Winning or Losing - A

Story by Bubba on SoFurry

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#2 of You Decide

Winning or Losing

(Ending A)

Cubs, look away now. Only if you are eighteen will your eyes be able to cope with the following adult content without bursting into flames! Its for your own safety. Same goes for those against teenage anthro sexuality, you will not like this. Enjoy the second half to the 'You Decide' series. You should, you chose this one. But before you do, read Part 1, The Bet, or this won't make much sense.

Black paw shook white, making official the largest bet ever placed in Anthropolis High. Weasel and snow leopard grinned at each other, knowing full well how high the stakes were. Ryan was the first to break the silence, "Well, if you want to get started on it, Kayla's sitting right over there," pointing at the cheerleader's lunch table. Tory nodded back and headed toward the rabbit, and his fate. Ryan called after him, mockingly, "Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow!" As soon as the young feline was out of earshot, the weasel nodded to his friends left at their own table, "And... go," signaling for them to swarm out to all the other tables, relating news of upcoming events.

Tory continued on, oblivious to the spreading word behind him, as he got closer to the cheerleader. He was quite nervous to go through with this. Even when leaving out the repercussions of failure, talking to someone like her made his fur stand on end. She was, by how most thought, way out of his league. She was the popular, preppy cheerleader- and he was the new kid. Still, he went on, determined to win the bet, and to not humiliate himself the next day. He approached her from behind, not wanting to bring too much attention to himself. As he stood behind her, he gathered enough nerves to reach a shaky paw out and lightly tap her on the shoulder, "E- Excuse me?"

The rabbit turned around to discover who the intruder was. "Yes," she inquired, her eyes bore into him, almost causing him to flee right there, but he managed to stand his ground.

After many failed attempts to start, he finally was able to explain to her, "I've been meaning to ask you something. I know I've only been here a couple of days and that we haven't really talked to each other, but you seemed like a really nice person and... and I was wonder if we could get together and get to know each other?"

"You mean, like a date," she clarified, curtly. He gulped visibly, trying to calm down his nerves. She was about to say no, preparing to shatter his world, but something about him intrigued her. Guys like him normally couldn't handle being this close to her, let alone talk to her. And she also wasn't the stuck-up bitch most furs considered her. Deciding to play along, she replied smoothly, "Sure, why not. Pick me up at seven?"

"Really!" he exclaimed, trying to hide his excitement but his tail gave him away, "Alright. Yeah, that will work. See you then." Turning to leave, he felt his heart flutter.

Kayla's friend turned to her, asking, "What was that all about?"

"I don't know," she answered, eyeing the retreating feline, "but I will find..."

Later that day found Trisha and Sara outside the school, laughing hysterically as their newest victim fled, a considerable bulge behind his zipper. Standing behind them, Kayla tried to get their attention, "Hey, girls?"

Interrupted by their fun, the two spun around to face the intruder, only to meet a cheerleader. Becoming more casual, Sara greeted back, "Hey, what's up?'

"I need to talk to you," she addressed them, "about your friend, Tory."

The sound of their new friend's name sent the twins into a fit of giggles, getting a lot more comfortable with the conversation. Trisha started, "What about him?"

"The thing is," the rabbit continued, "is that he just asked me out."

"So," Trisha implied simply, "you got lucky. You don't necessarily need us to tell you that."

She shook her head, stating, "What I'm getting at is - now don't take this the wrong way, but - guys like him don't exactly ask me out on the spot. They usually freak out when I look at them. I just want to know what he's up to."

The skunkettes' playfulness ended abruptly. Sara scowled at her, replying, "If you really want to know what's going on, then why don't pull your head out of your ass and see for yourself. You'll see that Tory is a good guy, a lot better than you deserve."

Kayla tried to plead with them, "That's not what I meant. What I said was-"

"No!" Trisha interrupted, "You know what, she right. Tory doesn't deserve you or any of this." Turning to her sister, she said, "C'mon, Sara," as they walked away. Kayla was just barely able to understand, "Let's go tell Ryan that it's off."

'I knew there was more to this.' She thought to herself, 'now to get to the bottom of this.' Getting home, she quickly changed and was on the phone. A few calls to her friends and some other classmates found her the entire story. Slumped on her bed, she walked through it in her head again, 'So, Tory made a bet with his friends to go out with me and lose his virginity to me. If he does, he gets bragging rights. If he doesn't, he's going to be one sad, little kitty.'

