'Thank You' Gift

Story by Bubba on SoFurry

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#3 of Change In A Relationship

'Thank You' Gift

If you've been with the series (which I strongly recommend), then you will know what to expect. I have added a twist to the sex scene, so if you aren't so open minded, then you may not like this chapter. For the sake of the story, I will not give it away directly, but you should be able to pick up on what it is real early. Enjoy chapter 3, everybody!

"Ah, fuck," Jade sighed as her mate, Derek, pounded into her, slowly but firm. She wrapped her legs around his waist, pulling him in deeper. Arching her back, the wolfess caught sight of the time on her alarm clock. "Shit," she muttered.

"What's wrong?" Derek asked as he slowed down, but not stopping.

"It's almost time for school," she replied to the otter that now stopped.

Looking at the time for himself, he cursed before inquiring, "You close enough to finish?" to the girl underneath him, who wriggled around for more of the satisfying friction.

It only took a second for her to answer, "Hell yeah." Grinning, Derek grabbed her by the thighs and continued to ruthlessly fuck her. The pre leaking from both of them made a slapping sound as there hips met at a quickening rate. Grunting in exuberance, her mate threw more of his weight into each thrust, lifting her off the bed each time. As a sexual habit, Jade began to speak of her fantasies out loud. "You know what would really get me fired up?" she panted slightly.

"What's that?" he asked back, hoping to fulfill her every desire.

"To see you taken, oh, by an- another guy," she barely manage to get out, being so close to release. Making the point clear, see looked directly into his eyes and added, "That would be so hot." The otter only managed a quick questioning look at her before their orgasms took over their senses simultaneously. The two tensed up against each other as their cum splashed against the other's, washing pleasure over both of them. Once the initial sensation subsided, flopped onto the bed with their mate, basking in what would have to be a short afterglow.

First to sit up, Derek remarked playfully, "That's what I call a wake up call." Giggling, Jade swung a pillow into the side of his head. After a bit of tickling and kissing, the two put on their own set of clothing and got ready for school. They, then, walked out the door, hand in hand, preparing for the new school week. "You think anyone will find out about what happened between us over the weekend?" he asked, a little concerned.

"Don't worry about it," the wolfess assured him, "If we act the same way as we normally do, then nobody will suspect anything. And I don't see why we would act differently. We loved each other before, and we love each other now. Right?"

He chuckled slightly. "Of course I do," he replied as he hugged her close, his confidence building, and continued down the sidewalk. However, they were sadly mistaken as they walked through the front doors. Whether it was evidence on them that they forgot to remove, or just an aura about them that screamed sex, everyone they passed in the hallway somehow knew that something had gone down. The couple quickly picked up on this as Derek got winks and pats on the back, while girls gossiped excitedly in hushed tones behind Jade.

After they parted ways to their own classes, the schoolmates got a chance to attack, and they took that opportunity. "Dude, it's about time," one of the otters classmates exclaimed, sounding proud. Another one pointed out, "Yeah, I knew that virginity-till-marriage wouldn't last." A third even had the nerve to ask, "So, how's she like?" with a big grin on his face. Derek just shook his head, not bothering to reply to anyone, and continued to the classroom.

From behind the crowd, a thunderous voice proclaimed, "I told you she was a wild fuck." Derek whirled around, recognizing the voice immediately. It was the jock that Jade had an affair with, sporting a smirk and leaning, relaxed, against the wall. He was a silver badger, standing head and shoulders over everyone else, and built to tackle guys like him to the ground on the field. The otter slowly approached him, his expression unreadable. Everyone grew tense as pawstep by pawstep, he drew nearer to his target. Even the jock had to push himself off the wall. No one knew what this otter was capable of.

Once he was close enough, he quietly countered, "You have no idea." Turning to continue on his way through the crowd, he called over his shoulder, "Oh and Jade wanted me to give you a message from her. She says she strongly recommends a stronger Viagra," and left him to be verbally slaughtered by the mob.

Meanwhile, Jade was getting the same treatment. Surrounded by her friends, she was constantly asked questions like, "Oh my god, how was he?", "Did you have to rape him or something?", and comments like, "I bet he was huge, wasn't he? Otters are always well hung." She ignored them all and tried to pay attention to the lesson, which was difficult because even the teacher seemed to know of their activities.

