The Bet

Story by Bubba on SoFurry

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#1 of You Decide

The Bet

If you're reading this, or even on this website for that matter, then you should be expecting the anthropomorphic sexuality. If you're not okay with that, then, frankly, I'm surprised you let yourself get this far. You too cubs, shoo. Everyone else, enjoy part one.

Anthropolis High is socially identical to just about every other high school built. Within it, you almost have to immediately have to join a group or be considered an outcast by those around you. There are hundreds of different kinds to choose from, so being with teens just like yourself isn't exactly farfetched. The most commonplace ones include the preps, rich kids, goths, jocks, nerds, artists, soon-to-be drop outs, you name it.

But this story is based on one particular band of buddies. They were known throughout the school as The Bookies. This name is derived from the fact that they are constantly betting each other or those outside the group. They always have a pot going, whether it is monetary or otherwise. Even with the stakes as high as they tend to get, every so often, they would never try to sell each other out. Rarely have they lost someone to a bad bet.

The posse is made up of a very small number of furs, despite their social status. The 'leader' as they come to see him as is Ryan. He was a weasel, respectively, with jet black fur. At the age of late eighteen, he is also the oldest of them all. He had a strong yet lean build, one naturally expressed authority. He was an understanding friend, someone you could always count on to help you, no matter what. But he was also firm, not allowing anyone get past a loss unless it was with a very good reason. With such characteristics, he is the sole purpose The Bookies have survived.

Ryan's second-in-command and best friend was a raccoon named Trent. As he and Ryan were best friends since kindergarten, it's not difficult to understand that he is only a few months younger than the weasel. As the gang's scribe, he played a very important role. Never once has he been found without his pen and pad, always ready to update any running wagers. With a bulky frame and glasses, many have mistaken him to be one of the nerds, but his confidence always cleared any confusion. There have been times when he, himself, questioned why Ryan hung out with him. Was it the 'brotherly love', or just his writing and organization skills? Such doubt ever lasted more than five minutes, however. He was happy with where he was.

Next in the group was Victor. As a seventeen year old grey wolf, he was a very proud teen. He had a strongly built body that he constantly reminded people of. He never stopped showing off, whether it be flexing his muscles for the girls or placing the highest stakes. When he won, he would always make a big show of it. When he lost, he always called in 'sick'. But beneath the all that muscle, he had a good heart. No one denied that.

To think that this was a 'guys only' group would be a grand misjudgment, for there were two sisters, twins in fact, that held a place in the company. Trisha and Sara were two of the hottest skunkettes within the walls of the learning establishment. Both had recently turned seventeen, but had long ago lost patience to turn eighteen to engage in certain actions. The gambles they place usually consist of some sort of sexual act. Always the seductress and tease, they are never seen without a trail of guys gawking at them, helplessly hoping for a night of double action. The girls loved the attention, and retained their busty, elegant form to keep that attention. Every so often, however, they would indulge some pathetic boy with one hell of a good fuck, one he would never forget.

There were two things certain about this small gang of five young furs. One was that you couldn't find closer friends in the school. The other was that if you were still a virgin when you got into a few bets, chances are you aren't coming out one. Everyone at school knew of this about them, everyone in school.

"Tory, you better hurry up or you'll be running late."

"Coming," replied a young, but assuring voice from up stairs. The mother of such voice shook her head. After a few more minutes of waiting, she grew impatient.

Calling back up, "A tardy is no way to start your first day at your new school," she was answered by hurried paws racing down the steps. "It took you long enough."

"Looking messy isn't a way to start at my new school either," he countered, but in a respectful tone. She gave him a stern glare, but ended up cracking a grin. She could never stay mad at him. She gave her son a quick look over. He was a young snow leopard, turning sixteen just a few months ago. He was never the tallest or strongest kid, but he wasn't exactly helpless. With a pearly white coat that was spotted black his back, sides, arms, and legs, he made the appearance of an average snow leopard. But what set him apart from anyone else were his eyes, deep water blue that anyone could adore. Along with his youthful, enthusiastic personality, he was the image of pure innocence.

