Zoorama Issue 1

Story by Bubba on SoFurry

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Zoorama Issue 1

Emergency News Bulletin

Readers, may I have your attention please. Will miners and yiff haters, please stand up and leave. I repeat, will the miners and yiff haters, please stand up and leave. Thank you.

Also, I would like to note that the following story is not mine. I asked for permission to write this like every good fur should. The content belongs to nexus_jubatus, the formatting is from me. Check out the magazine at Zoorama.com; the first issue there is free but the following issues are going to cost you. Onto the story...

"...officers were on the scene to investigate the relationship between these crimes and the 'Muffin Mafia'," reported Tame Wolf, one of the anchors at Furry News.

The camera shifts to the co-anchor, a female zebra, "And that is all from Furry News. We wish you a good evening and a great weekend."

"Aaaand cut! Very good, guys," called out the director off screen. A horse behind the camera powered down the equipment pointing at the two relieved looking furs at the desk.

Thank's SR," the zebra smiled warmly at the director. She was in a good mood, as she had a right to be. Friday afternoon and work was over for the next two days; she was going to live up the night like any young, hardworking fur had a right to.

As she packed up her things, the directing fur announced to everyone, "Okay, that's it for today, have a good weekend everybody," and exited the studio.

Back in the control room, one of the editors peered around him to see if anyone was lingering. Confirming that he was alone, he pulled out a disk, frowning in confusion at it. "Damn, how am I going to burn these DVD's? I was never told I needed to know this when they hired me. Fuckin' producers..."

The zebra had just about collected her things when a pair of paws reached around from behind, grasping at her chest and hearing a deep purr, "Hello, stripey."

She moaned softly as a rough tongue dragged along her neck, "You know, we really shouldn't be doing this... here-" She found herself quickly relenting to the provocative activity.

A deep, seductive growl cut off any pathetic objections, "C'mon, I'm sooo horny..."

Back in the broadcasting room, the wolf looked over several screens as he typed clicked through files. A devilish grin started to form on his muzzle as he slowly progressed, "Heheheh... Man this is the shit! Those pricks in corporate would be so pissed if they knew I was illegally copying all this with their own equipment. It's so easy too with all this idiot-proof equipment." He was halted as the screen presented a confusing message, "What the... 'Spike global transcoder'? Well, the icon for it is a tiny disk. I guess that's it." Using the mouse, he clicked on the icon...

The zebra turned to face the yiffy cheetah and pulled him into a deep kiss. The cheetah shifted his paws down to grope her tight ass, "Honey, I've been longing for your sugar sweet lips; it's been driving me crazy."

She couldn't help but chuckle slightly at his urgency, "Mmm, but couldn't we wait to get back to my place? What if we get caught...?"

"Babe, its Friday fuckin' Night!" he explained casually as pulled their hips closer, "Nobody's stupid enough to hang around here. Besides, I can't wait any longer; it has to be here... NOW!"

"What a hasty cheetahmmmmm," she teased as she forced her muzzle onto his...

The wolf stared at the screen, dumbfounded, "The fuck... I got to test it first? This software is bullshit." He dragged the pointer across the screen to a message box reading 'Global Broadband System - Test Now? "Guess this'll take all night," he sighed as he clicked on the 'YES'...

The cameras still pointed at the desk read on their monitors, 'Test in 2...' With a slight push, the cheetah had his lover sprawled on the desk. 'Test in 1...' Led by adrenaline, he crawled on top the desk and continued to snake his tongue past her lips, his paws opening her coat. The zebra murred into the kiss, "It's been such a long time since you made me feel female."

"I'll show you how we felines do," he smirked down at her...

The wolf placed a set of headphones over his ears and turned his MP3 player up to the max, "If this is going to take so long, I might as well listen to some music while I wait." Behind his dozing form, all the monitors began to read 'Emergency Broadcasting I-N-I-T-I-A-L-I-Z-E-D'...

The channels were quickly being overrun by the broadcast of the two lovers, unbeknownst to them. Biting down on the top of her shirt, the cheetah was finally able to free her full breasts to his eager paws. Arching her back into his grip, she sighed pleasurably, "I love your tongue. It's so soft and wet... Mmm."

