Need for Speed

Story by Bubba on SoFurry

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#4 of Change In A Relationship

Need for Speed

I told you I'd keep the series going. You should know the drill by now, considering my series. No underage cubs or any of you who dislikes underage, anthropomorphic yiffing. Are you still here? Alright, onto the story...

There comes a time in every young fur's life when he seeks freedom; whether it is from parents, school, or whatever. The biggest action to take, short of moving out, is to buy one's own car. Such an action includes many benefits, from leaving an oppressive household for a few hours to sneaking out for a good yiff with a girlfriend. All of these benefits, particularly the latter one, have led Derek to a used car lot in the downtown area. Of course, Jade was by his side, helping him choose from the available vehicles.

Stepping up to one that had caught his eye earlier, Derek looked over it and asked, "What do you think of this one?"

Jade circled the car once, grimacing in concentration, and then replied, "I can't really picture you driving an SUV." The otter nodded in understanding and continued his searched.

He walked through the lot several times, considering a few and mentioning them to his tag along. Unfortunately, it seemed that everyone he liked had a problem with his wolfess.

"What about this one?"

"Way too small. You'd be too uncomfortable driving in it. Plus, there's not really enough room in the back for us to... test its suspension."

"This one seems nice."

"It looks to have a lot of years on it. It'd be best to have something that will last."

"This one appears nice enough."

"... If you get that one, then there will be no way you're getting any tail from me, ever again."

Getting frustrated, Derek suggested that they slit up to search more of the lot, faster. He was having no luck where he was looking. All of them looked too decrepit, even for a junkyard. Never the less, he walked through the masses of metal, scrutinizing over everyone. Jade wasn't doing much better. She had both seen and rejected them before, or they were too dilapidated to consider. She was about to give up and fetch her boyfriend when a glint of sunshine reflected off the back corner of a hidden one.

Curious, she strode over to investigate. What she saw creased a grin of approval on her face. Turning from it for a second, she yelled out across the lot, "Derek! Come take a look at this one!" A few moments passed and Derek came trotting around the corner to Jade, who stood admiring her choice. "You like?" she asked, never taking her eyes off it.

The otter scanned over it himself, liking what he saw. It was a sports coupe, kept in good condition. It wasn't too old and was, indeed, very appealing to the eyes. However, doubt was also considered, "I don't know. It is nice, but that means it's either out of my price range or a lemon. I could go ask."

Turning around, he was startled by the tabby cat behind them. The feline just smirked at his reaction and went on to explain, "You don't have to worry about either. I keep all my cars inspected and that particular one has been here for some time. I believe I can make a descent offer for it."

Still suspicious, Derek interrogated, "why hasn't it been sold, then?"

The lot owner answered, "I keep this one tucked away in the back, here, so that anybody who's really looking for a good car will find a good car. If I rolled this to the front of the lot, it would be sold in a heartbeat, and I believe it deserves better." Holding out the key, he invited, "care for a test drive?"

Derek finally relented. Taking the key, he unlocked the door and sat inside, leaving the tabby to take passenger seat. With uncertainty showing he put the key into the slot and started the engine. It came to life immediately, purring like a seductive tiger. Revving it a couple times, he lowered the window and admitted, "Alright, I like how it sounds." Jade's only reply was a giggle.

Turning to the teen, the tabby suggested, "How about a test drive. Then we'll see how you feel about it." He accepted the invite by shifting it into gear and pulling out onto the street, circling the block. The entire drive was splendid. It shifted and drove gracefully, able to stop on a dime and flowing through turns. It remained almost silent, until you revved the engine. In fact, the otter was a little disappointed when they reentered the lot.

Jade leaned against the door on her arm and peered inside, asking, "So, what do you think?"

Derek stared back, excitement shining in his eyes, "We're getting it."

The owner led them to the office building where they needed to fill out all the necessary paperwork. Fifteen minutes later, the young couple was skipping out, key in paw, with the lot owner standing in the doorway, waving them good bye.

Both hopped inside their new car, exhilarated with what they now possessed. Derek eagerly ignited the engine and drove onto the street, taking their car home. "Leaning over the center console, the wolfess whispered in her mate's ear, "I want you to give it like you're going to give me later tonight; all that you got." Derek kept the pace, increasing a mile or so faster. Jade eyed him wearily, "If this is what you're going to give me, then I can do it myself."

"No," the otter clarified, "I just want to get this home in one piece. I know you can take it, but I don't know if this can. Just relax and enjoy the ride." She started snoring in a mocking way, teasing him for his driving. Playing along, he nudged her awake, both laughing at their own antics.

Sighing softly, she stated to him, "Well, if you're not going to step it up, then I guess I'll have to." Derek frowned questioningly, wondering what she meant. A delicate paw unzipping his pants answered all questions.

The otter jarred a little, exasperated, "Jade; what are you doing? In case you haven't noticed, were driving down a road at the moment."

His mate leaned over the center console and tickled his balls, breathing, "I hope you don't mind if I drive a little stick myself." With nowhere to go, the helpless otter continued driving, the car swerving whenever a jolt spiked up his spine. Jade soon had his entire length exposed and inflated with blood. Taking a firm grip, the wolfess began stroking up and down his cock, cupping his balls and squeezing the tip at random intervals. Stimulated by the driving and the fondling, Derek slowly increased his speed. Soon he was flying down the pavement at well over the speed limit. Enjoying her control at the moment, she decided to up the ante. Bending over, she got her head between his chest and the steering wheel and enclosed his throbbing meat in her mouth. She quickly went to bobbing on his pole, her tongue swirling over the head and soaking up the precum.

He couldn't last any longer and exploded into her watering maw, his cum traveling down her throat and back down his cock, matting his sheath. His orgasm had caused a greater distraction than either had anticipated. Unable to control his tensing body, the car drifted off the road and onto the grass. The sudden change jolted the driving otter, who immediately slammed on the brakes. The car screeched to a halt, stopping a few feet in front of a telephone pole.

Both of them were sitting back against their seats, shivering in fear of the close call. It took a few minutes for them to calm down. Derek was the first to move, turning toward the wolfess and scolding her, his voice cracking a little, "That's why I wanted to drive home safe. What if I couldn't stop in time?"

Jade laughed softly, nervously, "It would've been the best death ever." Neither could help but chuckle at her very true remark. The giggling was cut short, however, by red and blue flashing lights in the rearview mirror. The german shepherd slowly approached the window, "What happened here?"

Derek began to explain, "Sorry, just got... surprised by something and lost control for a second."

The police officer grimaced at the excuse, noticing the temporary registration paper on the back, "You just get this car?"

Jade answered for him, "Yes, we did. We're actually driving it home right now." Then she bowed her head slightly and looked up at him, fluttering her eyelashes as cutely as she could, "You're not going to give us a ticket, are you?"

The officer just laughed inside at her pathetic attempts, "No, I'm just going to give you a warning right now. Just remember to get the feel for your vehicle as soon as you can." Turning to leave, he added, "And try not to get too distracted by your passengers." Both were blushing deeply as Derek pulled back onto the road. The german shepherd watched as the teens drove away, chuckling as it swerved slightly. "Young love," he muttered as he got back into the cruiser and headed back to the station.

I hope you enjoyed the short. The dedication and inspiration to this is the car I just bought. And, as I've said, there is more to come for Derek and Jade, so keep your eyes peeled.

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