Fur, Scales, and Eggs

Story by Evertide on SoFurry

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Just a smutty one-shot. If you enjoy it, I can't ask for more.


Samson: Nauta.

Serix: Me.

Tetra: Me.

Tetra padded back to her nest with a mouth and clawfuls of dead vegetation and moss, depositing them in the well-padded nest. The raptor, colored splotches of black, green, tan, and gray (the four colors of which gave her her name), was sporting a drooping belly, though she remained as deadly as she looked. Her instincts were making the urge to nest overwhelming, and she knew her clutch would be laid within the next day. Until then, she planned to enjoy the short break her egg-heavy body afforded her and sun herself on a rock; the brief autumn would soon arrive in the forest in which she and her mate made their home.

Samson slowly walked up to the raptoress, one half of the mated pair he'd befriended in his research a few months back; it had long been believed that these wild raptors were sentient, and so far his research supported that theory. The anthro canine of indeterminate breed wore briefs, khaki shorts and a button-down shirt over his torso, holding his relatively toned body and sheathed boy bits, along with his secret hidden femslit behind his male parts. Most of his soft fur was dark gray in color, but he had a patch of white going down his chest and belly. The canine made sure Tetra noticed his presence before moving too close, as she'd become accustomed to him.

Tetra looked over her shoulder, growling reflexively but relaxing upon recognizing the canine. She walked up to him and nuzzled her snout under his chin, growling again but in a softer tone. The canine, after showing he meant no harm and did not desire their food or territory, was a curiosity at first, but they now allowed him to come and go as he pleased.

Sam gently pet over her snout, smiling as she nuzzled him and he wagged his tail. His gaze strayed to her belly, which he caressed with his soft paw, feeling the firmness and swell. "My, you're getting big dear...about time you dropped these eggs."

She gave him a short chirp before she straightened up to let him feel. She couldn't understand his vocalizations beyond their tone as well as the names he'd given her and her mate Serix, though she and her mate communicated mostly through body language anyway, so she could understand he was expressing endearment.

The dog crouched down on his knee, giving her sides and underbelly gentle strokes, looking up at her for any signs that she didn't approve of his affections. "Yeah, I think...a few months? If my research is correct, that's gestation."

A snort was the only verbal answer he received as her tail waved slowly; this body language was the equivalent of a smile. He could easily feel individual eggs with his hands now, and if he pressed along them, see her skin conform to their shapes as well.

He smiled and leaned in to gently kiss her belly, nuzzling it and feeling the shapes of the eggs, counting them with his paws. "One...two...three...wow. Are there more than three?"

She let out a louder snort at his kiss, the action strange but pleasant to her: her mate Serix would lick her belly, but kissing was difficult if not impossible with the muscles in their lips. She craned her neck down to lick at his hair.

He squirmed a bit and giggled as she licked his head, flicking one of his large ears and standing up again, still wagging his tail. "You look beautiful, I hope to be lucky enough to witness your laying, Tetra." His paw stroked her snout again and then under her chin as he knew she enjoyed. The raptoress nuzzled against his paw; she loved the softness of his fur. She gave his paw a lick with her big tongue, wetting the fur in her saliva, and then licked his face. Sam giggled and squirmed, leaning into the licks and closing his eyes, his paws stroking down her neck lovingly as his tail wagged. "Heehee, Tetra!"

Tetra gave a sound not unlike a throaty giggle and licked him harder, gently shoving him with her head to make him fall on his rump.

The dog yipped as he fell back onto his butt on the ground, squirming and looking up at her curiously, tilting his head. "What was that for?" he asked with a smirk. She padded over him, her tail still waving as she leaned down and sniffed at his chest and stomach. She could smell a bit of pheromones being given off by him, and she liked it. She wanted more, especially with her mate out catching food. Sam leaned back on his hands on the ground, smirking as she nuzzled his belly, looking up at her own swollen form and merfing. "Sexy pregnant girl," he said, knowing she didn't understand him.

Tetra gave him a throaty growl...one he recognized by now from studying their vocalizations: she was sexually interested in him. She took a step back to follow the scent of his pheromones down to his crotch, smiling toothily and nuzzling it.