"Really," he grinned at her, "Well there's something else I'd like you to taste. Something I think you'll find much more delicious."

With her feminine swiftness, she slipped from his hold and set to work undoing his belt, "Is that so? And what, dare I ask, would that be?" With his pants completely undone, his shaft swung free, fully erect. Sliding her paw up and down its length, she thought to herself, 'Mmm, cable man..."

With a small push, his pants fell the rest of the way down his legs. Grabbing his waist, she opened her mouth wide and began bobbing her head along his engorged cock. All the cheetah could do was lean back against the desk and enjoy the blowjob, thinking to himself, 'Man this has got to be a dream. I'm going to wake up to some messy sheets. Damn, her muzzle's so long, she could deep throat without even twitching...'

Out in a suburban household, a young cheetah was watching his favorite program until it was cut off. At first, he huffed in irritation at missing his show. Although, he was quite surprised at finding his father being blown by the zebra anchor. Putting a paw to his mouth, he called out, "Hey, Muuummm! Dad's on the TV!"

At first she wanted to ignore her son's calling, but knew he wouldn't give up until she relented. Turning from her cooking, she headed to the living room to find what the matter was, "What is this all abo..." She was cut short at the sight of her husband forcing a zebra's head over his meat. She felt her knees going weak, the grip on her mixing spoon lost. Over the TV's speakers, he could be heard, 'Fuck... This is so hot. Not even my wife, the bitch, would do something like suck me at her workplace. Man, this zebra's so much better than her.'

The young cheetah just continued to watch, grinning wildly, "Nobody at school is going to believe this..."

The cheetah could feel himself growing close, really close. His panting increased rapidly, his chest heaving in exertion. In the heat of his climax, he gripped the back of the zebra's head, pulling deep into his groin and yelling out, "GOOODDDD... YEEEAAHHH!!!"

The kneeled zebra was taken by surprise as the feline cock was forced deeper into her mouth, the tip scratching the back of her throat. She managed to pull away, thinking, 'He's got some nerve to pull something like that. I'll make this son of a bitch pay for that..."

At a nearby university, a group of friends were just hanging out in their dorm room. One of them was lounging in his chair, just flipping through the channels. "Fuck man, this is boring as shit," exclaimed one of his friends.

The first fur sighed, "Yeah, what do you expect to find on TV at the time, some porno-"

As if answering his question, the station blacked out, much to friends' dismay. Suddenly, the image of a zebra deep throating a cheetah filled the screen. Everyone in the room was speechless. One of them managed to speak up, "Man, tape that!" With some fumbling of excited paws, the yiffing broadcast was recorded...

The cheetah, however, was not quite done with his prey. Laying her out on the desk, he tore open her skirt and immediately slid his shaft into her spread pussy. The zebra moaned out loudly at the initial penetration. The cheetah took the hint and continued to slap his meat in between her legs. The zebra gasped between gritted teeth, "Oooohhh... if only my husband... mmmm... knew some of these tricks, I... Ooooohhh."

The cheetah grinned down at her, adding a tease to his thrusting, "Aw, poor little girl. You think its good now; you ain't seen nothing yet..."

A bull slowly stood from his seat, his eyes burning in rage at seeing his wife cheating on his on global television. Moving to his closet, he began rifling through its contents for his pistol, "That's it. I've had it with that bitch; that fucking, cheating whore." He's been having suspicions of her adultery for some time now. He wasn't going to be made a fool of any longer...

The zebra grabbed the edge of the desk and pulled herself deeper into his thrusts. Their hips ground harder against each other, his pole venturing farther into her tight depths. Her panting became more ragged, "God, yes... More; gimme more!"

The cheetah chuckled slightly as a thought came to mind, "I bet you don't get it nearly as good from your boss."

The zebra's sighs changed to a laugh, "Haha, that stupid old goat, he's pathetic - and so small too. Haha- aaaahhHHH!" She neighed loudly as his cock grazed her g-spot...