"Alright, you got me there," she admitted, leading him to the front door, "Don't worry about the bus. I'll give you ride there."

He quickly made his way to the passenger side of the family sedan. He and his mother had moved to Anthropolis over the weekend and, being Monday, this was his first chance to really make some friends. The two conversed about their plans for the day, during which Tory learned that his mother had to set up her work station and would be really late getting home. After driving for about ten minutes, the car came to a rest in front of the school. Hopping out of the vehicle, Tory jogged through the gates, waving to his mother as she pulled away. He continued on into the building, excited about what this new schools had in store for him.

The office was his first stop, where he obtained the day's schedule. He gave the gecko behind the desk a smile that would just brighten her day as he accepted his agenda from her.

First up was Gym class. "Great way to start the day," he said to himself and began his journey to the gymnasium and his new school life. He managed to make it through the doors just as the bell rang. "Made it," he panted lightly.

"Just Barely!" boomed a voice from behind him. The snow leopard spun around to meet with a stern gaze from a hulking badger. "You're going to learn that I'm not so fond of close calls," he continued.

"Sorry," the feline mumbled, "my first day."

Reading the clipboard in hand, he stated, "That would make you Tory, correct?" A small nod confirmed his suspicions, "Alright, stand over there beside the raccoon. That's your assigned spot for my class." He was answered by scurrying paws heading toward the designated area.

Standing straight up and looking straight ahead, he heard something said from his left, "You seemed to have faired pretty well there." Tory looked to his left at the raccoon, obviously confused. Smirking, he explained a little louder, "Hey, you didn't piss yourself, which is more than I can say for a few choice furs in here." The younger of the two raised a finger to his lips, motioning to keep quiet. Laughing, the raccoon took a few steps over and gave him a hearty slap on the back, "Don't worry, muscle head over there is deaf and blind to everything else when he's eyeing up some of the girls." Sure enough, a quick glance at the teacher confirmed that he was checking out the ass of one of the feminine students who was standing there, oblivious.

The snow leopard made a disgusted scowl, saying, "That's not right."

"Don't worry about it," assured the older student, "he doesn't offer them, ya know, extra credit."

Before any more conversation could be had, the pedophile trainer made his way in front of the class. He called out to all of them, "Alright, since we have a new victim with us, let's show him how this class is run." The class went just as Tory had imagined, just basic exercises that were over exaggerated by the yelling badger. One and a half hours later, the teacher informed them that it was time for 'peer reflection'. It was just a big name for letting the student talk and hang out.

Tory was wandering around, idly, when he was approached by the raccoon, basketball in hand. "You handled the ball pretty well back there," he called out, "but let's see how good you really are." Tossing the ball into the snow leopard's paws, he clarified, "I bet you that you can't bounce the ball once and land it in the bleachers."

His smaller counterpart bounced the ball a few times, asking, "How much, a dollar?"

"Smaller bet, small payment," was the reply.

Pulling out his wallet, he grabbed a one dollar bill and held it out for the raccoon. Bouncing the ball a few more times, he tried to figure out how to manage this. Suddenly, the figurative light bulb lit up above his head. Grinning, he took his place in the middle of the court. He bounced the ball in front of him, caught it, then continued to casually carry it over to the bleachers and place if carefully in the selected spot.

The raccoon watched on, dumbfounded, "What the fuck was that?"

"That," answered the snow leopard, "was me winning a dollar."

"You cheated," rebuked the older one.

"No," countered Tory, "you never said anything about staying in one spot. That was a perfectly legitimate action."

Thinking hard about it, the raccoon cursed under his breath and held out the two dollars, "You win. By the way, my name's Trent."

"Tory," he returned, shaking his new friends hand and accepting his winnings. "Yes, more lunch money."