The maleherm canine wiggled and blushed slightly, starting to sit up again. "Oh...heehee, Tetra, don't say thaaaat..." he mock complained; it wasn't the first time she'd been amorous towards him, though nothing serious had ever happened. She reached down with a clawed forelimb and tried to claw at his shirt; the first time her mate had examined his clothing to figure out what it was, he had scratched the canine, telling them that clearly this strange layer of skin was not for protection, but it didn't smell...natural. Sam slowly stood up, flinching a bit at the clawing, patting her head to try and calm her down. "Hey, careful there hon, I'm not as sturdy as you are." Whatever was covering his body, it was in the way of his genitals, and she was having none of that. She would tell him what she wanted with actions if it was too dangerous to do it herself; she ran her claw up and down his shirt, but accidentally hooked it in his collar. The dog squirmed a bit, trying to pull away before she accidentally hurt him. He didn't think she would hurt him on purpose, but she still didn't quite realize what his limits were. "Tetra, don't..." he whimpered, hoping she'd catch that signal.

Tetra hastily pulled her claw away, but in doing so wound up making a small rip down the chest of his shirt. She let out a short vocalization like mix of a growl and a whine, thinking she had hurt him, but cocked her head when she smelled no blood.

He winced as he heard the rip, looking down at his shirt, which now exposed one of his nipples and he blushed deeper. "Hey, you could have taken that off." He petted her gently and tried to pull his shirt over his chest again, to no avail. She slowly leaned in, trying not to frighten him, and sniffed his chest, uncertain of what had just happened but relieved she hadn't hurt him. The raptoress looked at him with a puzzled expression. Sam gently pet her down her neck, smiling a bit. "It's all right hon, it's just a shirt." Sensing he wasn't angry, she tail-smiled again and gave his chest a lick, surprised to taste not the shirt but his fur. The dog gasped a bit as her warm tongue passed right over his nipple, and he wiggled, arfing softly at her. "Mmmf, heehee...that felt nice." Tetra wormed her snout into his torn shirt and licked the same spot, feeling his nipple with her tongue but thinking it no more than a scar of some sort. He seemed to like it, which was odd, but if he was proud of his injuries, no problem with her. Sam sheath began to swell in his briefs as she licked him, and he just pressed into her, moaning a bit and holding her head against his chest, wagging his tail while his scent grew stronger. "Mmm, don't stop hon...."

The raptoress murred and kept licking, letting her big tongue slurp all over his chest and belly, soon wetting his front torso with her saliva as she went lower, smelling what she assumed was his arousal.

He wiggled while the female lapped at his chest through the tear, easing himself down on his back again as she pushed her muzzle further into his shirt to slide her tongue against his torso, causing him to squirm as his cock began to emerge from his sheath. "Mmmf, naughty girl, you're ripping my shirt." She pulled back her lips to brush her teeth across his nipple, then opened her jaw and closed it slightly around his throat. She and Serix sometimes did this to each other before mating; it was a sign of how much they trusted each other, for if one wanted to kill the other, he or she could. Sam gasped again as she held his neck in her jaws; he knew she wouldn't hurt him and in fact was telling him she wanted to mate with him. His paw gently caressed her side as his erection grew slowly, starting to tent the front of his shorts, the scent of his herm arousal heavy in the air.

After he didn't struggle at her action, she released his neck; this told Tetra he trusted her. She gave him a big tail-smile, narrowing her eyes and leaning up to lick his face. They lapped at each other's tongues for a short while before she stood over Samson to show him her slit had become moist and slightly swollen.

He leaned up to sniff deeply at her slit, getting an eyeful of her swollen belly and privates, a small damp spot having formed over his crotch. "Heehee...mm, someone's horny...besides me."

She murred again and was about to lower her body to position her slit over his muzzle when she flinched and grunted, her belly twitching. She stood still for a few seconds before it twitched again, a dribble of clear, slimy fluid starting to leak from her and onto his neck and face.

Sam gasped a bit, flinching and starting to scurry away before licking his muzzle, tasting the liquid. She hadn't peed on him, but the stuff's taste wasn't consistent with how her arousal smelled either, so he supposed it was the rough equivalent of her water breaking. He reached up and gently stroked her belly, feeling it twitch as the fluid dribbled down his neck and chest. "Hey, hon...I think it's time for you...."

Tetra reached down to pet his head with one clawed forelimb, then turned and padded back to her nest. She made a few clicking sounds with her throat, then let out a loud, bellowing call for her mate. The dog slowly stood up, the fluid having dripped down his chest and belly under his torn shirt, to follow her and wag his tail. He was still quite hard, as the tent in his shorts displayed. She leaned her neck over to nuzzle and lick his cheek, grateful for his presence before Serix arrived. She lowered herself to sit on her haunches, using her tail to keep her balance; she had to remain alert for predators who would take advantage of her situation until her mate could defend her.

