Chocolate for Mom

Story by Bubba on SoFurry

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#2 of Chocolate Cocoa

Chocolate for Mom

Kittens, be gone! This is no place for you to be. Also for those who dislike prostitution, milf, yiff, chocolate, or any combination of the four, I would recommend you not dwindle. Seriously, this story's got plenty of it. In case you haven't guessed it yet, this is the return of Cocoa, own loveable chocolate prostitute.

Sunlight crept through the slightly parted curtains into the master bedroom. The lynx couple stirred into wakefulness at the start of the new day. On one side of the bed lay the man of the house, a male lynx between mid and late thirties with an average build. Looking over to his right, he smiled at his lovely wife, who was also returning from dreamland. She was absolutely beautiful in his eyes, with smooth fur, stunning smile, and a half-decade younger body that left no evidence of birthing two children. She was quite a catch and he thanked the lord everyday for it.

She looked back at him, replicating the warm smile she was met with. She felt great about today, because that day was a very special day for her. It was a day that beheld gifts and special attention that she was excited for. A day she awoke to, brimming with anticipation. Her husband pulled her closer and kissed her sweetly, "Happy Mother's Day."

Before either of them could get out of bed, the door swung open to reveal two much younger versions of the couple. The smaller of the two, their eight year old son, came bounding up onto the bed and started bouncing on it, repeating, "Happy Mother's Day, mommy! Happy Mother's Day, mommy!"

The other left at the doorway, their ten year old daughter, decided to show some more maturity than her elated counterpart. She gracefully entered, carrying a tray filled with a magnificent breakfast. It had eggs, bacon, toast, pancakes, milk, orange juice, grapes... - the works. Setting in her mother's lap, she stated, "Here you go, mom. I hope you like it."

She looked over the spread of delicious food with wide eyes, reminding her of her morning hunger. "Wow," she exclaimed, "thanks honey. This is just... wow!"

Her daughter smiled proudly at the reaction, "Yeah, it took the three-" her father made a swiping motion with his paw over his throat, motioning to exclude him, "two of us since five thirty to prepare it, but it's worth it for you. Happy Mother's Day." She hugged her children in gratitude and returned the kiss to her husband, sensing that this was going to be a great day.

Her meal was soon devoured and she was getting ready for the day ahead. Her husband seemed a little upset while he donned his suit and prepared his briefcase, "I'm sorry honey, but my boss insisted that I come in today. They're going to be understaffed with me there, as it is."

She placed a finger over his lips to silence him, giving her a chance to speak, "Don't worry, sweetie. I think it'll be nice to have the day to myself. The babysitter's going to watch them all day today and overnight. I think that'll give you plenty of time to give me my present."

He smirked as he knew what she was referring to. Sidling up close to her, he added, "And when I do get back, I'll make sure to bring something that'll spice up that present." He kissed her passionately, stroking over her short tail and scratching at its base, a move that always got her riled up.

"Dammit," she sighed into the kissed, "you're making it difficult not to tear off that suit and yiff you right now."

"That's the idea," he grinned down at her. He swiftly slipped away from her and headed to the door, playfully calling, "Have fun today, honey!"

She returned the taunt by sticking her tongue out at him, a little annoyed at how he left her. But she knew that was how he was going to make it that much more satisfying later on. That still didn't help her at the moment - and she knew it was hopeless to repress the impulses - so she thought of ways to help get her mind off of the dirty images flooding her mind.

She decided that the first thing she would try was a good jog around the block. She changed into something a bit more comfortable and left the house into the bright and sunny day. It was a nice jog as she waved to her neighbors that were fortunate enough to have the day off. It was really helping to take her mind off of the growing heat in her groin, but not for long.

She had rounded the second corner of the block when she noticed one of her neighbors strutting out to her mailbox completely nude. Noticing the exercising lynx stop dead in her tracks, she waved enthusiastically to her, "Morning, Kate!"

The feline slowly approached the naked vixen, "Martha, in case you haven't noticed, you have no clothes on!" She looked down at her bare body, verifying the truth in her neighbor's words. However, all she did was shrugging it off, grinning wildly. Exasperated, Kate questioned her, "What are you doing out here with no clothes on?"

