She Deserves Better

Story by Bubba on SoFurry

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She Deserves Better

Away with all you young cubs, you do not have the maturity level to read this material. The same goes for those who are disgusted with the concept of fighting, depression, and yiffing. Close the door on your way out. If you're still here, then you're stuck, so enjoy.

It was well past midnight as the full moon shone through the window of an apartment building onto two laying forms. The coyote lay behind his mink, spooning with her, smiling at her peaceful dreaming. She was perfect - her lean, dainty figure covered in soft, white fur; her full, blonde hair flowing over her shoulders; making every move with grace; the list just went on. A stray wind blew in through the open window, causing her to shiver slightly. Moving slowly as to not wake her, the coyote pulled the sheet closer to their nude bodies, capturing more of their heat for her. Her shivering calmed down, allowing her to sleep more easily. Caressing her billowy hair, he thought back to the day he met her...

"Evening, Jack," the coyote mumbled as he slumped into his stool. It was a daily routine for him. Everyday, he would act as if he was working at the construction site, avoiding the supervisor as much as he could. As the short hand on his cheap watch struck five, he would sprint to his truck and drive to the local bar, taking his seat in the center of the counter. Everyday it was like this, and the coyote was planning on it continuing as such for the rest of his life. Always a check and a cheap-ass apartment ahead of being homeless; always a bill and an eviction notice away from meaning something to the community.

The barkeep looked up from the mug he was cleaning to the all too familiar face of his most frequent regular. "Hey there, Roger," he returned, "Are you alright? You're not looking too good."

Roger opened his maw to respond, but then covered his mouth in a fit of coughing. "Stomach flu, I think," explained after he finally suppressed his coughing, "Nothing a colds beer can't fix."

Hearing this, the grizzly bear behind the bar took an instinctive step back, "I don't know if I want you in here like this. You could get me and everyone else here sick."

"Just one drink," the coyote begged, "I'm not planning on staying long."

With a frown of concern, Jack relented with the drink he knew would be ordered. Roger thankfully took the mug and raised it up to his mouth. The rim was mere inches from his lips before he slammed it back down, one paw clutched at his stomach and the other covering his muzzle. Jack recognized this look immediately, and responded as such, "If you got to puke, you need to do so in the alley." The coyote slapped the countertop in acknowledgement and raced to the back exit. As he entered the brisk night air, he turned to the corner of the dumpster and the wall and vomited into the corner. After retching several times, he slumped against the building, violently trembling in weakness. Taking the back of his paw, he wiped off any remaining bile in the corner of his muzzle.

He was still calming himself down when a scream pierced the night air. His ears perked up at the cry for help and went to investigate. What he saw completely shocked him. A tall, black panther was holding a mink against the wall, forcing his cock into her. Her cries to stop went unanswered, only seeming to urge him on. Roger's eyes burned with fury as he yelled out at the rapist, "Hey! What the fuck are you doing? Let her go!"

Caught up in his lust, the panther just sneered over his shoulder, "Why don't you stay out of other people's business," and continued to pound into the helpless mink. He was, however, stopped by a rotting board crashing into the back of his shoulders. Recovering from the attack, the rapist only had time to turn and see another strike land on the side of his head, knocking him out cold.

The abused mink collapsed to the ground, sobbing greatly. Roger dropped the wood onto the unconscious body and went to assist her. Walking up to the mink, he held out his paw, saying, "C'mon, we got to get you out of here." The ill-treated fur just cowered from him, fearing any harmful or helpful advancement. Seeing the panther stir, the coyote urged her, "We don't have time for this; we need to get you out of here, now!" With that, he grabbed her arm and ran her to back to the bar. The mink's legs gave out about halfway, so the coyote threw her over his shoulder and carried her rest of the way.

Jack had returned to tending to the bar and completely forgot about Roger. That is, until the coyote crashed into the bar with an unconscious mink over his shoulder. The bear could only stare at the spectacle of the canine stumbling up toward him. Before he could say anything, he was quickly ordered, "Call 911, now!"

Jack's only reply was sputtering, "What... Who... Can you please explain what happened?"

Roger laid her flat onto the counter, "She's been raped."

The grizzly's jaw dropped open, "Jesus Christ," and ran to retrieve his phone.

Dialing the three numbers, he was immediately responded to, "911, what is your emergency?"

"I got someone here who's been raped," he yelled out.

"Sir, what is your location?" the operator asked.

Jack quickly relayed the information, "I'm at Jack's bar in downtown. You need to get here as soon as you can."

"An ambulance is on its way right now," she assured him.

Thanking the operator, he hung up the phone and returned to the coyote and the mink. "The ambulance is on its way," he assured the caring coyote before asking, "How's she doing?"

The mink surprised them both by stirring, replying, "I'm okay, I think." She inspected her surroundings and tried to sit up, "Where am I?"

Roger gently pushed back down, "You should lie down. Don't worry, you're with friends. An ambulance is on its way." At first, she stared at the two of them quizzically, but then the recent events dawned on her, making her into a sobbing wreck. The coyote hugged her tightly, whispering into her ear, "It's alright, you're safe now. He's gone and we'll make sure he won't bother you again. I'll make sure of it." The mink held him close, crying into his shoulder. All three remained where they were until the ambulance arrived.

The mink loaded onto the vehicle by a stretcher. Before they could close its doors, Roger asked, "Can I ride with her?" The rabbit looked to their patient for consent. With a weak nod of approval, he, too, was allowed into the back. As they drove off, her paw reached out to hold his own. Looking down at her, he introduced himself, "I'm Roger."

