Winning or Losing - B

Story by Bubba on SoFurry

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#3 of You Decide

Winning or Losing

(Ending B)

Cubs, look away now. Only if you are eighteen will your eyes be able to cope with the following adult content without bursting into flames! Its for your own safety. Same goes for those against teenage anthro sexuality, you will not like this. Enjoy the second half to the 'You Decide' series. You should, you chose this one. But before you do, read Part 1, The Bet, or this won't make much sense.

The bet has been set. The risks are established. The offer hung in the air as consideration takes place. Finally, with a set mind, the outstretched paw is grasped and shook. The biggest bet in Anthropolis High is official.

Ryan was the first to speak up, "Do you really think you have a chance?"

"Not really," Tory suppressed a chuckle, "but I got a feeling that we're all going to be surprised, tomorrow."

"Well, if you want any chance at all, then you better make your move," the weasel motioned to the pearly white rabbit sitting with her friends.

Finally releasing his grip, he assured his friend, "Don't worry, I'm on it. I'm cool."

"Yeah, watch out for that trash bin, Mr. Cool," the weasel warned, watching in mirth as the snow leopard turned around and clumsily miss the trash bin. Seeing the distraction take full effect, Ryan turned to his friends and signaled, "Alright, spread the word." All five furs spread out to different parts of the cafeteria and related news of the wager.

Oblivious, Tory made his way, nervously but steadily, over to his target table. As he got close, he heard her talking idly with her friends. Taking the opportunity as they paused in their conversation, he finally addressed her, "Excuse me, Kayla? Turning to meet his timid gaze, she waited for him to continue, "I was just wondering, since you seem like a really nice fur, if you would like to go out some time?" With it out in the open, he held his breath, waiting for a reply.

She gave him one quick look over, as if searching for something. Grinning back at him, she answered, "Sure. Pick me up at seven, okay?" Elated at the surprising response, he thanked her over and over. Waving him off, she blew a kiss to him, "Till then." She giggled as he blushed deeply and stumbled back to his own table.

The friend Kayla was talking to inquired, "Why'd you accept the date? He's just the new kid."

Smiling widely, the rabbit replied, "He seemed cute, and the fact that he actually asked me out says he's got some balls too," and winked at her fellow cheerleader. Both laughed at her remark and continued eating.

"Dude, she said yes," Tory explained to the recently regrouped pack.

"You serious?" Trent asked, "So you're just going drag it out."

The snow leopard ignored the comment, countering, "The fact that she said 'yes' means I have a real chance, no matter how miniscule."

"Whatever you say," Victor relented, finishing his meal as the bell rang.

The rest of the day, Tory couldn't focus on any of the classes, preoccupied with the upcoming date. As the bell rang out the end of the day, the feline raced out of the school and reached his house in record time. Once inside, he greeted his mother and related that he had a date for the evening. Without giving her a chance to tease, he sped up the stairs, leaving her to answer the ringing phone, "Hello? Oh, hi boss... Is that really necessary...?"

Clothing flew out of his open closet as he searched for what he considered descent enough for the evening, "...too colorful, too big, too old, this could work." Laying his chosen garments out on the bed, he stripped himself and headed for the bathroom. He turned on the tub's faucet and allowed it time to heat up. Once it was a comfortable temperature, he stepped inside and activated the showerhead. He growled in pleasure as he basked in the torrent of falling water, enjoying the feeling as it loosened up his tense muscles. It had been a stressful day and he really needed this to relax. Pooling a bit of body shampoo in his palm, he worked all along his body, lathering every inch of his fur. Slowly, his paw crept down toward his sheath, cleaning it as well. However, his paw did not move elsewhere, even after the foam was clearly seen. Caught up in the moment, he began stroking himself in lust, instead, imagining how the night might end. The tip of his shaft gradually lifted from its cover. He murred as he flicked a finger over the exposed flesh... "NO," he refused, pulling his hand away. "There'll be time for that, later," he told himself.

Before he could lose control again, he hurriedly finished up in the shower and stepped out, covering his waist with a ready towel. Standing in front of the mirror, he continued with all the remaining toiletries, applying deodorant, brushing his teeth, and everything else he could think of. Once completed, he headed back to his room, where he dried himself off thoroughly. After spending a considerable time combing his fur, he redressed himself and gave himself one last look over. Satisfied, he trotted down the stairs, grabbed his wallet, and headed out the door for the night.

