Mail-Order Chocolate

Story by Bubba on SoFurry

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#1 of Chocolate Cocoa

Mail-Order Chocolate

Happy Easter, everyone! If you found this story, then this shouldn't be a problem, but if you are under the age of 18, you can't read this. It has content of a suggestive manner, which the rest of us hope for. As for those remaining, I hope you like chocolate!

Eric lounged in his sofa, taking advantage of what rest he could get. Looking out the window, he could see spring finally making its mark outside. 'I should go outside,' he considered to himself, responding by snuggling deeper into the comfy furniture, reasoning, 'maybe after I give Shannon a call.'

He was a horse of twenty-three years, caught between the laziness of college and the repetitiveness of a career. He lived in a flat and kept up rent with it, surprising everyone, even himself. Because of this, he was able to afford a gym membership, making full use of it. He now had a body anybody could be proud of on a beach. It was also his well maintained physique that captured the eye of Shannon, who was also a mare, quite pleasing to the eyes herself.

Eric loved her deeply, but was afraid that she no longer felt the same way. Lately, she seemed to distance herself from him. Whenever they were together, she would be uptight and nervous. She hardly even looked him in the eye, either. It was as if something was constantly on her mind, but Eric couldn't figure it out.

He'd been trying to think of a way to rekindle their relationship, but so far no ideas came to mind. "What am I going to do?" he thought aloud. Wandering aimlessly around, he soon found himself looking at the calendar. Easter was one week away. "That's it," he exclaimed, "I'll get her an Easter present!" and raced down the hall to figure out what to get her. Coming to his computer, he muttered, remembering, "Fuckin' internet's still out."

Pulling out the phone book, Eric noted, "I guess I'll have to do this old school," and began to flip through the pages. Finding the ads for chocolate products, he began to read through them, "Let's see what we have here; chocolate hearts, chocolate chips in bulk, chocolate cakes, chocolate body paint... I'll check that for later, Chocolate World tickets, chocolate- there's no way chocolate should legally be used like that. Here we are- chocolate bunnies." He read the details with more interest, "Life size, chocolate covering, perfect holiday treat, fun to share with friends, two hundred dollars, mailing in one week or less. Perfect." Picking up the phone, he made the order with relative ease.

Once it was all taken care of, he decided to give his mare a call. Ring, Ring, Ring, *He- hello?* she answered her cell, sounding exhausted.

"Hey, Shannon. Are you okay? You sound like you're wiped out." Eric asked, sounding concerned.

*Eric! I didn't expect you to call me at this time.* she expressed over the line, *Why are you calling me?*

Eric continued, unabated, "What's wrong. You need me to come over?"

Shannon replied, near hysterically, *NO! I mean, no that's all right. I'm just, uh, working out a little.*

"Oh," he said, understanding, "well, I'm just calling you to say that I am getting us a little Easter present. So you should come over at about two, all right?"

*Yeah sure, I'd love to. I got to get back to my working out.*

"Okay, I love..." Click. Sighing, Eric placed his phone back on the receiver. He really hoped his plan would succeed.

The week soon passed by, uneventful. As Easter Sunday arrived, Eric found himself lounged on the couch, watching TV, until noon when the doorbell rang. Showing some effort, he pulled himself up toward the door to answer it. On the other side, facing him was the most marvelous fur he had ever seen. She was a mail rabbit, apparent to the uniform that was obviously several sizes too small. The ensemble, itself, revealing quite a lot of the lapin's lithe form, from the cleavage of her supple breasts poking out of the low cut neck to her curvaceous ass barely covered by the short shorts. But what caught his attention the most was her rich, dark brown fur that covered her entire body.

In fact, he was so caught up in the mail-fur that he was oblivious for some time to the gigantic crate propped upright beside her. Grinning at the reaction that she had grown used to, she finally broke his trance by asking, "May I come in?"

Back in reality, he ushered her inside, unable too refrain from admiring her well toned backside. As he followed her inside, he scolded himself, 'Stop checking her out. You have a girlfriend, you asshole!' The attractive rabbit looked over her shoulder as she requested, "Do you want it in the middle of the room?" With a nod of approval, she rolled the package to the designated area and grabbed the clipboard that hung beside a crowbar. "Sign here, please," she addressed the stallion, who wrote out his signature where needed. He handed back the legal forms, saying, "Thank you very much, Miss..." stealing a quick glance at her bosom, continued, "Cocoa? A little cliché, isn't it?"

Cocoa simply explained, "My parents named me after my look. Fits, doesn't it?"

Smirking at the easy clarification, he asked as he turned away, "Will cash be okay?"

"That'll be perfect," was the response.

Eric absentmindedly continued the light conversation as he searched for the elusive currency, "You know I'm surprised that you're working today. You do know that it's Easter, right?"