The next classes went by uneventfully, during which he met a couple of other furs. As time for lunch arrived, he walked lazily to the cafeteria. He got his plateful of food, mentioning, "The food seems better here," to one of the lunch furs, awarded with a smile of gratitude. He also helped himself to an extra helping of dessert, paying for it with the extra dollar in his pocket.

Searching the large room for a place to sit and eat, the snow leopard heard a familiar voice yell out, "Hey Tory, over here." Finding the source, he saw Trent standing, pointing down at the table he was at. With some effort, Tory walked over to the table, set his tray down, and took a seat. From there, he did a quick scan of the occupants. There was Trent, two gorgeous skunkettes, and a very muscular wolf. Sitting beside him, the raccoon introduce the young fur to each one, "This is Victor."

The wolf brought his arm up, presenting the hypertrophy, "How do you like that?"

The snow leopard just shrugged, "It's big..."

"Big?" the much larger wolf sound outraged, "Can you bench over two hundred pounds?"

Tory reasoned incredulous, "I don't even weigh two hundred pounds!"

A hearty laugh escaped the lupine's throat as he gave the much smaller feline a pat on the back, sending his chest sprawling onto the table. "I like this kid," he announced.

"Next," Trent continued, "are Trisha and Sara. And, yes, they are twins."

"I don't know about him," Sara eyed him suspiciously, "you really think he's ready to hang out with us?"

Trent confessed, "Hey, he already won a bet with me."

"Oh, Trent," Trisha leaned over and placed a kiss on his forehead, at the same time giving him a peek inside the neck of her shirt, "you're losing your touch."

"It comes with age," he said cutely, causing the others to laugh.

"But still," Sara went on, "I don't need another guy checking out my ass."

"What!" Tory sputtered, quite taken aback.

"Come on now," Trisha stood up and dragged her hands up her sides to cup her breasts, "Don't tell me you can resist these." Several guys from other tables stopped whatever they where doing to stare longingly at her.

The snow leopard, on the other hand, turned away, blushing heavily. Trent decided to rescue him, "Why don't you leave the poor kid alone, you tease."

The skunkette slumped back in her seat, sighing. Her sister, however, challenged, "Where do you come from, talking like that. I bet he's a better kisser than you," then proceeded to press her lips hard into the feline's. Taken completely by surprise, Tory remained frozen in place, feeling her tongue find it's way into his mouth, licking all over. She slowly pulled away, licking her lips and saying, "Tastes like a virgin."

Trisha sat straight up in her seat, declaring, "I love it when there inexperienced."

The snow leopard sat back down and folded his arms over his lap, the redness seeming to have stained his cheeks. The raccoon muttered, "Whatever. Finally, there's- Wait, where'd Ryan get to?"

"I think he's in the bathroom," noted Victor, leaning back in his chair with his hands behind his head.

"Right, come on Tory," Trent motioned for the young fur to follow him as he made his way through the maze of tables to the hallway. Reaching the lav door, he waited for his follower to catch up before pushing the door open. What was going on inside, stunned Tory. Leaning against the wall, panting lightly, was a black weasel. In front of him, down on her knees, was a femme mouse, bobbing her head up and down on the weasel's cock. The raccoon, unlike the snow leopard, just grinned and called over to his friend, "I take you won the bet."

The ebony weasel looked over to see his friend and the new student, standing transfixed, and yelled back. "Hell yeah!"

Trent pulled a pen a notepad from his pocket, jotted down a note and placed it back in his pocket. Once done updating the wager, he informed his friend, "When you're done, there's someone I want you to meet." Answered with only a thumbs-up, he closed the door and waited for the blowjob to be finished. A few minutes later, a loud groan was heard from inside the room, followed shortly by the femme mouse coming out. Noticing the two standing there, she blushed lightly and crept down the hall to her class. Shortly afterward there emerged the weasel, stretching his arms and looking quite smug.

"So, what's this all about?" he asked, clapping his hands together.