It didn't take long for him to reach her house, partly from her close residence and partly from his eagerness. With impeccable timing, he reached out and rung the doorbell at exactly seven o' clock. Taking a step back, he waited for his date inside to answer the door.

It didn't take long. A few moments later, the door opened, revealing his date. His jaw was on the ground as he saw her. She had on a pink blouse and black miniskirt, adorned herself with a little black purse, and ears laid back over her shoulders. "Wow," he managed to utter.

Her eyes moved over his form, from head to tail, then replying, "You too." Quickly composing himself, he offered his elbow out to her, which she daintily accepted. Taking the lead, he led her down the stoop and across the street. After a few minutes of walking, Kayla spoke up, "So, what's the plan, then?" He explained to her his plan of a walk through the park on their way to the restaurant, careful to leave out the part of yiffing her, afterwards.

The tour through the park was uneventful, except when she pulled closer to him, getting comfortable. With the reservation he had called in earlier, the two were seated immediately. They both ordered their food and talked about themselves. The night was going perfectly, their conversation continuing long after the check was paid for. Still, Tory was wondering how he could transfer to a certain topic. Fortunately, Kayla took care of that for him, "You know, I rally wasn't expecting this, but I really enjoyed our date."

"Same, here," the snow leopard agreed, wholeheartedly. Taking the final step, he proposed, "I was wondering, do you want to do something else after dinner?"

Sighing, she took his paw in hers, "Now Tory, why would you want to ruin a perfect evening like this by asking to yiff me?"

He was caught! Losing his cool, he began a steady stream of apologies, "I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have done that. That was wrong of me. I'll never..."

She waved off any remaining apologies with a wave of her paw. Surprisingly, she didn't look angry. "It's okay," she explained, "I was actually wondering if you would have the guts to ask. I've smelled your musk all evening." The feline crossed his arms over his lap, a vain attempt to suppress his pheromones. Giggling at his antics, she reached over the table and stroked his muzzle, "You are the sweetest guy I've ever dated. And with or without my heat," Tory's ears perked, "if I'd known you a little better, I'd jump over the table and fuck you right here and now, but it's just too early. I'm sorry."

The snow leopard nodded in understanding as he watched her get up from the table. "I really am sorry," he apologized one last time. Leaning forward, she gave him a small peck on the cheek and made her leave.

As she strode out, she looked over her shoulder and called to him, "Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow, Tory," and exited the restaurant.

Her last statement hit him like a ton of bricks, 'She knew about the bet! OH GOD, THE BET!' Getting up, he walked out shortly after, calm and polite outside, while inside, he was freaking out. He made it to the park before he had to sit down and think things over. 'That's it, I lost the bet. There's no way I can I can beat it, now. What will I do, tomorrow? Can I really go to school naked? What if I just go to school with cloths on? They'll just tear it off. I can't beg and plead for another chance. What have I gotten myself into?' Resolving to figure it out in the morning, he stood from the bench and trudged home.

Upon entering the house, his mother looked in from the kitchen, inquiring, "You're home?"

Looking up at her, he replied, "It's ten."

"Yeah, but," she started. He just shrugged it off and headed for his room. "Poor baby," she cooed, regretfully. She knew what he was aiming for that night.

Tory, forgetting that he was still dressed, flopped down onto his bed. He lay, facedown, on his pillow, with his eyelids growing heavy, partly from fatigue and partly from grief. As he drifted off to sleep, a single tear rolled down his muzzle.

He gradually opened his eyes as he was gently shaken awake, "Honey, it's time to wake up."

Seeing his mother peering down at him, he asked, "Did the alarm not work?"

She shook her head, "I thought you could use a nicer wake up." He sat up and hugged her in gratitude. "C'mon. I made you some breakfast," she invited. She headed down the stairs toward the kitchen. Tory followed shortly after, once redressing. Both ate in silence, only a word or two being exchanged. With her empty plate in the sink, she offered to her son, "Do you need a ride to school?"

The young feline was quick to reply, "No, that's okay. I think I'll just walk."