With a light laugh, she answered, "Easter is one of the most profitable days my company has. And I'm not about to pass up a very nice holiday bonus." Unbeknownst to him, though was that she had begun her own trivial duties of closing all the curtains and any other sight to the outside world.

"You know," he continued, unaware of her further actions, "I was a little worried about being played with the 'life sized' deal, but seeing it first hand really has me excited to share it with my girlfriend."

"Oh," she exclaimed, "you have a girlfriend? That's a pleasant change from my other customers."

"Yeah," he confirmed, as he was getting close to the money, "I'm thinking it's going to last us both quite a while."

"You have no idea," came the response. Spinning around to face her, he was taken back as he found her uniform strewn about the floor around her nude body. Wide eyed and inhaling sharply, he was not expecting this.

"What's going on!" he demanded, frantic.

Cocoa replied seductively, "Well, you did order a chocolate bunnie."

"This is not what I ordered," he retorted with panic rising in his throat, "I wanted the kind of chocolate that you eat."

"You can, if that's how you want to spend you cash," she countered as her advancement pushed him against the wall. She was running her fingers through his chest fur when Shannon happened to enter.

"What the hell..." she called at the two. Eric looked to her with fright and relief radiating in his eyes. This was probably either the best or worst time she could have arrived.

"Help me, Shannon," he pleaded, very uncomfortable in the position he was in.

She stared him down in rage, saying, "Why don't you just help yourself. You seemed to be doing a good job at it so far."

"Wait," he called back to her, managing o push Cocoa away, "it's not what it looks like."

The mare countered, "I think I've seen enough of some slut about to go down on you," and headed back to the door. Before leaving, she also confessed, "And, by the way, your friend Dan is a better fuck than you ever were," and slammed the door.

The rabbit gave a look of concern to the stricken stallion. His legs proceeded to give out, landing him on the couch. Cocoa went over and sat down beside him, "I'm really sorry."

He recoiled from her attempting to apologize, yelling at the top of his lungs, "GET THE FUCK OUT, YOU FUCKING CUNT!!!" pointing towards the exit.

She was about to protest, but stopped herself. She had done more than enough damage today. Stopping only to put her clothing back on, she began to make her leave. As her paw turned the knob, she heard from behind, "Wait." Turning back, afraid of what else he had in store, the prostitute was surprised went he relented, "I guess it's not your fault that my girlfriend was cheating on me. I'm sorry for yelling at you." In gratitude, she went to him and placed a soft peck on his cheek. Smiling back, he offered, "You want me to get you a drink?"

"I'd like that, thank you." Leaving for the kitchen for a moment, Eric returned with two glasses, one for each of them. They both sat down and engaged in a more interesting conversation, talking and listening about their lives. The hours seemed to fly by. As darkness crept through the shades, Cocoa told her newfound friend, "This was a great reprieve from what I usually have to do at work."

"I'm glad you enjoyed it," he returned, before asking, "I have to ask though, what is with the box?"

"You paid for it," she related, "You want me to just tell you or," placing a paw on his thigh, "do you want to find out." With that, she picked herself up and walked over to the crate, picking up the crowbar and holding it out for him. Taking the hint, he accepted the tool and used it to pry open the side. The wooden wall swung open on hidden hinges, revealing several toppled bottles of chocolate syrup and a note on the opposite end that said 'Happy Easter'. He opened his mouth to ask, but was pushed back into the couch, wondering what he was in store for.

Cocoa began swaying her hips to the erotic beat heard only in the heads of the two in the living room. She began by taking her hat off and lightly tossed it to the side, allowing her hair and ears to rest more naturally over her back. Then, with delicate fingers, plucked at the buttons of her top, one by one, allowing it to slide off her shoulders. Next were the shorts. Barely noticing her work on the zipper, he watched intently as each shift of her curves sent the skimpy piece further down her sculpted legs, coming to rest at her ankles. With one more garment left, she approached him slowly. Turning around and leaning forward to expose her firm, lightly covered ass, she peered over her shoulder and sighed, "Little help?" He wasted no time as he pulled the panties down, making a note to lightly drag his fingers through the fair fur of her thighs. She shivered slightly from teasing being returned.

With a bob of her fluffy tail, she made her way back to the crate. Grabbing a single bottle, she turned back to him and mentioned, "I hope you like chocolate," and proceeded to pop the top and hold it high above herself. A faint squeeze sent a stream the thick, liquid sugar fall upon her hair and leak down her body, mixing brown with brown. Once she depleted the contents of the first bottle, she threw it aside and opened two more. She bent forward and arched her back slightly to give her heavily aroused audience a view of her mound. With an expert aim only she had mastered, the syrup to flow through the air and splash onto her back, enjoying the sensation when it ran over her backside and across her tailhole. The last container in hand, she strutted to the stud and offered it to him, "I can use a little help with one part." As he took the bottle, she dropped to her knees and arched her back far, her large breasts rising and falling from her increased breathing, nipples seeming to point right at him. Holding out the bottle in front of him, he applied pressure to the middle, sending a torrent of the contents onto her heaving chest. The rabbit moaned as it dribbled over her nipples, shuddering as it swirled around her clit and down her cunt.