He crouched beside her, gently stroking her hips and the base of her tail, panting a little bit and looking down at his own predicament. "Heh, guess it's just you and me Tetra, and I've never delivered eggs before."

Tetra murred at his stroking before she stood up again, seeming to slowly walk in place as her belly twitched. No one had been known to see a raptoress lay in the wild, so Samson was getting a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

He sprawled out on his back, trying to let his erection subside as he watched, but it wasn't helping. He reached up and gently stroked along her stomach, the sensations of her impending laying making him stain his shorts even more with both female and male juices.

She looked down at him as more slime dribbled from her slit, seeing his erection and that her suspicions about him were correct. She tail-smiled at him despite the pain in her belly.

He gently drew his fingers across her slit, letting a bit of the slime drip down his paw and arm, bringing the paw to his lips to taste it. "Mmm...even better than last time," he said with a grin.

She leaned down to lick his head, then craned her neck to look to the side as her mate Serix came through the bushes. He looked much like her, but noticeably larger and more muscular. Seeing her padding over the nest, he quickly understood it was time for her to lay, and licked and nuzzled her face and throat. Samson sat back, watching the two raptors together and not wanting to interfere. The two raptors communicated in their own way, looking over at Sam occasionally, before Tetra winced again, this time growling. Serix stepped back, then over to Samson and motioned with his head for the dog to follow him.

He slowly stood up, tilting his head curiously as he padded after the male raptor. "I wonder what he could want?" he asked himself.

Serix stepped away from the nest, and then took a nearby tree branch in his jaws, breaking it off and dropping it in the nest. Tetra took it in her jaws, biting down on it as her belly continued twitching. Serix then looked at Samson and gave the canine his own tail-smile, padding up and licking the dog's face.

Sam gently stroked the male's head, blushing a little and murring. "Looks like you did quite a job on her, boy."

The raptor padded behind Sam and crouched down, reaching for the dog's tattered shirt with his forelimbs; he had figured out that the clothes were not part of the dog's body even if he didn't know what they were for. He tore the shirt off, and then ran the backs of his "fingers" over Samson's back.

He growled as the raptor tore off his shirt, leaving his toned upper body exposed. He blushed deeper, sitting up slightly as the raptor stroked down his back, making him shiver and pant. "Mmm, Serix, what're you doing...?" Serix then nudged the canine over to a nearby stump, pushing against Samson's back with his snout to tell him to bend over. Samson merfed and walked over, leaning over the stump and lifting his tail instinctively, a damp spot showing where his cunny was.

The raptor leaned in to sniff at Samson's crotch, licking his lips before pressing his snout against the damp spot over the dog's femsex, adding his tongue to the pressure and tasting what he considered the exotic taste of the dog's arousal. The dog growled when the raptor licked his crotch, feeling his pants becoming wetter, pushing back against the pressure on his sex and moaning in pleasure. "Mmmm...Serix...."

Seeing such a positive reaction, Serix reached up with his claws and hooked them under Samson's tail, pulling down and easily ripping the fabric until there was a nice tear from Samson's tail to his sex. Feeling the wind on his backside only served to make the dog more aroused as he spread his legs and exposed himself to the raptor.

The raptor let out his mating growl and leaned in to pass his tongue over Samson's folds, the large muscle easily covering the dog's entire femsex. Tetra, meanwhile, watched them even as she contracted, still padding in place.

"Ohhhh Gods!" he cried out and panted, arching his back and murring loudly while the raptor licked his sex, more juices running down the back of his balls and the outside of his pant rip, his cock pulsing in his shorts and nearly shooting his load.

Serix growled again, vibrating his muzzle and tongue against Samson's genitals as he deeply inhaled Samson's scent, now slipping his broad tongue into Samson's sex.

He murred louder as a thick shot of pre soaked his briefs, struggling to hold back as the raptor ate him out, squeezing the male's tongue inside his depths with the muscles of his cunny. "Mmmf...can't hold back...murrr...."

Serix let out a chuckling grumble, then stepped up to straddle Samson's backside and rub his thickening shaft against the dog, grunting with each rub as he was aroused further.