Kissing him goodbye on the forehead, she grabbed her keys and drove away. The snow leopard waited a few minutes after the sound of the engine receded before walking up to the front door. His mind was made up; he knew what he had to do. His shoes were the first to go, kicked off to the side and covered with his socks soon after. Next was his shirt. Lifting it over his head, he crumpled it up and threw it with his shoes. With trembling paws, he undid the button and unzipped his jeans, allowing them to fall around his ankles. Just one more piece remained. Taking a deep breath, he stretched the elastic of his boxers with his thumbs and slid them down on top of his pants. A twist of the knob and a slight push revealed his naked body to the cruel, unmerciful world outside.

The snow leopard was very self conscious as he walked down the street, covering his crotch with his paws in a vain attempt to mask his nudity. During his route, a couple of students across the street waved enthusiastically to him, causing him to shudder in humiliation. None the less, he continued on to school. A grand welcome came from all the students in the lobby, and some of the teachers, as he passed through the doors. He cringed at the greeting, embarrassed to no limit. His face became crimson on his way to the gymnasium. After he took his place in the back, Trent edged closer to him, "So, I take it you lost the bet?" Tory could only nod his head meekly in response. Chuckling slightly, the raccoon explained to him, "Don't worry about getting in trouble with the teachers, we made sure that they won't give you a suspension. The worse they can do is tease you a little."

As if to confirm what the raccoon had just said, the hulking badger stomped out, "Tory, you pathetic, clothe-less worm. I better see you stretching farther, now that you have no physical restrictions." With his face burning from the comment, he followed the class through the exercises. It was painstakingly slow through that class and the next, some of the more ruthless guys taunted him by mewing to him and calling him 'kitty'. At the same time, some of the more provocative girls would wink and whistle to him. Honestly, he could tell which was worse. During those first two classes of hell, he was hoping for some mercy from his friends at lunch. He was horribly mistaken.

He trudged through the cafeteria past leering eyes and toothy grins, one fur in the corner calling out, "What a fucking loser!" Hurrying over, he took his place at his seat with his friends.

The other five just sat there comfortably, not seeming to mind that their youngest friend had joined them nude and red-faced. Ryan was the first to address him, "I was wondering, 'how does it feel to let it all hang loose?'"

"Miserable," the snow leopard mumbled. He stared at his food, his eyes empty of most of his dignity.

"It can't be that bad," the weasel disputed, "I mean, you actually showed up. If it were me, I would just stay home." Hearing this, the feline just slumped in his seat further.

Victor, trying to cheer his friend up, commented, "If it'll make you feel better, I will tell you right now; Bravo. Hell, you could probably even challenge my size." This only helped in making the fur hide his face in his arms.

"Now, why would you go and say something like that," Sara said sternly. Tory peeked up, looking confused at her. He figured that her and her sister, of all of them, would...

"Yeah, he's much bigger," Trisha finished, giggling with her twin as he borrowed his face deeper in his limbs. The teasing continued throughout the lunch period. The poor feline dashed away at the sound of the bell from the five cackling at the latest joke.

He continued running until he reached his next class, right into a startled art teacher, "My, my, young Tory. Where are your cloths? Did you lose the bet?" Cheeks burning in embarrassment, he slunk over to his seat, not noticing the old vixen's wandering eyes. One by one, the class filled up with its students, each grinning at the sight of the bare snow leopard. Last to enter was Ryan, who was approached by the teacher, "Dear Ryan, why did you make him go through with the bet? Did you do this as a special treat for me?"

"How dare you think in such a way," The weasel acted out, shocked, "You should know better than that; I'm the only one you should be drooling over."

The vixen just smiled back and pinched his cheek, then turned to the rest of the class, "Alright, everybody. In light of a certain act of payment," her eyes, along with everybody else's, fell upon the snow leopard, "I was thinking that we could use this special opportunity to start our 'pose portraits'. And I think we have the prefect poser."

She motioned for Tory to get into the center of the room. At first, he remained motionless, thinking, 'I'm at school naked, isn't that punishment enough?' However, with more persuasion, he skulked to the middle of the space.

"Thank you," the teacher thanked, "Now if you will get into a pose for us, any pose you wish." Hoping to hide as much as possible, he pulled a chair up, sat down in it, and leaned forward with his paw cupping his chin.

Ryan, wanting to tease the naked feline further, suggested, "Hey Tory, how about you get into a prowling position, since you're already strutting around the school, all natural." The snow leopard looked up at what he thought was his friend in dreadful surprise, how could he really do this to him?