Motioning for him to sit back down, she started to crawl toward him, as if prowling her prey. Lunging forward, she gripped his pant legs and began pulling them down. Eric didn't mind in the slightest that the chocolate stained his jeans, for he was too busy taking off his shirt. Unveiling his fully erect cock to the open air, the lapin took a firm hold at the base of the stallion, sliding her grip up to the flathead. He leaned his back against the couch and groaned at the experienced touch. Encouraged by his audible satisfaction, she shifted upward, aiming his shaft into the cleavage of her bust. Pushing her malleable flesh together, she massaged her tits as her tits massaged him. He gasped loudly as her soft, sticky fur caressed his stallionhood, slickening it with the mess. Adding to the pleasure, the rabbit started suckling on the tip, dragging her teeth gently along the underside as pushed in and out.

He couldn't take any more of hr treatment. Pulling away with a loud, "Fuck!" he shot thick ropes of his spooge onto her face and chest. The young whore reveled in the raining of his semen. As it died down to drooling down his length, she used two fingers to swirl it into her fur, mixing with the sweet treat, and sucking her two digits clean. She loved the taste more than anything else, the combination of semen and chocolate.

Looking back up at him, she noticed that the tit fuck only made him hornier. 'Good,' she though, 'I was a little worried that the fun was over.' Picking herself up, she took him by the wrist and led him to the crate, standing idly. "This is what the crate is really for," she informed him as she pushed him inside, jumping in after him and closing it up. The crate was as big as a small, very small, closet. It was large enough for him to stand upright, but not much more, like a form of bondage.

Although it was almost pitch black inside, he had no trouble finding her. Picking her up by her thighs, he slammed her into the side of the confinement. She winced at the pain, but also in excitement; she always loved it when they were rough on her. Aiming his meat at her dripping orifice, he plunged into her all the way, making her cry out. She grabbed his shoulders and locked her legs behind his waist as he thrust into and out of her. Arching her back, she yelled out, "That's right! I'm your whore, USE ME!" Eric didn't need to be told so, he was already, striking deeper into her depths, causing greater friction than either one of them would ever wish for. He thoroughly enjoyed pressing his body into hers, covering his own body with the sugary mess. Sweat cut through the matted chocolate on both forms as their sexual prison became a furnace of their heated passion. The crate rocked dangerously, threatening to tip over, as the bodies inside crashed upon each other repeatedly. The pace increased as the pleasure built ever higher. Hilting into her, his head prodded deeply into her cervix causing her voice to ring out, "Yes, Yes! OH, GOD!!"

They both cried out to each other as they reached their peak, and were thrown off it. Their loins erupted fiercely, cum running down their legs, adding to the sweat chocolate. Trembling against each other, both basked in the orgasm coursing throughout them. In the glow of the post-sex haze, Cocoa slumped forward onto the stallion's chest, past out. Eric, careful not to disturb her, carried his sleeping prostitute out of the crate and laid her gently onto the couch. Once he was sure that she was comfortable, he took a nervous glance down to his frame, discovering himself to be more dirty and pleased than ever before.

Cocoa slowly opened her eyes, finding herself out of the box and into the caring gaze of her horse lover. "That was amazing," she admitted as he stroked her arm.

"You know," he said, teasingly, "I would ask where you learned to do that, but I have an idea..." She playfully swatted his arm, laughing with him. After he calmed down enough, he told her, "I would love to do that again sometime."

Smirking, she replied, "Well, if you ever want a... special discount," she wrote down a seven digit number on a notepad, "order it at this number."

"I have a feeling that I'm going to become a regular," he confessed. Eyeing her body, then his own, her form a devious idea, I think we both made quite a mess. What do you say to a nice long shower?"

"Mmm," she moaned at the suggestion, "I've never fucked in chocolate and water before..."

I hoped you liked my Easter present. It's not painted eggs, but I think this may be good enough of a substitute.

'Thank You' Gift

'Thank You' Gift If you've been with the series (which I strongly recommend), then you will know what to expect. I have added a twist to the sex scene, so if you aren't so open minded, then you may not like this chapter. For the sake of the story,...

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Reflection After a lot of convincing, I have made here Chapter Two. Again, this story contains underage, anthropomorphic sex; bondage; and content of such. If you are too young or offended by anything in the list above, then leave now. All others,...

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Off Limits

Off Limits Be forewarned. The following story contains content of an adult nature and must not be read by anyone under the legal age of 18. The content also consists of underage sex and rape, anthropomorphic characters, and light bondage. If...

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