After going through the same thing in different classes, Derek and Jade were relieved to rejoin for lunch. After he greeted her with a long kiss, he enlightened her of his previous encounter, "I ran into Drake earlier today."

With concern on her features, she asked, "What happened?"

Smirking, he replied, "I gave him your message." She burst out laughing, kicking out and holding her sides in mirth. It took some time for her to calm down, and once she did, they related what happened to themselves during class.

Unfortunately, their combined presence only appeared to multiply the pressure on them. It looked like the entire cafeteria was circled around them, wanted to hear every, juicy detail. With his patience depleted, the otter turned to his mate and asked, "Should we please the crowd?"

With a look of deep thought, she finally answered, "Why not, they seem to really want it." A cheer rose from the mass of eager listeners.

Once the noise died down, he decided to start off, "Alright, I was over at Jade's on Friday to study," a few snickers interrupted him, then continued, "and after a little bit of homework, we got to making out-"

Again he was interrupted by a guy yelling out, "Yeah!" A few glares silenced the intruder, and a mumbling among the crowd soon began. Jade called out loud, "You know, its getting a little loud in hear. You want to talk somewhere else?" This hushed the entire community formed around the two. Smirking, she declared, "The floors all your's."

"Thank you," he returned, and proceeded, "Like I was saying, things were getting pretty heated up, and Jade tells me that she in heat. That really caught me off guard because everyone knows what that means. You guess you all also know that I wanted to stay a virgin until marriage. But she just looked so sad, and I can't turn my back on someone in need. So I decided to help her out by," he paused for a moment to gain the confidence needed, "by eating her out." Nothing could stop the praise and encouragement towards the red-cheeked storyteller.

Jade then helped out by taking over, "He was so good, you would not believe it. With the way he went at it, it was like heaven. I'm still surprised that it was his first attempt at anything like that. Soon as I was finish, FYI - best orgasm ever, I chose to return the favor. But before I started, I got this heinous idea-,"

"Wait, wait, wait," it was Derek's turn to interrupt as he turn to her and interrogated, "You had it planned from then?" Surprised by his outburst, all she could manage was a meek nod. He fell over onto his side in a fit of giggling, squeezing out, "Oh... my... god, should've... known," between laughs.

Getting questioning looks, Jade explained by continuing, "I got out some handcuffs and convinced him that it would really raise the level of pleasure for when I blew him. Which I believe it did, right Derek?"

"Heh, yeah it did," was his reply, taking the hint and leading, "It was the best thing I had ever felt. It really surpassed, ya know, being alone." He went on to explain, "She first started by coaxing it out, which didn't take long. Then she went right at it, bobbing her head like crazy. Her mouth felt so good. But when I was getting close, she suddenly stopped. I look down to see what was wrong, and I see her crouching over me. And I freaked when she went down cause, at that point, I still wanted to stay a virgin, if just barely."

Everyone was gawking at Jade. Someone from the crowd finally spoke up, "So, you raped him?"

The wolfess sheepishly answered with a drawn out, "Yeah. I couldn't help myself. I was in heat at the time." She, then, continued her own narration, "It felt so good to be penetrated by him, even if he didn't want to. Right from the start, I just rode him like crazy, getting him to dig deeper in me. I didn't even notice that he didn't want it, His struggling only egged me on. I'm not sure how long we were like that."

Her mate butted in, "The entire time she was on top of me, there was a constant battle up here," he stated, pointing at his head, "It was pleasure versus will the whole way through. I felt so bad for feeling so good. By the time I reach my end, my will was completely broken, and I thrust up into her, cumming with her. After that, we both passed out for the night."

Jade replaced him, continuing, "The next morning, I woke from a very nice dream to see him scowling at me. You don't know fear until you look into the eyes of a murderously angry otter." She had her audience at the edge of their seat, right where she wanted them, "I wanted to get on his good side, cause he was really scaring me. So I kept on trying to seduce him. But it didn't work as well as the night before. I gave up on that after a lot of tries and finally got to talking with him. We both hit some sensitive areas, but he really alarmed me when he said that he was going to leave me after this."