"Elloise," she returned before passing out again.

The coyote remained at her side the entire night, from the ambulance to the emergency room, to her resting room. He only left once, out of respect, as they performed the rape test. He stayed as close as he could throughout the entire night, not wanting her to be alone when she woke. It was near dawn when she finally opened her eyes. She wasn't sure why, but seeing the coyote sleeping in the chair in the corner of her room made her feel warm inside. Did he stay here the entire night? With a weak voice, she called out to him, "Roger..."

Being startled from his light nap by the sound of his name, he saw the mink looking over at him, a soft smile on her lips. He quickly rushed over to her, wondering if there was anything wrong, "How you feeling... Elloise?"

"I'm fine," she reassured him, "and you can call me Ellie." It was wonderful to have to have someone like him watching over her. His presence made her feel safe. "Thank you for helping me last night." Bending down, Roger slowly brushed his lips across hers. The kiss was unlike anything either had ever experienced. Neither was sure how or why this happened, but they didn't want it to stop.

Unfortunately, they were interrupted by a feline nurse bursting in, "How are you feeling - Oh my!" Roger stood up straight from the intrusion, the tips of his ears burning slightly. "I'm sorry if I interrupted anything," she apologized.

The coyote waved it off, "Don't worry about it."

"Well I came in to check up on Elloise - are you okay?" the nurse questioned, shifting nervously on her paws, "The thing is... your husband is waiting outside."

Roger's face was a look of horror as he whirled on the mink, "A husband!? I'm so sorry, Ellie." Ellie's eyes grew wide at the news, unnoticed by the others in the room. Shaking his head, Roger headed for the door, "I'll go tell him that you're alright, and apologize about the kiss."

"Roger, wait!" Ellie called out to him, but to no avail.

Roger continued out the door and turned the corner to face Ellie's husband. Sitting there, waiting in a chair, was her husband, an all too familiar black panther. The coyote stood frozen, not comprehending what this all meant. Jolted into action, he yelled out, "YOU!" The panther turned to see who had yelled at him and, realizing who it was, bolted from his chair and down the hall. Roger gave into hot pursuit, quickly catching up to the feline, calling ahead of him, "Somebody, stop him!" A police officer heard this and tackled the panther to the floor.

Holding the ebony creature down, he looked up questioningly at the coyote, "What's this all about?"

Taking a few breaths to catch his breath, Roger explained, "That's the guy that raped Ellie."

Giving an incredulous stare at the panther, then back at the coyote, he asked, "You sure?" A stern nod removed all doubt. Pulling his cuffs from his hip, the officer swiftly arrested the struggling feline, reading him his rights.

Roger saw the rapist off, and then headed back to the mink's room. Both she and the nurse listened to the commotion, fearing what it meant. They sighed in relief as Roger entered. "Are you okay? What happened?" these and several more questions were posed, hoping to understand the events that took place beyond the walls.

Heaving a deep sigh, he answered for them, "He's arrested now. You won't have to worry about him ever again." After saying this, he quickly questioned, "Why didn't you say that your husband was your rapist. How long has this been going on?"

Ellie looked down at her covers, her eyes filled with shame, "It's been for a few years, now. I've just been too ashamed to tell anyone. I'm sorry." Roger quickly made his way to her side again and held her close, whispering soothing encouragement into her ear as she wept.

It was well into the afternoon when Ellie finally managed to convince the staff and Roger to let her out of the bed. Her legs were still weak, but her new friend was always with her to help her out. In one particular incident, the mink had lost her balance and was about to fall back. Quick as he was, the coyote had managed to get behind her to support her weight. However, while halting her fall, one paw had accidentally gripped her firm rump. He just as quickly let go and was blushing heavily. Ellie just giggled and stated, if you want a piece of my ass that bad, why don't you just ask?"

Chuckling back, Roger replied, "Be careful, I might just take you up on that offer." Both laughed and joked as they continued on to their destination.

Unfortunately, their merriment was extinguished as the feline nurse approached them, seeming to be upset about something. "Kelly, what's wrong?" Ellie inquired, very concerned for the nurse she had grown close to.

The feline gave her a pitying look before explaining, "It's about your mansion-"

'Mansion,' Roger thought, 'how rich was she?'

"The police are holding it as evidence," the nurse continued, "Not only that, but there's also a legal document signed that says that the mansion really belongs to him, alone. So everything you own is either in the hands of the police, or belongs to your husband."

"What about my marital rights? Aren't they in effect?" Ellie argued.

Kelly sadly shook her head, "The document overrides that. I'm so sorry."

The mink stared blankly into space, despair taking over, "I don't have a home. I don't have a place to live. What am I going to do?"

Roger fell silent in pity over her predicament. Suddenly, an idea came to mind, one he felt obligated to voice. With a paw resting on her shoulder, he offered, "You could stay with me, if that's okay."

Without a second's delay, she embraced him fully, kissing all over his face, repeating, "Thank you, thank you, thank you so much." All three furs remained as they were; the coyote and mink holding each over close and a feline watching as the love between the two grew.

Later that evening, Ellie checked out of the hospital, having no more than superficial wounds, and followed Roger and he led her to his truck, which Jack had dropped off earlier. Both got inside and drove off toward the downtown area. As the drive slowly progressed, so did Roger's anxiety, 'What am I doing? She's going to hate my place. She was living in a mansion, and now she'll be stuck in my dingy apartment. She's going to hate me and think I'm some poor loser." By the time they got there, the coyote's paws were shaking in nervousness as he opened the truck door for her and made his way up the apartment building to his room. Slowly opening the door, he announced uneasily, "Here we are."