Trent walked up beside the two, making them face each other, and announced, "Ryan, I'd like you to meet the new kid here, Tory. Tory, Ryan."

Ryan held a paw out to shake, but was not returned. Tory looked at the outstretched paw, feeling a little queasy inside, and asked, "Did you, um, wash your..."

Ryan laughed out loud and patted him on the shoulder, remarking, "Don't worry about it. She was the one who was all hands, not me." Reassured, somewhat, the feline relaxed a bit.

Trent then piped up, "I thinking about him hanging out with us."

His face suddenly grew serious, "Really." He brought his paw up to his chest, thinking hard, and looked the snow leopard up and down, "He's young," he noted.

The raccoon argued, "Yeah but think about how young we were. Besides, he already won a bet off me."

"Is that so," the weasel beamed, "I'd love to hear more about that sometime." After a bit more time of deep thought, he concluded, "I'll need some more time to think about it." Then, looking at the clock, informed them, "Looks like it's soon time for the next class. Where are you headed?"

Tory, trying to remember, replied, "Art, I think."

"Great, you'll be with me then. I love art," he told the snow leopard.

Sure enough, the bell rang for the next class. As the cafeteria emptied of all the students, Ryan, Trent, and Tory made their way to their classes. As he past through the art room door, the adult vixen gave Tory a questioning look. But with Ryan's arrival, her expression changed to that of a welcoming smile, "Ryan, my dear, who is your friend?"

He returned a sly smile, saying, "He's the new kid, Tory. I'm believe he's in this class," with a wink.

"Oh, I'm sure of it," she replied, leading them to their seats.

As the class wore on, the weasel and the snow leopard got to talking, getting to know each other. The teacher noticed this but let them go. Ryan was very special to her, in more ways than one. Far too soon for any of them, the bell rang to signal the next class. While saying his goodbyes, Tory noticed out of the corner of his eye Ryan giving the teacher a swat on her ass, making her giggle. Rolling his eyes, he continued out into the hallway. "What have I gotten myself into," he muttered to himself.

Being new to a school, it's easy to get lost in the crowd. Tory was no different, as he was several minutes late getting to science class. His opening of the door interrupted the teacher's beginning lecture, who scanned his attendance paper to see who it was. "Tory, is it?"

"Yes," answered the snow leopard. He didn't want to screw up too badly, now. This was the last class of the day. Then, there was freedom.

"May I ask you something?" the teacher inquired in a much quieter tone. Leaning in to try to hear better, he nodded. The teacher continued, "Do you understand the content in a science class." Another nod answered him. "Are you able to help others understand?"

"I've tutored before," his student clarified. 'Where was he going with this?'

"Good," the professor exclaimed, straightening up. Could you then take a seat with and help out Trisha and Sara, over in the back."

Eyes wide, he looked over to where the teacher was pointing. Sure enough, there sat the twins, waving enthusiastically at him. "Them," he asked, voice cracking slightly. A nod confirmed his fears. Patting on his back, as if to wish him luck, motioned for him to continue to the back.

"Now girls," he said in a louder, sterner tone, "I want you to pay attention to Tory and to keep your hands to yourself." The snow leopard froze when he heard this.

"We will," they replied in innocent unison.

The professor continued, "I'm serious, what you did to the last one is unacceptable. My one of my student have an orgasm during my class is inexcusable." One of the classmates cowered in his seat, but the girls just giggled. Tory continued, slowly as the two patted the seat between them and cooed to him. As soon as he had sat down, they were all over him, rubbing his thighs.

"Hey Sara," Trisha whispered, "Our friend here seems a little tense."

Sara played along with her sister, "You're right, Trisha. Maybe we should give him a massage."

"Please," the feline begged, "I'm trying to pay attention."

"That's okay," Sighed into his ear, "You can take the notes now, and show it all to us later." His breathing quickened as two paws reached higher up his leg; higher and higher.