Deciding that it was his turn, he began, "That's when she really open up. She told me that she did it because she loved me, not just in lust. I swayed her into uncuffing me. No matter how angry I was, I just had to forgive her. After a little time, I left, needing some time with my thoughts. During that time, I realized that I couldn't leave her just for that. I had been too prudish and I wanted really wanted to take our relationship to the next level. Plus, it was the best experience ever for me. So I went back down to her place. We made out for a bit, and then I took her myself."

One of his friends piped up, "How was it?"

Derek answered, "Well, first I mounted her doggystyle. It felt so good, she was so tight. And I think we both enjoyed that I was able to ram harder into her. After a bit of that she, herself, orgasmed. But I wasn't done yet. While she was regaining her strength, I cuffed her wrists and introduced her to anal sex."

Jade then related the occurrence, "You really have to try it, but with someone like him. He started off soft and slow, going little bit by little bit. It still hurt though, kinda like your first time having regular sex. Once I was accustomed to his... girth, I began shifting back, wanting more of it. It was so good, I came several times before he emptied up my ass. It was defiantly one of my fantasies coming true."

Her last sentence suddenly reminded Derek of what she said that morning. As he scanned the crowd, all of them looking on, expressions of shock and awe painted on their faces, he noticed one from the crowd stand up and make his way out into the hall. He turned to his mate and said, "I'll be right back," before kissing her and heading out in the same direction.

As he went through the crowd, he noted one of Jade's friends, a white rabbit, remark to someone beside her, "If I had my chance, I'd rape that otter in a second," receiving a giggle in return.

He also heard the wolfess go on to the next day, "On Sunday, we reserved the entire day to yiffing each other. We did it so much I lost count at well over twelve. Wait, does a multiple orgasm count as one or more?"

Someone answered, "I believe its just one."

She went on, "Then, yeah, well over twelve."

The otter just shook his head, grinning, and continued to the restroom, where his target resided. Upon entering he examined the area and found one set of footpaws underneath a stall with sounds of self pleasure emitting from it. 'Our story really got to him that far?', he thought to himself as he leaned against the wall, waiting it out. Soon, a loud groan resounded throughout the room, followed by a flush and the clicking of the lock mechanism. He stepped out of the stall looking flushed, but satisfied. He was a traditional fox, with red-orange fur and an ivory stomach, his paws and eartips fading to balck. He was slightly shorter than Derek, and not as well built. It didn't matter to the otter, he and Jade were good friends with the lupine.

On his way to the faucet, Derek spoke out, "Hey, Alan."

He whirled around at the intruder, but seeing who it was, replied "Jesus Christ, Derek. You scared the hell out of me."

His friend just smirked, "Yeah, sorry about that. Hey, can I talk to you for a second about something?"

With a questioning look, he answered, "Yeah, anything. What do you need?"

'This is gonna be tough,' the otter thought to himself as he straightened himself out, "I'm gonna start by saying, I know how you feel about me."

'How the fuck did he find out?' The smaller fox freaked out and began a long line of excuses, "I don't know what you're talking about. You know how rumors spread out. Dude, they're not true, okay. I'm not gay..."

His larger counterpart just waved his hand, halting him midway, and added, "I've know for a while, so, don't try."

Alan's eyes grew wide. What was he going to do to him? Was he going to expose him to the rest of the school? Or beat the shit out of him right now? Images of more humiliating and excruciating torture cycled behind his eyes.

Sensing his distress, Derek seized his friend by the shoulders and calmed him, "Don't worry, Alan. I'm not angry. I, actually, wanted to ask for a favor from you because of it." Relaxing now that he won't get pummeled, he looked up questioningly. Having the fox's attention, we went on to explain, "The thing is, I want to do something special for Jade..."

Later that evening, Derek pulled his girlfriend into his room. "What is this all about?" Jade grilled, noting the eager expression on his face. A few minutes ago, Derek had called her up and told her that he had a surprise for her at his place. But seeing nothing out of place in his residence, she really began to wonder what he was up to.