Before she could go over it more in-depth, she felt a familiar tingling. Looking over at her calendar and seeing the time of month, she groaned out in frustration, "Dammit, Now? Don't I have enough going on at the moment?" She reached over to her bedside table drawer containing one of her toys when she noticed the time, "Fuck! I guess I'll deal with it later." Getting up, she prepared herself for what she expected to be a very long date.

A knock sounded at Ryan's door. 'Wonder who that could be,' the weasel thought as he made his way to the front of the house. Opening the door, he found Trisha and Sara, who seemed to have a lot on their mind. Grinning, he leaned himself against the doorway, "What can I help you two with?"

"We need you," they replied, each taking an arm and pulling him inside.

"Whoa, girls!" he exclaimed. He knew of them being direct, but never this much. He tried reasoning with them, "My parents are still here. Can't we take this somewhere else?"

They both gave him a disgusted scowl as they let him go. "Not that, you perv," Trisha smacked him in the back of the head, "It's about the bet."

"Oh," he shook his head of the lasting previous thoughts, "alright, let's go up to my room and talk about it." He led them up the stairs to his bedroom, which they had become quite familiar with before. Plopping down on his bed, he inquired, "So, what's this about? You want to start a pot, or something?"

Shaking her head, Sara corrected him, "We need you to call it off."

Ryan sat there, shocked. These skunkettes never wanted to call off a bet, especially ones that involved someone getting yiffed. That's what they were known for in school. "You're kidding?" He tried to confirm what he though he may have imagined, "Why would I do that? Why would you want to do that? You know that I never call off a bet unless someone could get seriously hurt."

Sara began to argue with him, "That girl is a total bitch..."

"That's the idea," he countered, "It needs to be a challenge. If I bet him to get inside you two, he'd have won it, like, fifty times by now." The twins glared resentfully at his last remark. "Sorry," he apologized.

"We think she might know about the bet," Trisha clarified.

The weasel stared at the twins in understanding of what a mess the wager had become. "Fuck!" he yelled out, "How could this have happened?"

"Well, we did tell about half the school," Sara pointed out, matter-of-factly. "Anyone with more than two friends would know by now."

Trisha continued for her sister, "There's no way he can pull this off. I mean, she is going on the date with him, but that's all the closer she let him get." She also spat out, "I bet she'll even play him around first, the bitch."

After a lot of thought, he finally declared helplessly, "You're right, he's got no chance. I guess I'll call him and let him know - wait. What time does his date start?" He looked to the girls for an answer.

"I think I heard him say seven," Sara replied.

Ryan looked over at the clock, reading six thirty. Dread filled his voice as he reached for his phone, "Dammit, dammit, dammit! I hope I can catch him in time." With hurried fingers, he punched in the digits.

"Is it really that necessary...? You're sure... No, it's not that, it's just that I'm still new there... Okay... Okay... Yeah, I'll be right over." Sighing, she cursed under her breath. She walked over to the stairway and called up, "Tory, honey? I need to head back to work, alright?" A yell of understanding reached her ears. Grinning, she called back in a teasing tone, "Have fun on your little date." She was happy that he was becoming more social at his new school, not that he wasn't at their previous home.

He ignored his mother's taunts and went back to preparing himself. "Toiletries - check. Decent cloths - check. Money for dinner - check. Alright, I guess I'm ready." As he went down the stairs, he heard his mother pulling out of the driveway. With a last look over and psyching himself up for this he headed for the door, the sound of it closing followed almost instantly by the phone ringing. With no one to answer it, it went right to the message machine...

*Tory, you there. It's Ryan, and I need to tell you that the bet is off, alright? Do not go through with the date, you don't have to. I hope you hear this in time.*

Tory quickly made his way to his date's house, all the while wondering of the night's possibilities. He also ran through his mind his plan of action. First, he would take a nice walk with her through the park on their way to the restaurant. Once they got there and were seated, he would eat and talk casually with her, get to know her better as she got to know him. After an hour or so of conversation, he would subtly ask her questions of a more interesting topic, sneakily leading her into the idea of yiffing him. From there, he would let her take over. It was a pathetic plan, but it was also the only one he could think of. Before he realized it, he was standing in front of Kayla's house. Taking a deep breath to calm his nerves, he reached out and rang the doorbell.