The breath caught in his throat as the mink stepped ahead of him and scanned the living area. Then, with a deep breath, she proclaimed, "It's comfy." A sigh of relief escaped him as he showed her to his room.

"You can sleep in my bed," he suggested as he pulled off the covers, "I'll take the couch. Wait a second and I'll get you new sheets." She sat down on the bare mattress and watched as he left the room. As he was out of sight, she made a closer inspection of her surroundings. It really was small, but that's how she liked it. She wasn't fond of anything flashy or expensive.

'Money must be tight,' she thought to herself. She made a mental note to chip in as much as she could; he deserved that much. "Thank you so much," she said as he returned, fresh bed covers in paws. Spreading them out onto the bed, he bid her goodnight. Before he could leave, however, she had leapt onto him and embraced him fully. "Thank you for everything," she repeated quietly, "and I'm willing to repay you in anyway you want. With this, she took a step back and opened her blouse, allowing it to fall off her shoulders, "Anyway."

Roger stood there, shocked at what she was offering him. He was transfixed by her beauty; her wavelike curves, her weightless breasts, her silky white fur shining in the light. He took a step forward, entranced by her. But when he saw her eyes, ones that showed need, but also fear and uncertainty, he stopped his advancement. She didn't want sex; she wanted someone to keep her close. "I'm sorry," he apologized, "but I can't do that to you, not under these circumstances. I hope you understand."

As his denial dawned on her, she took a step back, collapsing onto the bed. Becoming aware of her lack of a top, she vainly tried to cover herself with her arms, shame emanating from her being. Realizing what his response had done to her, he immediately sat beside her, holding her close, "Its okay, I'll still be here for you. No matter what, I'll always be by your side."

She hugged him back, crying into his chest, "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry." He gently laid her down onto the bed, himself right behind her. Both lay on his bed, her sniffling as he rocked her softly. Even as she was snoring lightly, he remained next to her, feeling just as lonely as she would without each other. Soon enough, his eyelids grew heavy and sleep overtook his fatigued form. In a last act of sub-consciousness, he threw his arm over her stomach and curled up behind her, falling soundly asleep.

Ellie was the first to wake the next morning by a paw stroking her stomach and breathe on her neck. She was surprised to find her host spooning with her, but was none the least alarmed. Instead she snuggled closer to his warm body, smiling softly, and enjoying the idle caressing on her belly. Roger woke up soon after, not fully remembering the previous night. At first, he just tightened his hug around the mink's waist, savoring the feel of the fur under his fingers. Then, realizing what he was doing, fell out of the bed with a yelp.

Ellie turned to see what the problem was, finding the coyote wide eyed and clutching his head, repeating, "Oh god, oh god, oh god. I'm so sorry; I don't even know how I got there. I didn't mean to sleep with you, honestly." Hanging his head in shame, he mumbled, "If you want to find another place to stay, I'll understand."

The mink just grinned back up at him, "Don't worry, nothing happened last night. In fact, that was the best sleep I had in a long time." This seemed to calm him down as he managed to return a smile. Suddenly remembering how nude she was, Roger turned around, in respect to her privacy, as she slipped a new top on. "Are you hungry," she asked from behind, "because I sure am."

"Uh, I'm not sure you're hungry for my kind of cooking," the coyote admitted sheepishly.

"Don't worry about it, I know how to work that metal box in the kitchen," she chided him playfully, "besides, I still need to repay you." Relenting, he allowed her to skip into the kitchen, following closely behind. Her giddiness, however, soon changed to a worried frown as she saw the sparse amount of food in the fridge and cabinets. Never the less, she made a descent breakfast of eggs and toast for them both. As they ate, though, she could help herself from prying, "Um, Roger... is there any particular reason your fridge is so empty?"

"Yeah," he replied, shifting uneasily in his seat, "I was kind of needing my check at work before I get more groceries." Shame took over as he began fiddling with his food on his plate.

Ellie put a comforting paw on his, confessing, "Hey, I can't say I wasn't there at one point in my life." This cheered him up some, a meek smile as an award for her comforting. Suddenly, she jumped up, yelping, "Oh my god! I forgot all about work! They're either going to be worried sick or mad as hell." Pulling her cell phone out of her pocket, she walked down the hall, making a quick call to her employer to explain her absence. A few minutes later, she returned, looking somewhat satisfied. "I explained what happened and my boss said that I can have the next few days off to recuperate," she explained to Roger.

"You seemed to have a much nicer boss than I do," Roger related, "If I had my arm cut off, he'd probably say I should've gotten it cut off while working. Both laughed out loud at his perception of his manager. "Speaking of which, where do you work, anyway?" he inquired.

Ellie seemed a little shocked by his question, "You don't recognize me?" He slowly shook his head, looking confused. She only returned with a sly grin, "You must be the only guy I know who isn't such a pervert. I'm a model for Fur's Embrace; a lingerie manufacturer." Saying this, she struck a pose, as if to prove her point.

Roger was awestruck, 'I have a lingerie model living in my apartment!' "I bet you make a fortune that way."

"It pays the bills," she said, winking, "and for a few other things." They talked and joked a little more, until Ellie finally offered, "You know I happen to have my credit card with me so, unless the police are holding my credit score as evidence, I can help get you some food for the week."

The coyote shook his head slowly, "I don't think I could accept such an offer. I can make do with what I get."