With more urging from the teacher and the rest of the class, he slowly pushed the chair away and got down on all fours, spreading his paws out, holding his head low and his tail and backside high. Finally in the desired position, the classmates started their artwork, putting more effort into it. As pencils and paintbrushes dragged along numerous canvases, the vixen seated herself behind the hapless feline, admiring his exposed rear angle, rubbing her legs together slightly. As the bell rang, the teacher collected all the pieces of art, calling to the departing students, "Remember, students, I will be unavailable all of the next period as I grade these. You two could stay, however," she invited to Ryan and Tory. The weasel just waved it off as the snow leopard ran away. 'Oh well,' she thought to herself as she spread all the pieces on a table, then satin front of them all with her skirt hiked and her paw underneath her panties.

Tory contemplated whether anything could get worse as he entered the science wing. It certainly did in a short amount of time when he entered his class and solemnly acknowledged by the professor, "Hello, Tory. I'm sorry but... you're going to have to take your seat.

"God, no." the snow leopard groaned as he found the two skunkettes sisters on either side of his seat, appearing more giddy than usual. He uneasily sat down, waiting for them to pounce on him. A moment passed, then another. Besides that he was mortified from being nude in a room full of other furs, he relaxed slightly. Perhaps they had enough sense to understand that he had been through hell and back several times that day and leave him alone.

"You didn't really think you would get out of this class, unscathed, did you?" a seductive voice sung in his ear as a paw crept over his spine, followed by a shiver. At this, paws ran over his body, more frenzied than typical. He curled up in a ball as much as he could, trying to, feebly, escape the taunting touches.

"Wait," Trisha's halted her and her sister's groping, "we shouldn't go too far with him..." Tory felt relief wash over him. "...remember, we want him to save some for the prep rally, then." The snow leopard looked too each one, desperately.

"What," Sara questioned, her paws returned to stroking his fur, "did you really forget about the show you're going to give us?" His eyes began to well up, his self pity conflicting with the enticing handling of his bare body. Their fingers tickled ever so closely to his crotch before shrinking away, driving him crazy.

Attempting one last escape, he rushed out of the classroom, hoping to outrun the skunkettes. Unfortunately, he was captured by the two femmes, surprising him with lightning speed, "Now that was quite naughty of you. We're going to have to punish you for that, later," dragging his defeated form down the hall, outside, to the stadium.

As he was led out, he was astounded by how much the bleachers were already filled up, every occupant waiting for the show. Walking through the seated crowd was Ryan, a microphone in hand, addressing the crowd as the snow leopard drew nearer, "Alright everybody, the star has arrived. Let's give it up for Tory!" The mass cheered for the feline, who hung his head in shame. The two girls deposited him in the grassy area and left him alone to join everybody else as the weasel continued, "Just one more thing needs to be done, Tory. Do that, and you're done with it forever."

Tory, near sobbing, sat down and spread his legs in front of everybody. Then, with shaking paws, he stroked over his sheath. Despite the situation he was in, he was able to lure his barbed cock from its cover. Taking a firm grip of it, he shamefully began to stroke up and down. He clenched his eyes tight in discomfiture as he pleasured himself, "Tory, how could you let yourself get into this? Tory, you can never live past this. Tory, you were a fool to think that they were actually your friends. Tory - wait..."

That's when he realized it. Opening his eyes, he saw the entire crowd chanting his name. Not to humiliate him, but to encourage him. But what made his heart swell was seeing five certain figures leading them into the chant. For the first time that day, he felt truly welcomed by his peers. Seeking out Ryan, the weasel smiled back and gave him a thumbs-up. Emboldened with new confidence, he began to masturbate with more passion, getting more into it.

Seeing his friend actually stat enjoying himself, the weasel decided to help his friend even further. Holding the microphone up to his muzzle, he called out, "It looks like he's finally getting into it. But he still looks a little lonely down there. Why don't a couple of you girls go down and join him, keep him company. Who knows, he might even give you a treat in return." The first to respond were Trisha and Sara, running down the stadium steps to the grassy floor. Getting on their hands and knees, the two crawled over to his sitting form, licking there lips hungrily. As soon as they were within cum-shot, they sat on their heels and leaned forward onto their front paws, their mouths gaping.