A goat's face grew red in anger at her last comment. As the supervisor of the studio, he was intrigued, to say the least, at what the emergency broadcast was all about. Despite the fact that he would be fired the next day for allowing this, he couldn't help but be engrossed in the broadcast. That is, until, their joking of his impotency to the whole world. He soon began ranting at his television, "What the fuck! Who are you calling old and small, you damn whore. You..."

He was cut short by the sound of his wife behind him. Her dangerously sweet voice calling to him, "Honey," made his face go pale. Behind his cowering frame, his monstrously huge bear wife prepared to swing a baseball at his head.

"Sweetie, I can explain..."

With all the TV stations tuned into the 'special' broadcast, the signal then went to web television stations. This was quite a pleasant surprise to a number of geeks at the online café. The first to notice was a walrus checking the news at yiffstar. "Whoa... Guys, check out this website," he announced to his friends nearby. Eyes going wide in fascination, he commented, "Man, this is better than some of the websites I've checked out."

The duck beside him argued, "Don't you see what they're doing? This is just a dirty trick to eliminate the competition." Despite his statement, he seemed to really enjoy the video under the table...

With cheetah swiftness, he had his zebra lover flipped over onto the table and was pounding into her in doggystyle. Things were definitely getting hot and heavy for the two of them. She could feel the warmth inside her rising while the tingling in his crotch grew more sensitive. Leaning close to her ear, he whispered, "You're really enjoying this, aren't you? Well how something only us cheetahs can do."

The zebra was gasping and moaning with each stroke of his cock inside her, "Just as long as you... mmmm... don't stop... ooohh... just do it."

Growling softly in her ear, he replied, "eighty miles per hour without taking it out. How does that sound?"

Despite her present state, she felt a little concern - a little, "I... I don't know, but... damn... its sooo good... aaahhhh..."

All around the world, people chanted and encouraged him, "GO ON, DO IT! TRY IT, MAN! TRY IT..."

Taking only a moment to adjust his footing, he let loose on her body. His hips became a blur as he piston in and out of her dripping, tight cunt - faster than anything else in the world. Feral growls and roars escaped his chest as sweat poured down his body. The zebra held onto the desk for dear life, crying out in rapture at such a sensation. The desk cracked under the force of their yiffing, but they continued on harder than ever. Arching her back deeply, she screamed out, "Oooooohhhhhh... My... GGGOOOOODDDDD!!! I... I... AAAAHHHHH!!! Fuck me harder, you animal! Ooohhhh..."

At the UN, important furs from all over the world stared in disbelief at the depiction of the two animals yiffing so shamelessly. One fur seemed a little frustrated, nonetheless, at being interrupted with such smut. However, taking an opportunity of the situation, he announced the crowd, "I am now here to propose an international peace agreement between herbivores and carnivores so that scenes like this will never be repeated."

To many's amusement, one fur hidden in the back yelled out, "Fuck you..."

At a nearby strip club, everyone's attention was turned to the television screen. The tiger stripper, unnoticing of the broadcast, yelled out at the crowd of distracted perverts, "Hey, I'm right here. You paid to see me, didn't you? C'mon, I'll give the first guy to look back to me a free lap dance. The fuck is your entire problem?" The crowd was unmoving by her attempts...

At a retirement center, two elderly furs had just turned on the TV to witness the 'emergency' bulletin. The old cheetah made a wry face at the screen's picture, "Now who left this filth on?"

Her friend corrected her, "Well, it says there that it's a news bulletin. Why is this news?" Although peering closer, she was able to recognize one of the furs, "Clementine, isn't that your grandson?"

The old cheetah, too, looked closer. Seeing who it was, she bolted upright, "Oh my..."

Up in heaven, God, in a figure of a majestic lion, watched the whole scenario in disgust, "What has my world come to? To yell out my name at such a time in such a manner... that is surely a dire sin."

One of his angels, however, flew up and questioned him, "But sir... Technically, it is indeed."

Frowning at the monstrous display, he announced, "That is enough. Tomorrow, I restart the whole creation thing. But this time, I'm using monkeys..."

Down in hell, Satan watched the spectacle with a wide grin, "Beautiful, just beautiful. They will both have a very special place down here. I'll even make them VIP's..."