"Oh," she replied, chuckling a little, "I just came out to get the paper." With that, she bent over and grabbed the newspaper from the ground, unknowingly flashing Kate a pussy shot.

Getting frustrated, Kate practically shouted, "With no clothes ON!"

"Yeah, well," the vixen explained, "Just having a morning yiff with my husband and remembered the paper." It was about this time that the smell of sex had lingered into Kate's nose.

Realizing that she was not understanding something, she asked, "Why would you interrupt sex with your husband to get the paper?"

Martha winked at the lynx, snapping the rubber band fastened around the middle of the paper, "Just think of this rubber band as McGyvor's form of a male orgasm denial." With that, she turned and headed back into her house, swishing her tail and leaving her neighbor with some graphic thoughts and a cloud of mixed pheromones.

Kate made haste back to her house. The jog had not helped in the slightest with her internal burning. She whimpered at how sensitive her crotch was getting. Her mind then landed on a new idea. Going to the closet, she pulled out an old scrapbook she made while at college. 'This should help,' she thought to herself, convinced that a travel back in time will get her mind of other issues.

She took a seat on her couch and got comfortable with her favorite pillow as she opened the book. The images of smiling faces of long-ago friends made her return the smile, stories of their crazy acts coming back to her with every image. She laughed at a picture of a zebra giving an annoyed smirk at the camera as he in front of a toilet, remembering when he had won the hot dog eating contest, but lost a lot more.

She turned the page and her smile vanished as she looked upon her best friend's photo. Underneath was a note saying 'Don't forget about us'. She never had. It was this cheetah that had introduced her one of the wildest experiences in college. She was the only one that Kate had ever 'experimented' with. All those nights came back to the lynx in full force, the feelings of being so wrong and so right at the same time. She never forgot about those experiences after she waved goodbye to the cheetah for the last time, sharing a kiss when nobody was looking.

She slammed the book shut, whimpering, "I can't take this any more." Her eyes peered over at the phone then the phone book, ideas adding with memories. "Should I really risk it?" she considered quietly. She pulled out the phone book and flipped to a specific page, finding the most prominent number. Dialing it on the phone, she waited for the line to pick up, "Hello...? Yes, I'm calling to see if I could use your services... As soon as you can... My address is 784 Oakridge Drive... Thank you so much." Hanging up the phone, all she could do now was wait.

It was only a few minutes until the wait became too long for the lynx. Making her way to her bedroom, she peeled off her clothing and sat on the edge of the bed. She licked a finger and traced it around her nipple as the other paw crept down to her crotch. She sighed heavily as the pent up need was being sated by her touch. Massaging her breast, she licked over the nipple as one digit sunk into her depths. She was starting to get into it when the doorbell rang.

Kate yelped in surprised at her order's arrival. She quickly threw a robe over her shoulders and went to answer the door. Standing patiently on the welcome mat was the most striking bunnie the lynx had ever seen. Her pure brown coat seemed to perfectly match her very slim, very flexible frame. She seemed young, college young, as if she just exited her teenage years, if she did at all. In one hand was the handle to a luggage bag while the other held a clipboard. Looking up from the clipboard, she smiled innocently and asked, "Is this 784 Oakridge Drive, residence of a Kate Jusert?"

The lynx scanned the outside before pulling the bunnie into the house and slamming the door shut. Before the bunnie could make a move, Kate pulled her into a deep kiss, forcing her tongue into the prostitute's, tasting a long lost flavor. She finally let the bunnie go, who exclaimed, "Wow, that's the most enthusiastic welcome I've ever got."

"Sorry about that," Kate mumbled, shuffling her feet a little.

The bunnie smiled warmly back, sneaking a kiss to her muzzle, "Don't worry about it. I just need you to sign some papers before we can really get started. Kate placed her signature at all the necessary places, eager to get started. The bunnie set the documents away as they were placed in her paws, "Thank you, now we can get started." She set the clipboard on the coffee table and grabbed her bag, asking, "So you want to take this to the bedroom, or do you have something else in mind?"

"The bedroom sounds perfect," chose Kate. Taking the lead, she passed through the hallway to the master bedroom.

On the way, the bunnie noticed some pictures of some younger lynxes hanging on the wall. Motioning toward one, she asked, "Are these your children? They're so adorable."