Turning to face her, he enlighten, "I brought you here because I wanted to thank you properly for this new life you've given me," The wolfess started to protest, saying she didn't need anything in return, but he was determined, "I want to give you something that I know you really crave for." Her mind began to reel with the near infinite possibilities. While doing so, the otter called out, "You can come out now." His closet door slowly opened, and out stepped Alan, seeming very nervous about something.

"Why's he here?" she asked. Alan's presence was not part of anything she might have expected.

Derek clued in, "You know how earlier this morning, you told me of what would make you so hot?" with a grin.

Jade starred at him, stunned, in understanding, and expressed, "No way." Her mate just nodded back. Trying to clarify, she added, "You would do that?" Again, he returned with only a nod.

He gently pushed to sit on the bed, saying, "You deserve to watch a show," and turned to walk slowly toward the waiting fox.

Alan was easily able to read his concern and piped in, "Don't worry, I'll lead you through it. I'll go easy on you too."

The otter clasped his shoulder, thanking him. He looked around and inquired the other two, "Is everybody ready?" A nod from Alan and wide smile from Jade confirmed, "Alright."

Derek bent his head down and pressed his muzzle to his partner's. The lupine reacted by putting his paws behind the otter's head and pulling him in deeper, murring into the kiss. They soon began to shed each other's clothing, one by one, until the two males stood nude, their muzzles interlocked and arms around each other's bodies. The young fox reluctantly pulled away, stating, "That was quite enjoyable, but it's getting us nowhere. Let's go to the next level," and proceeded to press the other into a kneeling position in front of him.

There Derek was with a bulging sheath in his face, starring at it like it was directions in a foreign language. With a blank look, at a loss of bearings, he decided to wing it and opened his mouth wide, inching closer. However, Alan stopped him by placing a paw on his forehead, halting any advancement. Looking down he instructed, "That will come into play, but not yet. First you got to coax it out," as he held the otter's maw closed with his paw. As he stooped there, he gazed up at the dominating fox, a student to his teacher, silently pleading for course to take. Giggling at his inexperience, he added, "You can do so by massaging it or tickling it, use your imagination." Making up his mind, the otter reached out with a shaking paw and hesitantly started to knead the flesh, lightly digging his thumb pad into the fur. While working the sheath, the tip of the shaft peaked out, more and more. Alan gently rocked on his feet, relishing the feeling. Derek suddenly remembered a little tricked Jade did to him the night before. Lowering his hands to the lupine's knees, he dug his claws in, not as far as to break the skin, enough to get underneath the pelt. He then continued to drag his paws up the inside of his thighs, until reaching the fork in his legs, where he cupped his balls and squeezed gently.

The fox moan out in surprise at the amazing sensation from such a novice creature. Gawking down at his aching erect penis being stroked, pulling the otter's paw from its grasp on his shaft. "Okay," he relented, "now you can put that mouth of yours to some good use." Derek understood, leaning forward so that the head rested on his lips. The pre that was on the tip slickened his lips, sending a shudder trailing down his spine. Sighing deeply to brace himself, he allowed the member to slide into his maw. He remained still, trying to get accustomed to the new sensation. Hearing a giggle, he saw, out of the corner of his eyes, Jade snickering at the visual before her. Getting impatient, Alan gave a small, but sharp, thrust, reminding the otter at the task at hand. Taking the hint, Derek set to work. Moving his head, forward and back, he carefully blew the fox, utilizing his tongue by massaging the underside of his pole. As his nose was rubbed into the curly pubic hair, inhaling the quite similar pheromones, he strangely felt himself becoming more aroused. He never considered getting anything from this, but his growing sheath contradicted him. Urging him onward, he increased his enthusiasm, gripping the lupine ass and bringing him closer, soundly sucking away.

Astonished by his partner's eagerness, Alan found himself reaching his peak. He roughly grasped the otter's ears and pulled him in as far as he possibly could, spurt semen into the working maw. Held in place and mouth quickly filling with cum, Derek forced himself to gulp down the seed. The fox released his clutch and allowed his companion to recuperate. He made a disgusted face as the goo slid down his throat, stating, "I guess it's an acquired taste." Upon hearing this, the wolfess found herself in the clutches of hysteria, rolling on the bed trying to catch her breath. Even Alan had to suppress a fit of chuckling from the remark.

