Turning to his wife, he inquired, "How lucky do you think we'll be this time?"

"We're already lucky," she replied, cuddling up beside him and hugging him close.

After another few minutes passed, the hare grew impatient enough to walk over to the bathroom door, leaving the squirrel to observe the testing instrument left in the box. "What's it say, Sandy," he asked through the door, "are we going to be tucking in a little rabbit at night?"

"These things take time," she yelled back, allowing the room to grow quiet once again. A few minutes later, the door burst open and the rabbit bounded out, embracing the hare. "I'm pregnant! I'm going to have a baby!" she cried tears of joy. Lester hugged her back upon hearing the news, thanking any and all gods he could think of. After letting go, the rabbit scanned the room, asking the soon to be father of her child, "Where's Jane? I want to tell her that I'll be having your child."

They found her at the base of the steps, a used pregnancy test in her paw and a look of shock on her face, "You're not the only one..."

Thank you for bearing with me while I made this story; it was definitely a challenge to me. I just hope it was worth it for you readers. I am considering a continuation of this story. Tell me what you think.

Zoorama Issue 1

Zoorama Issue 1 Emergency News Bulletin Readers, may I have your attention please. Will miners and yiff haters, please stand up and leave. I repeat, will the miners and yiff haters, please stand up and leave. Thank you. Also, I would like...

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Chocolate for Mom

Chocolate for Mom Kittens, be gone! This is no place for you to be. Also for those who dislike prostitution, milf, yiff, chocolate, or any combination of the four, I would recommend you not dwindle. Seriously, this story's got plenty of it. In...

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She Deserves Better

She Deserves Better Away with all you young cubs, you do not have the maturity level to read this material. The same goes for those who are disgusted with the concept of fighting, depression, and yiffing. Close the door on your way out. If you're...

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