Samson panted and lifted his rear to rub back against the raptor, closing his eyes and clawing at the stump, wanting to feel the raptor's thick shaft inside him before he would let himself cum.

Soon, Serix deepened his straddle and slid his shaft into the dog's sex, letting out a grunt from the warmth and tightness, immediately leaking pre. Tetra herself was panting with arousal, her slit reddening.

"Ohhh yesss," Samson moaned and almost hissed, rocking back and forth on the raptor's shaft, his cock pulsing and throbbing as pre soaked his crotch. "Give it to me Serix...."

The raptor pressed his palms against Samson's biceps, pinning him to the stump as he thrusted deeply, grunting and growling with each thrust, his tail waving back and forth.

Samson whined and panted more, his tail tickling the raptor's chest and belly while his cunny milked the reptile's shaft for his cum. "Oooh man I can't take this much longer...mmmf!"

Serix came quickly and hard, pumping the dog with spurts of his thick, musky cum, pressing his shaft as far as he could go, feeling the tip touch Samson's cervix as he came.

The dog howled, surprised he was able to hold out just a bit longer than Serix did, his hot cum soaking his shorts as he sprayed his load and squeezed the raptor's shaft tightly while he felt his belly warming with the animal's seed.

Serix kept his shaft against Samson's cervix until his flow waned and he pulled out, licking Samson's neck before moving down to lick the dog clean. His sensitivity heightened after the climax, Sam wiggled and moaned even more when Serix licked him, both his neck and between his legs, where his shorts were a cum-soaked mess and his backside was splashed with raptor seed.

It only took a few passes with Serix's big tongue to clean the dog's sex, but he couldn't reach Samson's shaft without having to tear the dog's clothes more, and he wasn't willing to risk harming the dog's male bits. He stood upright and let out chirping growls at Samson, tapping the pants with his claws.

He sat up slowly, smirking a bit and looking down at his clothes. "You want me to take these off, huh? I guess they're kinda ruined anyway." He slowly undid the shorts and pulled them down along with his underwear, exposing his cum-soaked crotch.

The raptor leaned in and passed his tongue over Samson's crotch, letting out loud slurps as he licked. His own shaft still dangled under him, wet with male and female cum.

The dog moaned and spread his legs, letting the raptor clean his cock and balls. "That's a good boy...murrr...clean up your messy dog...."

Serix soon licked the dog clean, though Samson's crotch was damp from the raptor's saliva. He pulled his head back and gave Samson's face a lick, then stood upright to display his still-thick shaft.

The dog panted softly, his cock sliding back into his sheath after Serix had licked him clean, smirking a bit and giving the raptor's belly a stroke. "Yeah...thanks hon...that feels good." He smirked, feeling his wet balls and sheath and cunny.

Serix murred and thrusted his hips up to brush his shaft against Samson's paw, which gave him a quick pump before they both looked over Serix's shoulder at hearing Tetra let out a stifled roar. Her tail was held as high as it could go, and she was now squatting, biting down hard on the branch as more fluid dripped from her sex.

Samson looked up at the male and tilted his head. "Think we should go help her?"

Serix turned around and padded to his mate, licking her snout and crouching to look at her sex, his eyes widening and tail-smiling: she was already bulging from the first egg. He leaned in and nosed her belly gently as she grunted.

The dog padded up behind them, crouching nude beside the nest and smiling, wagging his tail. "Mmmm...I wonder how many are in there?"

Tetra started to bob slightly in time with her grunting, the egg's shell peeking out of her slit. Her tail whipped from side to side; unlike a tail-smile, this was a reflex to the pain. Serix continued to nose her belly, then gave it and her sex a big lick, letting his tongue linger on her stretching slit.

Samson watched quietly, observing both for fun and for his study, feeling himself slowly getting hard again as he squatted beside them. "Mmm...pretty intimate."

Tetra stomped her feet lightly as the tension in her belly left her for a few moments, the egg dripping her fluids as she grunted and panted. Serix sniffed and licked at the egg, looking to already be beaming with pride.

Sam smiled softly and moved a bit closer, petting the male's thigh as he murred with arousal and interest, his sheath plump again. "It's almost out," he said, positioning himself to catch it if necessary.

Serix looked over at Samson and lightly butted him with his snout, telling him that his actions were unnecessary. He did sense that the dog was only trying to help, though, and he and his mate tail-smiled at Samson, though Tetra's was a bit forced. The dog nodded and sat back, watching quietly while rubbing himself a bit, flicking his tail excitedly and licking his muzzle.