"You may have been able to support yourself, but I doubt you can for both of us," she scolded him, "You shouldn't protect your pride before your health, and I will not take no for an answer; now c'mon." Reluctantly, he allowed her to pull him out of the apartment to his truck.

The drive to the supermarket was short, but quiet. Roger was glad that she was helping him, but he wouldn't admit it. He was a proud fur, probably the main reason why he's where he's at, financially. Ellie knew what he was thinking and decided to remain silent, not wanting to push her luck.

Once they entered the parking lot, the coyote grabbed a shopping cart and followed the commanding mink as she passed through the aisles. As they progressed through the store, Roger became more and more worried about the growing load of food in the cart. 'Was she really planning on paying for all this?' he wondered to himself. After an hour of shopping, they eventually made their way to the cash registers.

Finding an open one, they unloaded their groceries onto the track, seeming to wake the young cashier. As he rung up their purchases, he constantly looked up and down the mink's body. Roger felt uneasy by his glances, but Ellie didn't seem to care in the least. As the hare scanned the last item, he suddenly spoke up, "I know where I've seen you. You're a model."

Grinning over her shoulder, she stated, "Told you." Turning back to the amazed teenager, she began to interrogate him, "I would like to know, however, why you are reading a Fur's Embrace catalogue. He was taken aback by her question, blushing furiously and looking down at his feet to avoid her gaze. She continued, unabated, "Now, what do you do when you see my picture, young man?"

Desperately trying to change the subject, he totaled the amount, "Th- That'll be $157.94."

"Jesus!" Roger gasped upon hearing the sum. The other two looked at him, quizzically. "Isn't that a bit much?" he tried to explain.

"I told you," she turned back to him, "I can afford it. I make almost six digits a year. You don't have to worry about running me dry." She continued to pay for their food, her card easily going through. As the cashier bid them a good day, the mink leaned over the counter and placed a soft kiss on his cheek, "Thanks for ringing us out, cutie." The two could barely contain their laughter from watching him run for the restrooms, his fingers twitching and his engorged sheath pressing into the front of his pants.

During their drive back, Roger was considering how to apologize. He had acted like a child back there and probably embarrassed the poor mink. After gathering a lot of courage, he turned to her and announced, "I'm sorry about how I acted back there. The last thing I intended was to embarrass or offend you. I guess I just have too much of a lower class perspective."

"It's alright," she assured him, "I understand. I was a bit flashy with my spending as well. I hope you'll forgive me." Emphasizing her own apology, she gave him the most innocent look of regret she could perform.

He couldn't help but laugh, adding, "Alright, I guess I could forgive you." The rest of the ride was much easier for both of them, owed to the weight of the tension being lifted.

A few minutes later, the truck pulled up in front of the apartment building. As they unloaded the groceries, Ellie contemplated the voice of her impulses. 'You can do this, you want to do this,' she thought to herself, 'You can't deny how you feel for him. You've wanted his dick since that kiss in the hospital. And you know he'll be just as eager to get inside you as well.'

Her deep thinking did not go unnoticed by Roger. He had seen her gaze of uncertainty as she looked into space. "You okay?" he asked, hoping he could resolve whatever's bothering her.

"What!" she started, startled by his voice breaking her train of thought, "Oh, um, I was just thinking about... what I wanted for dinner, tonight."

"Right, you figure out what you want?" he questioned again, settled by how trivial her problem was.

"Yeah," she answered, her mind made up, "I want you." With that, she forcefully pushed him onto the sofa, jumping on top his lap and holding him there.

The coyote felt uneasy about this and voiced his concern, "Are you sure you really want to do this?"

"Before, no," she confessed, licking under his chin, "But now... god yes!" Having calmed any worries felt, Roger joined in on the foreplay. He rubbed his groin into hers, enjoying her murrs of need as the jean fabric pressed into her sensitive skin. Wanting to return the favor, the mink opened her blouse, revealing her firm breasts and hard nipples.

Before any more actions could be taken, however, Ellie's cell phone started ringing in her purse. "Dammit," she whined piteously. She reluctantly picked herself off of the coyote and went to answer the intruding device, "Hello."

*Ellie, I need to talk to you about something,* it was her boss, sounding very upset. *I know that this is a bad time, especially with what happened to you, but corporate says I have to do this.*

"What's wrong," the mink asked, starting to get concerned.

*The thing is,* her manager continued, *earlier this morning, one of your co-workers mentioned that they smelled smoke coming from your locker. When they opened it up, they found a marijuana butt at the bottom.*

Ellie couldn't believe what she was hearing, "But... that's impossible! I don't smoke!"

*I know that, and I tried to explain that to corporate but they wouldn't listen. They- they want you fired immediately with any retirement benefits cut. I'm so sorry; I tried the best I could...*

The poor mink heard nothing more as the phone slipped from her grasp, crashing to the floor. Roger entered to see what had happened, finding the mink motionless, in shock, with an expression of extreme distraught on her face. All she could say was, "I'm fired," before she collapsed to the floor, the grief overtaking her.

The coyote immediately crouched down beside her, holding her close and comforting her. As she lay there crying, he began whispering calming words to sooth her anguish, "Don't worry, Ellie, everything's going to be okay. Things will work themselves out; they always do. Until then, I take care of whatever you need. I promise you." Although still crying softly, she allowed herself to be picked up and carried to the bed. After gently setting down onto the mattress, he laid himself down beside her, keeping her company through this ordeal. As he began to get comfortable, he felt an arm fall across his chest and a leg wrap around one of his own. Seeing her cuddle up next to him, put the coyote at ease, allowing him to drift peacefully off to sleep as she had.