Both were close; so very, very close. The cheetah had once again turned to face the zebra. Both grabbed each other's bodies and grinded into it; harder, deeper. Their breathing was beginning to catch, tremors were being sent up their spines. They had reached the point of no return. But the zebra had one more surprise for hardcore lover. Reaching with a paw behind him, one finger extended, she swung it down into a wide arc, landing the digit inside his tailhole.

So astonished he was, at such a climactic point of his actions. "Bitch! How dare you!" he yelled out in surprise at the intrusion.

The zebra just continued in her glee, tears of delight streaming down her cheeks, thinking, 'Yeah! Oh yeah! That's it, cum my kitty, Cum...'

The wolf in the control center of the studio was awoken by the ringing of the telephone. Grumbling, he picked up the phone to hear the very loud, very angry voice of his boss. With his mind still misted by his waning slumber, he couldn't quite catch on to what the goat meant, "Huh? What you mean? No kidding? Is this some sort of really bad joke, or something?"

Enraged, the goat on the other end shrieked into the transmitter, "Cut the transmission, NOW!"

The wolf finally decided to swivel his chair, only to be faced with dozens of pictures of the two yiffing like crazy. "Fuck..." was all he could utter. In frenzy, he shifted over to the controls, trying to cut the recording short. However, he was halted by a particular statistic.

"Are you serious?" asked the boss, unbelieving of what he had just heard. "Jesus Christ, those are amazing numbers! Wait, stop. Don't turn it off yet. Let those two bastards finish up first. Oh, and don't forget the condom ad."

The wolf was already at work, capturing an explicit shot and adding a sponsor name and slogan to it...

With one final shove, one final arch, both cried and roared their pleasure to the sky. Their fluids combined in a mess covering both their crotches. Finally, they were spent. The cheetah flopped, exhausted onto the heaving zebra. Still trying to catch her breath, she managed to proclaim, "...My god, you... you are the best... honey."

It was at this point that the zebra noticed the cameras for the first time. At first, she couldn't make sense of it. But seeing the monitors portraying a very good angle of the couple caused her to go in shock.

Initially, the cheetah only took pride in her quiet, 'That's right, I'm that good. They always go silent afterward.' Then, noticing that she was staring at something in particular, he questioned her, "Honey, what's wrong? You okay?" He then ventured to turn his head toward what had her attention.

Both of them bolted upright at what that all meant. They were freaking out over the circumstances. The zebra was hastily pointing at the equipment, "It's live! You see that, live! LIVE LIVE LIVE LIVE LIVE LIVE LIVE LIVE..."

The cheetah had worries of his own, "It can't be! I'm so dead! DEAD DEAD DEAD DEAD DEAD DEAD DEAD DEAD..." He immediately began pacing the floor, biting at his claws, thinking over the situation, "Alright, calm down. I mean, it couldn't really be working; it just couldn't. There has to be a mistake."

The zebra voiced her own worries, "I sure do hope so. I don't want anybody knowing that I yiffed the cable man. No offense, but that would really degrade my image."

The cheetah continued on that point, "And what's worse, imagine if people saw where you put that finger..."

Outside the studio, masses of people were gathering around the grounds, some cheering for the couple, others threatening to kill them. The military had arrived to oppose the supporters. Many of the gathering furs seemed to be activists for 'free yiffing', many of whom were sporting picket signs. The commanding officer looked at the crowd in disgust, ordering to his troops, "Get rid of those damn hippies..."

The End

I really hope you enjoyed my writing of a magazine, especially you nexus. If Nexus, if you don't like any part of it or the whole thing in general, just let me know and I'll do what I can to fix it. Everyone else let me know what you think. And check out Nexus_jubatus's magazine at Zoorama.com, it's worth it.

Chocolate for Mom

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She Deserves Better

She Deserves Better Away with all you young cubs, you do not have the maturity level to read this material. The same goes for those who are disgusted with the concept of fighting, depression, and yiffing. Close the door on your way out. If you're...

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Need for Speed

Need for Speed I told you I'd keep the series going. You should know the drill by now, considering my series. No underage cubs or any of you who dislikes underage, anthropomorphic yiffing. Are you still here? Alright, onto the story... There...

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