Tetra soon growled and tensed up again, her tail raising and her eyes closing as she bore down. Her sex stretched tight around the egg, and Serix crouched to his knees and positioned his open mouth under the egg, which finally slipped out, a bit of birth fluid accompanying it as he deposited it aside in the nest.

Samson smiled and watched, clapping his paws lightly as Serix took the egg gently and laid it down, surprised at the care and consideration the raptors displayed for the egg and each other. "Mmmm...beautiful," he murmured as he took note of the egg's size: more pill-shaped than oval-shaped, and about four or five inches wide and half again as long.

Tetra visibly relaxed, though she remained standing as she leaned down to lick the egg clean with Serix, who looked briefly at Samson in curiosity. Once the egg was clean, Serix gently took it in his mouth and set it down in front of Samson, wanting to have his offspring fawned over. The dog took the egg and held it, sniffing and then licking it lightly before setting it carefully in the nest and smiling up at the raptors. They tail-smiled back before Serix ducked his snout under Tetra again, licking at her sex, which caused her to growl happily and close her eyes as he soothed her aching muscles. Her belly had already shrunk; there was likely no more than two or three eggs left. Samson sat up to gently rub Tetra's head, still sheathed but rather firm between his legs.

Before long, perhaps no more than twenty minutes later, Tetra laid her third and last egg. She didn't collapse afterward, though she did lower herself down to her belly beside the three eggs, Serix licking her snout affectionately. The dog lay on his side beside them, smiling and nuzzling the eggs, trying to not do anything threatening to them in front of the raptors. Serix tail-smiled at Samson's gentleness with the eggs, padding over and licking the dog's face before turning to run back into the brush, probably to find food for his tired mate. Tetra looked over at Samson and gave him a tired tail-smile, craning her neck to lick at the eggs with him. He pet her head and lay down beside her, also exhausted from the sex (as well as pleasuring himself from watching her lay).

Samson kept up his research for a few months after Tetra's laying, even though he himself had suddenly become egg heavy, his toned flat belly bulging out slightly under his t-shirt and jeans. In the cooler weather he also wore a sweatshirt and long pants, and walked along a path, looking for his friends. Now that he had confirmed Tetra and Serix's intelligence, he wanted to answer another mystery...well, beyond how he could breed with the raptors: these raptors were not cold-blooded, but they still did not tolerate cold well and no one knew how they survived the cold season. Indeed, he hadn't seen them in almost three weeks, during which time his tummy had gently rounded.

Padding through the undergrowth was Serix, who had noticed his friend long before Samson had noticed him. He walked up to the dog and nuzzled his face, giving Samson's muzzle a big lick.

The dog blushed a bit and petted the male, murring and looking down at his belly, which was barely visible under the shirt. "Mmm, hey boy, look what ya did to me...."

The raptor followed Samson's gaze and perked up; the last time he saw the dog, Samson showed no external signs of pregnancy, and Serix hoped but didn't know for sure that he could breed with the dog. Serix crouched down and nosed the slight swell, licking it.

Samson blushed a little bit as Serix licked his shirt, smiling softly and giggling. "Hey hon, yeah...I wonder what's inside me?"

Serix continued to focus his attention on Samson's belly for a short while until he stood up again and motioned with his head back towards where he came. The dog looked over and blinked, then looked back at Serix. "What is it boy...?" Serix motioned again, then walked behind Samson and nudged the dog's rump with his snout over to where he was pointing. Samson flicked his tail and grunted a bit, starting to walk that way but pausing momentarily, grasping his tummy and moaning a little bit. "Unnf...damn it, my tummy hurts...." Serix cocked his head and craned his neck to nuzzle Samson's cheek again, but continued herding Samson through the forest. The dog walked slowly, merfing a bit at the tightening in his belly, and the slow progress of cramps through his insides, hoping it wasn't what he thought. "Damn...I shouldn't have let you mount me...."

After a couple hours' walk thanks to Samson's slow pace, they came to the edge of the small mountain in the middle of the forest. Samson had started to have bad cramps by the time they arrived, groaning softly. Serix brought Samson to a rocky outcropping and crouched, then rushed at a rock pile, kicking it with his powerful hind legs and causing it to crumble, revealing a passage into the mountain. As Sam crouched down to enter the cave, he felt something begin to leak from his sex down the back of his balls, not yet visible but the scent was strong. "Ohh fuck..." he whimpered, crawling into the cave.