Roger woke up the next morning by the warmth on the side of his body. Turning to his side, he found a delicate mink curled up to his side, squirming slightly and yawning as she too began to wake. Seeing his loving gaze, she grinned at him, inquiring, "Aren't you going to run?"

"Nah," he smiled back at her, "I kind of like it here." Moving his arm to around her shoulders, he pulled her closer and placed a gentle kiss on her forehead.

"You know, since I don't have a paycheck coming anytime soon, I was thinking that we should go to the bank and withdrawal some cash. My credit card won't last forever." Noting his nod of approval, she also added, "But let's wait till later. I kind of like it here too." The two furs remained in the bed, savoring each other's warmth and presence. After another hour of cuddling, they forced themselves out of bed and to get ready for the day.

Ellie made a quick, but delicious, breakfast for the two of them before they left the apartment for the bank. Upon entering, Roger instantly felt out of place. It was a bank that only the richest in the city could afford. With marble floor and walls, decorative carpentry for the counters, even a lounge area to read up on stocks made up the buildings interior. As having so few clients, the bank teller quickly recognized the mink that approached the desk, "Why hello there, Elloise. I haven't seen you here in quite some time. How have you been?"

"Surviving," she replied simply.

As if noticing the coyote for the first time, the teller asked, "Is this a friend of your's?"

Smiling widely, Ellie answered, "Sort of. I'm staying with him at the moment."

"What about your husband, does he know about this?" he questioned, a little concerned.

With some remorse edging into her voice, the white fur dismissed the question, "You'll understand when you hear about it."

Getting back to business, the teller went through the standard procedure, "Deposit or withdrawal?"

"Withdrawal," Ellie responded handing the teller the appropriate slip.

The teller typed away at the computer. It seemed to take longer than usual and the progressively intensified frown meant that something was not right, "I'm sorry but I'm reading zero in your savings account. In fact, there's nothing in both accounts. Did you forget about an earlier withdrawal, perhaps?"

"No," the mink replied, obviously confused, "I don't understand how that can be. It has got to be a mistake. Could there have been a computer error?"

"Let me check the records," the teller offered. After some more typing and clicking, she finally came to a conclusion, "Alright, let's see here. Here it is. There was a large withdrawal a few days ago by your husband, the cosigner of the accounts.

Ellie stared at the fur in shock as the meaning of the words sank in, "That son of a bitch robbed me."

Behind her, Roger snarled in rage, "That's it, I'm going down to that prison and kicking his ass!"

As he stormed out of the bank with the mink chasing after him, the two left the teller to wonder, "Prison?"

Before the coyote could reach his truck, Ellie yelled out to him from behind, "Roger, wait!" He waited at the door and watched her catch up. "You can't just go to the prison and beat him shitless," she explained, "Besides, it won't do any good. He's either hidden the money in the house or some other place where I can't find it."

Roger nodded in understanding, "Yeah, I guess you're right. Let's just go back to my place." As Ellie hopped into the truck, Roger started it up and pulled out of the parking lot, heading back to the apartment. During the drive, he glanced over at the mink to see her staring idly out the window, who only saw the thoughts that ran through her mind. Knowing exactly what she was thinking, the coyote reached over to stroke her shoulder, "Don't worry, everything will work itself out. After the trial, you'll get back that big mansion and all your possessions left inside. You can appeal to the company for your job back; I'm sure everyone you work with will vouch for you. As for the money, your husband probably hid it at your place, where it's easiest to maintain. You're going to be alright." Ellie was greatly comforted by his words. Sliding up beside him, she rested her head on his shoulder, watching the buildings and streets pass by them.

Both were silent as they pulled up to the apartment and headed inside. It remained so when they flopped down onto the couch, resting from the stress the day had put them through. Ellie was the first to break the quiet by turning to Roger and simply asking, "Do you love me?"

He was stunned by such a direct question. Looking back at her, all he could utter was, "What?"

"I was just wondering," She explained slowly, "if you felt the same way I did."

All the feelings he held back - all the words and actions - could finally be released. As simply as she had asked, he replied, "Yes, I do." The two looked into each other's eyes, seeing each other's souls, longing to be together forever. At once, they threw themselves into the other's embrace, kissing deeply, lovingly. The barriers of their emotions were knocked down as they became lost in the kiss.

Freeing her mouth for a second, Ellie suggested, "Let's take this to the bedroom." Wrapping her legs around his waist, she was quickly carried to the other room and thrown onto the bed. In no time at all, she was covered by Roger's body, kissing more passionately. She soon felt his paws slide underneath her blouse and grope her breasts. Gasping at his touch, she arched her back into his tender grip. In moments, they had stripped each other's clothing off, fondling their partner's more sensitive areas. The coyote sighed as her paws fondled his cock out of his sheath to full erection. Shifting himself down her body, he spread her thighs apart with ease and started lapping at her drooling slit. Moaning loudly, the mink grabbed his ears and pulled his head closer into her crotch, her arousal doubling every second. Encouraged by her panting, he forced his tongue past her lips, licking at the rippling flesh within. Groaning in lust, she pushed his muzzle deeper between her legs, yelping at his cold nose pressed into her clit. Hearing her panting louder and harder, the coyote pried himself away from her groin, leaving her just under her peak. "Fuckin' tease," she whimpered in need, her hips bucking slightly.

"You know you love it," he breathed into her ear, "and I know that you're going to love this." Straightening up, he took one of her legs and set it on top his shoulder. Sidling up between her wide spread legs, he rubbed the tapered point of his cock over her opening. The mink vainly moved her hips, desperate for penetration. Deciding he had tortured her enough, the coyote deftly thrust his hips forward, sliding his cock into her to the hilt.