"Here goes nothing," she sighed, making sure that she had looked over everything. Opening the door, she found the snow leopard standing there, waiting patiently, 'He pulls himself together quite well,' she thought to herself.

Tory looked up to the sound of the opening entrance and gazed at the figure standing inside it. "Wow," he managed to utter.

"You too," she smirked as she got beside him. Finally composing himself, he turned toward the stoop and held his paw out to her. Accepting his offering, they both descended the steps and walked down the sidewalk. "So what's the plan, then?" she asked, demanding but polite.

He turned his head to face her, "I was thinking that we could pass through the park on our way to the Italian restaurant a few blocks away."

"You're already doing better than most guys I've dated," she concluded as she cuddled closer to his arm, becoming more relaxed. The trip through the park was overall uneventful, but still a nicer surrounding than buildings and sidewalks. Two blocks later, they were entering the restaurant. With the reservation Tory had called in for earlier, they were immediately seated.

So far, Kayla's heat, much to her relief, had not bothered her too badly on their way there. But as she sat in the firm cushioned seat, she couldn't help but shudder at the pressure on her oversensitive genitals. "You okay," the snow leopard asked, noticing the slight tremor.

"Yes, I'm fine," she assured him, picking up the menu and scrolling through its contents. Searching over her one last time, he shrugged it off and reached for his own menu. As they ate and ordered their food, they began to talk about themselves. The rabbit was actually surprised by how much she got involved in the conversation. They continued to talk long after the check was paid for. He was a lot nicer than she first suspected. 'Maybe this whole bet thing was just a rumor,' she considered in her head. It didn't take long for her to be proved wrong.

Soon, the conversation died down. As she heard him pause, she noticed something else coming from him. It was far too faint for anyone else in the room to catch, but the heat driven perception of the rabbit sitting there easily detected the musky scent of an excited feline. "May I ask you something?" he finally spoke up. Broken from her train of lustful thought, she focused on him, a signal to proceed. He took a gentle hold of her paw. 'So soft,' he thought to himself. Breaking from his momentary gaze, he began to explain, "I'm not sure if you would agree, but during this time with you I've felt like I've connected with you on some level."

Hearing this, she briefly interrupted, "Yeah, I did too. I honestly didn't think I would, but I did."

Confidence building at these words, he finally proposed, "Now, I don't mean to be too forward, but I was hoping we could start a serious relationship."

In her lust addled consciousness, she barely understood what he really meant. "Wait," she stopped him, "before you go any farther, I have to tell you - I know about the bet."

Tory froze in his chair, 'How did she find out? What gave him away?' "I'm so sorry," he apologized, "I should have never done this. I should never have treated you like this. You deserve better than-"

She brought her paw up to halt him, midway. She stood up off her chair, towering over his quivering form. "The only thing that's keeping my from slapping you across the muzzle right now," she raised her voice, "is the heat I'm in right now." Grabbing his wrist, she pulled him from his chair and out the restaurant, "Now you've got to help me with it."

He kept up with her, eagerly, on their return trip. As they were passing through the park, he began to ask her, "Are you sure about this? Were do you want to do it at, my place or yours?"

His questioning had pushed her too far. Through clenched teeth she whispered to herself, "Can't take it anymore." Aided by her physical need, the rabbit grabbed his shoulders and bodily threw him over a bush, jumping after him. Crouching in front of his laying form, she quickly tore open his pants, beholding his bulging sheath. Tory watched wide eyed as his shaft slid out into waiting paws. Immediately, the rabbit began to work the penis to full hardness, stroking it vigorously up and down. As soon as she had it how she wanted it, she put the entire pole of meat into her watering maw. 'Been too long,' the regret passed through her mind for an instant while she licked around the flesh.

Tory, on the other hand, regretted never doing this before. It was so many times better than masturbating, the way she looked up at him as her head bobbed, how she flicked her tongue over the tip of his head, how she bit down lightly when she deep-throated him. It was so good, too good. All too soon, his testicles pulled up close to his body and his claws gouged into the ground. Thrusting his hips once, he released his load into her thirsting mouth. She swallowed it, at first, but then pulled it out and let the lat bit drizzle onto her face. She loved the feeling of it sinking into her fur.

"That's a good start," she stated, standing up. Shortly afterward, the snow leopard stood as well. Seeing the mess on her face, he pulled out his handkerchief and offered it to her. "Thank you," she accepted as she cleaned her face off and handing it back. From there, it became a race as they rushed to her home, her leading him to her room.