Jumping up quickly, he yelled out, "Can I please go to the bathroom!"

The professor turned around to see who was interrupting him and found the poor soul stuck between the two nymphs. Glaring at the skunkettes, he relented, "Alright, go ahead." As Tory rushed for the door, he heard the teacher say, "Don't take to long." Shaking his head in disgust at what the teacher was referring to, he continued on into the hallway.

"Pull yourself together, Tory," he ranted on to himself as he splashed cold water into his face. "You're better than this, you're stronger than this. They have no power over you. They're just two skunkettes, two... incredibly hot skunkettes. Dammit!" Feeling that he had calmed himself down as best he could, he shook his head dry and headed back to class.

The door creaked open as the feline inched his way back inside the room. Upon entering he noticed that the twins were scheming with each other until his arrival, to which they began giggling. Making his way back to his seat, dreading what they were planning, he sat down at the desk. Instantly, the two girls leaned over and gave him a kiss on each side of his muzzle, causing him to yelp and jump up. He quickly sat back down and started writing down notes as the teacher turned around to investigate. Growling deeply, the educator returned to his lesson.

As the bell seemed to take forever, Tory cried out when it finally rang. Unfortunately, he couldn't take ten steps outside the classroom until two sets of paws grabbed him and pulled him into an empty room. As Trisha kissed him deeply, Sara whispered in his ear, "Here's just a little something to help you out for tonight." Licking his neck, she reached for his bulging sheath and squeezed it. He managed to push them away and left them in the room, exiting the school and racing for his new home.

Once he reached the house, he sprinted up the stairs to his own room, tore his cloths off, and threw himself onto the bed, his overly-teased cock already exposed. He began to beat off furiously, images to the two tantalizing skunkettes filling his mind, imagining them repeating what they'd done to him and much more. With a loud yell, his orgasm washed over his body, draining him of any wakefulness he had left, leaving him sprawled out on his bed, past out.

The next day, Tory tried to distance himself from the others. Whenever he saw one of them wave to him in the hallway, he would always look away. He even went as far as hiding in a classroom when the girls past by. He was able to keep this up for the first half of the day, but knew he get by them at lunch. As he got his food, he seated himself at an empty table and idly picked at his food. It didn't take long until he heard pawsteps approaching.

"Hey Tory, you okay?" sounded the concerned tone of Ryan's voice.

Finally looking up, he mumbled, "Hmm? Yeah, yeah..."

Worried for his new friend, Ryan took seat beside the snow leopard, asking, "Tory, what wrong? You can tell me."

"It's just," the feline declared, "I don't think I can hang out with you guys anymore."

Completely shocked, the weasel questioned, "Why not? Whatever it is, we'll do our best to compensate for it." Tory mumbled something under his breath and kept glancing over at the other table. The weasel couldn't decipher what he was saying but did notice his fleeting glimpse. "Will you excuse me for a moment," he asked before pushing himself off the table and stomped over to his own. Standing in front of the girls, he barked out, "What the hell is your problem?"

They both looked up at him angrily, Trisha spitting out, "What the hell is yours?"

Ignoring them, he continued, "What did you do to Tory yesterday?"

Smirking at each other, Sara explained, "We just got to know each other, a little better."

"Well congratulations!" he yelled, "He's not going to hang out with us any more. I hope you're happy." Both of them hung their heads, feeling guilty. "Why don't you go over and apologize?" he suggested. As they started to get up, however, he pushed them back in their seats, saying, "Actually, I bring him over, and you can apologize." They scowled at him but let him go.

As Ryan was walking away, Victor sneered at the girls, "Way to go, you twats," earning him a hard kick in the shin.

Tory noticed the weasel returning. "Come on," Ryan said, holding a paw out to him. The snow leopard looked back, but didn't budge from his seat. Sighing, the older fur explained, "I promise nothing inappropriate will happen." The feline brought his fork halfway up to his mouth but dropped it back onto the plate, pushing himself up off the table as he did so. Ryan led him over to where the other furs sat. As he stood Tory in front of the other three, he asked in a stern tone, "Trisha, Sara, do you have something to say?"