It didn't take long for large numbers of girls stood from their seats and eagerly made their way to join the skunkettes. Tory watched in amazement at the growing mob in front of him, all hoping for a taste of his seed. One them, in particular, caused him to stop in disbelief, "Kayla!?" The white bunny nervously came down the bleachers and kneeled down directly in front of him, maw open and tongue hanging out. Snapping back to this wonderful, new reality, he started to beat off at a maddening rate. The faint sound of panting and soft moaning from the horde before him made him quickly lose all rational thought. His hips bucking lightly into his fist, as groan escaped his lips, signaling to all the girls of his fast approaching orgasm. The smell of countless aroused females drove him wild, arching his back into his slicked palm. They all held their breath in anticipation as his body began to jerk. Then, with a yowl, feline semen burst from his tip, streaming the girls faces, up front, with his leopard cum. He swung his cock from side to side, showering as many bodies as he can with more spooge erupting from his malehood. All the girls sighed out in excitement and satisfaction from the spray of kitty seed.

As the remaining bit drooled down his length, Trisha and Sara scooted closer and ran their tongues up his meat, cleaning it up. Tory jumped at the feeling and looked down, his eyes glazed over in lust. Ryan grinned at the girls' advancement, "Well, it looks like we're in store for an encore. Is that what you two are up to?" The sisters looked up at him and nodded their heads with fervor. Laughing, he announced to the crowd, "Sit back, relax, and enjoy some more action, folks."

Tory, still a bit dazed from the orgasm, was caught by surprise by a pair of paws grabbing his shoulders from behind and pulling him onto his back. Into his vision was Kayla, bending over and kissing him on the muzzle with great zeal. "You want to join for a little 'three on one'?" Sara asked the rabbit. The white lapin just responded with a nod, never taking her mouth from his. Grinning, Trisha got up and stood over his body. Kayla reluctantly broke the kiss and sat on top of his face, nothing underneath her cheerleading skirt. Trisha slowly lowered herself down, looking at her sister licking his balls and over her shoulder at the cheerleader being eaten. Wasting no more time, the skunkette let her legs give out and planted his cock up between her legs.

All four moaned out loudly as pleasure engulfed them all, completely forgetting the roaring audience. Sara licked over his shaft and balls, as well as the rising and lowering lips of her sister's cunt. She always found the taste of mixed male and female precum as a delicacy. Trisha rode him hard, bouncing on his barbed pole with greater and greater force. Kayla shook as his tongue licked all over her insides. Lost in ecstasy, she rabbit reached around the moaning skunkette and groped at her breasts, pinching at her hard nipples. This only made her slam herself down harder on the young meat, yowling in bliss as the barbs poked at her insides. Her twin dug her face deeper into the slapping groins, pulling on the nether lips with her teeth and sucking his balls in her mouth, fingering herself rapidly. Tory was bucking up in frenzy; ecstasy tingled over his cock, on his balls, and in his mouth. All four bodies began twitching from all the yiffing, all of them racing each other to their own climax.

Tory was the first of them. Reaching his peak, he grasped the white thighs around his head and held her tight, probing his raspy tongue as deep as he could. At the same time, he arched up on his heals and exploded into Trisha's depths. Trisha and Kayla was a tie for second. The skunkette screamed out as her pussy squeezed the cum out of his shaft, her pelvis flush with his. Kayla howled as her femme juices filled his lapping maw, her clit quivering from the flicks from his tongue. Sara's body shook violently as she closely trailed behind. Her hand was a blur between her legs as she slurped up all the cum between their legs.

Soon enough, the trembling died down and the cum slowed. They all cuddled up close to each other amidst the applause of the forgotten audience. All four were panting heavily as the crowd showed their appreciation. Turning to face him, Trisha whispered, "I bet you can't do that again..."

I hope you enjoyed the conclusion to 'You Decide'. If you didn't, then try the other ending. Either way, I hope you finish reading, very satisfied. Now, this isn't necessary, but if you could vote on your favorite ending, I would really appreciate it.

Winning or Losing - A

Winning or Losing (Ending A) Cubs, look away now. Only if you are eighteen will your eyes be able to cope with the following adult content without bursting into flames! Its for your own safety. Same goes for those against teenage anthro...

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Save the Last Dance for Me

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The Bet

The Bet If you're reading this, or even on this website for that matter, then you should be expecting the anthropomorphic sexuality. If you're not okay with that, then, frankly, I'm surprised you let yourself get this far. You too cubs, shoo....

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