She locked the door and pounced on her date, kissing him passionately and removing both their clothing. Suddenly, she broke the kiss and jumped onto the bed. She got down onto all fours, her tail fluffing out and her but wiggling at him, inviting him. Looking over her shoulder, she traded, "I'll take your virginity if you take me." Tory needed no second bidding, joining her on the bed and situating himself behind her. Shaking with anticipation, he held onto her trembling hips and aligned his cock head with her lips. Wasting no more time, he drew her back as he moved forward.

His shaft slid easily into her depths, aided by the precum oozing from her pussy and his tip. When his meat disappeared entirely inside her, he held her there, enjoying the pressure on his organ. He was in heaven. Ten minutes ago, he thought nothing could beat a blowjob. He had no idea how good it would get. He began massaging her ass, making her coo, and then slowly dragged his member out. With only the head encased in her mound, he roughly speared back inside her. Kayla moaned out at the intensity of his yiffing, rocking back against him as he thrust in. Their pace was quickly set, the squeaking of the violently shaking bed being drowned out by her screams of rapture. Getting caught up in the action, the panting snow leopard reached out and grabbed her ears, adding more power to his ramming. No longer able to be muffled, the white rabbit's wails echoed clearly throughout the house. Tory kept slapping it into her, regardless.

After a lot more rutting, his movements became jerkier. Knowing what this meant, the lapin encouraged him, "That's right baby! Cum inside me! Come on! CUM!" With her screams ringing in his ears, he pushed in as much as he could, pulling on her ears as if they were reigns. His own yell of climax joined hers as his semen snaked into her contracting tunnel. They held still as he emptied the last of his seed. Finally, they slumped down, exhausted.

With a satisfied grin, she turned to face him, "You know, I'd ask if you're wanted to go again, but I don't know if you're ready." Tory suddenly caught his second wind at hearing this, pulling her atop him and letting her set the pace. Lowering her body down in a straddle split onto his freshly unsheathed cock, she rode him as a true cheerleader. She threw her head back, yelling, as he pulled her down harder, amazed at her flexibility. Planting his feat, he added to her down stroke by pushing up into her, sinking deeper. Pleasure radiated in both young furs. The snow leopard was captured by her beauty, her slim body moving up and down, her large breasts bouncing as she did. Her voice was music to him. He cupped her tits and groped at them, the pleasure increasing greatly for both from this.

Kayla grinded on his pelvis as her orgasm flooded her body, her clit scratching on his pubic hair. Tory couldn't take her smothering and released more spooge into her gripping cunt. After that, both lost count of how many times they yiffed. The night filled with howls and cries of lust.

"Did you see him at all, today," Ryan asked his friends, all gathered around the lunch table.

"Did you really expect us to?" Victor commented.

Trisha looked down at her untouched food, "He's probably in a broom closet crying, the poor thing."

Sara considered to her sister in all seriousness, "Maybe we should make him feel better after school. After this, he will need a lot of cheering up."

The weasel interrupted any other suggestions, stating, "Either way, he's got to get hungry sometime. You got the clothes?"

Trent pulled a gym bag, obviously full, from under the table, "Right here. Now, let's try to find him before too many others do." As if on cue, Tory entered their field of vision, approaching them with his arm round Kayla's hip and her arm over his shoulder.

Ryan was the first to notice the two, his jaw dropped open, "No way..."

"What's up, guys?" Tory greeted as he strode up to the table.

All five of them were in disbelief of what they saw, and understood. Victor was the first to speak up, "You did it?"

Grinning, Kayla answered for her lover, "Over and over again."

"How," Trent asked, "We thought she knew about the bet."

The snow leopard replied with a smirk, "Oh, she did. She was also in a raging heat last night."

Turning his head toward her to kiss his deeply, she clarified, "You think its only for one night?"

"Dude," Ryan shrugged, "You won the bet, against all odds. I probably couldn't pull that off, but you did. Congratulations."

"Hey Kayla," Trisha inquired, "You think me and Sara here can help congratulate Tory tonight?"

"I don't see why not," she replied, then turned to the feline, "Prepare yourself for one hell of a night."

I hope you enjoyed the conclusion to 'You Decide'. If you didn't, then try the other ending. Either way, I hope you finish reading, very satisfied. Now, this isn't necessary, but if you could vote on your favorite ending, I would really appreciate it.

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