Once everybody had calmed down, the orange lupine took charge by pushing the otter onto his back. "Your turn," he addressed the sprawled out male, and slid his slender torso between slightly spread legs. He quickly set to work of exposing the otterhood. He inhaled the tantalizing scent as his hands expertly coaxed out more of the opposing shaft. Derek moaned out as pre was spread over his fully aroused cock. Starving of a particular appetite, Alan made a meal of the panting form under him. Derek noticed that it was very much like how Jade does, only more forward and rough, more masculine. He clutched the ground and groaned out loudly as the smaller figure initiated a deep-throating. Looking over at Jade, he found that she was now fully enjoying the show. She was laying against the headboard and had her top off, massaging the malleable flesh while her other paw made its way inside her panties rubbing furiously at her slit. The visual of his mate masturbating and the feeling of his throbbing member inside another male's throat threw him over the edge. The fox was quickly overwhelmed by the surging torrent of cum, a bit of it leaking from the corners of his lips.

"Time for the final part," Alan announced as he positioned the otter on his hands and knees while he, himself, got up behind him, getting ready for penetration. Derek gave his grateful wolfess one last look, expressing a love that no words can communicate. Jade just stared back, accepting and relating the same love. Without further ado, the fox began to take the otter. He gritted his teeth as hiss anus was slowly filled, inch by inch. After some time, the cock was finally hilted, there sacs rubbing together gently. Shuddering visibly at the arousing intrusion, he felt the lupine cock retract slightly, only to be shifted back inside. As the movement was repeated, all he could do was allow the pleasurable assault to continue.

Jade couldn't take it any more. It was too much to not be a part of such a highly erotic action. Getting up from the head of the bad, she crawled over to the two, got on her back, and moved under her mate in a 69. Derek yelped as he was attacked from the front as well as the back. Getting caught up in the action, he began rocking back and forth, hoping for more stimulation at both ends. Jade decided to step up the level by taking her tongue and dragging it from the tip of her mate's cock all the way to the base of Alan's package, ending by sucking on his balls. This all proved too much for him as he released into the virgin ass he was in.

Lying on the ground, the fox tried to catch his breath. The couple, after recovering themselves, scanned over his panting form, Jade taunting, "You're not done yet, are you?" and proceeded to wiggle her own ass in his face. With new levels of testosterone pumping, he craned his neck forward and licked up one of her cheeks. Scurrying forward, she got up, only to sit down again on his revitalized dick, her butt cheeks resting on his hips. Derek arranged himself in front of her, and penetrated her slick twat. The wolfess relished in being pierced in both of her orifices. All three sitting upright, they all writhed against each other, wanting as much pleasure for themselves. Derek first upped the ante by reaching out and playing with Jade's nipples. She, in turn, leaned forward and kissed him passionately. Alan joined in by reaching around them both and cupping the otter's ass, squeezing it tightly. Acting to each other's touches, they increased their thrusting pace, bouncing the female harder between them. Finally, in one big orgasm, they all came into each other, fluids splashing all over the trio.

They all, then, collapsed in a heap of limbs and sweaty bodies, the afterglow putting them in a daze. The couple exchanged a thank you to each other before crawling up on either side of Alan. They kissed on either cheek, Jade thanking him, "Thank you for doing this for us. Nobody could have done better." Blushing lightly, he got himself comfortable between them, cuddling with them. This was definitely the best he ever had, and they were the best friends he would ever hope for.

Right now, I think I'm going to take a break with this series. This doesn't mean that the series is over; I have too much material to attempt such an action. Instead, I will add chapters at looser intervals. This is because I want to get other stories out to you guys. So expect Derek and Jade to return, just a bit more down the road than usual. Thank you for your patience, it will not be in vain.


Reflection After a lot of convincing, I have made here Chapter Two. Again, this story contains underage, anthropomorphic sex; bondage; and content of such. If you are too young or offended by anything in the list above, then leave now. All others,...

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Off Limits

Off Limits Be forewarned. The following story contains content of an adult nature and must not be read by anyone under the legal age of 18. The content also consists of underage sex and rape, anthropomorphic characters, and light bondage. If...

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