Ellie cried out in rapture at being filled. Both remained as they were, basking in the feeling of coupling with their lover so intimately. Although it didn't take long for Roger to start receding from her depths, only to piston forward vigorously. The mink yelped in surprised delight at being taken so forcefully. The way her legs were spread so far greatly increased the friction between their flesh, causing them to grunt and moan in pleasure. Her breasts began to bounce and jiggle as the coyote pumped faster, drive in harder. Their panting became more labored as the ecstasy inside them grew. Moving his paws from her hips to wrap around her raised leg, he pulled her in even closer with each deeper thrust. Ellie returned the gesture by swinging her free leg behind his backside, pulling him closer still with every in-stroke.

Both lovers were so close to climax. With one final plunge, Roger dug his shaft as deep inside her as he could, sinking his knot inside and gyrating his hips against hers. Ellie shrieked in orgasmic bliss, he inner muscles clenching spasmodically around his swollen meat, her juices running down her thighs. The coyote gave a few more quick jabs before releasing his cum, his seed traveling as far down her tunnel as it could.

As the afterglow set in, Roger rolled his mate on top of him, being far too exhausted to try and pull out. Ellie was already asleep, all the energy drained from her body. A few minutes later found the coyote unconscious as well, joining her in her dreams of love and passion.

A single tear escaped his eye as the coyote remembered those first days with her, and all the days after. It had been two months since they mated, and almost nothing had changed. The trial against her husband was still pending and her former employer had yet to authorize the appeal. The only difference was that the mink's credit card was no longer useable, maxing out a few days ago. Leaning in close, Roger lightly kissed her on the back of her neck and whispering, "I'm sorry," before slipping out of the bed.

Slipping into the kitchen, he searched for the hidden bottle of whiskey and shot glass, taking a quick sip as he headed to the couch. Every night for the past two weeks, Roger had been feeling more and more responsible for Ellie's ordeal. He was beginning to believe that she would be much better off without him, even if she didn't agree. Filling the glass, he downed it in one gulp, suppressing a cough that followed. Over the past few days, he had devised a plan that would take care of all her problems. The next day, he would go through with it, no matter the cost to himself.

A few hours later, he heard the mattress shifting and quickly hid the alcohol. Just as they were concealed, Ellie appeared at the doorway, "You're up early again? I'm starting to get lonely in the morning."

"I just got up a few moments before you," he lied, "No big deal."

As he spoke, the mink picked up the smell of alcohol on his breath. 'I knew he was getting more depressed lately but this,' she thought glumly, 'I need to find out what's upsetting him soon.' Walking up to him, she drew him close and kissed him deeply, "Good morning."

"Good morning to you to," he answered back, taken a little by surprise by her greeting.

"I'll always be here for you," she went on, "you can trust me with anything, remember that."

Roger looked away, shameful of her generosity when he had so little to return. "I got to go do something," he informed her, heading to the exit.

"I'll go with you," Ellie stated, searching for her jacket.

"No," he stopped her, "that's okay. I need to do this myself." Before he closed the door, he called out to her, just above a whisper, "I love you, Elloise." She just stood there, worrying about his plans that he needed to take care of without her.

"Okay sir, just sign here and we'll be done," announced the teller. Roger stared for a moment at the paper. It was a life insurance policy as well as his key to helping his mate.

"Can you go over it one more time," the coyote asked, "I just want make sure I understand everything.

Looking slightly impatient, the bank teller repeated, "It's quite simple. This life insurance policy will financially aid the sole beneficiary when you die. According to the policy you chose, they will gain a million dollars. That also means that the bill will be quite high. Are you sure you can keep up with the payments? Roger answered by swiftly signing the marked areas and handing the paper back. "Congratulations," the teller exclaimed, "you are now insured."

Returning to his truck, Roger drove directly to the bar, intent on completing his plan. The grizzly bear stared at the entering coyote as if he had seen a ghost, "Roger, is that you?" A small nod removed any doubt. "Jesus Christ, man! I haven't seen you in ages."

"Regular, please," Roger requested.

It took some time for the grizzly to remember what that was. With it finally coming to mind, Jack put together the drink while he idly talked to his long lost customer, "In fact, the last time I did see you was when we helped out that mink. What ever happened to her, anyway?"

Taking a swig of his drink, the coyote replied, "She's living at my place."

"No shit," the bartender was startled by his friend's luck before continuing, "You know ever since that day, I can't help but think that I've seen her before - like she's famous or something."

Roger couldn't help but chuckle at the remark and mutter under his breath, "What do you get in the mail?" Drinking the last bit left in his mug, the coyote set it on the counter, ordering, "Another one, Jack..."

An hour of steady drinking and catching up had past. The bar's occupants had begun to dwindle. All that remained now was a more sinister crowd, as well as Jack and Roger. The coyote's steady alcohol intake was finally taking effect. His senses were becoming impaired as he started swaying slightly in his stool. None the less, he recklessly brought the mug down onto the counter, "Another one... Jack."

The bartender gave his customer a concerned look, "I don't think so, man. You've had more than enough. If I let you go on and anything happened to you, it'd be my head."

"C'mon," the coyote pleaded groggily. He had a feeling that a few more would be enough for his plan.

Unfortunately, Jack was unrelenting, "Sorry Roger."