Both skunkettes looked up at the young fur, eyes full of sincerity, "We're sorry about yesterday. We won't do it again."

The snow leopard nodded his head in acceptance. It felt nice that they were treating him like this, like a real fur. From this, he began to feel ashamed of himself, hearing them apologize about something he actually ended up greatly enjoying. Shifting around a little, he started to explain, "I guess I'm also sorry. I shouldn't have overreacted. I mean, you were right," he felt his face getting a little flush, "it helped a lot last night."

The three guys were confused by what he had said. The girls, on the other hand, squealed in joy. Trisha even went as far as reaching over the table and planting a big kiss on his cheek. "Trisha!" Ryan yelled out, furious with her forward actions. Tory, though, was blushing greatly with a big grin plastered on his face.

Sara, not far behind her sister, went around the table and hugged him around his shoulders, affirming, "That's it. You're staying with us from now on. Weasel, raccoon, and wolf just watched in content. Although his face was redder than a tomato, he was also happier than since he arrived. At that moment, The Bookies consisted of six.

After a very long embrace, the two skunkettes managed to pry themselves off of him, much to his relief, and regret. "Alright," Ryan proclaimed, "now that the celebrations have been taken care of, let's get down to business. First, we need Tory to engage in some sort of task as a sort of 'coming into The Bookies' kind of thing. Like an initiation or something."

"In- initiation?" Tory asked, a knot forming in his gut.

"No, nothing like that at all," Trent argued, "He already won a bet with me. Isn't that enough?"

Ryan heaved a sigh from the resistance, "Fine, no direct form of social torment," he yielded, "What do you have in mind?"

"I was thinking about a wager," he suggested, "something designed just for him, by us. What do you say?"

The weasel contemplated the idea for a moment before inquiring, "So, ideas any ideas, anyone?"

Trent piped up, "It's got to be public."

Victor added, "It's got to be big."

The twins finalized, "It's got to be sexual."

After a little more deliberation, they came up with the perfect bet for Tory. "This is it," relayed Ryan, "The bet is that you have to go out on a date with Kayla, the hottest cheerleader in the school, and then tap that ass. If you win, you'll have gotten some tail from the hottest cheerleader in the school. Since you're a virgin, I believe that would be a really good win. But if you lose, you have to come to school the next day, completely nude. Then, during the pep rally after school, you'll have to masturbate in front of everyone. Deal?"

Tory thought long and hard about the proposal. The risk was incredibly high, but so was the reward. He had seen the cheerleader before. Kayla was a pure white rabbit, kept in great athletic condition. She had to be in order to be the head of the cheer squad. He considered all the outcomes, a night of unbelievable pleasure compared to a day of unimaginable humiliation. Taking a long look at the outstretched paw in front of him, he grasped it with his own, uttering a single word, "Deal."

This is the first half of this two part mini-series. This is the most important part. You must now vote on whether he wins the bet or loses the bet. Before you decide, I'll tell you right now, Tory gets laid, either way. You can vote by placing a comment with your choice. After a week of tallying up the votes, I will decide which decision to write. It's up to you!

Mail-Order Chocolate

Mail-Order Chocolate Happy Easter, everyone! If you found this story, then this shouldn't be a problem, but if you are under the age of 18, you can't read this. It has content of a suggestive manner, which the rest of us hope for. As for those...

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'Thank You' Gift

'Thank You' Gift If you've been with the series (which I strongly recommend), then you will know what to expect. I have added a twist to the sex scene, so if you aren't so open minded, then you may not like this chapter. For the sake of the story,...

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Reflection After a lot of convincing, I have made here Chapter Two. Again, this story contains underage, anthropomorphic sex; bondage; and content of such. If you are too young or offended by anything in the list above, then leave now. All others,...

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