Kate went to the photo of her son, stroking a finger over the image's cheek, lost in the picture, "They are, aren't they?"

Noticing a tear falling from the mother's eye, the prostitute began to feel uneasy, "Would you prefer to reconsider? There would be no problem if you do."

"No, no," the lynx composed herself, "I'm fine. Thank you, Miss..."

"Call me Cocoa," the bunnie answered.

"Cocoa," Kate echoed, resuming her lead to the bedroom.

The room seemed like that of an average bedroom, with a king-sized bed, two dressers, a couple side tables, and a door leading to a private bathroom. The only thing that seemed out of place was a peculiar odor. Grinning, Cocoa speculated, "Did I run a little late?"

Understanding what she meant, Kate began to blush a little, "It's been a stressful day." The bunnie laughed at her response, trying to lighten the attitude of the atmosphere. She then quickly stripped herself to nothingness, baring herself to her client before moving close to untie the robe's belt, allowing it to fall around the feline's feet.

Kate finally felt free of any restrictions and threw her arms around the bunnie and kissing her fervently, a kiss that was returned with just as much vigor. The lynx's paws began exploring the bunnie's body, groping lightly at her tight ass and petting over the fluffy tail. Cocoa was doing the same, stroking the feline's back, and petting her tail. Then, without thinking, she brought a paw to the lynx's tail base and dug her nails in lightly. Kate gasped from the sensitive touch and automatically arched into the prostitute's body, "God, how did you know about that!"

"Call it instinct," the bunnie answered, teasing her a little more with the touch.

Heated from all the foreplay, Kate demanded, "Let's do it, now!"

Smiling in a sense of accomplishment, Cocoa agreed, "Alright, go lay down on the bed." Kate quickly did as she was told. Meanwhile, Cocoa opened her bag and began rummaging through its components. Finding what she was looking for, she pulled it out and turned around to present a bottle of chocolate syrup and a chocolate dildo, "I just love chocolate." Standing in front of the lightly panting lynx, she popped the top off and squeezed its contents onto the feline's chest and stomach. With a generous amount emptied, Cocoa set the bottle aside and began massaging the sugary liquid into the lynx's pelt. Peering deep into her client's eyes, she inquired, "Are you ready?"

"Yes, yes, god yes," Kate panted, her chest heaving in anticipation. Needing no more bidding, Cocoa joined the feline on the bed, maneuvering herself overtop the lynx in a 69 position. Pressing her body down hard on her partner, she got her own fur matted with the sugary substance. Dipping her head between the naturally muscular legs, the bunnie dragged her tongue from the clit all the way down the slit, getting a loud moan in return. Kate returned the favor by using her raspy tongue on the bunnie's mound. The actions soon led to a sweaty, messy pile of gasping and moaning pile of limbs and fur. Cocoa decided to add more pleasure into the mix and produced the chocolate dildo. After lubricating it in the syrup, she penetrated the lynx's cunt with the sugar cock. Kate yelped into the rabbit's pussy, fully enjoying the almost forgotten experience. She firmly grabbed the bunnie's ass and stuck her rough tongue deep into the tight depths.

Both were soon panting and moaning louder and louder, their bodies writhing against each other's. Suddenly, the lapin's inner muscles clenched around the invading tongue as she screamed in joy, digging the dildo in as far as it would go. This was enough for the lynx as her legs started bucking against the bunnie's head. Cocoa managed to turn herself around on top of Kate to face her, "I hope you enjoyed yourself."

She lazily smiled back, "God that takes me back." Giving the bunnie a quick kiss, both remained how they were, Cocoa straddled over Kate and slumped down over her. While both were still in the afterglow of their orgasm, neither noticed the car door closing in her doorway.

Both were jolted awake at the sound of Kate's husband calling out, "Hey honey, I'm home early. Don't tell me you started without me." He was taken aback as he walked into the bedroom to find a young rabbit lying on top of his wife, both nude, covered in chocolate syrup, and looking completely shocked.

This is probably the most despicable thing anyone could do to disgrace Mother's Day, but I did it anyway. I hope you enjoyed Cocoa's return. You may see some more of her, but I may make it a holiday thing. Who knows?

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