The drunken canine slumped heavily in his stool. He was going to have to think of another way to do this. Turning around, he scanned the crowd that was left. Finally, he spotted the biggest, most menacing looking guy there. Glancing over his shoulder, he asked the bartender, "Who's the ugly fuck over there?"

Looking to where his friend was motioning, he answered with a grim demeanor, "That is K9, as he calls himself. I'm actually just about to ban him from my bar. He's done so many things here; I'd kill him if I had the chance." Leaning closer so only the two could hear the discussion, he added, "He's actually bragging about how many women and children he took advantage of."

Roger's mind was made up. Stumbling from his stool, he made his way to the hulking dog. He remained where he was, not moving, until his presence finally got his target's attention. It took some time for the sinister canine to notice the substantially smaller coyote. Turning from his buddies, he addressed the bold intruder, "Can I help you?"

"Yeah," Roger replied, "I hear that you do some nasty things to other furs."

Smirking, the dog straightened up proudly, "What? You want to hear a story?"

The coyote solemnly shook his head, "No, I'm here to put you in your place."

The crowd howled in laughter. Tears of mirth were streaming down K9's eyes, "Are you fuckin' kidding me?" Seeing the seriousness in his eyes, the dog got out of his chair, his form towering over his pathetic counterpart, "Alright, let's do it."

Five minutes later and the crowd were doubled over in laughter. K9 was prancing around the bar in mockery of his opponent, who staggered back to his feet. Roger's look was one of horror. He had bruises all over his face and body and bleeding in some places. There was also a considerable chance that something was broken. "Alright," the dog stuttered between fits of laughter, "I believe that's enough damage done for one evening. Let's go guys."

Roger stumbled after him, "Hey! I'm not through with you!" Smirking, the canine whipped around and delivered a blow the knocked out the poor coyote. Standing over the unconscious form, he grabbed the hem of the still form and prepared his final blow.

Click Click. Everyone looked up to see the grizzly bear shouldering a huge shotgun. With a fire burning in his eyes, he declared dangerously, "Now I want you out of my bar immediately. And if you ever come back, I swear to god I will blow holes into every single one of you. Got it? Now get out."

All of the dog's friends were scrambling over each other to get through the exit. K9, however, was not intimidated. With an evil grin, he yelled back, "The fuck you going to do, shoot me?" Without any hesitation, he took a daring step forward.

Jack responded by shooting a slug into the approaching threat. Ignoring the cries of pain, he called out, "The next time, I won't miss." The dog took the hint and limped out through the door. Convinced that the danger had passed, the bear rushed over to his downed friend, grabbing the phone along the way and dialing 911. "Hello? Yeah, I got someone here who's been severely beaten. I need an ambulance here as soon as possible. I'm at Jack's bar in the downtown area. Hurry!"

Everywhere Roger looked, all he could see was black. He couldn't discern the floor from the ceiling. Actually, he couldn't tell if there was a floor or ceiling. If was as if he were floating through a void of nothingness. As panic began to grip his heart, he noticed a faint light out on the horizon. The shining fragment of hope broke through the despair that was closing around him. Reaching out, he struggled toward the illuminating point, drawing closer as it grew brighter. Soon the light consumed his body and soul, carrying him to another realm. As the glow flooded his mind, the last thing he heard ringing in his ears was the faint voice of his one beloved, 'Roger...'

His bleary eyes opened up to meet a figure standing over him, "Welcome, Roger."

Squinting his eyes to the white surroundings, he managed to utter, "Am I dead?"

He heard the figure chuckle, "No, you're very much alive. You should thank your friend for that." The bruises on him masked his disappointed look.

Soon, his eyes became adjusted to the brightness. He recognized the emergency room, as well as the nurse looming over him, "Kelly?"

The feline giggled a little, "So you remember me - how sweet." As she said this, Roger attempted to raise himself to a sitting position. However, the feline was quick to push him back down onto his back, "Hey... hey. You should take it easy. With what happened to you, you put us through hell yesterday."

Lying back down, the coyote suddenly clutched his head, groaning in pain, "My head is killing me!"

The nurse gazed down at him sympathetically, "That is to be expected, either from the beating you took or a hang over from all the alcohol you consumed. We were afraid that it would be too much for your body to handle. In fact, we lost a pulse for a moment. During those few minutes, Ellie was a screaming wreck..."

At the mention of his mate, Roger's eyes shot open, "Oh my god! Wh-where Ellie?"

"I'm right here," said a soft voice. The mink appeared at his other side, wearing a smile of relief and worry. "Welcome to the land of the living," she announced quietly bending over to kiss him, "Don't ever do that again."

Over the next few days, Roger remained in his bed while the hospital staff ran tests and checked his vitals. Ellie remained at his side the entire time, although she wouldn't say a single word. It was as if she was healing as he was. The time then came for him to check out, having revived almost completely. As he and his mate were at the door, they heard their Kelly approach them, "Hey, Roger." He stopped and turned his attention to her. Seeing that she had his attention, she continued, "I just wanted to warn you. I know that it's really cliché but, prepare to be sore tomorrow. The coyote nodded in understanding and was about to leave before she added, "Also I was wondering if, um..." she started to blush slightly, "if your friend, Jack, is seeing anyone?"

Chuckling slightly, he returned, "I'll make sure to break his leg so you can meet him, okay?" He left her giggling at his joke with a glimmer of hope in her eyes.

The ride home was deathly silent; leaving Roger feeling ashamed at how the past events turned out and Ellie guilty at whatever she may have done to cause this. The mink had offered to drive as he was still recovering and very sore. Throughout the entire trip, she frequently chanced a glance at him, trying to discern his thoughts. Meanwhile, the coyote constantly attempted to hide his depression. Still, neither spoke a word. Only the rattling of the rusty engine sounded through the night.