Serix let out an alarmed growl, picking up his pace as he guided Samson through a short series of tunnels. Samson expected the going to be difficult when it soon became completely dark, but apparently Serix had taken the time to remove looser rock and make a smooth passage, as well as mark directions with scent markers. The dog crawled along and squirmed a bit, trying not to push against the cramping, feeling very full and tight in the belly even though he wasn't showing much. He hoped their nest was near because it was getting harder to crawl.

After a few minutes of navigating the passages, the area became dimly lit with dark red light that became brighter as they continued. Samson could see the passage was now tall enough to stand in and around twenty feet wide (as if they were walking through a sideways oval). It also became much warmer and drier. He stood up and stretched a bit, though his crotch was a bit slimy, and his jeans had a small wet spot under his tail. He looked at Serix, blushing and murring softly, flicking his tail. "I think I'm leaking, boy."

The raptor nudged Samson again, knowing the urgency of his mission. Before long, they came to a large, roughly dome-shaped cavern that contained patches of magma that lit and heated the area. The air was hot and a bit stale, but breathable. Serix let out a roar into the cavern, and was soon answered with Tetra's call, along with several smaller, more nasally roars.

The dog looked around and smiled, flicking his tail. So this was how the raptors survived the cold; they went here. This was incredible, being inside the raptor's cavern. He only wished he wasn't about to give birth to something so he could appreciate it more. "Mmm...nice place Serix," he said, looking for Tetra.

The raptoress soon rushed into view, happily tail-smiling as she ran up to nuzzle and lick the dog. She was soon joined by three smaller raptors, each about three feet tall and a quarter again as long; their metabolic rush that would propel them through childhood would not begin until the cold weather ended so they could hunt freely.

Samson murred and embraced Tetra warmly, not caring that slime was dribbling down the inside of one of his thighs, moaning softly while he became a bit aroused from all the attention. "Mmm, good to see you again...even though I'm becoming a messy dog thanks to your mate."

The little raptors chirped and tried to jump on Sam and bump him with their heads, wanting to play. Tetra growled at them and pushed them away with her snout; they understood and immediately swarmed their father.

He giggled and squirmed a little, crouching on his knees and moaning again, his cunny spurting some slime into his briefs as the damp spot and his scent increased. "Mmmf, I don't know how much longer I can hold this off, guys...ooh...fuck."

Tetra gave him a barking grunt at the smell of birth fluid and pushed him over to a large patch of dried moss, leaves, and other vegetation not unlike a nest. She knew that raptor labors were fast and intense, but she was a bit worried that the dog simply wasn't built to pass a raptor egg.

Samson waddled over to the nest and crouched down, groaning a little and twitching before he held his belly and lay on his side. "I wish I had someone to cuddle..." he whined

She cooed at him and nuzzled his face, then turned to bark at her mate, who was entertaining his hatchlings by picking them up in his mouth and letting them try to squirm free. He looked over and dropped one of the little raptors, then walked to the nest, Tetra turning to shoo the hatchlings away and leave her mate and unofficial mate alone.

The dog moaned a little and looked up at Serix, smiling softly and rolling onto his back, pawing at Serix and breathing softly, holding his belly with both paws. "I don't think I'm ready for this."

Serix crouched down to lick at his face, growling quietly and affectionately. He then moved his snout down to lick Samson's belly, murring at the feeling of this unexpected offspring inside.

He giggled quietly and murred, his shirt growing damp from the licking. The dog relaxed for a moment, sighing softly and rubbing the raptor's muscular legs. "Mmm...heh, you sure got me...."

Sensing that the dog was calmed by his affection, Serix used a claw to cut a rip in the shirt and lick Samson's belly directly, continuing to murr.

Samson gasped a little bit and looked down at the torn shirt exposing his swell, murring loudly from the sensual licking of his fur directly, his cock swelling in his pants from the feeling. "Oooooh...." Serix straddled Samson's hips and lowered himself down until his crotch was touching Samson's belly, curling his neck down to lick the top of Samson's head. Sam kissed the raptor and licked his snout in return, pressing his belly up against the raptor's crotch.

The raptor murred again, but this time in a more sexual way as his shaft started to emerge from his slit. He rubbed it around Samson's belly and shirt, already leaking pre.