Stopping in front of the apartment, both got out as quietly as they could and made their way inside. While doing so, they would often peek to the one beside them, only to look away as their eyes met. Entering the living area, Ellie sat down at the couch while Roger continued to the kitchen. Before he could reach the doorway, however, he was stopped by four words, "We need to talk."

The coyote sighed as he nodded, turning to face his persistent mate, "Alright," he replied solemnly.

He slowly made his way over next to her on the sofa. At first, she said nothing, just taking his paw in hers and stroking it softly with her thumb pad, gazing deeply into his eyes to his soul. After the eternal pause, she finally asked, "What's wrong?" Before he could claim any denial, she persisted, "I don't like what's been happening to you lately. The depression, the late night drinking," Roger cringed slightly at that, "and now bar fights; why are you doing this to yourself."

The coyote wanted to refute everything she said - to claim that it all was just a momentary lapse in character - but he knew he couldn't lie to her any longer. Finally breaking down, he started to sob into his paws. Through his veil of tears, he choked out his story, "I'm sorry... about everything. Ever since you met me, your life has gotten worse. You were raped, evicted, fired, robbed, and overall humiliated... and there wasn't a single thing that I could do to help. You just deserve better than me." Ellie was held in place, stunned by how he thought about her. Nevertheless, he continued, "So the other day, I went to the bank and filed for a life insurance policy where you were the sole beneficiary. That means if anything happened to me, you would receive a million dollars in insurance. It's the only way I can think to be of some use to you."

The mink couldn't believe what she was hearing, "You were going to get yourself killed so that I would get some cash?" She hugged his weeping form close, "Why would you do that - and why would you think that." He looked up at her through bleary eyes, wondering what she meant. A soft smile spread upon her lips as she delicately wiped away a tear, "You have done more for me than anyone else ever could have. You gave me love, and that's all I ever want or need. If I had to choose between living in this dingy apartment with you or alone in an empty mansion, then the choice would be easy. I love you and forever will."

Roger returned the embrace fully, calming down to whimpers by her reassurance and understanding. Slowly, without either realizing it, Ellie gently laid her mate onto his back, opening his shirt button by button. She deftly removed her own clothing and was about to undo his pants when he held her still, looking a little nervous. Knowing exactly what was running through his mind, she eased his uneasiness, saying, "Don't worry - I know how to do this without going too hard on your body. Trust me."

He gradually released his hold and allowed her to take over. She finished what she had started with his clothing and started to tease his cock from its warm cover. She finally had it exposed and fully erect with much ease. Straddling his hips, she looked to him longingly, asking without saying. His loving gaze was all the response she needed before allowed gravity to ease her down onto his shaft. Both were panting by the time their hips met, keeping still and savoring such an intimate connection. Then the mink began to work in a way that made her mate gasp in surprising pleasure. Her body remained still as a statue, but her inner muscles were used in such pleasant ways, rippling and clenching his pole with varying tempos and patterns. All the coyote could do was hold her close, panting and groaning from such an exotic form of lovemaking. But he dared not move his hips, lest he break the trance that both were held in.

He could feel himself get pulled in closer to his climax by the waves from her depths. The cascades of bliss were rushing up to crash over his willing body, and pull his spirit out into the ocean of paradise. He reached his head down to meet hers, kissing her as tenderly as he did their first. His orgasm hit as his muzzle away. Unlike the crash he was expecting, the pleasure flowed over his being, the ecstasy warming every molecule of his existence. He felt himself handing his sole to his partner, and not feeling an ounce of regret. It may not have been his most powerful climax, but it was, by far, the most incredible.

Ellie sighed deeply as she knew her mate was getting close, herself not far behind. Unlike every other time, his didn't tense up but relax into his climax. It was becoming increasingly difficult to control herself as the pleasure built. Then, as he kissed her so warmly, she felt her inner muscles tremble from the experience. With his seed flowing like liquid delight, she relented into her orgasmic instincts - squeezing his cum closer to her core. The feeling that spread throughout her was one to match the coyote's. The heated love swelled from her inside out, the passion flowing over every inch of her frame. She willingly threw her essence high into the air for her lover to catch, a trade with his own.

This new form of orgasm left them feeling more energized in the afterglow. Even so, the two stayed as they were, cuddling close to each other. As he affectionately stroked her back, Roger whispered into her ear, "I love you, forever and ever."

Her response was just as faint, "I love you, forever and ever."

My first major work, I got to say that I'm quite proud of it. Sorry it took so long, but I often believe in quality over anything else. As always, tell me how you feel. The good, the bad, the ugly, I want to hear it all. With this feat accomplished, I'll finally be able to get to work on my other ideas that won't take so long, so keep a lookout.

Need for Speed

Need for Speed I told you I'd keep the series going. You should know the drill by now, considering my series. No underage cubs or any of you who dislikes underage, anthropomorphic yiffing. Are you still here? Alright, onto the story... There...

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Winning or Losing - B

Winning or Losing (Ending B) Cubs, look away now. Only if you are eighteen will your eyes be able to cope with the following adult content without bursting into flames! Its for your own safety. Same goes for those against teenage anthro...

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Winning or Losing - A

Winning or Losing (Ending A) Cubs, look away now. Only if you are eighteen will your eyes be able to cope with the following adult content without bursting into flames! Its for your own safety. Same goes for those against teenage anthro...

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