Samson moaned softly as his own cock swelled in his jeans, humping up against the male's emerging cock and giggling, wondering how far Serix would go. "Mmm...naughty boy, you like what you did to me, don't you?" Serix responded with a thrust against the dog's soft bellyfur, the feeling exquisite on his sensitive shaft. He reached down and pinned Samson's arms to the nest as he continued licking the dog's face and muzzle. The dog lifted his head back and moaned louder, feeling the slick raptor cock sliding against his firm belly as his backside was still soaked from the impending birth, his tummy churning around the egg while he humped against the raptor, a pre spot forming on his jeans. "Mmmf!"

Serix gave Samson's face one last lick before he grunted and came, spurting his seed on the dog's belly and shirted chest, his tail waving from side to side.

"Ohhhhhh God...!" he gasped in surprise, his front being soaked in raptor spunk as he came as well, filling his jeans with his dog cum, licking the raptor's face and whimpering in pleasure. "Oooh...murr...."

The raptor returned the licks, tasting the dog's tongue and churring lightly as he stood up again, tail-smiling down at Samson. He had really come to like the dog by now, especially since the dog was about to lay one of his eggs.

Samson slowly sat up, looking down at his cum-soaked shirt and belly, giggling a little before he moaned again, spreading his legs as slime sprayed from his cunny, soaking his jeans along with the cum. "Ooooh man, that was a big one."

Serix churred again and licked Samson's cheek, then took his shoulder in his jaw and pulled lightly; he had to barely touch his teeth to the dog, but he had to tell Samson to stand up, hoping the dog had the strength to squat.

He nodded a bit and rose to his knees, slowly working himself into a squat and holding onto the male, panting a little bit before giving a big push against the egg, feeling it starting to spread his sex and too far into labor to even deal with removing his pants and underwear. "Ooooh man that's a big egg...." Serix leaned down so Samson could use him as a brace while he nuzzled and licked Samson's cummy belly, trying to alleviate the pain as he smelled the thick scent of laying. "Ooooh...mmm, Serix...." He grunted and pushed again, the egg bulging out the back of his slimy jeans, moaning at the licks to his tummy and shuddering. "Keep doing that...mmmf...."

The raptor continued gently licking Samson's belly, murring into it to add vibration. He couldn't see the progress Samson was making from this vantage point, but he could tell Samson wasn't in danger.

Sam grunted and panted, feeling the pants becoming tight over the egg as he pushed, realizing he still was fully clothed but before he could panic, he felt the seam over his crotch split, his briefs starting to bulge out over the egg. "Mmmf...strong eggs...." Serix heard the slight ripping and craned his neck down, seeing the bulge of the egg against Samson's pants. He nudged the egg with his snout, waiting for it to emerge so he could catch it. Samson panted before giving another push as his briefs burst open, the egg slipping wetly through the torn fabric and into the waiting maw of Serix. "Ooooh it's out...!" he cried. Serix caught the egg in his maw, and then deposited it in the nest. It was smaller than the eggs Tetra laid, but that was to be expected. The dog moaned and flopped on his side, exhausted from the laying, and a big mess as well. Serix nudged the egg over to Samson, who he then started to gently lick clean, taking Samson's shirt in his teeth and pulling it over Samson's head and then doing the same with the dog's pants. The dog stretched out and groaned as the male stripped him nude, sprawling out in the nest, tired but content.

Within a few minutes, the dog's front and privates were covered in raptor saliva. Surprised that Samson had only laid one egg, Serix called out for his mate, who returned to the nest with their hatchlings in tow. She tail-smiled at seeing the egg, leaning down to lick Samson's face.

Fantasy and Instinct Part 1

Note: Despite the alias of my co-writer, this is not a Star Trek/Pokémon crossover. It is worth noting, however, that this co-writer and I met because she is a fan of my work. Hooray for fan collabing, especially when your fans rock so much! If...

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Mateship Ch. 3: Culmination

It's about time, isn't it? Please note: Due to lack of interest on Snow's part, **this story is not going to be continued**. It is, however, at something of an ending point, so it will not be taken down. Cast Bailmont: Snow. Charizard:...

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Wild Ch. 9: Primal Power

Disclaimer regarding incest and pronouns as usual. Cast The Monster: Me. Nivalis: Me. Poachers: Both of us. Stormtalon: Nauta. The white griffon walked back up the slope to the cave, his shoulders slumped dejectedly. What he had...

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